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Mythologically Mercury is represented as a "Messenger of the Gods" and
this is the line with the occult facts, for when infant humanity had been
led astray by the marital Lucifer spirits and had fallen into GENERATION it
became necessary for the other divine hierarchies to take steps looking to a
future REGENERATION and to further that object the Lords of Venus were
brought to the earth to educate humanity in such a manner that love might be
substituted for lust and men might thus be induced to aspire to something
higher. While the Lords of Venus dealt with mankind in general the most
precocious among them were taken in hand by the Lords of Mercury; whose
wisdom-teaching is symbolically represented by the caduceus or "STAFF OF
MERCURY," consisting of two serpents twining around a rod and indication the
solution of the riddle of life, or "Whence have we come, why are we here,
and whither are we bound?" showing the pupil the spiral path of INVOLUTION
by which the divine spark has buried itself in matter, also the spiral path
of EVOLUTION by which humanity will eventually again reach the Father's bo-
som, and the short road of INITIATION represented by the central rod around
which the serpents twine. But to understand these Mysteries requires mind
and reason. Mercury then is the mental educator of men and its place and
position in the horoscope shows the status of the person's mind for whom it
is cast.
Being the Messenger of the Gods to the other planets Mercury has no voice
of its own and is even more dependent for expression upon the aspects of
other planets than the Moon which rules the instinctual mind. So Mercury is
really a focus through which the faculty of reason finds expression in the
human being to act as a brake upon the lower nature and assist in lifting us
from the human to the divine. Many may and do feel deeply, they may also
have valuable knowledge, but they will be unable to express their feelings
or shore their knowledge with others if Mercury is lacking in aspects. Even
a so-called evil aspect of Mercury helps to bring out what is within and is
therefore better than none.
When Mercury is so placed in relation to the Sun it goes BEFORE the lumi-
nary it has the effect of materially brightening the mind, for the Sun rep-
resents the Ego and it may therefore be said that then its path is illumi-
nated by the lamp of reason. On the other hand if Mercury is so placed that
it rises later than the Sun and thus follows AFTER the luminary The Ego
learns more by afterthought than by forethought for it walks comparatively
speaking in the dark and must learn a great many of its lessons by experi-
As we have found that it is difficult for a number of young students to
determine when Mercury goes before or after the Sun we may say in farther
elucidation of that subject:
When Mercury is in a lower degree of the same sign as the Sun or in any
degree of the previous sign then as a matter of course he rises BEFORE the
Sun. To illustrate: If the Sun is in twenty degrees of Cancer and Mercury
is in five, ten or fifteen degrees of that sign or if he is in any degree of
Gemini, then he rises BEFORE the Sun.
But if he is in twenty-five degrees of Cancer which is a higher degree of
the same sign, or if he is in any degree in Leo which is the sign succeeding
Cancer, then he rises AFTER the Sun and loses part of his good influence.
A retrograde Mercury is also a detriment to the faculty of reason. But
in the year of life when Mercury by progression again turns direct, the rea-
soning faculties will improve correspondingly. Mercury is strong in the
airy signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, but he is exalted and therefore most
powerful in Virgo. Mercury has special rule over agents and messengers,
salesmen, postmen and other common carriers, people engaged in advertising
or printing, literary men, writers, reporters, secretaries, clerks, steno-
graphers and typewriters, commission men and other middle men, demagogues,
confidence-men and thieves.
MERCURY IN THE ASCENDANT, OR FIRST HOUSE makes the person quick-witted
and sharp according to the nature of the sign rising and the aspects of the
planets which he receives. The fiery signs and the airy signs have the
strongest influence in that respect. In Aries or Leo he is more impulsive
than when rising in Sagittarius, but Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are best.
When Mercury is rising in the watery signs Cancer or Pisces the intellect is
dull, but rising in Scorpio where it is fired by the martial energy and
armed with the venomous sting of the scorpion it has a somewhat similar in-
fluence to that of Mars in Scorpio through not quite so pronounced.
MERCURY IN THE SECOND HOUSE is good for gain through mercurial occupa-
tions especially where the person is employed by someone else so that he ap-
pears in a true mercurial capacity as agent, messenger, clerk, writer or
whatever else.
MERCURY IN THE THIRD HOUSE and well-aspected has wonderful influence on
the mental qualities of the native. It makes the mind serene and optimis-
tic, inclined to study and research work. It gives fluency as a speaker and
success by short journeys or travel and makes the relations of the person
harmonious with his brothers. When Mercury is afflicted in the Third House
it inclines to worry and pessimism, trouble and annoyance with sisters and
brothers and when on short journeys.
MERCURY IN THE FOURTH HOUSE gives instability to home conditions. It
signifies the homeless wanderer who is always moving from place to place un-
less a good aspect to Saturn comes in to steady him down. This is, however,
a good aspect for people engaged in mercurial occupations which require a
stationary residence, such as librarian, or literary men engaged in newspa-
per work, employees in printing establishments, commission houses, agencies
and kindred organizations. If Mercury is afflicted by Saturn the home con-
ditions of the person will cause him a great deal of worry.
MERCURY IN THE FIFTH HOUSE centers the mind upon education, amusements,
courtships and children. If Mercury is well-aspected by Saturn or Jupiter
it gives depth to the mind and makes the person successful in enterprises
connected with education, publishing or public amusements. Good aspects
from Mars or Venus give success in courtship but the adverse aspects of the
planets make the person cruel; he is inconstant in affection toward those he
professes to love, inclined to worry over affairs of his children, and su-
perficial as a teacher. A good aspect from the Sun is an excellent indica-
tion of success in a government position, in an educational capacity.
MERCURY IN THE SIXTH HOUSE makes the mentality too active for the
person's own good, for he is extremely ambitious and therefore liable to
over-tax himself to the detriment of his health, and the disability of the
nervous system is most likely to express itself by a digestive disorder in
the region governed by Virgo, the sixth sign, viz., the intestines. Such
people are supersensitive to the conditions of others which affects their
health bringing much trouble and worry in dealing with servants and subordi-
nates. They are fond of the study of hygiene and diet and meet with consid-
erable success in the practice of the chemistry of foods, particularly if
Mercury is well-aspected. Adverse aspects of Saturn to a Sixth House Mer-
cury make a chronic invalid of a most melancholy mind. The adverse aspects
of Mars and Uranus are fruitful sources of suicide through brooding over
MERCURY IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE and well-aspected makes the person popular
in literary and scientific circles. It is a good position for public speak-
ers and all who are engaged in mercurial activities of a public nature. But
if Mercury is afflicted the Seventh House position brings a great deal of
hostile criticism of a public nature and is liable to involve the person in
litigation either to defend himself against libel from others or on account
of libel committed by himself. A well-aspected Mercury in the Seventh House
indicates a successful marriage to a relative or an employee, but when Mer-
cury is afflicted either the person or the marriage partner is of a nagging
nature so that the married life is spoiled by constant quarrels and disputes
on account of fickleness and faithfulness.
MERCURY IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives gain through liter-
ary or scientific agencies, occupations or other mercurial pursuits provided
they are carried on in partnership with someone else. This position also
indicates that the person may receive a legacy and it is a good indication
of the financial success of the marriage, but if Mercury is afflicted its
position in the Eighth House indicates financial troubles for the marriage
partner and litigation probably in connection with a legacy left to the na-
MERCURY IN THE NINTH HOUSE and well-aspected gives love of religion,
science, letters and law, a studious mind capable of delving deeply into
profound problems of life and being, philosophic and philanthropic tenden-
cies, and desire to travel far if need be in the pursuit of knowledge. This
position gives facility in speech and writing and success in religion, phi-
losophy, law or science. The mind is broad, flexible and adaptable, there-
fore the person is liable to change his views several times in his life on
the various subjects which he has studied, but there will always be a good
reason for adopting another viewpoint.
If Mercury is afflicted in the Ninth House he makes the person exceed-
ingly unstable of mind, changeable as a weather vane in all his pursuits and
activities. Such a person will never stay by anything long enough to try it
out and therefore he will meet with a series of disasters all through life.
Probably he may journey from one place to another in search of success but
he will never find it until he learns to concentrate his energies upon one
thing. This position is also a fruitful source of trouble with the law or
legal affairs.
MERCURY IN THE TENTH HOUSE, well-aspected, shows adaptability and re-
sourcefulness such as enable the person to cope with all the contingencies
of life. It makes a successful lecturer, publisher or writer and is also
favorable to success in one of the occult occupations. If Mercury is placed
in one of the airy signs the power of expression is much enhanced. Fre-
quently people with Mercury in this position have several occupations, but
usually they succeed best in a subordinate capacity.
MERCURY IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE brings a great many acquaintances among
literary, scientific or other mercurial people but none of them are
sufficiently steadfast to be relied upon unless Mercury is very
well-aspected. This position has a tendency to make a person critical and
cynical. It sharpens his intellect, however, and gives him a good flow of
MERCURY IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE, if well aspected gives a mind peculiarly
fitted to delve into the mysterious, occult or secret things. This is espe-
cially the case if Mercury is between the Sun and Midheaven, that is to say
if Mercury goes BEFORE the Sun or rises earlier than that luminary, for then
all the light that is in the spirit seems to shine forth and make the person
intellectually keen and bright. Therefore this is a good position for de-
tective work as well as scientific or occult research work. Chemists of
great ability have been produced under this aspect for such people have the
faculty of going into the most minute details in things which seem micro-
scopic and unimportant to others. When Mercury is in the Twelfth House and
afflicted, especially by Saturn or Mars, also when COMBUST or BEHIND THE SUN
there is a danger that the mind may become clouded and insanity may result.
It may also be noted that the affliction will vary according to the way Mer-
cury is aspected; if by Mars or Uranus the subject may be exceedingly
violent, if by Saturn he will become melancholy, but whatever the cause, if
Mercury is afflicted in the Twelfth House some form of limitation will re-
strain the spirit, for the Twelfth House is the house of limitation and con-
Deafness is also the result of this position of Mercury when severely af-
flicted by Saturn.
MERCURY IN ARIES makes the person very argumentative, fond of disputes,
quick at repartee, with a tendency to exaggerate though not necessarily by
design. If well-aspected he is broad minded and tolerant of the opinions of
others, of a studious nature, quick to grasp situations and ideas, neat and
orderly. When afflicted Mercury in Aries makes people leap before they
look, the mind is vacillating and there is a general recklessness about the
person who is thus very unreliable and devoid of all sense of responsibil-
MERCURY IN TAURUS gives a mind that is not very soon made up but when it
has once arrive at a conclusion it is almost as difficult to change as the
laws of the Medes and Persians. However, being based upon thought and rea-
son the judgment of these people is also extremely reliable. They believe
thoroughly in the ancient adage that "Silence is golden" and are therefore
close-mouthed. They are good counselors and can be depended upon to keep
secret. At the same time they are not recluses, but have a pleasant, socia-
ble disposition. They are fond of fun and recreation, they love music, art
and literature, so they are thoroughly likable people if Mercury is well-
aspected. But if Mercury is afflicted they become what the Scotch call
"DOUR," also obstinate, stubborn, secretive and avaricious.
MERCURY IN GEMINI makes a person fond of change and travel. He is al-
ways ready to investigate some new thing, or go to some other place for a
change; in short, almost anything that is new appeals to him. At the same
time if Mercury is well-fortified such people gain greatly by this fluidic
state of the mind for they are shrewd and penetrating in their judgment so
that they know good value when they see it and are not prejudiced by precon-
ceived, set opinions. Therefore they are good business men and their abil-
ity to see a point makes them particularly good lawyers. They also succeed
well as traveling salesmen.
MERCURY IN CANCER gives a clear intellect, a good memory and superlative
adaptability. People with this position fit into any place or occupation
they may find and adapt themselves to the opinions and ideas of others.
They love praise and flattery, therefore they are careful not to do anything
whereby they may forfeit the good opinion of others.
MERCURY IN LEO gives high ideals and aspirations, a positive, strong and
persevering intellect which scorns to stoop to low and mean acts, and de-
spises equivocation; is blunt and out-spoken, quick-tempered, but
kind-hearted and sympathetic. People with Mercury in Leo well-fortified
have good organizing ability and make capable leaders. They love children
and are also fond of pleasure. When Mercury is afflicted in Leo it makes
the person fickle and inconstant in his affections, an unsuccessful gambler
and speculator, a low and sensual nature.
MERCURY IN VIRGO is at the zenith of his power for there he is exalted,
consequently when well-aspected it gives a clear, logical, scientific mind,
eloquence and the ability to express oneself fluently in a number of lan-
guages. It gives the person a comprehensive, discriminating outlook upon
life, his conclusions are usually practical and to the point because he
also, like the Taurian Mercury, looks before he leaps. In short this char-
acteristic is in a degree true of all the earthy signs. When Mercury is af-
flicted in Virgo it makes the man irritable, petulant and selfish, always
looking for flaws in everything he comes across. People with Mercury in
Virgo make excellent dietitians and chemists. They also have an unusual
MERCURY IN LIBRA, when well-aspected gives a broad, well-balanced mind
with a love of art and music and an uncommon ability of expression. It
brings success as a public speaker and sometimes as a singer. When Mercury
is afflicted in Libra it indicates trouble by lawsuits through partnerships
and an unfaithful marriage partner.
MERCURY IN SCORPIO gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit
and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion.
The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along
wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to
overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the
occult, a a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are
subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skepti-
cal and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.
MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS. Though in detriment it is still a strong posi-
tion of Mercury and if he is well-aspected it gives an exceedingly noble
mind of a religious and philosophical turn, a mind which scorns the shackles
of conventions where they interfere with freedom of thought and speech yet
does not fly into paths that are contrary to the commonly accepted standards
of moral usage and conduct. It always confines itself within the boundaries
of law and order and people with Mercury in this position are therefore
greatly respected in the community. Mercury in Sagittarius makes the person
fond of travel to see the sights and scenery of nature and to investigate
the customs of strange people. He is also fond of animals and pets. When
afflicted it inclines to lawlessness, dishonesty, sophism and a twisted
MERCURY IN CAPRICORN gives a critical and penetrating but somewhat sus-
picious mind with a thoughtful and diplomatic disposition, These people
make splendid spies and detectives, having the ability to ferret out secrets
in the most uncanny manner. They also have the persistence of Saturnians
derived from the sign Capricorn so that they never give up until their ob-
ject has been attained. This position gives a love of science, par-
ticularly chemistry. These people are much attracted to the occult, yet are
practical and very thrifty. They hold on to what they get and always have
something for a rainy day. When afflicted Mercury in Capricorn makes the
person miserly, cruel, hard, malicious, vindictive and spiteful.
MERCURY IN AQUARIUS gives the Uranian qualities of originality and inde-
pendence and an unconquerable love of liberty to the mind so that people
with Mercury in this position are apt to repudiate all the social conven-
tions and live according to their highly idealistic conceptions. They often
take no heed of fashion, and dress in a style entirely their own. They ad-
vocate ideas on social subjects which are a thousand years ahead of the
world's development, among them the theory of soul-mates and affinities
which is causing so much trouble in the world today because it advocates
have not yet grown to the spiritual stature where they can separate it from
sex and live the true Uranian love-life which is altogether spiritual. The
foregoing delineations apply particularly where Mercury is aspected by
Uranus and the people described by them are the extreme product of Mercury
in Aquarius. All who have this position, however, are very intellectual,
they have high ideals and aspirations, a love of popular science and math-
ematics and are usually attracted to the occult sciences also, especially to
astrology, for they have a fine faculty for reading the horoscope. They are
kind, sociable and fond of friends with the result that they usually attract
large numbers of intellectual people to their circle of acquaintances. When
afflicted this position makes the person disloyal and ready to prey upon his
friends, or criticize and slander them.
MERCURY IN PISCES the occult water sign, seems to endow the mind with a
certain psychic faculty which is not so much intuition as imagination. They
think or imagine that something must be so and so and it is a startling fact
that they are usually correct, but this ability brings them dangerously near
to mediumship if Mercury is afflicted or when Neptune, the higher octave of
Mercury, is in the Twelfth House. Therefore this is rather a dangerous po-
sition. If Mercury is afflicted by Saturn this position in Pisces makes the
person liable to gloom and the mind will be subject to constant worry with a
turn toward melancholy. Usually, people with Mercury in Pisces are of a
kindly and benevolent disposition. This also is a good indication that suc-
cess may be attained in chemistry and as a dietitian in the preparation of
health foods.
pects ever formed and are good for the memory and mentality provided Mercury
is not closer to the Sun than three degrees, for then he is "COMBUST" and
his good qualities are burned up in the Sun's rays. It is most fortunate to
have Mercury rise BEFORE the Sun at Birth for he is then the Lightbearer who
holds the torch of reason BEFORE the Spirit which in the horoscope is sym-
bolized by the Sun. When he rises after the Sun the mentality is not nearly
so keen (unless other good aspects favor).
never more than 76 degrees apart, therefore they can only form the conjunc-
tions, parallels and sextiles, but not the trine, square nor opposition.
These aspects make the person cheerful and companionable with a
good-natured disposition and a desire for society. They also give the abil-
ity for music and poetry, especially if in the Ascendant, and are a general
indication of SUCCESS in salesmanship for such people are very suave, af-
fable and persuasive.
receptive mind and a retentive memory, two very rare qualities and therefore
these aspects, particularly the sextile and trine, are good indications of
success in life, especially in one of the mercurial occupations, literary,
clerical or traveling. People with these configurations are usually very
verbose, particularly if the conjunction or trine occurs in airy signs or a
sign of voice, for then the power of expression reaches a superlative degree
and such people become able linguists and elocutionists; but unless there is
some steadying influence people with configurations of Mercury and the Moon
are not reliable because of their tendency to change their minds repeatedly
in the most unexpected manner. They are inclined to look upon the bright
side of life and are fond of pleasure, particularly travel.
THE MOON SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MERCURY gives a poor memory and lack of
mental stability with a tendency to indecision and worry, liability to brain
storms and hysterics. These characteristics make the person unpopular and
as the saying is, "unlucky."
SATURN SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MERCURY acts as a brake upon the flighty mind
and gives it a seriousness, depth and concentration which is of inestimable
value in life. The forethought and profound reasoning ability indicated by
these aspects insure success in whatever vocation the person may pursue.
The patient persistence which permits no temporary failure to stand in the
way of ultimate success; their caution and diplomacy make such people invin-
cible in the long run. Therefore they generally become prominent in connec-
tion with some serious enterprise such as secrete societies, the church or
even politics or governmental affairs. They are in demand for high posi-
tions in great undertakings where a steady hand is required on the helm.
But they do not usually shine in public for they are very quiet, subdued and
serious in their manner and demeanor; besides they are absolutely honest and
fairminded, hence they make the very finest judges obtainable.
forespiritual, together with all the other good qualities enumerated as re-
sulting from the sextile and the trine if Mercury is otherwise
well-aspected, but not in so full a measure, or at any rate the person does
not seem to be able to externalize them as readily, hence does not meet the
same assured success as given by the good aspects. He also suffers from the
tendency to melancholy denoted by the square or opposition, especially if
the aspect occurs in one of the common signs or in Capricorn, and if in
Gemini it interferes sadly with the dexterity. Such people tend to drop ev-
erything they take into their hands. These aspects also give an embarrass-
ing timidity and if Mercury is afflicted the undesirable qualities enumer-
ated as resulting from the square or opposition may be looked for.
SATURN SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MERCURY makes the person subject to
trouble and delays all through life. He is thwarted on every hand by slan-
der and secret enemies and this condition in time makes him bitter and
sarcastic with the additional result that he is shunned by all who can pos-
sibly get away from him. This in time leads him to become a recluse who
shuts himself away to brood over his troubles. Such a person sometimes be-
comes subject to melancholia of a most piteous character. These aspects
also make the person cunning and untruthful. They give the same desire to
study the occult conferred by the good aspects, but there is the great dif-
ference that while the good aspects of Saturn and Mercury incline one to the
study of occultism from unselfish motives, the bad aspects impel him to fer-
ret out nature's secret for personal power or gain.
finest assets in life, for it gives a cheerful, optimistic disposition with
the ability to look upon the bright side of things and keep up the spirits
in hours of adversity. The mind is broad, versatile, and able to reason
correctly and to form a reliable judgment by careful deliberation. These
people never give a hasty decision; they require time to think over whatever
is presented to them, but once they have reached a conclusion it will be
found incontrovertible. They are successful in law or literature and much
respected for their honesty and sincerity. These aspects are particularly
fortunate for people who travel for business or pleasure, for they will reap
both benefit and enjoyment from a migratory mode of life; these aspects make
them "healthy, wealthy and wise" beyond the average, and loved by everybody
for the vital vibrations they radiate upon whomever they meet.
JUPITER SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MERCURY gives a vacillating and wavering
disposition so that the person cannot make up his mind when more than one
course of action is open, hence people with these aspects often lose their
opportunities through procrastination and lack of judgment, and must there-
fore often be classed as failures in life. They are liable to scandal and
slander because of treacherous associates. They should not travel, for it
will bring them loss and trouble. They should also be extremely careful in
making contracts or agreements to do or deliver certain things at a
specified time, for they will probably be unable to fulfill the requirements
and thus trouble and loss will result.
MARS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MERCURY gives a keen, sharp, ingenious and re-
sourceful mentality. It makes the person enthusiastic over any proposition
which appeals to him and he has also ability to enthuse others and impress
them with his views; an indefatigable worker in any cause which arouses his
sympathies, but he is not visionary, and is interested only in concrete mat-
ters. These people love argument or debate, and they have an inexhaustible
fund of wit and good humor, sometimes blended with a vein of sarcasm which
always strikes its mark, yet never viciously nor maliciously. They also
have remarkable dexterity and are able to turn their hands to whatever task
is allotted and do it with a speed, facility and expedition that is aston-
ishing, to say the least. They cannot do anything slowly or by halves,;
whatever they undertake must be done with a rush, and they put their whole
energy into it so that they may accomplish the task and do it well, hence
these aspects give success in life, in almost any line of endeavor these
people may select, but most often in literature or the mechanical arts.
MARS CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO MERCURY gives the same mental energy, en-
thusiasm and dexterity as the definately good aspects, but whether these
qualities are used for constructive and good purposes or for destructive and
evil ends depends upon the sign, house position and other aspects. If the
configuration occurs in a sign where either or both planets are strong and
well-placed, as Mars in Aries or Capricorn, or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo,
or if they are fortified by good aspects from the Sun, Venus or Jupiter,
Mars conjunction or parallel Mercury will operate similarly to the sextile
or trine, as stated in the foregoing paragraph, which see. But if Mars and
Mercury are in one of the watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), or if
either or both are afflicted by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, the conjunction
or parallel of Mars and Mercury will give the same evil tendencies as the
square or opposition which are defined in the next paragraph.
MARS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MERCURY makes people quickwitted, sharp and
alert, quick tempered, impulsive and excitable, liable to jump at conclu-
sions and act before they think with the inevitable result that they are al-
ways getting themselves or other people into trouble, hence they are danger-
ous associates. They are born prevaricators and utterly incapable of making
a straight statement. It is just as natural for them to color or exaggerate
their statements as it is to breathe. They are vitriolic in their wrath and
their tongues are more poisonous than the bite of a rattlesnake, hence they
are either feared or hated by those who are unfortunate enough to be bound
to them by environment; all who can, shun them. They are bullies who are
bound either to rule or ruin wherever they are, and they allow no obstacle
to stand in their way which can be removed either by force or slander. They
are the acme of selfishness, swagger and consummate egotism. The foregoing
tendencies may of course be modified by other aspects, but if they are not,
such people are a menace to society. If either Mars or Mercury is placed in
the Sixth or Twelfth House or in any other position so that the bad aspect
acts upon the health, there is a liability to nervous prostration, brain fe-
ver or insanity.
URANUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MERCURY gives an original, independent and ec-
centric mind impatient of the fetters of fashion, tradition and convention.
Such a person is strenuous in his efforts to hew a path for himself in com-
plete liberty. Therefore this is the hall-mark of the pioneers in thought
and invention, the sign of genius. Their ideas and ideals are exceedingly
lofty, progressive and inspiring, in fact too much so in the opinion of the
average man or woman who looks upon their actions as vagaries, the outcome
of a diseased mind. Nevertheless they have plenty of friends on account of
their kindly and sympathetic nature. These aspects are good for a literary
or scientific pursuit, also for invention, particularly along lines which
have to do with air or electricity.
flicted the conjunction and parallel are to be judged as bad aspects and
read accordingly, but if Mercury is otherwise well placed and aspected the
delineation given for the sextile and trine will apply.
URANUS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MERCURY is the hall-mark of the true crank
or anarchist who has extreme ideas in regard to tearing down the social
structure and making reforms. People with these configurations are given to
ranting and raving in public and their language is usually as cruel as the
measures they advocate. Whatever ability they possess is usually turned to
erratic purposes and they are often forced to make sudden changes on that
peculiarly adapted to the occult art, particularly if the conjunction occurs
in the Third or Ninth House or the trines are from the watery signs Cancer
and Pisces. Such people usually succeed in occult science and often develop
a supernormal faculty. They are particularly good as magnetic healers.
NEPTUNE SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO MERCURY gives a chaotic mind, liability
to lack of memory, indolence and a disposition to dream the time away.
There is a restless desire for fame and an inability to fit in anywhere.
Such people are liable to fraud, deception and slander, also to commit sui-
From the Bible we learn that Jehovah made man in His image. We are also
told that ANGELS visited Sarah and proclaimed the birth of Isaac. They also
foretold the birth of Samson and Samuel and the ANGEL (not archangel)
Gabriel came to Mary of Bethlehem to announce the coming birth of Jesus.
According to occult science Jehovah and His angels are the guardians of the
seed atoms, the basic factors in fertilization. The activities of the an-
gels are directed to the maintenance of plant, animal and human life upon
earth. To this end their forces are focused by the wandering Moon through
the twelve signs of the zodiac; they impinge upon the foetus in a creative
manner during the period of gestation from the time of conception to birth.
Thus as the Moon measures the tides of the earth so also does she measure
the soul's passage from the shores of eternity through the waters of the
womb to the world of time. According to astrology Cancer is the home of the
Moon. The ancient Egyptians pictured this sign as a scarab or beetle which
was their emblem of the soul and they called Cancer THE SPHERE OF THE SOUL,
for it is said that through this moist watery sign fertilized by the lunar
ray the seed atoms are projected into the womb of the prospective parent who
is thus prepared for the period of gestation; and occult science adds to
this that the seed atoms of the animal kingdom, which is still mindless and
therefore not amenable to lunar influences in that direction, are projected
through the watery martial sign SCORPIO while the seed atoms of the inert
plants our poured in through the Jupiterian sign Pisces just before the Sun
enters Aries at the vernal equinox to awaken the plant seeds sleeping in
Mother Earth, which have been fertilized by Pisces. Thus the human family
has the longest period of gestation, the animal a somewhat shorter one and
the plant the shortest of all.
The Moon also measures the period of postnatal growth so that the period
of CHILDHOOD, measured by the change of teeth is complete at about seven
years of age when the Moon is SQUARE to her place at birth. The period of
PUBERTY is ushered in at about fourteen years of age when the Moon is in OP-
POSITION to her place at birth and is marked by the change of voice in the
boy and the commencement of the menses in the girl. At twenty-one years of
age the Moon by progression has traveled three quarters of the circle of the
horoscope from its place at birth. This finishes the period of incubation
and the human being is considered to be full-grown, capable of exercising a
franchise and taking care of his own affairs. Thus the distance traveled by
the New Moon during the prenatal period of gestation in the mother's womb
and the distance traveled by the progressed Moon during the twenty-one years
of post-natal development in the womb of Mother Nature correspond exactly.
The Moon, like Mercury, has no basic nature of its own but serves to fo-
cus the qualities of the signs and other planets upon the human mind. She
governs the tidal air in the lungs and the colorless lymph in the body, also
the digestive activity and the sympathetic nervous system which auto-
matically takes care of the process of digestion. She also governs the cer-
ebellum, the mammae, the feminine functions and parturition as already ex-
People who are strongly under the influence of the lunar rays are of an
easy-going, dreamy, indolent nature, adepts as architects of air castles
which never materialize or assume concrete shape. They are very sociable
and generally easy to get along with. They succeed best as cooks, house-
keepers or in some domestic occupation or in one which has to do with li-
quids or a seafaring life.
The Moon being female indicates the marriage partner for a man so that in
a man's horoscope affliction of the Moon would not be so apt to cause
trouble in health as in married life and the horoscopes of the two sexes
should therefore be read differently with respect to the Sun and Moon. If
Saturn afflicts the Moon in a woman's horoscope it will affect her health,
but in the same respect to the Sun and Moon. If Saturn afflicts the Moon in
a woman's horoscope it will affect her health, but the same aspect occurring
in a man's horoscope will cause him trouble in married life. If the Sun is
afflicted in a man's horoscope it will affect his health but in a woman's
horoscope it would indicate trouble with her husband. At the same time how-
ever it should not be forgotten that both the Sun and Moon are vital factors
in the health of both sexes but one sex is more affected by the Sun, the
other by the Moon.
The Moon is the great time-marker of the universe. Without her our lives
would be barren of events for although the Sun and the planets by their
travel through the signs and houses indicate the years when certain tenden-
cies shown in the horoscope may culminate in action, it invariably requires
an aspect of the Moon to fertilize the aspect and make it bloom into
physical manifestation. The Sun and the planets may therefore be likened to
the hour-hand on the clock of destiny which shows the YEAR when each phase
of our destiny which shows the YEAR when each phase of our destiny is ripe
for the harvest and the Moon may be likened to the minute-hand which shows
the MONTH when the influences are due to culminate into action. In order to
become fully conversant with the influences of the Moon we would advise stu-
dents to read carefully the article on eclipses and new moon in our Simpli-
fied Scientific Astrology.
THE MOON IN THE FIRST HOUSE. When the Moon is rising in the First House
at birth and particularly in common or cardinal sign she gives the person
then born a very restless nature; he is constantly endeavoring to change his
position environment and occupation, is ensouled by an insatiable wanderlust
and always ready to roam. When the Moon is rising in a fixed sign there is
a little more stability to the nature but even then the person will probably
spend at least part of his time in a roving existence. People with the Moon
in the First House are usually sensitives, especially if the Moon is in the
psychic signs Cancer or Pisces. They have a very vivid imagination and are
quite intuitive. This position of the Moon has a powerful influence upon
health especially in a woman's horoscope and the aspects which the Moon re-
ceives determine the strength of the constitution. It is also a sign of
success in such occupations as bring the person in close touch with the pub-
THE MOON IN THE SECOND HOUSE signifies fluctuating finances unless for-
tified by good aspects from Jupiter, the planet of opulence, or Venus the
planet of attraction. Good aspects from the Sun make matters more settled
in that respect.
THE MOON IN THE THIRD HOUSE makes the mind extremely fertile in imagina-
tion with a strong liking for mental occupations, especially such as do not
require continuity but are subject to constant change, like editing and re-
porting on newspapers where one must be on the alert for news and roam
hither and thither for the purpose of gathering it. These people love the
lime-light of publicity and if the Moon is strengthened by good aspects to
Mercury they may reach a position of prominence.
THE MOON IN THE FOURTH HOUSE well-aspected indicates fortunate home con-
ditions, especially toward the close of life but if the Moon is afflicted we
may judge the reverse. This position also gives a tendency toward psychic
experiences especially if the Moon is in its own sign Cancer or in Pisces,
another watery sign. It also shows many changes of residence which will be
fortunate or otherwise according to other aspects of the Moon.
THE MOON IN THE FIFTH HOUSE in cardinal or common signs indicates a per-
son of very changeable afflictions, fond of pleasure and gambling. It is a
sign of a fruitful marriage particularly when in Scorpio. Even in a barren
sign like Leo the Moon will give children when she is placed in the Fifth
House. This question, however, should always be judged from both horoscopes
of the prospective parents, for should one be entirely barren, the Moon in
the Fifth House in Leo or Virgo in the other horoscope, would not be suf-
ficient help to mend the matter.
THE MOON IN THE SIXTH HOUSE is a poor position particularly in a woman's
horoscope and any person with the Moon in that position will be better in a
subordinate position employed by someone else than in a business venture of
his own. Should he be placed in the position of employer he will find it
difficult to keep servants or employees. They will change constantly.
THE MOON IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE if well-aspected is fortunate for success
in marriage, partnership and all dealings with the public for it makes the
person popular. But if seriously afflicted it indicates a fickle, change-
able marriage partner, loss through litigation, partnership and the general
public which will then hold the person in disfavor.
THE MOON IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE gives gain by marriage and legacy if it is
well-aspected and it also increases the number of children though there is a
change that some of them may die. But if the Moon is afflicted the finan-
cial fortunes will change for the worse after marriage and if legacies do
come they will bring lawsuits with them whereby the person will lose.
THE MOON IN THE NINTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives a clean clear mind
of a serious, religious, legal or philosophy turn according to the nature of
the aspect. The person will travel far with both pleasure and profit for
himself and sometime he will come into the lime-light of publicity. This
position also gives a tendency to dreams and visions especially if the Moon
is aspected by Neptune. If the Moon is afflicted the person will be too im-
pulsive and jump to conclusions which are to his detriment. If he under-
takes to travel he is liable to meet much trouble in consequence. He is
also apt to make an ill-considered change in religion and be subjected to
much censure on that account.
THE MOON IN THE TENTH HOUSE is a sign of good fortune, popularity and
prosperity if well-aspected. It brings the person prominently before the
public and ensures favor especially from women, also the accumulation or
property. It makes the mind deep and diplomatic, curious and inquisitive.
When the Moon is afflicted the person is liable to incur hostility on the
part of the public and reversals of fortune. Sometimes he becomes involved
in public scandal and subject to censure.
THE MOON IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE if well-aspected gives many friends espe-
cially among women, but if she is afflicted those who come to the person un-
der the guise of friendship do so in the hope that he may be of benefit to
THE MOON IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE if well-aspected gives success in such
work as is performed in seclusion away from the public gaze, in prisons,
hospitals or charitable institutions. There is also a liability to become
involved in clandestine love-affairs but if the Moon is well-aspected the
person will be able to keep this a secret. If the Moon is afflicted there
is a danger of secret enemies, trouble and persecution.
THE MOON IN ARIES gives a very independent type of mind which aims to
hew out its own path in life whether right or wrong and is extremely quick
to resent any interference from others. The person is ambitious and aggres-
sive but lacks forethought, so that he is liable to meet with numerous
setbacks. However, this position gives a dauntless courage and such people
are not easily defeated. When they have failed in one direction they im-
mediately try another venture and in the end their very persistence usually
brings them into prominence in their line and gives them ultimate success,
unless the Moon is afflicted; they they are prone to take up one occupation
after another without giving themselves time to try honestly to make a suc-
cess of any one.
THE MOON IN TAURUS. This is the Moon's exaltation sign and her effect
is therefore very powerful for good if she is free from affliction and
well-aspected. Then the fixed nature of Taurus tones down the changeability
of the Moon which also blends with the Venus ray. Hence it makes the
disposition gentle, self-reliant and determined. It gives perseverance,
forethought and kindness, therefore the person attracts all the good things
of life, health and wealth, friends and family, houses and lands with the
ability to enjoy all these things for it makes him fond of pleasure, so-
ciable and hospitable, a lover of art and music and all other things which
make for the enjoyment of life.
THE MOON IN GEMINI gives a wide-awake intellect, fond of literature and
science, resourceful and able to cope with emergencies, broad, liberal and
alert for progressive ideas which are taken up with avidity. Hence such
people are much attracted to literary occupations, particularly in the news-
paper field where they may flit from one subject to another as required by
their extremely restless mind. This position also gives an inordinate love
of traveling, and desire for positions where one meets many people. Hence
it favors such occupations as those of traveling salesmen, canvassers, and
the like.
THE MOON IN CANCER gives a disposition which is kind, sociable and sym-
pathetic, but indolent and averse to effort whether physical, moral or men-
tal. These people love to drift with the tide and only bestir themselves
when under the whiplash of necessity. They are often sensitive to physic
conditions, especially if the Moon is aspected by Neptune or Uranus and the
nature of the aspect determines whether the influence is favorable or unfa-
vorable. This position also gives a love of home and the comforts to be ob-
tained there. It promotes the digestion and consequently the health if the
Moon is well-aspected. If afflicted it has a tendency to give digestive
THE MOON IN LEO has an illuminating influence on the mind. It gives a
strong, self-reliant and aggressive disposition with ability for organiza-
tion; therefore people with the Moon in this position usually attain to
leadership in their immediate circle. They are honorable in financial and
social matters, fair and magnanimous in their dealings with others, and very
popular with other people.
THE MOON IN VIRGO increases the mental qualities if she is well-aspected;
she gives a retentive memory, a love of study along scientific or occult
lines and an ambition to excel. Chemistry is the favorite of these people
among the sciences and they excel as dietitians. They are rather reserved
and of quiet demeanor, disliking flattery or ostentation. Unless they de-
vote themselves to dietetics they are more successful as the servants or em-
ployees of others than in business for themselves.
THE MOON IN LIBRA is a fortunate position for the acquisition of friends
and public popularity for it makes the person kind, sympathetic and agree-
able, optimistic and fond of social pleasures. This position also gives
good reasoning powers and the ability to form a correct judgment, love of
art and music, sometimes considerable ability as a performer if assisted by
other aspects.
THE MOON IN SCORPIO gives a courageous independent and energetic disposi-
tion. The person who has this configuration will not tolerate interference
with his plans or submit to imposition. He is often very abrupt in his man-
ners and blunt in speech, quick-tempered and not to be coerced by threats,
but singularly amenable to kindness. He has a strong and stubborn will and
determination to carry out whatever he undertakes. This position also gives
a considerable attraction toward the occult sciences but if afflicted may
lead to excess gratification of the senses, trouble with women or difficul-
ties in parturition.
THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS gives an alert and active personality, a love of
walking, riding or any other form of physical exercise, a roving of disposi-
tion and love of travel in foreign countries, a fondness of animals, espe-
cially horses and dogs and an inclination for the study of religion, law
philosophy or the science of occultism. These people are very optimistic,
good humored, jovial, and ideal companions unless the Moon is afflicted,
then her position in Sagittarius is conducive to indolence and
THE MOON IN CAPRICORN, if well-aspected, gives abundance of help from
people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may
be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself for-
ward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly
sensitive to real or fancied slights. If the Moon is afflicted it gives a
liability to slander whether that is merited or not. This position also has
a detrimental effect upon the digestion. People with Moon in this position
often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avari-
cious and miserly, denying themselves all comforts at the present time that
they may have something for a rainy day. They have very little feeling for
themselves and none at all for others.
THE MOON IN AQUARIUS if well-aspected gives the person a very vivid
imagination and the power of calling images up before the mind's eye in such
a manner that they seem almost tangible; besides these people are not depen-
dent upon the faculty of reason, for their intuition is also exceedingly
well-developed. In disposition they are sociable, kindly and courteous with
the result that they attract many friends and are very popular in their en-
vironment, and they are helped by their friends according to the aspects of
the Moon. On the other hand if the Moon is afflicted this position shows
one of an exceedingly erratic mind.
THE MOON IN PISCES gives a receptive mind and a fertile imagination with
a disposition to indolence and self-pity, vacillation and faint-heartedness,
makes one fond of creaming rather than acting, therefore sorrow, trouble and
self-undoing beset the path in life. This position not infrequently leads
to mediumship, especially if Neptune is in adverse aspect, for these people
are peculiarly sensitive to the flattery of spirit-controls and love any-
thing that will stir their emotions. They are also very wordy in their ex-
pressions. If a good aspect from Venus and Mercury enables them to take up
music they play with extraordinary inspiration and feeling. If the Moon is
afflicted in Pisces love-affairs are apt to bring the person into trouble.
If Pisces is in the Twelfth House and the Moon there at birth this will give
a liability on the part of the parents to drink and thus to neglect their
children who may then become the wards of charitable institutions until they
reach maturity.
or house the conjunction of the Lights occurs the person will be so strongly
marked with the characteristics that sign that, lacking knowledge of his
true ascendant, even the most competent astrologer is likely to be misled
and judge him to be born with the sign rising in which the conjunction took
place, and whatever matters are ruled by the house in which the conjunction
occurs will play a very important part in the life. In the First he is an
out and out egotist with very little love for others save in so far as they
serve his ends, in the Seventh his world pivots on the mate, in the Tenth
House or sign he will sacrifice all other considerations to rise in public
life; in the Twelfth House or sign the conjunction will give a strong ten-
dency to intemperance which will bring trouble in the life; in the Third and
Ninth Houses it will brighten the mind and induce travel from which he will
benefit; in the Second House it will bring wealth, especially if in good as-
pect with Jupiter. If the conjunction of the Sun and Moon is closer than
three degrees if has a tendency to deplete the vitality and if it is also a
solar eclipse and the child survives, this will be particularly noticeable
all through life. People who have such close conjunctions or eclipses
become listless, dispirited and out of sorts every time there is a new Moon.
The conjunction or eclipse does not seem to interfere with the good effects
in other department of life.
THE SUN SEXTILE OR TRINE TO THE MOON. The good aspects of the Sun and
Moon make for general success in life, health, fair financial fortunes, good
home conditions with faithful friends and esteem in the community; they fa-
vor a rise in life because of the person's innate ability, which either
gains for him the recognition of people in a position to help him rise, or
impels him to carve his own way.
THE SUN SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON makes the person vacillating and
unsettled in disposition, changeable and unable to pursue a settled course
in life, rash to plunge into untried ventures but lacking the persistence or
continuity of purpose to carry anything to a successful conclusion. For
that reason such people become failures in life; their dealings with women
and people higher in the social scale such as employers, the authorities,
judges, etc., are especially unsuccessful; they always have difficulty in
obtaining proper employment and in keeping their positions when obtained,
for they are hyper-sensitive and ready to take offense, with or without
provocation. These configurations also affect the health; the body is
liable to colds and recuperation is slow when sickness has overtaken the
significator of marriage for a man and therefore the good aspects between
Venus, the planet of love, and the Moon are good indications of a happy mar-
riage when they occur in a man's horoscope. But in a woman's horoscope
these aspects operate upon the health, for the Moon is the plant of fecun-
dity and has rule over the female functions in particular, which are so
large a factor in the woman's health, and this is much strengthened by them.
These aspects give oratorical ability with a fruitful imagination, a love of
pleasure, music and art. They give an engaging personality, very attractive
to the opposite sex because kindly, affectionate and sympathetic, and they
tend to general success in life; though the finances may be fluctuating the
person usually has sufficient for the day and the way.
VENUS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON is an indication of trouble in
marriage for a man, because the wife described by an afflicted Venus will be
slovenly and of dissolute habits which will destroy domestic happiness. In
a woman's horoscope it indicates a disturbance of the female functions and
also gives a tendency to digestive troubles and poor circulation when in the
horoscope of either sex. These aspects also give a liability to slander and
public scandal as the person so afflicted is fickle and inconstant in his
affections, of a sensual nature which loves to flit from flower to flower
regardless of the sorrows caused by playing with the heart of others.
ceptive mind and a retentive memory, two very rare qualities and therefore
these aspects, particularly the sextile and trine are good indications of
success in life, especially in one of the mercurial occupations, literary,
clerical or traveling. People with these configurations are usually very
verbose, particularly if the conjunction or trine occurs in airy signs or a
sign of voice, for then the power of expression reaches a superlative degree
and such people become able linguists and elocutionists; but unless there is
some steadying influence people with aspects of Mercury and the Moon are not
reliable because of their tendency to change their minds repeatedly in the
most unexpected manner. They are inclined to look upon the bright side of
life and are fond of pleasure, particularly travel.
MERCURY SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON gives a poor memory and lack of
mental stability with a tendency to indecision and worry, liability to brain
storms and hysterics. These characteristics make the person unpopular and
as the saying is "unlucky."
SATURN SEXTILE OR TRINE TO THE MOON imparts all the best saturnine
qualities to the mind and makes the person self-reliant, serious, sober and
systematic, careful and thrifty in business affairs and gives success in
life through tactful and diplomatic dealings with others. Such people are
eminently responsible and trust worthy in all matters of honor and justice
and gain great esteem in the community on that account. Their patience and
persistence are inexhaustible.
classed as a bad aspect so far as the mental qualities go for in any case it
depends the mind and gives greater power of concentration. If Saturn is
strong by sign, in Libra or Capricorn, and the Moon is otherwise
well-aspected, this position will also impart the virtues of Saturn though
under all conditions it makes the mind gloomy and the person is subject to
periodical spells of melancholy; but if Saturn is weak by sign, especially
if he is in Aries and if the Moon is otherwise afflicted then his conjunc-
tion is to be judged and read the same as the square or opposition.
The effect of the conjunction also depends upon the department of life we
are considering: for instance, as already said, the conjunction of the Moon
and Saturn is good for concentration of the mind, but bad for the digestion,
particularly in a woman's horoscope; it has also the tendency to obstruct
the menses with all that that implies, and in a man's horoscope it indicates
the death of the marriage partner. Similar distinctions should be made when
reading the conjunctions of the other so-called malefics.
SATURN SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON is one of the signatures of sor-
row in life for it makes the mind melancholy and full of worries so that the
person is constantly carrying an atmosphere of gloom with him, and as
thoughts are things this attitude of mind brings about delays and disap-
pointments in every department of life. Such a person will experience dif-
ficulties from people and things signified by Saturn, probably parents, and
if he has money he may lose it and have difficult in getting more; thus he
may be in poverty all his life. He will make more enemies than friends and
become subject to slander and scandal, but the disfavor he meets is undoubt-
edly merited for these aspects make the mind bitter and selfish; such people
are unscrupulous, avaricious and entirely unfeeling with respect to others,
hence they are under the whiplash of Saturn that the sorrow and troubles
which they themselves are constantly feeling may make them more mellow. If
the aspect is six, five or even four degrees from being exact and if Saturn
is in the exaltation sign Libra these aspects are not quite so evil in the
latter part of life. They may then imply that the person has learned his
lesson and as a consequence he may find himself in easier circumstances.
The adverse aspects of Saturn to the Moon are very bad for the health, par-
ticularly in a woman's horoscope. There they indicate obstructions of the
female functions. In the man's horoscope they either deny marriage or indi-
cate the death of the marriage partner and their general tendency to ob-
struct everything connected with the houses and signs wherein they are
placed in the horoscope.
timistic, noble and generous disposition. The open-hearted honesty, fair-
ness and friendliness of such people make them universally popular. These
aspects strengthen both the reasoning faculties and constitution; they give
a strong mind in a strong body and hence a powerful personal magnetism which
may be used to great advantage in healing the sick. They have lofty ideals
and a fruitful imagination with the power of acquiring wealth which will
grow greater if used in philanthropic enterprises of which these people are
prone to dream. These are some of the best aspects in the gamut and make
for general success in life both physically and spiritually.
JUPITER SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON impairs the reasoning faculties
and brings the person trouble through litigation, lack of fore-thought and
indecision or dishonesty. People with these aspects are too fond of osten-
tation and display, extravagant beyond their means and resources, prone to
take desperate chances in gambling or speculation to rehabilitate their for-
tunes and doomed to loss, slander and sometimes bankruptcy on that account.
These aspects are also bad for health, in a woman's horoscope especially,
indicating digestive and liver problems.
MARS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO THE MOON gives a wonderful vitality and a strong
physique so that the person is able to overcome almost any tendencies to
ill-health, all of which are overruled by these aspects. The power of en-
durance is increased to a maximum and the person can survive hardships to
which people ordinarily succumb. They give a resolute, courageous, ener-
getic and ambitious mind of a resourceful and eminently constructive turn'
and they make the person quick but not precipitate in his decisions. Thus
he gains the confidence and esteem of others and earns considerable money
but the nature is extremely free and generous so that money does not stay by
these people. They spend it almost as fast as they get it.
MARS CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO THE MOON may be either good or bad ac-
cording to the sex of the person and the department of life we are consider-
ing. It strengthens the health and the vitality, particularly in the horo-
scope of a woman. In the horoscope of a man it would indicate a robust
marriage partner of a domineering nature. With respect to the mind it would
make the person very impulsive, particularly if placed in one of the common
signs or in the Third or Ninth Houses. It also gives a very bad temper but
not so bad as the square or opposition. If Mars is in conjunction or paral-
lel to the Moon in Scorpio there is an abnormal sexual desire which will not
be denied particularly if Venus is there also. It makes the nature very
restless and unsettled for it is like mixing fire and water. In watery
signs it inclines to drink.
MARS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON gives a very quick temper with a
tendency to hasty or impulsive expression and acts that may cause the person
a great deal of sorrow and trouble. These people resent rules or regula-
tions or any other measures that tend to curb their desires or the gratifi-
cation of their appetites in whatever direction, but if they are in
authority they are very domineering and exacting in their demands for
instant obedience upon the part of others, nor do they hesitate to use what-
ever physical force may be necessary to compel obedience if they think they
can do so without great danger to themselves. Sometimes they will even take
desperate changes to satisfy their spite and having an improperly balanced
mind they are foolhardy in their venturesomeness so that upon occasion they
will attempt to do things which no one with a sane mind would try. On ac-
count of the foregoing consciousness such people make many enemies and cause
a great deal of suffering to others, particularly among members of their im-
mediate family who cannot very well get away from them. If these aspects
occur in watery signs, particularly with Mars of the Moon in Pisces the per-
son is also an inveterate drunkard. From that standpoint of health they
give a tendency to fever and accidents, trouble with the generative organs
and operations which are usually unnecessary. These people are exceedingly
prodigal with their money and are habitual prevaricators.
URANUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO THE MOON gives great originality and indepen-
dence to the mind, which is quick, intuitive and very vivid in its imagina-
tion; hence the person has inventive ability and is attracted to the occult
arts and endowed with hypnotic or magnetic powers, also the intuitional
ability to study and practise astrology. If the life is devoted to elec-
tricity as a vocation the person will make a success of it. These aspects
also give a peculiar fascination for the opposite sex and are likely to lead
to a clandestine love affair or an unconventional union.
URANUS CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO THE MOON gives similar mental and psy-
chic tendencies and also the same liability to irregular love-affairs as the
good aspects but these tendencies are not so pronounced. A secrete
love-affair generated under the conjunction of Uranus and the Moon may have
directly disastrous results similar to those mentioned under the bad as-
pects. If the conjunction occurs in Cancer it tends to nervous indigestion;
in Leo it inclines to palpitations of the heart, interferes with the rhythm
of the heart-beat and gives a spasmodic action which will probably prove fa-
tal when it has run its course. In Scorpio, it inclines to perverted prac-
tices, in Sagittarius the reflex action would be felt in the lungs and
similarly with the other signs.
URANUS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON makes the person erratic and
touchy to a degree, a walking powder magazine ready to explode at any mo-
ment, overbearing, conceited, intolerant, and shunned by all who can possi-
bly get out of his way. If such people are employers nobody can work for
them and if they are employees nobody will have them. They never remain very
long in any place, but are either discharged or give up their position on
the slightest provocation. People with these aspects are attracted to the
occult arts but they never make a success at them because of their erratic
mentality. Like the other aspects of Uranus and the Moon the square or op-
position also indicates a clandestine attachment either on the part of the
person or the marriage partner. If it occurs in the Seventh House of a
man's horoscope it proves the wife untrue so that public scandal and divorce
will eventually ensue. The bad aspects of the Sun and Uranus give similar
indications in the horoscope of a woman.
NEPTUNE SEXTILE OR TRINE TO THE MOON increases the faculty of imagina-
tion to a superlative degree, especially if either of the planets is in the
Ninth House. Then it favors prophetic dreams and visions which bring the
person in contact with the invisible worlds. It indicates ability in the
occult arts and success in their practice for it makes the nature exceed-
ingly inspirational and it also gives a kind and sympathetic disposition.
The spiritual qualities mentioned may not be apparent even to the person
himself but then they are latent and capable of development. It is also
safe to say that at some time or other during the life people with these as-
pects will come in contact with and be very much attracted to the occult
whether the qualities of the soul are subsequently developed or not.
NEPTUNE CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL MOON indicates the same strong psychic
features as the good aspects, particularly if Neptune is placed in the psy-
chic signs Cancer or Pisces. Those who were born with the good configura-
tions of Neptune during the fourteen years when it was in the airy scien-
tific sign Gemini are now conquering the air and perfecting scientific
inventions which will make us marvel, but the children who have been born
under favorable configurations during the fourteen years Neptune has been
going through the psychic sign Cancer are now growing up around us as a band
of mystics and when they have reached mature years they will astonish us
with their spiritual insight and power. Among other things they will de-
velop the soul of music.
NEPTUNE SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON is also an indication of soul
qualities similar to those of the good aspects, but under the former con-
figurations the person will be of a negative nature and is apt to become the
prey of spirit-controls and subjected to mediumship, therefore he should not
attend seances.
A fruitful method of acquiring knowledge is by comparison of similars and
contrasts of opposites; thus lights and sidelights are brought out, which
otherwise may escape attention.
Applying this method to the Sun and Saturn, we remember that the keyword
of the Sun is "Life," and at the vernal equinox when the Sun is in Aries,
the sign of its exaltation, we may readily note the powerful effect of the
crestwave of vital fluid then poured over the earth. Nature is vibrant
with life, which races through the forms of all kingdoms and endues them
with such abundance of vitality that they are compelled to generate in order
to take care of the overflow. Life manifests as motion; but the keynote of
Saturn is Obstruction, therefore that is the planet of decrepitude and de-
cay, and consequently when the Sun is in Libra, the sign of Saturn's exalta-
tion, at the fall equinox, Nature is tired and ready for its wintry sleep.
The human frame also is energized by the solar life contained in our food,
which enters our system through the head and throat, governed by the exalta-
tion signs of the Builders, the Sun and Moon, and is eliminated by the Sun
and Moon, and is eliminated by the activity of the liver and kidneys ruled
by Saturn and his exaltation sign, Libra.
In youth, when the Sun forces surge through the frame, assimilation and
excretion balance, but as time goes on, "Chronos" or Saturn accumulates ob-
structions in the organs of excretion, and elimination is gradually re-
stricted, the avenues of life are dammed up, and decrepitude and decay turn
the scales of life (Libra) towards the realm of death.
Similarly in other departments of life; where the Sun makes the social
favorite, by imbuing him with optimism and a bright sunny smile, Saturn
makes recluses and sours existence with frowns and pessimism; where the Sun
furthers our worldly affairs and makes things run smoothly, Saturn causes
provoking delays of the most inexplicable nature; all the world seems to
conspire to frustrate our plans.
In the Kingdom of God all things are balanced to produce the highest ul-
timate good to all, and so the influence of Saturn is used to offset the
exuberant life of Mars. The intrinsic nature of Saturn is OBSTRUCTION; he
is slow and persistent as Mars is impulsive and quick to change; he takes no
chances, but looks before he leaps, and his cold, calculating reason misses
no flaws in any scheme.
In the horoscope of a young soul Mars is dominant and the man grows along
physical lines much as animals do under the law of the survival of the fit-
test, but gradually the thumbscrews of Saturn are put on, squares and
oppositions bring sorrow and suffering; Saturn is placed above Mars in the
horoscope, to frustrate and check him, till it seems as if every effort were
futile because of the Saturnian obstruction.
Elijah could not hear the voice of guidance in the fire, the storm nor
the earthquake, but when the tumult was over he heard "the still small
voice" to cheer him; and likewise with us, while we yield to the unchecked
Mars impulses our lives are too turbulent to admit of communion with the
Higher Self, but when the sorrows of Saturn have chastened the unruly Mars
spirit, when the night seems darkest, as in Elijah's cave, then we also hear
the voice that shall speak peace after the storm.
The leash of Saturn is not pleasant; we sometimes chafe, fret and fume
while being thus held in leash, but meanwhile we ripen and are more fitted,
when the obstruction is removed, to have or use that which Saturn delayed,
for as we develop physical muscle by overcoming physical obstacles, so we
cultivate soul power by the resistance spiritually engendered by Saturn.
The teaching which he gives may be summed up in the motto: "Patient persis-
tence in well doing."
Most of us when considering Saturn in the horoscope are inclined to look
upon him as evil on account of the affliction be brings, but that is only a
one-sided view, for there is nothing evil in God's Kingdom. What appears so
is merely good in the making. When we remember that the destiny shown by
our horoscope is of our own making in past existences then we shall under-
stand that Saturn only marks the weak spots in our horoscope, where we are
vulnerable and liable to go wrong. When the weak points have been brought
out through temptation, AND WE HAVE YIELDED, the punishment follows auto-
matically as a natural and logical sequence, for every wrong acts carries in
itself the seed of punishment which brings home to our consciousness the
mistakes we have made. We must hold clearly before our mind's eye that
through the planets incline to a certain life of action we, as evolving
Egos, are supposed to discriminate between good and evil and choose only
that which is good. If we fail in this respect and YIELD to the temptation
the transgression merits a just recompense under the laws of nature and
these are the things signified by Saturn. WE ARE NOT PUNISHED BECAUSE WE
that Saturn is in Cancer, then it is plain that in the past we have yielded
to an inordinate desire for food, that in consequence our digestive organs
have become impaired and that if we do not learn frugality and discrimina-
tion in the choice of our good we shall be punished by digestive disorders.
We will then be tempted to indulge in dainties and perhaps we will have an
aversion for the simple foods which are best for us. The temptation, how-
ever, will cause no trouble to the stomach unless we yield and satisfy our
appetite. Then the food, and not an avenging Deity, automatically punishes
us until we learn to curb our appetite. Similarly in other departments of
life, if Saturn is on the Ascendant or in the Third of Ninth Houses and ad-
versely aspected to Mercury or the Moon it causes us to brood over our
troubles and fills our lives with gloom. It gives an obstruction there to
warn us that we should be more sociable and not turn our faces away from the
sunshine of life. God is at the helm of the universe, His ministers are
continually working with us for good, there is really no reason for blues
and if we cannot see it today Saturn is going to tighten his grip tomorrow
and crush harder and harder until with the sheer courage of desperation we
burst his bonds and jump out into the joy and sunshine of life.
If it were not for the chastening, subduing influence of Saturn we should
be liable to run amuck and burn out the lamp of life quickly in the exuber-
ance of spirits. Saturn is well symbolized as Father Time with his
hour-glass and scythe. He does not permit us to leave the school of life
until the time has been run and the course is finished. Furthermore he
gives to humanity many of its noblest qualities. When he lays a restraining
hand upon the flighty Moon or Mercury, the swift "messenger of the gods," he
deepens the mind and makes it more serious and better able to concentrate
upon the problems of life. He makes the mind resourceful and better able to
cope with the difficulties of our existence. Tact and diplomacy, method and
system, patience and perseverance, honor and chastity, industry and
mechanical ability, justice and fair-mindedness all come from Saturn when he
is well-aspected and it is only when we transgress the principles for which
he stands that under the influences generated by his adverse aspects he pun-
ishes us until he has brought us to our knees to pray to our Father in
Heaven for forgiveness and strength to overcome our lower nature.
SATURN IN THE FIRST HOUSE and well-aspected is a fortunate sign for no
matter how a person may be handicapped in the start of life the ultimate
success is assured through the patience, persistence, self-control and re-
straint of the person through a well-placed Saturn. Such people have a won-
derful capacity for work. They seem never to tire and never to give up no
matter what the obstacles. They have infinite confidence in themselves and
their ability to accomplish that which they undertake and therefore they
eventually win. But when Saturn is weak and afflicted in the First House it
makes the person timid and averse to undertake responsibility; subtile, se-
cretive, and distrustful of other people; of a gloomy disposition and in-
clined to seek isolation. Such people are usually shunned by others and
doomed to sorrow, disappointment, delay and general trouble through life.
This is also a bad sign for health, particularly in the earlier years.
Bruises to the head, colds, and if Scorpio is rising, constipation; in our
Leo poor circulation, in Cancer poor digestion, in Libra obstruction of the
kidneys, renal calculi and other urinary difficulties and so on with the
other signs.
SATURN IN THE SECOND HOUSE when well-aspected and particularly in its ex-
altation sign Libra, brings money by inheritance and ability to increase it
by present economy, careful, conservative investments and similar methods.
Some of the very wealthiest of the world's financiers have had Saturn in
this position. They obtain the money wherewith to start from ancestors in-
dicated by Saturn and from the saturnine ray in this house they derive the
business acumen and far-sighted methods that enable them not only to hold
their own as so many do whose wealth comes through Saturn but also to in-
crease the inherited estate. If Saturn is weak or afflicted, however, the
life is sure to be passed in poverty.
SATURN IN THE THIRD HOUSE when well-aspected gives a serious, sober and
thoughtful mind, capable of concentration and well able to grapple with the
most profound sciences and other serious subjects in life. It gives tact,
diplomacy, justice, honest and all the other saturnine virtues of the mind.
When Saturn is afflicted in the Third House it indicates trouble with
brethren, danger when traveling, delays and disappointments in obtaining an
education. It also fills the mind with gloomy forebodings, worry and gen-
eral despondency.
SATURN IN THE FOURTH HOUSE, well-aspected, shows gain from inheritance,
also success from investments and administration of houses and lands, agri-
culture or mining property under careful and economical management. The
success grows better as life advances. When Saturn is afflicted in the
Fourth House it signifies the early death of one of the parents, in harmony
and trouble in the home, loss of property and consequent poverty. This po-
sition whether well or ill aspected makes the person a recluse in the latter
years of life.
SATURN IN THE FIFTH HOUSE when well-aspected by the Sun and Jupiter would
be good for speculation in the things that are ruled by Saturn: houses,
lands and mines. This position and its aspects would also give the person a
chance of appointment to public office, especially in matters connected with
education. If Saturn is afflicted in the Fifth House it indicates trouble,
disappointment and delay in courtship, particularly during the earlier
years, or else the affections are centered upon someone who is much older
than the person whose horoscope is being judged. It decreases the number of
children and indicates probable death of those who are born, also that they
will bring a great deal of trouble to the person.
SATURN IN THE SIXTH HOUSE, well-aspected, gives the person ability to
handle employees and workmen in general in a most efficient manner, for
though such a person is quiet and subdued he is at the same time firm and
serious. He has a way about him which employees respect and which calls for
instant obedience to his commands without causing the resentment called
forth by a blustering, bellowing Mars.
When Saturn is afflicted in the Sixth House it means a great deal of
sickness in the life and if in a weak sign like Virgo the person is in dan-
ger of becoming a chronic invalid, for one he is in the grip of sickness the
recuperative powers are so poor it is almost impossible for him to recover.
The nature of the principal illness will depend upon the sign that is on the
cusp of the Sixth House or of the Twelfth, but usually with such people many
complications set in after this. Also a person with an afflicted Saturn in
the Sixth House finds it almost impossible to secure employment and it is
evident that such a person has indeed a hard life, being unable to earn a
living when able to be about.
SATURN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE when well-aspected denotes a marriage partner
endowed with the saturnine virtues, chastity and discretion, tact and dis-
crimination, prudence and economy, which will be of great help to the person
in building up his fortunes socially as well as financially; and this is a
very fortunate position save for the fact that Saturn in the Seventh House,
whether well-aspected or afflicted, indicates the early death of the part-
ner. An afflicted Saturn in the Seventh House designates a glum, gloomy,
cold and disagreeable companion who is always restraining and obstructing
the person. "Don't" is the word most frequently on the tongue. It also
gives trouble and loss through litigation and people with this aspect should
never go to law or enter into partnerships for they will always be subject
to treachery.
SATURN IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE when well-aspected or placed in either of its
own signs, Capricorn or Libra, gains my marriage or inheritance with the
ability to properly care for whatever wealth is acquired in that manner. It
is also a sign of long life and death from natural causes, but if Saturn is
afflicted in the Eighth House or weak by sign, especially in Aries or Can-
cer, the financial prospects of the person will be decidedly worse after
marriage and chronic debility may be expected.
SATURN IN THE NINTH HOUSE when Saturn gives a deep, serious and thought-
ful mind with ability and inclination for the study of law, science and phi-
losophy, physics or metaphysics. It is a splendid position for a president
of a corporation or college, a judge or a divine. Such people always make
their mark in the world, the scope of being naturally dependent upon the na-
ture of the aspects and the line of endeavor selected by the person.
When Saturn is afflicted in the Ninth House he makes a narrow-minded
bigot, critical and sarcastic; he also gives liability to trouble and loss
through law, danger on voyages and trouble in foreign lands.
SATURN IN THE TENTH HOUSE shows a strong self-reliant and ambitious
spirit with the patience and perseverance which make a person destined to
rise in life. It is the signature of the self-made man, self-made by all
the sterling saturnine ventures, tact, foresight, honesty and systematic ap-
plication to business. Such people are destined to become captains of in-
dustry, presidents of banks or hold other high positions involving great re-
When Saturn is afflicted or weak by the sign he nevertheless gives the
person who has him in the Tenth House, ability to rise, but when he does
rise it is by underhanded trickery and questionable business methods which
in the end bring exposure, downfall and dishonor. It is said that Napoleon
had Saturn in the Tenth House.
SATURN IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives friends among the
aged and wealth who will be of benefit to the person in helping him to real-
ize his hopes, wishes and ambitions; but when Saturn is afflicted here he
should beware of seeking friends older than himself, for they will always
endeavor to make use of him for personal ends and desert him when he is no
longer of use to them.
SATURN IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE gives a secluded life in a position or oc-
cupation where the person does not come into contact with the general pub-
lic. When well-aspected it is good for success in an official capacity in
public institutions, asylums, hospitals or prisons. When afflicted there is
danger of being bed-ridden for many years, imprisoned, or employed in ob-
scure positions.
SATURN IN ARIES is weak and therefore unable to express his best
qualities to their full and legitimate extent even if well-aspected. Never-
theless he gives a minor measure of poise, self-reliance, discretion and
tact, industry, patience and perseverance. But when Saturn is afflicted in
Aries the person is quickly angered and apt to hold spite, and also of a
jealous, malicious, and vindictive disposition.
SATURN IN TAURUS when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but
that he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. It gives a quiet
disposition, slow to decide, but stubborn in maintaining a position once
taken. These people are close-mouthed, and my be trusted to keep their own
and other people's secrets well. When Saturn is afflicted in Taurus, par-
ticularly by Mercury he always causes trouble with the speech and gives a
quick temper, especially if Mars is also an afflicting planet. This posi-
tion makes financial difficulties.
SATURN IN GEMINI when well-aspected gives a deep, one-pointed, orderly
and scientific mind, adaptable to circumstances and able to cope with all
the exigencies of life. Love of mathematics is usually pronounced and when
literature is taken up as a vocation the more serious branches devoted to
industrial and mechanical subjects are preferred. When Saturn is afflicted
in Gemini, it gives trouble through brothers and sisters, literature and
law, danger on short journeys. An afflicted Saturn in Gemini also gives
trouble with the lungs. Such people should therefore be particularly care-
ful not to catch cold.
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