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The purpose of the text files I have written on Mormonism is not to condemn
the Latter Day Saints, but to disprove their propaganda that Mormonism =
Christianity. For further information write:
Revelation Ministries
P.O. Box 68204
Raleigh, N.C.
by Jeff Keith, Revelation Ministries
--<< Joseph Smith and Magic >>--
Joseph Smith carried many talismatic charms, and one was found in his pocket
the day he died.
According to Dr. Reed Durham, director of the LDS Institute of Religion at
the University of Utah and President of the Mormon History Association:
"I should like to initiate all of you into what is perhaps the
strangest, the most mysterious, occult-like esoteric, and yet mas-
onically oriented practice ever adopted by Joseph Smith...All avail-
able evidence suggests that Joseph Smith the prophet possessed a
magical Masonic medallion, or talisman, which he worked during his
lifetime and which was evidently on his person when he was martyred.
.....the talisman, originally purchased from the Emma Smith Bidamon
family, fully notarized by that family to be authentic and to have
belonged to Joseph Smith, can now be identified as a Jupiter Talis-
man. It carries the sign and image of Jupiter and should more appr-
opriately be referred to as the Table of Jupiter.....I wasn't able to
find what this was for--as I said--two months; and finally in a magic
book printed in England in 1801, published in America in 1804, and I
traced it to Manchester, and to New York. It was a magic book by
Francis Barrett, and lo and behold, how thrilled I was when I saw in
his list of magic seals the very talisman which Joseph Smith had in
his possession at the time of his martyrdom...to the egyptians, Jupiter
was known as Ammon, but to the Greeks he was Zues, the Ancient Sky
Father, or Father of the Gods......Talismatic magic further declared
that any one who worked skillfully with this Jupiter Table would
obtain the power of stimulating anyone to offer his love to the poss-
eser of the talisman, whether from a friend, brother, relative, or
even any female." <Mormon Miscellaneous, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1975,
pages 14,15>
It is important to remember that this statement came from a Mormon, The Pres-
ident of the Mormon History Association. He was severely criticized by Mormon
scholars and officials.
According to "The Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies, and Magic" by Migene
Gonzalez-Wippler page 155:
"Talismans are best made of the metal ascribed to each of the plan-
etary forces, or of virgin parchment. The symbols are usually insc-
ribed within a circle, which represents the universe as well as man."
From the same book, concerning the Jupiter Talisman specifically:
"After the talisman is made it is magically charged through any of a
number of methods, such as the ritual of the Invoking Pentagram. Once
the talisman is charged it is carefully wrapped in a piece of white
silk or linen and kept in a safe place until future use."
According to an affidavit by Charles E. Bidamon, who sold the talisman to the
Wood collection:
"Emma Smith Bidamon the prophets widow was my foster mother. She
prized this piece very highly on account of it's being one of the
prophet's intimate possessions.
I certify that I have many times heard her say when being interview-
ed and showing her the piece that it was in the prophet's pocket when
he was martyred at Carthage Ill."
According to the book, "Hyrum Smith-Patriarch", the following items were found
on Hyrum Smith (Joseph's brother):
Dagger. Masonic ten inch, stainless steel-wooden handle-Masonic
symbols on blade.
Emblematic parchments-Masonic-three, original hand painted on heavy
bodied paper-on border appears initials. "I.H.S."
Pouch, Masonic cotton fabric 4" x 4" with draw string attached.
According to the Mormon Arthur de Hoyos:
"One cannot help but wonder the reason why the Prophet Joseph Smith,
and his brother, Hyrum, the Patriarch would possess articles such as
they did unless they actually believed that these items did possess
some sort of supernatural power, or that they were a "key to receiv-
ing power or protection.
Whatever the case may be both Joseph and Hyrum did possess these
charms and it seems highly unlikely that there was not a legitimate
reason for this."
--<< Magic and Masonry >>--
Mormon historian B.H. Roberts said concerning Joseph Smith's ancestors:
"...it may be admitted that some of them believed in fortune telling,
in warlocks and witches...To be credulous in such things was to be
normal people." (A Comprehensive History of the Mormon Church, vol
1, pages 26-27)
Fayette Lapham, who visited the Smiths around 1830, said:
"This Joseph Smith, Senior, we soon learned, from his own lips, was
a firm believer in witchcraft and other supernatural things; and had
brought up his family in the same belief.
His son Joseph happened to be where a man was looking into a dark
stone and telling people, therefrom, where to dig for money and other
things. Joseph requested the privilege of looking into the stone,
which he did by putting his face into a hat where the stone was. It
proved to be not the right stone for him, but he could see things,
and, among them, he saw the stone, and where it was in which he
could see whatever he wished to see. .....After this, Joseph Smith
spent about two years looking into the stone, telling fortunes, where
to find lost things, and where to dig for money and other hidden
treasure. (Historical Magazine, May 1870, page 306)
Joshua Stafford claimed:
"I became acquainted with the family of Joseph Smith, Sen. about the
year 1819 or 20. They...told marvelous stories of ghosts, hobgoblins,
caverns, and various other mysterious matters."
Lucy Smith, Joseph's mother, revealed in her history:
"..let not the reader suppose that...we stopt (sic) our labor and
went at trying to win the faculty of Abrac, drawing magic circles,
or sooth saying, to the neglect of all kinds of business. We never in
our entire lives suffered one important interest to swallow up every
other obligation"
This is an admission that the Smith family was involved in The Faculty of
Abrac. What exactly is the Faculty of Abrac?
According to Mormon answers to Skepticism, 1980, page 105:
"Abrac, from Abracadabra and Abraxis, is a magic word or formula
used on amulets to work magic charms, Eighteenth century masons were
said to know how to conceal "the way of obtaining the faculty of
Abrac" which implied that they knew how to get it."
In a footnote on page 116 of the same book Henry Ward said:
"This is truly Free Masonry; the art of finding new arts, and the way
of winning the faculty of Abrac."
In an article entitled "The Facultie of Abrac: Masonic Claims and Mormon
Beginnings" John E. Thompson wrote:
"In the early nineteenth century, some New York masons claimed that
their craft possessed many of the more esoteric secrets of the Univ-
erse. In particular, they claimed to be able to control what James
Hardie called "the facultie of abrac." William Wines Phelps wrote in
1830 that the connection between Masonry and the "facultie of abrac
went back to the 17th century. Whether or not Phelps was correct, the
connection between Masonry and "the facultie of abrac" obviously pre-
dates 1818...
Not only was the claim of a connection between Masonry and Magic known
in the Western part of New York before the disappearance of Morgan,
but it was circulating specifically in the neighborhood of the Mormon
Prophet Joseph Smith, both in the period he was writing the Book of
Mormon and in the earlier period of time when he was known to have had
magical interests...
In nearby Canandaigua, William Wines Phelps, after renouncing the
Masonic order in 1828, established the Anti-Masonic Ontario Pheonix.
On April 9, 1830..Phelps received a copy of the newly published Book
of Mormon. About a year later, he followed the prophet West, a thor-
ough convert, Right up to his departure, however, he was actively
involved with the concerns of Anti-Masonry. On August 25, 1830, for
example, he published a piece which discussed that the the (sic) con-
nection between Masonry and the "facultie of the abrac" in these
A very ancient Masonic Charm, or the way of winning the
Faculty of Abrac,- is meant the chimerical virtues ascribed
to the magical term - ABRACADABRA, written or repeated in a
particular manner, and is thought to be efficacious in curing
auges, and preventing fits and other Masonic diseases.
Thus we are brought at last to Masonic claims and Mormon beginnings...
it is true that the Prophet himself was inducted into Masonry many
years later in Nauvoo Illinios. But that was only the flowering of a
relationship that had it's roots in New York State prior to the publi-
cation of the Book of Mormon. And, it now appears, that the cement
that brought some of the early Mormons into New York Masonry may
have been the search to "win the faculty of abrac."
(The Philalethes, December 1982, pages 9 and 15)
Joseph Smith used a seer stone, or peep stone in his magical operations. He
would place this stone into his hat and "read" it to find hidden treasures,
and he used it to "translate" the Book of Mormon. Crystal gazing, or "scrying"
is a very ancient practice.
From the book "Strange Superstitions and Magical Practices":
"Among primitive peoples there is a widespread belief in the magical
efficacy of qaurtz crystals- one of the most common of all luminous
stones. These mineralogical specimens are frequently the main prop
of the magician. They are used for this purpose by the aborigines in
Australia, Polynesia and North American, among others."
Crystal gazing is closely associated with necromancy- "the art of divination
through communication with the dead."
According to "Mormonism, Magic and Masonry" by Jerald and Sandra Tanner:
"It is interesting to note that in the book which contains drawings
of the two pentacles found on the Hyrum Smith (Joseph's brother)
parchment, there is a chapter entitled "An Expiriment of the Dead".
This chapter, which begins immediately below the two pentacles, tells
of the process for "Conjuring for a dead spirit."
According to Joseph Capron, Joseph Smith claimed to see "infernal spirits" in
his seer stone:
"The family of Smiths held Joseph Smith Jr. in high estimation on
account of some supernatural power he pretended to have received
through the medium of a stone of peculiar quality. The stone was
placed in a hat, in such a manner as to exclude light, except that
which emanated from the stone itself. This light of the stone, he
pretended, enabled him to see anything he wished. Accordingly he dis-
covered ghosts, infernal spirits, mountains of gold and silver, and
many other invaluable treasures deposited in the earth." (Mormonism
Unveiled, page 259)
In Lucy Smith's (Joseph's mother) history, she states:
"A short time before the house was completed, a man, by the name of
Josiah Stowel, came from Chenango county, NY, with a view of getting
Joseph to assist him in digging for a silver mine. He came for Joseph
on account of having heard that he possessed certain keys, by which he
could discern things invisible to the natural eye. (Biographical
Sketches of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, London, 1853,pp 91-92
In State of New York versus Joseph Smith:
"Warrant issued upon written complaint upon oath of Penter G. Bridge-
man, who informed that one Joseph Smith of Bainbridge was a disorderly
person and an imposter.
Prisoner brought before Court March 20, 1826. Prisoner examined: says
that he came from the town of Palmyra, and had been at the house of
Josiah Stowel in Bainbridge....That he had a certain stone which he
had occasionally looked at to determine where hidden treasures in the
bowels of the earth..."
In the 1826 trail, Joseph stated that "...but of late he had pretty much
given it up (the stone) on account of its injuring his health, especially his
eyes--made them sore;..."
From "Mormonism, Magic and Masonry":
"Joseph Knight, an early Mormon writer, claimed that the angel who
showed Joseph Smith the gold plates of the Book of Mormon told him
that he could not have them until he brought the right person with
him to the Hill Cumorah. Knight claimed that Joseph Smith "looked
into the glass and found it was Emma Hale, daughter of old Mr. Hale
of Pensylvany.."
In The Book of Mormon, it is claimed that a "seer" is greater than a prophet
and that a person who has this gift can know of things in the past as well as
things that will happen in the future.
"And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a
gift which is greater can no man have,...a seer can know of things
which are past, and also of things which are to come, and by them
shall all things be revealed,..." (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 8:16-17)
It also says, concerning a "seer stone":
"And the Lord said: I will prepare unto my servant Gazelem, a stone,
which shall shine forth in darkness unto light, that I may discover
unto my people who serve me, that I may discover unto them the works
of their brethren, yea, their secret works, their works of darkness,
and their wickedness and abominations." (Book of Mormon, Alma 37:23)
In the original Doctrine and Covenants (one of the four standard works of the
Mormon Church) Gazelem is identified as Joseph Smith Jr. in four different
places; (Doctrine and Covenants, 78:9, 82:11, 104:26, 43.) In the most recent
edition, the name Gazelem has been omitted in all four places.
Hosea Stout recorded the following in his diary under the date of Feb 25,
"President Young exhibited the seer's stone with which the Prophet
Joseph discovered the Book of Mormon, to the Regents this evening"
Mormon historian B.H. Roberts confirmed that Joseph Smith used a "seer stone"
to translate the Book of Mormon:
"The Seer Stone referred to here was a chocolate colored, somewhat
egg shaped stone which the Prophet found while digging a well in
company with his brother Hyrum, for a Mr. Clark Chase, near Palmyra,
N.Y. It possessed the qualities of Urim and Thummim, since by means of
it-- as well as by means of the interpreters found with the Nephite
record, Joseph was able to translate the characters engraven on the
plates." (Comprehensive History of The Church)
Joseph Smith's mother gave a very unusual description of the Urim and Thummim:
"..it consisted of two smooth three-cornered diamonds set in glass, and
the glasses were set in silver bows, which were connected with each
other in much the same way as old fashioned spectacles." (Biographical
Sketches of Joseph Smith,1853, page 101)
In "The Rocky Mountain Saints" printed in 1873, T.B.H. Stenhouse related:
"..the author has received the following communication from a gentlem-
an who has been about thirty years associated with Mormonism, and who
personally knew well the Prophet:
Joseph Smith was no more and no less than a `spirit medium'--more
impressional than clairvoyant or clairaudient..."
--<< The Smith Family and Magic Practices >>--
According to "Satanism, A Guide to the Awesome Power of Satan" page 206 by
Wade Baskin:
MAGIC CIRCLE: "A diagram drawn around an object or a person prior to
a magic operation. The circle, drawn around the karcist with a new
sword, symbolizes the separation of the wizard from the infernal pow-
According to "Magic- The western Tradition" page 12
"The magician prepared his vestments, wands, and other magical weap-
ons, purified both them and himself, drew a circle...and summoned the
spirit into the triangle which lay outside the circle, outside the
integrity of the magician's individuality. Once the spirit had appear-
ed the magician had to master it, to make it his servant; should he
fail to do so, and the spirit succeed in leaving its triangle and
entering the circle of art. the magician would be torn to pieces."
Joseph Capron tells this of Joseph in "Mormonism Unveiled" pages 259-260.
"The sepient Joseph discovered, north west of my house, a chest of
gold watches; but, as they were in possession of the evil spirit, it
required skill and strategem to obtain them. Accordingly, orders were
given to stick a parcel of large stakes in the ground, several rods
around, in a circular form. This was to be done directly over the
spot where the treasures were deposited. A messenger was then sent to
Palmyra to procure a polished sword: after which, Samuel F. Lawrence,
with a drawn sword in his hand, marched around to qaurd any assault
which his Satanic majesty might be disposed to make."
William Stafford gave this in his affidavit concerning Joseph Sr.:
" Joseph Sen. first made a circle, twelve or fourteen feet in diamet-
er. The circle, said he, contains the treasure. He then stuck in the
ground a row of witch hazel sticks, around the said circle, for the
purpose of keeping off the evil spirits. Within this circle he made
another, of about eight or ten feet in diameter. He walked around
three times on the periphery of this last circle, muttering to himself
something which I could not understand. He next stuck a steel rod in
the centre of the circles, and then enjoined profound silence upon us,
lest we should arouse the evil spirits who had the charge of these
treasures. After we had dug a trench about five feet in depth around
the rod, the old man by signs and motions, asked leave of absence, and
went to the house to inquire of young Joseph the cause of our dissap-
ointment. He soon returned and said, that Joseph had remained all the
time in the house, looking in his stone and watching the motion of
the evil spirit-that he saw the spirit come up to the ring and as soon
as it beheld the cone which we had formed around the rod, it caused
the money to sink." (William Stafford's affidavit, pages 237-239)
--<< Joseph Smith and Blood Sacrifices to Demons >>--
From "Satanism, A Guide to the Awesome Power of Satan":
"From time immemorial blood has been regarded as a vital agent and
has figured prominently in ritual sacrifices. The Greeks poured
blood into graves to revive the spirits of the dead. Demons are said
to love blood."
From "The Greater Key of Solomon" page 122:
"In many operations it is necessary to make some sort of sacrifice
unto the Demons, and in various ways...Such sacrifices consist of the
blood and sometimes of the flesh."
"Sometimes white animals are sacrificed to the good spirits and black
to the evil."
From William Stafford's affidavit:
"Joseph Jr. had discovered some very remarkable and valuable treasures
which could be procured in only one way. That way, was as follows-That
a black sheep should be taken on to the ground where the treasures
were concealed- that after cutting its throat, it should be led around
a circle while bleeding. This being done, the wrath of the evil spirit
would be appeased."
C.R. Stafford testified concerning the same incident:
"Jo Smith, the prophet, told my uncle, William Stafford, he wanted a
fat black sheep. He said he wanted to cut its throat and make it walk
around in a circle three times and it would prevent a pot of money
from leaving." {Naked Truths about Mormonism, Jan 1888, page 3}
From "A New Witness for Christ in America", by Francis W. Kirkham, 1959, Vol
2, pages 366-67, Concerning a treasure dig:
"One of the men placed his hand upon the box, but it gradually sunk
from his reach. After some five feet in depth had been attained with-
out success, a council of war against this spirit of darkness was
called, and they resolved that the lack of faith, or some untoward
mental emotion, was the cause of their failure.
In this emergency the fruitful mind of Smith was called on to devise
a way to obtain the prize. Mr. Stowell went to his flock and selected
a fine vigorous lamb, and resolved to sacrifice it to the demon
spirit, who guarded the treasure. Shortly after the venerable Deacon
might be seen on his knees at prayer near the pit, while Smith, with
a lantern in one hand to dispel the midnight darkness might be seen
making a circuit around the spot, sprinkling the flowing blood from
the lamb upon the ground, as a propititation to the spirit that
thwarted them."
From The Book of Mormon:
"And ye shall offer up to me no more the shedding of blood; yea, your
sacrifices and your burnt offerings shall be done away, for I will
accept none of your sacrifices and your burnt offerings." {3 Nephi
However, Joseph Smith later wrote:
"These sacrifices, as well as every ordinance belonging to the Priest-
hood, will, when the Temple of the Lord shall be built, and the sons
of Levi be purified, be fully restored and attended to in all their
powers, ramifications, and blessings." {History of the Church, Vol. 4,
page 211}
Lastly, according to "Mormonism, Magic and Masonry" by Jerald and Sandra
Tanner, Wandle Mace, a devout Mormon, recorded this statement in his journal:
"Joseph told them to go to Kirkland, and cleanse and purify a certain
room in the Temple, that they must kill a lamb and offer a sacrifice
unto the Lord which should prepare them to ordain William Richards,
a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles." {Journal of Wandle
Mace, page 32, microfilmed copy at Brigham Young University}
--<< Fighting Devils for The Book of Mormon >>--
In Lippincott's Magazine, 1880, pp 200-201:
"It is recorded that after the prize had been delivered to the
prophet by angels his eyes were opened and he saw legions of devils
struggling with a celestial host to keep the plates concealed. On his
return to Susquehanna with a bandaged head, Smith gave out that he had
an encounter with the chief devil, and had been severely wounded by a
blow struck from the shoulder."
One of the witnesses to The Book of Mormon, Oliver Cowdery, stated that when
Joseph Smith first went to the hill Cumorah he:
"beheld the Prince of darkness surrounded by his innumerable trains
of associates." {Messenger and Advocate, Vol. 2, p 198}
The purpose of the text files I have written on Mormonism is not to condemn
the Latter Day Saints, but to disprove their propaganda that Mormonism =
Christianity. For further information write:
Revelation Ministries
P.O. Box 68204
Raleigh, N.C.
_Mormonism, Magic, and Masonry_ by Jerald and Sandra Tanner
_Satanism, A Guide to the Awesome Power of Satan_ by Wade Baskin
_The Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies & Magic_ by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
Much information was obtained from the work of Jerald and Sandra Tanner,
founders of Utah Lighthouse Ministry, Box 1884, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84110.