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From buddha@yabbs Sun Dec 6 18:42:24 1992
From: buddha@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: great game
Date: Sun Dec 6 18:42:24 1992
The best deal in video game systems is the OLD Sega. Seriously, I got one
for $40 or so, and get games for $10. The graphics are pretty good,
considering, but the games aren't as original as some of the newer
systems'. I use it for Shanghai, Fantasy Zone (an INCREDIBLY cool game,
save the annoying music), and Zillion (another good game). I'm serious,
its a steal.
From dislexic@yabbs Mon Dec 7 21:56:09 1992
From: dislexic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: games....
Date: Mon Dec 7 21:56:09 1992
Well Im not really into games....
But i still prefer those old atari games on occasion, then these long,
complex games they make now that take up 10 megs, and get boring in under
From reaper@yabbs Tue Dec 8 11:18:50 1992
From: reaper@yabbs
To: ziplock@yabbs
Subject: re: rogue v nethack
Date: Tue Dec 8 11:18:50 1992
In message rogue v nethack, ziplock said:
> I just can't quite see what the bone of contention is here. Everyone knows
> that Unix games stink, and nobody runs Unix because the games are sooooo
> great. If you want great games, use a Mac, use an Amiga, get a soundblaster
> and use a DOS machine, but *don't* get a unix box if you want great games.
> <20>
You have obviously never played XLander. One hell of an addictive game!
-- The Reaper
From reaper@yabbs Tue Dec 8 11:21:23 1992
From: reaper@yabbs
To: rorsch@yabbs
Subject: re: game gear
Date: Tue Dec 8 11:21:23 1992
In message re: game gear, rorsch said:
> > Also, do they accept regular Genesis carts, or do you have to
> > buy different cartridges for it?
> >
> Nope.
Yeah . . . that helps a lot . . .<2E>
From catbutt@yabbs Tue Dec 8 12:05:50 1992
From: catbutt@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: .
Date: Tue Dec 8 12:05:50 1992
From rorsch@yabbs Tue Dec 8 23:41:46 1992
From: rorsch@yabbs
To: reaper@yabbs
Subject: re: game gear
Date: Tue Dec 8 23:41:46 1992
In message re: game gear, reaper said:
> > > Also, do they accept regular Genesis carts, or do you have to
> > > buy different cartridges for it?
> > >
> > Nope.
> Yeah . . . that helps a lot . . .<2E>
Uhh, I meant that they don't accept normal cartridges, you have to buy game
gear ones. My little brother is addicted, but the lcd screen really gets on
my nerves.
From htoaster@yabbs Wed Dec 9 08:48:03 1992
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: rorsch@yabbs
Subject: re: game gear
Date: Wed Dec 9 08:48:03 1992
Yeah, I got to play with a game gear last weekend. Cute little machine, but
it wasn't that great. The display smeared a lot (what can you expect from
LCD, but it really made it bothersome to try and play anything like Sonic).
I really only got a chance to play sonic though.
I have heard that the gamegear is basically the old sega machine shrunk down
(ie, it has the same z80 processor and the same custom chips). Anyone know
the truth to this?
From jderyck@yabbs Wed Dec 9 11:06:00 1992
From: jderyck@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Go
Date: Wed Dec 9 11:06:00 1992
Has anyone seen a half decent implementation of Go? I'd like one
that will play against the computer or person, and run under X-windows.
I've tried GnuGo but it wasn't that great. Also I've tried one other
(can't remember the damned name though) but it didn't implement the rules
very well.
Thanks, John De Ryckere
From spectre@yabbs Wed Dec 9 13:12:01 1992
From: spectre@yabbs
To: jderyck@yabbs
Subject: re: Go
Date: Wed Dec 9 13:12:01 1992
Are you referring to Nemesis?
From jderyck@yabbs Thu Dec 10 11:05:54 1992
From: jderyck@yabbs
To: spectre@yabbs
Subject: re: Go
Date: Thu Dec 10 11:05:54 1992
I'm not sure about Nemesis... Go is an ancient Chinese game. The
strategy is to place stones of your colour such as to maximize the
amount of area you contain. If you surround your opponents stone in
each of the Cardinal directions it is captured. It's your basic
millenia old game, adequately played with stones and dirt. However
our systems manager gets a little PO'd when people bring in stones,
dirt or even alcoholic beverages :-(
From rivan@yabbs Thu Dec 10 18:14:13 1992
From: rivan@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Ultra Rogue
Date: Thu Dec 10 18:14:13 1992
Has anyone played that? That's got to be more incredible
than any other Rogue I've played...it's got as a scroll.."Genocide for
Monsters" That should tell you something of the ability of the game.
From spectre@yabbs Sun Dec 13 19:42:22 1992
From: spectre@yabbs
To: jderyck@yabbs
Subject: re: Go
Date: Sun Dec 13 19:42:22 1992
Yes, I know. Nemesis is a Go program & computerized opponent for the PC
with several skill levels.
From zorgo@yabbs Mon Dec 14 04:24:24 1992
From: zorgo@yabbs
To: jderyck@yabbs
Subject: re: Go
Date: Mon Dec 14 04:24:24 1992
In message re: Go, jderyck said:
> I'm not sure about Nemesis... Go is an ancient Chinese game. The
> strategy is to place stones of your colour such as to maximize the
> amount of area you contain. If you surround your opponents stone in
> each of the Cardinal directions it is captured. It's your basic
For those of you GO freaks out there, there is an internet GO server
that is usualy up and running. Just
telnet icsib18.icsi.berkeley.edu 6969
and have fun. There are some really strong players online there, too.
Of course, if you want fancy graphics, you can always sign up for the
3 free hours of TSN and play there :)
From nocar@yabbs Thu Dec 31 22:51:19 1992
From: nocar@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: Amiga
Date: Thu Dec 31 22:51:19 1992
You use the Ami 1000? Kewl, let me pick your mind
I just picked up an Ami 1000 with the 512k add on up front, 2 drives... I
want to use it basically as a game machine and dumb term. I don't really
want to spend cash on it, I took it from myu folks when I got them a pc.
What could/should I do as far as upgrading it for what I want to do with it?
I have Kickstart 1.2...
And, have you seen/know where I can get my hands on:
Faerie Tale Adventure
Defender of the Crown
Two of my all time favorite Ami games . . .
From nocar@yabbs Fri Jan 1 02:03:41 1993
From: nocar@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: Amiga
Date: Fri Jan 1 02:03:41 1993
Excellent, and many thanks.... What about the rejuvinator board? Any
experience w/ it?
And: re 1.5 meg... Where do you have the extra .5 meg? What is the
configuration of your ram?
From htoaster@yabbs Fri Jan 1 18:39:45 1993
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: nocar@yabbs
Subject: re: Amiga
Date: Fri Jan 1 18:39:45 1993
In message re: Amiga, nocar said:
> Excellent, and many thanks.... What about the rejuvinator board? Any
> experience w/ it?
I haven't done much with it. From what I understand it just gives you a few
a2000 slots and a video slot, but not too much in the way of speed or
> And: re 1.5 meg... Where do you have the extra .5 meg? What is the
> configuration of your ram?
I have an insider which gives me 1meg, plus the 256k on the mb and the 256k
on the card that plugs into the front. The newer insider (insider II) gives
you 1.5 megs extra, for a total of two megs.
From kingpin@yabbs Fri Jan 8 19:20:17 1993
From: kingpin@yabbs
To: dislexic@yabbs
Subject: re: games....
Date: Fri Jan 8 19:20:17 1993
yeah the old atari games are so much better.. Autoduel, Shamus, oh man
I can't even remember any more its been so long.. haha..
From dmonger@yabbs Wed Jan 13 14:19:17 1993
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: kingpin@yabbs
Subject: re: games....
Date: Wed Jan 13 14:19:17 1993
and don't forget adventure. I used to play that for hours while
my parents shopped at sears.OA
From htoaster@yabbs Wed Jan 13 14:27:15 1993
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: dmonger@yabbs
Subject: re: games....
Date: Wed Jan 13 14:27:15 1993
The best 2600 game was asteroids...i used to play that for hours...plus some
game that put a person in each corner (it was four players with the paddles)
and each player had a wall around them. There was a ball that moved around,
and each player had a paddle next to their wall that they could use to
deflect the ball...when the ball hit their wall it did destruction, if it
hit their paddle it bounced like in breakout or pong.
ahh...the good old days...i saw a game like that recently for my amiga, but
it had fancy graphics and sound, which killed a lot of it...
From midnight@yabbs Wed Jan 13 16:27:02 1993
From: midnight@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: games....
Date: Wed Jan 13 16:27:02 1993
I remember that game. It was called Warlords. Remember the
excitement you would feel prior to a new release on the
2600? Boy that was awhile ago.
From htoaster@yabbs Thu Jan 14 08:36:48 1993
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: midnight@yabbs
Subject: re: games....
Date: Thu Jan 14 08:36:48 1993
I never got that excitment because I bought my 2600 when nitendo's become
the popular toys...
From nocar@yabbs Wed Jan 20 04:35:29 1993
From: nocar@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: 2600 games
Date: Wed Jan 20 04:35:29 1993
Warlords was the name, loved it!
From digital1@yabbs Thu Feb 4 02:56:27 1993
From: digital1@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: unix games
Date: Thu Feb 4 02:56:27 1993
This may seem trivial to y'all but I have been looking for access to these
games on UNIX. It has been about two years since I have had access
to a machine and now that I got it, I don't quite know how to try
the trek game etc... the only thing I can get is MUD so far. I remember
getting the trek game once but the way I did it escapes me. Please send
me some tips through e-mail. Write to loallen@dante.nmsu.edu and leave
me your address so I can respond with some tips of my own.
From digital1@yabbs Thu Feb 4 03:01:45 1993
From: digital1@yabbs
To: kingpin@yabbs
Subject: re: games....
Date: Thu Feb 4 03:01:45 1993
You used to have an 8-bit machine? I still use my sorry but reliable
Commodore 64. The sound chip went out and my modem went useless but I
still have lots of software that makes it hard to get rid of. What kind
of old atari did/do you have?
From ti_dude@yabbs Mon Feb 15 10:05:44 1993
From: ti_dude@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Indiana J/F.O. Atlantis ?
Date: Mon Feb 15 10:05:44 1993
Does anyone know where I can get hints/solution to
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis?
From vmax!@yabbs Mon Feb 15 14:08:17 1993
From: vmax!@yabbs
To: ti_dude@yabbs
Subject: re: Indiana J/F.O. Atlantis ?
Date: Mon Feb 15 14:08:17 1993
Try ftp.uu.net in pub/games/solutions. They may not have it, but they have
a lot there
In message Indiana J/F.O. Atlantis ?, ti_dude said:
> Does anyone know where I can get hints/solution to
> Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis?
> Thanks...
From ti_dude@yabbs Wed Feb 17 15:51:50 1993
From: ti_dude@yabbs
To: vmax!@yabbs
Subject: re: Indiana J/F.O. Atlantis ?
Date: Wed Feb 17 15:51:50 1993
I already looked there... <sigh> I'm stuck at a certain point ;-)
Oh well, maybe someone will post it to ftp.uu.net
From kingpin@yabbs Tue Feb 23 16:11:47 1993
From: kingpin@yabbs
To: digital1@yabbs
Subject: re: games....
Date: Tue Feb 23 16:11:47 1993
I used to have an Atari 400, with one of the big ass disk drives and
acoustic coupler modems (I still have all of the above.. it would be so
sad to get rid of it..)..
I went for the Atari 130XE next, then the Atari ST (yeah, I thought Atari
then finally, I just gave in and bought an IBM compatible (and then I was
From natepalm@yabbs Sun Mar 14 19:11:27 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Indy jones
Date: Sun Mar 14 19:11:27 1993
I couldhelp you with Indaina jones.. I beat it on the .. Team (?)
path... maybe wits. of wours, maybe fist, i cna't remember. but my dad
bought a hintbook for it, with all of the answers, soo....
From natepalm@yabbs Sun Mar 14 19:12:33 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Infocom!
Date: Sun Mar 14 19:12:33 1993
well, hackers might respond.. how about old Infocom games?! those were
the best.. I played those forever...
Zork, Plantefall, all the others.. Hitchikers guide...
From htoaster@yabbs Sun Mar 14 21:51:14 1993
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: natepalm@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Sun Mar 14 21:51:14 1993
In message Infocom!, natepalm said:
> well, hackers might respond.. how about old Infocom games?! those were
> the best.. I played those forever...
> Zork, Plantefall, all the others.. Hitchikers guide...
All great games. I got back into these for a while last semester when I
found zmachine (a loader for unix systems)...
From natepalm@yabbs Sun Mar 14 23:54:14 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Sun Mar 14 23:54:14 1993
I got the Lost Treasures of Infocom Volume I, for christmas... if you
actually want to buy them, they run around $40... but you get 20 games, so
that's rad... (remember:copying is evil) but I'm having so much fun with
those, I don't have time to get lost in Street Fighter.. hahahah
(I never really liked that game..)
On a different note, anybody play Pinball? Good games coimng out.. like
Twilight Zone, designed by the guy that did The Addams Family. It's
awidebody, has magnets that you control, a ceramic ball, for a gimmick,
and tons of other cool sounding stuff...
From htoaster@yabbs Mon Mar 15 08:54:42 1993
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: natepalm@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Mon Mar 15 08:54:42 1993
In message re: Infocom!, natepalm said:
> On a different note, anybody play Pinball? Good games coimng out.. like
By pinball do you mean in the physical world, with pinball construction
set, or with the SubLogic pinball program (night mission maybe?). I used
to play the third all of the time, but never liked PCS (everything was
too big), and never really got into real pinball...
From natepalm@yabbs Mon Mar 15 10:54:25 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: pinball
Date: Mon Mar 15 10:54:25 1993
Well, any of them, actually. I love real pinball, it's an acquired
taste. Nothing like the feeling of completing a death save, and not
tilting the machine... but I didn't like PCS that much either. It was too
tough to make anything decent, and it didn't feel right.
Night Mission was decent. It was too fast, teh ball kept blurring, and
I couln't do anything with it. (I had a copy, so it woulen' do anything
but play.. no adjustments, or anything.. I don't know if this is all the
game did, or if you could actually modify stuff... David's Midnight Magic
was way fun, and the new Tristan game is cool. I guess they're coming out
with a copy of Eigh Ball Deluxe for the computer too.. should be
From jasonlee@yabbs Mon Mar 15 17:21:17 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: natepalm@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Mon Mar 15 17:21:17 1993
Oh man, Infocom was the best. I never beat Zork I, though. Got really
close, but I never figured out what to do with the basket in the coal
mines. I did, however, beat Zork II. Once, I beat it with 400 points in
399 moves! Wow! I also beat Leather Goddesses of Phobos, too. It's too
bad the current crop of computer games don't have the wonderful writing of
those old text ones.
From guinar@yabbs Mon Apr 5 00:30:41 1993
From: guinar@yabbs
To: jasonlee@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Mon Apr 5 00:30:41 1993
Yeah, I sometimes still play Zork I. I never beat it...
I vaguely remember a basket. If I remember correctly, I used it to lower
a torch down a shaft, so that I would have light in a room into which I
normally couldn't carry a torch.
Does anyone know where I could get some more InfoCom games? I wonder what
the sysop would do if I uploaded Zork I to a WaReZZ board..
From faisal@yabbs Mon Apr 5 02:21:41 1993
From: faisal@yabbs
To: guinar@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Mon Apr 5 02:21:41 1993
some mac servers on campus supposedly have a lot of infocom games
not that i would know anything about it though
i still haven's solved hitchhikers, i figured out how to but never did
it, told a few friends how to and they did, one of these days i'll go
back and finish it, and then i'll be able to kill myself :-)
but i still miss the old infocom games, they entertained me in the same
way that i like most books better than tv
sure, tv looks better than a book, but not in my mind, and the quality
of most books and most infocom games blows the doors off of most graphical
adventures i've played and just about anything that's been on tv in the
last 10 years, with the possible exception of northern exposure and cheers
From natepalm@yabbs Tue Apr 6 19:56:40 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Tue Apr 6 19:56:40 1993
Well, I hate to sound so.. anti-hacker, but there is a collection
called Lost Treasures of Infocom, Volumes I and II that you could actually
buy... LTOI:I has *20* infocom games, and all the documentation, and
hints, and all that stuff. For only $50 bucks or so. good deal, if you ask
me. Of course, if you ant to photocopy $50 worth of documentation so you
can play the games, that's your priority. =^) Infocom games are the only
ones I'd ever spend money on. All the rest are fair game. Just the other
day, me and a friend spent an hour typing out the "little book" that comes
with alone in the dark, and before that, we did all the pictures for
Civilization... Kind of cool, coz once you have it on file, you can copy
at will. Muahahahaha.
From jasonlee@yabbs Wed Apr 7 13:15:05 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: natepalm@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Wed Apr 7 13:15:05 1993
Yeah, my borther had Lost Treasures of Infocom, and he said it was pretty
cool. He, you know what would be cool? I've got OS/2, so I coould
probably play all five Zork games at once, each in their own little
window! That would be fun.
About piracy of games: The only games I'd ever buy are those made by
Origin. They pack 25 megs of stuff into a game, so they deserve my money.
And fuck Sierra, with their amazing "Point-and-Win" Iinterface...
From snoblind@yabbs Fri Apr 9 17:15:50 1993
From: snoblind@yabbs
To: natepalm@yabbs
Subject: re: pinball
Date: Fri Apr 9 17:15:50 1993
I'm a hardcore pinball fan. Right now I'm working on Bally's
"Earthquake", which is fairly easy. I loathe with a passion Data Easts
pinball games and usually avoid them. They end up being a major rip off,
and not worth my money to get decent at them. The bummer is there isn't
any arcades near me with decent pinballs games. My school just got
Earthquake, but it's busted already (looked like someone tried to bust the
coin box open). I saw a article about a new game from the movie Hook, it
looked really cool from the pics I saw, but I haven't seen it in real life
From johndeer@yabbs Wed Apr 14 09:33:31 1993
From: johndeer@yabbs
To: guinar@yabbs
Subject: games
Date: Wed Apr 14 09:33:31 1993
jasonlee: point-and-win... haha.. good one..
if you uploaded Zork I to a wareEZZ board, they sysop would think it was
new becauase he would have never heard of it...
john Deere
From kamakize@yabbs Sun Apr 25 23:59:07 1993
From: kamakize@yabbs
To: snoblind@yabbs
Subject: re: pinball
Date: Sun Apr 25 23:59:07 1993
coolness! earthquake was my fav game a few years back. beat the hell out
of (when the credits pass 30 osr so for one .25 i think you can say you
beat the game and the score resetsas to 000 000 0000 i think you won
thewre also
sorry im typiny minus one fnger do to a bad injury
From natepalm@yabbs Tue Apr 27 22:14:02 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: <no title>
Date: Tue Apr 27 22:14:02 1993
You've never seen hook? wow, that's one of the easier ones to find. new
ones since about then... lesse. Lethal Weapon 3, The Addams Family, umm...
Rocky and bullwinkle (DE's first not to bad game) Star wArs (another not
so bad DE) Whitewater, Creature from the Black Lagoon (has a big
hologram), and Fishtales. Some to come out soon are Tee'd Off (golf), and
the one I'm excited about Twilight zone. (Oh yeah, SFII has a pinball game
too, never played it)
Twilight zone has a ceramic ball that you can play with, if you make a
shot into a "gumball machine." the gumball machine contains 3 balls,
one which is a lighter, faster powerball. all shots made with the
powerball are worth more points. Also, there is a magnetic Playing field,
in which you control the balls with magnetic flippers.. the whole
game seems to be amazing, It's jsut now starting to come out now. here's
hoping.. (I love pinball, I have a tad bit of experience.. *grin*)
From hal9000@yabbs Wed Apr 28 03:20:05 1993
From: hal9000@yabbs
To: guinar@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Wed Apr 28 03:20:05 1993
I would be interested in contacting you via e-mail. I suppose you are
the same guinar from '84. In any case, write me at 17caron@cua.edu
From maxan@yabbs Wed Apr 28 19:34:57 1993
From: maxan@yabbs
To: johndeer@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Wed Apr 28 19:34:57 1993
I guess Sierra was trying to make their lame-ass games appealing to
little kids who can't do nothing except move the mouse (either that or
it's designed for those dogs you see on Mac ads.)
From beaker@yabbs Fri Apr 30 18:21:12 1993
From: beaker@yabbs
To: maxan@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Fri Apr 30 18:21:12 1993
> I guess Sierra was trying to make their lame-ass games appealing to
> little kids who can't do nothing except move the mouse (either that or
> it's designed for those dogs you see on Mac ads.)
speaking of sierra games... has anyone tried or heard anything about the
phred pharmacist game? i think i got it right. it was supposed to be out a
while back. well, anyway, was just wondering if it was any good.. <20>
From ydancer@yabbs Mon May 3 12:16:18 1993
From: ydancer@yabbs
To: beaker@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Mon May 3 12:16:18 1993
Yeah.. I have it. It's Freddy Phracks Frontier Pharmacist. This one was
done by Al Lowe (the same guy that did Leisure Suit Larry) and it's pretty
good. It's got that computer junkie sense of humor in it... I haven't
played it much but there's this one scene in it that's classic.. You walsk
(walk) into this store and there are these sacks of potatoes along a wall,
and on the sacs is written "Quail Potatoe" (that one takes a while to sink
in.. think about it.) Anyway, it's pretty funny.. get it if you can
From natepalm@yabbs Mon May 10 17:01:17 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: <no title>
Date: Mon May 10 17:01:17 1993
I found a Twilight Zone PInball game, and it is INTENSE. My last game
of the day, I broke a billion, and according to the Usenet, I'm probably
one of the top 10 scores in the nation. Yay!!!
It's got all sorts of fun goodies, so look for it. it should be out in
full foce in a month or so. there will be more TZ's than Addams Family's
even, so they will be everywhere. good deal.
From tyrant@yabbs Mon Aug 30 10:51:25 1993
From: tyrant@yabbs
To: faisal@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Mon Aug 30 10:51:25 1993
I also think that the Infocomm games were really cool. You didn't sit there
going "that lookssoooo fake.." You could enjoy the game without caring
graphics. Also, the amount of words that they understood was really quite
amazing.. Though I imagine that once the engine was writtenthat the games
came pretty easy..
I liked "Moonmist". It was an easy game.. but a lot of fun.
From invalid@yabbs Sat Sep 4 20:37:51 1993
From: invalid@yabbs
To: johndeer@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Sat Sep 4 20:37:51 1993
re: if you uploaded zork 1 to a warez board..
no kidding, half the sysops out there who run warez boards just staarted
bbsing when mommy got them a modem in 1992 hah. they wouldn't have heard
of zork or anything..
From invalid@yabbs Sat Sep 4 20:44:42 1993
From: invalid@yabbs
To: maxan@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Sat Sep 4 20:44:42 1993
i used to enjoy playing those old sierra games.. before the point-and-win
interface.. now its no fun.. you look and it basically tells you what you
need to do. its a little 8 year old's game now..
From lobster@yabbs Thu Sep 9 19:40:09 1993
From: lobster@yabbs
To: buddha@yabbs
Subject: re: great game
Date: Thu Sep 9 19:40:09 1993
[---- Quoting Buddha ----]
The best deal in video game systems is the OLD Sega. Seriously, I got one
for $40 or so, and get games for $10. The graphics are pretty good,
considering, but the games aren't as original as some of the newer
systems'. I use it for Shanghai, Fantasy Zone (an INCREDIBLY cool game,
save the annoying music), and Zillion (another good game). I'm serious,
its a steal.
Yeah I used to own one of those. Actually I still do but I think it's
broke. I have Zillion, too. That's an EXCELLENT game. I was rather
surprised that there wasn't a lot of hype about it. Have you gotten to
the end yet?
/*-- Lobster --*/
From comrade@yabbs Sun Sep 12 11:24:44 1993
From: comrade@yabbs
To: invalid@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Sun Sep 12 11:24:44 1993
z0rk kicks ass man. I live for z0rk. Z0rk and alcahol taught be about
life. I hate warez d00dz.
Read AWA
From comrade@yabbs Sun Sep 12 11:25:38 1993
From: comrade@yabbs
To: invalid@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Sun Sep 12 11:25:38 1993
I used to be heavily into Sierra to. You're right. With that shit, you
just fucking click the hand on fucking everything and thats it! Its crap.
NO fun. The games get bigger and bigger with their 'whacky' graphics, but
Sierra blows nowadays.
From jasonlee@yabbs Sun Sep 12 16:19:24 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Zork and Infocom
Date: Sun Sep 12 16:19:24 1993
Has anyone heard much about Infocom's new release "Return to Zork"? I got
the demo from wuarchive, and it seems like it might be pretty decent. The
interface is not text. You get a graphical view of each room as you walk
into it, which is probably a more fitting style for an infocom game than a
continuous motion graphic game like Ultima. You get to use various
icon-type tools to look at the stuff there (like Sierra, but it seems more
complex than "use hand on wall" or something). There's also over an hour
of spoken dialogue in the game. At the end of the demo, there's a great
picture of Beautiful FCD#3. I almost cried. The demo says the game was
released in mid-summer 93. Was it?
P.S. Lost Treasures of Infocom is great! I got eaten by a grue, and I
liked it!
From hbeast@yabbs Thu Sep 16 18:47:24 1993
From: hbeast@yabbs
To: invalid@yabbs
Subject: Sierra
Date: Thu Sep 16 18:47:24 1993
Oh, Sierra games were the best... the best part though was that even
though they bitched about how hard it was writing something that could
cope with all the possibilities of things to type, they succeeded in doing
it,, and added some funny stuff... I mean, try shooting your leg off in
the Police Quest I VGA version. B00s for Sierra.
From admiral@yabbs Thu Sep 16 21:23:57 1993
From: admiral@yabbs
To: hbeast@yabbs
Subject: re: Sierra
Date: Thu Sep 16 21:23:57 1993
Well, Sierra is going where the money is. Don't you see they cater to
the lame morons in this world? They're the ones who shell out the bucks
ya know...
From sevmek@yabbs Tue Sep 21 20:12:25 1993
From: sevmek@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Quarterstaff
Date: Tue Sep 21 20:12:25 1993
I loved the Infocom era... I solved the Zorks, I solved Enchanter, and a
couple of the older ones. They started to get cheesy.
The game I was most impressed by, though, was Quarterstaff. I was a beta
tester for it. It had a cool combat system... you had a proficiency in a
variety of things (blunt, sharp, fire, cold, bow, etc.) EVERY object in
the game falls under one of those proficiencies. Every object in the game
also has hit points. You can pick up a chair and throw it at something.
It will do damage to the thing, and to the target. Having a sword break
if you whomp locks with it is annoying but realistic. I once lost all my
equipment in a battle, picked up one of my dead comrades, and started
hitting the monster with his dead body.
I don't know whether Quarterstaff was ever fully released, but it's one of
the few half-graphic adventure games I ever went for.
From dmonger@yabbs Fri Oct 1 15:46:02 1993
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: sevmek@yabbs
Subject: re: Quarterstaff
Date: Fri Oct 1 15:46:02 1993
Yea, I think it was actuallyt released. I remember playing it on my mac
and thinking it would have been cooler if I had more memory and a hard
drive (swapping two disks back and forth really sux).
Some company (I think it was Mindscape) put out a series of graphical
adventures for the mac with a really nice point & click interface. (Deja
Vu I & II, Shadowgate and some other one). The graphics were pretty good
but you could drag objects around, double click on your wallet to open it,
then put a dollar in it, etc. You could also do simple interaction by
selecting the two objects and clicking on one of the buttons.
From snot@yabbs Sat Oct 2 16:46:03 1993
From: snot@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: <no title>
Date: Sat Oct 2 16:46:03 1993
what do you need?
From FScruggs@yabbs Sat Oct 2 19:00:52 1993
From: FScruggs@yabbs
To: snot@yabbs
Subject: re: <no title>
Date: Sat Oct 2 19:00:52 1993
I need warez ftp sites
From htoaster@yabbs Sat Oct 2 20:34:12 1993
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: <no title>
Date: Sat Oct 2 20:34:12 1993
> I need warez ftp sites
but you don't want to advertise that here because this board doesn't do
that...and if someone comes knocking on my door saying that they want
information on where you are telnetting from and i have it in a log
somewhere, i will tell them...
use irc for that stuff...this is a legal board, and for the board to stay
up things need to stay legal...
From lastxit@yabbs Thu Oct 7 23:05:11 1993
From: lastxit@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: <no title>
Date: Thu Oct 7 23:05:11 1993
As far as legality is concerned, are you against people
trading info through encrypted mail?
From htoaster@yabbs Thu Oct 7 23:06:54 1993
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: lastxit@yabbs
Subject: re: <no title>
Date: Thu Oct 7 23:06:54 1993
on phred, yes...do it in other forms, like over internet mail...
i just don't have the time to deal with the hassle in my life right
now...i'm not against that sort of thing, but i also don't have tons of
time to fight against it...
From proteus@yabbs Sun Oct 10 08:23:39 1993
From: proteus@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: <no title>
Date: Sun Oct 10 08:23:39 1993
gee, isn't this just great...more talk about piracy in a games base. i
mean, you don't have to pirate to get games- check out freeware stuff like
nethack, the various flavors of moria and angband, nettrek, etc. etc. and
if you're really in the mood for some amazing pyrotechnics, just get a few
quarters and head down to the arcade.
just about every pc games base i see you have something like a fifty
message thread devoted to saying "stop piracy" or "pay your damn shareware
fees." i mean, people that do it aren't really going to be miraculously
convinced that if you pirate you will burn in the pits of hell...
not that i'm against piracy or anything. it's just too boring. but
don't talk about it here. excuse me, but i just don't like talking bout
wares much. anyway, this one didn't make much sense either.
so, let's talk about some games. real games. the sort of games you
stay up till morning trying to win. or those ones with great fireworks.
let me start off at several points so i get more flames :-). first, i
saw an article about the new zork a few weeks ago in newsweek. and it
looks ho-hum. the graphics are great, sure, but there's no text to enter!
it doesn't seem like zork. not really.
has anyone yet seen the mac flight sim f/a-18? the release date
was two days ago.
i guess that's it. later.
From jasonlee@yabbs Mon Oct 11 14:27:13 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: proteus@yabbs
Subject: re: return to zork, etc.
Date: Mon Oct 11 14:27:13 1993
Hm, I should be getting Return to Zork in a couple of days, so I'll tell
you how it is. I think the verbal descriptions should make up for the
missing text. After all, it was the hilarious writing that made Zork
wonderful. They should be able to transfer the writing to speech fairly
Also, has anyone ever played OXYD, a weird shareware game? I supposedly
need the game book to complete the rest of the levels, but if anyone knows
any ways around or through that little problem, please tell me.
From lastxit@yabbs Tue Oct 12 06:20:43 1993
From: lastxit@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: <no title>
Date: Tue Oct 12 06:20:43 1993
That's cool, I don't want anybody to take the rap for my shit anyway..
Encryption is neeto...(anybody who whants it can finger my chaos account
for my PGP key.
From proteus@yabbs Tue Oct 12 16:45:24 1993
From: proteus@yabbs
To: jasonlee@yabbs
Subject: re: return to zork, etc.
Date: Tue Oct 12 16:45:24 1993
oxyd? yeah, that's a fun little program. what version are you using? i
think that comp.sys.mac.games had a "patch" for it.
From jasonlee@yabbs Wed Oct 13 19:48:33 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: proteus@yabbs
Subject: re: return to zork, etc.
Date: Wed Oct 13 19:48:33 1993
Hm, well I'm using the DOS version, and I don't really know what version
it is (I haven't played in a while). I got it off ftp.uwp.edu a week or
so ago, so it can't be a really old version. Is there a patch for the
From Flare@yabbs Sat Oct 16 00:51:46 1993
From: Flare@yabbs
To: lastxit@yabbs
Subject: re: <no title>
Date: Sat Oct 16 00:51:46 1993
From Kel'anth@yabbs Mon Oct 18 20:09:55 1993
From: Kel'anth@yabbs
To: comrade@yabbs
Subject: re: games
Date: Mon Oct 18 20:09:55 1993
re: sierra "point and win" interface
Yeah, it really blows when a game takes up 10 megs on your HD and the most
challenging thing in it is trying to guess the copy protection codes...:)
Oh, maybe "Mr Astro Chicken" is ALMOST challenging, but the rest of those
games...thppt. :)
From Kel'anth@yabbs Mon Oct 18 20:12:44 1993
From: Kel'anth@yabbs
To: admiral@yabbs
Subject: re: Sierra
Date: Mon Oct 18 20:12:44 1993
re: going where the money is
That's kinda true, really. I mean, anyone who's smart enough to crack
those games is too smart to wanna bother. Excellent policy for protecting
their precious corporate asse(t)s.
From Kel'anth@yabbs Mon Oct 18 20:17:42 1993
From: Kel'anth@yabbs
To: guinar@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Mon Oct 18 20:17:42 1993
re: torch in the basket
Are ya sure it's the torch? I recall thinking maybe it's the lamp that
goes in the basket, and that the torch would go out or cause one of the
rooms to explode or something.
From jasonlee@yabbs Wed Oct 20 17:47:46 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: Kel'anth@yabbs
Subject: re: Infocom!
Date: Wed Oct 20 17:47:46 1993
Yeah, you can't take the torch in the gas room, but if you let the bat
take you past the gas room, then you don't have to worry about bringing
the torch through it. What do you do when you've gotten stuff down
through the basket and into the machine room?
From ea@yabbs Thu Oct 21 12:49:38 1993
From: ea@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Adventure
Date: Thu Oct 21 12:49:38 1993
Anyone here think that we could solve the colossal cave adventure? --
from memory?
I think we should give it a try. We'd have to get the right syntax, which
might be a little hard, but otherwise it should be fairly easy.
From natepalm@yabbs Sat Oct 23 01:48:24 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: ea@yabbs
Subject: Zork I
Date: Sat Oct 23 01:48:24 1993
To get past the mine: Put the TORCH in the basket, along with the coal,
and the screwdriver. Then, lower the basket. follow along to the narrow
crac, while carring the lamp. Drop everything. Go through the crack. The
baskedt will be there. get all the stuff. go into the machine room. put
the coal in the machine. close lid. PUt screwdriver in slot. flip
switch, or somesuch. open machine. get diamond. go to the basket room. put
all in basket. go crack. get all. go back to the original baxket room.
raise basket. get all from basket. cheerio.
From proteus@yabbs Sat Oct 23 20:01:00 1993
From: proteus@yabbs
To: ea@yabbs
Subject: re: Adventure
Date: Sat Oct 23 20:01:00 1993
oi, that'd be just a bit tough. especially when you consider
that colossal caves has had many major revisions (both in code and
in...err...plot) in its updates and ports.
From jasonlee@yabbs Mon Oct 25 02:40:41 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: natepalm@yabbs
Subject: re: Zork I
Date: Mon Oct 25 02:40:41 1993
Thank you! Thank you!
From Riker@yabbs Wed Oct 27 12:09:42 1993
From: Riker@yabbs
To: moose@yabbs
Subject: Change your name!
Date: Wed Oct 27 12:09:42 1993
Jorden, I really think that you should change your name!
From Riker@yabbs Wed Oct 27 12:12:03 1993
From: Riker@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Hellooooo
Date: Wed Oct 27 12:12:03 1993
My name is Riker. I am new on this. Just want to say Hi!
From ea@yabbs Thu Oct 28 17:23:56 1993
From: ea@yabbs
To: natepalm@yabbs
Subject: re: Zork I
Date: Thu Oct 28 17:23:56 1993
Not Zork, Collasal Cave Adv!
From alterego@yabbs Mon Nov 8 14:50:28 1993
From: alterego@yabbs
To: Riker@yabbs
Subject: re: Hellooooo
Date: Mon Nov 8 14:50:28 1993
Hey, Riker, I'm a trekkie too... I'm known as Datalore on alot of other
From alterego@yabbs Mon Nov 8 14:52:03 1993
From: alterego@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Shadow Caster
Date: Mon Nov 8 14:52:03 1993
hey, wondering if any of you have seen the game "shadowcaster" ... it's a
cool game, and if you see it out there, would recommend trying it out...
From FScruggs@yabbs Mon Nov 8 19:11:48 1993
From: FScruggs@yabbs
To: alterego@yabbs
Subject: re: Shadow Caster
Date: Mon Nov 8 19:11:48 1993
What type of a game is Shadow Caster? RPG or arcade? Is the screen an
overhead or form the side?
From Niobium@yabbs Tue Nov 16 20:39:18 1993
From: Niobium@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: BloodNet
Date: Tue Nov 16 20:39:18 1993
Anyone played bloodnet? Vampires and Cyberspace, how wierd can ya get?
VERY cool, I must say. Any addresses or hints you guys a-wanna share?..
From jasonlee@yabbs Tue Nov 16 21:41:22 1993
From: jasonlee@yabbs
To: Niobium@yabbs
Subject: re: BloodNet
Date: Tue Nov 16 21:41:22 1993
Vampires and Cyberspace weird? Nah, that's only to be expected
Turnips and Cyberspace would be more original...
From wonko@yabbs Wed Nov 17 08:27:28 1993
From: wonko@yabbs
To: jasonlee@yabbs
Subject: re: BloodNet
Date: Wed Nov 17 08:27:28 1993
Turnips and Cyberspace... hmmm, i wonder what is worse... that or
Cyberspace and Ren and Stimpy. i have a kick ass solo in cyberpunk 2020
who could rip you spine out and beat you with it before you hit the
ground. and would too. and has actually, but he is really starting to
annoy everyone else in the group because he sings the Happy Happy Joy Joy
song ALL THE TIME!!!!!! while doing nothing in particular or while out on
a mission. it is rather humourous.
From natepalm@yabbs Wed Nov 17 22:36:38 1993
From: natepalm@yabbs
To: ea@yabbs
Subject: re: Zork I
Date: Wed Nov 17 22:36:38 1993
Jason asked for help. I thought it was good form to answer... *grin*
Mayhaps we could start by a small brick building, at the end of a road.
or somesuch. and say xyzzy a lot.
From GreyWiz@yabbs Fri Nov 19 12:55:44 1993
From: GreyWiz@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Magic:The Gathering
Date: Fri Nov 19 12:55:44 1993
To all,
Please put any info, including price lists on Magic Cards in my
From dude?@yabbs Tue Nov 23 18:53:19 1993
From: dude?@yabbs
To: l@yabbs
Subject: <no title>
Date: Tue Nov 23 18:53:19 1993
hello there!
From Wyvern@yabbs Fri Nov 26 12:59:59 1993
From: Wyvern@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Trade Wars 2002
Date: Fri Nov 26 12:59:59 1993
I'm not sure if this message even belongs here, since I'm not sure this
door game can be played over the internet.. But, has anyone here ever
played Trade Wars 2002? How do you like it?
From e@yabbs Sat Nov 27 16:32:27 1993
From: e@yabbs
To: Wyvern@yabbs
Subject: I
Date: Sat Nov 27 16:32:27 1993
have played Trade Wars. It isn't too bad, as online games go... Kind of
tupid, as online games are wont to be, but most people seemto like it.
From wonko@yabbs Mon Nov 29 09:43:16 1993
From: wonko@yabbs
To: Wyvern@yabbs
Subject: re: Trade Wars 2002
Date: Mon Nov 29 09:43:16 1993
TW2002 is not so bad, but then i was shown muds and irc and all the
sudden TW2002 wasn't so good anymore.
From mephisto@yabbs Wed Dec 1 22:46:49 1993
From: mephisto@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Onliners
Date: Wed Dec 1 22:46:49 1993
Speaking of onliners... does anyone know of any where on the net I could
play VGA Planets? I understand there are a number of people who play it,
but I don't know how to find 'em...
From Wakko@yabbs Thu Jan 13 14:47:00 1994
From: Wakko@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Colossal Caves
Date: Thu Jan 13 14:47:00 1994
In response to an earlier question: Do you think we could solve the
colossal caves adventure from memory?
I doubt it, I first played it on a CompuPro s/100 running CP/M. An
excellent game for the time. I don't remeber where I saw it but, there
was a solution for it still up on one of the ftp sites. If anyone know
where it could be found, let me know. I'd be interested in looking at it
again. Thanx.
From KiDder@yabbs Thu Jan 13 15:16:15 1994
From: KiDder@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: DOOM
Date: Thu Jan 13 15:16:15 1994
anyone out there have any trouble w. darkness, damn screen are to dark fo
me to see.....pisses me off
From mephisto@yabbs Thu Jan 13 22:36:19 1994
From: mephisto@yabbs
To: KiDder@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Thu Jan 13 22:36:19 1994
Umm... I think the whole point of darkness is that you CAN'T see stuff
'till you're already inside...
From Wakko@yabbs Sat Jan 15 12:08:09 1994
From: Wakko@yabbs
To: KiDder@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Sat Jan 15 12:08:09 1994
If you really don't like it that way (I do), then hit F11, it's Gamma
correction for monitors and brightens things up nicely. Only ver 1.1 or
above supports this though.
From osiris@yabbs Sun Jan 16 15:49:59 1994
From: osiris@yabbs
To: KiDder@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Sun Jan 16 15:49:59 1994
Get doom 1.1, and hit the F11 key in the game.. it brightens the palette
for ya...
From Fastjack@yabbs Mon Jan 17 07:23:34 1994
From: Fastjack@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Mon Jan 17 07:23:34 1994
Anybody tried playing it with three machines, each running a different
display for one character? Looks cool as shit, goes slow as shit. I
think it's in the program or the machines trying to sync the displays, but
if it could be significantly sped up by bridging the game machines to the
network (to reduce packet travel time and interference) it might be great
to keep from getting surprised. Any thoughts?
From JasonLee@yabbs Wed Jan 19 10:29:12 1994
From: JasonLee@yabbs
To: Fastjack@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Wed Jan 19 10:29:12 1994
THere's supposed to be a new release of Doom (1.2) that will speed up the
network games by using addressing instead of broadcast packets (something
like that -- I'm no 14 yeard old networks wizard). It will also support
modem and serial link play.
From Doorway@yabbs Thu Jan 20 14:41:32 1994
From: Doorway@yabbs
To: KiDder@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Thu Jan 20 14:41:32 1994
You should hit F11, it turns off the Gamma correction for dark
monitors...that should fix the problem...
From kitten@yabbs Thu Jan 27 14:01:16 1994
From: kitten@yabbs
To: DK@yabbs
Subject: :)
Date: Thu Jan 27 14:01:16 1994
Hey you. Write back if you get this. This system takes a long time. Oh
well, gotta go now. Later, Dip.
From minutemn@yabbs Tue Feb 8 11:13:01 1994
From: minutemn@yabbs
To: JasonLee@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Tue Feb 8 11:13:01 1994
"I'm no 14 year old networks wizard" Isn't it strange how nowadays the
sign of competence and proficiency is being in the beginning of puberty?
Just observing
From GreyWolf@yabbs Wed Feb 16 21:46:25 1994
From: GreyWolf@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Lurking Horror
Date: Wed Feb 16 21:46:25 1994
Yeah, I know. This is an old time game.. and alot of old InfoCOm
have died a long time ago, but I still have a question about this
particular one.. I have been trying to play it, but I find myself to be at
a dead end, namely on the PC in the computer lab. I seem to have lost my
guide ;) that has the passwd on it. I've thought about trying to sit there
and figure it out on my own. That would be just plain stupid. Why not just
ask someone... What is the passwd to the PC in the computer lab?
Thanks very much -=GreyWolf=-
From mjt@yabbs Thu Feb 17 07:44:09 1994
From: mjt@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Date: Thu Feb 17 07:44:09 1994
Hi every body:
I come from Taipei,Taiwan ,and I have a problem in
'JACK IN THE DARK'.The problem is what is the final steps
in this game
and how to save the 'christmas man'?
From guru@yabbs Thu Feb 17 11:40:26 1994
From: guru@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: help
Date: Thu Feb 17 11:40:26 1994
I've heard hteres a ftp site with cheats and help files
any body know where this is.?
From Schief@yabbs Thu Feb 17 17:42:40 1994
From: Schief@yabbs
To: GreyWolf@yabbs
Subject: re: Lurking Horror
Date: Thu Feb 17 17:42:40 1994
-Schief (a fellow Infocom junkie)
From Fastjack@yabbs Thu Feb 17 18:24:05 1994
From: Fastjack@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Hacker
Date: Thu Feb 17 18:24:05 1994
Helo all...
Just wondering if anyone had seen a copy of the old game
'Hacker' around recently. You know, the old one where all
they gave you was "logon"? Yeah, yeah, it's been awhile,
but I never did have a chance to see if that game was any good.
From Morph@yabbs Fri Feb 18 20:45:54 1994
From: Morph@yabbs
To: mjt@yabbs
Subject: re: JACK IN THE DARK
Date: Fri Feb 18 20:45:54 1994
I've played this game...umm, i never even figured out how to get out of
that first room...its been a while, what do you mean, the final steps,
where are you in the game?
From minutemn@yabbs Tue Feb 22 05:32:12 1994
From: minutemn@yabbs
To: Fastjack@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Tue Feb 22 05:32:12 1994
I have an old copy of tht at home somewhere. The problem is it's old,
Commodore 64 old. The game was alright, for the earlier years of the 64.
If you want it I could try to dig it up.
From Wakko@yabbs Tue Feb 22 12:27:36 1994
From: Wakko@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Doom 1.2
Date: Tue Feb 22 12:27:36 1994
Well it's out and it works, sorta'. The serial game play only runs at
9600 baud. Still plenty fast. I am however running into a small problem.
After about 10 minutes of play it seems that the data flow
becomes unsnychronized. The play slows way down and things become choppy.
Anyone else have this problem or heard about it?
From LazerAce@yabbs Tue Feb 22 15:40:22 1994
From: LazerAce@yabbs
To: Wakko@yabbs
Subject: re: Doom 1.2
Date: Tue Feb 22 15:40:22 1994
Are you using a serial cable, or are you using a modem. If you have a
16550 UART then it will run fast, but if its an 8250, then sure it's not
gonna run as fast. It runs great on a serial connection, I have yet to
try it through my 14400, (I know it still only connects at 9600, darn!)
From bart@yabbs Tue Feb 22 17:49:04 1994
From: bart@yabbs
To: Fastjack@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Tue Feb 22 17:49:04 1994
Hacker was awesome,I almost had the entire letter then I just thinkk,i
think that I hit puberty,I was likke 12-13 when that came out,then I
noticed girls!! I also had HAcker 2,I had a shitload of games,let's
From SPARKLER@yabbs Tue Feb 22 18:00:16 1994
From: SPARKLER@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Doom
Date: Tue Feb 22 18:00:16 1994
Hey sugahs did ya know that Doom has come out with a new level.
It is called Nightmare and it warns you that it is not even remotely
The monsters are tougher and they teleeport randomly throughout the
levels. Not only that but you can't use any of the codes. So if you are
in for a bloodbath that you will most likely lose Contact me and I can get
ya in touch with this game.
Love ya all,
From Fastjack@yabbs Tue Feb 22 18:08:59 1994
From: Fastjack@yabbs
To: minutemn@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Tue Feb 22 18:08:59 1994
In message re: Hacker, minutemn said:
> I have an old copy of tht at home somewhere. The problem is it's old,
> Commodore 64 old. The game was alright, for the earlier years of the 64.
> If you want it I could try to dig it up.
From Fastjack@yabbs Tue Feb 22 18:36:12 1994
From: Fastjack@yabbs
To: minutemn@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Tue Feb 22 18:36:12 1994
Sorry about that last one; editor troubles.
Anyway, I'd really like to see the old game again, esp running
in an x64 box on a sparc. Trouble is, PC drives can't read
Commodore disks, so unless someone puts it at a site illegally,
it would be pretty hard to get onto my machine here....
[my Commodore is _long_ gone]....
Any thoughts?
From Xela@yabbs Tue Feb 22 20:53:55 1994
From: Xela@yabbs
To: sparkler@yabbs
Subject: doom
Date: Tue Feb 22 20:53:55 1994
how can i get this? i'd probably need all of doom as well....
(i've heard about this game...is it any good?)
From JasonLee@yabbs Tue Feb 22 23:50:32 1994
From: JasonLee@yabbs
To: SPARKLER@yabbs
Subject: re: Doom
Date: Tue Feb 22 23:50:32 1994
Yup, that's a pretty tough level. I've only been able to make it to level
3. Don't know if I'll ever beat it on Nightmare.
From minutemn@yabbs Tue Feb 22 23:57:26 1994
From: minutemn@yabbs
To: Fastjack@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Tue Feb 22 23:57:26 1994
Hell, if I could find the disk, I'd mail it to you. Then you could do
whatever you needed to get it to run. My C64 is long gone as well, but
there is a 128 collecting dust in my closet. If you want the disk (and I
find it) it's yours, maybe someone on your end would know something on how
to run it on a PC. Sorry, but that stuff is beyond my ken.
From Freud@yabbs Wed Feb 23 18:58:21 1994
From: Freud@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Old games
Date: Wed Feb 23 18:58:21 1994
how about this one, I used to play Taipan on an old Apple, has anyone
played this or does anyone know where I can get a copy of it for the IBM,
or an Apple to IBM conversion program?
From GreyWolf@yabbs Wed Feb 23 19:38:20 1994
From: GreyWolf@yabbs
To: Schief@yabbs
Subject: re: Lurking Horror
Date: Wed Feb 23 19:38:20 1994
Thanks, Schief. I appreciate it. :)
From Fastjack@yabbs Wed Feb 23 22:37:34 1994
From: Fastjack@yabbs
To: minutemn@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Wed Feb 23 22:37:34 1994
In message re: Hacker, minutemn said:
> Hell, if I could find the disk, I'd mail it to you. Then you could do
Email it to me :)
Ok, bootup the networked C64 with tcp/ip drivers, setup the address, load in
hacker, and ftp it to the other machine-- what could be easier? I could
be playing hacker in an x64 window by dawn...
thanks for the offer-- any ideas out there?
From GreyWolf@yabbs Wed Feb 23 23:04:52 1994
From: GreyWolf@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Umm.. oops (Re: Lurking)
Date: Wed Feb 23 23:04:52 1994
Uhhh.. hi?
One might call me a lamer.. but I noticed that I seemed to have forgotten
to ask.. what is the login for Lurking Horror? (I seem to still not be
able to find my user's manual ;))
I hate feeling like a dolt.. but hey! You might as well embellish it,
What is a newbie, anyways? ;)
How do you use Telnet? ;)
Ok.. embellished enough.... If you could respond to just the first
question.. I would greatly appreciate it :)
Peace: GreyWolf
From minutemn@yabbs Thu Feb 24 22:37:00 1994
From: minutemn@yabbs
To: Fastjack@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Thu Feb 24 22:37:00 1994
Cant network the C64, it has no modem, and I use this via my school's
computer lab, so I don't think they woul let me connect a 64 in here to
this. If I'm wrong or am missing something in your post (I am an
illitereate, I admit it.) just let em know. BTW I am a political science
major, so when you start talking about computers please...speak...slowly..
From minutemn@yabbs Thu Feb 24 22:39:37 1994
From: minutemn@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: another old 64 game
Date: Thu Feb 24 22:39:37 1994
speaking of games that were on the C64......
I remember having a game from HESware entitled "Project: Space Station"
did it ever come out on an IBM version? If so does anyone know where I
could find it? Thanks.
From honkfish@yabbs Fri Feb 25 19:33:37 1994
From: honkfish@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Footy manager
Date: Fri Feb 25 19:33:37 1994
Does anyone know where I can get a decent football (UK) manager for PC -
or even one for unix if it exists!
From Fastjack@yabbs Sat Feb 26 18:21:29 1994
From: Fastjack@yabbs
To: minutemn@yabbs
Subject: re: another old 64 game
Date: Sat Feb 26 18:21:29 1994
In message another old 64 game, minutemn said:
> I remember having a game from HESware entitled "Project: Space Station"
> did it ever come out on an IBM version? If so does anyone know where I
> could find it? Thanks.
I had that one.....I seem to remember there was a PC version. Never saw it,
though. Old games are pretty hard to come by, unless you chance upon one of
those special software sales of totally obsolete stuff.....
Unfortunately, that one got sold when my C128 went- cool game but a bit frust-
rating, because you always ran out of money so fast (okay, okay, so I'm no
good at computer *games*....)
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Sun Feb 27 22:04:37 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: Fastjack@yabbs
Subject: re: another old 64 game
Date: Sun Feb 27 22:04:37 1994
Was a good game. Am going to shows soon, will look for it.
From xenon@yabbs Tue Mar 1 16:47:08 1994
From: xenon@yabbs
To: FastJack@yabbs
Subject: re: Hacker
Date: Tue Mar 1 16:47:08 1994
I'll see if I have it on disk. Then, it would be no problem to upload it and
E-Mail it to you.
--> Xenon
From hulihan@yabbs Wed Mar 2 10:50:35 1994
From: hulihan@yabbs
To: greywolf@yabbs
Subject: re: Umm.. oops (Re: Lurking)
Date: Wed Mar 2 10:50:35 1994
newbie= beginner
telnet ---- type at the prompt .... telnet freenet.in-a.crwu (then
you'll be connected.
From GreyWolf@yabbs Thu Mar 3 16:53:57 1994
From: GreyWolf@yabbs
To: hulihan@yabbs
Subject: re: Umm.. oops (Re: Lurking)
Date: Thu Mar 3 16:53:57 1994
Thanks man, I appreciate it... I'm gonna go try to actually play when I
get home from work :)
From Palisade@yabbs Sat Mar 5 08:28:53 1994
From: Palisade@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Eamon
Date: Sat Mar 5 08:28:53 1994
bout 5 or so years a go I remember playing a text adv called Eamon. I waws
wondering if anyone had heard of it and could tell me if it was still
available anywhere that you know of
From Dauber@yabbs Mon Mar 7 12:29:08 1994
From: Dauber@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Amiga
Date: Mon Mar 7 12:29:08 1994
Anybody here play any Amiga games?
From BlueMax@yabbs Sun Mar 13 05:34:00 1994
From: BlueMax@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: DOOM
Date: Sun Mar 13 05:34:00 1994
OK guys, I just downloaded a copy of doom and most everythiung seems to be
fine. But when I start the game i can move forward, bacward, strait left
and straight right. In other words the damn thing wont turn, not from the
keyboard, nothing.. If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.
From Jay@yabbs Mon Mar 14 13:19:38 1994
From: Jay@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: NBA Jam
Date: Mon Mar 14 13:19:38 1994
Does anybody know any new codes for NBA Jam for the SNES. I've got
the FAQ but it only has a few. The one I would really like to have if
there is one is the code for Shaq. Anyways, thanks in advance,
From Yamasuki@yabbs Wed Mar 16 14:31:29 1994
From: Yamasuki@yabbs
To: BlueMax@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Wed Mar 16 14:31:29 1994
Too get your character to rotate the keys , and . should rotate you left
and right :)
From BlueMax@yabbs Sat Mar 19 13:36:52 1994
From: BlueMax@yabbs
To: Yamasuki@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOM
Date: Sat Mar 19 13:36:52 1994
Sory man, nothing worked until I zapped the old files and reinstalled...:)
DOOM is cool...
From BlueMax@yabbs Sun Mar 20 04:43:41 1994
From: BlueMax@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: DOOM...
Date: Sun Mar 20 04:43:41 1994
...new DOOM problem...
DOOM v.99 works fine et all...
DOOM v1.2 work good with kbd. and joystick...but the mouse truly glitches
...any ideas...
From Gnarr@yabbs Sun Mar 20 17:39:17 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Rogue
Date: Sun Mar 20 17:39:17 1994
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Rogue or Moria
From Raw@yabbs Tue Mar 22 13:52:58 1994
From: Raw@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Mac sports?
Date: Tue Mar 22 13:52:58 1994
Anybody know something about stat-based basketball and football games fo
the Macintosh. I've been looking with no luck so far. If you have some
info, email me gt5618a@acme.gatech.edu.
Thanks, people.
From marielau@yabbs Tue Mar 22 15:10:08 1994
From: marielau@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Pissed off
Date: Tue Mar 22 15:10:08 1994
Q1: Whya re there no games on the games baseb ?
From issachar@yabbs Sun Mar 27 20:55:13 1994
From: issachar@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Date: Sun Mar 27 20:55:13 1994
in case any of you were wondering it seems to me that super street fighter
II is one of the best games of all time. i love it, although my g-friend
beats the crap out of me and my bro's once in a while. i like a woman who
can do that kinda stuff
From issachar@yabbs Sun Mar 27 20:56:20 1994
From: issachar@yabbs
To: jay@yabbs
Subject: re:nbajam
Date: Sun Mar 27 20:56:20 1994
there is a code for shaq, but i don't know anyone who has it.
From Jay@yabbs Mon Mar 28 15:59:54 1994
From: Jay@yabbs
To: issachar@yabbs
Subject: re:[2] nba jam
Date: Mon Mar 28 15:59:54 1994
Well, if you hear anything, let me know. Check my info file for the
e-mail address if you need it.
From Xela@yabbs Tue Mar 29 11:20:13 1994
From: Xela@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Amnesia
Date: Tue Mar 29 11:20:13 1994
Guys, dolls, patriots, I am looking for an old (1986, maybe 85) IBM game
called Amnesia, published by Electronic Arts. I bought the original about
6, 7 years ago and I have all the documentation, but the disks have gone
sour and I have no backups :( It is an incredibly detail-laden text
adventure which would let you type in complex sentences (instead of the
usual "bash wife, cash insurance policy" grunt sentences of other text
adventures). I really started to get going in the game before I gave it
up, and I'd like to give it another try.
If any of you have a copy, I would be willing to pay money to play
it again. Please let me know...
From warrior@yabbs Wed Mar 30 19:09:15 1994
From: warrior@yabbs
To: Wyvern@yabbs
Subject: re: Trade Wars 2002
Date: Wed Mar 30 19:09:15 1994
It seems that all the local (non-internet) BBS's around here have
TradeWars. I Think it gets boring after awhile, but all I ever play it
for is to repeatedly blow away a certain person from school...
From reynaldo@yabbs Thu Mar 31 18:56:59 1994
From: reynaldo@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Online games
Date: Thu Mar 31 18:56:59 1994
I'm looking for BBS's that offer Trade Wars 2002 online, preferably in
Denver, or over the Internet. Suggestions?
From reynaldo@yabbs Thu Mar 31 19:02:10 1994
From: reynaldo@yabbs
To: Wyvern@yabbs
Subject: re: Trade Wars 2002
Date: Thu Mar 31 19:02:10 1994
Are there locations on the Internet where you can play TW2002? I've been
playing it on a local BBS in Denver and like it a lot!
From reynaldo@yabbs Thu Mar 31 19:08:42 1994
From: reynaldo@yabbs
To: warrior@yabbs
Subject: re: Trade Wars 2002
Date: Thu Mar 31 19:08:42 1994
Where are some locations where I can find TW2002? Are there some BBSs in
Denver/Boulder, Colorado? Where are the local BBSs that you use? Are there
INternet addresses for TW2002?
From reynaldo@yabbs Thu Mar 31 19:33:28 1994
From: reynaldo@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: Trade Wars 2002
Date: Thu Mar 31 19:33:28 1994
Where can I play TW2002? Are there locations in Denver?
From Morph@yabbs Fri Apr 1 15:38:33 1994
From: Morph@yabbs
To: reynaldo@yabbs
Subject: re: Trade Wars 2002
Date: Fri Apr 1 15:38:33 1994
If you ask again, I will physically kill you ;)
From Dauber@yabbs Thu Apr 7 11:47:52 1994
From: Dauber@yabbs
To: reynaldo@yabbs
Subject: re: Online games
Date: Thu Apr 7 11:47:52 1994
Well, it ain't on the 'Net, nor is it by Denver, but my friend operates a
BBS in Joliet, IL that has Tradewars, I believe...
The number is 815-727-3398. That's 815-RAPED-YU [don't tell him I said
that, though! He hates when I do that beccause he's a born-again
Christian and insists it's a coincidence...
From Natalie@yabbs Thu Apr 14 17:06:39 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: DND
Date: Thu Apr 14 17:06:39 1994
Hmmmm...does anyone other than me remember a game called DND? It was
shareware if I remember right...it was loosely based on (guess) Dungeons
And Dragons...your little guy was a X and you moved thru an ascii
dungeon and fought stuff...anyhow, I was wondering if anyone but me had
everheard of it cause it's the only game I ever beat in my life (and I
can't find the disk with my guy on it *whine*) even though I cheated
really bad to do so... *grin*
From htoaster@yabbs Thu Apr 14 20:05:47 1994
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: DND
Date: Thu Apr 14 20:05:47 1994
> Hmmmm...does anyone other than me remember a game called DND? It was
> shareware if I remember right...it was loosely based on (guess) Dungeons
> And Dragons...
yeah, i used to have a copy of this...before the advent of shareware even
i think...i played it on this thing called a zenith 100 (old microcomputer)
that my dad had at home...
if you're looking for something similar check out rogue or moria (which most
unix machines have)...rogue is my personal favorite...
and ignore anyone who tells you to play nethack...its just not the same...it
has too much shit in it...
a now-defunct company called epyx did a port of rogue to dos as well that was
pretty excellent...i still have the floppies for it lying around.
From Natalie@yabbs Thu Apr 14 21:14:16 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: DND
Date: Thu Apr 14 21:14:16 1994
yeah, it was on one of our zenith machines...i still have a copy of it,
but it's really nut much fun...i'm hooked on graphics (as opposed to
phonics) now.....
From htoaster@yabbs Thu Apr 14 22:17:12 1994
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: DND
Date: Thu Apr 14 22:17:12 1994
In message re: DND, Natalie said:
> yeah, it was on one of our zenith machines...i still have a copy of it,
> but it's really nut much fun...i'm hooked on graphics (as opposed to
> phonics) now.....
really? i still find that my favorite games all run on text displays...
and usually graphics versions don't add much...
From dmonger@yabbs Mon Apr 18 10:57:36 1994
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: DND
Date: Mon Apr 18 10:57:36 1994
In message re: DND, htoaster said:
> really? i still find that my favorite games all run on text displays...
> and usually graphics versions don't add much...
but some day you'll decide that those text displays are just too slow :)
From elwood@yabbs Thu Apr 21 00:08:05 1994
From: elwood@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: jokes
Date: Thu Apr 21 00:08:05 1994
to change the subject:
** **
** **
I am compiling a list of practical jokes for a project I am doing (believe
it or not!) and I am asking everyone to tell me any and all the practical
jokes you have done and/or have heard about. Your help is immensely
appreciated. If I use your submission, I will give you credit in the
report. Also, if you want a copy when I am done, let me know.
| Mail your submissions to: |
| bullcm@eckerd.edu |
From Jay@yabbs Mon Apr 25 18:19:19 1994
From: Jay@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: NBA Jam codes?
Date: Mon Apr 25 18:19:19 1994
I've got a bunch of codes for the game, but I was wondering if anyone
else has any new ones. If you do, you can post them here or send them to
me at jggstu@sun.cc.westga.edu. Thanks in advance,
From willi@yabbs Tue May 3 14:51:34 1994
From: willi@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Leisure Suit Larry
Date: Tue May 3 14:51:34 1994
Hey, I know this game is more than old - but its caused me sleepless
nights. Anybody else out there know the game, esp hints as to what to do
around the pool... I'd be soooooooooo grateful...
Thanks so
mucho William
From Leah@yabbs Wed May 4 00:46:19 1994
From: Leah@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: Online games
Date: Wed May 4 00:46:19 1994
From cheif@yabbs Fri May 6 10:48:41 1994
From: cheif@yabbs
To: willi@yabbs
Subject: re: Leisure Suit Larry
Date: Fri May 6 10:48:41 1994
I really can't help you much, but just so you know, I quit playing the
damn game about a year ago and I am still pissed off at it!
From spyder@yabbs Sat May 7 02:07:47 1994
From: spyder@yabbs
To: willi@yabbs
Subject: re: Leisure Suit Larry
Date: Sat May 7 02:07:47 1994
willi, would you happen to be talking about the latest LSL(shape up or
slip out)?
if so, look at the floating bar, get the sunglasses case from the bar and
get 2 items out of the case. Work with that stuff a little and call me in
the morning.
Boris the Spyder
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Mon May 9 08:47:31 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: cheif@yabbs
Subject: re: Leisure Suit Larry
Date: Mon May 9 08:47:31 1994
Answers can be found on America Online!
From property@yabbs Wed May 25 14:39:50 1994
From: property@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: DND
Date: Wed May 25 14:39:50 1994
you have to use the patch to get off of hooked on phonics....
From GanGreen@yabbs Sat Jun 11 06:03:05 1994
From: GanGreen@yabbs
To: property@yabbs
Subject: re: DND
Date: Sat Jun 11 06:03:05 1994
Either a patch or just a good support group... ;)
- GG -
From balistic@yabbs Tue Jun 14 19:24:06 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re:VIRTUA
Date: Tue Jun 14 19:24:06 1994
Balistic has recently torn through VIRTUA FIGHTERS and highly
reccomends it. probably the best fighter to come along, tied w/SUPER SF 2.
Balistic publishes (or at least trying to anyway!) a fanzine devoted
to anything Nintendo DOESN'T make. Any help, reviews, editorials,
articles, cheats, etc, would be gratly appreciated.
you can mail me here, or my home address is:
thanx a bundle...
From Death@yabbs Sun Jul 3 12:53:38 1994
From: Death@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: yabbsfest
Date: Sun Jul 3 12:53:38 1994
From Death@yabbs Sun Jul 3 12:54:31 1994
From: Death@yabbs
To: Death@yabbs
Subject: yabbsfest
Date: Sun Jul 3 12:54:31 1994
Everybody (or almost everybody) here on yabbs wonders what everyone else
is like in "real" life... To this end, I'm announcing that a bunch of us
have gotten together to organize a party!!! We've decided that at some
as yet undetermined point in time, anybody from Yabbs that wants to is
invited to come to Pittsburgh, the birthplace of Yabbs, where we will all
get together for a weekend or so of fun :> The reason the time is still
undetermined is because we need everyone who wants to come to let us know
when would be a good time for them... Email me with questions, comments,
suggestions, and what time would be good for you at: death@cyberspace.org
See you there!!!
PS... I put this message in every base on the off chance that EVERYBODY
might actually get to see it :>
From Bearclaw@yabbs Thu Jul 7 20:44:51 1994
From: Bearclaw@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Mechwarrior II
Date: Thu Jul 7 20:44:51 1994
All I will say is this...it rules.
I mean that Humbly, deeply, and sincerely.
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Fri Jul 8 13:42:47 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: Outpost or X-com
Date: Fri Jul 8 13:42:47 1994
Has anybody played either of these, their cool.
From duckman@yabbs Sat Jul 9 00:18:09 1994
From: duckman@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Jag?
Date: Sat Jul 9 00:18:09 1994
Anyone besides me have an Atari Jaguar?
From Jeremiah@yabbs Sat Jul 9 12:12:51 1994
From: Jeremiah@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: reviews
Date: Sat Jul 9 12:12:51 1994
Anyone play the Dos game Master of Orion? Did you like it?
Anyone ever play Bloodnet? Lemme know...
From BlueMax@yabbs Sat Jul 9 13:50:53 1994
From: BlueMax@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: HeHeHeHe
Date: Sat Jul 9 13:50:53 1994
From Natalie@yabbs Sat Jul 9 16:52:10 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: BlueMax@yabbs
Subject: re: HeHeHeHe
Date: Sat Jul 9 16:52:10 1994
yer silly
From duckman@yabbs Sat Jul 9 21:37:56 1994
From: duckman@yabbs
To: Jeremiah@yabbs
Subject: Master of Orion
Date: Sat Jul 9 21:37:56 1994
I've played Master of Orion. It's pretty good, but the alien races
reactions need to be re-written. A lot of things they do don't make
sense. But it's a very addictive game.
From Patton@yabbs Mon Jul 11 07:55:37 1994
From: Patton@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: on line BBSes
Date: Mon Jul 11 07:55:37 1994
could someone please tell me the telnet codes to some cool on-line game
BBSes? If you could, I will be most thankful. Thanks.
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Mon Jul 11 08:43:21 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: BlueMax@yabbs
Subject: re: HeHeHeHe
Date: Mon Jul 11 08:43:21 1994
MO-DOOM! MO-DOOM! (registered)
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Mon Jul 11 08:44:26 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: duckman@yabbs
Subject: re: Master of Orion
Date: Mon Jul 11 08:44:26 1994
Yup! Master of Orion is a great game. Extremely addictive.
Try playing Outpost, it's a real challenge.
From hashish@yabbs Tue Jul 12 02:49:17 1994
From: hashish@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: x-com???
Date: Tue Jul 12 02:49:17 1994
does x-com = UFO : enemy unknown ??????
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Tue Jul 12 08:23:46 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: re: x-com???
Date: Tue Jul 12 08:23:46 1994
Yes, that's it's old name. It's kinda tough, but pretty neat
for a cd.
From hashish@yabbs Wed Jul 13 23:33:58 1994
From: hashish@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: re: x-com???
Date: Wed Jul 13 23:33:58 1994
yeah it's pretty hard....i don't have the cd though. kool music. ihave
some cheats for it...don't use them though.
...well not much...
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Fri Jul 15 08:32:51 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: re: x-com cheats
Date: Fri Jul 15 08:32:51 1994
Really, I could use the help. If you could send me some cheats
or their locations, I would greatly appreciate it. I am
located at Mann@main.morris.org
From hashish@yabbs Sun Jul 17 02:34:31 1994
From: hashish@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: re: x-com cheats
Date: Sun Jul 17 02:34:31 1994
i would gladly send you the cheats if only i knew how...let me get on to
one of my computer tech friends and i'll get back to you shortly!!!!
From bart@yabbs Sun Jul 17 14:20:01 1994
From: bart@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: q
Date: Sun Jul 17 14:20:01 1994
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Mon Jul 18 08:53:51 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: re: x-com cheats
Date: Mon Jul 18 08:53:51 1994
Thanx!! I found some hints and am doing better, but, please send
me the cheats!!
Thanx, NJD
From balistic@yabbs Wed Jul 27 20:29:39 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: dungeon hacks wanted
Date: Wed Jul 27 20:29:39 1994
Howdy YABBernauts, I think most MUDS suck and I am considering starting
an "anti-MUD". What is an "anti-MUD" you ask? An "anti-MUD" would be
like a big group D&D session, with a live DM and live players, rather than
a computer for a DM that only takes commands if they're put in a certain
"form". The reason I don't like the standard MUD format is that the
commands vary from MUD to MUD. Sure there are some accepted MUD
languages, but most of these take months of playing to learn. This 'anti
-MUD" would have schedualled times for playing and a maximum number of
PCs, but it would be alot more "user-freindly" than a traditional MUD.
Befor I embark on such a venture though, If anyone knows of such a thing
that already exists, please inform me, I'd like to check them out and
maybe get some pointers. Also, If you would like to join as a partner in
this still-uncertain embarkment, pahleeze let me know and you're in
Brian "balistic" Prince
From balistic@yabbs Wed Jul 27 20:31:40 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Dungeon hacks wanted part 2
Date: Wed Jul 27 20:31:40 1994
almost fergot....If you reply to me here I will not likely get it for a
hwile, so my internet address is: bprince@scout.scs.unr.edu
From hashish@yabbs Wed Jul 27 22:53:58 1994
From: hashish@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: x-com
Date: Wed Jul 27 22:53:58 1994
the cheats i have are cheat programs. one lets you modify the attributes
of your soldiers, while the other allows you to add/delete structures in
each of your bases. the changes are written to your saveed game and are
extremely useful. so..how the hell do i get them to you?
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Thu Jul 28 13:14:44 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: rere x-com
Date: Thu Jul 28 13:14:44 1994
Can you uuencode then then attach 'em to a mail message.
that usually works. uuencode and uudecode can be found
thru veronica searching. Try that.
From hashish@yabbs Thu Jul 28 23:26:54 1994
From: hashish@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: re: rere x-com
Date: Thu Jul 28 23:26:54 1994
one of my mates tried to explain that to me...i think it may be too big
for uuencode...anyway i'll give it a shot and let ya know how it goes.
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Fri Jul 29 09:04:07 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: re: re: rere x-com
Date: Fri Jul 29 09:04:07 1994
Thanx... If I worked from a normal system, I could have the sysop
setup an upload directory and you could use put to put it there,
BUT, my sys is wierd, no sysop and no real controls so uuencode is
about the only hope, unless you got the cheats from an FTP site.
If you did, give me the address and I'll go get them myself!!
Thanx again for you efforts!!
From PanPan@yabbs Fri Jul 29 11:11:35 1994
From: PanPan@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: online D&D
Date: Fri Jul 29 11:11:35 1994
Hey man, I would be interested! I did almost the same thing on numerous
local BBS's a few years ago, and it worked pretty good: I would describe
the situation, the players would discuss plans of action among themselves,
then each player would E-Mail me with their final decision. Based on
these decisions, I would describe the next "scene". It was slow-moving,
but fun!
From balistic@yabbs Fri Jul 29 15:51:06 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: PanPan@yabbs
Subject: re: online D&D
Date: Fri Jul 29 15:51:06 1994
Kewl! I was thinking of a more on-line/chat type of system...like a
regular D & D game.....but if everyone who wanted to play had internet
addresses a system like you described would work......I would prefer to
have a real-time game though. As soon as I finish writing this I'll send
sum e-mail to htoaster to see if he'd let us hold our games here!
till next time, l8r!
by the way: my internet address is: bprince@scout.scs.unr.edu
From balistic@yabbs Sat Jul 30 14:56:04 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: ON-LINE D&D on PHRED!!!
Date: Sat Jul 30 14:56:04 1994
If you are interested in playing in, or DMing an on-line D&D session,
send email to bprince@scout.scs.unr.edu
If you are seriosly interested in playing, send a Word Processed AD&D
character sheet to the above address, and we will send game scheduels and
the name of the channel we will be using....you should probably have a set
of dice to (just in case)
till then, happy hacking...
From balistic@yabbs Sat Jul 30 14:58:46 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: PanPan@yabbs
Subject: re: online D&D
Date: Sat Jul 30 14:58:46 1994
kewl....I talked to htoaster and he said we could use a channel on phred
for our games....check out my other post fer more info...by the way...we
need a DM..If you know anyone or want to be one email me here or at:
From balistic@yabbs Sat Jul 30 15:02:39 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: duckman@yabbs
Subject: re: Jag?
Date: Sat Jul 30 15:02:39 1994
HAH!!!! you actually bought one of those....seriosly, you should've waited
for the sega saturn...It'll kick @$$, l8r
From balistic@yabbs Sun Jul 31 14:53:45 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: PanPan@yabbs
Subject: D&D
Date: Sun Jul 31 14:53:45 1994
Pan Pan, Nobody seems to be replying to my posts, if you could help spread
the word about our "anti-mud" or "non-mud"..whatever i called it in the
first place :) , it would help.....so far only two ppl have responded,
you and steve cole (don't know his yabbs name yet)...he said he may be
able to get his friends to play and DM, but we need some more interest in
this (two person D&D is not that fun), anywayz...tell your friends
l8r, balistic
From Gnarr@yabbs Sun Jul 31 21:53:28 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Sun Jul 31 21:53:28 1994
Its me Steve....:) I only have one..maybe two friends that would want to
play.....I hav3en't asked them yet
From Death@yabbs Mon Aug 1 02:03:13 1994
From: Death@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Mon Aug 1 02:03:13 1994
I would be interested in playing and/or DMing... Which system did you want
to use? D&D, AD&D, or even something else entirely? Anyways, let me know
more details and I'll respond properly :>
From Gnarr@yabbs Mon Aug 1 13:27:34 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Mon Aug 1 13:27:34 1994
I asked my friend who owns all the manuals and he said he;'d be interested
in playing too and he can also DM(he has both guides and lots of the class
handbooks as well as some others)
From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 1 15:28:54 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Mon Aug 1 15:28:54 1994
Okay...I think some ppl on yabbs might be interested..we'll just have
to make a few more posts on different bases (I'll do it)...by the way I
(strike that last part)
If anybody sends me a PC sheet or a DM resume, I'll forward them to you
and PanPan if I can...
From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 1 15:30:51 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Death@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Mon Aug 1 15:30:51 1994
Great!!!...We'll most likely be using AD&D but we get scheduals put
together we can designate other systems as well...I'll get a schedual sent
as soon as I can (posted rather)/s
From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 1 15:48:34 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Mon Aug 1 15:48:34 1994
good...I'll send you some prototype scheduals for you to look over, I'm
not sure where you are so we'll probably need to compromise for
conflicting time zones...l8r
From Badger01@yabbs Mon Aug 1 18:55:18 1994
From: Badger01@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Mon Aug 1 18:55:18 1994
Hey, what about RIFTS?
Just Kidding.
From Gnarr@yabbs Mon Aug 1 21:08:38 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Mon Aug 1 21:08:38 1994
Im in the eastern TIme zone just so ya know :0
From Natalie@yabbs Tue Aug 2 01:02:37 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: Badger01@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Tue Aug 2 01:02:37 1994
i used to play rifts, years and years ago....my ex bf was the DM tho, so i
quit the group when he started dicking with my character, ie, not ever
letting me do a damned thing...
From hashish@yabbs Tue Aug 2 03:33:54 1994
From: hashish@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: x-com
Date: Tue Aug 2 03:33:54 1994
the guy who gave me the cheats can't remember where the fuck he got them
from, so i have no idea if it is on any ftp site. gonna talk to a mate of
mine tonight about uuencoding it and sending.
BTW does troy crowder still play for NJ
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Tue Aug 2 10:45:21 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: re: x-com
Date: Tue Aug 2 10:45:21 1994
I found a cheat on AOL and that helps a bit, I look forward
to gettin any cheats you have or can find. About Crowder, I dunno
hav a head like a sieve.
From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 2 13:17:48 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Badger01@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Tue Aug 2 13:17:48 1994
....never played rifts but it seems popular
From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 2 13:18:54 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Tue Aug 2 13:18:54 1994
I'm in the pacific time zone...so thats about 4 hours of difference
From Typhon@yabbs Thu Aug 4 20:56:36 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Thu Aug 4 20:56:36 1994
When's this gonna be?
From Death@yabbs Fri Aug 5 03:32:31 1994
From: Death@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Fri Aug 5 03:32:31 1994
Well, I'll play and/or GM just about any system... I'll send you a PC and
a DM resume whenever I get around to making them up... any type of
character that I should be warned _not_ to make? I like strange ones ;>
A shortened form of a DM resume: I have or have access to (through
my gaming group) every book for AD&D and most books for the other common
RPG's. I'll email you a more complete one later... Just to let you know,
I'm in the Estern time zone. and late playing times would be just fine for
me as I work from about 5-11:30 (my time) almost every night.
From balistic@yabbs Fri Aug 5 15:35:18 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Fri Aug 5 15:35:18 1994
ther is no definite scheduel, we don't really have enough players yet to
make one, If you join I'll try and get a scheduel out as soon as I can.
From balistic@yabbs Fri Aug 5 15:36:40 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Death@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Fri Aug 5 15:36:40 1994
cool.....we need players! :)
From Gnarr@yabbs Fri Aug 5 17:41:53 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Fri Aug 5 17:41:53 1994
I have access to most of the class handbooks..etc...and monsterous
compendiums so if Deth wants to DM thats fine with me. :)
I'll roll up a sheet hopefully soon and send it too ya
P.S. I work until 5 or so every day...and I have Cross COuntry Practice
starting soon but probably most anytime from 5-11:30 PM is okay with me
From Steyr@yabbs Fri Aug 5 23:25:21 1994
From: Steyr@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Fri Aug 5 23:25:21 1994
I wouldn't mind playing (or DMing), but unfortunately I don't have the tim
Just wondering though ... is anyone here a RuneQuest fan ?
(o o)
+----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+
| \ \ |
| Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. |
| (Steyr) \ \ Steyr@GPO.swin.edu.au |
| / / |
+---------------------+ +--------------------------+
From Death@yabbs Sat Aug 6 00:31:02 1994
From: Death@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Sat Aug 6 00:31:02 1994
All right. If you all want me to, I'll DM, but my work schedule is kinda
crazy right now. On top of that, I'm starting soccer practice during the
day in a couple of weeks, so I'm not going to have THAT much time...
Therefore, if I'm DMing, I'm going to need a bit of help from the players:
ie that they all have players handbooks or whatever they may need (if they
have them) within easy reach while they're playing so that I don't need to
look everything up myself (and waste valuable time). Also, once in a while
I may not be able to make the games for whatever reason (like needing to
get SOME sleep), so I'd like to have someone be an assistant DM who can
take my place (with advance notice) and help me run the campaign the rest
of the time. I tried doing this (on a smaller scale) here once before, and
I know that it was a Hell of a lot of work... 'specially getting everyone
in one place at one time. Otherwise I'll just be a player who may be
absent from time to time... Let me know what you all want to do...
BTW: I'd suggest the above things for WHOEVER DMs, be it me or someone
From Typhon@yabbs Sat Aug 6 10:59:51 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: Steyr@yabbs
Subject: Runequest
Date: Sat Aug 6 10:59:51 1994
Ahh, the UBERSystem...Chaosium has made that same system in all it's games
as well, I guess I could b categorized a fan.
Typhon the Usurper
From Typhon@yabbs Sat Aug 6 11:03:26 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Rifts on Line
Date: Sat Aug 6 11:03:26 1994
Now that I think about it, I've decided I'll be willing to GM an On-line
RIFTS game, as I have all the books...If people want me to, either E-mail
me or post here, and if I get enough response, I'll ask about a board, but
I don't want to take up too much space here at Yabbs....any Suggestions on
logistics would also be appreciated.
BTW: I have experience in RIFTS, ALL the White Wolf Games, the GURPS
System, Champions, all the Chaosium Games (IE-Call of Cthulhu,
Stormbringer/Elric, Pendragon) and a few others....but I won't deal with
Andything TSR makes out of loathing.
Typhon the Usurper
From balistic@yabbs Sat Aug 6 14:59:05 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Sat Aug 6 14:59:05 1994
your in the eastern t-zone right? that'll work. Still need player
characters though!!! If any of your freinds want to play, they can send
me their sheets....and I'll relay those to whoever is DMing...
From balistic@yabbs Sat Aug 6 15:02:30 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Death@yabbs
Subject: re: D&D
Date: Sat Aug 6 15:02:30 1994
okay death, I think we'll be playing around 3:00 (PST), will this work for
you? Once I get PC sheets I'll send 'em to ya...what's your snail mail
PS....my internet address is bprince@scout.scs.unr.edu
From balistic@yabbs Sat Aug 6 15:03:59 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: re: Rifts on Line
Date: Sat Aug 6 15:03:59 1994
From Slyguy@yabbs Sat Aug 6 18:12:14 1994
From: Slyguy@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: re: Rifts on Line
Date: Sat Aug 6 18:12:14 1994
Cool - you tell me the place...i'll be there.. i like champoins, white
wolf stuff, but have love for elric/stormbringer.....also like teenagers
from outer space...cyberpunk..amber...rift/heroes unlimited/tmnt/etc..
i share your loathing of TSR....nothing like a game where all you do
is kill things with just the throw of a dice...
gotta hate gun-bunnies.....
sin agian,
From Slyguy@yabbs Sat Aug 6 18:17:23 1994
From: Slyguy@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: gygax
Date: Sat Aug 6 18:17:23 1994
TSR is not god... d&d is for teenagers who want to hack'n'slash their way
through a dungeon for the only purpose of gain xp and $. d&d is old and
outdated...and admittedly good when it came out...Earthdawn, rolemaster,
runequest, and yes - even palladium are far superior. what wrath of
gygax, he's unemployed and his dangerous journey went belly up...gee i
sin again
From Steyr@yabbs Sat Aug 6 23:01:57 1994
From: Steyr@yabbs
To: Slyguy@yabbs
Subject: re: gygax
Date: Sat Aug 6 23:01:57 1994
I agree a lot with what you said, but in SOME defence of D&D, I think that
it largely depends on both the DM and the players as to whether it's a
good game or not. In fact I think it MOSTLY depends on the players. If
you have a group who are quite experienced, and are more seeking character
personality development, rather than statistical advancement, then ANY
system can provide highly enjoyable sessions. But, I guess, if such a
group of players exists, I would have to go on a reallife epic quest to
find them.
Also, I am unable to take part in an on-line session, but would there be
any interest in something equating to a PBM game ? For me, a two day turn
around would be workable, and I would be willing to DM or play. Anyone ?
(o o)
+----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+
| \ \ |
| Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. |
| (Steyr) \ \ Steyr@GPO.swin.edu.au |
| / / |
+---------------------+ +--------------------------+
From Natalie@yabbs Sat Aug 6 23:28:19 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: Steyr@yabbs
Subject: d&d
Date: Sat Aug 6 23:28:19 1994
you know, the cartoon d&d was pretty cool too....
From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 7 15:29:29 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Slyguy@yabbs
Subject: re: gygax
Date: Sun Aug 7 15:29:29 1994
If you play by their rules, D&D does kinda suck...that's why I make my own
adventures that make players think rather than "hacking their way thru a
dungeon"....that's also why I like ravenloft...because it doesn't always
stick to the accepted rules and the main goal is not treasure...however
I'd gladly play anything I can get rules to.....is Earthdawn really that
good?...saw a pamphlet for it and it looked kinda lame...
From Locanus@yabbs Sun Aug 7 20:04:49 1994
From: Locanus@yabbs
To: Steyr@yabbs
Subject: pbm
Date: Sun Aug 7 20:04:49 1994
sounds good to me....we'll have to talk
sin again
From Locanus@yabbs Sun Aug 7 20:12:08 1994
From: Locanus@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: earthdawn
Date: Sun Aug 7 20:12:08 1994
yes....earthdawn is that good... it is quickly becomeing the favored
game....although D&D still sell cuz its easy to learn for beginners.
Earthdawn forces you into character development...it sin't much of an
option...characters take forever to make up, but then you're going to
extra careful with them because of it.
i find that D&D is geared for teenagers cuz they have the disposable
income to waste on every tiny suppliment and companoin book that comes
out...home rules are ok...but then what is a standard if everyone has
different rules? if i'm spending $20-30 on a game...i certainly shouldn't
have to change the rules...otherwise i'd make my own game up...
ooops......anyways....just some thoughts! :)
sin again,
From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 8 15:43:59 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: online D&D is dead
Date: Mon Aug 8 15:43:59 1994
kinda dpressing title huh? Since alot of the ppl who want to play on line
RPGs want to play non-TSR gamess (for which I have no rules), I'll be
turning the task of starting these games over to anyone that wants
to...meanwhile I'll be reading up on RIFTS......later :)
P.S. My TSR is god statement was meant as a joke, lighten up a little :)
From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 8 15:46:17 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Locanus@yabbs
Subject: re: earthdawn
Date: Mon Aug 8 15:46:17 1994
good point, I'm currently scribbling outmy own RPG/strategy system...once
I get it completed (with pics and stuff) I'll send anyone that's
intersested a copy.
From Gnarr@yabbs Mon Aug 8 23:00:57 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: Deth@yabbs
Subject: d&D
Date: Mon Aug 8 23:00:57 1994
I can sorta be yer assistant Dm if you want...*shrug* I have done it a bit
From Gnarr@yabbs Mon Aug 8 23:03:10 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: Balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: d&D
Date: Mon Aug 8 23:03:10 1994
Okay..so....should I make out a sheet and send it to ya?(snail or e-mail?)
Also..I'l tal to my friend and se if he has the time..I'm SURE he does
because he sitss around in front of his computer all day..he can also Dm.
Also..if I don't show up someday it could possibly be because of this
stupid node up here..the network always fucks up and it was down for the
last 3 days :)..or it could also be I forgot or and lazy :)
From Death@yabbs Tue Aug 9 00:39:01 1994
From: Death@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: d&D
Date: Tue Aug 9 00:39:01 1994
Ummm... I'm not sure how many of you know this (I just learned about it
yesterday) but there is now a internet-wide ban of ALL TSR products. This
came about due to TSR saying that any discussion of their products on the
internet was copyright infringement and, therefor, illegal... They went on
to say that there is ONE place where it WILL be legal: their BBS which you
have to PAY to get on. therefore, I am, as of now never again buying
anything made by that company (including Dragon magazine, which is still
halfway decent...)
Incidentally, (along the current train of thought here) Steyr: My playing
group for RPGs actually has fun playing AD&D, although I must admit that
we don't even come close to paying attention to the rules. WE pay more
attention to character developement then to "statistics" and only use AD&D
as something of a backdrop...
Also, I am currently in the process (almost finished!!!!) of writing my
own RPG based on the world created by David Eddings in _The Belgariad_ and
_The Mallorean_. If anybody on here would like to help me play-test it,
let me know. (I would strongly suggest having read all 10 books
before-hand though). If you do, I will send you a copy of the "Player's
Guide" which will soon include illustrations. I have written David Eddings
for "official" permision, in order to actually spread it around without
infringing on his rights. If he (or his lawers, PR ppl, or whomever :)
ever gets back to me, I'll know if I'll actually be ALLOWED to market it.
From what I've finished so far, I have a feeling that anybody who is a fan
of his and a gamer will want to play it, so I'm hoping to get a favorable
response. If you want more details, leave me a note.
From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 9 14:50:58 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: d&D
Date: Tue Aug 9 14:50:58 1994
Actually I've decided to hand the idea over to someone else....since
most ppl want to play non TSR systems (which I know hothing about). I've
made a post here saying that anyone who wants to can takeover...they'll
have to post their address and stuff like I did.
From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 9 14:54:56 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Death@yabbs
Subject: re: d&D
Date: Tue Aug 9 14:54:56 1994
I guess TSR has always been kind of a monster.....so I'll join in the
RAVENLOFT (snicker)
later, balistic
From Typhon@yabbs Wed Aug 10 17:41:20 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Wed Aug 10 17:41:20 1994
Well, since I originally volunteered, here's my Address and the game s I
feel capable of running:
Cyberpunk (The R.Talasorian Game)
Call of Cthuhu (You can't live in RI and not play it)
Star Wars
Werewolf the Apocalypse
Mage the Awakening
Vampire The MAsquerade
Anything else is a maybe...I have played Shadowrun,
Battletech/Mechwarrior, and others I can't remember now.
Some feeble ground rules:
NO SEXISM...If a female net person wished to play, WE don't make trouble.
I've had to enforce that one.
FUN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN RULES: Seems simple, but you never know.
Okay, that's all...If anyone wants in just let me know. Oh, and
Balistic...can you explain the set-up you had planned? Thanks.
Typhon the Usurper, Usurper of RPG Game Mastering as well
PS: I have Talislanta and the Primal Order as well...
From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 10 20:45:15 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: re: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Wed Aug 10 20:45:15 1994
cool....basically I'd just have ppl send you character sheets...when you
got their sheet you'df send them the schedual ansd the name of the channle
you'll be using.
forgive the typos...pleeeeease!!!!
From dmonger@yabbs Wed Aug 10 21:02:35 1994
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Wed Aug 10 21:02:35 1994
battletech would be good as an email-ish game
but it would also make a nice internet game, server-client like xtreck
From MegaMut@yabbs Thu Aug 11 05:12:49 1994
From: MegaMut@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Ultima 8
Date: Thu Aug 11 05:12:49 1994
Hey guys and gals I'm at my wits end I need hints for ultima8 pagan I
can't compleat my pilgrimege to become a necromancer wear is the guys
birth place!! please have mercy
From Slyguy@yabbs Thu Aug 11 13:57:33 1994
From: Slyguy@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: re: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Thu Aug 11 13:57:33 1994
hey......how's it going? i would be interested in gaming as you have
mentioned....those i play as well... Give me information on what you are
running or what you need help with...i have run games before, only not
on-line games... cool? much interested in White Wolf games, champions,
and cyberpunk (i have an instant character generator program for that).
let me know!
sin agian,
From Typhon@yabbs Thu Aug 11 14:43:22 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: Slyguy@yabbs
Subject: re: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Thu Aug 11 14:43:22 1994
I'm interested in running RIFTS...if you want, I'll entertain running
something else.
Typhon the Usurper
From balistic@yabbs Thu Aug 11 16:51:48 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: dmonger@yabbs
Subject: re: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Thu Aug 11 16:51:48 1994
yeah......I'm the mechwarrior champ (the computer version) of my school,
can't wait for MW 2.
From Slyguy@yabbs Thu Aug 11 19:28:38 1994
From: Slyguy@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: RIFTS
Date: Thu Aug 11 19:28:38 1994
sounds like a plan...i got all the books 'cept for triax and the new
mindwerks....if ya need help...msg me.....just tell me when and where
sin again,
From hashish@yabbs Fri Aug 12 00:00:57 1994
From: hashish@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: x-com cheats
Date: Fri Aug 12 00:00:57 1994
a friend of mine has sent the cheats about 5-6 days ago but one computer
was down and the mail has been held up there. as far as i know the mail
hasn't bounced and been returned so i guess you should have it.....make
sure and tell me if/when you get it.
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Fri Aug 12 08:15:57 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: hashish@yabbs
Subject: re:re: x-com cheats
Date: Fri Aug 12 08:15:57 1994
our sys has been all fucked up, but the mail did arrive. I will
decode it over the weekend and see how it works. Thanx you very
much! I am indebted to you. NJD/Tom
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 15 15:23:20 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Slyguy@yabbs
Subject: re: gygax
Date: Mon Aug 15 15:23:20 1994
depending on which exact d+d you're talking about (d+d/ad+d/ad+d2), i
disagree completely. i have been involved in many campaigns that rely very
little on hacknslash, but focused on the roleplaying itself and
problem-solving. i find it rather unfair that ppl are always saying that
d+d is merely hacknslash....
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 15 15:30:37 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Death@yabbs
Subject: eddings-based rpg
Date: Mon Aug 15 15:30:37 1994
sounds cool...i've read the belgariad, but haven't quite gotten to the
mallorean yet :( if you ever get it finished drop me a note. you may need
to email the rules, since i don't know how much you're willing to spend on
long-distance snailmailing :), but it sounds like a cool idea, and i think
i might like to try it out...
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 15 15:40:04 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: dmonger@yabbs
Subject: battletech emailing
Date: Mon Aug 15 15:40:04 1994
it'd be kinda tough, wouldn't it, i mean coordinating where ever1 is and
facing and stuff like that...besides, how could every1 be sure they're all
using the same map?
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 15 15:41:15 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: re: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Mon Aug 15 15:41:15 1994
dunno about rifts, but i have some relatively cool Heroes characetrs...
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 15 15:42:43 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: Non TSR Gaming
Date: Mon Aug 15 15:42:43 1994
mechwarrior for puter? as in the vr-type sim-ish one where u control your
own lance? not a bad game...they're coming out with a 2?
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 15 15:53:49 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: MTG
Date: Mon Aug 15 15:53:49 1994
is this the base where MTG (Magic:The Gathering) messages go? if not,
direct me elsewhere please...
From dmonger@yabbs Mon Aug 15 17:37:29 1994
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: 321@yabbs
Subject: mechwarrior
Date: Mon Aug 15 17:37:29 1994
yep, mech warrior 2 was slated to come out around march of this year i think
never surfaced, i hope its not gonna become vaporware.
still, i think a server-client based battletech game, one that does the turn
by turn type in the manual would be really cool, esp. since it would have a lot
more strategy and a lot less what key to i hit to fire, damn it my keyboard
From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 15 18:43:32 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: 321@yabbs
Subject: b-tech on PC
Date: Mon Aug 15 18:43:32 1994
yup....nuber 2 is just around the corner. Also have the overhead
strategy-type b-tech programs too. the sims are better though.
balistic the mechwarrior
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 15 18:44:19 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: dmonger@yabbs
Subject: re: mechwarrior
Date: Mon Aug 15 18:44:19 1994
definitely be much nicer :)...looks like we need to find us some hackers
From Slyguy@yabbs Mon Aug 15 18:53:28 1994
From: Slyguy@yabbs
To: 321@yabbs
Subject: re: gygax
Date: Mon Aug 15 18:53:28 1994
it may be unfair that i am saying it....it may also be you guys got a good
group....but if lots of ppl are saying it (and there are lots - thousands)
then there must be some ring of truth to it. Unfortunately, ppl such as
yourself that are having fun with the game, have to cope with the losers
who just hack'n'slash....sorry, no offense to you :)
sin again,
From Slyguy@yabbs Mon Aug 15 18:56:51 1994
From: Slyguy@yabbs
To: 321@yabbs
Subject: re: MTG
Date: Mon Aug 15 18:56:51 1994
yes..this is the place...mind you, you might be better off with Steve
Jackson Gmaes online service "Illuminati"...cuz they discussions on
everything related to rpg's and magic card and various other games...
sin again,
From Typhon@yabbs Mon Aug 15 19:02:19 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: RPG's...
Date: Mon Aug 15 19:02:19 1994
If people still want to play, as of the First Monday in September at 7:30
EST PM, I'll be here at YABBS on Channel Typhon (ME BIG EGOMANIAC)
to discuss what game we should run...That might become the
regular time...If you can't make it, email me and tell me your preference.
We might end up using MY game, but then again maybe not.
Typhon the Crazed
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Tue Aug 16 08:21:45 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: 321@yabbs
Subject: re: eddings-based rpg
Date: Tue Aug 16 08:21:45 1994
Try reading the Belliom books, both sets. They're really
good. Sparhawk, Kurik, Ehlana and the rest, the boy knows
how to write.!!!!!!!
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Tue Aug 16 08:24:16 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: re: eddings-based rpg
Date: Tue Aug 16 08:24:16 1994
DOOM 2 is due out later this year. I have seen some of the
critters and heard of some other types, seems nasty/awesome
to me.
From bart@yabbs Tue Aug 16 14:06:11 1994
From: bart@yabbs
To: NJDEVIL@yabbs
Subject: DOOm II
Date: Tue Aug 16 14:06:11 1994
Already have the beta of DOOM II...and it looks great...
few glitches though...due out in oct this year.
bow wow whoah yippie yo yippie yayyy!
From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 16 20:35:23 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re: RPG's...
Date: Tue Aug 16 20:35:23 1994
Hmmmmmmmm.....maybe I should mention the RPG I'm designing is mostly
hack n' slash......nah
balistic the dismemberer
From balistic@yabbs Tue Aug 16 20:37:17 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: arcadia
Date: Tue Aug 16 20:37:17 1994
Anyone here played Daytona USA by SEGA (in the arcade).....If not do, the
texture mapping is almost too real
balistic the vidiot
From Xela@yabbs Tue Aug 16 23:51:33 1994
From: Xela@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: daytona usa
Date: Tue Aug 16 23:51:33 1994
I nearly went broke playing that effin' game. :) It's incredible; now
they need to make it 3D.
From NJDEVIL@yabbs Wed Aug 17 08:46:04 1994
From: NJDEVIL@yabbs
To: bart@yabbs
Subject: re: DOOm II
Date: Wed Aug 17 08:46:04 1994
cool, am looking forward to that release, meanwhile I hone my
pitiful skills mo-dooming and wandering aimlessly thru other ppls
From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 17 15:30:02 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Xela@yabbs
Subject: re: daytona usa
Date: Wed Aug 17 15:30:02 1994
costs a buck a friggin' pop here.....only played a coupla times :)
balistic the wonderboy
From Steyr@yabbs Wed Aug 17 20:09:08 1994
From: Steyr@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: daytona usa
Date: Wed Aug 17 20:09:08 1994
$1 a pop !!! Shit !
Over here, Daytona costs $4 per game ($3 if you know the right arcade to
go to). Mind you, The Aussie dollar is worth about $0.74 US (approx), but
that's still $3 US per game !!
Fortunately, I'm too broke to be able to lose all my money on it in the
first place. :)
- Steyr
From Globe@yabbs Wed Aug 17 20:29:28 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: Lucasarts
Date: Wed Aug 17 20:29:28 1994
I am having trouble beating mission 4 of tour 1 in X-wing. It is the only
mission holding me up, it seems to be easy, but then all of a sudden the
corellian corvette blows up, it pisses me off, I try and try harder
and harder each time I play but I can not beat it.
Also does anybody know if in TIE fighter, if there is a place past the
third circle of the secret order of the empire, I can not find out. And,
when do you get to see the seret Tie fighter, in the directions is says to
fly 6 fighter craft. ther only ones that I can fly are the TIE fighter,
bomber, interceptor, assault gunoboat and TIE advanced. That is only 5,
how do you get to the 6th one. If you have any answers, I woudl be
grateful if you would help me.
P.S. i would really like to know about the secret fighter in TIe fighter
ht e most, and the X-Wing thing. Thanks!!!
From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 17 22:27:56 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Steyr@yabbs
Subject: re: daytona usa
Date: Wed Aug 17 22:27:56 1994
I wouldn'y pay 4$ a pop for anything less than virtual sex :) Ever hear
of a slot machine manufacturer called IGT? My dad works for em back here
in the states.
From balistic@yabbs Wed Aug 17 22:29:32 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: Lucasarts
Date: Wed Aug 17 22:29:32 1994
WOAH!!! YOU CAN"T BEAT THAT EITHER? That level is so friggen
balistic, codename: Red leader
From Xela@yabbs Thu Aug 18 01:36:01 1994
From: Xela@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: amnesia...
Date: Thu Aug 18 01:36:01 1994
I'm looking for a copy of an old ('87?) EA game called Amnesia, written by
a man named Thomas M. Disch (known for his sci-fi work). If anyone has a
working copy, with all dox, I'd be willing to pay serious money for it.
From aerin@yabbs Thu Aug 18 04:22:30 1994
From: aerin@yabbs
To: Dauber@yabbs
Subject: re: Amiga
Date: Thu Aug 18 04:22:30 1994
what kind of amiga games?
i have an amiga and i have tons of games for it
also, ask no_name...hes an amiga lover
From Globe@yabbs Thu Aug 18 06:25:49 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: THat stupid game
Date: Thu Aug 18 06:25:49 1994
Hey, if you beat it, write down what order to destroy the imprial planes,
I am having such a hard time wiht it, but I am doing tour V because I got
the two addons, Imperial Pursuit and B-Wing they kick ass. Well, Latewr
P.S. know anything about the TIE fighter stuff I mentioned.
From Typhon@yabbs Thu Aug 18 08:54:56 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: Xela@yabbs
Subject: As opposed to...
Date: Thu Aug 18 08:54:56 1994
>If anyone has a working copy, with all dox, I'd be willing to pay
>Serious money for it.
I don't WANT serious money, I want silly, frivilos money.
Typhon the Absurd
From dmonger@yabbs Thu Aug 18 10:08:09 1994
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: THat stupid game
Date: Thu Aug 18 10:08:09 1994
blah, the b-wing sux
its too damn slow and clumsy, so what if you've got lots of photon torps,
you're still tie bait
From Globe@yabbs Thu Aug 18 21:43:17 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: dmonger@yabbs
Subject: B-Wing
Date: Thu Aug 18 21:43:17 1994
SO, TIE fighters have no shields, THey blow up easily
From Globe@yabbs Thu Aug 18 21:50:09 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: HELP ME!!!!!!
Date: Thu Aug 18 21:50:09 1994
I still need help for the x-wing game, if you beat it tell me how to do
it, it is really pissing me off. ANd also does anybody know about the
secret fighter in TIE fighter, or am I going to have to kill myself to
find out.
From dmonger@yabbs Thu Aug 18 21:50:49 1994
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: B-Wing
Date: Thu Aug 18 21:50:49 1994
yeah, if you can get a bead on them, but when you can't turn on a cow
its hard to hit them
of course slamming into them head on is kind of fun
From Globe@yabbs Thu Aug 18 22:17:12 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: dmonger@yabbs
Date: Thu Aug 18 22:17:12 1994
Hey th bwing is a good ship, the only thing about it is where its lasers
are placed, the ion cannon on the bottom wing is an awful place to put it
because it is so slow there, all thd lasers shoutld be on the top cockpit
or or the two side wings, then if the engines were faster and it were more
maneuverable, it would be good. Know anything about TIE fighter,
From Natalie@yabbs Thu Aug 18 22:44:25 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: HELP ME!!!!!!
Date: Thu Aug 18 22:44:25 1994
i thought the whole point of puter games was to learn to beat them
yourself, not ask others how. this is prolly why i've only beaten one
puter game in my whole life, and it was a lame ascii d&d shareware thingy.
i don't have the time, patience, or inclination to play something for
hours and hours on end...
From Globe@yabbs Thu Aug 18 23:29:18 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: WHAT?
Date: Thu Aug 18 23:29:18 1994
Natalie, I have only tried that one mission about 300 times, and every
time I do it, I try harder, finally I asked somebody else who has the
game, he cannot remember how to do it, he already has gotten to tour 3 I
am on tour one. So, I think that I should be able to ask people how to
beat that one mission. :)
From dmonger@yabbs Fri Aug 19 00:03:24 1994
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: WHAT?
Date: Fri Aug 19 00:03:24 1994
yeah, one of the biggest (IMO) problems with xwing is that pesky you've
got to do everything JUST right or you have to do it again.
and it gets really tiring to keep blasting corvettes for 10 minutes thne
loose the mission cause one tie fighter got past you.
From Xela@yabbs Fri Aug 19 01:26:03 1994
From: Xela@yabbs
To: Typhon@yabbs
Subject: re: As opposed to...
Date: Fri Aug 19 01:26:03 1994
"I want silly, frivilos money."
Do you take Monopoly currency?
From Jolly-1@yabbs Fri Aug 19 06:18:59 1994
From: Jolly-1@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Date: Fri Aug 19 06:18:59 1994
Not really. I need a free e-mail address. Help me. Cheers
Leave a message here you lovely people. Byeeeee.
From Typhon@yabbs Fri Aug 19 10:06:46 1994
From: Typhon@yabbs
To: Xela@yabbs
Subject: re: As opposed to...
Date: Fri Aug 19 10:06:46 1994
You see, In Radio Prison the washed the brain of theis Unfortrunate...
Typhon the Consarned
From Gnarr@yabbs Fri Aug 19 12:12:47 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: SimCity 2000
Date: Fri Aug 19 12:12:47 1994
My friend said he was reading in MacWorld about a code you can do for
SimCity 2000 that will give you all the technology and $2 million
buck....but strangely enough...he doesn't have that issue anymore :)
He also said he thought it only worked in the first
version......but anyways has anynone else heard of sucha code..?
From balistic@yabbs Fri Aug 19 14:27:16 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re:beat it
Date: Fri Aug 19 14:27:16 1994
come to think of it, I've never beaten ANY computer games, I have however
shredded through over 30 genesis carts and 5 or 6 sega CDs, plus countless
arcade games, yep, you could call me a vidiot :)
balistic the quarter eater
From balistic@yabbs Fri Aug 19 14:28:50 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: Xela@yabbs
Subject: re: As opposed to...
Date: Fri Aug 19 14:28:50 1994
Did you know that there's actually more monopoly money in the world than
there is real money....hmmmm
From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 16:38:49 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: SimCity 2000
Date: Fri Aug 19 16:38:49 1994
heehee. i've got simcheat. well, the one i have is the one that gives
you 16 million dollars. my roommate's ex bf got it off some local bbs,
and he gave it to me...
From Globe@yabbs Fri Aug 19 18:51:41 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: SimCity 2000
Date: Fri Aug 19 18:51:41 1994
Hey, I have this 8th grader friend, who is now going into 9th and he told
me that you could do that, I of course did not believe him , so I told him
to show me. He brought up this city called
"Cheap Shot Zone" it had 2,000,000,000 dollars to spend. I then bewlieved
From Globe@yabbs Fri Aug 19 20:29:05 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: let me try:)
Date: Fri Aug 19 20:29:05 1994
Natalie, can you tell me what it is, I have a real problem with siimcity,
I cannot beat it.
From Natalie@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:07:50 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Fri Aug 19 21:07:50 1994
blah, all i know is that it's called simcheat. and the point of simcity
isn't to win. sheeeeeeeeesh. it's to build the best city you possibly
can. is that all you ever think about? winning? and simcity really isn't
all that difficult....*gasps in realization* OH MY GOD!!! MY COPY OF
SIMCITY IS WAREZ!!!! *falls over in a faint*
From Cat@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:23:31 1994
From: Cat@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Fri Aug 19 21:23:31 1994
In message re: let me try:), Natalie said:
>the point of simcity isn't to win. sheeeeeeeeesh. it's to build the best
>city you possibly
> can. is that all you ever think about? winning? and simcity really isn't
oh when i play i try to see how fast it takes to wipe out my city. i have
more fun with simearth though...sending std's and plauges out...making
killer flying octopuses that can eat every other living thing on
earth..it's oodles of fun...kinda like playing god.
From 321@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:36:10 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Gnarr@yabbs
Subject: re: SimCity 2000
Date: Fri Aug 19 21:36:10 1994
i haven't seen sc2000 yet except in stores...is it supposed to be
From 321@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:37:29 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: SimCity 2000
Date: Fri Aug 19 21:37:29 1994
there's supposed to be something simple to do in assembler that gives u
billions of dollars...if i find it i'll post it...
From 321@yabbs Fri Aug 19 21:39:07 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Cat@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Fri Aug 19 21:39:07 1994
hey cat, if u like playing god, buy simlife :)
From dmonger@yabbs Fri Aug 19 22:34:50 1994
From: dmonger@yabbs
To: 321@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Fri Aug 19 22:34:50 1994
ugh, sim life isn't as cool as i thought it would be. I like genetic
engineering and all, but its version of evolution is a bit directed.
Kind of like playing god by reading from a book.
From htoaster@yabbs Sat Aug 20 22:56:43 1994
From: htoaster@yabbs
To: dmonger@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Sat Aug 20 22:56:43 1994
yeah, simcity (the original) is the coolest simgame i've seen...
will simcheat work on simcity 2000? i'd be surpirsed if they didn't change
the file format...
and simcity is no fun if you cheat anyway...anyone can build a 200,000 person
city with tons of dollars, the trick is to get one starting from the 20,000
dollars they gave you...
a good way to make money is really just leave the thing alone for a while...
make a nice town...get enough people in it that you can charge 7% tax and
make $500/year, and then go for a walk or bike ride for a few hours and when
you come back you'll have quite a bit of dough...
also, fire depts aren't necessary...one will get them to stop complaining
about not having any, and will only cost you $100/year to run...
From Globe@yabbs Sat Aug 20 23:08:21 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: SimCity
Date: Sat Aug 20 23:08:21 1994
The trick to winnig simcity is by making a 6x6 square and putting the
zones in those, because the sim's do not like to move farther then
3 squares away from the road. Trust me it works, I have a city that has
18,000,000 dollars an 3 million people.
P.S. you are right, you can walk away from it for a while and come back
and have a lot of money, that is what I did.
P.P.s.s. do you think that you could help me with the x-wing problem that
is in message 290 or something
From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 21 00:02:59 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Sun Aug 21 00:02:59 1994
but i liiiiiiiiike simcheat....cause then you can build these totally rad
cities, then blow them up :) i like the monster the best.
From Globe@yabbs Sun Aug 21 00:08:54 1994
From: Globe@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Date: Sun Aug 21 00:08:54 1994
Natalie, what do you type to get simcheat to work, I want to see what is
does, and if I like it, ok?
From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 21 00:57:43 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: SIMCHEAT
Date: Sun Aug 21 00:57:43 1994
um....you have to get the program first...then you type simcheat
From 'Drew@yabbs Sun Aug 21 03:13:32 1994
From: 'Drew@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: SIMCHEAT
Date: Sun Aug 21 03:13:32 1994
I'll have to get a copy of that from ya m'dear, assuming I can get
SimCity to work on the 'puter...
From Cat@yabbs Sun Aug 21 16:51:59 1994
From: Cat@yabbs
To: htoaster@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Sun Aug 21 16:51:59 1994
In message re: let me try:), htoaster said:
> also, fire depts aren't necessary...one will get them to stop complaining
> about not having any, and will only cost you $100/year to run...
god you sound like our mayor
From balistic@yabbs Sun Aug 21 22:03:47 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: hmm....simlife?
Date: Sun Aug 21 22:03:47 1994
Ya know what would be really fun......SimDeath :)....or SimAfterlife :)
Brian the post-apocalyptic
From Natalie@yabbs Sun Aug 21 22:45:35 1994
From: Natalie@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: hmm....simlife?
Date: Sun Aug 21 22:45:35 1994
oh...that would be soooo fun...you could build all kinds of fun hells for
people you don't like....oh, i'm so mean... ;)
From Xela@yabbs Mon Aug 22 03:26:40 1994
From: Xela@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: As opposed to...
Date: Mon Aug 22 03:26:40 1994
I'm still looking for Amnesia, the computer game. And I'll pay monopoly
money or US money or whatever for it. :)
From Xela@yabbs Mon Aug 22 03:30:05 1994
From: Xela@yabbs
To: balistic@yabbs
Subject: re: hmm....simlife?
Date: Mon Aug 22 03:30:05 1994
"Ya know what would be really fun....SimDeath"
I was thinking something more upbeat, with a catchy name:
From Hellion@yabbs Mon Aug 22 12:55:23 1994
From: Hellion@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: SimCheat
Date: Mon Aug 22 12:55:23 1994
What is the deal with this simcheat thing? I have simcity and all
I have to do is hit Left-<CTRL>+Left-<ALT>+<f>+<u>+<n>+<d> *all
at the same time* and you get $20,000 but only do it once in a
while or the city will turn against you, it is hard to explain
that though... I don't know if I have that totally right I have
Changed from MeSsyDOS to Linux and haven't played it in a while
so let me know if is doesn't work and I will figure it out
again. L8r
-- Hellion
From balistic@yabbs Mon Aug 22 13:25:08 1994
From: balistic@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: re:sim afterlife
Date: Mon Aug 22 13:25:08 1994
hmmmm....howz about simNear-death-experience :)
balistic the guardian angel
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 22 23:43:05 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: let me try:)
Date: Mon Aug 22 23:43:05 1994
i kinda like making a huge city with one fire dept then letting a fire or
plane crash loose on the city...had a megalopolis with only 1 fd. died in
around 2 hours, explosions galore :)
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 22 23:44:19 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Globe@yabbs
Subject: re: SIMCHEAT
Date: Mon Aug 22 23:44:19 1994
it's note simcheat, but you can type FUND (in all caps) to get you a few
thousand bucks every now and then. only problem is every 10 times or so
you do it, you get a major earthquake, even if disasters are off
From Jazzy@yabbs Tue Aug 23 09:12:22 1994
From: Jazzy@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: read /i roth
Date: Tue Aug 23 09:12:22 1994
From Gnarr@yabbs Sat Aug 27 21:36:34 1994
From: Gnarr@yabbs
To: all@yabbs
Subject: simcheat for SIm2000
Date: Sat Aug 27 21:36:34 1994
I got it
in v1.0 of SimCity 2000 if you type(funky word coming up)
porntipsguzzardo you get 500k and all the technologie(i.e. fusion
powerplants in 1900)
OR :).....if you just type ardo you get the 500k...
NOTE: this particular cheat only works in v1.0....there is a code for a
later version but it involves clicking on certain tools and typing other
stuff...and I didn't bother to write it down :)
Anyways..apparently it was in MacWorld but I have no idea as to what
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 29 17:30:02 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Xela@yabbs
Subject: re: As opposed to...
Date: Mon Aug 29 17:30:02 1994
um...yeah i saw that Amnesia game once...now where was that...
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 29 17:34:46 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: Hellion@yabbs
Subject: re: SimCheat
Date: Mon Aug 29 17:34:46 1994
i believe i messaged earlier about that... hold down shift (or caps lock
maybe) and type "fund"..do it too many times there's a big earthquake...
that's not in simcheat...all sorts of other neat little things like that
built in to all the maxis games...or just about all of em...
From 321@yabbs Mon Aug 29 17:38:25 1994
From: 321@yabbs
To: 321@yabbs
Subject: 321
Date: Mon Aug 29 17:38:25 1994
321 the insane :)