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YULE 1986
Please address commments and inquiries to:
P.O. BOX 162046
ELECTRIC GARTERS an abridged version of RED GARTERS is
available on various Pagan computer BBS.
The RED GARTERS of California is the official voice of the
New Wiccan Church of California. The Office of the
California State Summoner publishes a minimum of 8 issues
per year, as a function of the membership and mailing lists
of the New Wiccan Church.
Subscription to RED GARTERS is included among the benefits
of membership in the New Wiccan Church of California.
RED GARTERS of California is available non-members for a
minimum donation of $8 (U.S.A. and Canada) or $12 (foreign)
1987. See details following.
Statements by the Grand Council of Elders of the New Wiccan
Church published in any RED GARTERS delineate NWC national
Statements by the Council of Elders of the NWC of California
published in any RED GARTERS delineate NWC state policy.
Such other items as may be published in RED GARTERS are to
be regarded as the views of their authors/artists; such
items do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of
the New Wiccan Church.
Items not carrying a "by line" may be presumed to be
included at the discretion of the editor.
Submissions to RED GARTERS/ELECTRIC GARTERS are welcomed (as
are donations). Such submissions will not be returned unless
accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Any item
submitted to RED GARTERS for publication may also be
published in ELECTRIC GARTERS unless otherwise specified at
the time of submission. All copyrights remain with the
We reserve the right to edit and censor material.
Inflammatory or provocative submissions will be edited. Seek
UNITY in the faith.
The New Wiccan Church of America and its various state, area
and city branches are secret, non-profit, religious
organizations dedicated to promulgating English Traditional
Wicca in its various traditions, rites, forms, and orders.
Political and/or criminal activity by any branch of this
church is absolutely prohibited. Any member engaging in
either does so as an individual.
Grand Queen Haragano
Grand Magus Gwyddion
Grand Summoner Lleu
Please note new California officers
Queen Moira
Magus Herne
Summoner Saluna
Publications: Allyn Wolfe
Queen Marisha
Grand Magus Gwyddion
Queen Haragano
Magus Tiller
Queen Kyril
Magus Enqito
New Wiccan Church of California telephone: (916) 489-6147.
All calls are screened through the answering machine, so you
MUST identify yourself to the machine before any human will
New Wiccan Church, National Office, P.O. Box 162046,
Sacramento, CA 95816
New Wiccan Church of California, P.O. Box 421044,
Sacramento, CA 95842
Bay Area New Wiccan Church, P.O. Box 551,
Pinole, CA, 94564-0551
New Wiccan Church of Wisconsin, P.O. Box 64,
Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
New Wiccan Church of Washington, P.O. Box 30511,
Seattle, WA 98103
New Wiccan Church of Oregon,
Temporary address: P.O. Box 162046, Sacramento, CA 95816
BACK ISSUES of RED GARTERS: All of the "Open Pagan
Community" issues are available: Set #1 (AUG/SEPT 83, IMBOLC
Set #2 (MAR 85, APR 85, JUNE 85, SEPT 85, NOV 85, DEC 85)
$5.50; SET #3 (FEB 86, MAR 86, BELTANE 86) $2.50; INCLUDE $1
following are available at $1 @, no handling charge: JULY
86, AUG 86, OCT 86. DEC 86 IS $2. Additional restricted
issues are available exclusively to New Wiccan Church
members; contact Publications Officer for listing.
General Notice from the California Council of Elders:
The California Council of Elders held elections
recently. The office of State Queen, temporarily held by
Lady Maeburn since the resignation of Lady Raven, has now
been filled by Lady Moira. In addition, the duties of the
office of State Summoner have so expanded in recent years,
that the Council has seen fit establish a new office to
handle the production of New Wiccan Church publications.
Lord Allyn Wolfe is the new Publications Officer, and Lady
Anea is the new Summoner. The staff of Red Garters wishes
each of our new officers a prosperous and peaceful term of
Notice to RED GARTERS Subscribers
The subscription rate to RED GARTERS will be going up
to $10 ($15 Foreign) per year for non-members, effective
with the March issue of RED GARTERS . This change was
directed by the California Council of Elders, and is the
first subscription increase in the four years RG has been
offered outside of the New Wiccan Church membership.
However, as a way of thanking you for your support, if we
receive a renewal or new subscription postmarked prior to
March 1, you will continue to receive RED GARTERS at the old rate.
By Lord Lleu
Grand Summoner of the New Wiccan Church
I always hate writing against a deadline, especially when I
still haven't come up with a topic. This time around I
think I will focus on last time. To those of you who
panicked at the last Summoner's Calling. I can assure you
that I was not spying on you. I did not even use
clairvoyance. However, if you have been Summoner as long as
I have (8 years), you begin to know the kind of things that
cause trouble, and for me misrepresentation has headed the
list, while jumping to conclusions comes next.
Misrepresentation, be it well intentioned (I thought I was
protecting my oath), accidental (gosh, I am sorry, my brains
were in the Bahamas), or due to sociopathic tendencies (its
the gospel truth! I swear on my mother's grave [of course
she's not dead yet]) always causes the same problems.
Someone hears and believes and pretty soon a flock of foos
are nesting in everyone's hair. No one is happy to wear the
end product.
There are two inexcusable parts of such a problem:
deliberate misrepresentation, and the failure of Craft
Elders to do more than scream and yell. I think that the
problem with the first is self evident. There is no
injunction in the Craft against lying, but there is a demand
that Sisters and Brothers of the Art be treated with honor
and respect. They are our's, not outsiders, even if they do
move in different circles (pun intended). The second
inexcusable, in my book, is in some ways even worse. Elders
determine the quality of the Craft. An Elder who flies into
a fury, or panics, and never even asks how such a rumor got
started, hurts himself, hurts the Craft's image, and
achieves nothing positive. Curiosity, and a desire to
reveal the truth, to get things straight, and a gentle
approach to these goals will always serve better, and they
provide a better example.
Congratulations to Priestess Marissa, who received her
first initiation into the Kingstone Tradition at Sagitarius
Full Moon (December 14). It is a pleasure to welcome you,
Marissa, newly made Priestess and Witch!
The Sacramento New Wiccan Church held its annual Yule
Gathering on December 20, 1986. Attendance was down a bit
from previous years, but there were still four local New
Wiccan Church covens represented, and also several guests
from other groups in Sacramento
and the San Francisco bay area.
The well-written Rebirth of the Sun ritual was
conducted by students of two Sacramento New Wiccan Church
covens. They deserve our praise and thanks for their
efforts, which also included a gift cauldron, potluck, and
clean-up before and after the event. A lot of work goes
into organizing these events to insure that all runs
smoothly. Three cheers! And thanks to all who attended for
making this a memorable holiday celebration.
The California branch of the New Wiccan Church is
sponsoring a prize drawing to benefit the Covenant of the
Goddess. Tickets are $1 each and are available from the
Publications Officer, Lord Allyn Wolfe, c/o Red Garters.
There are some nifty prizes to be raffled off once we have
100 tickets in the till. So far, we have 58 entries, and
are waiting to hear from you! The prizes include: a Hindu
statue of the Goddess (donated by a Sacramento Hindu), a
sequined dragon sculpture (donated by Tina of "Dragons by
Tina"), a turquoise and silver necklace of Amerindian
manufacture bearing Pagan designs (donated by Coven of the
Hawk, NWC #2), four oil fueled hurricane lanterns suitable
for the four quarters (donated by Coven Winged Horse, NWC
#25), and a one year subscription to RED GARTERS.
Among the inquiry letters that RED GARTERS gets, we
have begun to receive letters from prisoners interested in
Wicca. Prison libraries do not routinely stock books or
magazines on the Craft. However, direct mailings to inmates
are apparently received. Those incarcerated have little
funds for books or magazine subscriptions, and ask for
donations of either. If you or your coven is interested in
sponsoring any of these prisoners for a subscription to RED
GARTERS or can donate any new or used books, contact me in
care of the California State Office.
A few more words to conclude this issue's Cauldron -
I'd like to wish you all a happy 1987, and may you find in
the abundance given by Our Lady, Perfect Peace! - Kalisha
Grand Queen needs help. Lady Lydea, formerly Queen of Coven
Isis the Ibis in Sacramento, and Grand Queen to most of the
Kingstone tradition, is desperate. She is now residing in
the mid-west on limited retirement income. Harsh weather,
failing health, and rising energy costs are taking their
toll; she needs to come to California in the Spring. At the
present time, she plans on a visit, but hopes to eventually
relocate to the west coast. Needed: a driver to fly or bus
to the midwest and drive the Grand Queen and her gear back
to California (in her car); a rent free place to stay (she
can pay for her own board); and of course $ ! This Lady is
deserving of our help; please seriously consider what YOU
can do to help.
by Dana Corley
You may not have noticed it, but the Craft is in trouble.
Like many another esoteric group, the Craft sowed the seeds
of its own ruin when it began deliberately to appeal to a
broader range of people, not all of them, perhaps, truly
suited to the life and beliefs of Witchcraft. When
initiation ceased to be a requirement in all traditions,
when people began to accept each other as "in the Craft" on
the basis of attendance at a few festivals - in short, when
the Craft ceased to require work - our numbers increased
dramatically. This delighted everyone, at first; going to a
Summer Solstice rituals with several hundred fellow Witches
in the countryside is vastly more exciting than timidly
conducting one in your basement with the half-dozen members
of your own Coven. After a while, though, some of us began
to be alarmed The "Craft" many of these new folks were
practicing bore only a casual likeness to the Craft we'd
been taught. It bore a striking resemblance, however, to
both the transcendentalism of Christianity and other
Oriental religions and the jargon-loaded hipness of EST and
the whole "New Age" grab bag - and it was spreading fast.
It's a truism in the social sciences that a society which
allows no cross-fertilization from outside soon dries up.
There's a difference, though, between eclectic open-
mindedness and bastardization. The Craft is a Western
magical tradition, not an Eastern mystical path. To impose
the transcendentalism of the East on the Craft creates only
an emasculated hodge-podge. For example:
More and more, we hear the Craft spoken of as "of the
light", meaning, one supposes, that we're "the good guys".
It is clearly contrary to Craft teaching to identify the
good, the positive, with the concept of light. That is an
oriental and wholly patriarchal concept, associated also
with the triumph of the spiritual (i.e., non-material) over
the physical, of the intellect over the senses. It leaves
no room for the Craft ideal of dynamic balance, and it
certainly excludes that aspect of Our Lady which is the Dark
Mother, the Primal Chaos from which all else arises. I feel
that this concept has crept into our belief system partly
due to the incompleteness of many people's Craft education,
and partly out of pandering to the beliefs of others.
Because they are afraid of the Dark, we begin to exclude it
from our consciousness, lest we scare the poor dears! And if
they aren't afraid of us, they won't persecute us, and they
might even invite us to their swell interfaith breakfasts
down at the Elks Hall.
Again, seemingly out of a combination of shallowness and too
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