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90917 8-DEC 00:24 General Information
RE: 2nd Hard Drive (Re: Msg 90907)
I'm going to capture your message and go over it again. I believe I
understand what your driving at. I'll keep you posted and thanx alot.
90918 8-DEC 00:28 General Information
RE: 2nd Hard Drive (Re: Msg 90910)
I plan to play with the cables by hooking the original connector to H1 and
powering up. If the light comes on then, it has to be else where(the problem).
Thanx for the tip, I'll try it your way too. Keep you posted. ...Charlie...
90919 8-DEC 00:34 General Information
RE: 2nd Hard Drive (Re: Msg 90911)
Well, yours is the third different area for me to look for the problem.
I guess with trying all three, I might get at the problem(s). Thanx Mark,
like I promised the first two responders, I'll keep you posted. I'm sure
it will get solved thanx to the good folks here. ...Charlie...
90920 8-DEC 02:18 General Information
RE: 2nd Hard Drive (Re: Msg 90910)
Mike, I tried alot of different things now but in answer to your question,
yes it did stay on. I loosened the face plate and it went off which leads
me to believe that that problem was a pinched wire. What I have now is
my new drive hooked up as the only drive. I replaced the termination
resistors, and took off the jumper sleeve altogether. Just like my original
setup for /h0, which btw works fine. I used my lockout boot with DD=D0.
I booted and now when I do a directory, format, or chd to /h0, I get a
#246 which is device not ready. Now for sure I'm lost. BTW, when I address
Thanx Charlie
90921 8-DEC 02:20 General Information
RE: 2nd Hard Drive (Re: Msg 90920)
My message got cut off due to using slash. When I address H0 now, the light
does not come on. I'm thinking maybe I got me a bad drive..... Charlie
90924 8-DEC 23:11 General Information
RE: 2nd Hard Drive (Re: Msg 90917)
Just an effect of laziness. With one drive, a lot of people don't bother with
adjusting the ID of the drive (no jumpers it seems to be zero) so it reads
anything on the buss. Put a second drive on there and it is "scratch-head"
city when a conflict develops. Why it works with no jumpers, I dunno. The
"controller" is usually 0. I banged my head on the wall for a month on this
until someone explained it to me real carefully. BTW, I have 2 hard drives and
a CDROM drive on my MM/1 and they are all talking to the machine very happily.
I guess I got it right! (grin) Good luck. I hope this did solve the problem.
, H0 is #0, H2 is #2 and the CDROM is # 1. Look
at ctrlid on dmode and see if they are different on the two drives. They
should be or else they will fight with each other.
90931 9-DEC 23:38 General Information
RE: 2nd Hard Drive (Re: Msg 90924)
I seem to understand that the Id has to be different. I'm using scsisys and
I believe my Ids are straightened out but there is also a jumper to the
left of the control cable and I'm not sure about the placement of that.
Also, I substituted my new drive for the existing drive as H0, but os9
refuses to recognize it. I get Unit not ready ERROR. I believe now that
there is some problem with the drive. I'll keep working on it. Thanx
End of Thread.
90922 8-DEC 16:56 System Modules (6809)
RE: CC3IO Patches (Re: Msg 90909)
It's amazing how the mind becomes such a fragile thing after a few years. I
had completely forgotten about those messages. Thanks for digging them up.
-- Greg
90923 8-DEC 20:11 New Uploads
RE: PowerBasic for OS9/68000 ships! (Re: Msg 90916)
> They are both the same in all respects except for price. It is our intent
> to support the individual user and to promote development with PowerBasic
> by offering a lower cost version for individuals such as those here on
> Delphi and over on CIS.
> Promotions to commercial/industrial users do not mention the personal
> pricing.
If I order PowerBasic, do I have to pay the $300 price or $800. Understand,
if performance of the object code proves satisfactory and my productivity is
improved, I will use it for commercial software. Some object code might even
find its way into some VOD (DAVID) stuff (drivers and other system state
It is to be expected that 'undocumented features' crop up in a new package
such as this (no negative conotation intended - just an unfortunate fact of
life). As bugs are found and fixed, will updates be sent automatically?
90926 9-DEC 00:57 New Uploads
RE: PowerBasic for OS9/68000 ships! (Re: Msg 90923)
You can have it for the $300 price.
>As bugs are found and fixed, will updates be sent automatically?
I don't know just how Mike will be handeling this. I could easily email you
and others new versions here on Delphi as they become available. I'll ask
Mike what his 'official' policy will be.
90929 9-DEC 21:15 New Uploads
RE: PowerBasic for OS9/68000 ships! (Re: Msg 90926)
I have uploaded the following to the database,
Dow: PBSpec.upl
Dow: PBench.ar
3 POWERBASIC BENCHMARK IN LHA (Size: 28458 Count: 0)
Dow: PBench.lzh
Dow: PBench.ReadMe
However I don't know when the sysop will get to it. The following
is the contents of the last file, the ReadMe file.
PowerBasic Benchmark results
This archive has 49 files. 4 versions of each benchmark and a
ReadMe file. It is archived twice. Once with Ar V2.0 (40476
bytes) and again with LHa V 2.01 (28458 bytes). Both done under
The nature and results of bench2 through bench12 are as follows:
(all tests were run on an 030 system @33MHZ w/ 1 wait state)
(all times are in seconds)
PB MW Name of Test Nature of Test
3 33 bench2 increment variable in loop
2 N/A bench2m same as bench2 but with assembly MACRO
4 44 bench3 assign loop variable to array in loop
5 12 bench4 complex integer expression in loop
4 64 bench5 assign user type element in loop
7 15 bench6 str$ function in loop
10 186 bench7 read a data statement in loop
4 46 bench8 find address of array element in loop
3 46 bench9 simple if/then count loop
15 237 bench10 assign constant to integer variable in loop
6 72 bench11 control structures "false" in loop
2 32 bench12 "land" function in loop
There are 4 variations of each benchmark. *.b is the PowerBasic
source, *.b09 is the same source with minor mods needed for
Basic(09), *.obj is the compiled code and *.a is the unaltered
output of PowerBasic in assembler source. The *.a files are
complete but you cannot assemble them because they need the
runtime subroutine package called 'runsubs' which is part of
Note that 'shell date -j' was used because the early version of
PowerBasic that was used to compile these benchmarks did not have
the 'date$' function implemented yet. Note that these times
should be viewed on their own rather than as a test of the speed
of any particular computer. They are just to show the speed
advantage of the compiled code of PowerBasic.
I have downloaded almost every Basic source program here and I
hope to compile then under PowerBasic to see what is involved in
a typical conversion and to see what size and speed advantage
PowerBasic has. In the above benchmarks you will note the small
size of the *.b09 files compared to the size of the *.obj. Don't
forget the the *.b09 files have to have 'runb' which is about
24K. Obviously using PowerBasic on small programs will result in
a very small runtime program over Basic(09). (BTW I know that on
OS9/68000 it is called BASIC and not Basic09. I use the (09) to
avoid confusion.)
Frank Hogg
Please feel free to ask questions. I will do my best to answer them.
90935 10-DEC 16:17 New Uploads
RE: PowerBasic for OS9/68000 ships! (Re: Msg 90929)
I've just uploaded an example utility for the date function. After I uploaded
the stuff last night I got to playing. This is my actual first attempt at
several things. 1... Writing an actual program in PowerBasic, 2... Doing
anything in assembly language. Doing the second is very easy in PB. The
upload is this:
Date: 10-DEC-1994 16:02 by FHOGG (able to edit the Group)
This is a example of a date utility written in PowerBasic. It shows doing a mix
of assembly and Basic and the use of alias's. PowerBasic source, the assembly .
file and the object are in the archives. The same stuff is in each file. One is
in LHa 2.01 and the other is ar 2.0.
Topic: New Uploads
1 POWERBASIC DATE EXAMPLE (AR) (Size: 7857 Count: 0)
Dow: PBdate.ar
2 POWERBASIC DATE EXAMPLE (LHA) (Size: 4476 Count: 0)
Dow: PBdate.lzh
The source for PowerBasic is short so it now follows:
* Simple Date program for PowerBasic *
* This is a good example of the flexability and power of mixing
* assembly language and Basic statements in one program.
dim TimeError:short
dim time:long
dim timeA(4):byte alias=time
dim date:long
dim dateA(4):byte alias=date
dim dateB(2):short alias=date
dim day:short
* Month and day are bytes and year is a short (2 bytes) the easiest
* way to get them out of the long is by using alias arrays. The byte
* array gets the month and day while the short array gets the year.
* Note that these do not take any additional memory, they just point
* to what they alias. Refer to the '.a' file.
dim tick:long
dim tickA(2):short alias=tick
* tickA(1)= number of ticks per second. tickA(2)=number of ticks
* Example of output on KiX which has 100 ticks per second
* 12/10/1994 15:22:21 and 16/100 Seconds
* Make the system call. Refer to F$Time pg 1-64 in the MW manual
* 0=Gregorian, 1=Julian, 2=Gregorian w/ticks, 3=Julian w/ticks
* Code starts here
move.w #2,d0 \ Set for Gregorian w/ticks
os9 F$Time get the time
bcc.s Good
goto Perror
* Put OS9 System Call output in PowerBasic variables
move.l d0,time(a6)
move.l d1,date(a6)
move.w d2,day(a6)
move.l d3,tick(a6)
* Promote PowerBasic
print "PowerBasic date utility example"
print dateA(3);"/";dateA(4);"/";dateB(1);
print " ";timeA(2);":";timeA(3);":";timeA(4);
print " and ";tickA(2);"/";tickA(1);" Seconds"
goto Quit
move.w d1,TimeError(a6) Error code is now in TimeError
print "Err: ";TimeError
Sure is easy to do things I would never have been able to try in either C
or assembly. I don't know if this could be done in MW Basic but I don't
want to bother. BTW the compile time for this is 13 seconds which includes
running PowerBasic, r68 and l68. I'm using a somewhat slow hard drive too.
I suppose I could do this on /r0 but 13 seconds is fast enough for me.
End of Thread.
90925 9-DEC 00:52 Programmers Den
RE: PowerBASIC details? (Re: Msg 90915)
> - What data structuring facilities does it have (e.g. is there anything
> analogous to the BASIC09 TYPE statement)?
Yes, as a matter of fact there is a TYPE statement simular to BASIC09
except they cannot be nested.
> - You say it supports separate compilation; does that mean that there are
> actual functions with local variables?
> What's the syntax for calling a separately compiled unit, passing
> parameters (including structured types if the language supports them),
> and returning results?
I asked Mike to work up an answer for this as I am not up to speed yet.
> - What debugging facilities does PowerBASIC have? (All I saw mentioned
> in the file was a listing of assembly language output with the PowerBASIC
> source interspersed.)
That's all there is.
> If you could post or upload a sample of PowerBASIC code displaying some of
> its features, that would help a lot. Thanks.
I plan to do just that this weekend. I'm going to try to get it Friday night.
of them are very impressive benchmarks. I'll add more as I get up to speed.
been busy with regular work and getting the promo for PB out. Have to do my
chores before I can play. <g>
90927 9-DEC 05:32 General Information
RiBBS/FidoNet Message Formats
I need some help in interpeting the following data. It is a dump of a
message exported by RiBBS Export by the name of msg1.
I'm working on a program that will put RiBBS one step closer to being
able to act as a hub and need to be able to generate messages from within
that will get bundled for the appropriate net/node.
I have the FSC0001 document that describes various formats of various FIDO
files, but there are some things in the below that don't seem to be
documented. Note the lines with *'s. These are what don't seem to be
documented, nor do I have a clue as to how to generate them.
Addr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 2 4 6 8 A C E
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------------
0000 0200 0100 0400 FE7A FE7A 0000 0000 3039 .......z.z....09
0010 2044 6563 2039 3420 2030 303A 3034 3A33 Dec 94 00:04:3
0020 3100 4461 7272 656E 2043 6C69 6674 0044 1.Darren Clift.D
0030 6176 6520 4761 6E74 7A00 4372 6561 7469 ave Gantz.Creati
0040 6E67 2061 2074 6573 7420 6D65 7373 6167 ng a test messag
0050 6500 0149 4E54 4C20 313A 3331 3438 362F e..INTL 1:31486/ *
0060 3420 313A 3334 362F 392E 310D 014D 5347 4 1:346/9.1..MSG *
0070 4944 3A20 313A 3334 362F 392E 3140 6669 ID: 1:346/9.1@fi *
0080 646F 6E65 742E 6F72 6720 3865 3564 3030 donet.org 8e5d00 *
0090 6430 0D01 5049 443A 2052 6942 4253 2076 d0..PID: RiBBS v *
00A0 322E 3130 0D54 6869 7320 6973 206A 7573 2.10.This is jus *
00B0 7420 6120 7465 7374 206D 6573 7361 6765 t a test message
00C0 2074 6F20 7374 7564 7920 7768 696C 6520 to study while
00D0 6174 7465 6D70 7469 6E20 746F 2063 7265 attemptin to cre
00E0 6174 6520 6D79 206F 776E 0D0A 6672 6F6D ate my own..from
00F0 2061 2070 726F 6772 616D 2E0D 0A20 200D a program... .
Addr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 2 4 6 8 A C E
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------------
0100 0A20 2020 2020 2044 6176 650D 0A20 0D0A . Dave.. ..
0110 2D2D 2D20 5269 4242 5320 7632 2E31 300D --- RiBBS v2.10. *
0120 0A00 ..
The bytes from offset $52 to $A4 seem to have no documentation
or explanation. Also, am I correct in assumming that the bytes
from offset $10C to $121 are add ons to the text I typed?
What I have in mind is similar to the auto messages generated by TicNote
and AutoFrl, but in this case the messages need to generated for export
rather than for import.
Can anyone shed some light (in an Inside RiBBS type fashion) on the above
data or similar?
I'd really appreciate any help I can get. Thanks
90928 9-DEC 09:40 General Information
RE: RiBBS/FidoNet Message Formats (Re: Msg 90927)
The text part of the message (without the binary field delimiters) looks fairly
straight forward.
09 Dec 94 00:04:31
Darren Clift
Dave Gantz
Creating a test message
INTL 1:31486/4 1:346/9.1
MSG ID: 1:346/9.1@fidonet.org 8e5d00d0
PID: RiBBS v2.10
This is just a test message to study while attemptin to create my own.
from a program...
--- RiBBS v2.10
It appears the lines you are having a problem with are INTL, MSG ID and PID in
the header. Offhand, the MSG ID should be a unique message identifier (in this
case it appears to be composed of the FIDO node/net number followed by what
could be the time in UNIX ctime() format). The PID appears to be nothing more
than the name and version number of the BBS software and the last line is a
signature -- in this case an advertisement for RiBBS v2.10. The INTL 1 line
could be the source and destination node/net numbers of the FIDO systems, or
perhaps something inserted by the mailer.
If it's not documented, you either need better documentation or these lines are
-- Greg
90932 10-DEC 03:52 General Information
RE: RiBBS/FidoNet Message Formats (Re: Msg 90928)
Many thanks for your reply. It has helped tremendously. Could you elaborate
0d0 line strikes me as some sort of checksum or crc.
As kinda of a return Xmas gift, I'd like to suggest that you check out "go main
shop shop". This is Shoppers Advantage Online. I've been a member for several
months now, and they've saved me big $$$ on many items. I spent $300 on Xmas
es. Anyway... This isn't an ad, just word of mouth from a satisified customer.
May your holidays be filled with joy.
End of Thread.
90930 9-DEC 22:20 General Information
RE: Chicago CoCo-Fest (Re: Msg 90858)
Many thanks Tony. - Brian
90933 10-DEC 09:23 General Information
Install program
Hi all,
I'm trying to develop an installation program for applications
written for the MM1. To date, I have a point and click shell that
allows user to specify from what drive, to what drive, name of
program, etc. Once the parameters are established, the install
program runs a script that is provided by the programmer. The script,
of course, is responsible for actually moving the files from
installation disk to wherever.
What do you guys make of this general plan? It is hard to do error
checking in the script file from the install program. (Tips?) Also Joel H
discussed copying files from an installation disk to a pipe and
then from pipe to target disk in a 68 Micros column. I tried that
approach but quickly ran into the limitation that you can't create
a directory inside a pipe or do a backup of a disk into a pipe. Least
I kept getting error messages! Seemed to mean that the install program
would have to assume that all the component files of the application
program would be in the same directory (/d0) on the installation disk. I
really dont want to make that assumption.
Thoughts appreciated
90934 10-DEC 12:53 General Information
RE: Install program (Re: Msg 90933)
> I'm trying to develop an installation program for applications
> written for the MM1. To date, I have a point and click shell that
Good! We need it.
> What do you guys make of this general plan? It is hard to do error
> checking in the script file from the install program. (Tips?) Also Joel H
Have you considered using the `oddjob' program? You can do things
that the fancy UNIX shells do, and everyone with an MM/1 should have
> discussed copying files from an installation disk to a pipe and
> then from pipe to target disk in a 68 Micros column. I tried that
Warning. I have found (on my MM1/a) that files copied to a named
pipe, then back to a disk file have a few characters tacked on to them
at the end - mostly on larger (over 15k ) files.
A stitch in time --------------------
------ is worth two in the bush
John R. Wainwright <<CIS -- 72517,676>> <<DELPHI -- JOHNREED>>
End of Thread.
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