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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19
1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
2 ************************* 14 AUG 90 **************************************
3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator
7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately
8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general
9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the
10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all
11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the
12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data
13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out
14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering
15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to
16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up.
17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 08/14/90 19:31 Msg:5464 Call:30597 Lines:3
20 How does an econimist get off a desert island?
21 First imagine a boat...
22 ****************************************************************
003=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 08/14/90 20:35 Msg:5465 Call:30598 Lines:21
23 )(%#(%_)(_)@(@#*%_*^_)@*_)@(%_@#)%#%(#(%#)(%_)(!$(@#%*_@#*%_)($*(%*_%*@#_*_@#
24 Well, someone has to deflower this disk, so it might as well be me!
28 Now that's over with, on with the business at hand...
30 voyeur: It looks like my last message to you was deleted when the power snag
31 hit. I sent you several words prompting you to make the call I
32 suggested you make. Did you ever do anything with that little gem?
33 Oh, and I am sure you know just how much I appreciate your
34 continued updates on your sister. Gee, "with child", I wonder how
35 that happened... Oh, the 1024i card is nice and fast and it has a
36 pretty font. Thanks for the coordinates. My thumbnails were off
37 by 2 minutes, if you get my drift (yuck yuck). So, when does distopia
38 get its unix facelift???
39 milch: So, how was the vacation? Did you see lots of sites (sights)? Did
40 the Dr. behave? How about selene? Still ticking?
41 Mikey: Is your uupc having some problems logging into qiclab?
42 *$)!(*$!*%_)*^_)*_)%*!%!_)%(!!)( L'homme sans Parity *$)_$(*!_)($!(_#%_)*!@$(@
004=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 08/14/90 21:24 Msg:5466 Call:30600 Lines:17
44 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
46 Insignificantly at the Second-To-The-Top today. Feeling all Cherry Pie and
47 Black Coffee-ish...
49 STILL no takers on my multi-author story out there? Is it THAT bad?
51 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
53 "I have good news. That gum you like is going to come back in style... She's
54 my cousin. But doesn't she look almost exactly like Laura Palmer? She's
55 filled with secrets. Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song, and
56 there's always music in the air...'
58 - The Man in the Red Room
60 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
005=Usr:248 Dave Weddle 08/15/90 01:02 Msg:5467 Call:30603 Lines:4
61 Nuke the Iraq army!!!!!!
62 We don't need gas prices sky high!
63 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Screamer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
006=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 08/15/90 11:57 Msg:5468 Call:30605 Lines:39
65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
66 Once upon a time there was a little engine, whose name was Sam. Sam was
67 born in 1967, and has many happy memories of his childhood. Sam can
68 remember drinking crystal clear gasoline, with a nice lead flavoring,
69 and on special weekends he can even remember drinking Premium!
70 The years were not kind to Sam, however. When he was about 6 years old,
71 he pulled into a station aand got his first taste of Gasohol. Yeach!
72 He spent the next year coughing and sputtering on the putrid excuse for
73 gasoline that every other engine had to endure. Eventually, the gasoline
74 finally cleared up and he began breathing easier. Things seemed different,
75 though. Either he was getting older, or something was contaminating his
76 fuel, because he just couldn't seem to make the power he used to be able
77 to make, and occasionally he got a severe case of the shutters.
78 One fine day when he was 12 years old, he was out driving and something
79 very bad happened. He ran into an old friend. Hard. When Sam woke up
80 he was in very unfamiliar surroundings. He looked around and he couldn't
81 see anything he recognized. Junk was piled everywhere. He cried a little,
82 he missed his old home.
83 Sam sat where he was for the next 5 years. Dust covered him. Occasionally,
84 he got poked and prodded but nobody moved him. Finally, one day he felt
85 himself being lifted up and put in the back of a truck.
86 Sam had never had anything like this happen to him. He felt himself
87 coming apart, and he got shoved into a very hot, wet, tank for a very
88 long time. He was cut and scraped and pounded on and people stuck funny
89 things into his orfices. When it was all over, he felt himself being
90 put back together, and gently lifted and placed in a brand new home.
91 Sam felt great! He felt even better than when he was new, and he couldn't
92 wait to get out on the streets and taste some gas!
93 Sam had a suprise coming for him, though. It happened when he rolled
94 out into the street and turned over for the first time in 6 years.
95 YYYYEEEAAACCCHHH!!!! You call this gas!!!! he thought to himself.
96 This was the weakest piswater he had ever tasted! Even Gasohol had not
97 been this bad! Sam looked over at the station pump. Premium, it said.
98 PREMIUM! Premium was supposto be great, not garbage! Geesh, thought
99 Sam, you mean I have to drink this garbage for the next 10 years!
101 Now, someone tells Sam that he can't have any more gas because of an Iraq.
102 Sam is not sad. Would you be?
103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Ariel S.+++++++++++++
007=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 08/15/90 15:56 Msg:5469 Call:30607 Lines:14
104 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
106 Ariel: One bit of advice. Get a different border. There's already a user on
107 here who's been with the '+++' border for a long, long time, and it might
108 confuse the rest of the users a little bit if two '+++' borders were around.
109 Ok?
111 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
113 "The Lonesome Foghorn Blows..."
115 - Pete Martell
117 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
008=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 08/15/90 20:41 Msg:5470 Call:30609 Lines:10
118 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
119 Zephyr, it uld greatly help if you could possibly mention a name. I have
120 used the plus border several times before on this board - although never
121 using the handle 'Ariel' before, and it would be interesting if you were
122 actually referring to one of my earlier entries.
123 As a matter of fact, the inspiration for the name stemmed from a quick look
124 around my room and laying my eyes on the television antenna sticking up.
126 Geesh, all that over a border, I was hoping for some comment on the STORY!
127 <><><><><><>Ariel - no, I am NOT gay <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
009=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 08/16/90 09:29 Msg:5472 Call:30613 Lines:16
128 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
130 Ariel (Who Is Not Gay): Well, a user who goes by the name of MILCHAR has been
131 using that borderfor the entire five year period I've been on this system...
132 Since I doubt you and Milch are one in the same, and since Milch doesn't seem
133 to be around right at the moment, you might want to just change your border
134 to the one you have now... which is fine, and aesthetically appropriate to your
135 psuedonym...
137 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
139 "I feel I know her... But sometimes my arms bend back..."
141 - The Red Cousin
143 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
010=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 08/17/90 01:23 Msg:5473 Call:30623 Lines:3
145 Uh oh, someone has been watching too much Twin Peaks...
011=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 08/17/90 13:58 Msg:5475 Call:30635 Lines:3
147 ************************************************************************
148 gee, all these years of using MICKEY'S border, no one ever got on my case.
149 ***************************kathyD******************************************
012=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 08/17/90 18:27 Msg:5476 Call:30639 Lines:2
150 Border? What border? Oh... THAT border!
151 ************************* CM *******************************************
013=Usr:94 Anita Weddle Wed 08/18/90 02:45 Msg:5478 Call:30646 Lines:4
155 &*&*&*&*'s An ASTRAL DREAMER
014=Usr:352 Katie Kolbet 08/19/90 13:49 Msg:5479 Call:30664 Lines:15
157 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
158 Yes, I'm the one who uses the + bder, but I have to go back to college on
159 Friday, so if Ariel wants to use it, go for it!!!!
161 Zephyr, I'm interested in a multi-author story, only I haven't time to get on
162 this board again until Thanksgiving. (actually, I can check back in once
163 more this week.) If I were staying in this area, it would be okay, but
164 college is a couple hundred miles away, and I can't afford long-distance
165 modem calls. Oh well, I wish you luck finding others to join in!
166 (If you still want me to contribute, leave a note, and I'll leave my address.)
168 See y'all in November!
170 +++++++++++++++++++++++Kaitlyn++++++++++++
015=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/21/90 06:42 Msg:5481 Call:30696 Lines:6
171 &*&*&*&*'s
172 I lurk therefor I am.
174 An Astral Dreamer
175 &*&*&*&*'s
016=Usr:31 The Doctor 08/21/90 17:44 Msg:5482 Call:30704 Lines:1
177 ??????????????????????????? lower case lurk ????????????????? the doctor
017=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 08/21/90 18:47 Msg:5483 Call:30705 Lines:1
178 <><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><Lurkmodius><><><><><Ariel><><><><><><><><><
018=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 08/23/90 08:23 Msg:5484 Call:30729 Lines:7
179 *%#)@*%@#(%_)!$@#%(_@#%()_@#$(%#$(%(_)^&$^)#+_^)+_)%^@$_+^%*(#$+^#!_+%^()!#+_$^
181 Mikey: I see backwatr got through. Is it safe to assume you have workd out your
182 UUPC problems?
183 voyeur: you must really be in lurk mode!
184 *$#!$!()$_)*%!($_)!@#($)!@($!$(!*^%$() L'homme sans Parity $*()!($_!@()~_)#(!$$
019=Usr:4 Milchar 08/23/90 12:42 Msg:5485 Call:30735 Lines:10
186 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
187 Kaitlyn/Zephyr/Whoever: I don't log in anywhere near as much as I used to.
188 I'll share! :-)
189 L'homme: I've gone and spent all of my money, and it was wonderful. I'll
190 tell you about it sometime. As for Celene, she's running SCO 3.2 in 4 MB of
191 ram right now. I just installed it last night (8/22). I have my likes and
192 dislikes about it...
193 CM: Long time, no see. What's happening?
194 And now, the non-copyrighted, non-trademarked, non-descript border:
195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++
020=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/24/90 15:16 Msg:5487 Call:30756 Lines:6
196 &*&*&*&*'s
197 You know that the lurk goes on.
199 An Astral Dreamer
200 &*&*&*&*'s
021=Usr:322 Stray Cat 08/25/90 19:58 Msg:5488 Call:30774 Lines:10
203 }*******{}****************{}*******************{}***********{}*************{
205 l'HsP: I've hung up your MAC-hine again! Actually, it froze up on me and I
206 had to ^H to get out. Called back but board was busy and your phone rang w/no
207 answering machine message ... so you're home but "tied up" <grin> or you forgot
208 to program your phone machine before you left! Hope you're not OUT all night.
210 }************{}*******************{}*****************{}****** heKate }*****{
022=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 08/25/90 20:31 Msg:5489 Call:30775 Lines:28
212 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
214 All: I'm afraid that, due to MY College restraints, the multi-author story
215 will be postponed. However, unlike our reality, time in Pyrrixall is relative,
216 and will wait until the telling of the tale. Worry not for our heroes; they
217 shall edure, I promise you...
219 Kaitlyn: It's always nice to converse with other users who've grown to ador
220 the Backwater... If you're still around, you can send your address to User
221 #368 (Hope this gets through in time!)...
224 Well, everyone, I'm probably going to log on ONE more time next week or so, but
225 after that, it's *sniffle* goodbye to the old Backwater World, and goodbye to
226 Pyrrixall.
228 I leave you with a world aborning. Do with it what you will, but above all
229 make its every corner a reflection of your brightest and darkest dreams
230 unfurled.
232 *In Every Life, There are Worlds*
233 *In Every Pain, New Songs Created*
234 *In Every Struggle, Eventual Joy*
235 *In Every Wrong, Redemption*
237 - Pyrrixallian Proverb
239 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
023=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/27/90 08:39 Msg:5492 Call:30790 Lines:6
240 &*&*&*&*'s
241 Lurk II, The apathy continues.
243 An Astral Dreamer
244 &*&*&*&*'s
024=Usr:4 Milchar 08/27/90 12:00 Msg:5493 Call:30791 Lines:6
246 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
247 L'homme: Celene is having difficulty talking to quiche. For that matter,
248 there are a lot of failures from redsun, too. What gives? Have I totally
249 forgotten how to write Expect/Send scripts? If so, how'd I get the link to
250 redsun going, I wonder. A mystery.
251 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch +++++++++
025=Usr:296 D DUFF 08/28/90 14:40 Msg:5494 Call:30812 Lines:2
252 C-64, 1541 DD Sold. However***Seikosha SP-1000VC Printer still available, askin
253 g $75.00 Commodore interface built in.*** Radio modem is sold. Phone:655-xxxx.
026=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/29/90 08:49 Msg:5496 Call:30819 Lines:6
254 &*&*&*&*'s
255 Lurk III, Tired of the apathy.
257 An Astral Dreamer
258 &*&*&*&*'s
027=Usr:307 Eric Starker 08/29/90 18:31 Msg:5497 Call:30825 Lines:8
260 Hey Zephyr! You're here!
262 _Skeeve_
265 /s
028=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/31/90 10:42 Msg:5498 Call:30854 Lines:6
268 &*&*&*&*'s
269 Lurk IV, Apathy overflow.
271 An Astral Dreamer
272 &*&*&*&*'s
029=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 08/31/90 18:39 Msg:5499 Call:30858 Lines:8
274 *%_@#*$_)($!@_)(#!_)($#%*_)&^%_$%(@#_)$)!+_)#$+!_@$#+!@_%(+_)$(+~_!@$)!+@$%(!+_
276 Milch: no one writes better expect-send scripts than I. Perhaps I'll be able
277 to help. But don't expect anything... yuck yuck...
279 Astral Dreamer: When will it end, Lurk XXVVI???
280 *&%)@#*%@)(_)!(@#_)!*%!*($!@($$() L'homme sans Parity *$)!@($_!@($_)(~!_!(@#_!#
030=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 08/31/90 22:29 Msg:5500 Call:30861 Lines:7
282 L'homme: don`t know what happened to make the old uupc program start yaking
283 with Qlab again. One diff I did notice is that it misses the first
284 login and finally catches it on the second try. It always grabed the first
285 login: prompt before. In fact, if if fell through to the second one it
286 wouldn`t work anyway. The only thing I did at this end was to reduce the
287 acceptance string down from "login:" to "gin:".
288 ************************ CM *******************************************
031=Usr:186 Wesley Smith 09/01/90 11:15 Msg:5501 Call:30864 Lines:1
289@I want to take this time to wish you all a safe and happy labor day week end>
032=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/01/80 01:23 Msg:5502 Call:30871 Lines:34
290 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
292 Skeeve: I've BEEN here! For about eight years!!!
294 L'Homme: Keep the NET alive. Remember, ZEPHYR's still out there.
296 Milch: Thanks for helping with Pyrrixall. Now that I'm leaving for a year or
297 so, I'm leaving the care and feeding of the new Mythology to your MORE than
298 capable imagination...
300 Astral Dreamer: Open up a Cold Lurk for me once in a while on here, 'kay?
302 kathyD: Let the cats drool eternal...
304 To the Ghosts of the Old Timers: Thanks for Noticing Me... Be that in any
305 light... And Thanks for giving me the time to appreciate what was said and
306 done here... I'm better for it...
308 Mike: Keep track of the children. They might misbehave, but they're still
309 gentle souls... And make sure to sweep up Central City every week or so, if at
310 all possible...
313 I despise even Temporary Goodbyes... So I won't say it. I'll be back in a
314 year, and by then I hope to see things back to the Chaos that reigned a decade
315 ago... DON'T disappoint me. Even if I won't be here, I may be watching, if
316 you know what I mean. ;) :)
318 "Pretend I blew up the school. Pretend I blew up all the schools..."
320 "If you shoot a mime, should you use a silencer?"
322 "That's How Things Work Here... Welcome to Abroad..."
033=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/01/80 01:38 Msg:5503 Call:30872 Lines:36
324 "Hermits never succumb to peer pressure..."
326 "Every Man For Himself..."
329 "When you least expect it... *Ahroooo!*"
331 "Douglas Firs..."
333 "DUCKS! In a lake..."
335 "I Think I'm Going to Dream Tonight..."
337 "... Up... In... Flames..."
339 "Fire... Walk With Me..."
341 "A Living Dog is Better Than a Dead Lion..."
343 "Unknown..."
345 "The Birds Sing a Pretty Song, and there's Always Music In The Air..."
347 "Isn't Sex Just ... Just *WEIRD*, Doc?"
349 "Sharpen the Tips of your Eyes..."
351 "Glass Figure-Eight..."
353 "Fortran: The Forgotten Demon..."
355 "Exodus the Shaper... He Comes In Waking Dreams..."
357 - A Brief Moment in my Subconscious
359 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
034=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/01/80 20:22 Msg:5505 Call:30882 Lines:9
360 *@#_*$!$*(!@$(~_)#(!$+$#)@~+_$*(!_+%*!_^%&+_$!*(@+_(~_+#(!@+$%&*!+_$(!@_+$(!$
361 All Backwaterites: I have been pondering having a summer's end BW bash, just
362 like last year: Perhaps the weekend of the 22nd or 29th. Any takers out
363 there???
364 Mikey: Ah, the mysteries of UUCP. The modem does act a little different now
365 that it is hooked up the a Sun 4/110. As long as it is working, I will not
366 worry...
367 *$_#@*$_($%_#%*_#(*%_)%*!_)!@ L'homme sans Parity *$_@$(@_!($@*$_)%*_)$)!$(!@
035=Usr:4 Milchar 01/02/80 05:34 Msg:5507 Call:30893 Lines:5
369 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
370 L'homme: Thou hast found thyself a taker. Probably two. BTW, the software
371 works in the unix system. Kinda weird, though- I'll tell you about it
372 later sometime...
373 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
036=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 01/02/80 23:28 Msg:5509 Call:30903 Lines:3
374 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
375 I'll be interested in a party.
376 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><Ariel<><><><><><>
037=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/03/80 00:49 Msg:5510 Call:30906 Lines:7
377 Gosh,don't everyone talk at once! <grin>
378 L'homme: but of course. It's time for another bbs bash anyway...
379 p.s. will anyone be at the pcs social this month?
380 Is there even a PCS social anymore? I don't even know if the room is
381 still reserved for PCS anymore. I haven't been able to make it the
382 last couple of months. Anybody know if it still exists?
383 ********************** CM ******************************************
038=Usr:4 Milchar 01/05/80 01:56 Msg:5511 Call:30976 Lines:5
384 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
385 Er, ah, I dunno. About the PCS social, that is. Perhaps we should arrange
386 our own, somewhat closer to the center of things? Stark Street Pizza is
387 'ell and gone from here, gov'nor.
388 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++++++++++++++++++
039=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/05/80 09:23 Msg:5512 Call:30978 Lines:7
389 &*&*&*&*'s
390 I agree with Milch. There doesn't seem to be any pressing reason to continue
391 going to Stark Street Pizza. Does anybody have any other suggestions?
393 An Astral Dreamer
394 &*&*&*&*'s
040=Usr:322 Stray Cat 01/05/80 20:03 Msg:5513 Call:30985 Lines:9
397 }**{}***{}****{}****{}***{}***{}***{}***{}***{}***{}***{}***{}***{}***{}***{
399 How about somewhere SW ... like Sunshine Pizza across from PCC Sylvania. It's
400 hardly ever crowded and you can sit outside on the deck!!!
402 BTW, I **LOVED** the story about Sam, Ariel.
404 }***{}****{}****{}****{}****{}****{}****{}****{}****{}****{}****{}***{}***{}**{
041=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/05/80 23:36 Msg:5514 Call:30988 Lines:5
405 Well, in answer to my own question, yes the PCS meeting is still there,
406 and yall who didn't show up missed a fine time.
407 Maybe next month? It's always on the first thursday of the month
408 every month.
409 ***************************** CM ********************************
042=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/07/80 12:18 Msg:5515 Call:31003 Lines:21
410 *$_)!($*_!@()$)_~!($_)%(_(*^_)%(_)(!_#$)!+_$)@+|!~_$!+_@$*(!+_%)!+_)%!+_$)!+_$
411 BWites: Ok, how does Saturday, September 29th sound? Perhaps 5-6pm at
412 Chez L'homme's? (Same place as last time). Everyone can bring something little,
413 and I will be responsible for creating some regular food, so consider it a
414 dinner party. (Oh, everyone please have your health insurance paid up... just
415 kidding). I will have both veggie and non-veggie things, so don't worry
416 about turning into a turnip just because your host is one. ASCII maps
417 can be generated as well, if they are needed. We will need to contact some
418 of the old-timers who don't frequent these parts as much anymore. Some I
419 can think of: Leonard, voyeur, Mohammad, Gaudy Minsky, Friar... I am sure
420 there are others, no slight intended.
422 So, is that a plan or what?
424 Milch: do you still have the entire archives on redsun? I should be taking
425 deliver of a 600meg disk in the near future, and I might want to put
426 compressed BW archives online. BTY, with this disk, qiclab will go ahead
427 of redsun in Magnetic storage nay nay. I know you turkeys have optical
428 disks, but let's not mention them... :-(
429 *%_@#)_@#(%_)@#_)@*#%_)@#(_)@#( L'homme sans Parity *$_($*_)(_)~@$(_)$*_$(!$!$
043=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/07/80 18:39 Msg:5516 Call:31007 Lines:7
431 Speakig of archives... I have some more of the beasts sitting here.
432 I'll bring them along if anyone is interested. Whatformat do you
433 want? 360K, 1.2M, 720K, 1.44M? Or does anyone even care anymore?
434 *************************** CM **********************************
435 There's only one thing worse than hardware trashing data,
436 software trashing the data. Mumble grumble mumble...
437 *****
044=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/07/80 21:39 Msg:5517 Call:31008 Lines:6
438 :::::=====
440 Well now, don't everyone say 'Goodbye' at oce!
442 :::::=====Z
045=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 01/09/80 15:14 Msg:5518 Call:31022 Lines:3
444 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
445 Goodbye, Zepher!
446 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Ariel<><><>
046=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock 01/10/80 14:52 Msg:5519 Call:31040 Lines:2
448@Pretend to hear the callous voice,
047=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/10/80 16:24 Msg:5520 Call:31043 Lines:4
450@Looks like the clock/cala
048=Usr:4 Milchar 01/10/80 17:59 Msg:5522 Call:31046 Lines:9
453 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
454 No, they're not online anymore- they're on 9-track tape. :-) And on the
455 optical, but we need to talk to Pinnacle Micro about a SunOS 4.1 driver
456 for the bleeding thing, as the old drivers don't work. I have an expensive
457 paperweight that serves duty as a monitor stand instead of more storage.
458 I need to reformat celene tonight (got that RLL controller, finally), so
459 I will be re-installing lots of stuff, including the files you gave me. I'm
460 not quite through with them yet...
461 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
049=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 01/10/80 21:49 Msg:5524 Call:31051 Lines:72
462 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
465 Well, it's 6:45 pm and I've just finished listening to the President's
466 speech to congress, and it is interesting to note the shallowness of the
467 TV commentators so called `analysis' of the speech.
468 I really think that the big question here is the same as the question little
469 kids play iin the game `I dare you'.
470 Saddam Hussein is really only interested in the answer to one question; Will
471 the United States invade Kuwait? The facts are that he has ALREADY annexed
472 Kuwait,
473 he ALREADY has control of what he wants, and as long as he stays put he will
474 continue to retain that control. There has never in history been a case where
475 a boycott has ever forced any country to do anything, and the mere thought that
476 our current boycott will force him to do anything is, to me, plainly foolish.
477 The current boycott really only serves one purpose; to prevent the importation
478 of weapons, and to stop the continuing buildup and refinement of Iraq's army.
479 If the president goes on national TV and says the quarrel is not with the
480 people of Iraq, then how will he justify boycotts of food to those people?
481 No, the President's real fear is that by allowing trade with Iraq there will
482 be continued support of the army in the form of supplies, spare parts, new
483 weapons, etc.
484 In any case, Iraq is in possession of the Kuwait, and will retain that
485 possession unless forced out. Hussein will never leave voluntarily, and why
486 should he? Even if no country ever buys oil from him again, he will not lose
487 by staying. As long as there is oil in Kuwait and Iraq, he will have a
488 commodity that the world wants, and if one day all the worlds oil runs out,
489 the world will have little choice but to come to him. Anyway, there is
490 always going to be somebody who will buy oil from him, maybe not now, but
491 in the future. Even the promise of one day selling oil to the world will
492 be worth more than the advantages of leaving.
493 Hussein knows that if the United States relly wants him to get out they
494 will have no choice but to invade and fight a war. If fact, the longer the
495 U.S. does NOT invade, the less likely it is that they will, and the more
496 legitimate the occupation will be. So, the question he really wants to know,
497 is will President Bush really do it? Will he really fight? In fact, it is
498 imperative that Bush make it seem as though he will, even if he has no
499 intention of doing so.
500 Much of what I saw tonight has that showmanship to it. It is known
501 in advance that Bush will threaten. The difficulty lies in guessing if
502 Bush will really fight.
503 One other thing that I saw tonight that really makes me happy is that
504 apparently Bush has learned from history about hostages.
505 How many people here know what Israels policy is on taking hostages? The
506 goverment of Israel considers a hostage as already dead. Israel will only
507 permit a hostage taker one way out: unconditional surrender. If this is
508 not forthcoming Israeli police will not hesitate to shoot the hostage in
509 the process of killing the hostage taker. As a result, Israel has very
510 few of it's citizens taken hostage.
511 Not two long ago, the U.S. had approx 200 of it's citizens taken
512 hostage in the American embassy in Iran. This country foolishly bargained
513 and negotiated for a YEAR to get them back, when it should have mounted a
514 concerted attack on the embassy after the first six hours of captivity.
515 Yes, it would have been hard, espically since many if not all of the hostages
516 had been killed, but a sucessful attack would have also killed the hostage
517 takers and destroyed Iran's barganing power. It might have also weakened
518 Iran enough so that it would not have lasted the Iran/Iraq war, or put it more
519 pro America. Indeed it was those original hostages that provided a rallying
520 point for the people of Iran to develop such anti-americanism.
521 I was one of those people who at the time hated the U.S. policy
522 to the Iran hostages. I remember hoping they would die so the country would
523 stop it's useless moralizing and focus it's attention elsewhere.
524 Now, Iraq has 3000 of our citizens held hostage. Part of the reason
525 that they even are still holding them is the lesson we taught the world over
526 10 years ago, namely that the U.S. is willing to negotiate with hostage takers.
527 When the U.S. is forced to invade, as it almost surely will have to, many of
528 those 3000 people will die, many many more than 200. In essence, we bought
529 those 200 lives long ago with the many lives of those hostages that are
530 currently in Kuwait and Iraq and will almost certainly die. I hope every
531 one of you out there who were supportive of President Carter's policys back
532 then to think about this. Look to see a war in the next few months. I do.
533 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><Ariel<><><><><><>
050=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 01/11/80 04:35 Msg:5525 Call:31057 Lines:63
536 {+}{+}{+}{+}
538 L I F E I N T H E F O O D C H A I N
539 Mild Cynicism and Idle Musings
540 From
541 ThingFish
543 One begins to wonder, after repeated assaults on the
544 psyche, crude insults to the intellect and bleating appeals
545 { to perceived emotions.....will these bastards stop at
546 nothing? I'm talking about ADVERTISERS, of course, the sleek
547 young men and women who are the heart, lungs, and cerebral
548 cortex of the media, where so many of us languish for so many
549 hours and then slip into bed wondering "Huh? What was that
550 again?"
552 My latest rude shock was a radio commercial, and not
553 even a fast-talking hard-sell commercial either. It was one
554 { of those One-to-One jobs...a newly introspective young man
555 speaking in hushed, confessional tones from the back of an
556 ambulance. He had been in an auto accident, apparently, and
557 though he felt certain he was OK, he was nevertheless being
558 rushed to a hospital, and the experience had put him in a
559 reflective mood. After a few moments of allowing the listener
560 to wonder if the commercial is for Disk Brakes...
561 Insurance...maybe some new kind of user friendly Medical
562 { Center or Ambulance Service....he s{arts talking about his
563 mother. And underwear. Yup. Underwear. It was a radio
564 commercial for Hanes Underwear. You know..."Mom always told
565 me something like this would happen someday, and when it did,
566 I'm sure glad to be wearing clean Hane's Underwear...."
568 In a nearly related item...there's this business of
569 LABELING FAT CONTENT in food items available at your favorite
570 supermarket. One afternoon, like a righteous apparition from
571 the Consumer Pastry Heaven, there appeared in my kitchen a
572 package of Keebler cookies... little crunchy guys, with an
573 interior glob of gooey chocolate in a chemically altered,
574 permanently melted state. These little suckers were great,
575 and I ate about six of them before I began to have doubts
576 about that little notice right there on the package
577 proclaiming this snack was a "No Cholesterol, Low In
578 Saturated Fat" variety of off the shelf mass-consumer snack
579 food item. Something just seemed not quite right, so I began
580 to look into some of the math on the label. Well, hell, this
581 ain't too bad...only 5 grams of fat per serving. Let's see
582 how many Gooey Cookies they consider "One Serving". You can
583 see where this is going. Yup. One Serving = One Cookie. These
584 { things are about the size of a silver dollar. One Cookie is
585 only enough to make you think six or nine more might be nice.
586 Seven cookies and a glass of milk weighs in at approximately
587 40 to 45 grams of fat. Be sure to stare at the bright and
588 colorful "No Cholesterol" label while you snack...I'm
589 convinced that helps.
591 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
592 He Walks Again By Night
595 {+}{+}{+}{+}
051=Usr:319 M. MEYERS 09/12/90 23:45 Msg:5526 Call:31067 Lines:17
597 **************************************
607 USE WAS)
613 ***************************************
052=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/14/90 07:43 Msg:5528 Call:31085 Lines:10
614 &*&*&*&*'s
616 Beware of what bits you twiddle in you CMOS. Your computer may decide not
617 to talk to you for awhile.
619 I wish they didn't solder the batteries in.
621 An Astral Dreamer
622 &*&*&*&*'s
053=Usr:320 Ken Solonika 09/14/90 18:47 Msg:5529 Call:31092 Lines:36
625 Delte
626 EDIT
627 [[A[A[A[468749687464
628 Help
631 C
633 Sop So far most of the messages I've left haVE BEen errors or a wierd
634 manifestation of this computer thingy deal. Do I have anything interesting to
635 say? A good question. I did but I forgot.
636 I miss my brother Bob and I've had poison oak twice...
637 Yet I digress, more on this later.
638 New Paragraph!
639 'Nuff said.
640 BYE
641 well that was wrong, howe do I get out of here????!!! ?
642 'BYE'
643 no
646 Ye who are reading this would offer helpful advice if you couldst.
647 But I am writing this NOW which is before you are rading this NOW.
648 YE have successfully gotten out of here this here thing deal message board
649 thing deal. I know that cause you are not here now with me, God that I wish
650 you were.
651 /bye
652 /s
653 /?
654 ???
655 Help me please, God I don't want to be here forever. Nor do I want the
656 computer thing deal thing deal to cut me off. Heaven sake alive we wouldn't
657 want that on our record now wuld we?
659 Maybe I'll run out of lines
054=Usr:4 Milchar 09/15/90 21:07 Msg:5530 Call:31104 Lines:4
660 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
661 Above person: Try Control-C. For further information, type HELP ENTER at
662 the Command: prompt.
663 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++
055=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 09/17/90 03:19 Msg:5531 Call:31121 Lines:45
666 {+}{+}{+}{+}
668 This may be the year when we
669 finally come face to face with
670 ourselves; finally just lay back
671 and say it -- that we are really
672 just a nation of 220 million used
673 car salesmen with all the money we
674 need to buy guns, and no qualms at
675 all about killing anybody else in
676 the world who tries to make us
677 uncomfortable.
679 - Hunter S. Thompson (1972)
682 -+|[ -|- ]|+-
685 When someone makes a move of which we don't approve
686 Who is it that always intervenes?
687 U.N. and O.A.S. ...they have their place, I guess
688 But first, send the Marines!
690 We'll send them all we've got, John Wayne and Randolf Scott
691 Remember those exciting fighting scenes
692 To the shores of Tripoli, but not to Mississippoli
693 What do we do? We send the Marines!
695 For might makes right, until they've seen the light
696 They've got to be protected, all their rights respected
697 'Til somebody we like can be elected
699 Members of the Corps all hate the thought of war
700 They'd rather kill them off by peaceful means
701 Stop calling it aggression, oooo we hate that expression
702 We only want the world to know that we support the status quo
703 They love us everywhere we go
704 So when in doubt...send the Marines!
706 - Tom Lehrer (1966)
056=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 09/17/90 03:30 Msg:5532 Call:31122 Lines:7
709 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
710 God Bless America
713 {+}{+}{+}{+}
057=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/17/90 13:07 Msg:5533 Call:31127 Lines:11
716 &*&*&*&*'s
717 Nice, but would you please write a short essay that explains exactly how the
718 pieces you quoted relate to the current crissis in the gulf? Also, I've always
719 wondered why people are perfectly willing to believe the worst about the
720 country they live in, while believing the best about a country they don't live
721 in. They again, politics and logic have seldom been known to couple. And
722 its a good thing to. Can you imagine what the offspring would look like?
724 An Astral Dreamer
725 &*&*&*&*'s
058=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 09/19/90 02:50 Msg:5534 Call:31149 Lines:45
729 {+}{+}{+}{+}
731 Astral ;
733 If you honestly cannot see any relation between the
734 pieces I quoted and Desert Shield, then "a short essay" from
735 me won't help you.
736 I'm curious how you got from them the idea that I am
737 "perfectly willing to believe the worst" about America, while
738 "believing the best about a country I don't live in." I don't
739 know about you, but I have lived in a foreign country, for
740 many years, and when I said "God Bless America" I wasn't just
741 jerking your chain. I love this country. I am a patriot, and
742 I constantly search for reasons to remain one. That's what
743 being an American is all about...not Nationalism, not Dogma
744 or Jingoism or "My Country Right or Wrong." Free choice. Free
745 thought. The freedom to express doubts and ask questions.
746 Questions like : Are we there to keep the world safe for
747 oil rich monarchies? Are we there to keep oil at around $20 a
748 barrel? Are we there to protect Europe and Japan's oil
749 supplies, and if so, doesn't that make us mercenaries? Are we
750 there because, as a nation, we are used to fighting and can't
751 imagine any other approach to the world's complexities? If
752 American men and women begin coming home in plastic bags, I
753 won't be the only one asking these questions. Maybe you
754 should be asking George Bush for a short "exact" essay, not
755 me.
756 If I run a quote and some lyrics up the ol' Backwater
757 flagpole, its not out of love for Saddam Hussein. In the
758 America I love, quotes, lyrics, hopes, fears, questions,
759 ideas and doubts can be expressed freely, with the hope of
760 stimulating more of the same, and without fear of being
761 labelled Anti-American.
763 Friends?
765 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
766 Semper Fi
770 {+}{+}{+}{+}
059=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/19/90 07:17 Msg:5535 Call:31150 Lines:20
772 &*&*&*&*'s
773 No prob ThingFish. My attitude is much the same as your own. My comments
774 were made in the hope they would elicit a somewhat more detailed post from
775 you.
777 I would note that we seem to see Iraq in a somewhat different light. Oil
778 is certainly a factor, but to me the most important reason we are there is
779 to get rid of husain, a man who is ruthless, competent and very ambitious.
780 And will have nuclear weapons within the next ten years, if he doesn't
781 have them already.
783 This year it was kuwait, next year it would have been saudi arabia, the year a
784 after that who knows?
786 Also, we tried to stay out of world war 1, and world war 2 because of our
787 isolationist tendancies. And look what it got us in the end.
789 An Astral Dreamer (Not lurking for now.)
790 &*&*&*&*'s
060=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 09/20/90 12:00 Msg:5536 Call:31161 Lines:14
792 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><.
793 I think the Gulf problem is that Hussein is literaly an insane person. He
794 just doesn't think like a normal individual. I would imagine his thought
795 processes are completely shortcircuited. I think that whatever images of the
796 rest of the world he carries around are completely unrelated to the real world.
797 I have a feeling that he thinks that his country is completely invincible, and
798 if there is a war he will continue fighting until every last soldier in Kuwait
799 is either killed or captured. Most people in this country, espically
800 newspaper columnists, are trying to analyse the confilict in sane terms and
801 are failing because there is just nothing to gain from the invasion, and
802 this does not jive with logic or even politics. I think that if we look at
803 it from Husseins view, and understand that his view is just completely wrong,
804 that we will make sense of it.
805 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Ariel<><><><><><><>
061=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 09/21/90 01:10 Msg:5537 Call:31171 Lines:34
808 {+}{+}{+}{+}
810 True, Ariel, true. But it might serve us well to
811 remember that Adolf Hitler was pretty well full tilt insane
812 too, and that knowledge didn't make him go away, make the
813 Nazis stop fighting for him, or give us the secret to
814 conquering him easily. Crazy or not, Hitler knew what he was
815 { trying to do, and came close to doing it. Too close.
816 There are a lot of people in the Mideast who don't
817 assume Saddam Hussein is a lunatic. He has the fervent
818 loyalty of a lot of Arabs, for a lot of reasons other than
819 his iron fist and Holy War rhetoric. It would be a big
820 mistake to assume just because he's clearly an insane menace
821 to us, that the Iraqi people--or anybody else in the region-
822 -would rush to thank us for screaming into Baghdad with a
823 squadron of fighter jets to try and blow Saddam and his
824 family into the arms of Allah.
825 There's a joke that defines a "Moderate Arab" as one who
826 holds a blood grudge for only 20 generations. We might be
827 wise to remember that not every society has the microscopic
828 attention span we enjoy here. And in any case, the last thing
829 any Moslem wants, or will tolerate, is a bunch of sunburnt
830 "Zionist Infidels" marching around in their homeland trying
831 to tell them how its gonna be.
834 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
835 Soddamn Inssein
838 {+}{+}{+}{+}
062=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/21/90 09:39 Msg:5538 Call:31173 Lines:17
840 &*&*&*&*'s
841 I'm not so sure that he is insane. Ruthless, and without morals maybe, but
842 insane...
844 He's playing a very dangerous game, and its one he thinks he can win. Its the
845 game of conquer, and devide the opposition. Up until this point I think things
846 have went far worse then he thought they would. But the thing he has the most
847 of is time, and given enough of it he will be able to attain his goal of
848 domination of the mideast. All he needs to do at this point is take a small
849 section of saudi arabia, and he'll have a very large % of the worlds oil
850 reserves under his control.
852 To call him mad is to under estimate him.
854 An Astral Dreamer
855 &*&*&*&*'s
063=Usr:184 Wayne Silsbee 09/22/90 10:34 Msg:5539 Call:31184 Lines:11
857 ====================================================================
859 Hussein isn't mad or crazy. He is a dangerous man, however. My only
860 question is: Why do we protect Kuwait from a country that arguably
861 should have control of that land (it was taken from Iraq at the end of
862 WWII when that area was re-distrubuted) but find ourselves utterly
863 blameless when we invade Panama and arrest its President when we have
864 no claim over that country? Something stinks to high heaven here...
866 Pushrod
867 ====================================================================
064=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 09/23/90 08:32 Msg:5540 Call:31197 Lines:28
868 *%_@*#(_)($#_)!@%(+!@_)+~_@$)+@~!_#)~(!+_)%_@)%$+!_$)!@+_)$+_!(%$_+#)$+!_$)!+_$
869 All Backwaterites:
871 Ok, the time is fixed, the date is marked, and the place is set for the
872 2nd annual end-of-summer Backwater party. The time is 5:00pm-6:00pm (pretty
873 fixed, eh?), the date is September 29th, and the place is chez L'homme, ie
874 my house in the wonderful suburb of Tigard. The address is
875 and the home telephone number is 641-xxxx (for those who need
876 additional directions). The plan is for anyone to bring a drink or dessert
877 or whatever (but you don't have to bring anything but yourselves) and I
878 will supply a nutritious dinner or two.
880 I am not very good at giving directions, but here goes a minimal try:
881 Get to 217 (I assume everyone can handle that). Take the Scholl's Ferry
882 Road exit, and head west on Scholl's Ferry (that means people going N
883 on 217 must double back over the freeway, and people going S simply
884 take the exit ramp and turn right). After you get over the freeway, you
885 will meet up with 1 traffic light, then a railroad crossing, then you
886 will meet another traffic light, which is 121st. Keeping going straight.
887 You will meet another traffic light, N. Dakota. Then take the next
888 left, which is Summer Lake Place.
892 Hopefully that is sufficient. Any
893 questions? Ask Milchar... See you all there!
894 *$#_*$%)%(%^*_)(!$%!_)$(!_)_)!$( L'homme sans Parity *$_)@#*%_)$@($_!$(_!@$(!
065=Usr:4 Milchar 09/23/90 21:50 Msg:5541 Call:31208 Lines:4
896 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
897 Oh, great... have ME give 'em directions. As if I've been there more than
898 once. But I'll be there! BCNU, Milch
899 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
066=Usr:4 Milchar 09/25/90 23:12 Msg:5542 Call:31229 Lines:4
900 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
901 Does anyone know where I might find spare NEC laptop parts? New, used,
902 "pre-owned", used by a little old lady who only computed on weekends, etc.?
903 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++++++++++
067=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/28/90 07:46 Msg:5543 Call:31254 Lines:7
904 &*&*&*&*'s
905 Friday again. A lurk before the weekend.
907 An Astral Dreamr
908 (Whoops)
909 &*&*&*&*'s
068=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/02/90 10:16 Msg:5546 Call:31305 Lines:7
911 &*&*&*&*'s
912 Wow, four days with no posts. Brain voiding overload. Beware of the anti
913 Muse. She will still all your ideas.
915 An Astral Dreamer
916 &*&*&*&*'s
069=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 10/03/90 09:15 Msg:5547 Call:31315 Lines:10
918 &*&*&*&*'s
919 Ok, I guess I'm the only user left. Of course checking total calls tells me
920 that there have been nine calls since the one I made yesterday. So, what
921 gives? If a board is worth calling it is worth participating in.
923 "The question is, where have you gone?" (The giant from twin peaks)
925 An Astral Dreamer
926 &*&*&*&*'s
070=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 10/03/90 17:43 Msg:5548 Call:31318 Lines:3
929 69
071=Usr:116 ted mittelstaedt 10/04/90 12:40 Msg:5549 Call:31329 Lines:39
931 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
932 "Here, I'll allow you the honor of closing out the disk"
933 "No, no, no, I couldn't possibly stand in your way"
934 "No, I insist that you have the honor"
935 "My dear sir, I wouldn't dream of it!!!"
936 "I couldn't take the priviledge away, my good man"
937 "Oh, Please, I couldn't be so rash!"
938 "I insist!"
939 "Never, I wouldn't be so cruel!"
940 "Nonsense, I know that you want to, so go ahead!"
941 "Why, you don't think that I am some kind of monster, now do you!"
942 "Why, you are being insulting! And here I was prepared to allow you to go first
943 "YOU were prepared to allow me!! I was prepared to allow YOU!!!"
944 "Well, then, just go ahead and do it!!"
945 "No, you go ahead and do it!!!!"
946 No, YOU do it!!!!"
947 "No, YOU!!!"""
948 "Shut up and do it, you whiner!!!"
949 "Whiner!!! Who are you calling a whiner!!!"
950 "You, you whiner, you can't even close out a disk!!!"
951@"I can't close out a disk!!! You can't close your own zipper!!!"
952@"Why you little rat!! You don't even have any REASON to close your zipper!!!"
953@"Whell, you don't have any reason to OPEN it!!!"
954@"At least I don't have to use a Canister Vac!!!"
955@"CANISTER VAC!!, What the H--- do I use a CANISTER VAC for!!!????!!!"
956@"You need the suction!!!!!"
957@"Your an A--h---!!!!"
958@"Your a Cock------!!!"
959@"F--k YOU!!!!
960@"F--K YOU!!!"
961@"Take that, you d---wad!"
962 "Take this you !!!!!!!"
963 "OWWW"
964 (following are gratuitously violent blows that the author does not wish to show
965 "Ohhh my head!!"
966@"Ahhh my b-lls!"
967 "Look the disk is still open!"
968@"Shutup f--kface!"
969 <><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Ariel<><><><><<>><
072=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 10/05/90 00:05 Msg:5550 Call:31339 Lines:30
970 696969696969* Original: FROM..... Harry Gish
971 Tfavc eetynorfxmcie
976 hn o o hwn e your marvelous gun.
979 I am delighted to accept your kind invitation to lie down on the floor
980 with my arms above my head and my legs apart.
983 I agree with everything you have ever said or thought in your life.
985 It is exceptionalykn f you to allow me to travel in the trunk of
986 your car.
989 If you will do me the kindness of nothrigm enital appendages, I
990 will gladly reciprocate by betraying my country in public.
993 I will tell you the names adadess of many American spies travelling
994 as reporters.
995 "AL,BLI AL"
htver you say!
998 h e lndfold would be lovely, execllency.