1318 lines
44 KiB
1318 lines
44 KiB
Scanning !.
Public Message
[36mMessage # 96 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Alan Dages
[35mSubject : Help!
[37mDate : 96/01/14 08:28:00[33m
I need to locate Snail Mail or E-Mail addresses for the following
people, Don Vaillancourt, Sheldon Parsons, Alan Bayko and Jim
Sutemeier. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Send replies to me on the CoCo, Os9 or MM! Fido Echos or e-mail
to Alan.Dages@sid.net.
Thanks in advance!
[37m--- QuickBBS 2.76a
* Origin: ACS Inc. BBS 404-636-2991 (1:133/510)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 119 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Russ Magee
[33mFrom : Colin Mckay
[35mSubject : Your System
[37mDate : 96/01/17 07:26:00[33m
Hi, Russ.
Your Internet address was bouncing, so I'm posting this message here.
Bob van der Poel is sending me a floppy-only boot disk. If that doesn't work
<EFBFBD>on your system, I'll fire it off to David Graham. Should get the disk in the
<EFBFBD>next couple of days.
TTYL. Colin.
[37m--- Maximus-CBCS v1.02
* Origin: Micro80 Computer Club of Ottawa BBS (1:163/306)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 141 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Colin Mckay
[33mFrom : Russ Magee
[35mSubject : Your System
[37mDate : 96/01/18 23:28:00[33m
CM> Hi, Russ.
CM> Your Internet address was bouncing, so I'm posting this message here.
CM> Bob van der Poel is sending me a floppy-only boot
CM> disk. If that doesn't work on your system, I'll
CM> fire it off to David Graham. Should get the disk in
CM> the next couple of days.
thanks Colin. What address did you try? magee@cpsc.ucalgary.ca should
work, so should rlmagee@acs.ucalgary.ca . Hmm.
[37m--- Maximus 3.01
* Origin: The MM/1 Keyboard [Calgary, AB] (1:134/67)
[31m=*= [32mFIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU [31m=*=[36m
<1> Scan \
<2> Read > OS9 Echo mail
<3> Leave /
<4> Scan \
<5> Read > CoCo Echo mail
<6> Leave /
<A> Scan \
<B> Read > MM1_TECH Echo Mail
<C> Leave /
<G>o back to Main Menu
<P>revious Menu (Messages Menu)
[35m[[37m60[35m][33m Command [37m>>> 2 Read Options
[34mMessages [33m15[34m to [33m159
[34mLast Read : [33m74
[34m <[33mF[34m>orward Read
[34m <[33mR[34m>everse Read
[34m <[33mI[34m>ndividual Read
[34m <[33mN[34m>ew Read
[34m <[33mM[34m>arked Read
[34m <[33mS[34m>elective Read
[34m <[33mQ[34m>uit ![33m
Command ? [37m
[32mPrompt for Reply ([33mY/n[32m) [37m
Public Message
[36mMessage # 75 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Dave Kelly
[33mFrom : William Hamblen
[35mSubject : Help in C
[37mDate : 96/01/09 02:01:00[33m
Dave Kelly,
In a message on 5 January, to William Barnes, wrote :
DK> Using the code listed below:
DK> *--:---cut here--------
DK> #include <stdio.h>
DK> char *src_pth = {"/h1/ocn/os9_tel/d1/os9_tel"};
DK> main(argc, argv)
DK> int argc;
DK> char *argv;
DK> {
DK> srcdir(src_pth);
DK> exit(errno);
DK> }
DK> srcdir(src_pth)
DK> char *src_pth;
DK> {
DK> int i = 0;
DK> int j = 13;
DK> int k = 0;
DK> char workpath[27];
DK> char dirt[13];
DK> char buf[13];
DK> printf("%s\n", src_pth);/*test to see if passed*/
DK> for( i = 0; i <= strlen(src_pth); i++)
DK> workpath[i] = src_pth[i];
DK> for( ; j > 0; i--, j-- ) {
DK> if(workpath[i] == '/') break;
DK> dirt[j] = workpath[i];
DK> }
DK> printf("Directory is: %s\n", dirt); /*test results*/
DK> exit(errno);
DK> }
DK> *--:-----end cut-------
DK> I get the following results:
DK> /h1/ocn/os9^tel/d1/os9^tel
DK> Directory is: 2os9^tel
DK> ^
DK> |
DK> this byte is not suppose to be there.
DK> Any ideas/suggestions?
DK> I've tried for 2 weeks to get it out.
DK> Is my code wrong or is my compiler being antisocial?
Yer code's wrong sez Popeye the C-man.
Your second for-loop is copying the end of workpath[] to the end of
dirt[]. When it gets to the last '/' in workpath[] it stops, leaving
random garbage in the first part of dirt[]. I'm not all that sure what
you're trying to do, extract the file name from the path or extract all
the directory names from the path. It looks more like you're trying to
extract the file name but that printf("Directory... is confusing.
* ATP/Linux 1.42 * The following tagline doesn't necessarily represent ...
[37m--- TSX-BBS (Multi-line 32-bit BBS)
* Origin: The Nashville Exchange BBS 615-383-0727 (1:116/19)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 76 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Serge Cyr
[33mFrom : Tim Jones
[35mSubject : Coco fido Echo
[37mDate : 96/01/11 08:18:00[33m
Hello Serge!
Replying to a message of Serge Cyr to All:
SC> Hi Everyone
SC> I would like to know if there still a Coco RSDOS echo on Fidonet?
SC> Thanks, Serge
Yes there is and the echo name is COCO. You should be able to request it from
your uplink and have the messages start trickling in.
Later, Tim!
[37m--- FleetStreet 1.12 NR
* Origin: Trial Run - Austin, Tx - [512-280-6578] (1:382/107)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 77 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Phillip Taylor
[33mFrom : Rick Miscavish
[35mSubject : Rs232 pack
[37mDate : 96/01/11 23:46:00[33m
Phillip Taylor wrote in a message to Rick Miscavish:
PT> Rick
Hi Phillip,
PT> A friend of mine needs a Rs232 Pack, and I going to buy the other
PT> one so I can have a spare. Can you please tell me are they made by
PT> Radio Shack? And if they are both working? I am not sure how to
PT> offer. please give me price?
Yes there both Radio Shack. Deluxe RS-232 Program Pak's, I also have the
operation manual for both of them.
Well I'd like to get around $25us dollars for each. If shipping to one address
I'll pick up the shipping..
PT> Blair Sponaugle
PT> (703)-437-3498
PT> 713 Alabama Drive
PT> Herndon, Va 22070
Would I be shippng to this address or another if you decide to buy?
[37m--- timEd/2 1.10+
[37m--- timEd/2 1.10+
* Origin: Rick's RoadHouse Wpg.MB. Canada (1:348/102)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 80 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : William Barnes
[33mFrom : Mike Guzzi
[35mSubject : OCN Library
[37mDate : 96/01/11 15:07:00[33m
-> I wrote out the message for later reference, as the only LD's I'
-> actually made for the CoCo has been to Carolina Connection, and Mike
-> board, Astral Plane... I did call Crystal Palace, but haven't been ab
-> to get thru lately, makes me wonder if Nelson Howard even has it up
-> anymore, let alone is still messing with the AcBBS software. I'll mak
-> sure to give them a call sometime, IF they are more up to date than
-> Carolina Connection and Mike's board... Super (no insult intended
-> Mike)!!!
once i get a larger hard disk i can expand the library, but i can't
right now since its real low on space and the software to run the bbs
takes alot more space then RiBBS did...
[37m--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: Astral Plane BBS, 717-348-2197, NE PA's CoCo/OS9 BBS (1:268/342.0)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 81 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Christian Miller
[33mFrom : Mike Guzzi
[35mSubject : WOW!
[37mDate : 96/01/11 15:11:00[33m
-> And he pointed out that Windows 3.11 was not true multitasking becaus
-> it needed DOS to run, and DOS was not a multitasking system. This is
-> cool! I can get my computer "fix" first thing in the AM. <G>
-> Unfortunatly, the course is based on MS-DOS 6.2... :( All well, what
-> can'ya expect?
think of it this way, knowing os9 will give you an advantage since msdos
is simplier then os9 (and more limiting) but working its commands is not
too bad. I found learning msdos was easy (but frustrating since it is so
much more limited then os9)
[37m--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: Astral Plane BBS, 717-348-2197, NE PA's CoCo/OS9 BBS (1:268/342.0)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 82 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Shawn Driscoll
[33mFrom : Brother Jeremy
[35mSubject : Re: FX09
[37mDate : 96/01/13 00:18:00[33m
On Wednesday, January 10th, 1996 - Shawn Driscoll wrote:
Dear Shawn:
Yes to both. I am rewriting some of the old Guib demos to use fx09.
I had a major hard drive crash, 40 megs of stuff, some backed up, some
not. Fortunately all the Guib programs were saved.
I'll keep you posted.
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Coco Exchange, San Diego, Ca 619 272-3643 (1:202/744)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 83 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Raul Guido
[33mFrom : R.c. Smith
[35mSubject : Ham Radio
[37mDate : 96/01/10 08:48:00[33m
Raul, sorry for not responding to your message r/e ham radio earlier. <20>However
things were hectic around my home during the holidays. We have <20>some ham radio
programs for the Coco on the ACSBBS in the Basic09 files <20>( In the OS9 Sig ).
If you would like send me a formatted disk with <20>return postage and I will
download and send to you.
da-di-dah de k4fkv
R. C. Smith
542 Martin Rd
Stone Mountain, Ga. 30088
[37m--- QuickBBS 2.76a
* Origin: ACS Inc. BBS 404-636-2991 (1:133/510)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 84 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : William Barnes
[33mFrom : Dave Kelly
[35mSubject : Help in C
[37mDate : 96/01/07 21:01:00[33m
WB> DK> char *src_pth = {"/h1/ocn/os9_tel/d1/os9_tel"};
NOTE: in this case the path is 27 charectors long and could
be longer.
WB> Ok, I see you REVERSE copy the directory to a string; from NULL to
WB> the '/', but as I can see here, INCLUDING the NULL, your path
WB> directory
WB> is NINE chars long, you have 4 chars in front of it UNDEFINED, where,
WB> whatever is in memory (I forget, but I don't think it does, but I
WB> believe that the compiler DOES NOT initialize that array. Try this
WB> out....
WB> *--:---start snip ------
WB> for(;i>0;i--){ /* start at end of string and go backwards
WB> */
WB> if(workpath[i]=='/') /* until we find a forward slash
WB> */
WB> break; /* IF we find one, break out of the loop
WB> */
WB> } /* workpath+i = pointer to the '/' char
WB> */
WB> if(i==0) /* if i=0, then we didn't find a '/', so
WB> */
WB> i--; /* the WHOLE string must be it. adjust for
Doesn't this decrement be past the start which is illegal in C?
WB> */
WB> /* correct position of beginning of string
WB> */
WB> /* for our next statement.
WB> */
WB> strcpy(dirt,workpath+i+1); /* Copy string over to new string
Will strcpy start at the place 'i' points to or at the beginning of
'workpath' which is 27 charectors long?
WB> the test for 0 on i is so we point at workpath[0] for start of string
WB> and not workpath[1]; winding up missing a char. because of the
WB> adjustment for '/'. While you can make your own strcpy work-alike for
WB> this, why not use the lib. function? The Way I have it here (Please
WB> NOTE: I haven't fired up my compiler for any tests on this stuff)
WB> should
WB> put the BEGINNING of the array, and not off in the middle.
I really want to start toward the end of 'workpath'.
BTW: make sure that dirt is BIG enough for your LARGEST possible
WB> directory name.
'dirt' actually should be 8 charectors long to conform with the PC
directory name length standard.
Will give your suggestions a try.
OS9 Fest in Chicago April 13 and 14, 1996. Make plans now.
* Scribe 4.0 * HANGNAIL - A coat hook
[37m--- Maximus 2.02
* Origin: THE GOLDEN COCO other's COMPUTER (1:106/941)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 85 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : William Barnes
[33mFrom : Dave Kelly
[35mSubject : OCN Library
[37mDate : 96/01/07 21:05:00[33m
WB> First, I guess (Ft. Smith) Arkansas is close enough to where I
WB> live,
WB> I live near a community called Liberty, which falls north and in
WB> between
WB> Muldrow (ya know, the place where Miss America hails from) and Roland,
My daughter was in Corning this past weekend. I griped because it was
19 degrees here in Houston until she told me it was 3 there.
Your might also try:
Oklahoma City OK
OS9 Fest in Chicago April 13 and 14, 1996. Make plans now.
* Scribe 4.0 * Emoticon :-( User is unhappy
[37m--- Maximus 2.02
* Origin: THE GOLDEN COCO other's COMPUTER (1:106/941)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 86 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : William Hamblen
[33mFrom : Dave Kelly
[35mSubject : Help in C
[37mDate : 96/01/09 13:00:00[33m
WH> DK> char *src_pth = {"/h1/ocn/os9_tel/d1/os9_tel"};
All I want here is the last directory name
WH> DK> for( i = 0; i <= strlen(src_pth); i++)
WH> DK> workpath[i] = src_pth[i];
WH> DK> for( ; j > 0; i--, j-- ) {
WH> DK> if(workpath[i] == '/') break;
WH> DK> dirt[j] = workpath[i];
WH> DK> }
WH> DK> printf("Directory is: %s\n", dirt); /*test results*/
WH> DK> exit(errno);
WH> Yer code's wrong sez Popeye the C-man.
WH> Your second for-loop is copying the end of workpath[] to the end of
WH> dirt[]. When it gets to the last '/' in workpath[] it stops, leaving
WH> random garbage in the first part of dirt[].
Should I clear the array 'dire[]' with a statement like this:
do {
dirt[i] = ' '; /*set to space*/
while(i++ <= strlen(dirt));
In the for() loop:
for( ; j> 0; i--, j--)
The variable 'j' counts back 9 places.
The variable 'i' counts forward 27 places but the string is only
26 places long. I assume that that extra place is a NULL terminator
that C places at the end of a string.
WH> I'm not all that sure what
WH> you're trying to do, extract the file name from the path or extract
WH> all
WH> the directory names from the path. It looks more like you're trying
WH> to
WH> extract the file name but that printf("Directory... is confusing.
I am trying to extract the last directory name from a path.
Maybe when I count the length of 'i I should set a flag each time
I encounter a '/' and start 'strcpy' from there.
Thanks for the feedback.
OS9 Fest in Chicago April 13 and 14, 1996. Make plans now.
* Scribe 4.0 * (((((((HYPNOTIC)))))))(((((((TAGLINE)))))))
[37m--- Maximus 2.02
* Origin: THE GOLDEN COCO other's COMPUTER (1:106/941)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 87 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Mike Guzzi
[33mFrom : William Barnes
[35mSubject : OCN Library
[37mDate : 96/01/13 01:29:00[33m
MG> once i get a larger hard disk i can expand the library, but i can't
MG> right now since its real low on space and the software to run the
MG> bbs
MG> takes alot more space then RiBBS did...
I certainly believe that... Unfortunately MS*DOS based applications
are still demanding TONS of memory... Perhaps PK-Lite would help a
bit.... Seems like BIG BIG drives are the only way to go...
BTW: are you getting burried in snow up there, or are you (un)fortuante
enough to just miss it... I heard Philly really got dumped on (so bad
that the city went 60hrs w/o a crime reported).
BTW II: Remeber those projects you had done internally with the CC3
I/O ports???? I was looking at my Service book, and YUCK! they use a5 to
determine WHAT PIA to select internally. the three lines coming out of
the GIME (ACVC) chip runs to that decoder, but it only uses 4 outs for
ROM, CTS, SCS, and the internal PIA select... I really don't understand
how the ACVC chip actually uses those lines for memory decoding... Any
(this was brought on by me thinking of adding that simplified Parallel
port to my CoCo, while leaving enough area untouched as for further
expansion in the future. (i.e. room for the 8-bit address space using
5830 SCSI controller and 16550 UARTS.)
-Dr. CoCo
* Scribe 4.0 * Unable to locate BEER.CAN. Sysop not loaded.
[37m--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
* Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 93 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Rick Truell
[33mFrom : Christian Miller
[35mSubject : Re: VikingTag v1.0
[37mDate : 96/01/14 15:47:00[33m
On Friday, January 12th, 1996 - Rick Truell wrote:
RT> An intriguing idea, until Eric gets his .QWK mailer finished, but
Thank you...
RT> before you get people to test it for you, you had best get it to add
RT> the taglines properly or you'll have lots of people upset at you! For
My own ignorance. I did not realize there was a "proper" way to add
taglines. <g>
RT> The way your program SHOULD be adding them is like this:
RT> ... TURN OR BURN. - 2 Peter 3:9 -
RT> ___ * VikingTag v1.0 * (ONLY for RiBBS!)
RT> For another example, see how the tagline and product identification
RT> has been added to this message. Taglines are identified by the 3 dots
RT> and 1 space, and product ID by the 3 underscores and 1 space, that
RT> precede them...without those "prefixes", they're just 2 more lines of
RT> text in your message.
Thank you again!! While I was reading your message, I adjusted the
source code to your specifications. I'm working on v1.1 right now, that
is why the difference won't be seen yet.
* VikingTag v1.0 * (ONLY for RiBBS!)
The Lord gives strength to his people... Psalms 29:11
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Christians Corner in St. Petersburg, FL 813/327-7145 (1:3603/800)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 94 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Brother Jeremy
[33mFrom : Christian Miller
[35mSubject : Howdy
[37mDate : 96/01/14 15:52:00[33m
Nice to see you back around Br. Jeremy.
* VikingTag v1.0 * (ONLY for RiBBS!)
Can't PARTY out... Luke 9:25
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Christians Corner in St. Petersburg, FL 813/327-7145 (1:3603/800)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 95 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Alan Dages
[35mSubject : Help!
[37mDate : 96/01/14 08:27:00[33m
I need to locate Snail Mail or E-Mail addresses for the following
people, Don Vaillancourt, Sheldon Parsons, Alan Bayko and Jim
Sutemeier. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
Send replies to me on the CoCo, Os9 or MM! Fido Echos or e-mail
to Alan.Dages@sid.net.
Thanks in advance!
[37m--- QuickBBS 2.76a
* Origin: ACS Inc. BBS 404-636-2991 (1:133/510)
Public Message [31m(Rec)
[36mMessage # 98 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Warren Hrach
[33mFrom : Curtis Boyle
[35mSubject : Re: oster V210
[37mDate : 96/01/14 12:15:00
[32mNext Reply is Message [33m102[33m
Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I just got back from a 3&1/2 week
No, the TC-9 (and the Eliminator serial ports as well), use the 6552 chip,
which has the hardware bugs of the 6551 fixed, has 2 serial ports per chip,
and allows baud rates up to 38400 instead of just 19200. Since Bruce is the
one created the Eliminator in the first place, he was quite familiar with the
6552 chip, and simply patched OSTerm to use the newer system calls he put in
both SACIA (6551) & DACIA (6552) to allow the auto-dialer to work properly.
The copy of the patch I have is called OSTERM.ARC, and it contains an INSTALL
script, a READ.ME file, and the ipatch file called OSTRM208.IPC.
As it is now, I have to go to Supercomm to do auto-dialing, though it will
only let you dial one phone number repeatedly.
[37m--- Opus-CBCS 1.73a
* Origin: The North Village,33.6,OS/2,(306)384-0836 (1:140/26.0)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 100 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Rick Miscavish
[33mFrom : Phillip Taylor
[35mSubject : Rs232 pack
[37mDate : 96/01/14 22:37:00[33m
@ORIGIN :The Fido Exchange, Vienna Va N
-> PT> A friend of mine needs a Rs232 Pack, and I going to buy the other PT>
-> one so I can have a spare. Can you please tell me are they made by PT>
-> Radio Shack? And if they are both working? I am not sure how to PT>
-> please give me price?
-> Yes there both Radio Shack. Deluxe RS-232 Program Pak's, I also have the
-> operation manual for both of them.
-> Well I'd like to get around $25us dollars for each. If shipping to one
-> address I'll pick up the shipping..
-> PT> Blair Sponaugle PT> (703)-437-3498 PT> 713 Alabama Drive PT> Herndon,
-> 22070
-> Would I be shippng to this address or another if you decide to buy?
-> Thanks,
-> Rick
I was posting the message for a friend of mine because his Rs232 Pack does not
work. My address is 310B Locust St Vienna, Va 22180. Please give me your
address, and I will mail you a money order?
Phillip Taylor
[37m--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: The Fido Exchange (703)-573-2246, Vienna Va (1:109/201)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 104 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Christian Miller
[33mFrom : Shawn Driscoll
[35mSubject : Multi-Tasking or Not?
[37mDate : 96/01/15 20:17:00[33m
Think of it this way. Windows 3.1 (and Win '95 for that matter) are
DOS programs that run under DOS. DOS is not a multi-Tasking OS, but
simply a Disk Operating System. GSHELL (that's Multi-Vue from TANDY) is
an OS-9 program that runs under OS-9. OS-9 is a Multi-Tasking OS that
GSHELL can make System Calls to. Windows has only DOS calls it can make
(there are some Windows calls, but they still make calls to DOS), so
Windows is limited in some ways.
Windows NT, however is Multi-Tasking and so is OS/2. But they both
don't have the nice features that OS-9 has (like re-enterant code that's
position independant, etc.).
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Coco Exchange, San Diego, Ca 619 272-3643 (1:202/744)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 113 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Phillip Taylor
[33mFrom : Rick Miscavish
[35mSubject : Rs232 pack
[37mDate : 96/01/16 11:45:00[33m
Phillip Taylor wrote in a message to Rick Miscavish:
PT> Rick
PT> I was posting the message for a friend of mine because his Rs232
PT> Pack does not work. My address is 310B Locust St Vienna, Va 22180.
PT> Please give me your address, and I will mail you a money order?
Ok Phillip,
1379 Elgin Ave. W
Winnipeg,Manitoba Canada
Let me know which address to send it to..
[37m--- timEd/2 1.10+
* Origin: Rick's RoadHouse Wpg.MB. Canada (1:348/102)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 115 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Christian Miller
[33mFrom : Rick Truell
[35mSubject : Re: VikingTag v1.0
[37mDate : 96/01/16 14:43:00[33m
Greetings and salutations, Christian!!
RT> An intriguing idea, until Eric gets his .QWK mailer finished, but
CM> Thank you...
You're welcome. Actually, I've thought about it a bit and I've decided
that it's not JUST intriguing...it's also kind of a NEAT idea...wish
I'd thought of it myself <grin>! I can't remember if you mentioned
you're planning on doing this, or if it's on a "to do" list, but you
might want to consider having the program using different tagline
files for different areas. That is, programming-related taglines for
programming echoes (although I use them here in the CoCo and OS-9 ECHOES
<grin>), Star Trek taglines for Star Trek ECHOES, etc.
A word of warning, though. For some strange reason, there are people
out "there" that actually HATE taglines and REFUSE to them. Should one
(or more) such person use your BBS and should that person discover
that you're adding taglines to their messages anyway, they're likely
to start bitching at you! Not that there's much you can do about it
(except not use your program, of course) and not that it'll actually
happen (those people are few and far between, thankfully), but I
figured I'd mention it...so you're not surprised if it SHOULD happen
to you <grin>!!
CM> My own ignorance. I did not realize there was a "proper" way to add
CM> taglines. <g>
Well, lots of off-line readers have the capability of making taglines
(as well as the other portions of a message) stand out, so a standard
method of adding them is needed. This also makes stealing - er, sorry,
I of course meant "adopting" <grin>!! - taglines, which is a very
popular past-time, easier. OTOH, since leaving that message to you,
I've noticed that there are a number of other programs, as well as
some OLR's, that don't add taglines in the standard method either.
Fortunately, Blue Wave allows one to do a "cut-and-paste" while
adopting taglines, so it can handle the non-standard taglines. But
it's always best, whenever possible (not to mention whenever required
<grin>!) to follow the standards...makes everybody happy <grin>!!
CM> Thank you again!! While I was reading your message, I adjusted the
CM> source code to your specifications. I'm working on v1.1 right now,
Well, they're not really "my" specifications, just the standard way of
adding taglines. Figured I'd mention it to save you some grief...there
are some people that take taglines VERY seriously! How seriously?
Seriously enough that FidoNet has a whole echo devoted to taglines!!!!
Fidonet - 1:342/42 Internet - rtruell@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
... while (!cat) play(mouse);
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
[37m--- Maximus/2 3.01
* Origin: Starship Heart of Gold - Edmonton, AB +1.403.489.1735 (1:342/42)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 117 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : John Murphy
[35mSubject : cc3 Emu patch 255 sec/trk
[37mDate : 96/01/17 00:37:00[33m
XPost from JeffV
I just had a look over the info, and it seems that the CoCo 3 emulator <20>can
only reasonably be increased to 255 sectors/track, not 256. Sorry. :-<2D>)
To make this change, you'd need to patch the code as listed below. The
<EFBFBD>offsets are for the absolute latest version of COCO3.EXE, but the code
<EFBFBD>fragments will be in older versions, just at different offsets <20>potentially.
Note that once you do this, 18 SPT virtual disks will be unreadable. <20>You'll
need to rescale a virtual disk in order for it to make any sense <20>to the
emulator. (Since .DSKs store the entire disk sector-by-sector, <20>you'll have
to take every 18*256 bytes of the 18 SPT disk and pad them <20>with enough FF's
to fill 255*256 bytes.) Note that this patch might make <20>a raw format command
go a little funny, so you might have to do an <20>explicit sector write after a
track format in order to get the sectors <20>initialised to FF's.
At offset $1372F of COCO3.EXE, change B0 12 F6 26 to
B0 FF F6 26.
At offset $137E4 of COCO3.EXE, change B0 12 F6 26 to
B0 FF F6 26.
At offset $13878 of COCO3.EXE, change B8 12 00 F6 26 to
B8 FF 00 F6 26.
At offset $13886 of COCO3.EXE, change 3C 12 72 to
3C FF 72.
Feel free to rebroadcast this post wherever appropriate.
(I'm sure most people notice that the number $12 being changed to $FF is
<EFBFBD>indeed the SPT count.)
- Jeff
[37m--- Maximus-CBCS v1.02
* Origin: Micro80 Computer Club of Ottawa BBS (1:163/306)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 123 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Rick Truell
[33mFrom : Christian Miller
[35mSubject : Re: VikingTag v1.0
[37mDate : 96/01/18 12:41:00[33m
On Tuesday, January 16th, 1996 - Rick Truell wrote:
RT> you're planning on doing this, or if it's on a "to do" list, but you
RT> might want to consider having the program using different tagline
RT> files for different areas. That is, programming-related taglines for
Yes, version 1.1 is going to be able to do that through a .cfg file. My
problem is getting VikingTag to know which area is which. <g>
* VikingTag v1.0 * (ONLY for RiBBS!)
The Lord gives strength to his people... Psalms 29:11
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Christians Corner in St. Petersburg, FL 813/327-7145 (1:3603/800)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 131 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Mike Guzzi
[33mFrom : Jerry Michelson
[35mSubject : OCN Library
[37mDate : 96/01/16 11:29:00[33m
>-> anymore, let alone is still messing with the AcBBS software. I'll mak
>-> sure to give them a call sometime, IF they are more up to date than
>-> Carolina Connection and Mike's board... Super (no insult intended
Mike...do you have any idea of what William is talking about?
Up-to-date what? If he's talking about OCN files...I've never been hooked up
to the OCN. I offered to carry the files a LONG time ago and have plenty of HD
space to do so (at least 80 megs empty right now), but there were no takers
(probably because of my running Acbbs or something). I didn't catch the front
end of this conversation apparently :).
[37m--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: CC * 2200+ Coco/OS9 Files * (864) 243-4061 (1:3639/53)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 132 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Carey Bloodworth
[35mSubject : CoCo stuff for sale
[37mDate : 96/01/18 21:47:00[33m
January 18, 1996
I have the following Tandy Color Computer items for sale. All are
used (or in store demos), but work and include documentation. Most
also include boxes. Prices listed are what I would like, but they
may be negotiable depending on mood. Shipping is extra.
***** OS9 Stuff
***** This stuff is a bit heavier than the others, so
***** I've uped the price a bit to pay for the shipping
***** All are CoCo 3 items.
OS9 Level 2 V 2.00.01 NEW, UNOPENED! $20 (heavy)
(Try find this somewhere else!)
OS9 Level 2 V 2.00.00 Poor condition $20 (heavy)
(Actually, docs are 2.00.00, disks are 2.00.01)
OS9 Multi-Vue $20
Deskmate 3 $15
OS9 Pascal V 2.0 (Includes the p-code $25
to asm translator). ISO-0 Pascal
P-code compiler with virtual memory
for code. (Inlcudes a few non ISO-0
extensions such as 'bit's but not
strings.) Virtual code memory lets
you run very large Pascal programs.
***** RS-DOS Development (disk)
Deft Pascal V4.1 for CoCo DOS (not os9) $30
Works with CC2 & CC3. Includes Pascal compiler,
macro assembler, linker, debugger, library manager,
editor and 'shell'. Excellent language extensions
such as strings, reals, modules, bitwise operators,
type extensions. Works under PC CoCo emulator.
I hate to lose this one, but since I use a PC I
probably wouldn't ever use this again, and maybe
somebody actually needs it.
(Remind me to include patch to remove copy protection
so you can make backup copies of it.)
***** Misc. disk games
Cave walker CC2 $3
Pegasus CC2 $3
Zone Runner CC3 $3
Ghanabwana CC2 64K $3
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic Mission CC3 $5
Koronis Rift CC3 $3
Rogue CC3 $3
Sands of Egypt CC2 $5
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? CC3 $7 (heavy)
King's Quest 3: To Heir is Human CC3 512K $10
In excellent condition. Includes
needed spell book Req 512k CC3
D. L. Logo $10 (heavy)
(the boot on the disk is OS9 Level 1 CC2
and doesn't work on the CC3, however
you can boot your own OS9 L2 and then
run D.L. Logo)
Flight Simulator 2 CC3 $8
***** ROM paks
RoboCop Rom pak CC3 $5
Predator Rom Pak CC3 $5
Shanghai rom pak CC3 $4
***** Books
Official Basic09 Tour Guide. for OS9 $10
TRS-80 Color Computer Assembly $10
Language Programming by
Bill Barden Jr.
***** Hardware
CoCo serial -> Centronics $15
printer cable. Blue-Streak Ultima
CoCo 2. 64k $25
CoCo 3, 512k, FD-502 disk drive $125
with single 360k floppy drive.
Tandy Direct Connect Modem DCM-3 $10
300 baud. Can be used on any
computer. Almost 'antique'. <g>
Tandy Direct Connect Modem Pak $15
Had planned to make it into a
rs-232 pak but never could get
a multi-pak or y-cable so I could
use this and my disk at the
same time. 300 baud.
Tandy High Res Joystick adapter $4
Cassette cable $4
2400 baud external modem $15 (heavy)
Includes homemade CoCo<->PC converter cable.
You'll need to get a regular PC
serial cable. Usually about $3-$4.
Will work with any computer.
Suitable for beginner or part-
time modemer. Works at 2400 w/CC3
***** tape adventure games
Pyramid tape & doc CC2 $3
Rakatu tape & doc CC2 $3
Bedlam tape & doc CC2 $3
Madness and the Minataur tape & doc CC2 $3
I'm not good at pricing things! I do want to get rid of some of
this stuff, but I also would like to make a few $$ in the process.
If you see a couple of more expensive items, we might be able to
talk about it.
Shipping is _approximately_ $1-$2 for one item, $2-$3 for two items,
and $3-$4 for three or more items. Prices are in US$ only, as I
don't have the faintest idea how to convert other currancies to US$.
[37m--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
* Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 133 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Carey Bloodworth
[35mSubject : Basic09 equiv for PC?
[37mDate : 96/01/18 21:47:00[33m
I'm looking for an equivelent of Basic09 for the PC.
It has to be in source because I want to tinker with it.
[37m--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
* Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 136 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Steve Hammond
[33mFrom : Mike Guzzi
[35mSubject : multipak
[37mDate : 96/01/18 15:15:00[33m
-> Thanks for the offer but I think I wrote too soon. I started having
-> same problem with the y cable. Since the hard drive is the only thin
-> affected it must be a controller card problem or something.
-> -=Steve=-
no problem. glad you at least narrowed it to a card.
[37m--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: Astral Plane BBS, 717-348-2197, NE PA's CoCo/OS9 BBS (1:268/342.0)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 137 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Allen Morgan
[35mSubject : CD-i news
[37mDate : 96/01/18 21:33:00[33m
Hello All!
A nice large article appeared in this month's "Multimedia Producer" magazine
concerning CD-i. I left the thing at work, so I may not have this spelled
right, but a company named "Muffin Head Multimedia" has been quite successful
with training and point-of-sale kiosks using CD-i. Another short news article
said Sears Roebuck Co. has standardized on CD-i for training employees. Even
a mention of OS9 and DAVID.
[37m--- GEcho 1.02+
* Origin: Graphics Guru -Graphics and More - (360)423-2357 (1:3403/17)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 139 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Carey Bloodworth
[35mSubject : Deft Pascal & TCE, etc.
[37mDate : 96/01/19 21:12:00[33m
I'd like to find the author of the 1986 Deft Pascal V4.1 Pascal compiler
for the CoCo and obtain the source code for it.
Does anybody know where TCE Programs Inc. is anymore? I know it was
somewhere in Maryland, but that's been quite a few years ago.
How about Ted Malaska, who was the president?
How about DEFT Systems Inc, who wrote the compiler?
The compiler isn't the best, but it has some very nice extensions, and
I'm wanting a Pascal compiler in source to play with. The only one I've
been able to find was an old ISO Level 0 one.
(Don't you just hate it when a company copy protects a program disk and
then goes out of business?... Not that that part really matters, I broke
that copy protection shortly after I bought it in 88.)
[37m--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
* Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 142 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Christian Miller
[33mFrom : Brother Jeremy
[35mSubject : Re: Howdy
[37mDate : 96/01/20 23:02:00[33m
On Sunday, January 14th, 1996 - Christian Miller wrote:
Thank you, its been a little difficult to get online, had some system
problems, two hard drives went down, one perhaps permanently.
Fortunately all the important stuff was on floppies so I could recover
most of it.
:: With all best wishes, :::::: 2 Kings 2:23-24 :::
:: Brother Jeremy, CSJW :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: OS9 Users Group Treasurer :: revwcp@delphi.com ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CIS - 76477,142 :::
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Coco Exchange, San Diego, Ca 619 272-3643 (1:202/744)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 149 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Shaun Marolf
[35mSubject : XT Interface
[37mDate : 96/01/21 14:34:00[33m
Ok, John Reece our club librarian is still looking for the B&B
interface schematics. I still plan on getting those out ASAP. Will
post when available and let everybodt know.
NEW SUBJECT: MC68881 Co-Processor Interface
I have come across an old article in the "68' Micro Journal" which
gave some base information on how to hook up the MC68881 Floating Point
Unit to a 6809 based unit. After doing some research I did figure out
how to hook it up to a COCO 3 and get it to work electronically. This
is now available but there is no software for OS-9, however there wass
mention of somebody doing this also based on this article as well. I
don't know the guys name or other info but if somebody knows what I'm
referering to please help all of us. BTW copies of the schematics for
this circuit and theory of operation can be had for $5.00 to help pay
copying and postage send payment to.
Shaun C. Marolf
878 Ryker Ridge Rd.
Ramona, CA 92065
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Coco Exchange, San Diego, Ca 619 272-3643 (1:202/617)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 150 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Christian Miller
[33mFrom : Rick Truell
[35mSubject : VikingTag v1.0
[37mDate : 96/01/19 23:31:00[33m
Greetings and salutations, Christian!!
CM> Yes, version 1.1 is going to be able to do that through a .cfg file.
CM> My problem is getting VikingTag to know which area is which. <g>
Yeah, that could be a tad difficult, seeing as you don't have the kind
of info available that a QWK packet gives you. Unfortunately, as I've
never run RiBBS (I have Warren's RiBBS-To-Go package, but I've never
used it), I'm afraid I don't know the message base format and can't
help you there. But I certainly wish you lots of luck <grin>!!!
Fidonet - 1:342/42 Internet - rtruell@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
... Variables won't. Constants aren't.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
[37m--- Maximus/2 3.01
* Origin: Starship Heart of Gold - Edmonton, AB +1.403.489.1735 (1:342/42)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 154 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Jerry Michelson
[33mFrom : William Barnes
[35mSubject : OCN LIBRARY
[37mDate : 96/01/22 02:16:00[33m
JM> >-> anymore, let alone is still messing with the AcBBS software.
JM> I'll ma
JM> Up-to-date what? If he's talking about OCN files...I've never been
JM> hooked up
JM> to the OCN. I offered to carry the files a LONG time ago and have
JM> plenty of HD
JM> space to do so (at least 80 megs empty right now), but there were
JM> no takers
JM> (probably because of my running Acbbs or something). I didn't catch
JM> the front
JM> end of this conversation apparently :).
JM> Jerry
I was reffering to the availability of most new files, it seems
like the two haunts of mine, probably because of being off the beaten
track of most of us looking for system upgrades (New software, etc). I
was looking for replacement parts for my C-Compiler. ie. a new CGFX.L
file. While Carolina Connection and Astral Plane are BOTH fine boards,
the supply of NEW files available seem to trickle slower to them than to
others... shortly after hearing of the release of OSTerm 2.11 (& 2.10),
I failed to find them available on these two boards. This may be
corrected now, but... it's nice to keep up... OCN or otherwise.
<NOTE: while this may seem like nit-picking, it isn't intended to be.
boards have helped me considerably, and do our OS-9(/CoCo)
-Dr. CoCo
* Scribe 4.0 * I know how to copy disks. Where's the Xerox machine?
[37m--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
* Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 155 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Jerry Michelson
[33mFrom : Tim Jones
[35mSubject : OCN Library
[37mDate : 96/01/21 09:38:00[33m
Hello Jerry!
Replying to a message of Jerry Michelson to Mike Guzzi:
>>> -> anymore, let alone is still messing with the AcBBS software. I'll
>>> mak -> sure to give them a call sometime, IF they are more up to date
>>> than -> Carolina Connection and Mike's board... Super (no insult
>>> intended
JM> Mike...do you have any idea of what William is talking
JM> about? Up-to-date what? If he's talking about OCN files...I've never
JM> been hooked up to the OCN. I offered to carry the files a LONG time
JM> ago and have plenty of HD space to do so (at least 80 megs empty
JM> right now), but there were no takers (probably because of my running
JM> Acbbs or something). I didn't catch the front end of this
JM> conversation apparently :).
There must have been some miss communication somewhere because I'm almost
certain I had you set up here at one time. I've since removed your node from
my files and deleted the files waiting after they grew to several hundred k on
my system after never receiving a poll. Will AcBBS receive files that way? If
so I can set you up again or you can arrange it with someone closer to you.
Later, Tim!
[37m--- FleetStreet 1.12 NR
* Origin: Trial Run - Austin, Tx - [512-280-6578] (1:382/107)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 156 *OS9 ECHO*[32m
To : Jerry Michelson
[33mFrom : Mike Guzzi
[35mSubject : OCN Library
[37mDate : 96/01/20 06:40:00[33m
-> Mike...do you have any idea of what William is talking abou
-> Up-to-date what? If he's talking about OCN files...I've never been ho
-> up to the OCN. I offered to carry the files a LONG time ago and have
-> of HD space to do so (at least 80 megs empty right now), but there we
-> takers (probably because of my running Acbbs or something). I didn't
-> the front end of this conversation apparently :).
no, i missed that part too, i assumed he meant because i haven't added
files in awhile. it can't be because of my software! I run Wildcat 4.0
for messy dos. I am more limited in hard disk space right now since the
bbs sucks up more space then a coco based bbs would. i only have a 105
meg hard disk for the bbs (to a coco thats alot of space, to a messy-dos
system, its small) i plan to add more space in the spring.
[37m--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: Astral Plane BBS, 717-348-2197, NE PA's CoCo/OS9 BBS (1:268/342.0)
[31m=*= [32mFIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU [31m=*=[36m
<1> Scan \
<2> Read > OS9 Echo mail
<3> Leave /
<4> Scan \
<5> Read > CoCo Echo mail
<6> Leave /
<A> Scan \
<B> Read > MM1_TECH Echo Mail
<C> Leave /
<G>o back to Main Menu
<P>revious Menu (Messages Menu)
[35m[[37m57[35m][33m Command [37m>>>