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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19
1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
2$************************* INSTALLED: 16 JUN 89 ***************************
3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator
7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately
8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general
9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the
10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all
11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the
12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data
13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out
14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering
15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to
16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up.
17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 06/16/89 19:51 Msg:3990 Call:21864 Lines:2
20 Today is tomorrow's memory. Do something to make it memorable.
21 ***********************************************************************
003=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 06/16/89 21:28 Msg:3991 Call:21865 Lines:15
22 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
23 Wow! At the top! It hasn't happened in recent history.
24 (Sorry, I had to say it. I don't remember it ever being important on
25 BWMS I)
26 Well, things have settled down in China. For the worse, I think.
27 [][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
28 Like what do you do? Turn the air conditioner on to raise the power bill?
29 (I work for an electric utility, so that seems fine to me.)
30 Yes, I remember always sneaking back to the last 25 or so lines to see
31 what had been written. Didn't she have remote sysop capabilities?
32 Does she even exist any more? You would know sooner than most, I am
33 sure.
34 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] F [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
35 You also remember that this was her border too? We agreed to coexist.
36 [][][][]
004=Usr:4 Milchar 06/16/89 22:00 Msg:3992 Call:21866 Lines:8
37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
38 Friar: I don't recall if I predate you or not. If it matters, I began
39 calling BWMS regularly in April 1984, when I purchased a modem for my
40 Commodore 64 (my computer at the time). Ah yes, loading a terminal
41 program off of cassette tape, dialing manually and plugging in the handset
42 into the back of the modem, and reading in 40 columns... Ack. What was
43 that saying about "good old days"? :-)
44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch +++++++++++++++++++++
005=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 06/17/89 00:43 Msg:3993 Call:21870 Lines:10
47 {+}{+}{+}{+}
49 OH I'M SITTIN'....
50 ON TOP OF.......
53 {+}{+}{+}{+}
006=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/17/89 12:48 Msg:3994 Call:21877 Lines:15
55 &*&*&*&*'s
56 I really hate hardware incompatabilities. I just can't seem to get both
57 hardrives to talk to the same controler. On the plus side I did manage to
58 format my 10 meg drive, but it doesn't work with the old 10 meg IBM HD
59 controlers. And the Seagate doesn't work with the newer winchester 10/20
60 meg controler.
62 About Ghandi, he was fighting a different sort of war. One in which his 'side'
63 was so far inferior in terms of weaponry, that they didn't stand much of a
64 chance. Guns and the knowledge of how to use them would have prevented Ghandi's
65 people from ever having been in that position.
67 An Astral Dreamer
68 &*&*&*&*'s
007=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 06/17/89 18:27 Msg:3995 Call:21881 Lines:21
72 {+}{+}{+}{+}
73 Yessir....I remember lotza ole' stuff. Why, when I first
74 started on Backwater we usta hafta sneak into the Staff
75 Jennings junkyard at night to get little pieces of
76 fiberglass....we'd sand those down real good, and with a
77 little tin foil from gum wrappers, some candle wax, a little
78 spit and a promise, why, we had us a modem. 'Course back in
79 those days Backwater was at 75 Baud. That's why they call it
80 "posting", 'cos you just sat there like a "post." 'Course we
81 didn't have keyboards back then....usta hafta get ole'
82 Underwood typewriters and wire 'em up. Thems was the days,
83 though....yep, you betcha. I remember lotza ole' stuff.
85 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
86 Grampa Wisenheimer
88 {+}{+}{+}{+}
008=Usr:4 Milchar 06/17/89 23:13 Msg:3996 Call:21888 Lines:4
91 )()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(
92 YOU had TYPERWRITERS? Why, I hada use eight light bulbs and
93 a bank of switches, translating ASCII in my head.
94 )()()()()()()()()()()()( Great-Great-Great Granpa )()()()()(
009=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 06/17/89 23:43 Msg:3997 Call:21889 Lines:29
95 You had ASCII!!!! Whaaaaa! I was gipped! I want my money back!!
96 All we had was baudot!
97 --------------------------- Adam ----------------------------------
98 Friar,
99 The apartment is all electric, so winter sort of makes for a larger spread
100 in the electric bill. Besides, think of all that power that BWII takes to run!
101 Yes, Pam was one of the few who had Sysop capabilities.
102 Pam as an entity here in the Inn is no more. Pam as a person still exists.
103 She moved to Seattle a couple of years ago when she got a better job offer.
104 She called for a few months after that, but for obvious reasons of the long
105 distance, that tappered off rather quickly. The last I heard from her was
106 July of '87 when she called to say goodby. I tried to convince her to stay
107 in contact, but for personal reasons she wanted to put Portland behind her.
108 Who knows, maybe one day she'll surprise us and leave a message.
109 ******************************* CM ****************************************
111 Something to consider. China is a nuclear power. They have appoximately 200
112 bombs. This is a country who's leadership. Wantonly killed thousands of
113 people systamatically with forethought. No concern for the lives of those
114 people were given. They were an irritant, so they were killed. After all
115 the demontrators were advocating that those in power be removed from their
116 privaleged positions and be answerable to the people.
117 It's just a bit scary to think that a leadership that has such little concern
118 over the live's of their own countrymen has the ability to launch 200 bombs
119 just because they are irritated at what some other country might do or say.
120 So what if the other country retaliates. What's a few lives when compared
121 to the loss of the privleges of the leadership.
123 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
010=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 06/18/89 19:06 Msg:3998 Call:21905 Lines:24
124 )(*&)(*&)(*&&)*&)(**&)(*&)(*&&)(*&)(**&&)((**&&)**&&)((*)(*&
126 what is that I heard. a debate trying to emerge from the ether.
128 well, personally I don't really think that the chinese will launch
129 at us, maybe. however, I am not so sure about ussr as a target;
130 the chinese-soviet war was so long ago, they might devide to make
131 a radiated zone around their northern border (so wat if they get
132 mongolia, they nothing but a bunch of nomads :-)).
134 Of course, deng buddy may not be in the most stable condition
135 right now after his little operation, if ya know what I mean. so
136 anything may happen; I do believe that those with the real power
137 will soon dispose of deng (No I can't spell his name) peng and
138 replace him with someone else (who I haven't the foggiest).
140 well, I've spouted enough of the rhetoric engrained in my psychie
141 from my youth daz.
143 Any comments??
145 The Mole
146 )(*&((*&&)(*&)((&((*&)(**)(**&&()(**&(*)(&&((*)*&)(*(*&(*)(&&()(*&
011=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 06/19/89 01:26 Msg:3999 Call:21916 Lines:13
149 )&((**&&)((*&&)((**&&)((*&&)((*&)((**&)(**&&)((&)((**&)(*&()(*&
150 And now back to the sense gibberish of a tortured mind,
152 this life is a test, this is only a test.
153 had this life been for real,
154 you would have been told where to go
155 and what to do.
156 again, this life is only a test.
158 The Mole
159 )(*&((**&(**&()(*&((*&)((**&)((**&&)((*&()(*&&)((**&)((**&()(**&
012=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 06/19/89 04:27 Msg:4000 Call:21919 Lines:19
161 {
163 {+}{+}{+}{+}
165 { I See.......
167 Would that be an Open Book, Open Notes type test ?
169 We talkin' Pass/No Pass ?
171 And Who's grading this one ?
174 { -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
175 SchoolBoy Propeller Beanie-Hat Off For Summer
177 {+}{+}{+}{+}
013=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/19/89 14:23 Msg:4001 Call:21926 Lines:6
180 &*&*&*&*'s
181 pseudo-lurk, pseudo-lurk. Beware of the pseudo lurk.
183 An Astral Dreamer
184 &*&*&*&*'s
014=Usr:33 Mike Stanfill 06/19/89 16:35 Msg:4002 Call:21929 Lines:16
186 /*/*/*/*/*/*/*
187 Wow, first we record "I think I'm a Clone Now" on the NeXT, then ST:TNG
188 characters begin to replicate, then I kill two clones with Milch, Mole,
189 and Astral playing Paranoia, then the latest "Clone Club News Flash" _
190 arrives just today. What does it all mean? /#)
191 n n n (#/
192 / ~~~ ~~~ \/
193 /*/*/*/*/*/*/* -swob (a Self-Willed Orange Blancmange) /___/____\__\
194 _
195 "everybody must get cloned." /#)
196 -steve taylor & some band, '83 n n n (#/
197 / ~~~ ~~~ \/
198 /*/*/*/*/*/*/* -cob (a Cloned Orange Blancmange) /___/____\__\
201 oops, must be replicative fading.... -swob
015=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 06/19/89 22:06 Msg:4003 Call:21935 Lines:8
202 )(*&()(*&&&()(&)((&&)((&()(*&()(&)((()(**&)((*&)((*()*((*)*&(*(*
204 I should of dropped Milch :-)
206 The Mole
208 )(*&)(&)(*&)((**&&)*(*&(*)(*&)(*(*&)((*&)(*&)((*&&)((*&)((*&)*(*
016=Usr:4 Milchar 06/19/89 22:23 Msg:4004 Call:21936 Lines:12
210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
211 I might still have lived, you Commie Mutant Traitor. (For those of
212 you who don't know, in the world of 'Paranoia', Your Friend the
213 Computer is waging war against the 'Communist Invasion', which in
214 that world had died out centuries ago. But some Alpha Complex
215 Citizens who aren't happy with the way things are (Not Happy In
216 Utopia? Must be Traitorous Vat-Scum) concluded that anything The
217 Computer hates that much can't be all bad. Thus the 'Commie Mutant
218 Traitor' is the ubiquitous enemy and fall guy in this game.)
219 See you Citizens next daycycle! Smile, or you may be used as
220 reactor shielding.
221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch a.k.a. Elmer-G-LEW-2 At your service!
017=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 06/19/89 22:51 Msg:4005 Call:21937 Lines:21
223 {}
225 YEAH! Paranoia players! It just so happens I have:
227 The Gamemaster/Player/Adventure Handbooks (older set)
228 "Vapors Don't Shoot Back", &
229 "Orcbusters"
231 I was getting involved with it about a year ago, but I had to move
232 to Portland (city of the commie-mutant free-enterprise yuppies) before
233 I could really get a chance to be a Player/Gamemaster. When do you
234 guys/gals/whoever meet? My days off have been shifted to Monday-Tuesday,
235 if this helps.
237 So, who wants that temporary promotion to blue/indigo for "vapors"?
239 ;->)
241 Hagbard Celine
242 {}
018=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman 06/20/89 15:35 Msg:4006 Call:21964 Lines:100
243 696969696969
246 School's out. And kids killing time are shooting themselves and each
247 other. Parents and children must be taught that guns aren't toys. They're
248 deadly weapons. That's the surest way to keep our kids' summer from being a
249 killing season.
251 JOHN DARLING, former member of the board of directors of the Center to
252 Prevent Handgun Violence: One child a day under 14 is accidentally shot to
253 death every day in the United States. In Florida in the last two weeks, six
254 children were shot, although not fatally. Firearms responsibility is your
255 responsibility. Educating your children is a must, whether you own a firearm
256 or not.
257 BOB MARTINEZ, governor of Florida: If we can pass legislation that makes
258 just one parent act more carefully, that saves just one innocent child from
259 tragedy, our efforts will be worthwhile. I cannot, and will not, accept
260 anything less for the innocent children of our state.
261 STATE REP. HARRY JENNINGS, author of the Florida bill to punish parents
262 who don't lock up loaded guns: "Something must be done to develop
263 responsibility."
264 LEONARD J. SUPENSKI, chief of crime prevention, Baltimore County, Md.,
265 Police Department: "We need reasonable controls on firearms backed with
266 realistic education aimed at reducing firearms misuse."
267 MATTHEW AMBERS, 10, friend of accidental shooting victim Erin Smith,
268 Miramir, Fla.: "She plays a lot. She laughs. She's funny. I feel bad. I'm
269 going to miss here."
270 ST. LOUIS, MO., Dorothy Williams, 27, teacher: "Parents should have some
271 kind of responsibility. A child's life is very precious, and if one child a
272 day is being killed, that's one child too many. I'm sure the parents would be
273 distraught, but they had the ability to prevent the tragedy ..."
274 THATCHER, ARIZ., Louisa C. Ochoa, 50, beautician: "Something like that
275 usually happens when the parents aren't around, and the kids knew they were
276 not supposed to touch the gun. We keep our firearms locked up, and our kids
277 went to gun-safety classes. But it's usually the kids' curiosity, not parents'
278 negligence, that causes the accidents."
279 YARDLEY, PA., Jon Hilson, 53, TV sports producer: "As parents, we're
280 responsible for a child who gets into the drinking closet, let alone the ammo
281 closet. If my child were killed in my home with my gun, my grief is
282 punishment. But if someone else's child were killed in my home, I would expect
283 some type of punishment ..."
284 LEE ATWATER, head of National Republican Committee, specializing in "dirty
285 tricks": "If we can just sell enough handguns, cigarettes, and beer to enough
286 of our country's young people, I'm sure we can eventually achieve a Republican
287 Majority in the House."
290 Housing and Urban Development Secretary Jack Kemp - who vowed Sunday to
291 "reform and overhaul" HUD - faces the nation's mayors Monday. Tuesday, other
292 HUD officials will meet with the mayors to debate the agency's future. The
293 mayors' stake in HUD is huge: It is a conduit for much of the federal aid
294 flowing to cities. During the Reagan years, HUD's spending was cut by more
295 than two-thirds.
296 The Justice Department is investigating real estate profits in the growing
297 furor HUD. On Sunday: The New York Times reported that over half the $12
298 million New York got from a HUD fund went to projects pushed by Sen. Alfonse
299 D'Amato; and New York Newsday reported an ex-HUD official got a $125,000-a-
300 year job from people with whom he split a $17 million profit from a HUD deal.
302 Jack Kemp, Housing and Urban Development secretary, promised Sunday to run
303 the department "with an eye on help to the needy and get the greedy out of the
304 process." HUD is beset by influence-peddling and embezzlement scandals.
305 Charles Dempsey, a former HUD inspector general, says Kemp is moving in the
306 right direction and that Congress shares blame for the problem.
307 New woes at the Department of Housing and Urban Development surface almost
308 daily. The Justice Department is probing real estate agents' profits from the
309 sale of foreclosed houses. Missing: up to $20 million. Also under scrutiny is
310 the steering of HUD subsidies for renovation of low-income housing to
311 politically connected developers and consultants.
312 More than half the $12 million New York state received from a special HUD
313 fund went to projects pushed by GOP Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, The New York Times
314 reported Sunday. Also, New York Newsday reported Sunday that former HUD
315 official Joseph Monticciolo got a $125,000-a-year job from businessmen who
316 shared in HUD contract profit.
318 Some observers say former Department of Housing and Urban Development
319 Secretary Samuel Pierce followed the Reagan credo, taking jobs away from HUD
320 employees and contracting them out as part of the "privatization" of
321 government.
322 The Housing and Urban Development Dept. was created 1965 to oversee urban
323 renewal and housing, and mortgage insurance for the elderly, poor and
324 handicapped. At the center of the HUD scandal: Lawyer Sam Pierce, Reagan's HUD
325 secretary and the sole Reagan Cabinet member in office for eight years. Dubbed
326 "Silent Sam," Pierce kept a low profile during his HUD tenure.
327 The emerging portrait of mismanagement, favoritism, fraud and influence-
328 peddling affects the 4.3 million people helped by the Department of Housing
329 and Urban Development, say observers. Example: Boston has about 23,000
330 homeless - triple the number on the streets just a few years ago - and only
331 1,200 vacancies in the city's 18,000 public housing units.
332 Since April, Housing and Urban Development scandals being investigated
333 include: Maryland real estate agent Marilyn Harrell admitted taking $5.5
334 million after representing HUD in the sale of foreclosed homes; in Texas, Reba
335 Louise Lovell was indicted for stealing $2.5 million from the sale of 55
336 Dallas homes; and the U.S. attorney in Denver is investigating the loss of $1
337 million.
338 Washington, D.C., investigators are looking for a lawyer and former
339 Housing and Urban Development agent who disappeared a year ago. More than $3
340 million might be missing. In another probe: Sen. Alfonse M. D'Amato, R-N.Y.,
341 reportedly got HUD funding for a pool in his hometown. Half the state's $12
342 696969696969696969
019=Usr:332 Night Watcher 06/20/89 23:30 Msg:4007 Call:21973 Lines:41
343 :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
345 Early report on BATMAN from someone who has already seen it: Moi.
347 Keaton: An unconventional choice, natch, but he certainly had high
348 aspirations for this character to work. While, for the most part,
349 Keaton maintains the integrity of the character, even he admits that
350 the project was just too big for him to handle. Strictly on a
351 psychological level, I would have to say that this only adds to the
352 character, as Wayne is portrayed as schizophrenic (sp) in the film,
353 (film), plummeting into the character of the Batman whenever a crime
354 is committed in his presence, regardless of whether or not he is
355 wearing the costume.
358 The Costume: Initially, I found the costum somewhat lackluster, equippred as
359 it was with false muscles and lifts (Keaton is only 5" 5'). However, the
360 lifts and muscles are explained away in the film as metal boots (for combat)
361 and teflon armor plating, respectively. Overall, the only real fault
362 with it was that the cowl and cape are connected, preventing a great
363 deal of head mobility. But still, an admirable job considering that
364 they had to create something that could not possibly exist in the real
365 world and do it convincingly.
367 Nicholson: What can be said that isn't already established in the
368 subconscious of all who know Nicholson's style. He steals the film,
369 presenting the Joker as much more a tragic, operatic character than
370 Ceaser Romero (from (guh) the BBatman TV series) ever thought of.
371 Yes, pained, and tragic, to the bitter finale on the rooftops of the
372 Gotham Cathedral, when, locked in Mortal Combat, the two adversaries...
374 (Thought I'd tell, din't ya?)
376 Special Effects/Sound/Music: This'll be a knockout in THX. I usually don'
377 have much patience with the plodding style of Elfman, but he carries it off.
379 Oops, logout in 5. Gotta Run...
380 :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
381 Night Watchman.
382 done
383 /s
020=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/20/89 23:56 Msg:4008 Call:21974 Lines:11
385 &*&*&*&*'s
387 This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actuall message
388 you would have seen somthing worth reading.
390 This was only a test.
392 An Astral Dreamer
393 &*&*&*&*'s
021=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 06/21/89 00:21 Msg:4009 Call:21976 Lines:14
395 {}
397 AD - noticed that you had FP stuff for Sozobon - do you intend to
398 compile the glue for the ST? I can whip up a FP interface to the
399 Amiga's FFP ROM, and with less effort than trying to port STupid
400 code
402 Where have you been - noticed you've only been on sporadically -
403 always trying to catch you on reed...
405 Hagbard
407 {}
022=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/21/89 15:00 Msg:4010 Call:21987 Lines:19
409 &*&*&*&*'s
410 Hagbard, I just saved it because it was there. The pack rat mentality. :-)
412 I've been seduced by the dark side of the force (IBM :-) ) and have spent
413 the last couple of weeks trying to get the system I am borrowing to work
414 properly. I think I've finally got things working more or leBeing
415 on the trailing edge of technology is a pain. (4.77Mhz PC, 2 10 meg hard
416 drives. 2(Yes 2) 65? watt power suplies cga (Origional brown IBM version) and
417 a single full height floppy. (360k) It all works more or less, and considering
418 my doller investment I really can't complain.
420 I have to reformat my C: drive again. Low power(Not a problem anymore, as I hav
421 e the second power supply) scraged the low level format a bit.
423 I now know more about IBM's then I ever wanted to. :-) :-| :-/
425 An Astral Dreamer
426 &*&*&*&*'s
023=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 06/21/89 19:04 Msg:4011 Call:21989 Lines:4
428 )(*(*&((*&)(*&()(*&*
429 lurk
430 )((*&)((*&)(**&)(*&)
024=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman 06/21/89 19:37 Msg:4012 Call:21991 Lines:77
432 696969696969
435 The country's pollution is as close as your back yard. Congress is working
436 on new environmental laws. This report will help it control more of the
437 pollutants that foul our air and contaminate 595 waterways across the country.
438 We all need to know who's polluting our communities before we can clean up
439 this mess. Or end it.
441 DICK FLAVIN, writer and satirist: The age of pollution awareness is upon
442 us. Thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency we can now tell which
443 polluters are poisoning the environment without ever having to set foot
444 outside in the environment. It's an issue who's time has come. You can smell
445 it in the air.
446 PATRICK COX, political and economic analyst: The press, in general, has
447 fallen in line with environmental reactionaries. Today, any violation of
448 rights can be justified simply by couching it in ecological rhetoric. Anyone
449 who questions the apocalyptic obsessions of the true believers is dismissed as
450 an enlightened assassin of Mother Earth.
451 WILLIAM D. FAY, Clean Air Working Group: "These are toxic chemicals; some
452 of them carcinogenic. But they are part of the process by which our economy
453 runs. We're not going to eliminate them."
454 WILLIAM REILLY, EPA administrator: "The information in this national
455 report will no doubt raise concern about toxic releases. This is exactly what
456 it is meant to do."
457 JEFFERY VAN, Chemical Manufacturers Association: "Anyone who says you can
458 make a link between these numbers and health effects is misleading you."
459 HARBOR CITY, CALIF., Forescee H. Rowles, 32, college instructor: "Air
460 pollution ... is caused by a combination of oil refineries, cars, the airline
461 and trucking industries, and buses that are diesel fueled. I'm a native
462 Californian, and I have watched the problem get worse. The saying, `Don't
463 breathe deep,' used to be a joke around here. Now, it's serious."
464 CEDAR FALLS, IOWA, Harry Slife, 66, retired broadcast executive: "We're in
465 pretty good shape in this area. But in the state, the biggest problem is
466 groundwater pollution. The concern is that the drinking water supply will
467 ultimately be affected by chemicals that come from agricultural use. There is
468 already some evidence of contaminated water from wells."
469 LEE ATWATER, head of the Republican National Committee: "If we can just
470 release enough radiation and toxic wastes into the nation's air and water
471 supply to give cancer to some liberal Democrats, then maybe we can finally
472 be the majority party in the House."
474 FIREWORKS HURT 10,000 IN 1988:-6/21/89
475 In 1988, 10,000 Americans suffered injuries from fireworks. The American
476 Academy of Opthalmology said this week that more than half of those were
477 children younger than 16, and many had serious eye injuries. The academy
478 recommended safety tips for using fireworks this summer. On the list: wear
479 safety glasses when using fireworks; and don't let kids use fireworks without
480 adult supervision.
483 The oil and auto industries hope President Bush's clean-air legislation -
484 that focuses on alternative fuels - will explain how to sell fuel and vehicles
485 that consumers might not want. The Environmental Protection Agency says the
486 answer is in the future price of methanol and industry's determination to make
487 the program work.
488 Increased use of methanol will reduce auto emissions of chemicals that
489 form ozone, the key ingredient in smog, says the Bush administration in its
490 clean-air proposal. Methanol, a form of alcohol made from natural gas or coal,
491 is thought by many experts to burn cleaner than gas, the primary source of
492 smog agents.
493 If methanol were produced today, it would cost 72 cents to $1.15 a gallon,
494 the American Petroleum Institute estimates. But vehicles travel only about
495 half as far on a gallon of methanol as on gas. The comparable per-mile cost
496 would be $1.30 to $2.07 a gallon. Environmental Protection Agency officials
497 say the price of methanol will fall as it is produced on a large scale.
498 Sale quotas for cars using alternate fuels would be set for all automakers
499 under President Bush's clean-air program. They would probably would be tied to
500 a company's share of a targeted market. Car makers would get some flexibility:
501 Those that exceed quotas would accrue credits they could then trade with
502 competitors.
504 (my apologies to Lee Atwater for misquoting him above. The word prior to
505 "Liberal Democrats" should be "enough". sorry)
507 696969696969696969
025=Usr:4 Milchar 06/22/89 00:47 Msg:4013 Call:21999 Lines:11
509 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++`
510 Hagbard: We play....whenever. Of the people here, Astral Dreamer,
511 The Mole, Swob, and myself play Paranoia. I seem to have set some
512 sort of record during our last session, being the only player that did
513 not lose a clone before our outfitting at R&D (where we stopped playing
514 for the night). Methinks I shall be a target next round though... but
515 not if I keep rolling 2's and 3's for saving throws! ("Amazing! Elmer-G
516 is completely missed by the grenade shrapnel of BOTH grenades as he
517 chants, 'The Computer is my protector, I shall not want...' You, however,
518 are dead. Activate new clones...")
519 +++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
026=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 06/22/89 01:13 Msg:4014 Call:22001 Lines:34
521 {}
523 Pack Rat indeed! ;->) No wonder I keep seeing messages from /root
524 saying "clean that sh*t up or we'll deep format the drive" (just kidding)
526 As for the IBM - ugh! You must have suffered painfully through the
527 labotamy! I understand you very well - I took a crash-course in
528 "IBM Assembly: An Introduction" during my first year. I was limping
529 around the lab in a matter of hours! Coding for Intel processors is
530 the most degrading activity a programmer must do (short of removing
531 their own bugs:->) - and that awful reverse syntax! Read the mnemonic,
532 then read the action from right to left! The designer of the 8088
533 must have dropped acid, turned around, and said "Gee, let's make a
534 half-baked processor that has annoying segments, but doesn't allow
535 you to swap those segments very well". Gimme RotoMola any day! At
536 least the instructions are in English, and not the german translation
537 of Swahili.
539 So, who is the GM for your group? And do you need one (sure, just
540 like you need a hypodermic in your posterior, right?) - because I
541 can guarentee that I'll cycle 3 clones from everyone in the group!
542 I just love being outright nasty! Sure, I'll give you a better
543 chance than what the Adventure authors would, but still,
544 Watch your Step!
545 Trust No-One!
546 Keep your Laser Handy!
548 The Computer (and I be)/is your friend.
550 H. C.
552 {}
027=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/22/89 10:50 Msg:4015 Call:22004 Lines:14
554 &*&*&*&*'s
555 Luckily I don't have to deal with the assembly language. I use Turbo Pascal,
556 Which BTW is 50000 times as good an enviorment then PC's deserve. The newest
557 version is even Object Oriented. Now if they'de only come out with a version
558 for the Amiga. (Compiling 2000 lines often takes less then 20 seconds on
559 a vanila PC.)
561 As for Paranoia, Milch is meat. I can't believe he actually managed to live
562 through two grenade explosions without a scratch! And I was vaporized.
563 Next Time I'll shove the grenades down the back of his shorts! :-)
565 An Astral Dreamer
566 &*&*&*&*'s
028=Usr:332 Night Watcher 06/22/89 12:36 Msg:4016 Call:22006 Lines:17
568 :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+
569 New Data on Upcoming sequels for Batman.
570 II: Two-Face (Billy Dee Williams)
571 III: The Penguin (Danny De Vito)
572 IV: The Riddler (Steve Martin)
573 V: Killer Croc (Arnold (YOU SPELL IT!!!) Schwarzenegger (Who will be playing
574 Doctor Manhattan in the upcoming WATCHMEN film.
575 VI: Creeper (Robin Williams)
576 VII: Catwoman (Most likely the girl who was the killer in BLACK WIDOW.)
577 VIII: Mad Hatter (No data at this time, possibly Robin Williams if Creeper
578 deal falls short).
580 Night Watchman
581 :+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+
582 done
583 .s
584 /s
029=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 06/22/89 18:22 Msg:4017 Call:22012 Lines:22
585 )(**&)((*&)((**)((**&)(**&)((**&)(*&)(*&)(*&)(*&)((*
587 All I can say about the next game is Milch Toast.
589 A.D.: unfortunately you will have to kill him when he is asleep, since
590 milch Will get a save verse that and most likely he will get a one. Of
591 course if it was me with a macho bonus of two all I'd have to roll is
592 a three :-).
594 "Down with the inferior human types" :-)
596 H.C.: someone by the name of mike wilson is are GM. he doesn't
597 ,at least i think so, lurk here so you probably wouldn't know
598 him.
600 Of course, if wilson was in a good mode Milch would of lost all
601 six clones; geesh, four benificial mutations.
603 The Mole (Schwarzenne-G-GER)
605 )((*&)((*&)((*&&()(*&()(*&&)(*&)((*&(*)(*&)(*&&)((*&()(*&)(*&
030=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman 06/22/89 18:45 Msg:4018 Call:22013 Lines:100
607 696969696969
609 WP 06/22/89 MARY McGRORY The Truth According to Gregg
611 The Iran-contra scandal, which has spawned so many contradictions and
612 ironies, is going to give us another new ethical concept, "truth-under-the
613 circumstances." That is not the same as "the whole" and "nothing but," but it
614 will do for Sen. Charles S. Robb (D-Va.), who voted to confirm Donald P. Gregg
615 as ambassador to South Korea and told us why.
616 Gregg's statements, which, incidentally, were given under oath, Robb said,
617 were "as reasonable and believable as I think we could expect under the
618 circumstances."
619 What the "circumstances" were, Robb did not explain. What he probably meant
620 was that only some crazed purist would imagine that a lifelong CIA man, trained
621 in the "Eyes Only" and "Need to Know" tradition of "the company," would spill
622 the beans on what he knew about Iran-contra and what he told his boss when he
623 was then-Vice President Bush's national security adviser. The literal truth, an
624 fool could see, would only have killed the nomination and distressed the
625 president. Get lost, Diogenes.
626 Gregg's version of events was sometimes, as Robb, a conspicuous contra fan,
627 admitted, "very difficult to comprehend." The Republicans on the Senate Foreign
628 Relations Committee, who voted solidly for the nominee because they found the
629 opposition "partisan," had trouble, too. Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.) said
630 part of Gregg's tales "certainly strains belief."
631 But the Republicans stood strong partly it seemed because they thought that
632 Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), who stalked Gregg down pages of typed questions,
633 was really after Bush. This idea was pushed hard by Sen. Mitch McConnell
634 (R-Ky.), Gregg's chief defender. He pointed out that several other diplomatic
635 appointees who were much more involved in Iran-contra had "sailed through" the
636 committee, and he said it was Gregg's "closeness to Bush" that activated the
637 Democrats.
638 Gregg had woven a thick carpet of "plausible deniability" around each weak
639 spot in his testimony. Many found more denial than plausibility in much of what
640 he said. A secretary typed "copter-supply" instead of "contra supply"; his CIA
641 buddy Felix Rodriguez had misled him about his relations with Oliver L. North;
642 North had made a misleading entry in his notebook about a meeting with Gregg. H
643 never wavered in his insistence that he communicated to Bush his guilty
644 knowledge about illicit gun-running only through The New York Times four months
645 after he heard from Rodriguez that there was another Watergate in the making.
646 The amount of information Gregg withheld from Bush was of such volume that h
647 could have been reasonably asked whether he would, as ambassador, tell the
648 president if the Commies were coming over the border. But only Sen. Paul S.
649 Sarbanes (D-Md.) bothered to point out that Gregg's record for being Bush's eye
650 and ears was pretty poor.
651 The other two Democrats who defected to Bush were Terry Sanford (N.C.) and
652 Claiborne Pell (R.I.). Pell had originally begged bush to withdraw Gregg, but h
653 hates a scrap and went along. In an embarrassed post-vote news conference,
654 Cranston suggested that Sanford was afraid "the path would lead to Bush."
655 Sanford confirms this and adds to the "comparative truth" theory: "If Gregg
656 was lying, he was lying to protect the president, which is different from lying
657 to protect himself." Sanford does not believe in revisiting Iran-contra - "My
658 own view is to leave it to history to find out the true facts."
659 Other Democrats agree. They are scared stiff of the issue. As their
660 Iran-contra committee walked in fear of turning up impeachable evidence against
661 Ronald Reagan, Senate Democrats pale at the thought of digging up actionable
662 dirt on Bush. They echo the GOP caution that the country couldn't stand the
663 trauma - even though the Republic survived handily when Richard M. Nixon hit th
664 road. Besides - here's the clincher - before you hurt Bush, think of the
665 consequences.
666 Cranston met many jibes in the ~rcloakroom while he was struggling to rally
667 p
anti-Gregg votes. "You trying to get us Dan Quayle, Cranston?"
668 The new House Democratic whip, William H. Gray III (Pa.), said the 12 to 7
669 vote showed that the Senate is "letting yesterday be yesterday, forget it."
671 "I don't think that is necessarily good politics," he adds.
672 But Senate Democrats think it is. Possibly they were persuaded by the happy
673 endings for the affair's most prominent alumni. Reagan got the Order of the
674 Bath from Queen Elizabeth II the other day. And Bush, who they all thought was
675 so pathetic this time last year, stands at 73 percent in the polls. Neither
676 came clean about Iran-contra. So why should Bush's ambassador to South Korea?
677 Who cares? Let's settle for "truth-under the circumstances." It's all we're
678 going to get.
680 THE RICH GET RICHER:-6/22/89
681 An annual survey by Financial World magazine says the median income of the
682 top 100 Wall Street earners tripled in 1988 to $15 million, from $5 million in
683 1987. Topping the list: indicted junk-bond king Michael Milken, who made
684 between $180 million and $199 million, FW says. That sum is being withheld by
685 Milken's former employer, Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc., pending a court
686 decision.
689 The Bush administration said it opposed a bill to deny a tax deduction to
690 Exxon Corp. for Alaskan oil spill clean-up costs. It's a "fundamental
691 principle of business taxation, that ordinary and necessary business expenses
692 may be deducted," Treasury official Kenneth Gideon told the Senate Finance
693 Committee.
694 What's "ordinary and necessary" about the Alaska oil spill?
696 State laws that place no limit on what oil companies must pay to clean up
697 a big oil spill and compensate victims would be preempted under a bill
698 approved by the House Merchant Marines and Fisheries committee Wednesday. The
699 bill now goes to the House.
700 A bill approved Wednesday by the House Merchant Marines and Fisheries
701 Committee would limit an oil company's financial liability for an oil spill to
702 $60 million unless gross negligence is proved. Remaining cleanup, compensation
703 and related costs would come out of a fund that oil companies pay into through
704 a 1.3-cents-per-barrel tax.
705 Congress has tried for 14 years to pass a comprehensive oil spill
706 liability law, but has always stalled on language that preempted state laws.
031=Usr:286 Juff Marten 06/23/89 01:04 Msg:4019 Call:22027 Lines:28
709 {+}{+}{+}{+}
711 From those lovable hippies who brought Herbal Tea out of the
712 Ashram and into your home
715 Comes something NEW....and its JUST FOR YOU !
716 Its Refreshing !
717 Its Delicious !
718 Its an elocution aid like none other !
720 Its new Celestial Seasonings VERBAL TEA
722 Specially blended for Protest Organizers, Anguished Folk-
723 Singers, Dark Horse Political Candidates, and Dystopian Cafe
724 Poets...Celestial Seasonings VERBAL TEA is just the thing to
725 help you talk more better n' stuff.
727 Available Now At Selected Food Co-Ops
729 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
730 A Thrbbing Mutation Of The American Dream
732 {+}{+}{+}{+}
032=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/23/89 19:50 Msg:4020 Call:22036 Lines:7
735 &*&*&*&*'s
736 Remember when you were young? Everything seemed so much simpler then.
737 Hats off to the human race! I'm amazed we've made it this far.
739 An Astral Dreamer (Not feeling very optomistic right now.)
740 &*&*&*&*'s
033=Usr:4 Milchar 06/23/89 21:54 Msg:4021 Call:22039 Lines:15
742 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
743 ANNOUNCING: Tenative "Paranoia" session at my humble abode. About
744 One O'Clock on Sunday, June 25. Those of you who play know where it
745 is, except perhaps H.C. Hagbard, you have a private communication
746 channel available perhaps?
747 As for the planned Milch Toast and Commie Social, all I have
748 to say is that some Secret Societies are MUCH more useful than others.
749 What do you get when you advance in your SS? Me, I get something
750 USEFUL...
751 And complaining about my low demise rate? Why, it was a
752 piece of cake. I mean, really. We haven't even started the MISSION
753 yet. Just a few interruptions/emergency assignments got in our way,
754 that's all. Nothing to be worried about. This mission will be fun.
755 The Computer says so. Can you doubt the Computer? Of course, there
756 might be some accidental executions, falling at 1000 feet, berserk
034=Usr:4 Milchar 06/23/89 22:06 Msg:4022 Call:22041 Lines:8
757 Combots, Happy Citizens... but Hey, all in a daycycle's work! :-)
758 Milch Toast? Ha. I haven't even STARTED yet. Executing
759 Elmer-G-LEW without cause is treason, and it seems I have an exemplary
760 performance record in the eyes of the Computer. Whatever my performance
761 is in reality has nothing to do with it whatsoever... :-) C'mon. Ya
762 gotta PROVE I'm a Commie Mutant Traitor. Or some combination of C, M,
763 and T, anyway...
764 ++++++++++ Milch +++++++++ At your service, Citizen Jess-U-WAT, Sir! +++
035=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 06/24/89 01:54 Msg:4023 Call:22047 Lines:28
766 {}
768 Sorry Milch, I have a hot date with my fiance' Sunday. Will try
769 to make it in the future, though. How about next week?
771 If you catch me around town, well, look for a new 89 silver-frost
772 Sentra with a small dent on the trunk and the rear "Nissan" sticker
773 missing. Chances are, you'll probably hear me coming before you
774 see me ;->) remember, hearing is believing! Someday, I'll get an
775 amp for my radio - maybe just a little one...'ya know, around
776 80 watts per channel? Little spendy for TWO amps, though - I have
777 a 4-way. I figure if I can't have a nice looking car that moves
778 100 mph in excess of the federal speed limit, I can at least hae
779 a decent stereo in the thing.
781 Say, does anyone want a slightly used 89 Sentra with low miles,
782 good stereo, and the "New" 12-valve Nissan motor? $189.98 a month>
784 Whatever you do, don't buy one unless you plan on making some
785 major investments. Thing has been in the shop twice with only
786 10K miles on it. Drives me nuts. Now I think I need an alignment
787 job done on it. It's worse than having a child! It would
788 be easier to simply feed it my paycheck!
790 A grumpy Hagbard...
792 {}
036=Usr:339 Phantom Specter 06/24/89 02:47 Msg:4024 Call:22049 Lines:7
793 P H A N T O M
794 I used to be on here about a year ago.
797 ((((((P h A n T o M))))))
037=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 06/24/89 03:36 Msg:4025 Call:22051 Lines:11
801 {+}{+}{+}{+}
803 And now you're back
805 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
806 Was It A Good Year ?
809 {+}{+}{+}{+}
038=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/24/89 15:40 Msg:4026 Call:22059 Lines:5
812 I AM Having tO much fun. Today is a warm day.
814 Blah
039=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman 06/24/89 18:17 Msg:4027 Call:22063 Lines:100
816 696969696969
817 It COULD happen here........BUSH RUMOR PUSHES DOLLAR DOWN:-6/23/8
818 The dollar sank in wild trading, helped by a rumor that President Bush had
819 been shot. The White House quickly denied the rumor. Traders also cited a lack
820 of buying interest, plus the sale of dollars by central banks to prop up the
821 British pound. But many traders say the weakness is a lull rather than a
822 fundamental change in attitude toward the dollar.
823 President J. Danforth Quayle. Think about it.
825 It DID happen there........OIL SPILL TOUCHES ALL ALASKANS:-6/23/8
826 The Exxon Valdez oil spill - which as of this week has soiled 727 miles of
827 Alaskan shoreline - has forced residents of that state to think hard about
828 their environmental treasures.Gov. Steve Cowper: "There's been a reassessment
829 of values by most Alaskans."
830 Alaska politicians, reviewing the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill,
831 are wondering how a state that gets 85 percent of its revenues from oil
832 concessions keep itself running and yet demand respect and environmental
833 responsibility from big oil. Alaskans know they are married to the industry -
834 each gets a yearly oil dividend - $826.93 last year.
835 Three months after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound,
836 Alaska, the destruction goes on. The oil isn't spreading any more, but the way
837 it keeps sinking and resurfacing makes the cleanup tough, say conservation
838 officials. The death toll so far: 25,688 birds, 808 sea otters and 84 eagles.
839 Salmon seasons have been delayed or limited.
840 Environmental Protection Agency scientists this week began an experiment
841 spreading a chemical mixture filled with oil-eating bacteria on the beaches of
842 Alaska's Prince William Sound fouled by the Exxon Valdez tanker oil spill.
843 Science News magazine reports in its June 25 issue that the tests will compare
844 mixtures of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers for oil-devouring
845 capabilities.
846 On Friday, weather permitting, the temporarily repaired Exxon Valdez
847 tanker will be towed out of Prince William Sound, Alaska, headed for a $25
848 million repair job in San Diego, the Coast Guard said.
850 Three months after the Exxon Valdez tanker ripped open and dumped 11
851 million gallons of crude oil into Prince William Sound, the destruction goes
852 on. The oil isn't spreading any more, but the way it keeps sinking and
853 resurfacing still makes the cleanup tough, says Robert Luch, a conservation
854 official in Valdez. The death toll as of this week: 25,688 birds, 808 sea
855 otters and 84 eagles.
858 Environmental Protection Agency scientists thys week began an experiment
859 spreading a chemical mixture filled with oil-eating bacteria on the beaches of
860 Alaska's Prince William Sound fouled by the Exxon Valdez tanker oil spill.
861 Science News magazine reports in its June 25 issue that the tests will compare
862 mixtures of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers for oil-devouring
863 capabilities.
866 The execution toll from China's crackdown on dissidents mounted Thursday,
867 bringing an outcry from Washington for tougher action against the Chinese.
868 Seven men were executed in Beijing for burning army vehicles. In the town of
869 Jinan, 17 people were executed; some died for crimes linked to the protests,
870 others for unrelated crimes.
871 The executions of pro-democracy demonstrators won't cause the United
872 States to escalate its war of words against China. Secretary of State James
873 Baker said the United States would not impose new sanctions on China. Bush has
874 ordered an end to arms sales, cessation of government contacts and called on
875 world lenders not to help China. Baker said the limited sanctions were
876 appropriate.
877 China's response to world-wide outrage over the execution of pro-democracy
878 demonstrators remained unchanged Thursday. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Li
879 Jinhua said other countries were being "unwise" in trying to dictate to China
880 about domestic trouble.
881 While the furor about the executions in China might be new, the method
882 isn't. "The death penalty continues to be used extensively" in China, said
883 Amnesty International, the human rights organization. Execution - normally by
884 a gunshot to the back of the head - is used for political and common crimes.
885 Amnesty has documented more than 1,500 executions in China since 1983.
886 Chinese students in the United States say they are having a hard time
887 coming up with cash to pay phone bills for the "freedom faxes" to China after
888 the Tiananmen Square slaughter. Some copiers were cranking day and night
889 sending news articles, photos and editorials giving the U.S. view of events.
890 Now, bills are arriving: At Stanford University, the latest bill ran more than
891 $3,000.
894 Nuclear plants at Seabrook in New Hampshire and Shoreham on Long Island,
895 N.Y., will overcome obstacles and will operate, predicted Mary Ann Novak,
896 acting assistant secretary for nuclear energy at the Department of Energy. She
897 said that nuclear power fit well with the energy policy now being written
898 aiming at a reasonably priced and environmentally benign energy supply.
899 New nuclear plants will be ordered in the next five to seven years, said
900 Mary Ann Novak, an assistant secretary at the Department of Energy. DOE will
901 try to convince the public of the advantages of nuclear energy, she said.
902 Novak spoke at a conference in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the U.S. Global
903 Strategy Council. She said power demand is twice what utilities are planning
904 for.
906 After HUD insured $67 million in mortgages for eight Twin Cities housing
907 projects, two defaulted, two are being refinanced and two are marginal,
908 reports the Minneapolis Starand Tribune. Also: After local HUD officials
909 declined to get involved in a 68-unit project, federal HUD officials overrode
910 them when developers hired ex-Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger's nephew as
911 a lobbyist.
912 "Ronald Wilson Reagan: The Legacy" what a movie! what a man!
913 the most expensive movie of ALL time. You and your neighbors are extras!
914 Showing now in this country all around you. Tickets start at $300,000! (pop-
915 corn is extra--and so is the butter and the salt for the wound)
040=Usr:334 Chris Muns 06/24/89 21:15 Msg:4028 Call:22067 Lines:4
916 Hi,What is everyone up to?
918 //s
919 Chris Muns
041=Usr:4 Milchar 06/25/89 00:22 Msg:4029 Call:22071 Lines:15
920 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
921 Paranoia Update: All of the former meeting instructions were perfect
922 in every way. The Computer says so. However, certain Traitors have
923 placed errors within the last transmission. Rest assured the parties
924 responsible have been executed. The following instructions are even
925 MORE perfect in every way. Can you doubt the Computer?
926 MEET: Milch's pad
927 WHEN: Oh, around 1ish on Sunday, July 2.
928 WHAT: Traitor Roast and lots of Cold Fun for all loyal Citizens
929 Due to a new opinion program instituted by the Computer in its wisdom,
930 random opinion samples are being taken regarding the revised Traitor
931 Roast schedule. Please go to the nearest Happiness Confession Booth and
932 let the Computer know how happy you are with the even more perfect
933 schedule.
934 +++++++++++++++ Milch, or Elmer-G-LEW-2 At your service, Citizen! +++++
042=Usr:286 Jeff Marten 06/25/89 04:41 Msg:4030 Call:22076 Lines:18
936 {+}{+}{+}{+}
938 Oh God Milch...That sounds just like THX-1138.
939 Remember that movie ?
940 Those little electronic confessional boothettes ?
941 BY THE MASSES......
943 BUY
945 AND
949 -+|[ ThingFish ]|+-
950 I Did Not Lose My Ship Sir, It Was Taken From Me
952 {+}{+}{+}{+}
043=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 06/25/89 12:27 Msg:4031 Call:22082 Lines:12
953 &*&*&*&*'s
954 Next Sunday? Hmm... Well of course I'll be there. As a loyal friend
955 of the computer it couldn't be any other way. Happiness will be mine as I serve
956 the computer in anyway I can.
957 Anybody seeing ^I's at the begining of some of these lines is a traitor
958 and should report to the nearest termination center immediatly. Thank you for
959 your support.
960 George-R-wel friend of the computer signing out.
962 An Astral Dreamer
963 &*&*&*&*'s
044=Usr:33 Mike Stanfill 06/25/89 22:52 Msg:4032 Call:22097 Lines:35
965 /*/*/*/*/*/*/*
967 Friend computer,
969 I just wanted to tell you how happy I am at being assigned to
970 this very important mission. Obviously the deaths of my two
971 predecessors were due to the actions of hostile Communist
972 Mutant Traitors working even within the confines of Alpha
973 Complex. I am honored to have the privilege of combatting
974 this threat to the otherwise serene and peaceful utopia of
975 Alpha Complex. Friend Computer can be assured of my complete
976 devotion and willingness to make any sacrifice to complete
977 my mission.
979 Slurp! Slurp!
980 Funny B-oyy
982 "Sometimes fear can be a useful emotion. For instance, let's say you're
983 an astronaut on the moon and you think your partner has been turned into
984 Dracula. The next time he goes out for the moon pieces - wham! - you
985 just slam the door behind him and blast off. He might call you on the
986 radio and say he's not Dracula, but you just say,
987 'Think again, bat man.'" _
988 -Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts" /#)
989 n n n (#/
990 / ~~~ ~~~ \/
991 /*/*/*/*/*/*/* -swob (a Self-Willed Orange Blancmange) /___/____\__\
994 I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom! Now what cqn I say to kill off this
995 disk? - how 'bout another Handey quote:
996 "I guess I'll never forget her. And maybe I don't wan't to. Her spirit
997 was wild, like a wild monkey. Her beauty was like a beautiful horse being
998 ridden by a wild monkey. I forget her other qualities."
999 -Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts"