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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19
1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
2$************************* INSTALLED: 18 NOV 87 ***************************
3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator
7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately
8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general
9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the
10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all
11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the
12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data
13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out
14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering
15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to
16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up.
17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 11/18/87 18:04 Msg:809 Call:5242 Lines:3
20 It is fruitless to attempt to indoctrinate a superannuated canine
21 with innovative maneuvers.
22 *****************************************************************
003=Usr:188 11/18/87 18:23 Msg:810 Call:5244 Lines:29
23 ============================Justin the Blue====================================
24 at the top at the top at the top at the top at the top at the top at the top
25 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 I still exist(not that it mattered, but it IS fun to scream nonsensically)
28 So. How is everyone's post-con-partum-depression going? Dont you think
29 life should be a con? I DO!!!!!!!!!! Lets all work on this shall we?
31 As far as the supreme being: All of us here at Elan call it/he/she/cosmic bran
32 muffin the Infinite Is, with apologies to Richard Bach (see the book Illusions
33 and maybe you will see the poetry in that)
34 Yes, labels can be unnecessary and silly. But some of us need them.
36 I don't know about how you all relate to the Supreme One. I think that that
37 act itself is important, as it makes you part of a scheme. Anyway, I feel there
38 is a Creator and it does respectfully request that we at least say "hi there".
39 This I do by attempting to develop all my gifts to their fullest so that the
40 act of my being created is not a great cosmic waste.
42 And I think that's the extent of my religion for the time being. You worship/
43 pray when you do well what you love to do best. You gratify the creator by
44 showing that the energy that went into your creation was well spent and not
45 necessarily better spent by making rocks and a few more slugs.
46 Maybe someday I'll elaborate on it. But maybe not.
48 ============================Justin the Existentialist==========================
49 No. I am not Buddha. But if it pays better than my current job, I'd take it.
50 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So you dont like my poetry, eh????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
51 ===============================================================================
004=Usr:117 11/19/87 14:18 Msg:811 Call:5265 Lines:49
52 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
53 the story continues...
54 "Not you, that damnd cat, ran off the ringhorn I'd been stalking!"
55 "Thuva shairs that cat's cave like a friend. I'd not be one to tell him
56 that." "Seemed less than pleased" Sheji added for good measure.
57 "Shaires a cave with a cat? Maybe he's a hunter like me. Chulan I'm
58 called, with Jicha's carrivan."
59 "I'm... its been an odd day. Can hardly believe it myself but I cant
60 seam to remember my own name."
61 "Lots of people forget the name their parrents gave them, 'specialy
62 arround here. Thats why most give ourselves another as soon as were old enough
63 to realize we want one.
64 Best visit the temple first chance you get."
65 Sheji was going to have to think about that one - later. They had reached
66 the road.
67 - -
68 The carrivans, there were three of them, were outside of anything he
69 might havve expected. Each carrivan consisted of three wagons, not too unlike
70 the horse drawn deleveries of the early railroad era and before, except there
71 were no horses. Instead they were linked, tounge of one behind to the one in
72 front. The very front wagon had no tounge, nothing in front at all.
73 The wheels were an eclectic mix of pnumatic tyres on iron rims on wooden
74 spokes. Of the three sets, from the roof of the lead van of one pprojected the
75 end of a virtical boiler. Appended to this was the steam whistle whose
76 screetch he had heard. The driving benches ran the full width of each lead
77 van. The only controls were a tiller, presumably to steer, and a single small
78 lever projecting from a cast iron box bolted to the wooden dash. No guages,
79 lights, pedals, or switches, nothing.
80 Master of all this was a portly middle aged man outlandishly dressed in
81 bright silks and cottons. He spoke quietly, calm and polite, ever mindfull
82 of his workers dignity as of his own. For every word that passed his lips,
83 some action was set in motion, quickly but without fuss. Though his hunters
84 returned without success, he displayed no sign of dissapointment. Sheji was
85 welcomed and told where to sit. In the midst of getting ready to roll was no
86 place curiosity or entertainment.
87 The lead van of each set was living quarters, he was later told by the
88 carrivan's master, whose name turned out to be Jichaj. Jichaj joined him on
89 the driving bench of the lead set, taaking the controls in his own hands. The
90 lead van of this set was the carrivan's kitchen and Jichaj's own quarters. Its
91 two trailers were a kind of store on wheels. The other leaad vaans were
92 devided into bunk space (4 each). The other trailers held unopened packages of
93 dry and or perrishable goods.
94 Everyone rode up front, Sheji was told, except through the long stretches
95 of hazzard where they slept and ate in turns to avoid having to stop.
96 The road was well mentained, if primitive, and the forrest rolled smoothly
97 by. Soon it opened out into farms and fields surrounded by low stone walls.
98 Ahead loomed the massive portcullus of the village wall, to which the
99 road, now oilled and gravelled was leading them.
100 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
005=Usr:21 11/19/87 17:33 Msg:812 Call:5272 Lines:6
103 Helix: Depressing stuff.
104 .
105 Fable Master
006=Usr:236 11/19/87 22:16 Msg:813 Call:5278 Lines:11
107 on the side
108 software design
110 for ibm and compatables
111 home and business applications
113 (503) 774-3811
115 ask for mike
007=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 11/21/87 23:06 Msg:814 Call:5311 Lines:4
118 ******************************************************************
119 Well, it's back agian, I'm not sure what happened, but apparently
120 the system wasn't answering the phone for some time.
121 ************************* CISTOP MIKEY ***************************
008=Usr:237 11/21/87 23:36 Msg:815 Call:5313 Lines:24
122 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt'n barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
123 Stretching languidly in the warm afternoon sun of indian sumer the
124 ancient practitioner looked lazily at the swirl and edd of Suck Creek as
125 it rushed to add vigor to the lazy flowing Tnnessee River. He knew this
126 place all too well, but what was he time? More to the point what date,
127 and along what cyclic tme line? As his sight wandered along the dancing
128 reflection f color splashed autumn leaves, his mind ranged forth from
129 this tranquil backwater. Backwater??? Old memories rustled and creaked;
130 opening a time portal across past, present, and future.
131 Suddenly he heard the casual banter of a #french accent speaking in
132 soft but definitive terms <grin>. Why! I'd bet my best CRC algorithm that
133 my ole' friend L'homme lurks along this time-space vector. Haven't sen
134 him since I set out on a 'tropical adventure' style 'C' voyae. Alas, his
135 skills would have been helpful on that voyage bt the danger was, shall
136 we say, increasing exponentally. 'Things are not always what they seem.'
137 Obvious in retropect, the nature of reality lay veiled in the great Maya
138 of drem visions. By the time truth reared its obvious head, the blatant
139 use of good name and character to legitimatize undercover markets of
140 exotic agricultural goods was long past danger and approaching critical.
141 Calling in several favors from incarnations past, adding a mix of pue
142 good fortune, plus using wit and ... the ancient practitiner transposed
143 himself to materialize safely on the sunny shoes of 'DIXIE' y'all ...
144 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* capt' barefoot */ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
009=Usr:196 11/22/87 11:19 Msg:816 Call:5316 Lines:10
147 This is Cheryl speaking, and now a few words from someone completely
148 different:
149 Justin,
150 This is Bob. Do you want to attend a game next weekend in Salem?
151 call me: 363-xxxx. Bring your lady (if willing).
153 seeya,
154 R*A*Y
010=Usr:239 11/22/87 18:30 Msg:817 Call:5325 Lines:5
156 We have bunnys and when my wife agreed to let me have them, she told me that we
157 would only have them for eating.
158 I brought them home, and the first thing from my wife's mouth was
159 weeeeee can'tttttt killllllll the bunnnnnyssssss.
160 I said " OK " snikker snikker ha ha.
011=Usr:188 11/22/87 21:47 Msg:818 Call:5328 Lines:25
161 ============================Justin the Blue================================
162 'Ello, Cheryl, and especially you, R*A*Y. Game wise, I'll ty to make it down.
163 The only part of this weekend I have off tho' is from 6PM Sat on: Fortunately,
164 Brittania lives in Snailem so She'd have a bit easier time of making it there.
165 That is to say, at least I'll be trying to make it over to see you, If not
166 play. But If it's in the Spheres to see you, both of us will be over to play.
167 Thanks for the invite.
170 Trying to find the meaninig of life
171 Has always been a goal
172 But lately Ive been noticing
173 That I've been growing old
174 Excuse me If I sound silly
175 Or if I sound confused
176 You see my sense of fairness
177 Has lately been abused.
178 The moral of this short bad poem
179 (which is almost getting lost)
180 Is sometimes searching for truth and light
181 Ain't always worth the cost.
183 =============================Justin the Blue===============================
184 Anybody out there know where I can find a patron?
185 ===========================================================================
012=Usr:174 11/23/87 10:56 Msg:819 Call:5338 Lines:48
186 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^wasup?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
187 JUSTIN--Monsieur le Bleu, If I could sponsor you, I would. But I can hardly
188 keep myself fed. An I'd sponsor myself before anyone else (sorry, pal.)
190 FM--what's depressing? Am missing something? I didn't do it. Whatever it is
191 that got done. What am I not figuring out? Oh, helix and I will be down south
192 for Thanx weekend. Hope to see you.
193 ******************************************************************************
194 and now a few original words from an old notebook. blech. super blech.
195 ******************************************************************************
196 I needed you today,
197 but you were busy.
199 I needed a voce of sanity
200 in my upside down
201 topsy turvy world.
202 I needed someone who's not involved
203 in the problems I daily face.
204 I needed to talk about something
205 that had nothing to do with anything.
206 I needed to talk about things
207 other than the everyday chaos.
208 -other than house work
209 and arguements
210 and phone bills
211 and who slept with whom
212 and who's not in love with whom
213 and groceries
214 I needed to get these off my mind.
216 I needed to stop being the pillar of strength
217 and let go for a wile.
218 I needed to stop listening to everyone elses heartaches
219 and vent my own.
221 I really wanted to talk about tachyons
222 and negotiating with god.
224 but you were busy.
225 ........................................7-5-86......for cal....
226 ******************************************************************************
227 kinda sad, huh? it was inspired.
228 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE MUSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^luuuv you helix^^^^^^^^^
229 <ZZZZZZZ>---
230 <ZZZZZZZ>---
231 <ZZZZZZZ>---
232 <ZZZZZZZ>--- OH, Vandershmuck...
013=Usr:117 11/24/87 09:54 Msg:820 Call:5362 Lines:51
234 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
235 first a disclaimer: forrest goat is not innisfall. this is so no one gets
236 the idea I'm settin a bad example and puttin words in other people. Ya see,
237 Forrest Goat has AN inn. not THE inn but there are enough simmilarities so as
238 to be maybe confusiate the issue if not noted.
239 tnx. and now on with the concluding installment or two of CHapter one,
240 yes there is a chapter two to fallow, of 'new laaands'
241 *=*=*=*=*
242 Above loomed the massive portcullis of the village wall. To this, the
243 road, now oiled and graveled brought them.
244 Here they were stoped and required to pay a toll. This toll, Sheji later
245 learned was the town's all but sole source of revinue. In receipt Juchaj was
246 handed a merchanter's permit, good for the duration of thair stay, to be
247 surrendered on leaving.
248 The marquit squre was opposite the end of the town's only other street, at
249 its only intersection. (a three way). At the other end of this street was the
250 temple. On one corner stood a raambling single storried affair which proved to
251 be the village's only inn. On the third corner and on up tward the temple were
252 the storefront shops of crafters.
253 When the carrivan had been arrayed around the currently empty square, the
254 inn's keeper came out and greeted Jichaj. Chulan and the rest of the crew
255 departed for the inn.
256 Sheji was suddenly very conspicously alone. The innkeeper told him to go
257 inside and get himself something to eat.
258 The inn's main room was filled with a welcome babble of conversation.
259 Carrivaners and villagers were busily renuing old aqquaintances and catching up
260 on the latest gossip. Sheji found a small unocupied table neaar one corner and
261 seated himself.
262 No sooner had he slid the horn case under, than a steaming plate and quart
263 sized mug were placed in front of him. He smiled uncertainly at the bar maid
264 who had brought them. She returned a heart melting grin before slipping
265 quietly away.
266 So far so good he thought as he attacked the main course, some unfamiliar
267 sort of roast beast that tasted as good as it smelled.
268 He was nearly through the meal and fealing mellow when Jichaj and the
269 innkeeper joined him.
270 "Sholuch" Jichaj spoke, indicating the innkeepper,"has aggreed to take you
271 on. Room and board and one silver a week, provided you help out as a general
272 hand and your horn doesn't drive off the paying customers."
273 "I'll be all the stage pressence you'll needd" Sholuch told him. "You
274 needn't worry much howw the room will react: Haven't had a bard through here in
275 more than a month. There's a room out back by the stables where you can
276 practice to your heart's delight."
277 You can start earning your tab tonight, tommarow if you'd rather. After
278 that it starts to add up."
279 "Tonight's fine" Sheji managed not to squeak, "as soon as suppper's had a
280 chance to settle."
281 He wondered at the innkeeper's choice of phrase but kept his peace. The
282 bar girl came back with deserts. These proved to be chocklet in flavor with a
283 consistancy somewhere betteween ice cream and moose with crunchey bits blended
284 in. Sholuch sliped off as soon as he was finnished. Jichaj excused himself s
014=Usr:117 11/24/87 10:46 Msg:821 Call:5363 Lines:8
285 shortly thereafter.
286 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
287 (almost made it. shouldn't have tried to slip in those last two lines but
288 they seemed a more logical place to stop)
289 hello Fuzzy and Cap'n barefoot. What was that you were saying about this place
290 that time when Justin and I and Alfretha droped by to open that pizza place?
291 (Quick Justin, the FLT)
292 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
015=Usr:21 11/24/87 14:20 Msg:822 Call:5383 Lines:17
295 .
296 Hi Muse,
297 .
298 The depressing stuff I was referring to was a file that Helix
299 had me download from Agora. I made the mistake of reading it. A
300 story about a girl in post-holocaust Oregon isn't one of the more
301 uplifting things to read, and doing so in a dark and silent room is
302 even less so. Anyway, nothing permanent. I entered that note just
303 after I finished reading it. By the way, tell Helix that I'll give
304 the disk to him when you two are down here for Fowl Day. Looking
305 forward to seeing both of you this weekend. Take care...
306 .
307 Fable Master
308 .
016=Usr:29 11/24/87 19:45 Msg:823 Call:5387 Lines:17
310 Fable master, you wan *depressing*? I've got a song for you to hear next time
311 you are up here. It's called "Lullaby". It is a mother singing to her son
312 (with frequent interruptions by the son).
313 Sounds ok, right? Well, mom and a few others were on a "probe ship".
314 It was to accerelate to near light speed and then decelerate to a stop at the
315 target star. Meanwhile they'd be in cold sleep.
316 When the woke up they discovered that something had gone very wrong
317 they had kept accelerating *and* they had overslept. The ship was at .99...
318 c and a couple centuries out (*ship* time!!).
319 They kept alive been careful recycling. Meanwhile mom has a kid as they
320 race for the edge of the universe. Now there's only mom and the kid left....
321 As she puts it in the song, "late, last child of human kind".
322 *real* cheerful. (I'm not sure if ma poisoned herself and the kid or not)
323 The worst part is that you aren't *conciously* getting most of this info
324 they're just talking. But in the back of your mind the pieces start fitting
325 together. Then blammo. Makes "Space is Dark" seem light and lively.
326 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
017=Usr:26 11/25/87 00:38 Msg:824 Call:5393 Lines:5
327 Once upon a time, someone posted the details on how to get ahold of the
328 local Mensa chapter. I was wondering if they could do so again.
329 Thanks,
330 Wilbur Mills
331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
018=Usr:210 11/25/87 12:04 Msg:825 Call:5399 Lines:29
332 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BRITANNIA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
333 I'se back. Or still here, depending on how you see it. Lots of things have been
334 hapenning, some bad, some good, some damned good.
335 I've been thinking about life. The only conclusion I've reached is that if we
336 didn't face adversity on a regular basis we couldn't enjoy the times when
337 things go smoothly. I'm becoming (have become) an expert at facing adversity.
338 Somehow that scares me. When too many things go wrong, it begins to shake your
339 faith in whatever you believe. Luckily, theres still enough good in my life to
340 make it all worthwhile. (Or is it really?)
341 A
342 I really MUST learn to type!
344 Enough fatalism, it is time again for me to face the real(?) world.
345 Wish me luck, folks, I'll probably need it.
346 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
348@ #
349@ @#
350@ ####@
351@ @
352@ @ #
353@ @ #
354@ @#
356@ +
357@ @+
358@ ++++@
359@ @ **
019=Usr:210 11/25/87 12:42 Msg:826 Call:5400 Lines:12
362@ ***** *****
363@ * * * *
364@ * * *
365@ * *
366@ * *
367@ * *
368@ * *
369@ * *
370@ *
372@Okay, so I'm a silly shit......................................
020=Usr:117 11/25/87 15:11 Msg:827 Call:5402 Lines:54
373 *=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
374 When one one reducio absurdiums life one need not be startled at the
375 absurdity of the resaults - including the absurdly depressing...
376 and now on with...
378 "Tonight's fine" Sheji managed not to squeak, "as soon as supper's had
379 a chance to settle."
380 The bar girl caame back with deserts. These proved to be chocklet in
381 flavor with a consistancy somewhere betteween ice cream and moose with crunchy
382 bits blended in. Sholuch slipped quietly away as soon as his was finnished.
383 Jichaj excused himself shortly thereafter.
384 Sheji pulled a model railroad magazene from his horn case and read for a
385 while. Evening had grown dark when the innkeeper returned and asked if Sheji
386 were ready.
387 "Shure" he shruged, mustering what little nerve he was able.
388 The raised hearth was surrounded on two and a half sides by a wide bench.
389 Sholuch appropriated an unoccupied chair and positioned it adventagiosly. He
390 then stood upon the hearth ring and the room grew nearly quiet.
391 "As most of you have by now heard, we have a bard with us tonight. He has
392 traveled far, though in other lands. He has the praise of fish hunter Thuva.
393 I've known no finer judge of the bardic art."
394 Taking this as a que, Sheji rose amidst much encouragement and seated
395 himself as Sholuch had provided.
396 The sudden stilness when he opened the case was like a solid prescence.
397 when he removed the horn - excited whispers broke out and many leaned forword
398 for a better look. Save for pictures in anciant books on dusty shelves of
399 more litterate mechanicians, none had seen its like.
400 Sheji, having no least idea what might best appeal, grabbed the first
401 thing off the top. Greensleves it turned out to be, having most recently
402 played it for Thuva. This he fallowed with Matty Graves then Joani Mitchel's
403 clouds. After that he improvised for a good three quarters of an hour. After
404 that he needed - and took a break.
405 Sholuch led him to a quiet side room away from his clammering fans,
406 brought him a steaming mug and told him to forget about the grunt work.
407 Before the night was thoroughly exausted he was called back for five more
408 sets.
409 Reputation and trade had been established beyond doubt. He was led to a
410 room that far surpassed anything the inn's outword appearance might have
411 suggested. The bed linnen was crisp and clean, the blankets warm and thick,
412 the mattrice was foam. The floor was carpeted, windows glazed and curtained.
413 There was a sturdy wooden dresser and a thoroughly unexpected steel desk. The
414 room had its own bath, hot water tap, flush commode.
415 Sheji put his horn in the closet, sliped the latch on the door, got un-
416 dressed and into bed. Making sure the box of matches was where he could find
417 them, hhe blew out the candle.
418 When next he opened his eyes the room was flooded with the slanting rays
419 of midmorning sun.
420 end of chapter one
421 chapter two starts
422 *=*=*=*
423 In the shop of Aruleg all was quiet. He could no more than trade existing
424 shathas till Regnor got down from the hills
425 with another carrivan of concentrates.
426 *=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
021=Usr:11 11/25/87 20:34 Msg:828 Call:5409 Lines:4
427 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////////////////////////////////////
428 Mensa? Did someone say Mensa? Try leaving a message for Chuck Forsberg on
429 CBBS/NW, or send him unix mail ala ...!reed!omen!caf
430 ///////////////////////////////////Wave Brain\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
022=Usr:196 11/26/87 09:54 Msg:829 Call:5423 Lines:62
431 **************Cheryl****************************************************
432 Well, folks...you've managed to motivate me toward putting something up
433 here myself. Justin, you may have seen this one before--I wrote it in
434 9th grade, and I believe that it was still circulating the following
435 year--but I doubt you'd remember it (who would after ten years?). This
436 should hold me until I get what I'm cooking up now finished (or at least
437 half-baked).
439 He stared at the body lying crumpled on the ground. It had been his
440 father, but was now a corpse with a large hole in it. The blood ran
441 freely and red from the stomach and lay in a pool around the battered
442 form.
444 With an oath, the boy turned away and sought refuge among the trees.
445 These woods were his homeland; he knew them better than was possible
446 of anyone save those who were born here.
447 He was hostile and sullen, for it was not his way--nor the way of his
448 people--to show fear or sorrow. Instead, he wondered about the kind
449 of man who could throw a metal ball so hard from any distance, and
450 what kind of punishment the gods would visit upon one who had
451 stricken down one of their chosen.
453 He didn't know what to do. He knew that he could not go back to the
454 village. The others would ask about his father, and he knew he would
455 not be able to lie. Not believing the truth, they would drive him
456 off--or worse.
458 "Only the gods have the power to do such a thing, and no god would
459 bring a new weapon against the chosen people;" they would say, "you
460 are a prophet of doom. Be gone!"
461 He felt that the only chioce left was to fend for himself; that way
462 the results would be the same--and he could do without the humiliation
463 and beatings. His pride was his strength, and both would be gone
464 quickly if he ventured to near home.
466 Taking paths that most men's eyes could not see, he came to a spring he
467 had discovered the year before, while traveling with a friend. It was
468 near a cobbled road, and often men with fair hair and strange clothing
469 that did not come from any beast would walk by in even rows.
471 The boy wondered why men should go pushing through the forest laying
472 row upon row of stone in their path and marching in file over the broad
473 road they had made. Were they blind, that they needed such guidance to
474 find their way, and in so large a band? It was much quicker and far
475 more simple to slip silently through the woods, and attracted fewer
476 unfriendly eyes.
477 He came upon the row of bushes that lined this cobbled road and sat
478 down to watch. By this time he was very hungry, for his last meal had
479 been dinner the night before. It was late and he had set no traps for
480 game. He was desperate.
482 He decided to follow the road--he knew that where there were people,
483 there would be food. He was not as certain that there would be any
484 for him, however. They would probably think him a thief or a beggar
485 (and they would be partially right).
487 As he walked down the road, he came upon an enormous shelter built by
488 stacking many logs. Men came marching up the road toward him. He
489 thought that this would not be the best way to first meet with them,
490 so he ducked behind the hedge. To his surprise, many of his own
491 people were hidden there, too. He hoped that they would be too busy
492 watching to ask questions about his father right away.
023=Usr:196 11/26/87 10:36 Msg:830 Call:5424 Lines:13
494 Instead, they asked another question, for none had dared to venture
495 onto the road.
497 "How many are the men with the fair hair?", a man asked.
498 "A large pack, I would say, no more;" the boy answered, "they
499 carry only large sticks that are strangely shaped. If we stay
500 out of striking range, they will be no match for our spears."
502 At that brave first and last stand for the villagers the boy fell
503 senseless, torn open by a British musketball.
505 **************Cheryl************************************************
024=Usr:245 11/26/87 22:17 Msg:831 Call:5442 Lines:3
507 Exstracted from November 26, 1987 Oregonian West Metro Section:
025=Usr:188 11/26/87 22:26 Msg:832 Call:5443 Lines:46
509 ==========================Justin the Blue=================================
510 Cheryl: I like the vision. I am sure you've shown me this but of course as
511 you said, I didn't remember the thing.!!!!!!has it really been 10 years!!!!
512 ...as I said before, I may be down to Snailem on saturday but I'm not sure.
513 If you get to your brother before I remember to, please let him know this.
514 Harrucinations to you and Aki, by the way.
516 //////////////////////////////////kdjflskd\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
518 "Hopeing having you are a good day and life" said the note, along with
519 several lines of message in several languages. Evidently the writer's native
520 tongue was not English.
521 I walked along the beach, reading the tattered piece of paper several times
522 and turning it over in my hands. The texture was that of a dead, dried leaf.
523 The green-glass bottle had preserved it well-even the cork was still largely
524 intact and had come out in one piece (with some heavy prying).
525 Folding the paper and slipping it into the pocket of my shirt, I then exam-
526 ined the bottle closely. There were no markings on the sides, but when I looked
527 at the bottom I could see something of an alien language there. It looked Chi-
528 nese for a moment, but then it seemed to be Sanskrit.
529 I'd wished then that I had paid more attention to my language study.
530 Then I had an idea. I felt about on my person and turned up a mechanical
531 pencil and a scrap of paper. Finding a log I sat down and began to write a
532 poem. When I was done I could see that-in my opinion anyway-it was not my best
533 work, but then again, I knew I would never read the review. Oh, well.
534 I rolled the paper into a tight cylinder, then slipped it down the neck of
535 the bottle, replacing the cork as snugly as possible. Then, I walked to the
536 water, taking off my shoes and socks as I went. I walked into the surf, never
537 bothering to roll up my jeans, cocked back my arm as far as it went, then gave
538 the bottle my best and most powerful throw.
539 Gracefully and deliberately it sailed through the air in an arc, splashing
540 into the brine finally as if to assure me that in throwing out the beautiful
541 green glass I had done the right thing. It bobbed once, twice, and then began
542 to float outward as if to defy the tide to reach the current that beckoned to
543 take it to another distant recipient.
544 I realized then that the bottle was not the gift. The note was. No, the bot-
545 tle was the Messenger, immune to the want that someone may put upon it, commit-
546 ted always to its calling.
547 I wondered who would next receive the courier, and who would read my note.
548 How many more will capture the bottle?
549 Would it ever come back to me?
551 ===========================Justin the Blue==================================
552 Creative writin's my gig. Sometimes.
553 Stay tuned. If the poem ever occurs to me, I'll write IT down, too.
554 ============================================================================
026=Usr:196 11/28/87 09:31 Msg:833 Call:5479 Lines:5
555 Hey, Justin. R*A*Y called and said that the game would be at our
556 folks place, and probably wouldn't start until 5 pm. You can reach
557 him this morning if interested at his place (phone # above), or
558 at theirs this afternoon (362-xxxx). I think he'd like to hear from
559 you either w. Ttyl. ***Cheryl***
027=Usr:128 11/28/87 20:47 Msg:834 Call:5496 Lines:7
560 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
561 Another weary evening. The piper sat watching the dancing sparks of still
562 another small fire leaping into the cool night air. Taking their inspiration
563 from the burning heat, they launched themselves into the unknown. Their
564 ascent was rapid, bringing a small light into the darkness, but their life
565 was brief, soon extinguished, leaving behind only a faint scent of woodsmoke.
566 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
028=Usr:4 Milchar 11/29/87 19:51 Msg:835 Call:5515 Lines:7
567 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
568 Piper! I had wondered if thee were still in touch with this alternate
569 reality. It has been too long. My own excuse is the poor one of time- or
570 lack of it, rather.
571 Perhaps, though- After finals....?
572 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
029=Usr:23 11/29/87 21:08 Msg:836 Call:5519 Lines:66
574 Nay, sooner:
575 !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!
576 "Careful with that brazier, apprentice," muttered Grann as he entered
577 the workshop. An unusually tall gnome boy in a coarse brown robe carefully
578 replaced the brazier to the rack on which it belonged. "You know that you
579 don't need that for what you're studying. If you were to use it, you might
580 accidentally summon up a daemon that might devour the town."
581 "I'm...I'm sorry, master. It drew me. The patterns upon it are
582 absorbing. And the colors!"
583 "Nonetheless, dangerous. Pretty things are often the most dangerous
584 of all. Mark you well how many creatures in nature snare their prey by
585 attractiveness! Let that be your lesson today. Put away your book and
586 listen awhile."
587 Grann took a chair and sat down. After a moment of thought, he
588 began his story.
589 "My own master, Milchar, taught me this lesson one day when I was
590 hungry for power over others and fascinated by the tools of the craft. One
591 day I came upon one of the oldest books of dweomercraft Milchar possessed.
592 It was centuries old, but looked newly bound; the leather cover was sturdy
593 and clean. The book had metal inlays of a golden metal which protected it
594 from abuse. It was quadrillium, as I found out later. If I would have known
595 that from the beginning I would never have opened it."
596 "What's quadrillium, master? I have never heard of it."
597 "Eh? Oh, yes. You're not far enough along to know yet. Quadrillium
598 is a metal that has the remarkable ability to store magical energy for long
599 periods of time. Millennia, at least. It also can release it instantaneously.
600 It's perfect for magical traps; few thieves are ignorant of what it can do."
601 "Was the book trapped, master?"
602 "No, fortunately for me. If it had been, I would not be here today.
603 No, the fact that it was inlaid with quadrillium would have warned me about
604 the book had I known, though. But, being ignorant, I opened the book.
605 My eyes glanced over the page that it had opened to. In an instant, my eyes
606 were locked upon the spell, and I had no choice but to finish reading it.
607 When I was done, the room was dark. I could not see the door, the bench,
608 or even the book I held before me. Silence clamped down upon the room
609 instantly. I could not hear a thing, not even my own breathing.
610 Then I could hear something. Something evil. It was waiting in the
611 dark for me. I could sense that it was near, nothing more. You cannot
612 imagine how frightening it is not to be able to at least SEE what you know
613 is about to rend you to bits."
614 The boy was literally sitting on the edge of his stool. "And then?"
615 "Then it got worse. More of THEM got in, somehow. Perhaps the spell
616 had created a doorway to wherever THEY lived, I thought. I crept toward a
617 corner of the laboratory that held the Nchaser's globes. THEY closed in,
618 ever closer. I managed to get a globe, but it didn't work. One of THEM was
619 very close. I threw the globe at it- then the light returned."
620 "Did you hit the creature?"
621 "No, I missed. Fortunately. It was Milchar."
622 The boy's face held a puzzled expression. "I don't understand."
623 "It was the spell. It was an illusion spell in the book that
624 I read, a trap set for nosy apprentices. Milchar had been standing there,
625 laughing as I had blindly sought the globes. What I had thought was an
626 evil creature was merely my master trying to get close enough to remove the
627 enchantment."
628 "That is hardly fair! Didn't you get angry at being fooled
629 that way?"
630 "Yes, but not long. Milchar told me about the time he had fallen
631 for the same trick when he was an apprentice."
632 "Why haven't you done the same? It seems almost a tradition."
633 Grann grinned. "Who says I haven't? It doesn't have to be
634 a book, you know. Or the same spell." With that, Grann got up and left.
635 The boy looked at row after long row of scrolls, charms,
636 amulets, and wands... then sighed. Slowly he returned to his desk and opened
637 his spell book. "The flight spell has several components, that being those
638 of the Verbal, those of the Somatic, and those of the Material..."
639 !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! Grann !^!^! November 29, 1987 !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!
030=Usr:117 11/30/87 13:03 Msg:837 Call:5527 Lines:42
640 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
641 of the closing of the hidden lands - part two ...
642 In the shop of Aruleg all was quiet. He could no more than trade existing
643 shathas till Regnor got down from the hills with another caravan of concen-
644 trates. So far he'd sold two control cables and a lever box. The last one,
645 a merchanter named Cherri, had tried to talk him out of a new linkaage. He had
646 politely directed her down the street to Joli the wheelcrafter.
647 He'd settled back with the latest issue of Rainbow Geographic when his
648 reverie was shattered by a commotion outside. Thejag, the apothicarries
649 apprentice came running in all red faced and out of breath.
650 "Its horrible" he wheezed, not waiting for breath to catch him up. "They
651 found Rregnor halfway down the side of Long Ravine, what was left of him.
652 His train is in splinters and he looks like hamburger with bones sticking out.
653 They've got him up at the temple now but I doubt his spirit will want to
654 come back to that. No telling how long he'd been gone when they found him.
655 They said he was soft when they picked him up but its a known fact that cannion
656 can play tricks, especialy the upper end of it, too close to Elendar territory"
657 "That it is. Too close for comfort too. Hasn't been any activity up that
658 way for years. Just long enough for us to forget thair there. Not long enough
659 for them to forget about us, never is. Shure looks like one of thair tricks
660 alright."
661 "I suppose Lijo's gonna want my memories to help with the rebuilding.
662 Might as well head up that way if the whole town hasn't gotten there first."
663 "That's what she sent me down here for. I'll walk back up."
664 "Wait a micro while I close up. You can come with me."
665 At the temple they were let through. Bussiness aside, Aruleg had been
666 one of Regnor's closest friends.
667 Thovu the apothicarry (not to be confussed with Thuva the fish hunter)
668 was in the sickbay tending to the cadaver that had been Regnor. Lijo was
669 already in her healing trance, eyes squeezed shut against tears of concen-
670 tration.
671 Aruleg streatched out on one of the other palletts nearby. He pressed a
672 contact to alert the High Priestess that he was ready. No sooner had he done
673 so than he felt the nulaj state come over him. Thovu had told him when he
674 came in that Vuli and the others had already raised a circle in the inner
675 chaimber. Appearently she had.
676 Lijo didn't intend to attempt a full resurection. She knew she had
677 neither the strength nor craft for that. The whole idea of a spirit autopsy
678 was to establish the circumstances prior to death. For that the memories of
679 a close friend or aquaintance were required as a focus.
680 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
031=Usr:210 11/30/87 23:25 Msg:838 Call:5550 Lines:23
682 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BRITTANIA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
683 I'm sitting here looking at Justin's back. He's got a chance to acquire a
684 computer which has no name. It looks vaguely like a TRS-80, but has two disk
685 drives set vertically at the side of the screen. In the manual with it it is
686 referred to only as "the Word Processor" or "the CRT". (A generic?)
687 Justin just said it doesn't even seem to be a computer as far as he can tell.
688 Probably just a word processing terminal. Useful, but still.........
689 ...............................................................................
690 Isn't thereNYTHING happening ANYWHERE?
691 ...............................................................................
692 I've been writing music again. Trouble is, I haven't the facilities to play
693 what I write. I'm getting a positively horrendus backup of stuff I've noted
694 down, but I don't know what it sounds like because I can't actually play it.
695 -----Anyone know where I can get a CHEAP portable electric keyboard------
696 -----of preferably no less than two octaves. The little Casios are ------
697 -----what I want to get someday, but for now I'll take a cheap imitation.----
698 ...............................................................................
699 QUESTION FOR THE DAY: Which of these statements is correct?
700 eggs is yellow; or
701 The white of eggs are yellow.?
702 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
703 INCREDIBLY SIMPLE ANSWER: Neither. The whites of eggs ain't yellow.
704 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>B<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
032=Usr:210 11/30/87 23:54 Msg:839 Call:5551 Lines:8
705@ Isn't there ANYTHING happening ANYWHERE?
706 The above QUESTIONs first sentence should read:
707 The white of eggs is yellow.
708 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>B<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
711 - - - - - - - stupid keyboard- - - - - - stupid modem - - - - - - - - - - - -
033=Usr:4 Milchar 12/01/87 16:16 Msg:840 Call:5561 Lines:1
713 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Lurkus Modius %%%%%%%%%% M & G %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
034=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 12/01/87 19:08 Msg:841 Call:5574 Lines:3
714 Justin: What does manual for this beast call itself? Alternatively, there
715 should be some sort makers plate on the thing *somewhere*....
716 ________________________________Leonard________________________________________
035=Usr:188 12/01/87 20:36 Msg:842 Call:5578 Lines:32
717 ============================Justin the Blue=================================
718 **Leonard:thanks for the unsolicited question. There is a plate on the back
719 That proclaims the machine was made by Ontel Corporation. Additionally,
720 the title on the Main Menu screen proudly identifies it as the:
721 S B S W O R D P R O C E S S I N G S Y S T E M
722 The man who wants me to buy it also brought over a Diablo daisy wheel
723 printer that weighs pretty close to 6000 pounds. It has no "off" switch
724 and makes a continuous high whining noise when power is on. I have not
725 yet figured out how to make the thing print anything. It claims to have
726 a Direct-Typewriter mode but that things screwy, too.
727 Also, I notice that perusing through the manual gives no info what-
728 so ever about who made the system.
729 Additionally, drive 1 ( the top one ) tends to give system errors
730 when I try to duplicate or initiallize a disk. But as far as that goes,
731 Martin here tells me that its extremely curable. The other problem is
732 probably very solvable(and I just got an inspiration on how).
733 All this guy wants is $50 for the thing. Think I'll scrape it up
734 and make it my own. Its not the toy I've been wanting, but I've gotten
735 wind that I'll be running into one of those too.
737 **Cheryl: Communicate apologies to your brother that Brittania and I didnt
738 make the game. We really wanted to but the Infinite Is thought it would
739 make practical jokes that day. We'll try to make it down there-and of
740 course, across town to see you. I dont believe you've met Brittania
741 (aka Tansy) yet. You'd like her. ***I know I do!***
743 I'll quit taking up board space for personal kah-kah now.
744 Sorry, no inspiration of story yet. Maybe later.
745 ****Hey, what'd ya think of my last?****
746 =============================Justin the Blue=================================
747 Thanks for the insurrection.
748 =============================================================================
036=Usr:128 12/01/87 21:30 Msg:843 Call:5581 Lines:6
749 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
750 Milchar -- it's been a while since I've dropped in here. It's simply the
751 press of work (the Peter principle?). I've not been writing much, just
752 hiring writers (sigh). Someday I've got to finish the story of the piper's
753 search for Peg... It's still a little close and not too pretty.
754 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
037=Usr:252 12/01/87 22:44 Msg:844 Call:5585 Lines:9
755 0000000000000000000000000000000000000
757 Attn: all usuers
758 note: If you work at Powell's book
759 store please leave e-mail to #252 OR
760 call Imaginations unltd. at 252-xxxx
761 #193.
762 Thank you
763 0000000000000000000000000000000000000
038=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/02/87 00:35 Msg:845 Call:5595 Lines:6
764 ********************************************************************
765 Minor bug... It seems that with user 250 we have picked up a minor
766 little bug, the user lister doesn't recognize the user as being
767 accepted even though everything is in the file. Have patience while
768 I try to figure out what the problem is.
769@****************************** CM *********************************
039=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/02/87 00:42 Msg:846 Call:5599 Lines:3
770 Your name and password are there, and you can log on, it is
771 just the user listing that has a problem.
772 ****************************** CM ************************************
040=Usr:210 12/02/87 00:47 Msg:847 Call:5600 Lines:10
774 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
775 GENERAL QUESTION: To anyone else out there who is also on No Name. I have four
776 different phone numbers for No Name, which is good. However, one of them, the
777 first on my list(245-xxxx) never works. It rings and I get the tone, but
778 nothing ever comes up. The other three numbers work fine (when they're not busy
779 .....), but not this one. I'm going to notify the sysop the next time I can get
780 on, but I would like to know if anyone else has the same problem.
781 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
041=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/02/87 01:09 Msg:848 Call:5602 Lines:6
783 OK, it is working again, seems that the problem started on the
784 1st of december. Which is a result of a test in the user list
785 routine which checks to see if the user number is valid by
786 looking at the month "If user.Amonth < 12 then userbad := true;".
787 But since december is the 12th month.....
788 *************************** CM ************************************
042=Usr:214 12/02/87 10:40 Msg:849 Call:5610 Lines:8
789 The first line on NoName is 2400 baud *only* now, so you'll have to use
790 one of the other four. (There are actually 5 public ones now.)
792 Speaking of NoName, what does one have to do to get validated on there?
793 I've been trying for over a month, but nobody ever calls me, and my
794 application seems to be deleted periodically. My husband, on the other
795 hand, has been validated already. And I called before he did!
796 --------------------------------------------------------------------
043=Usr:210 12/02/87 12:49 Msg:850 Call:5612 Lines:7
798 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
799 No Name is one of the wierdest boards I've ever been acquainted with. It took
800 about 3 weeks for me to get validated. I'm basically unknown on the boards,
801 too. Try changing your logon name, maybe. That worked for a friend of mine.
802 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
044=Usr:117 12/02/87 15:26 Msg:851 Call:5614 Lines:44
804 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
805 lots of neet stuff in the last couple of days. nice to see the Inn
806 livening back up. anyway...
807 Lijo hadn't intended to attempt a full resurection. She knew she had
808 neither the strength nor craft for that. The whole idea of a spirit autopsy
809 was to establish the circumstances prior to death. Ffor that the memories of
810 a close friend or associate were required as a focus.
811 An immage came through faided, as if something somewhere were trying to
812 hold it back. The need projecting was palpable. That came through too.
813 Could the Elendar somehow be holding captive Regnor's spirit?
814 The immage that got through, however breafly, was of a great winged rep-
815 tilian, somehow not entirely substantial, flapping in steady pace with Regnor's
816 carrivan as it carefully threaded its way down the winding mountain road. As
817 the winged horror grew more opaque and changed to a warmer color, it was as if
818 some great invisable hand swept slowly up the carrivan's length. Each wagon
819 seamed to burst, splinter and practicaly turn inside out. Suddenly all was
820 red and screaming torment for an instant, then gone.
821 Nothing.
822 Every attempt to reistablish contact met a fortress like invisable wall.
823 The body of Regnor was gone. Thovu had seen it fade. First translucent,
824 then transpearent, then gone.
825 They were all shaken. Togather they retired to a meditation room for a
826 soothing.
827 *=*=*=*
828 The Elendar have always been, so the legends say. There are some who say
829 they are as old as the world. Some say they built the world.
830 Be that as it may, they were here before the coming of the Gates. Some
831 say it is they who built them. Others not.
832 Thair lot is no longer one of peace.
833 They haunt the wild places and work enchantments to ends unknown. Where
834 the maps show vast areas, whited out, largely unexplored, where the roads that
835 cross these are lined both sides with little red death's heads, universal
836 symbol of warning, these lands they hold.
837 It is said the wild hunting beasts have become thair companions. These
838 and creatures too hedios to mention. Some say these are only the wild stories
839 of those who have known great and inexplicable fear. Whatever the truith of
840 the matter, carrivans vanish. Every season one hears of another or several.
841 Sometimes without so much as a splinter to mark the spot.
842 *=*=*=*=*
843 Darkthorn would not have considered himself an object of fear, except
844 perhaps to the roots, nuts, berries, squirrels, rabbits, occasional deer and
845 even more occasional elk, mountain goad or wild boar on which his people
846 largely survived.
847 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*
045=Usr:210 12/02/87 22:50 Msg:852 Call:5627 Lines:8
848 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
849 I'm getting thoroughly upset with No Name. It let me on last night, at which
850 time I got a positively enticing proposition (no, NOT that kind, this is con-
851 cerning music) but there's no way I can get on tonight. If anyone else can
852 get on, could you PLEASE tell me if I'm doing something wrong? Or, if I'm
853 not doing anything wrong (I'm pretty sure it isn't my fault) could you please
854 notify the sysop about my dilemma? I'm Brittannia there, too. Thanx.
855 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
046=Usr:210 12/02/87 23:11 Msg:853 Call:5628 Lines:2
856 And no, the system wasn't down when I tried to get on.
857 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
047=Usr:196 12/03/87 18:06 Msg:854 Call:5651 Lines:6
858 Hello again, Justin...I will convey your apologies to R*A*Y--but only
859 if you promise to visit, okay?!!! Life is pretty freaky on this end.
860 I just got laid off again (for the second time in less than six
861 months!). There's a good chance I may be hired by MultCo Library,
862 but I won't be holding my breath. How's life with you? TTYL,
863 ***Cheryl***
048=Usr:258 12/04/87 19:14 Msg:855 Call:5679 Lines:4
864 Hello, I'm new here. My names Kevin Connell. Now enough with the nerdy stuff.
865 Let's get down to some serious partying!
049=Usr:219 12/04/87 21:15 Msg:856 Call:5681 Lines:7
868 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
869 Justin - If you use the reference, you must follow the thought, no?
870 The infinite Is did not want to play tricks, you decided that it was time that
871 you had some tricks played. "We seek out problems because we need their
872 gifts." - Messiah's Handbook. Incidentally, I have a copy of the Messiah's
873 Handbook, and it does actually work, but then, so does any book.
874 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
050=Usr:245 12/05/87 00:15 Msg:857 Call:5685 Lines:11
876 Hey Kevin Conell, if you really want to PARTY call Houdini's Place 636634!
877 I'm Bartender SLUG there and I'll give you a FREE drink! Call now all of you
878 out there!
879 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<SLUG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
882 Excuse me Houdini's Place phone number is 639-xxxx.screwed it up the first time
884 SLUG
885 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
051=Usr:188 12/05/87 03:27 Msg:858 Call:5686 Lines:26
886 ==============================Justin the Blue===============kinda buzzed=======
887 ***Friar....Thanks for the input. So often does one learn the pattern but for
888 get the motivation or the rationale. And I have the damn book on my shelf
889 and pretend to live by it, but it seems as though I should readx
890 it again.
891 And I need and want that growth that I try to get in the catastrophes I
892 invite. Thank you for reminding me to look inside for the reasons for
893 the things I sometimes do.
894 And I dont know you that well! Keep in touch:I'm also eagle@agora and
895 JUSTIN KLEIN(#020) on The Blue Parrot.
896 ***Cheryl:1)you got an agora logon yet? It would be great getting email from
897 you there. 2)Ill try to visit Snailem soon-I miss Bubby and Kenny and my
898 Mom and Sissy-and exactly how has things gotten weird over on your side of
899 the world? I think its about time Brittania and I paid an unannounced
900 visit into the wilds of SE 86th Ave and Greater Montavilla....
902 ttyl and What It was............Love and Anthrax.
903 =============================Justin the Blue===================================
904 In the words of Jeff Lynne:
905 ....LOOK OUT!!!
906 ps to Cheryl:check me out on The Blue Parrot. I think youll like what you
907 see. My work resides in B9.....
909 It's been lonesome in the saddle since my horse died......
910 (oh, sing it...)
911 ===============================================================================
052=Usr:210 12/05/87 23:23 Msg:859 Call:5732 Lines:11
912@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BR>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
913 Figured out what happened to me on No Name, I think. Probably my fault.
914 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
915 Welcome to the wonderful world of poetic meter. Recently discovered pages
916 from a heretofore unknown Shakespeare manuscript have proven the existance
917 of a new form of notation in several altogether different styles. In other
918 words, I'd be willing to bet you've never seen anything like this before.
919 This particular style is called RICOTTA:
921 > @ < | 0-0 ^^ |
922@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
053=Usr:210 12/05/87 23:48 Msg:860 Call:5734 Lines:6
923 {{ :: | <=> --
925 Consisting of: a lazuli between a jiggle and a counter-jiggle, a pair of
926 spigots connected by a turnstyle, a sonar, a whiffle, a set of parslii,
927 and a lateral pass.
928 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
054=Usr:21 12/06/87 13:23 Msg:861 Call:5746 Lines:14
932 .
933 Muse,
934 .
935 Are you still lurking about on the backwaters? Nothing out of
936 the mundane is happening in the Emerald City. The dreaded "Finals
937 Week" is coming up soon, however. Please tell Helix I said hello.
938 Until subsequent occasion...
939 .
940 Fable Master
941 .
055=Usr:23 12/07/87 12:31 Msg:862 Call:5769 Lines:5
943 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
944 Too late! It's too late! It's.... ATTACK OF THE KILLER MUTANT FINALS
945 WEEK part 7, "This time It's Personal." Starring several thousand
946 college students at an institution of higher learning near you.
947 ++++++++++++++++ M&G, one down, three to go ++++ 12/07/87 +++++++++++++++
056=Usr:210 12/07/87 17:50 Msg:863 Call:5775 Lines:1
948@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
057=Usr:252 12/07/87 18:25 Msg:864 Call:5777 Lines:17
949 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
951 Ya know Jack...I'm a writer. I lover a good story and a lusty tale. BUT
952 is that all you all do?? (Or is iit just getting late in the disk perge?)
953 Well anyway are any of you all thinkers? Here's a question.....
955 What makes people do what they do? What motavates peolpe?
959 Kodachrome
961 Goodbye Norma Jean....
962 0000000000000000000000000000000000 12-7-'87 00000 6:35pm 0000000000000000000000
963 by the way Houdini's Palace really isn't all that bad. I call from time to
964 time.
965 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
058=Usr:210 12/08/87 14:26 Msg:865 Call:5796 Lines:2
966 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
059=Usr:23 12/08/87 21:26 Msg:866 Call:5807 Lines:1
968 ++++++++++++++ 3 down, 1 to go ++++++++ M&G lurk ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
060=Usr:221 12/08/87 23:42 Msg:867 Call:5811 Lines:13
969 #############################################################################
970 ############################ Flicka! ########################################
971 #############################################################################
972 ############ ################# ################### ################## #######
975 Command: EN
976 Who Wants to hear some Heavy Metal???????
977 ###################### # ###################################
978 ############################################################################
979 ##############################################################################
061=Usr:188 12/09/87 00:15 Msg:868 Call:5812 Lines:1
982 ##################So how long is Disk A going to remain in this time?##########
062=Usr:261 12/09/87 15:06 Msg:869 Call:5832 Lines:17
983 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
985 *********** N E W B U L L E T I N B O A R D ******
987 The Data Dump BBS - 300/1200 Baud
988 ---# 591- xxxx #---
989 Needs your support to get started so
990 P L E A S E C A L L R I G H T N O W !!!
991 *************************************************************
992 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
996 ##############################################################################
997 LI 980,995
998 oops