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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
P.O. Box 336, Weston, MA 02193
(617) 893-0930
Guy Ford, V.Pres.-Operations
Budget: $130,000. Educational organization "seeking to understand and
ameliorate the problems caused to individuals, families, and society at large
by people and groups that employ unethical forms of social influence." Reports
on legal, medical, psychological, and social issues raised by cultism.
Publications: (1) Cult Observer (news magazine), monthly; (2) Cultic Studies
Journal, semiannual; also publishes special reports and catalog.
Section Heading Codes: Public Affairs Organizations (09)
Westchester Jewish Community Services, 141 N. Central Ave., Hartsdale, NY
(914) 949-6761
Oscar Rabinowitz, Exec.Dir.
Founded: 1979. Staff: 3. Children and adolescents between the ages of ten and
18 who have recently lost a parent. Aims are to: facilitate the normal process
of mourning in children and adolescents; provide an arena of self-help and
support to members who often feel alone in dealing with the death of a parent.
The program is an offshoot of the Young Widows and Widowers of Westchester
Jewish Community Services in New York. Children meet weekly to discuss
problems; parents meet concurrently, but separately, in an adjoining room.
Children discuss recollections of the death itself, the funeral, feelings of
guilt and sadness, the family's often altered financial status, remarriage of
the surviving parent and acquisition of new siblings, and health of the
remaining parent. Conducts training program for professionals and agencies
interested in starting similar programs for bereaved children. Also offers
support groups for widows and widowers, families of victims of Alzheimer's
disease, for those who have a child in a cult, and for children with
life-threatening illnesses. Center currently operates on a local level but may
expand in the future. Publications: Widow/Widowers of Westchester (newsletter),
monthly. Formerly: (1983) Bereaved Children's Program.
Section Heading Codes: Social Welfare Organizations (07)
Box 73, Clovis, CA 93613
(209) 297-7818
Dr. Murray Norris, Pres.
Founded: 1970. Members: 200,000. Staff: 11. Christians concerned with
problems of the modern family. Promotes Christian solutions to problems in
business, politics, and education counseling. Sponsors home study programs in
Christian counseling and nutrition. Has established the Valley Christian
University, which attempts to teach Christian answers to contemporary problems.
Holds annual seminar and offers university courses on and off campus. Maintains
library of 6000 volumes. Computerized Services: Information service listing
local agencies and individuals who will help with counseling.
Telecommunications Services: National Pregnancy Hot Line for young women with
pregnancy problems. Divisions: African Emergency Relief; Demonstration School;
National Pregnancy Hot Line; Valley Christian University. Publications: (1) Up
With Families (newsletter), quarterly; (2) Valley Christian University
Newsletter, quarterly; (3) Hot Line Directory, periodic; also publishes books,
and pamphlets on pornography, homosexuality, satanism, and abortion. Affiliated
With: American Life Lobby.
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)
1006 Oak Cliff Dr., Toccoa, GA 30577
(404) 886-7734
Rev. Andrew J. Losier, Founder & Pres.
Founded: 1952. Budget: $25,000. Directors: 7. Missionaries: 7. Distributes
free Christian literature in over 50 languages; conducts Bible correspondence
courses using audio cassette recordings. Operates Faith Bible College and
Seminary in Nigeria. Sponsors direct missionary work in Africa and nations
worldwide. Conducts research and educational programs and youth camps.
Maintains library of 7000 master tapes and cassettes. Publishes Kingdom of
Righteousness Under God, Know Your Bible Rightly Divided, Memoirs of Africa,
One World Government Under Satan, Bible lessons, booklets, and a textbook on
biblical survey (in English). Computerized Services: Personal computer
publications. Convention/Meeting: semiannual mission conference.
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)
P.O. Box 385, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
(501) 253-7185
Gerda Koch, Dir.
Founded: 1958. Staff: 1. Nonmembership. Works to serve those who do not trust
the media or the U.S. educational system, both of which the organization
believes are "controlled." Distributes Christian literature; produces tracts;
conducts and encourages Bible research and study. Emphasizes obedience to God
and His Word; upholds the Constitution as it was originally written but
advocates subjugation to God's law, not man's, if the two should conflict.
Opposes Zionism, Communism, income taxation, and the United Nations; supports
historical revisionism regarding the Holocaust. Maintains library of 900 books
and booklets; bestows awards. Publications: Facts for Action, semiannual; has
published Satan Dispelled and For More Light (books). Formerly: Pro-American
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)
Box 500, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
(714) 855-9926
Dr. Walter Martin, Pres.
Founded: 1960. Staff: 33. Christian scholars, ministers, missionaries, and
laymen working in the United States, Canada, and Brazil. Through information
relayed by member researchers, strives to counteract what the institute
perceives to be threats against the Christian faith. Disseminates information
on secular and theological trends. Plans to implement Project Retrieval in
order to provide Christian schools with Christian alternatives to secular,
cultic, and occultic beliefs through the aid of computers and microfilm. Offers
seminars. Maintains 4000 volume library of materials on Christian apologetics
and history, cults, the occult, philosophy, and psychology. Publications: (1)
the Insider (newsletter), monthly; (2) Forward (magazine), 3/year.
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)
P.O. Box 608370, Chicago, IL 60626
(312) 267-7777
Reginald M. Aley, Exec.Dir.
Founded: 1974. Members: 10,000. Budget: $100,000. Local Groups: 54.
Educational organization of volunteers interested in freedom from mind control.
Offers information and counsel to persons concerned about destructive cults.
Seeks to understand tactics of mind control in order to provide protection from
those persons who take advantage of people through mind control and coercive
persuasion. Opposes deceptive recruitment, fraudulent solicitation of funds,
illegal immigration, child abuse and neglect, trafficking in drugs, smuggling,
and using unpaid or lowly paid labor working long hours to staff lucrative
businesses. Serves as a national referral network for concerned families to
religious, legal, and medical sources. Conducts educational programs and
seminars; participates in radio and television programs; sponsors support
groups for former cult members; offers audiovisual aids. Sponsors workshops for
rehabilitative counseling to persons in the mental health field. Provides
speakers; maintains data bases; bestows awards; compiles statistics. Operates
library of ten-year history of media clippings and books dealing with anti-cult
literature. Publications: News, monthly. Formerly: (1986) Citizens Freedom
Foundation. Convention/Meeting: annual conference, with seminars - usually
October. 1987 Oct. 31-Nov. 2, Kansas City, MO; 1988 Oct. 30-Nov. 1, Pittsburgh,
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)
FOCUS (Cults) (AFF)
c/o Steven Hassan, P.O. Box 686, New Town Branch, Boston, MA 02258
(617) 964-6977
Steven Hassan, Coordinator
Founded: 1979. Members: 375. Former members of destructive cult groups
including such organizations as Moon's Unification organization, Church of
Scientology, the Way International, Hare Khrishna, and Rajneesh. Purposes are
to collect and disseminate information about destructive cults; give personal
support to: those still "trapped" in a cult and looking for a way out, as well
as to those thinking about joining; provide counseling and personal support to
"victimized" families and individuals; educate the public on the dangers of
mind-control technology. Holds seminars on mind-control cults; initiates
federal government investigations; conducts monthly discussion groups in
several major U.S. cities; compiles and distributes kits of essential
information on cults to interested persons. Hopes to establish formal
rehabilitation facilities and to initiate lawsuits. Maintains collection of
documents and news clippings. Publications: Newsletter, irregular. Affiliated
With: Citizens Freedom Foundation. Formerly: (1980) Ex-Members Against Moon;
(1984) Ex-Moon. Convention/Meeting: annual.
Section Heading Codes: Public Affairs Organizations (09)
P.O. Box 392, Lathrup Village, MI 48076
(517) 738-7496
Edward M. Mielock, Pres.
Founded: 1975. Members: 5300. Staff: 2. Regional Groups: 60. Individuals
united to aid what the federation regards as victims of "destructive" cults and
to provide support to victims' friends and families. (According to IFF, a cult
is destructive when it uses mind control and psychological coercion to gain and
hold converts.) Conducts educational campaign stressing the nature and dangers
of "destructive" cults; teaches ways to prevent conversion of susceptible
individuals. Maintains library; bestows awards; operates speakers' bureau.
Computerized Services: List of destructive cults; bibliography of books on
destructive cults. Affiliated With: Citizens Freedom Foundation (parent).
Formerly: (1979) Individual Freedom Foundation. Convention/Meeting: annual -
always October.
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)
P.O. Box 6194, Surfside, FL 33154
(305) 931-0001
Rabbi Rubin R. Dobin, Chm.
Founded: 1970. Members: 10,000. Budget: $25,000. Jewish individuals united to
fight the conversion of Jews by Christian missionaries and cult groups. Strives
to strengthen Jewish identity and to heighten awareness of what the group views
as the danger of missionaries and cults. Provides information on therapy and
exit counseling for Jews who have been converted wishing to return to the
Jewish faith. Conducts seminars and workshops for families dealing with
conversion from Judaism. Offers computerized services. Bestows awards; compiles
statistics; maintains speakers' bureau. Publications: (1) Information Kit on
Jewish Identity, quarterly; (2) Fact File of Cults and Missionaries, annual.
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)
c/o Jewish Community Center, 5700 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215
(301) 542-4900
Molly Koch, Dir.
Founded: 1980. Staff: 6. Works to prevent young people, particularly young
Jews, from becoming involved in cults. Serves as information clearinghouse on
cults and acts as resource center. Provides counseling services and early
prevention seminars for parents of young children. Presents cult recruitment
techniques seminars for high school and college students; conducts weekly
discussion groups for high school students as part of an outreach program.
Maintains speakers' bureau. Publications: Newsletter, irregular. Also Known As:
Project Friend.
Section Heading Codes: Religious Organizations (11)