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The following report is from O Timothy magazine, Volume 8, Issue 8, 1991. O
Timothy is a monthly magazine. Annual subscription is US$20 FOR THE UNITED
STATES. Send to Way of Life Literature, Bible Baptist Church, 1219 N. Harns
Road, Oak Harbor, Washington 98277. FOR CANADA the subscription is $20
Canadian. Send to Bethel Baptist Church, P.O. Box 9075, London, Ontario N6E
By Martin and Deidre Bobgan
[The following consists of further extracts from the book by Martin and
Deidre Bobgan--Prophets of Psychoheresy II, available from Eastgate
Publishers, 4137 Primavera Road, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93110. This 310-page
book critiques the teaching of James Dobson. All notes and references have
been omitted from this article; for these we refer our readers to the
The concept of self-esteem dominates Dobson's work. It began in his first
book, came to full bloom in his second book, and serves as a major
presupposition throughout the rest of his writing and speaking. In Dare to
Discipline he says:
"Self-esteem is the most fragile attribute in human nature; it can be
damaged by a very minor incident and its reconstruction is often difficult
to engineer."
The major theme and purpose of Dobson's book Hide or Seek: How to Build
Self-esteem in Your Child is increasing self-esteem. He says:
"It has been my purpose to formulate a well-defined philosophy--an approach
to child-rearing--which will contribute to self-esteem from infancy
One of his primary objectives for What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew about
Women is to "point the pathway toward greater self-esteem and acceptance."
For Dobson, self-esteem, self-worth, self-acceptance and their related
self-words are crucial, not only for the individual but for society as
well. He contends that "low self-esteem is a threat to the entire human
family, affecting children, adolescents, the elderly, all socioeconomic
levels of society, and each race and ethnic culture."
As with most promoters of self-esteem, Dobson equates low self-esteem with
feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, self-doubt, and an inadequate sense of
personal worth. He continues his litany of woe for a society which does not
do all it can to increase personal worth and self-esteem. He says:
"The matter of personal worth is not only the concern of those who lack it.
In a real sense, the health of an entire society depends on the ease with
which its individual members can gain personal acceptance.
"Thus, whenever the keys to self-esteem are seemingly out of reach for a
large percentage of the people, as in twentieth-century America, then wide
spread `mental illness,' neuroticism, hatred, alcoholism, drug abuse,
violence, and social disorder will certainly occur ... Personal worth is
not something human beings are free to take or leave. We must have it, and
when it is unattainable, everybody suffers."
He contends that social problems are the direct result of people
unsuccessfully trying to deal with inferiority, or feelings of self-doubt.
He was even named a law after himself. "Dobson's Law" says: "When the
incidence of self- doubt is greatest, accompanied by the unavailability of
acceptable solutions, then the probability of irresistible social disorder
is maximized."
He further declares, "Inferiority even motivates wars and international
politics." In fact, he attributes the attempted genocide of the Jews in
Germany to an inferiority complex.
Things get reversed when discussing inferiority. Suddenly, the most
egotistical people are excused with a diagnosis of inferiority. It begins
to sound like Isaiah's prophecy--"Woe unto them that call evil good, and
good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put
bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter" (Isa. 5:20).
Not only that, Dobson declares that inferiority feelings are "the major
force behind the rampaging incidence of rape today." Thus low self-esteem
is viewed as the cause of all kinds of problems, and high self-esteem is
considered to be an absolute necessity for survival.
The self-esteem movement began back in the third chapter of Genesis. Adam
and Eve answered the Lord with the first example of self- justification.
First, Adam blamed Eve and God, and then Eve blamed the serpent. The fruit
of the knowledge of good and evil spawned the sinful self, with all its
self-love, self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-justification, self-
righteousness, self- actualization, self-denigration, self-pity, and other
forms of self-focus and self-centeredness.
To psychologists such as Dr. Dobson, the self is both the center and
evaluator of experience, and its needs must be met. Lest this sound selfish
and self-centered, the proponents of the self assure us that only through
meeting the needs of the self can people become socially aware and
The logic follows this pattern: only when a person loves himself can he
love others; only when a person accepts himself can he accept others; and
only when his needs are met can he meet the needs of others. This logic is
the underlying justification for most of what goes on in humanistic
psychology, and it spills over into almost every other issue of life.
The Lord Jesus Christ does not command self-love, but rather love for God
and love for one another. Rather than promoting self-love as the basis for
loving others, the Bible says that God's love is the true source, and God's
love is self-giving. Therefore, when Jesus calls His disciples to deny self
and to take up His yoke and His cross, He is calling them to a self-giving
love, not a self-satisfying love.
Until the advent of humanistic psychology and its heavy influence in the
church, Christians generally thought of self-esteem as a sinful attitude.
In the seventeenth century Stephen Charnock wrote: "Self-esteem, self-
dependence, self-willedness, is denying affection and subjection to God."
A.W. Pink quoted Charnock when he wrote:
"Well has it been said, `To dispossess a man, then, of his self-esteem and
self-sufficiency, to make room for God in the heart where there was none
but for sin, as dear to him as himself, to hurl down pride of nature, to
make stout imaginations stoop to the cross, to make designs of self-
advancement sink under a zeal for the glory of God and an overruling design
for His honor, is not to be ascribed to any but to an outstretched arm
wielding the sword of the Spirit'."
Also in the seventeenth century, Richard Baxter identified self-esteem with
pride and conceit. And in the nineteenth century, C.H. Spurgeon described
the poor in spirit (of the beatitudes) as having "an absence of self-
Dobson objects to such "worm" theology as sinking down before God in a
humility that confesses its nothingness, for he confuses recognizing one's
own depravity with self-hatred and personal disgust. He says:
"Nowhere do I find a commandment that I am to hate myself and live in shame
and personal disgust. Unfortunately, I know many Christians who are crushed
with feelings of inferiority. Some have been taught this concept of
worthlessness by their church."
While groveling about in one's own worthlessness can be just as self-
centered as parading about in pride, focusing on personal worthiness and
self-esteem is not the way out.
Lest anyone suppose that a Christian who comes face to face with the
reality of his own depravity is left wallowing in the mud of his own
selfhood, we must recall the context of a proper low view of self. Jim Owen
gives us a glimpse of a biblical experience of self and God:
"There are moments in every true believer's life, I believe, when they are
so overwhelmed by a sense of their own sinfulness and vileness before the
fearful and unfathomable holiness of God, so stunned by it, that it puts
them on their hands and knees in unutterable shame and repentance."
"But it doesn't stop there. For then there follows such an overwhelming
realization of the depth and breadth and height of God's mercy and grace
given to us in Christ Jesus, that they just stay there, on the floor,
adoring and praising and thanking Him in all humility and unfeigned
Have Christians lost sight of the grandeur of God's mercy and love? Have
Christians forgotten what the Cross is all about? Is that why the church is
so infatuated with self-esteem and self-love?
Dobson does not stand alone. He is surrounded by a host of other
psychologists and by a multitude of Christian leaders who preach self-love,
self-worth, and self-esteem. While Dobson does not totally agree with all
self-esteemers, he is in concert with many. One is Charles Swindoll, whom
he quotes on certain theological issues.
To list the ministries and preachers who repeat the theme of self-esteem
would consist of a "Who's Who" of "big names" in the evangelical world as
well as a multitude of pastors who guide their flocks to this polluted
stream. With them, the so-called need for self-esteem is no longer a
question. It is an assumption, eating away at the very pillars of the
Dobson places a heavy emphasis on so-called needs, especially those of
women and children. He stresses "unmet needs" and "emotional needs" of
women. He believes that "ego needs" motivate more daily behavior than
anything else.
He sees personal worthiness as one of those central needs, so central that
he says, "...the human mind constantly searches and gropes for evidence of
its own worthiness." Thus, instead of discouraging such self-seeking,
Dobson encourages women and children to believe in their own worthiness.
Dobson parrots the secular faith in meeting needs. He quotes William
Glasser as saying, "At all times in our lives we must have at least one
person who cares about us and whom we care for ourselves. If we do not have
this essential person, we will not be able to fulfill our basic needs."
This is, of course, not the Gospel Jesus preached. This is a secular gospel
of meeting emotional needs, not a biblical Gospel. The focus is on me and
my needs, not on God and His love and my love for Him and others.
Dobson also follows the humanistic psychologists when he differentiates
between how women and men meet their so- called needs for self-worth. He
says that "men derive self- esteem by being respected; women feel worthy
when they are loved. In fact, Dobson is so certain about the importance of
meeting so-called needs for self-esteem that he declares:
"If I had the power to communicate only one message to every family in
America, I would specify the importance of romantic love to every aspect of
feminine existence. It provides the foundation for a woman's self-esteem,
her joy in loving, and her sexual responsiveness."
According to Dobson, self-esteem is fragile and easily damaged. He says:
"Every age poses its own unique threats to self-esteem ... little children
typically suffer a severe loss of status during the tender years of
childhood. Likewise, most adults are still attempting to cope with the
inferiority experienced in earlier times."
Contrary to what Dobson says, research indicates that children are skillful
at maintaining strong self-esteem from a very early age. In fact, they seem
to be born with it. Even under the most adverse circumstances, children
will value themselves and even build positive illusions to protect
themselves from feelings of inferiority.
After examining the research on self-perception, Dr. Shelley Taylor, a
professor of psychology at UCLA, wrote the book Positive Illusions:
Creative Self-Deception and the Healthy Mind. She says:
"Before the exigencies of the world impinge upon the child's self-concept,
the child is his or her own hero. With few exceptions, most children think
very well of themselves. They believe they are capable at many tasks and
abilities, including those they have never tried.
"They see themselves as popular. Most kindergartners and first-graders say
they are at or near the top of the class. They have great expectations for
their future success. Moreover, these grandiose assessments are quite
unresponsive to negative feedback, at least until approximately age seven."
Though slightly dampened with reality, positive self-regard continues into
adulthood. Here are some of the results of Taylor's investigations:
"Most adults hold very positive views of themselves. When asked to describe
themselves, most people mention many positive qualities and few, if any,
negative ones. Even when people acknowledge that they have faults, they
tend to down-play those weaknesses as unimportant or dismiss them as
inconsequential. ... Thus, far from being balanced between positive and
negative conceptions, the image that most people hold of themselves is
heavily weighted in a positive direction.
"Most people, for example, see themselves as better than others and as
above average on most of their qualities. When asked to describe themselves
and other people, most people provide more positive descriptions of
themselves than they do of friends. Most people even believe that they
drive better than others. For example, in one survey, 90 percent of
automobile drivers considered themselves to be better than average
But while the research seems to indicate [and the Bible teaches] that both
children and adults tend to esteem themselves more highly than they ought,
Dobson believes just the opposite. He fully believes that feelings of
inferiority and self-hatred run rampant through society. Here is his
emotional appeal to parents to protect their children from the terrible
"agony of inferiority":
"Thus, if inadequacy and inferiority are so universally prevalent at all
ages of life at this time, we must ask ourselves, `Why?' Why can't our
children grow up accepting themselves as they are? Why do so many feel
unloved and unlovable? Why are our homes and schools more likely to produce
despair and self-hatred than quiet confidence and respect?
Why should each child have to bump his head on the same old rock? These
questions are of major significance to every parent who would shield his
child from the agony of inferiority."
When Dobson refers to the "agony of inferiority," he is not speaking of
actual inferiority, but rather the experience and feelings of inferiority
or low self-esteem. He believes that such feelings are excruciating. He
further contends that "the most dominant force" which motivates people is
avoidance of that pain. He says:
"You see, damage to the ego (loss of self- worth) actually equals or
exceeds the pain of physical discomfort in intensity ... So painful is its
effect that our entire emotional apparatus is designed to protect us from
its oppression. In other words, a sizable proportion of all human activity
is devoted to the task of shielding us from the inner pain of inferiority.
I believe this to be the most dominant force in life, even exceeding the
power of sex and its influence."
Dobson is among the "almost all psychologists" who "have come to take for
granted" those "fundamental assumptions about motivation." Therefore Dobson
blames low self-esteem for causing all kinds of problems and touts high
self-esteem as an absolute necessity for survival. Thus raising children's
self-esteem appears to be the motive behind all of his advice in Hide or
While some of Dobson's strategies and suggestions line up with biblical
principles of child-rearing, the motives and goals differ. While the Bible
tells us to love, value and esteem our children, it does not tell us to
raise their self-esteem. We are to love, value, esteem, and instruct our
children so that they will grow up in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord, so that they might become His loving children and His obedient
servants. The self-esteem motive and goal are man-centered, while the
biblical motive and goal are Christ-centered.
Like his humanistic counterparts, Dobson gives methods for boosting self-
esteem. In Hide or Seek, which is based on the premise that self-esteem is
a crucial need of every person, he has a section entitled "Strategies for
Self-esteem," in which he suggests "ways to teach a child of his genuine
In this section he stresses the method of developing self-esteem through
achievement. He does this in an attempt to counteract negative responses
from others which may be based on damaging evaluations of such things as
beauty or intelligence.
Dobson stresses achievement as the road to self-esteem and suggests ways
for parents to help their children "compensate." On the surface, such a
strategy sounds admirable. But what might parents be communicating? Would
children then learn that they can feel good about themselves if they are
better than others? And should Christians base human worth on achievements
and success according to the world's standards?
Compensation is the attempt to make up for a deficiency. A person may thus
compensate for his inabilities in one area by achieving in another area.
Dobson even attributes power for success to what he calls "the need to
compensate." He says:
"The power behind these and other kinds of success almost invariably
springs from the need for self-worth--the need to prove something about
one's adequacy--the need to compensate!"
He declares: "Succinctly stated, compensation is your child's best weapon
against inferiority." However, the very idea of compensation implies that
we will feel better about ourselves if we are in some way better than
Rather than emphasizing biblical standards and behavior, compensation
emphasizes comparing ourselves with each other, which the Bible calls
unwise (2 Cor. 10:12). Furthermore, such compensation may lead to
competitiveness which nurtures pride rather than love for others.
In his book What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew about Woman, he declares
the following:
"Feelings of self-worth and acceptance, which provide the cornerstone of a
healthy personality, can be obtained from only one source ... Self-esteem
is only generated by what we see reflected about ourselves in the eyes of
other people. It is only when others respect us that we respect ourselves.
It is only when others love us that we love ourselves. It is only when
others find us pleasant and desirable and worthy that we come to terms with
our own egos."
[O Timothy Editor: A spiritually healthy respect for oneself must come from
a right relationship with Jesus Christ, and it is NOT dependent upon one's
relationship with other men. This is a gross error. Man's great need is not
for self-esteem, but for God-esteem.]
In response to this statement, Dr. Robert Smith says: "In John 12:43 is
Christ's criticism of people who loved the praise of men more than the
praise of God. Self-esteem philosophy teaches us that we must have the
praise of men before we can function properly."
One of Dobson's primary purposes of writing Preparing for Adolescence was
to help teenagers deal with feelings of self-doubt, inferiority, and low
self-esteem. He declares that the adolescent years are "the most stressful
and threatening time of life" with "scary physical changes," "sexual
anxieties," "self-doubt and feelings of inferiority," which at times seem
"unbearable." His first chapter is "The Secret of Self-esteem." Dobson
dramatically describes the "Agony of Inferiority" or the "feeling of
hopelessness that we call `inferiority'." He says:
"It's that awful awareness that nobody likes you, that you're not as good
as other people, that you're a failure, a loser, a personal disaster; that
you're ugly, or unintelligent, or don't have as much ability as someone
else. It's that depressing feeling of worthlessness."
Dobson bemoans, "What a shame that most teenagers decide they are without
much human worth when they're between thirteen and fifteen years of age. We
all have human worth, yet so many young people conclude that they're
somehow different--that they're truly inferior--that they lack the
necessary ingredients for dignity and worth."
Here again, in Preparing for Adolescence, Dobson offers a number of
suggestions to deal with inferiority feelings, one of which is
compensation, as in Hide or Seek. He also suggests making friends. The
purpose of friendship here seems to be that "nothing helps your self-
confidence more than genuine friends." Why? Because, he reasons, "If you
know that other people are like you it's much easier to accept yourself."
Dobson devised a short check-list called "Sources of Depression among
Women." Of course, the top-ranking reason was "low self-esteem." According
to Dobson, low self-esteem causes not only depression. He says, "Lack of
self-esteem produces more symptoms of psychiatric disorders than any other
factor yet identified."
Furthermore, he contends that low self-esteem leads to denial of reality
which leads to both alcoholism and psychotic experience. Since he believes
that women are suffering from an epidemic of low self-esteem, Dobson
valiantly declares:
"If I could write a prescription for the women of the world, it would
provide each one of them with a healthy dose of self-esteem and personal
worth (taken three times a day until the symptoms disappear.) I have no
doubt that this is their greatest need."
Is self-esteem a woman's greatest need? Then why is it absent from the
Bible? Why didn't Jesus meet this greatest need of women? The essence of
Christianity is "Christ in you, the hope of glory," not self-improvement or
gaining self-esteem. It is giving, sharing, caring, loving, turning the
other cheek, going the second mile, and obeying God's commandments because
of Christ--because of what He has done and is doing in the life of the
[O Timothy Editor: The greatest need of the people of the world, whether
they be men or women or teenagers, is to be born again, to be saved. We are
convinced that Dobson preaches a false gospel of psychology.]
For Dobson, things get reversed. Even if he does not intend it, the focus
always slips back to the advantage for the self. He says:
"When the family conforms to God's blueprint,then self-esteem is available
for everyone-which satisfies romantic aspirations--which abolishes
loneliness, isolation, and boredom--which contributes to sexual
fulfillment--which binds the marriage together in fidelity--which provides
security for children--which gives parents a sense of purpose--which
contributes to self-esteem once more."
Thus self-esteem becomes the reason to obey God. The goal of obedience
becomes subtly swerved from a desire to please God to a desire to gain
personal advantages. But if love and obedience to God are for personal
(selfish), pragmatic reasons, rather than for biblical reasons, what
happens when romantic aspirations are not satisfied, and isolation is
increased, and there is no sexual fulfillment as a direct result of
obedience to Christ? Such a promise for self-esteem and personal
fulfillment could not have kept the churches alive throughout centuries of