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Digital-Demon #2 @1
Fri Jan 18 21:46:59 1991
Those looking to make an easy score, please contact the Grim Reaper at
St. Dismis Institute for the incurably informed.
Type "very ifty" before jacking in for quick service
Only qualified personel should apply. Check the qualifications as follwoing:
<1. anyone with the want the skill and the attitude.
2. Has a cyberdeck
3. Can use a cyberdeck
4. Is prepared to flatline if necessary in the course of adventure
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Sun Jan 27 17:45:29 1991
Steel Lynx hops into the neck flying by the seat of his pants with very little
software in extistance.
The matrix Spins about him leveling out with a building low to the group right
in front of him.
The front doors are opened but the sign above the door says keep out.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Tue Jan 29 16:05:48 1991
RE: character...
Staying in a coffin type hotel called "The Vampires Live Better"
Late in the night see woke up to a thud next door. When see peeked out her
door, she saw this Gigantic man with a steel spear raised to plunge into the
chest of a much smaller man, who stood with a cyberdeck in his left arm. The
smaller man was cowering in fear, and the room behind his looked like it was
on fire.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Tue Jan 29 16:54:33 1991
Age: 20
Name: Leesan
ST: 12 DX: 15 IQ: 13 HT: 12
combat ref;exes
toughness level 2
danger sense
phobia (water)
honor (will not kill kids)
sense of duty
on the edge
skills level
karate 16
dagger/knife 17
lockpick 14
pickpocket 13
knife throwing 18
botany 11
computer op 12
computer prog 10
breath control 10
acrobatics 14
dancing 14
disguise 13
escape 13
fastdraw(dagger) 15
fastdraw(powerclip) 15
fast-talk 12
hynostism 11
hold out 13
posions 13
streetwise 12
running 13
computer hack 9
cyberdeck op 9
climbing 13
japanese 13
english 13
Neural interface
rope( silk, 20' feet)
ruck sack
flare grenade- 10
smoke grenade- 10
claws (hardened plastic and retractable) (skilled in fast draw of it)
gauss needler pistol with variable velocity setting
w/ 4 clips (100 sliver rounds each)
2 superfine vibroblades
4 superfine throwing blades
multiview goggles
electronic thumb (for electornic lockpicking)
standard lockpicks set
medium monocrys vest
hypercoagulin- 12 doses (for healing wounds)
neurovine (poison antidote)- 30 doses
Move adder- 20 doses
Rage (boosts strength)- 5 doses
DX adder- 10 doses
Nerve poison- 200 doses
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Wed Jan 30 12:55:38 1991
RE: Steel Lynx
Lynx looks into his deck and peers through a rift in the dimensional barriers
that lets him look through and see [ount Zero writting bits and pieces of
names on a sheet of paper while looking over a large sheaf of printer paper
which has the rules for netrunning.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Fri Feb 01 15:50:16 1991
3[Reply To] 5Leesan is currently...
3[Posted To] 5Digital-Demon #2 @1
I a previously deleted post, Leesan poke her head out of her room and threw
one of her poisoned daggers at the man, then ducked back in and barracades the
door <With the bed, as it is the only things and there are no locks here>
Just as she closed the door, she noticed the dagger only made a glancing blow
as her partially dodged out of the way.
Tigress #42 @1
Sat Feb 02 19:45:23 1991
She waits near the doorway - listening for the sounds of the fight and
silence. she is also waiting to here the thud of the big man's body as the
poison does it's work and he falls to the ground. she has her gun out - and is
really to shoot should anyone attempt to open the door.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Sat Feb 02 20:02:35 1991
3[Reply To] 5well...
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
What leesan here is a thud, but it isn't the thud of a body hitting the
ground, sounds more like that spear hit something. and the wall shakes a
There are no more sounds outside here door for 15 minutes.
Tigress #42 @1
Mon Feb 04 11:19:36 1991
does not want to open the door - so she looks around the room to see if
there are any holes that she can look out to see what's going out. if there
are none, she checks to see if she has the equipment needed to make a
peep-hole to look out of.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Mon Feb 04 13:45:42 1991
3[Reply To] 5leesan
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
A vibrobalde can cut through just about anything, the only problem is that it
makes a humming sound from the vibrations, dunno if you want to use that
Tigress #42 @1
Tue Feb 05 18:06:32 1991
probably not. i guess from that that there aren't any peepholes in the
room. o.k. this calls for plan b - (now if only i knew what that was). o.k.
leesan walks cautiously over to the door, moves the bed about an inch away
from the door. she then sits quietly for a while to see if there are any
further noises in the hallway. she has her gun out - aimed at the door, and
would shoot immediately at anyone who attempted to open it.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Tue Feb 05 20:23:32 1991
3[Reply To] 5hmmm...
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
She hears a soft moaning, then... nothing, the sound has stopped.
And the door to the next room is heard to shift loudly, like something or
someone is slumped against it.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Fri Feb 15 12:03:50 1991
Ok you get another reader and over a time period of 3 hours find out that:
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Fri Feb 15 12:58:23 1991
3[Reply To] 5reader
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
I would have told you but, you called in the middle of my post. So:
1) The blueprints <well computerized version> of the Nephrine Black Medicals
2) An ICEbreaking software program
3) The description of a really nasty chemical, that supposedly Black Medicals
came out with. It can modify the DNA of a person, the results so far, have
shown that 6 forms can arrise: 1. Appearance of an elf 2. Elf
appearance/psionic aptitude 3. troll like appearance and mentality 4.
stunted growth <dwarf> normally what happens when affects children. 5. The
being melts away 6. the person dies due to shock during the mutation
4) The description fo an alien race that one corporation has underobservation
<the coroporation is not specified in the article)
5) Blowtorch level 15
6) Tech House Mortar Level 10
7) general layout of the tunnels under the city.
8) blank
9) encoded or filled with junk
Tigress #42 @1
Mon Feb 18 17:26:56 1991
i'm going to do it, cause i want a place to hide out for a while...the
sewer system is as good a place as any.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Thu Feb 28 23:40:10 1991
3[Reply To] 5ansi
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
you continue walking for about 15 minutes befire running into a strangly group
of 6 shadowrunners who look quite heavily armed and armored
Tigress #42 @1
Thu Feb 28 23:57:12 1991
is there anywhere i can hide before they see me?
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Fri Mar 01 00:37:44 1991
3[Reply To] 5o.k.
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
tis a large sewers, but you think that at least on of them has infra-red
Tigress #42 @1
Sun Mar 03 17:43:31 1991
since i can't hide, and i'm outnumbered greatly, i look to see if they
look the least bit friendly. of course, i don't think they will, since i also
have a gun in both hands and am shooting at them.
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Mon Mar 04 14:20:10 1991
3[Reply To] 5open fire
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
the turbo assault megadeath cannon roars to life as one of the scum attempt to
use it on you. Having been the first time this experimental weapon is being
used a flaw becomes apparant. the cannon gun gangfires its ammo. leaving the
scum as a scorched pile of ashes
unfortunately all the gun fire seems to light the flamable gas that comes from
fecal material <you are in the sewers after all>
Tigress #42 @1
Fri Mar 08 16:42:30 1991
unless there is a way out right where i am....i'm going to take a deep
breath of disgusting smelling air, and swim away from the fireball - under
Digital-Demon #2 @1
Fri Mar 08 17:10:19 1991
3[Reply To] 5well,
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
you dive down into the blackish, brackish water just as the gunfire ignite the
air. the fireburst singes your back before you are completely convered and
the pain is pretty unbearable. You swim as abley as you can through the
almost opaque sewage water and pop you head up a little later. You are not
certain where you are though
MARAUDER: Marauder #53 @1
Wed Mar 20 21:00:52 1991
Well, Demon,how's my character coming
Hmmmm... I was born I don't know
where, I grew up in a war zone, and I
had to help many wounded soldiers,
which is why I'm a doctor... My last
mission left me stranded on my way to
Texas by some idiotic leader... I
wandered around for a while, and ended
up in (whatever city this is going on
in, I forget)... I got some training
in martial arts when I was 21... I
really enjoy fixing things, in fact,
it's almost a habit... If I find
something broken, I will probably try
to fix it.
MARAUDER: Digital-Demon #2 @1
Thu Mar 21 17:41:54 1991
3[Reply To] 5character
3[Posted To] 5Marauder #53 @1
is currently is a sleazy dump by the name of Vampire's live better. He spent
his last $5 on a room for the night. The coffin is still filled with the
cinder's of what was probably the last bed, and the comm link is destroyed.
However you have the added attraction of a man impaled on your door, which the
the local body banks refuse to accept due to its rather burned nature.
SUBROC: Subroc #25 @1
Fri Mar 22 17:16:29 1991
3[Reply To] 5subroc's character is currently in...
3[Posted To] 5Digital-Demon #2 @1
I'm moving as quietly as I can, trying
to track the assassin. I have my
assault rifle out, and using the
infrared from my multi-view goggles.
SUBROC: Digital-Demon #2 @1
Fri Mar 22 17:59:34 1991
3[Reply To] 5sewers
3[Posted To] 5Subroc #25 @1
you entered the sewer tunnels and a few minutes after doing so trying to keep
track of him you notice the surrounding temperature is raising quickly
SUBROC: Subroc #25 @1
Sat Mar 23 23:24:40 1991
I jump into the water, and move
foward in a crouch. With just my head
above the water.
MARAUDER: Digital-Demon #2 @1
Sun Mar 24 17:53:55 1991
3[Reply To] 5hmmmmm
3[Posted To] 5Marauder #53 @1
welp where do you want to head to from the hotel?!? any type of location in
particular?!? and if you say no I'll just get ya mugged
SUBROC: Digital-Demon #2 @1
Sun Mar 24 17:55:20 1991
3[Reply To] 5temperture
3[Posted To] 5Subroc #25 @1
a few seconds after you crouch down a wave of fire rolls down the passage way.
you duck you head under the water and after a minute or two, rise up and
realize there is someone else in the water near you.
MARAUDER: Marauder #53 @1
Sun Mar 24 21:06:07 1991
3[Reply To] 5out of the hotel
3[Posted To] 5Digital-Demon #2 @1
Well, is there a bar or anything
SUBROC: Subroc #25 @1
Mon Mar 25 15:50:10 1991
3[Reply To] 5temperature in the sewers
3[Posted To] 5Digital-Demon #2 @1
I back away from whoever it is, and
bring my rifle up to point at the
LEESAN: Tigress #42 @1
Mon Mar 25 18:08:15 1991
i shoot at him.
LEESAN: Digital-Demon #2 @1
Mon Mar 25 23:36:40 1991
3[Reply To] 5pointing a gun at me...
3[Posted To] 5Tigress #42 @1
subroc attempts to dodge, and the first burst flies by his right arm, barely
missing him. The second burst hits him dead in the chest, the slivers of
metal embedding themselves deadly through his armor. and the final burst he
neatly sidesteps. Subroc look shaken but is still standing
LEESAN: Tigress #42 @1
Tue Mar 26 13:48:52 1991
i look around to see if there's anywhere to run...if there's none, i couch
(crouch) as low as i can, and reload, and prepare to shoot another round...