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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Did Your Rep. Vote for the Beast?
H.R. 666 could give green light for massive gun sweeps
by Gun Owners of America
(February 21, 1995) -- On February 8, Congress passed H.R. 666 -- a bill
that would allow evidence seized from an illegal search to be included in a
trial if the officers can claim they were acting in "good faith." (We're not
joking; that is the bill's number.)
On that same day, pro-gun Rep. Harold Volkmer (D-MO) introduced an
amendment to exempt the BATF from getting these expanded powers. Mr. Volkmer
defended his amendment saying that without it, the bill will give the BATF a
"green light" to conduct warrantless searches. "They [will] not have to go to
the magistrate and get a warrant for anything. They [can] just go right in
there and bust those doors down and go in and take the guns," Volkmer said.
The Volkmer amendment passed 228-198.
The Representatives below voted against the Volkmer amendment. Gun Owners
of America sent a letter to every Representative before the vote warning them
that a vote against this amendment would be counted as an anti-gun vote. Mr.
Volkmer helped publicize GOA's position by reading the letter on the House
If your Representative is listed below, please call and voice your
displeasure (202-225-3121). Let them know that if the bill comes back from the
Senate without the Volkmer amendment, you strongly urge him to VOTE AGAINST THE
BILL. (It's a bad bill -- even if they keep the Volkmer amendment. Why should
Congress remove the disincentives for ANY law enforcement agency to conduct
warrantless searches?)
Also, ask your Senators (202-224-3121) to oppose S 54, which is the House
version of HR 666. Again, the following people voted anti-gun by voting
AGAINST the Volkmer amendment in the House:
Abercrombie Cunningham Hefley Lowey Rohrabacher Andrews
Davis Heineman Lucas Ros-Lehtinen Archer Deal
Hilleary Luther Roukema Armey DeLauro Hobson
Maloney Royce Bachus DeLay Hoekstra Manton
Sanford Baesler Deutsch Hoke Manzullo Sawyer Baker
(CA) Diaz-Balart Horn Markey Saxton Baker (LA) Dickey
Hostettler Martini Schiff Ballenger Dixon Houghton
McCollum Schumer Barr Doggett Hoyer McCrery
Sensenbrenner Barrett(NE) Dornan Hutchinson McDade Shadegg
Barton Dreier Hyde McHale Shaw Bateman Ehlers
Inglis McKeon Shays Beilenson Ehrlich Johnson (CT)
McNulty Skeen Bentsen English Johnson (SD) Meyers
Smith (MI) Bereuter Eshoo Johnston Mfume Smith
(NJ) Berman Everett Jones Mica Smith (TX) Bilbray
Ewing Kaptur Miller (FL) Talent Blute Fawell Kasich
Molinari Taylor (NC) Boehlert Flanagan Kennelly Moran
Thomas Boehner Ford Kim Morella Torkildsen
Bonilla Fowler King Myrick Torricelli Bono
Fox Kingston Neal Upton Brownback Frank (MA) Kleczka
Nethercutt Waldholtz Bryant (TN) Franks (NJ) Knollenberg Neumann
Walker Bunning Frelinghuysn Kolbe Norwood Wamp Burr
Gallegly LaFalce Nussle Ward Buyer Ganske Lantos
Owens Watts (OK) Calvert Gekas Largent Oxley
Weldon (FL) Canady Gibbons Latham Packard Weldon (PA)
Cardin Gilchrest LaTourette Pallone Weller Castle
Gillmor Lazio Paxon White Chabot Goodlatte
Leach Porter Wolf Chambliss Goodling Lewis (CA)
Portman Wyden Christensen Goss Lewis (KY) Pryce Yates
Clinger Greenwood Lightfoot Quinn Young (FL) Coble
Gunderson Linder Radanovich Zeliff Collins(GA) Hansen
Livingston Ramstad Zimmer Cox Hastert LoBiondo
Regula Coyne Hayworth Longley Rivers
This alert was posted by Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite
102, Springfield, VA 22151, (703)321-8585, fax: 321-8408. We cannot respond
to e-mail.