
634 lines
35 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask....
2 ************************ INSTALLED: 24 MAY 85 **********************
3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator
4 ************************************************************
7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned
8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public.
9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is
10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which
11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be
12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved)
13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the
14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the
15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace
16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up.
17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
18 *************************************************************************
20 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
22 After a rather disgusting preformance a few disks back, I can tell that every
23 once in a while, other people have problems too. Enter only is a deplorable
24 condition. It does have advantages though.
26 I am all for a new storyline. And from the polls I have taken, everyone is
27 just a little bit sick of the Net stories and their headline snapping samplers.
29 So, which shall it be? Fantasy stories, or perhaps true science fiction.
30 A totally new spy story with different, and deeper chacters? Many other ideas
31 are open to us.
33 Personally, I prefer stories with a strong fantasy background, say, swords
34 and evil monsters. But ships, and dingy interstellar pubs and inns. No pun
35 or anything like that with Our in or anything.
37 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
39 So sorry, did not even mention my name. It is Prometheus.
42 What happened to the Sahara story that was here earlier?
44 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
45 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
46 those who want to read something a little different, here's something
47 ritten in Middle English (appropriate for our Inn, no?). A glossary will
48 so you can figure out what was going on.
49 Once there was a testif, likerous maid who thencheth that life in the city
50 be yerne indeed. She wanted to leave the farm because she was auntrous,
51 but also because her mother all day gruccheth and snibbeth. So off she went
52 n the Liverpool Tombesteres all toty with excitement. Soon after she
53 an to swink, along came a saucefleem gnof who much loved bobaunce and was
54 l ways corrumpable. Now you wouldn't think our girl would be taken in
55 this gnof whose whole ambition was to swive her, but it was like jogelrye.
56 as a jangler and, before she knew it, she had given him her cliket.
57 few days later, caitif and full of wanhope, she returned home, bravely
58 floiting as she trudged through the greves. For once, her mother did not snib
59 r daughter told of the gnof who through his fuminositee, fneseth, routeth,
60 yexeth all night long. In short, he was full wlatsom and tikel to boot.
61 tory, indeed, but soon finished. Indeed, before long, our maid was
62 and happy as a brokking lark or rubible, but perhaps not quite so
63 testif as before.
64 K, Spell Alert, let's see you run THAT through your Funk & Wagnall.
66 auntrous: in search of adventure jogelrye: optical illusion
67 bobaunce: boast likerous: wanton
68 kking: trilling rout: (to) snore
69 tif: wretched rubible: fiddle
70 iket: latchkey saucefleem: pimply
71 pable: capable of corruption swink: to work
72 (to) whistle testif: headstrong
73 e: (to) snort, breath heavily thenche: imagine
74 nositee: alcoholic fumes tikel: changeable
75 gnof: boor tombesteres: dancing girls
76 eves: foliage toty: dizzy
77 che: (to) grumble wanhope: despair
78 er: blabbermouth wlatsom: loathsome
79 nib: scold yerne: lively yexe: (to) hiccup
80 ??????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ????????????????????????????????
82 My apologies for the poor upload. I was trying a different terminal program,
83 and as you can see, it didn't quite cut it.
84 CISTOP - feel free to delete it (starting with the double row of ?????),
85 and I will upload it again later from a different machine. (it's only a poor
86 archaic RS Model 1, but it WORKS).
87 L'homme - you are intimately familiar with the terminal program what I am
88 at this moment using. (THAT I am using). Last chance is PC-TALK, unless
89 Cistop chooses to make Copylink available, or I get my hands on that
90 vaporware version of Pro-Yam.
91 ?????????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ??????????????????????????????????
92 _____________________________________________________________________
93 -so it seems that i should be writing another one of these
94 entries right about now. the next time you here the words
95 i'll tell you that i'm happy if you want me to
96 try to remember what the words were before them and i will have some
97 firghtening self slander for you when we next meet. i said that it
98 seems time for another entry but it is not. i have decided that there
99 should not be anymore of this depressive atmosphere in my ramblings
100 any longer. i will leave it up to the others... for now.
101 __________________________________________________________________mg_
102 or was it only a misinterpretation? i only hope that is the case.
103 _____________________________________________________________________
105 Have you been downtown and tripped over the "save or religion" group?
106 If Scientology can get by as religion maybe we could claim BWMS as a
107 religion, and we worship here in the Inn. Tax free. High priest Mike
108 presiding over holy ale???? It's worth a try.
109 In a more serious vein, Mike, could you put the date at the bottom of
110 your disk header, say at about line 18, instead of at the top? It's the
111 best way to find out how much I have missed since I was last on, but how
112 many many time have I read the disclaimer??
113 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BAD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
114 ??????????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>????????????
115 It started with only four people and a mule. One and the mule were out
116 of town. Our employer was gone, gone much to long for a normal buying
117 trip. We began to worry. Not so much that we were worried about pur
118 boss but more that we were worried about the fact that he owed us at
119 least 2 months wages and it wasn't below him to skip out.
120 After about 3 weeks of waiting for the boss to return the credit
121 collectors started pounding on our door.
122 ??????????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>????????????
124 (good grief! 20 lines in 24 hours!!!!)
126 To:all Portland-area PC users
127 From:Derek
128 Re:more bbses
129 Does anyone know of any bulletin boards in Portland that will let you
130 download? If so, please leave their number on this bulletin board. Thanx
132 ????? lurk ?????
133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
134 "Very good, Grann, very good. You've improved amirably. I believe you
135 are ready to help me with a project I've been considering for some time now.
136 I'd like to build a transferrance room," Milchar said to his bright Gnomish
137 pupil, who had just appeared without preamble out of thin air.
138 "A transferrance room? I believe I read something about one of those in
139 Library D. A portal to any number of selected places, I believe," the Gnome
140 stated as he sat down on the lawn chair that was placed beside the one Milchar
141 was reclining on. It was a beautiful, sunny day in Celene.
142 "Yes, that is it. I would like to have a way to easily get to all of the
143 chambers within the tower. As you know, there are at least 1,394 chambers
144 cataloged in Library A, only 200 or so in actual use. Numerous other tunnels,
145 side passages, and dimensional twists make Rindoven a cartographer's nightmare.
146 The previous occupants, if there ever were any, left no trace of their being.
147 It was only discovered after my father bought this land, decades ago. I can
148 remember our exploration party getting lost, after they had gotten inside..."
149 Grann listened patiently to Milchar ramble on, slightly amused at his
150 fond recollection of past events. "Will this help me with the magic contest?"
151 Milchar stopped abruptly, and considered the question. "If you can build
152 a transferrance room, my boy," he said, "you can go ANYWHERE"
153 "Anywhere? How will that help?"
154 "If nothing else, then you can go to a place where a wizard will teach
155 you the skills you need to win the contest. Speculum, for instance. One
156 dimension away 'vertically', only a short jaunt."
157 Grann seemed satisfied after hearing this, and agreed to help.
158 Milchar stood up, streched. "But first, we must get some materials.
159 Gather up the travelling books, we're off to collect a few rare minerals. Oh,
160 get a pick or two and pack some food, will you? I'll look after the other
161 arrangements. We'll sleep, then move off in the morning. Off with you, now!
162 Mind, rest your powers, and don't teleport in. You've drawn up enough power
163 out of you for one day. Use too much, and..." Milchar let his voice trail off.
164 "I won't. In the morning, then."
165 "In the morning."
166 ++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10:02pm, May 25, 1985 ++++++
167 To: Long time lurker
168 What did you mean by lines 580-583 on disk b:?
169 From: Short time lurker.
170 -----------------------------------------------
172 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Zymphrumple op Cargh*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
173 Milch: Very Interesting.
174 The battered fughter half sat, half fell into his chair. There was some-
175 thing about the way he looked, sort of half dead. His chain shirt was much
176 beaten, bent and in places rusted. one eyelid was half swolen shut.
177 The INN's fine aile did much to revive his spirit and he could not help
178 overhearing the tale of an edifice whose rooms and passages were half unknown
179 even to its present owners. It sounded a welcome change from the pits of
180 EAMON ware he had receintly aquired the style: the late zymph. A nice dingey
181 dusty back corner to rest his weary mace and perhaps do a bit of exploring.
182 but then the mage and his student had drifted seperately back toward the
183 sleeping rooms. perhaps I'll look them up in the morning zymph thought to
184 himself as he ordered a large slab of roast beast.
185 (yes its me *=*=*=*=* in another form. a form that doesnt usualy appeal
186 to me all that much but what the heck. might as well see ware it takes me till
187 i tire of it. as to ware i aquired it; well ya see there's this game on rain-
188 forrest... speaking of other boards; the next time the disc is just too full
189 here or on tanis and yyou've got the urge to write something, well thares a lot
190 of space and not tooo many writers just now on the story board (board #2) at
191 the alt world: T.A.W.: 777-0709 24 hrs. and let me tell you, what writting
192 there is is pritty long on sense of wonder whatever it might otherwise lack)
193 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
194 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
195 Grief is not a "socially acceptable" emotion. In certain cases, it is
196 socially required -- at the funeral of a loved? one -- but still it is an
197 emotion that we find culturally emberassing. It is somehow "well bred" to
198 supress the pain and rage we feel. Pain, cutting, tearing at our innermost
199 self, leaving emotional scars and wounds that feel, at the time, that they
200 can never be healed. Rage, the raw, red fury at the world that allows such
201 a thing to happen. Fury that, unleashed, could bring a diety down to the
202 muck of its own creation.
203 We know know much of the anatomy of grief, and have some vocabulary with
204 which to speak of it. We know that the emotion runs across a spectrum from
205 mildest melancholy to the black depths of grief-induced depression that often
206 ends in death. We have charted the progressions of loss, the numb despairing
207 feeling brought by unexpected knowledge, the rejection --"No! It can't be true!"
208 -- the feelings of pain and rage, and the slow, slow process of healing. We
209 can chart the course of the soul through the storm of grief, but we cannot help
210 the soul progress.
211 The piper, racked by powerful waves of emotion that he could not understand,
212 moved farther into the forest, seeking solitude. Sobbing and stumbling,
213 clothes and skin scratched and torn, he made his way through the indifferently
214 lighted forest. The sun had long since left the sky, its place taken by the
215 wan, cool, moon.
216 Deep within the forest, light seldom penetrates. Thousands of eager leafy
217 branches hold out their leaves, seeking the golden photons of the sun as
218 beggars in an overcrowded city seek alms. Even midday sun hardly reaches
219 the floor of the forest, the wealth of light reduced to a mere trickle.
220 Night on the forest floor is a blackness that is almost a thickness in the
221 throat, something with substance that takes an effort to breath. You can
222 move through this blackness, unseeing, for the thickness of the forest's
223 canopy makes the spaces beneath the trees nearly free of undergrowth, but
224 the ropy twine of roots across the forest floor, the occasional hole filled
225 with loose duff that gives beneath the unwary step, and the looming boles of
226 the trees waiting to strike bruising blows in gh
227 (oops ch /gh/the) darkness make travel hazardous at best.
228 This stygnian darkness is sometimes releived for a brief space of time where
229 one of the forest monarchs has fallen, sometimes taking a neighbor with himself.
230 These brief-lived clearings quickly fill with light-loving plants until some
231 young sapling can establish itself as the heir of the fallen monarch and reach
232 to the canopy and fill the empty space. It was such a clearing, just filling
233 with vegatative tribute to the fallen monarch, into which the piper stumbled.
Falling on his knees before the moon glowing like a great silver coin in the
235 sky, blood trailing blackly from cuts and scratches on his face and body,
236 the piper reached up clawed fingers as if to tear the moon from the sky --
237 tensed muscles defined sharply under the abused skin -- the piper turned his
238 tear-wet face to the sky and howled a pure animal sound of pain and rage.
239 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
240 >>>>>>>------------------------------- The Sentry ------------------>>>>>>>
242 ________________________________________________________________________________
243 I am sorry somewhat felt they had to remove my Voyage story from above. It had
244 resided starting on or about line 40. I was set to upload part II today, but
245 instead I will upload part I again. I can't understand why it was deleted,
246 certainly there was no material contained therein that could be contrued as
247 insulting or malicious. But perhaps my mores are different than the rest of
248 you, so I will let you decide.
249 _______________________________________________________________________________
251 Voyage
252 Part 1
254 The sun, now high in the sky, beat down on the landscape below with
255 its incessant drumming of heat. No portion of the parched surface could
256 escape the onslaught. Shadows ceased to be at this time of day, the land was
257 flat and the few outcroppings of rock pointed straight upwards, accusing
258 fingers in the direction of their torment.
260 It was into this Hell-incarnate the Earth ship Sahara landed, or
261 rather was forced to land. A world, a solid place to stand, was still
262 preferable to death in the icy black void of space, or so the crew of
263 Sahara thought. It was a small solar system; a lone arid planet between
264 two class G stars in a near circular 3-body orbit roughly 160 million miles
265 in diameter; that the crew was forced to land. Of course Sahara had little
266 real choice in the matter. It was land on the planet, or become one with
267 the ether of outer space, a victim of a malfunctioning ion-star drive.
269 Dry Gulch the crew had called it, when their humor, and their
270 supplies had been more plentiful. The men and women handling the touchdown
271 had done an admirable job, no major injuries resulted from the near dead-stick
272 landing, but Sahara, the once proud ship of the interstellar fleet, would
273 never again mingle with the stars. Good Sahara, even in her space craft
274 death, did not cease to serve those who inhabited her. She became dormitory,
275 kitchen, commons, bedroom, and refuge from the never ending sun. She was
276 the only place Man could live on this planet, as the final fly-by scans
277 just prior to landing confirmed. Sahara was the single place on the planet
278 where night could exist in day.
280 The never-ending sun, the never-ending day. Dry Gulch had no night,
281 for as the planet hurtled through space, and one star set and rose, the other
282 star rose and set. It was a cosmological oddity, a single planet trapped
283 in the clutches of a binary star system, never without the full force of
284 a burning furnace in the sky. There were no seasons, no dark side to
285 escape to. There was only Sahara, and the cover, the habitat she could
286 offer.
288 Before the crash, Sahara's crew had managed to jettison a rescue
289 beacon that would circle the planet in a semi-elliptic orbit, broadcasting
290 stellar position and other pertinent information on the interstellar fleet's
291 emergency space channels. The little beacon was visible only in the bright
292 blood red sky that occurred when Alpha, as the first star was dubbed, was
293 setting, and Beta, the 'other', was rising. It became the survivor's biggest
294 game, predicting when it would appear, since the gravitational tides of the
295 solar system slightly affected its orbit, and its appearance in the sky could
296 not be accurately charted. It also reminded them of their rescue, not the
297 possibility, but the real event. Their plight could never be thought of as
298 hopeless, since to lose hope would be to lose their reason for living.
299 Survival in the hull of their grounded ship was difficult enough. The added
300 mental anguish of an existence without the hope of rescue would be too much
301 for the survivors to bear. Life was a tenuous grip on the planet's hellish
302 surface. The thought of rescue served to tighten that grip, and helped them
303 endure those first few weeks.
305 To be continued... The Story Teller
306 _______________________________________________________________________________
308 Story Teller: your story was NOT deleted! When a disk fills up, it is moved to
309 drive B on the system. (Type 'db' at the prompt to see it) always check line 2
310 of the disk, this has the date that the current disk was placed on-line. When
311 it changes then you know that you previous work is on DB. (the disk in DB gets
312 shifted into 'archival storage' Mikey will supply MS-DOS disks with 6 BW disks
313 pr MS-DOS disk for about $5 each...)
314 __________________________________Leonard____________________________________
315 ps : read lines 3-19 & then type HELP. This will give you a MUCH better idea
316 of how the system works....
317 _______________________________________________________________________________
318 ----------------------------------------------------------------*** L O N G L I V E ( O D I N )
319 *** L O N G L I V E ( T H O R ) ***
320 *** L O N G L I V E T H E V I K I N G S ***
321 *** H A I L T O E N G L A N D **************************************************************
342 -=] The Alternate World [=-
343 -=] 503-777-xxxx [=-
344 -=] 24hrs [=-
345 -=] Not a disgusting AE. Not a bbs [=-
346 -=[] /AE. A real BBS with real people[=-
347 -=] to talk to. [=-
348 -=] << Commander Murdock >> [=-
354 ............. ............. ............. .............
355 08: What stats are you refering to,my lad? If it was that briefest of
356 brief chats we had engaged in, remove my comments from the list! I feel
357 that we shall continue as long as needed, and THEN go for that R&R...
358 04: Up to the old tricks again? Remember, the manual awaits. GFI.
359 01: Nit?
360 ............. ............. ............. .............
362 *)(_^*^_*^_)#$*^&_)$&^)_@#$&^_)$#&^_)#$^&#$)_^&#$)_&^#$_)&^#)_&^#$)_&^#$_)&^_)
364 Quizmaster: Intimate with the program? Then YOU must have done something
365 wrong. It has certainly worked for me in the past. What could be the
366 trouble?
367 Mikey: No new bugs to report yet. Sorry (heh heh)
368 *%$*%_)*%)_@%*)_#@*%)_@#*%&*)_#*^# L'homme sans Parity *%_@)*_@#*%@_#%*@#%@%
370 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
371 L'homme: A disk ago, didn't you mention Rouge? ROUGE?!? I almost bit
372 the screen after remembering withdrawls. It was on the Vax at PLU for
373 about a week when I was there, then they switched operating systems (no
374 unix). (wimper)
376 To the Hater: Personally I hate strawberries.
378 It's good to see the Inn a bit more like the old Inn, not like it was when
379 I was here for spring break. Now I only have a week before I return to
380 Tacoma to work, and I fear I shall miss all the new authors. Keep up the
381 GREAT work.
382 Fast Fred
383 BSAL (Ret)
384 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
385 =============================
386 Oh I don't like to sit and wait,
387 it's such a bore,
388 when is she going to come through that door?
389 It's probably me who is late.
390 ----------
391 I love to walk in the forest on a summers day.
392 Streams that cut a path,
393 so settlers can unleash their never ending wrath.
394 Now where are all the forests? On days like this I pray...
395 ========================phew=
396 !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!
398 There was laughter in the back of the cathedral during the Mass
399 for the Dead ...
401 There were looks of disgust from the families of the long-time
402 members of the parish.
404 "Who does he think he is!" ... "This is a solumn occasion!"
405 ... "He should be horse-whipped!"
407 The giggling continued.
409 A member of the family got up from his seat and walked to
410 the back of the church.
412 "If you don't be quiet I'll have you removed." he hissed.
413 The young man, eyes shining, only laughed louder.
414 "Why would you do that?", the man asked?
415 "Because ..." the family's man said "Your being disrespectful
416 in our grief!"
418 The young man's eyes turned cold. "Disrespectful to YOUR
419 grief!?"
420 "Yes, you mock our dead by your laughter... our brethern
421 is gone from us and we grieve."
423 The young mans eyes again shined.
424 "Which is better?" He asked. "To shed your pain and
425 remember you brother as he wished to be remembered ... or
426 to trap oneself in a cycle of self-stroking prattle that
427 means nothing to the dead?"
429 The family man was lavid ... but he had no answer.
430 By this time the service had stopped, and the entire
431 congregation was looking over their shoulders at the
432 confrontation.
433 The family man returned to his seat and tried to focus
434 himself into the ritual of death. The rest of the family
435 members followed his lead.
436 Most succeeded, but the family man couldn't get the view
437 of the laughing young man out of his mind.
439 A small victory for life...
442 P. Abbus
444 !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#
445 nice to see you again Paul. We last met at the last BW
446 party. Remember Waddles? Anyway, welcome back.
448 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
449 short time lurker:
450 as to the sound of the bells, about 3 maybe 4 years ago there was this
451 thing about "bells". It went on for the longest time...The themes of
452 the inn were different also. Soon after, i lost acess to a terminal
453 keeping me away until about 3 mo's ago. Have things ever changed!!
454 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> long time lurker <+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
456 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Zymphrumple op Cargh*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
457 Things realy ARE (in the last 100 or so lines) picking up!
458 Voiage Pt 1: Supurb! What Leonard said was well intentioned and USUALY the case
459 such untoward things DO occasionaly happen, thats why you see that 'enter only'
460 message so much of the time.
461 Hater: The main thing I hate is hate itself and I'M an enthusiest of alt world
462 too.
463 Piper: you REALY say it, as per usual excelance. I wonder though, that primal
464 scream in the woods; might (not too likely but a fun story idea) draw the
465 curios attention of a community of social carnivores. Said four footed ones
466 might become close companions. I know your usualy a 'solo' writer but what if
467 certain four footed friends of mine were to cautiosly approach? ...
468 BSAL: long time no see.
469 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
470 [/]
472 <o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>
474 Surf and Sun
476 A lone figure sits looking out to the sea.
477 What thoughts, what turbulance passes within?
478 The calming rush of the surf erases the pain,
479 Until it becomes but a bad nightmare to be forgotten.
480 What deep dark thoughts are these that need to be lost?
481 What magic does this surf have to ease them?
483 All to soon the sun reaches its pass,
484 And sets in a blaze of glory.
485 The flaming torrents of red, gold, and brown
486 Leave a shimmering picture from natures palette.
487 A final gift from the life giving sun,
488 as the long day draws once more to a close.
490 The lone figure seems to shiver at its loss.
491 Is it only the chill of the wind, or something more?
492 And as a shadow, I sit there as well,
493 Watching the the suns final grace.
494 For in my dreams I am there with my love,
495 Sharing the sun's spectacular embrace.
497 BH
499 <o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>+<o>
500 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
501 CISTOP - I say again, delete my mangled upload (lines 44 - 80 or 91) so I can
502 try it again. (or give us back ALL ALLOWED. What prompted ENTER ONLY *this*
503 time?)
504 ????????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ???????????????????????????????????
505 GUARDIAN:PROBLEMS fixed, i think. We need to try again.
506 ******************************************************************
507 what is the status of the following boards?
508 AE 659-xxxx Atari 245-xxxx Barlow 663-xxxx
509 Unknown 254-xxxx Beaver 254-xxxx
510 Buddah 253-xxxx Commodore Connection 289-xxxx
511 Dungeon Quest 292-xxxx Excalibur 775-xxxx
512 Jolly Rodger 245-xxxx Metalland II 254-xxxx
513 Oak Grove 659-xxxx Orion 649-xxxx PACE 286-xxxx
514 Pirate's Gallery 642-xxxx Rain Forest 245-xxxx
515 Road House 285-xxxx T-Comm 636-xxxx Term Star 639-xxxx
516 Alternate World 777-xxxx FAITH 245-xxxx
517 The Pheonix 648-xxxx Thunderbird 255-xxxx
518 Utopia 657-xxxx Warehouse 641-xxxx Westwood 644-xxxx
519 Zarahelma 286-xxxx
520 ******************************************************************
523 Try calling the Bit Bucket at 254-xxxx. They have a VERY up-to-date BBS list
524 in Information file #4, or try #2 for a shortened version of the list....
526 The AE is down. The atari is up, Barlow is going down til Sep on Jun-1.
527 Buddah has a different #. Commodore Connection is up.
528 Dungeon Quest is up. Excalibur is up.
529 Jolly Roger is down. Metalland is 253 not 254!
530 Oak grove is up. Orion is down. PACE is up.
531 Rain Forest is up (and BUSY!)
532 Road house is up. T-comm is 635 not 636
533 term star is down
534 Alternate world is up
535 Phoenix is down. Thunderbird is up
536 Utopia is up. Warehouse is up. Westwood is up.
537 Zarahelma is up.
538 Check Bit Bucket for the hours of the systems that are up...
539 (also for the new # for Buddha)
541 HATE....
542 HATE.....
549 I HATE MYSELF...........>A TRUE HATER<
551 Long live odin
552 long live thor
553 long live the vikings
554 hail to england
555 ------------------------DEATH TO FALSE METAL------------------------------------
557 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
558 Oh, no! School must be out again! (?) Is there anyone else who believes
559 there should be licenses for modems? How about a training school for repeat
560 twits? I know that just being young doesn't necessarily mean you're
561 irresponsible, but I do tire of twits...and they all are 15 or 16. Kids,
562 have your parents buy you a car instead of a computer, OK?
563 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Prose-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
565 ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~
567 Images
568 By Tyrone Green
570 Dark and lonely on the summer night.
571 Kill my landlord.
572 Kill my landlord.
573 Watchdog barking, do he byte?
574 Kill my landlord.
575 Kill my landlord.
576 Slip in his windah, break his neck.
577 Den his house I start to wreck!
578 Got no reason, what the heck!
579 Kill my landlord.
580 Kill my landlord.
581 C.I.L.L.
582 my landlord.
584 ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~
586 ^^^^^ Aha and Hmmm. ^^^^^
588 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>
589 twits, and repeat twits: May your phone line take a direct lightning
590 strike leaving our modems a smoldering heap of melted plastic and silicon.
591 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> long time lurker <+><+><+><+><+>
592 <+><+><+> argh!!! RE our/your <+><+><+>
593 ********************************************
594 chuckle, snort, rolling on the floor... haha
595 *****************************kathyd**********
597 ^^^^^
598 ^ When time passes on very little really ever changes. The more
599 ^ we want for there to be a change, the more we cling on to the
600 ^ things that were once ourselves. I know. Believe me, I know.
601 ^ When once there was a bond, but now you feel that there is none,
602 ^ you wake up one morning to find that it has somehow grown stronger
603 ^ in your lack of paying it any mind. You feel the freedom (or
604 ^ misery) seep back over your mind when the bond has desolved.
605 ^ Time makes you feel more at ease with yourself for ever having
606 ^ allowed the entropy to have set in; you no longer worry about
607 ^ the where or the why from which the state of decay has dragged
608 ^ you down. Things begin to fall back into place, routines may
609 ^ once again be fallen into like the ruts they really have been.
610 ^ Then that morning comes.
611 ^ You awake to the rise of Helios' next journey on that blazing
612 ^ chairiot and all appears to be normal. The stars fade in the
613 ^ light of a new dawn. You turn your mind to the tasks that
614 ^ always seem to be so important in the morning but never is when
615 ^ never are when you take a closer look later on. You then
616 ^ proceed to your daily course of activities. Everything is calm,
617 ^ or at least gives that impression.
618 ^ Then the mailman comes.
619 ^ You know his face but the name always manages to slip your mind
620 ^ when you want to give a greeting and thanks for the efforts he
621 ^ has expended in order to keep you in touch with the rest of the
622 ^ outside world. You don't notice the letter that sits in the middle
623 ^ of the pile but it patiently waits for you to open it. No matter how
624 ^ little yo think you care, the name jumps out at you and sends your
625 ^ figures to tearing open the envelop. Then you see what you had wished
626 ^ for all along. They are there.
627 ^ Words.
628 ^ In those words is reborn the love that had once been shared. >G
629 ^^^^^