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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19
1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
2$************************* 24 jul 91 **************************************
3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator
7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately
8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general
9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the
10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all
11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the
12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data
13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out
14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering
15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to
16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up.
17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 07/24/91 16:05 Msg:6270 Call:36185 Lines:2
20 I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! - L.C.
21 **********************************************************
003=Usr:322 Stray Cat 07/24/91 16:32 Msg:6271 Call:36186 Lines:6
23 Peek a boo... peek a boo.... peek a boo ... peek a boo....
25 or maybe it was Shawn or Sean ...
26 I don't know, I was only there two minutes or so.
004=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 07/25/91 19:17 Msg:6274 Call:36205 Lines:34
28 &*&*&*&*'s
29 What to speak of today? How about dreams, and what they mean.
31 Do we need sleep so that we may dream? What purpose does sleep
32 serve?
34 I don't have the slightest idea myself. Sometimes I view dreaming
35 as a window into my inner most thoughts. Sometimes I view it as
36 another world, stranger but no less real then our own. At other
37 times I think of dreams as a mental game that I play with myself, and
38 on rare occasions, I seem to set my self up for a future sense of
39 deja' vu.
41 I am seldom the master of my dreams. To ofteen my dreams seem to master
42 me. They are reluctant to allow me to conquer my daytime fears
43 within in them. As if they know that to do so would be at most
44 second best.
46 When I was younger I had no control in my dreams. Within there
47 framework I would do whatever I could. With time I decided that
48 even as thoughts, some actions should not be carried out.
50 All the colors of the rainbow exist in my dreams. I don't remember
51 it ever being any other way. The world we know during waking hours
52 has on occasion seemed far duller to me. But it is the one I remember
53 best, so I must admit to it the greater reality.
55 Elusive as anything we know, dreams are I believe part of our inner
56 most selves. And though we may feel their lack from time to time,
57 they are never far away.
59 An Astral Dreamer (Does anybody read this stuff?)
60 &*&*&*&*'s
005=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 07/25/91 20:26 Msg:6275 Call:36206 Lines:11
62 :::::=====:::::=====
64 AD: Yes, we really do read it, though the vast majority out there won't take
65 the time to admit it for fear of actually having to interact with others...
67 Your input, as withh any person's reasonable input, is valued and appreciated.
69 You may now return to your regular self-esteem.
71 :::::=====:::::=====Zephyr
006=Usr:31 The Doctor 07/26/91 10:00 Msg:6276 Call:36211 Lines:1
73 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Doc Lurk
007=Usr:322 Stray Cat 07/26/91 14:26 Msg:6278 Call:36217 Lines:15
75 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
77 I wouldn't kid myself into believing First Presby downtown is erecting
78 low cost housing for the HOMELESS. Some church pillars down there are
79 highly connected with PSU (the ones running the textbook sample scam)
80 and that singles housing is most likely for PSU student housing. (The
81 Ondine turned into a nightmare ... I don't know anything about the one
82 is Goose Hollow).
84 I don't think that downtown church is any different than FBC/CC, Inc.
85 right up the street.
87 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
008=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 07/27/91 17:48 Msg:6279 Call:36237 Lines:23
89 &*&*&*&*'s
90 I guess sometimes my insecurities get the best of me.
92 Its sort of interesting. Am I the only one who does stupid things while
93 knowing that they are stupid? Not just everyday stupid either. There
94 are aspects of my life which are far from perfect, and yet I continue to
95 do the things that make my life less then perfect. Perhaps perfect is
96 to strong a word. I'd settle for satisfying.
98 Its almost as if I'm not in control. There is me, the person I am, and
99 then theres this total introvert that can't stammer his way through a
100 decent conversation when he meets new people. I don't even feel comfortable
101 with people unless I spend like a year knowing them. Its very disturbing
102 to me.
104 BBS'ing is like the only place I can be semi-honoust.
106 Oh well, just feeling sort of down I guess. I have made some improvments,
107 it just seems to take forever sometimes.
109 An Astral Dreamer (In search of the meaning of MY life.)
110 &*&*&*&*'s
009=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 07/28/91 18:26 Msg:6283 Call:36254 Lines:4
113 I don't know about the Milwaukie case, but I would say some of the meals
114 served in school cafeterias certainly had interesting origins...........
010=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 07/29/91 00:07 Msg:6284 Call:36259 Lines:6
116 :::::=====:::::=====
118 *Sigh*... New Material, Please... NEXT!!!!
120 :::::=====:::::=====Zephyrlurk
011=Usr:322 Stray Cat 07/29/91 08:48 Msg:6285 Call:36267 Lines:3
123 ~~~~~~~~~Best Makes Waves While You Still CAN~~~~~~
012=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 07/29/91 10:02 Msg:6286 Call:36268 Lines:2
125 How very true.
013=Usr:585 Max Bell 07/29/91 16:52 Msg:6287 Call:36275 Lines:1
127 I prefer to lounge in the lulls of the Slack tides...
014=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 07/30/91 16:10 Msg:6288 Call:36296 Lines:7
128 696969696969
130 CONGRATUALTIONS !! to Thingfish on the birth of a male
131 fingerling. May he make it to the ocean, and back.
133 696969696969696969
015=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 07/31/91 09:22 Msg:6289 Call:36325 Lines:4
135 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
136 Hello all. Just stopping by to say hi. Haven't been around in a
137 while, and will be dropping in mor regularly now.
138 [][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
016=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 07/31/91 09:26 Msg:6290 Call:36326 Lines:10
139 :::::=====:::::=====
141 Friar!!! Good to see you once more... May you grace our monitors for many
142 days to come...
144 Just wondering... how did everythig work out with that little...
145 surprise a while back?
147 :::::=====:::::=====Zephyr
017=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 08/01/91 07:41 Msg:6291 Call:36351 Lines:4
149 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
150 Zephyr -
151 Surprise? Which one?
152 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
018=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 08/02/91 14:42 Msg:6292 Call:36379 Lines:10
153 :::::=====:::::=====
155 EEP!!! You can't mean-! *Gasp* choke* Good Lord! NO!
157 :::::=====:::::=====Zephyr
159 P.S. Just as long as you don't name them Laura and Maddie I'll be okay...
161 :::::=====:::::=====Zephyr
019=Usr:588 Tim Schmidt 08/03/91 23:59 Msg:6293 Call:36393 Lines:3
164@edit test. Can I delete this?
020=Usr:570 TIM ZIVNEY 08/05/91 01:19 Msg:6294 Call:36412 Lines:8
167 503-639-
170 503-639-xxxx 9PM TIL 2PM NXT DAY.
171 503-639-xxxx 9PM TIL 2PM NNXT DAY.
021=Usr:31 The Doctor 08/06/91 09:18 Msg:6295 Call:36430 Lines:1
174 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Doc Lurk
022=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/08/91 15:01 Msg:6298 Call:36461 Lines:6
175 &*&*&*&*'s
176 Hah! Bet you thought there wouldn't be anything new.
178 An Astral Dreamer
179 &*&*&*&*'s
023=Usr:31 The Doctor 08/09/91 13:52 Msg:6299 Call:36474 Lines:3
181 ????????????????????????????????
182 Ha! And I was right!
183 ???????????????????????????? Doc
024=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 08/10/91 09:22 Msg:6300 Call:36482 Lines:15
186 :::::=====:::::======
188 WANTED - Artists with knowledge of fanttasy-oriented styles, clothing, equipmen
189 general garb, e.
192 Please contact Zephyr - User #368.
195 Thank you in advance.
197 :::::=====:::::=====Zephyr
025=Usr:322 Stray Cat 08/10/91 11:29 Msg:6301 Call:36485 Lines:149
199 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All Around the Mulberry Bush <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
201 Maybe I just hadn't been paying attention but I now notice somebody FINALLY
202 "substantiated" my personal views on the farcical VALUES curriculum being
203 cogitated by the State DOE. Isn't it just intriguing the only educator
204 seeming to civicly respond was the outrageously ousted principal of Newberg
205 High -- expelled to network in some corrupt Board Member's (AND Church
206 Pillar's) friend?/lover?/relative ... which also seemingly corrorobates
207 publicity the ever-cozy PPS Board/Administration has received for their
208 similar unscrupulous shenanigans this past year.
210 Cleverly reading what *I WANTED TO** into what was actually said, I must
211 agree that despite the perils of superficially "TEACHING" kids VALUES without
212 also properly empowering staff to MODEL them through effective and resource-
213 ful school management mandates, **IF** teachers are REALLY going to be
214 expected to integrate YET ANOTHER stuffy synthetic substitute as a new
215 curriculum requirement into their already confusing and outlandish overload,
216 the paramount precepts instilled should be:
220 3. CORROBORATE CORRUPTION (especially for those scumbag supremacists
221 escouncing such shallow standards as presently prevails)
223 Then explicit authorization should be granted to concerned principals and
224 teachers/students/staff/taxpaying-parents to do just that ... WITHOUT
225 penalty and without necessitating DECENT legal assistance <- because it's
226 seemingly utterly UNAVAILABLE ... in RIP City, anyway.
228 But just this slightest hint of concurrence has now give me the unmitigated
229 gall to post below my INITIAL reaction to the Sunday article, which I'd
230 suppressed deeming it altogether too "ilLAWjikal" to unleash on such an
231 unfriendly (or frightened) audience as you all seem to be. (Besides, I
232 *AM* still unconsciously terrified of possible placement in one of those
233 BUSHWhacker sensory-deprivation prison "settings" designed solely for
234 impudent handmaidens, which possible even COVERT "radical" rantings could
235 increasingly evoke <grin> (I SAW it on OPB ... really, I *DID*!)
237 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
239 Is it coincidence or the embossed "?" on my Mars line?? I keep happening
240 upon these jeering articles that absolutely drive me nuts ... and compel
241 me to raucously remit my ever-spiralling frustration and folating hostil-
242 ity on YOU -- horde of disparaging lurkers that you are. This time it's
243 the Sunday spotlight on the State Board of Education's social studies
244 specialist, Mary Jean Katz (any relation BTW??), advertising yet another
245 new/added curriculum, this one to TEACH **VALUES??** orientation in the
246 public schools. Although this relates to what I've bee moaning about
247 for years on this brattice and elsewhere, I've always maintained that
248 people need to be SHOWN prototypical values by example nd modeling, not
249 TAUGHT thru tedious texts or kindred arbitrarily "bleached" brainwashing
250 basals.
252 Anyway, how can teachers oppressed by the dishonest self-interest of too
253 numerous administrators be expected to instruct students of absurdly over-
254 extended parents in a society where "values" seem nonexistent except as
255 they pertain to the pervading reverence for the jillion +1 trendy toys/
256 gargantuan gadgets/designer drugs and other sleazy status symbols that
257 can be had in exchange for all "quality time" <GRIN ... I KNOW we all
258 LOVE that one> available to the enslaved working class (**IF** the plastic
259 preserve or rarer cash stash is not already squandered, that is) and that
260 unhealthy "respect" for the political control necessary to maintain the
261 habituated masses into fitting victims for that absolute dominion needed
262 to concentrate 85% of the wealth in the hands of a masterful 5% circle of
263 swindlers, then blaming the resulting viciously outrageous mess on the
264 dysfunctional famimlies of the thus enmeshed workingman. VALUES instruc-
265 tion is something people chould be encouraged and GUIDED to glean from
266 their OWN observations of socieity. Teaching children ARE one way when
267 daily experience proves the opposite generates confusion, frustration,
268 then outrage that years of various degrees of pendulum swings only
269 aggravates, especially for those who've fought for years to avoid auto-
270 matic matriculation into that all-encomassing corps of the living dead.
272 PPS's own social studies specialist provides a matchless model for the
273 fatuous futility of such mystification modalities. If any one person COULD
274 be held solely responsible for the purportedly poor perception of PPS's
275 curriculum department, they would defintely be of the Eleanor ilk.
276 Eleanor was probably networked into PPS administration thru her husband
277 who is an administrator in change of hiring staff foro the education dept.
278 at PSU and works "too closely <wink>," she once said, with a certain
279 Virginia McElroy (related or what??), who is in charge of assigned PSU
280 student teachers to metropolitan-area classrooms. As fate would have it,
281 Eleanor was responsible for assembling a "values" curriculum for social
282 studies to explain to the young and not so young how the world supposedly
283 works. Altough it SOUNDS wonderful it is, unfortunately, dishonest, phony
284 and stilted in view of not only her OWN behavior, values orientation, and
285 "influence" in the district AND community but that of the administrators
286 who, in an utterly irregular exercise, assisted her introduction of them
287 to district teachers (... how many teaches had ever SEEN McElroy except
288 maybe at some swanky seminar or at the ad building??). But to pair
289 ostentation w/hypocricy, her "latest" buddy and equally as noxiously-
290 networked DOI was then culled by Walt Hathaway to co-donduct the trial
291 implementation.
293 Extraordinarily as it now seems, in view of the REST of the story, part
294 of this social Studies core WAS written by a district teacher whose
295 personal and public values it DID reflect. He'd been president of the
296 teacher's union at the time PPS was undergoing one of the more serious
297 of its continuous mismanagement crises and teachers were threatening to
298 strike. I believe this was at the time of the Board's infamous red-
299 herring appeasement ploy to expel the Superintendent for, as Bill Scott
300 put in a few months ago, "personality differences," but leaving in place
301 the autocrat who'd REALLY run and district and came in WITH Dr. Blanchad.
302 And despite this teacher's countless OTHER contributions to the positive
303 image of PPS, for the remainder of his career he experience nothing but
304 endless hassles and humiliations... the last of which, during three months
305 as part-time Textbook Coordinator, hired through Eleanor's "influence",
306 was inexplicably forced into executing her PPS/PSU textbook sample scam
307 with its rumored resulting slush fund (a double betrayal because Eleanor
308 KNEW his "values" but continued to masquerade as his "best friend" none-
309 the less ... very confusing for a sole male sequestered in a somewhat
310 secluded chamber of already Eleanor-alienated females). And subsequent
311 t writing a letter to textbook sales resps revealing the fate of their
312 rather spendy samples, he simply failed to return from spring vacation
313 and died of a rare blood cancer a short time later.
315 After the stunning effect of THAT caper (I, for one, was totally blown
316 away), Eleanor promptly started a second such campaign the following fall,
317 targeting a first-year and possibly gay teacher in the downstairs school
318 portion of the same building when she informed me, rathe threateningly, she
319 was having Ms. McElroy place one of her (Eleanor's) PSU students (yes, she
320 was "networked" there too) in my friend's classroom downstairs (we'd become
321 good friends as the "errant" smokers in the custodian's boiler room when
322 he'd "subbed" there the year abefore). My suspicions as to the student
323 teacher's intended impact on him wre confirmed when she came to the boiler
324 room one day to "too jocosely" announce her new lesson plan making our
325 friend the "court jester" of his own classroom which, even if it was MEANT
326 to project and respresent a POSTIVE image rather than the more usually,
327 generally-accepted preposterous one, would be a rather advanced concept
328 for fourth graders, I would think. Anyway, after three months of teaching
329 his own fourth grade class, he was forcedto resign due to the same sudden
330 "illness" and died of liver cancer te following spring. Too weirdly
331 coincidentally, the NEXT spring, and this was related in an OREGONIAN
332 article because the school crew seemed so freaked by it, another teacher
333 from this same school turned up "missing and presumed dead" for five
334 days after an early spring hike in the gorge, but was finally rescued
335 on the very anniversary of the second teacher's death.
337 But the absurdities don't EVEN end there. Shortly after the missing
338 teaher misery-turned-miracle happenstance, I received an invitation to
339 attend a memorial asssembly for the FIRST teacher tragedy. Although I
340 had been expelled a year before due to an inabilt to endure further
341 intrigues with Eleanor and other administrators/departements "in" on
342 my gang rape *NOR* the even more astonishing harrassment by my own union (of
343 all things!), I DID summon up enough courage to attend. Unfortunately,
344 after almost a year of regrouping my mind/emotions trying to get this
345 9-year nightmare with PPS into some kind of "LAWjikal" perspective, I
346 was absolutely REmortified.
026=Usr:186 Wesley Smith 08/11/91 08:56 Msg:6302 Call:36490 Lines:3
348 I am interested in talking to anyone who is blind, who has used packet radio
349 With speech synthesis and a screen reader program. I am curious to kno
350 wheather it was successfull or not. please leave me a message hear or in my
027=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/11/91 12:55 Msg:6303 Call:36493 Lines:16
351 &*&*&*&*'s
352 All this PPS bashing is interesting, and there may even be something to.
353 But, the presentation is less then ideal. All I ask is that things be
354 a bit more coherent. I couldn't make heads or tales of half that
355 last post. It struck me that there were a lot of missing details that
356 might have made things easier to grasp. This may have been intentional.
358 The death by cancer part leaves me very skeptical. Are you implying these
359 people were somehow poisned? Or that perhaps the reasons listed for their
360 deaths may have in fact been falsified?
362 (I havn't noticed anything wierd myself. And I do have a minor persecution
363 complex, so I tend to over-react. Go figure.)
365 An Astral Dreamer (Just don't turn out the lights)
366 &*&*&*&*'s
028=Usr:352 Katie Kolbet 08/12/91 19:43 Msg:6304 Call:36518 Lines:15
369 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
370 Hidey-ho and hello! I haven't been on here in so long I wondered if the board
371 would still be here. I very glad to find it again, although I have to be
372 taking off for college once more in two weeks. (Sigh!) Anyway, greetings to
373 Friar, Astral Dreamer, and Zephyr! I'm surprised to see someone I actually
374 remember, although you may not remember me......
376 Anyway, i gotta go! (My brother wants his modem back. brothers can be soooo
377 demanding!!!)
379 Talk to you again!
381 ++++++++++++++++++++ Kaitlyn
029=Usr:186 Wesley Smith 08/13/91 05:44 Msg:6305 Call:36525 Lines:2
382 I am interested in meeting others who are blind, and using speech with packet
383 radio and have used it successfully. please leave me a message hear on the
030=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/13/91 11:26 Msg:6306 Call:36528 Lines:6
384 &*&*&*&*'s
385 I never leave. Good to see you.
387 An Astral Dreamer (Unable to form a long meaningfull sentance.)
388 &*&*&*&*'s
031=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 08/13/91 15:03 Msg:6307 Call:36530 Lines:12
390 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
391 Kaitlyn- Welcome back. I have just returned too. I am waiting for
392 the Quantier to cause problems again. :)
394 All - I have been examining my archives, and the last one that I have
395 from the earlier batch is BW901103, and the first one from this batch
396 is BW910730. So there ar about six months in there that I am missing.
397 Could someone please supply the missing disks? BTW, LHSP and Milch,
398 I have printed all of the archives. It is about four feet long.
400 [][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
032=Usr:549 alan kennedy 08/13/91 16:38 Msg:6308 Call:36537 Lines:4
402 |||||||||||||||||||
403 Grizzly's Den 335-8101 This is a test rewrite of the Boyan 5.0 Host script.
404 Give it a try so I can see if it works as well remote as it does local (hope)
405 |||||||||||||||||||
033=Usr:352 Katie Kolbet 08/13/91 16:42 Msg:6309 Call:36538 Lines:9
408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
409 Well I figured the ever-lurking Astral Dreamer never left. And Friar, glad
410 you're back too. By the way, has anyone heard from THE VISION in a while?
412 Just breezing through......
414 +++++++++++++++++++Kaitlyn
034=Usr:322 Stray Cat 08/13/91 21:28 Msg:6310 Call:36543 Lines:32
416 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>All Around the Mulberry Bush, 2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
418 As it happened, Linda Simington, the previously-mentioned DOI but principal
419 at the school where Chuck worked the OTHER half-time was the spraker. And
420 in front of all Chuck's relatives, an entire middle school/partial high
421 school audience, and me, she presented a totally stultifying parody of his
422 PPS experience to the point, I though, of outright ridicule. She then
423 conferred the plague paid for from a scholarship fund in his name onto his
424 family who, in their obvious embarrassmet and shock, were then required to
425 parade to the front of the auditorium to retrieve it when actually, the
426 plaque was being dedicated to the school. It said something like "he changed
427 us all just a little bit." I talked briefly with the current principal and
428 she seemed anxious to explain she had NOTHING to do with the assembly.
429 Although I saw the ever-luminous Eleanor in the hall before the assembly, she
430 didn't attend and other than the Grant cluster IS (Chuck's childhood friend),
431 I seemed to be the only other "outsider" invited. Having sacrificed his
432 career to advocate for decent teacher/student/taxpayer rights I had, of
433 course, visualized an auditorium full of teachers had also been invited.
435 But ignorance of the relevance of maintaining an adequate curriculum dept.
436 cannot be blamed entirely on the likes of Eleanor, although she was often
437 a HORRIBLE example of what the department was about. Curriculum has been
438 tampered through drastic reorganization schemes for years until it seemed
439 they'd ultimately become merely mission masters for the myriad schemes and
440 conflicting interests as the testing contingent of the world-class Evalu-
441 ation Department (and infinite OTHER administrative departments), DOIs,
442 the School Board ... to say nothing of those ever-increasing state board
443 requirements ... all with little, if any, CD&S control over the resulting
444 illogical/irrational fragmented assortment of requisites, always blamed on
445 CD&S only because they had to implement them.
035=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/14/91 08:07 Msg:6311 Call:36552 Lines:19
447 &*&*&*&*'s
448 I don't know about the past, but these days the testing people don't have
449 power one over curiculam. In fact, they seem to be busy trying to beat us
450@to a bloody pulp. (And doing a decent job of it I might add.) And as
451@far as a result of other departments forcing changes... Lets just say
452@I'm not unfamiliar with that either.
454 into submision. (And doing a bloody good job of it to.)
456 And, when it comes to bad press as a result of changes forced by certain
457 other departments, lets just say that I'm all to familiar with it from
458 the exact opposite end you mention.
460 Truth is a nasty thing. It can make us look bad. Worst of all, it can
461 show that we are wrong. And nobody wants to be wrong.
463 An Astral Dreamer (Question reality)
464 &*&*&*&*'s
036=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 08/14/91 12:57 Msg:6312 Call:36558 Lines:1
466 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
037=Usr:588 Tim Schmidt 08/14/91 13:40 Msg:6313 Call:36559 Lines:31
467 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
469 Quiet and unnoticed, the agent slipped through the doorway. Had
470 any eyes lifted or heads swiveled to note the arrival, the occupants would
471 have seen only a youngish woman glancing around uncertainly by the heavy
472 wooden door, waiting for her eyes to adjust, or perhaps trying to decide
473 whether or not to venture further.
474 The occupants would have been mistaken.
476 Petrov was quite at home in stiletto heels and sheer black hose.
477 And in the Inn.
478 The other patrons were sitting around singly or in small groups,
479 mostly with their eyes lowered into mugs of ale; and few spoke.
480 Stumbling only once when his left heel found a crater in the uneven
481 floor, Petrov crossed the smoke-filled room to a blocky wooden table by
482 the hearth.
483 Though the passage of time was apparent, the old inn nevertheless
484 bore signs of a rich and exciting history. The table and bench he
485 occupied was covered with graffiti, old and new -- mostly old. Transition
486 between two sublty different architecture styles outlined where one wall
487 was almost completely demolished in some forgotten battle. Axe marks and
488 bolo slashes were on everything.
489 On the table before him, Petrov examined the sharp-edged scratchings
490 of some political or social commentator. But underneath, becoming rounded
491 and less distinct by time and abrasion, the old tales and fantasies
492 remained. He smiled softly to himself.
493 Across the room, the amicable Innkeeper shuffled along, moving
494 quite a bit slower than before in the presence of the Inn's undemanding
495 denizens.
496 Petrov
497 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
038=Usr:31 The Doctor 08/14/91 15:33 Msg:6314 Call:36562 Lines:1
498 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DocLurk
039=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 08/15/91 07:14 Msg:6315 Call:36574 Lines:21
499 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
500 Friar was calmly working out an enigma he had discovered when he felt the door
501 open again, and saw a person come in. Not really noticing the person, he went
502 back to his study.
503 "If everything the politician says is false, and the evangelist can say false
504 or true things, and the bartender is always truthful ..." Hmmm. Too much
505 time has passed since last sleep. Maybe an ale and a corned beef sandwich.
507 "Barkeep?"
509 "Unnnnh?"
511 "A pint of stout, please."
513 "Unnnnh."
515 Taking the pint, Friar reached into his bag and pulled out a sandwich, and then
516 put it back in favor of a bay shrimp salad. (His magick bag having gone
517 nouvelle cuisine on him.) And he sat down to munch a while.
518 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
040=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 08/16/91 21:00 Msg:6317 Call:36592 Lines:7
520 *$%_!@#*$_)!)_$(%*@%^&_%*#@)%(_)!@+$*%#*()_~!_)#%*@#&^#*)%_)@*%)_!($_)!#$(!$(
521 A.D.: I left 6 tapes by your shoebox. We can discuss terms when you get
522 back from your visits abroad (or was that visit a broad?)...
523 Doctor: Got a couple Concrete Blond albums. Good stuff! Thanks for the
524 intro.
525 *)_%*@#)%(()(_)%*#%*@*%%*@%_*)@ L'homme sans Parity *($_)@#($_)@($_)!($_)%*_%*
041=Usr:549 alan kennedy 08/17/91 00:17 Msg:6318 Call:36594 Lines:3
527 |||||||
528 Griz lurk
529 ||||||||
042=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 08/18/91 16:56 Msg:6319 Call:36607 Lines:2
530 *_$*#_*@#_*$%_*$@&^_)@#*%_)!$_! L'homme Lurk *$!@*$_)!@$*_)!@&*$%_)!@_!$)*!_@$
043=Usr:4 Milchar 08/18/91 18:01 Msg:6320 Call:36608 Lines:1
532 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch Local lurk
044=Usr:131 THE VISION 08/19/91 01:16 Msg:6321 Call:36614 Lines:24
533 ____________________________T H E V I S I O N____________________________
535 Hello! Wow - I haven't been here for about six months! Glad to see it still
536 here! I was glad to see A.D. still here! How's it going ol' buddy? Hi
537 Kaitlyn! Where are you going to college at? Good to see you here too. Well
538 I've been down in Orange, CA going to school at Chapman College (just recently
540 changed to Chapman University...) It's a small school (about 1,900) students.
541 It was pretty boring down there. Disneyland is only 5 minutes away but I am
542 very bored of Disneyland... I'd rather go to Universal studios!! My grades
543 were terrible... so bad that I would rather not repeat them :) I applied to
544 OSU because I'm definitely not going back to Chapman but I wasn't even acc-
545 epted at OSU. That's pretty bad... so I guess it's PCC for awhile...until
546 I get my grades up. I went to PCC this summer and made up a couple of my
547 F's... whoops! ...I mean bad grades... from Chapman. I kinda like PCC.. It's
548 not as bad as I was told by a lot of people. Anyway, I am rambling so I will
549 sign off for now. I should be in town for awhile, so I will stop by more
550 often! Good to see you all again........
551 __________________________________________________________________________
553 end
554 /p
555 done
556 bye
045=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 08/19/91 08:23 Msg:6324 Call:36616 Lines:8
557 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
558 All-
559 How about them Russians!?
560 What do you think is going to happen nxt? Will Yeltsin be arrested? Will the
561 economic reforms be reversed? Will bread lines be twice as long? Inquiring
562 minds want to speculate.
563 [][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
046=Usr:31 The Doctor 08/19/91 10:44 Msg:6325 Call:36619 Lines:1
565 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DocLurk
047=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/19/91 12:23 Msg:6326 Call:36621 Lines:13
566 &*&*&*&*'s
567 Fun and games in the USSR. This song was old when they pulled it on
568 Lennon. I guess new material is hard to come by.
570 As to what is going to happen, good question. Things are fairly unstable
571 over there, and we could be looking at some fairly nasty anarchy. The
572 next few weeks should be a good indication.
574 Sigh, life is getting to interesting.
576 An Astral Dreamer
577 &*&*&*&*'s
048=Usr:604 Chemo Sabe 08/20/91 07:23 Msg:6327 Call:36639 Lines:79
579 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>And the Mystification Continues<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
582 Another interseting and obnoxious piece in this Sunday's supplements ...
583 this time about the rather ugly political history of RIP City by, of all
584 people, th OREGONIAN's **theater** <-??? critic. As usual, it's hard to
585 tell frm the usual illogical rationality what's REALLY being implied other
586 than that the growing pains of a much-needed SOPHISTICATION is causing the
587 loss of the illusion of the "innocence" we never really had because pros-
588 perous political overlording bigots traditionally removed those "misfits"
589 ("axed" as Oregon's largest employer is fond to say) who insulted their
590 sensitivities ... which is why, I uess (as I heard on KBOOs Sunday evening
591 Radiozine), Portland is the whitest city in the nation.
593 But since the REAL essence behind "sophistication" variously suggests
594 artificiality, unnaturalness, falsity, corruption and deception, I can't
595 imagine what the REAL advantages of becoming sophisticated could be other
596 tan to profit the same 5% circle of swindlers that have historically
597 benefitted from such local/national "sophistication" schemes.
599 Logically, if "crime" wa intentionally "decentralized" from the downtown
600 waterfront area, why is there still such a heavy and disproportionate
601 concentration of police protection for merchants who were "bequeathed"
602 that area? And why DID they scatter this hardship out to already-over-
603 burdened neighborhoods citywide, making it REALLY hard to track crime?
604 And then why CONTINUE to pour ever larger disproportionate amounts of
605 public money into developing the downtown area when neighborhoods desper-
606 ately need the help, especially now that the "liabilities" have been
607 shifted??? And WHY are the already overburdened ratepayers THEN
608 required to finance downtown sewer renovations when neighborhoods have to
609 pay for the same through separate neighborhood improvement districts (on
610 top of the overall ratehike) .... not to mention the ramifications of the
611 insulting new streamsnitch scheme this ratehike will als finance AND which
612 will probably do to creek-dwellers what heppened to pre-Old Town river-
613 area establishments?????
615 But if having a "dynamic" perpetual posterior-pinching ex-mayor/governor,
616 who suddently "quits" at precisely the time of some purported (and
617 nationally-reported) high-level curruption on the pretext of a rash
618 mid-life crisis, then appearing glassy-eyed, smug and smirking at hs
619 successor's inauguration, chewig gum like a naughty child (part of his
620 Children's Agenda??) and staggering out on the shoulder of his new
621 "companion" looking much the same as the "stumblebums" he had removed
622 from his "revitalized" downtown is an example of this needed sophisti-
623 cation, we're in BIG trouble folks!
625 Although I'll reserve comment on the new Nike corporate headquarters
626 and the equally as nighmarish (but award-winning) downtown store, I
627 will say I certainly thought ever-unhealthy and cadaverish-looking Phil
628 Knight's historic tennis match with the reigning world champ was
629 unquestionably another stultifying example of this absurd "I CLAUDIUS-ISH"
630 sophistication .. as was Neal's recent empty-office-except-for-the-billion-
631 dollar-carpeting photo, which reminded me of the concluding setment of
632 CARNAL KNOWLEDGE as Jack Nicholson smugly squats catatonic in his self-
633 styled steril surroundings ... or PJ's insufferably patroninzig columns
634 exalting backer's jillion-dollar gadgets and/or barroom brawls. Really,
635 it's mortifying. And who NEEDS it, anyway (except those good ol' boys)??!
637 But mumbling about born-again pagains -> that frighteningly freakist
638 feminist fanatical fring, I fathom <-, these guys all seem to think
639 they're some kind of Emperor/Gods of a New World Order or something. I
640 wonder when the dynamic and visionary Mssrs. Knigh/Goldschmidt/Ames-
641 Steinfield et al will erect Nike-like oversized public incons unto
642 themselves??? Or maybe they could persuade PJ to prompt his parsimonious
643 patrons to promote just such a progressive proposal (ie., thru a public
644 bond measure, of course, so only the poverty-stricken will have to pay
645 for it).
647 But most offensive of all, I thought, was the theater-critic-turned-
648 political-historian's insinuation that those who finally MIGHT have
649 been "given" [implied] an "equal" (but undoubtedly LIMITED in MOST
650 cases) "opportunity" <-a moderately far wage anyway ... and had then
651 "moved out" leaving only the very poor in "the neighorhood" MAY be
652 partially to blame for the loss of this finctional innocense and the
653 now rampaging violence in NE Portland.
655 Just who's living in a childish dream-world???
657 .
049=Usr:604 Chemo Sabe 08/20/91 19:36 Msg:6328 Call:36645 Lines:8
659 *<*<*<**<*<*<**<*<*<*<*<*<*<*<<*<*
661 What I think we need at Pioneer Square or elsewhere downtown is a public
662 Vomitorium ... like little stations where obnoxious "news" events or
663 town happenings can be posted and people cast votes by puking. Maybe it
664 would be most appropriate somewhere closer to City Hall though ...
050=Usr:131 THE VISION 08/20/91 23:02 Msg:6329 Call:36648 Lines:16
666 _____________________________T H E V I S I O N___________________________
668 I did it! I don't know if any of you will care but I will tell you any-
669 way just in case somebody out there does. This is what I did -- I have re-
670 ceived an opportunity for a recording contract with CBS/Columbia records!!!
671 ...you don't believe me, right? :) Well, it's very true....I have been a
672 songwriter for a couple years now and have since written close to 15 songs.
673 I have recently recorded one of those songs and I sent it in to a publisher
674 in Boston, MA and I received word by phone from him personally today that
675 he is VERY interested and would like to record it on the label. We are
676 going to talk more about whether or not I will sing the song or it will
677 be given to a solo or group act to put on their next album or as a single.
678 I may be given the chance to record my own whole album!!! That would be a
679 dream come true....and it's almost here!! Wish me luck..... :)
680 See ya later....
681 ______________________________________________________________The Vision__
051=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/21/91 08:45 Msg:6330 Call:36653 Lines:18
682 &*&*&*&*'s
684 Cool. Thats sort of a dream of mine as well. Differance is that you
685 have actually gone out and done something about it. BTW, what sort
686 of equipment did you use, and what style of music do you write?
688 I've written about a dozen songs myself, but have really hit the wall.
689 Seems everytime I try to write another I'm just repeating myself lyrically
690 or in the chord progressions. Its gotten to the point that I'll
691 just pop a tape in the recorder and doodle until something comes to me.
692 Doesn't happen all that ofteen alas. Still, few people can even put
693 together anything tolerable, so I guess I should be happy.
695 Let us know what developes. I for one am interested.
697 An Astral Dreamer (Nice to see something other then politics here.)
698 &*&*&*&*'s
052=Usr:131 THE VISION 08/21/91 18:40 Msg:6331 Call:36661 Lines:43
700 ______________________________T H E V I S I O N___________________________
702 Thanks for your response, AD! First of all I'd like to suggest that you do
703 something with your music! It has no use in your head - you should try to
704 record some of it! I'm sure that you have talent that is waiting to be dis-
705 covered. When I was writing my music I was thinking that I would just do it
706 for my own pleasure, thinking that it wouldn't be good enough for anybody
707 else...as in, they wouldn't like it very much....but then I played one of
708 my songs to a friend and he LOVED IT!! So I had some encouragement then,
709 and thus lost my shyness over singing and playing my music for other peo-
710 ple (he said I had a good voice too, which surprised me!!) Since then I have
711 played my songs for many people and everyone has really enjoyed them and
712 encouraged me to continue working on my music....and here I am, with my
713 first song on it's way to being recorded by a big-time studio!!! Maybe
714 you should play for others and get their opinion... I for one would really
715 like to hear some of your songs!! I'm sure you have great musical talent,
716 and this I can tell because you are very intelligent and imaginative in
717 your writings on this board, so you must be imaginative musically as well!
718 :) ..I hope I'm encouraging you!! :)
719 As for your questions... well, I write mostly ballads. I really love slow
720 music like Chicago, Peter Cetera, Journey's ballads, R.E.O Speedwagon,
721 Air Supply.. all that stuff. I do have my own style but I tend to arrange
722 my songs quite like Chicago does. But that's o.k. for now. I'm sure we'll
723 re-arrange in the studio!! I have a couple fast songs and am working on
724 more. They're much more difficult to write! But just as fun as ballads.
725 I, too, find it hard to discover new chord progressions..there's only so
726 many ways to turn in music....and there's so many dead ends...you just
727 have to keep on searching until you find your way out! As for the equip-
728 ment we used an Emulator ///, which was INCREDIBLE!! It's a very expensive
729 keyboard/sampler/who knows what else maching that does EVERYTHING. All
730 the big artists use one...and I really enjoyed using it. The drums are
731 real samples of real drums, but electronically digitized so you can press
732 a button and hear the sound (they costed $20 bucks an hour to use in
733 recording!!) but they're human sounding..and plus you don't have to deal
734 with drummers whining about everything (just joking, drummers out there!
735 :) We used a Yamaha grand piano as well and the song was recorded on
736 24 track tape (the professional kind..the name slips my mind) and was
737 digitally mastered onto DAT tape. It was a record-quality demo...expensive
738 too overall!!
739 I'm really glad to see you're interested...I'll definitely keep you up
740 on what happens!! Hey, and in the meantime, keep on writing and always
741 reach for the stars!!
742 ____________________________________________________________The Vision__
053=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/21/91 21:09 Msg:6332 Call:36663 Lines:34
743 &*&*&*&*'s
744 Thanks for the ego boost. I'm going to have trouble getting out of my
745 room now. :-)
747 Sounds like you went whole hog. So you actually do all the arangment
748 yourself? My biggest problem has always been writting down the notes.
749 They run through my head, but never long enough to get them down on
750 paper. Alas, I'm also a very mediocre instrumentalist, so that
751 avenue is somewhat limited. Sometimes its like not being able to
752 talk.
754 What I'd like to do is pick up a MIDI keyboard and software. (I do
755 have some minimul keyboard skills.) But that is spendy, and
756 I've placed first priority on other things for now.
758 I do have a 4 track tape deck and a few guitars. (A 12 string, a
759 6 string (both acoustic), and a six string electric.) They are
760 all fairly nice, though not top of the line. (Money again, music
761 is almost as expensive as computers.)
763 Anyway. I've recorded about ten songs. Just me strumming on the
764 guitar and singing along. I've given tapes to a couple of
765 friends, and they've said nice things about some of the stuff.
766 I'm not at all secure about playing for people though. Makes
767 me very uptight, and I can bairly get through some of the stuff
768 I have done when I'm relaxed.
770 Oh well, it is fun. Chord wise, my biggest hangup is GCD. I find
771 myself falling into that progression and variations all the time.
772 That and Em Am Dm.
774 An Astral Dreamer (Finally working on bar chords.)
775 &*&*&*&*'s
054=Usr:131 THE VISION 08/21/91 22:40 Msg:6333 Call:36664 Lines:41
777 ______________________________T H E V I S I O N__________________________
778 Good to see that you've at least put the songs on tape so that they won't
779 get lost in your head forever! There was a really good saying by someone
780 (I don't remember who, maybe Bach or some other composer) that said some-
781 thing like.. 'Music is like a storm where all the notes blow around you
782 with endless possibilities, just waiting for you to reach out and pull at
783 least some of them together to make peace' or something like that. I think
784 that's a good way of describing music.. it should also say how easy the
785 notes come and go and never return again!!! ...unless of course you write
786 them down. I have learned (as many cool melodies have come to me and gone
787 forever) to write things down whenever I hear them in my head. No matter
788 where I am, I always try to write my ideas down; on my hand, on a napkin,
789 anywhere...and later I can put something together...and my thoughts are
790 not lost altogether. Make sure you do this because your best ideas will
791 come not when you are sitting in front of the piano (or holding your
792 guitar, in your case) racking your brain, trying to come up with some
793 melody, but rather when you're not even thinking about music, and sudden-
794 ly, there it is!! I've found this to be true in many cases..it's like
795 being put on the spot...it's usually easier when it's spontaneous. It's
796 also good to see that you've shown some people already and that they
797 enjoyed your work. You've definitely got something going when people like
798 your songs....but be sure also to get many different people's opinions.
799 Ex. I try to get opinions from people that don't know me at all so that
800 they don't say they like my music *just because they're my friend* and
801 that is the best way to find out if you've got something. As for chords
802 I really enjoy 9's, ex. C9, etc. etc. becuase they are very calming,
803 soothing chords that are great for ballads. Try stuff like B flat, F, A
804 Flat, E. Move around a little into different keys. Just because they're
805 related chords you don't have to follow the rules...!! With progressions
806 though, I think just about everything standard has been used over and
807 over, re-hashed many many times. The MOST important thing is the melody.
808 Any producer will tell you that. The melody is the most important thing,
809 no matter what the chord progression is. If it's catchy and memorable and
810 has that "sing-along quality", it should make it. Go to a music store and
811 look at some of the sheet music. Today's popular music is very simply
812 written...but it's the melodies that are complex and memorable, not the
813 chord structures. Well, I've just got a warning that I have only 5 lines
814 left, so I will stop rambling. I really wish you luck, AD, and anybody else
815 out there into music, to continue working on it and never give up. I've
816 also enjoyed chatting with you about music and would like to continue!
817 Keep on playing!___________________________________________The Vision____
055=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/22/91 12:57 Msg:6334 Call:36675 Lines:16
818 &*&*&*&*'s
820 I think the beatles are a very good example of great melodies on top
821 of very simple chord progressions, Especially their early stuff. I
822 believe that Taxman has only three chords altogether for instance.
824 I'll post some bits of lyrics I've written later. Most of the stuff
825 has been posted here or elsewere, but not in awhile.
827 Right now I'm trying to get out of my navel gazing mode. I've written
828 some REALLY introverted lyrics, which can be a rut if carried on to
829 long.
831 An Astral Dreamer
832 &*&*&*&*'s
056=Usr:131 THE VISION 08/22/91 19:26 Msg:6336 Call:36682 Lines:30
834 ____________________________T H E V I S I O N___________________________
836 You're right, the Beatles do use real simple progressions. A song that
837 only has three chords altogether better have a damn good melody!! :-)
838 My songs usually have about maybe 4-6 *different* chords for the verses,
839 then a couple for a lead-in (if there is one) and then about 9-10 for
840 the chorus. The bridge is the hardest chord structure because you can
841 do almost anything there. Overall, a song should have (in my opinion) at
842 least 15 or more *different, not repeated* chords throughout. Sure, you
843 can repeat chords throughout, as you have to come back to something be-
844 fore each section of the song (that is, if you're writing according to
845 standards.) But some songs have very little chords and do very well. The
846 general rule I've found is the less knowledgable one is about music
847 theory, the less chords there is the song. Ex. (Timmy T's #1 hit "One
848 More Try" is extremely easy w/only like 4 or 5 different chords in the
849 entire song (no bridge either) But like you said there's good songs w/not
850 many chords like "Taxman." But Timmy is surely rather uneducated in mu-
851 sic theory as I've heard (not saying that I know *everything* there is
852 to know about music...for one can never know it all about music.
853 I'm rambling again...anyway - I'd love to see you post some of your
854 lyrics! Real personal, introverted stuff is great! I used to write a
855 lot of it too, but when I sent in a really personal song to Capitol
856 about a year ago I was turned down and told to be more objective, or
857 commercial if you will. So I guess that's what you have to do to get
858 into the business....but there is alternative music which has brought
859 some really great stuff to the music world where introverted lyrics
860 fit in quite well. Maybe that's your style...what kind of music do you
861 write (how would you classify it) BTW?
862 See ya..._________________________________________________The Vision__
057=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/22/91 20:30 Msg:6337 Call:36683 Lines:99
864 &*&*&*&*'s
866 Chords:
867 My knowledge of theory is fairly limited. I've played differant instruments
868 since about the 8th grade (Baratone, Tuba, Trombone, A little piano and
869 guitar.). Most of my songs have like 6 chords. Ussually a three chord
870 verse progression, and a three chord chorus section. Heres a song
871 I posted awhile back. The lyrics are sort of wierd, but they just
872 kind of wrote themselves one day.
874 Dm Am Em x2 (Can't really describe how I strum this, but it takes up about
875 four measures in 4/4 time (whoops, add Am to the end of that. Next I
876 go C Em Amx2, First time on Am I sing "You are on the run.", the second
877 time I sing "on the run again." Then I repeat this section.
879 Next its back to Dm Am Em Am as follows.
881 (Dm)Terror in the(Am)underground, you(Em)had to have your(Am)way,
882 (Dm)Mirror on your(Am)bedroom walls, they're(Em)going away to(Am)day.
884 (I'll leave out the chords for the rest, its the same, except were noted.)
885 Patch you through to information, will they have a clue?
886 Polish up those old sunglasses, they will help hide you.
888 (Repeat the intro)
890 (Now back to Dm,Am...)
891 Powerfull in observation, mellow to the touch,
892 Powderburns outside your window, oh its such a rush.
894 Carefull now, your acting crazy, have you lost your nerve?
895 Poster hanging on your wall will throw you a last curve.
897 (Repeat intro, slow down and fade.)
899 (The end)
901 Probably not very clear, but the best I can do. I don't even really know
902 what notes I sing, though they are always the same. A fairly simple and
903 wierd song. Fairly representative of my non introverted stuff. What
904 style would you call this?
906 Next are some lyrics from a "love" song that I've written. I really
907 try to stay away from this sort of thing, since I really don't know
908 that much, and the subject is REALLY overdone for the most part.
910 "But your a picture in a gallery that lives inside my mind, a fragmant
911 of the puzzle whos picture I must find.)
913 "I wanted to be with you, but I couldn't understand that you
914 hadn't really left me, you'de just opened up your hand."
916 "And in the early morning hours, when the fightings lost in sleep,
917 theres a piece I feel inside me, its a piece I want to keep."
919 Thats somewhat jumbled. Oh, the first song runs about 3.5 minutes.
920 Its played at a moderatly fast tempo. The second set of lyrics is
921 from a fairly slow tempoed song. I actually use 5 differant chords in
922 it.
924 Next is an example of my introverted stuff. And I do mean introverted.
926 I am without that quality that would let me be just free,
927 To talk to those who I would know, for fear to much I me.
929 The Fear has grown till know it bears the semblance of stone,
930 the breaking of would be so great would shatter me alone.
932 Chorus
933 Fear, it is a shadow on my soul, fear, I never meant to be alone.
934 Fear, why can't I understand, That the only one I fear, is me?
936 I do not want your sympathy, what I want is something more,
937 What I want is for this empty place I feel inside to feel.
939 (repeat chorus, end.)
941 A very unhappy song, and not the sort of thing I plan to write in the
942 future.
944 Musicly this I use simple chord progressions. Mostly because Of my
945 limited playing skills. You can only use what you can play. :-)
946 And playing and singing at the same time is a real trick for me.
947 :-|
949 (Of course, the wonders of muli-track recording make it possible.)
951 Its really hard for me to catagorize what I do. Folk is the
952 closest I can come. And for my wierder stuff. It doesn't really
953 fit in anywhere lyrically.
955 One of these days I'll have to see about doing a good multi-track
956 demo. That'll cost some bucks no doubt. Especially since I'll
957 have to hire people to play and do the arranging. I really wish
958 I'd started playing the guitar when I was younger.
960 An Astral Dreamer
961 &*&*&*&*'s (One of two people posting to this board. Hint Hint.)
058=Usr:333 Bartender Slug 08/23/91 00:36 Msg:6338 Call:36686 Lines:5
963 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
964 Hi! I'm back! Is there anyone other than The Vision and Astral Dreamer here?
965 There are the only two people I am seeing any messages from.
966 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slug >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
059=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 08/23/91 02:46 Msg:6339 Call:36687 Lines:2
968 Nah, there's no one else here....
060=Usr:588 Tim Schmidt 08/23/91 13:55 Msg:6340 Call:36694 Lines:2
971 Chopsticks and chopsticks and....
061=Usr:131 THE VISION 08/24/91 01:50 Msg:6341 Call:36711 Lines:28
972 ______________________________T H E V I S I O N___________________________
974 Slug, sure there's somebody else here besides AD and myself - you! :-)
975 AD, I really enjoyed those lyrics! I can tell you put some thought into
976 them...but like you said they can sometimes come very easy and unexpected-
977 ly; as this is what happens with me often as well. Singing and playing the
978 guitar at the same time is probably more difficult than singing and play-
979 ing the piano at the same time. I don't know why I think this - maybe it's
980 'cause I play the piano! :) but guitar just seems hard enough (at least to
981 me, but I don't know how to play it at all) doing all that strumming, where
982 on a piano you just press down keys. Generally though I guess you can either
983 do it or can't. Well it looks like you've really played a lot of different
984 instruments! That's really good. Keep working on your guitar - I'm sure you
985 could get some guitar books or books on general music theory if classes or
986 private instruction is unappealing to you. Learning more will definitely
987 give you more freedom in your music and make you grow as an artist. You've
988 definitely got some lyrical vision as well. Keep it up!
989 ___Movie Review Time!___________"Dead Again"_______________________________
991 I just went and saw this film tonight at the 10:10pm show out at Lloyd
992 Cinemas. It was a really pretty good film. The Good Things: Use of black
993 and white and color with two different plot lines going (but somehow re-
994 lated stories), the acting (by married couple Kenneth Brannaugh (also dir.
995 and Emma Thompson), the script/screenplay with some real jolting sur-
996 prises, the style, the climactic/exciting/tense ending. Bad Things: Per-
997 haps a bit slow at first (but definitely builds suspense!), Perhaps a bit
998 overlong (but worth it anyway). Generally good film with a little something
999 new to offer! I recommend it to all. Good Night_________________The Vision_