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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
#: 6702 S10/Tandy CoCo
15-Sep-90 09:18:30
Sb: #6515-TAR
Fm: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631
To: BRETT 72057,3720 (X)
Will do . Thanks a lot for the repl. Joerg
#: 6703 S10/Tandy CoCo
15-Sep-90 10:09:38
Sb: #Hard Drive
Fm: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230
To: 76703,4227 (X)
Hi Kevin:
It's been awhile since Iv'e been able to sit down with my CoCo and play. Been a
busy summer! But any way, now it's time to start to think about my hobby (?)
Through out the summer Iv'e been trying to decide on eather a hard drive or a
1Meg upgrade. Well I just couldn't decide, so a compromise. Just have to get
Now this is where you come in. I'm going for the hard drive first, it will get
me more of what I'm after right now. So this is where I stand now, I have a
CoCo 3, Disto 512K upgrade, Disto Super Controller I (the II hadn't come out
yet)w/ 3in1 board, Bob Puppo's keyboard interface. I have an MPI, but don't use
it at this time. What do you think would be the way to go? Get a 4in1 board,and
piece togeather a SCSI system, or maybe pick up a MEB and SCSI board from Disto
and go to the MPI, and put togeather a SCSI system, or go to the MPI and get a
Burke & Burke system.
I Don't want to lose the use of the RTC, parallel port, or RS232 port. Also
with the Disto SCSI system will I get no halt access? In the checking Iv'e done
so far, the MEB/MPI setup would be the least expensive, the 4in1 the neatest,
and the Burke & Burke the simplest. What do you think?
Don't you just love this stuff.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6711 S10/Tandy CoCo
15-Sep-90 14:48:34
Sb: #6703-#Hard Drive
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230 (X)
Well...I've managed to put off buying the 1 Mbyte upgrade for some time now,
and it's not impeded my use of my CoCo in one sense, though on the other hand,
it *has* held me back in some ways, because there are things I'd leave going in
the background all the time (MultiVue, cron or something like it, and so forth)
if I had the memory. I've put it off sufficiently that I may not ever do it,
since I now think an MM/1 is a better place to put my $$$. Were I you, I'd
give serious thought to an MM/1, but putting that aside, I'd say that I don't
think I'd trade my hard disk for the extra 512Kbytes.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6716 S10/Tandy CoCo
15-Sep-90 21:40:25
Sb: #6711-#Hard Drive
Fm: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
That's why I kind of went with the idea of going with the hard drive first.
I've been useing a RAMdisk alot for speed, and maybe with a hard drive I'll be
able to use that memory.
Even though I've had Multi-vue since before I got my 3, I've just now started
to use it. I like it pretty well, and maybe now my wife will start to use this
thing. Before she said it was just too hard to get it to do what she wanted it
to, and I'm hoping that a hard drive will speed the process up some. (Kind of
slow with just floppies!)
I've given some thought to the new machines, though I would go with the TomCat
rather than the MM/1. I like the expandability of the FHL machine, but when it
comes right down to it, I don't really stress this thing. About all I do is
some word processing, use DynaCalc and Profile to do my budget and keep track
of it, and pop on CIS about twice a week. That with some dabbling with
programming, and it's a little hard to justify putting out a grand+ for
something I would most likely be doing the same thing with. When this dies I
will be moving up, but until then I just can't see it.
Besides, when I move up, I'll most likely want a hard drive anyway.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6726 S10/Tandy CoCo
16-Sep-90 07:03:20
Sb: #6716-Hard Drive
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: LUTE MULLENIX 70721,2230 (X)
Sounds reasonable to me. If you do think there's any chance of your moving up,
be sure to get a hard drive that will work with the system you're thinking of
going to. In the case of the MM/1, that means SCSI--dunno about the FHL boxes.
#: 6704 S4/MIDI and Music
15-Sep-90 10:11:50
Sb: #6536-midi help
Fm: Lester Hands 70135,430
To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111
Mike, yes EGA and VGA are pretty much what everybody has now. I think that the
CoCo 3 would be better than CGA but not quite as good as EGA (same number of
colors but not as high resolution). Still don't have an MM/1? I had thought
they would be delivering by now!
Yes, I would imagine that OS9ers are pretty good about piracy. I think those
who use OS9 are a pretty dedicated bunch.
I am using an AT clone (that I assembled from 'this and that') with 4 meg RAM.
I have both the Microsoft C compiler and the Turbo C++ compiler. The Turbo C++
wins hands down over the Microsoft product when it comes to ease of use.
How's Ultimuse comming? I still don't see anything in Rainbow from Second City
#: 6708 S15/Hot Topics
15-Sep-90 11:37:49
Sb: #6686-MM/1 specs
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004
That'd be great. I've been monitoring some of the 'internal' forums at work
and recently there's been a significant amount of interest in the MM/1 based on
info that's come over ARCnet. The queries from domestic employees I can handle
by giving them your 800 number, but the overseas queries present a different
So far, I've gotten queries from the Netherlandsn Belgium, France, and 2 from
OZ. Be happy to send them info.
#: 6712 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Sep-90 15:09:38
Sb: #6615-#Osk 2.2 C bugs
Fm: Bud Hamblen 72466,256
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
Anyone noticed the 2.3 C compiler generating incorrect code for signed compares
to constants? (int) X >= 5 seems to generate the same code as 5 >= (int) x.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6713 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Sep-90 17:29:07
Sb: #6712-Osk 2.2 C bugs
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Bud Hamblen 72466,256
Trying out a simple "if (x >= 5) arf(); if (5 >= x) arf();" does not display
the problem--indeed, if the compiler were that confused, I'd be surprised that
much of anything worked at all. When reporting bugs (and reporting them to
Microware officially is the best thing to do, lest they get forgotten), example
code, made as short as possible to simplify finding and correcting the problem,
along with the edition numbers of the software in question, helps a great deal.
(Tried again just now in another window, using explicit casts--no difference.)
So...I can't duplicate the stated problem, so I can't say that I've noticed
#: 6717 S13/Atari ST
15-Sep-90 21:41:36
Sb: #6695-Missing File
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Paul Good 71706,1227 (X)
Paul - I just found that file on my drive... I'll AR it and reupload it. Hope
it's the one you want (to use a Dallas romclock chip in the ST?).
#: 6718 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Sep-90 21:47:55
Sb: #6560-OSK TSmon
Fm: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565
To: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 (X)
While I didn't ask the origional question, I am remotely interested in a TSMON
that supports modems for OSK.
Some thoughts on programming Hayes "compatible" modems...
They will only connect at speeds up to the one they are initialized with. I.e.
if you initialize the modem at 1200 BPS, it will NOT connect at 2400 BPS even
if the caller is capable of it. I'd just start at 19.2KB and then work
downwards until I got an intelligible response and mark that as my maximum
I agree that using the text answers from the modem is the way to go. There is
no standard for the numeric codes above 1200 BPS.
The product ID code (ATI) is useless for determining the type of modem attached
since other "compatible" modems don't return the same response that the
equivalent Hayes modems do.
It is a good idea to send the initialization strings to the modem one at a time
instead of grouping them together like "ats0=1V1X4" because we had a (in)
"compatible" modem that was sensitive to the ORDER of the commands sent. (I
was ready to give the manufacturer a REAL nasty phone call and I *REALLY*
wanted to tell the customer to go buy a real modem but the jerks in sales nixed
that idea. <slight grin>)
Some modems don't like lower case.
Different modems have differing amounts of time needed between lowering/raising
signals and sending them a command.
Which leads one to the conclusion that there is NO SUCH THING AS A HAYES
COMPATIBLE MODEM! (In fact Hayes themselves said this in a large format ad a
while back that we programmers gleefully posted on the wall at work in
While I'd like to have a modem capable TSMON available someday, right now I've
got too many irons in the fire to do anything about it myself.
#: 6719 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Sep-90 23:44:29
Sb: #6614-#TERMCAP
Fm: Robert A. Larson 75126,723
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
O'reilly has a book on termcap and terminfo. Send email to nuts@ora.com
(internet address, I don't remember exactly how to send them from compuserve,
but it is possible) or call 800-338-nuts for the current price and title.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6724 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Sep-90 03:47:26
Sb: #6719-TERMCAP
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Robert A. Larson 75126,723 (X)
Thanks - will do
#: 6720 S1/General Interest
16-Sep-90 00:57:39
Fm: Greg Morse 72746,3451
To: all
Did I see somewhere where someone had uploaded a MSDOS file mgr for os9? If so
whIch DL is it in? tnx - greg morse
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6739 S1/General Interest
16-Sep-90 22:29:05
Sb: #6720-#File MANAGER
Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451 (X)
Greg.... I don't know if I would classify it as an MSDOS file manager, however,
there is a program in LIB 10 that will read/write MSDOS type files in the OS9
environment. Check out PCDOS.AR in Lib 10.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6742 S1/General Interest
16-Sep-90 23:40:20
Sb: #6739-File MANAGER
Fm: Greg Morse 72746,3451
To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X)
Thank you. I will.
#: 6721 S9/Utilities
16-Sep-90 01:07:51
Sb: New TREE
Fm: Greg Morse 72746,3451
To: all
I have just uploaded NTREE (new tree) pgm to dl9. doing "NTREE /DD ! GREP
pattern" will serve as a poor man's whereis.
#: 6722 S3/Languages
16-Sep-90 01:31:10
Sb: #C Libraries
Fm: Greg Morse 72746,3451
To: all
Is there a way to maintain or build from scratch a library for C? That is
assuming I have a .r module (compiled and rma'ed but not linked) can I "append"
it or otherwise insert it into clib.l? if not into clib.l can I build a library
gmlib.l by simply concatenating a bunch of .r modules together? or do i need a
"librarian" program to do all that? tnx - greg morse
There are 4 Replies.
#: 6725 S3/Languages
16-Sep-90 06:20:23
Sb: #6722-#C Libraries
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451 (X)
Greg - as far as I know, you can just append the .r file onto a .l, or even
just rename it with ".l" on the end. I do it a lot under OSK.
There may be a restriction on sequence of forward/backward references tho...
not sure... I'll bet we'll find out in the next answer <grin>.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6741 S3/Languages
16-Sep-90 23:39:25
Sb: #6725-#C Libraries
Fm: Greg Morse 72746,3451
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Then ho does the search take place? there is no table of contents? how
primitive! <greg> On another note I have been studying your RAMMER code. Why is
it necessary to disable interrupts when doing the mapblock and the byte moves?
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6752 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 13:42:45
Sb: #6741-#C Libraries
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451 (X)
Greg -
Dunno about your OS9, but the Developer's Pak for the CoCo came with an "rdump"
util... it shows the table of names/values used in linkable files. I think Carl
K is the resident expert on this stuff (well, and JJ of course). I'm a novice
at it.
Rammer: pretty sleazy piece of code, actually <grin>. Correct approach of
course is to map in blocks legally. But I was after speed etc, and I see
drivers as being able to legally do anything they want (as long as they don't
futz up other drivers).
Why shut off interrupts? Two main reasons.
1. CoCo interrupts can cause an entire map change due to the need to move to
the second 64K system map, where the gfx cursors code is. On return, the
original system map is replaced, not the one Rammer may have rammed into the
2. More importantly, any interrupt requires that the system map be genuine, as
OS9 doesn't reset the DAT (at least, on DATs with more than one map available)
when it goes into system mode. So the DAT info could be quite bad and the
system would crash and burn.
In other words, OS9 wouldn't know that someone had diddled with the system DAT
info... and it sure wouldn't know how to reset it after an interrupt. Does that
make sense? You could insert a good block entry into the system DATImage, and
then you'd be legal, but the trouble there was that if the system map is full
up, a ramdisk like this couldn't work. - kev
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6799 S3/Languages
19-Sep-90 23:01:28
Sb: #6752-#C Libraries
Fm: Greg Morse 72746,3451
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Kev - I am looking at a version of RAMMER modified by ?? (name escapes me at
momment). Claims yo have made some minor mods. In any case THIS version does an
OS9 F$MapBlk which should result in legal dat image. I too wondered about any
blocks being free, but it seems to me that OS9 MUST keep at least one DAT slot
free as a "scratch" if only to map different I/O pages etc. But I dont know for
sure, and maybe in a 4K system it can afford too, but in 8K not. Anyway I
figured if RAMMER works with a F$MapBlk then any other I/O modulre should also.
In case you are wondering I am looking at rewritting Pipeman Imagine an I/O
device using F$LDABX to trnasfer 1 byte at a time. That's 37 cycles per byte
minimum, plus the overhead of the SWI2 call! Anyway I figured it was time I
tackled a Manager and pipeman is the easiest one to do. Do you still see it
necessary to disable interrupts in this case? <greg Morse>
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6800 S3/Languages
19-Sep-90 23:19:30
Sb: #6799-C Libraries
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451
Greg - this is offhand, but...
No, I cheated badly and didn't use F$MapBlk at all, so someone did some
extensive changes in the version you have. In any case, ummmm, OS9 doesn't
keep any blocks in the system map free. So if the MapBlk could fail if things
are hot and heavy (less so in your 4K system of course).
The kernel's F$LDABX etc commands are hardcoded to directly map in the desired
external block at logical $0000 in the system map... for speed, and because OS9
always knows that block 00 is located there. That is, it can always zap the
DAT to grab/write a byte, and reset that first DAT block to 00 with impunity.
Of course, it shuts off interrupts before doing so <grin>. Thus a driver which
does the same thing is cool, just not useable on other hardware (just as the
kernel isn't).
Sounds like fun (messing with Pipeman)... good idea, too, as Pipes are rather
slow, as you said. Yell if you need anything! best - kev
#: 6754 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 14:42:41
Sb: #6741-#C Libraries
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451 (X)
Greg -
I forgot about that... the library must be ordered so that all dependencies are
successive... that is, if an earlier module makes reference to a symbol
'_blerf', then '_blerf' must be defined in a downstream module in the library,
I believe.
Ther are a few tools for ordering libraries.... see 'lorder'. Also - toggle JJ
on this. I believe there's another tool as well.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6765 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 20:45:08
Sb: #6754-C Libraries
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Yup--lorder output is intended to go into a topological sort program, because
in a proper library, that dependency induces a partial ordering, and the .r
files have to be in a linearization of said partial order.
#: 6727 S3/Languages
16-Sep-90 07:05:43
Sb: #6722-C Libraries
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451 (X)
You can concatenate the .r files together, but they have to be in a particular
order if there are references in one .r file to symbols defined in another. I
really need to modify the lorder program I uploaded here to handle either .r
format (the pre-COMMON and post-COMMON flavors).
#: 6743 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 02:46:58
Sb: #6722-#C Libraries
Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451 (X)
If you are running OSK, there are two programs called merge and rdump,
that will create a library. The best way is to create a file listing
the .r modules one per line then typing the command:
merge -z=<libname.file >libname.l;rdump -l <libname.l
The "l" option for rdump will automatically tell you the proper order,
if any. Then all you have to do is edit libname.file.
I would't customize any std library files unless you want to redo them
every time you update the compiler!
Hope this helps.
P.S. Think a librarian might be a good thing to have?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6744 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 02:49:26
Sb: #6743-#C Libraries
Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124
To: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 (X)
OOPS that command should read:
merge -z=libname.file >libname.l;rdump -l <libname.l
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6756 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 16:11:43
Sb: #6744-#C Libraries
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
To: Bob Taylor 73270,3124 (X)
How come the command couldn't be:
merge -z=libname.file ! rdump -l
especially if you are not sure if the order is going to be right, yet?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6768 S3/Languages
18-Sep-90 04:21:17
Sb: #6756-C Libraries
Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124
To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X)
Sure, why not? I wrote the command with make in mind. Create the
lib.name file, drop out of the editor into the os, type make, then back
into the editor to make any changes required.
What I think we need is a utility or utilities for OSK to check the
module order, put the modules into proper order and to split the .l file
back into the individual .r files so one or more individual .r files can
be recompiled without recompiling the entire source. Saving all those .r
files takes up disk space needlessly.
#: 6753 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 14:39:26
Sb: #6722-C Libraries
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Greg Morse 72746,3451 (X)
Greg -
Library files are just a merge of .r files.... nuthin' fancy. You may get into
a bit bit of a problem if using cross generations of the RMA/C.ASM RLINK/C.LINK
pairs, as later versions add an extra integer to ' each .r module for 'common
block' support (Fortran). The newer vintage understands the older format, but
not vice versa.
For the most part, if you're noting using the tools from the coco development
pack, you needn't worry... they're the later version.
#: 6723 S10/Tandy CoCo
16-Sep-90 01:34:58
Sb: #J&M Hard Drive
Fm: Don Kircher 76346,3475
To: 76703,422
I successfully slowed Level II back to 1 Mhz by poking $FFD8 of the GIME's
SAM CONTROL REGISTERS. BIG change in the scroll rate of a multivue graphics
window. got that blasted J&M driver in the bootfile with the patch at offset 0E
from FF to 07 (Tried it both ways).
INIZ H0 results in an error 246
as does dir /h0.
Something else needs to be poked back to Coco 1 compatability
or is this an address conflict of some sort with LevelII
This driver and the hard drive work under Level I on the coco III
Yeah Yeah I know, why not just use Level I..
Cause they Stopped making WordPAK thats why and my poor old
gray coco is very stingy with her wordpak and won't share.
Currently this silly Coco 3 is nothing more than an expensive
notepad to display your CIS number for upload { sigh }
Does anybody out therein CISLAND own one of these things or was I the only
sucker that bought one.
A related aside.
What is the legal status of software of defunct companies?
I called J&M to inquire about this. They are alive and well.
But they had a fire sale for coco stuff. It ALL went it a
local hacker including all the source code. All I got was a
shrug and an apology. With the available pool of coco II
stuff shrinking as it is where do we stand without stepping
on anybodies toes. Cocopro seems to have the only viable
answer, but his scope is so limited compared to the wealth
of what was available just a few years ago. I made the mistake
that limited finance forces of waiting for that special what
ever only to find it no longer available. I'm sure I'm not
alone in this dilemma.
Any ideas anyone?
Anyone got a copy of sculpter they want to unload?
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6763 S10/Tandy CoCo
17-Sep-90 19:50:16
Sb: #6723-J&M Hard Drive
Fm: DENNIS SKALA 73177,2365
To: Don Kircher 76346,3475 (X)
I see you are a fellow Wordpak fan. If you're not aware of it, a while back I
uploaded a group of files to let you utilize a Wordpak RS under Level II. Come
to think of it, I believe I've improved that since. Let me know if you're
interested, and I'll uprgrade the upload. Not for the Wordpak I (or II - was
there a Wordpak II?), just the RS.
***** Dennis *****
#: 6774 S10/Tandy CoCo
19-Sep-90 00:45:58
Sb: #6723-J&M Hard Drive
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: Don Kircher 76346,3475 (X)
I've got a never-been-used PBJ Wordpak II that I'd be willing to part with.
Make me an offer...
#: 6729 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Sep-90 10:14:45
Sb: serial ports on the MM/1
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004
Been discussing your favorite topic with a friend in Florida when a question
came up I didn't have an answer for:
Is there a cap on how many serial ports the MM/1 can support?
If I decipher your Insider correctly, it would appear 5 ports are mentioned in
one way or another ... but it's not clear if that's all ... or if more can be
What's the real info?
#: 6730 S10/Tandy CoCo
16-Sep-90 11:02:49
Sb: #6679-#Great games
Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166
To: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 (X)
Hi Floyd... Thanks. I also found a problem in GemQuest. One one screen - I
can't remember which one - if you go right instead of down from the top of the
ladder on the right side of the screen, it dies with the same 55 error as tank.
I'll try to recreate it and let ya know which screen. It's not a huge problem,
cause you aren't supposed to be able to go right - I just bumped the joystick
the wrong way...
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6734 S10/Tandy CoCo
16-Sep-90 16:58:57
Sb: #6730-#Great games
Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572
To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X)
The ipatch I created to fix some of the bugs in my games will correct the error
55 in Gem Quest. The file is called DDPATCH.PAK in library 10. Or, if you
wish , you can download GQUEST.BIN which also fixes the bugs.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6737 S10/Tandy CoCo
16-Sep-90 22:01:26
Sb: #6734-#Great games
Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166
To: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 (X)
Hi Floyd... Just found another bug in Tank - Whenever you hit a super-weapon
with a super-weapon shot, the game dies with an error #197 - Bad/Undefined
buffer number.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6740 S10/Tandy CoCo
16-Sep-90 23:03:38
Sb: #6737-Great games
Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166
To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X)
Hi Floyd... Oops - that was supposed to be error #194 - I think.
#: 6745 S10/Tandy CoCo
17-Sep-90 05:59:23
Sb: #6737-Great games
Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572
To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X)
Really? I though I took care of that. I'll check it out. Thanks.
#: 6731 S3/Languages
16-Sep-90 11:24:25
Sb: #localtime problem
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: All
I need some help with localtime() in the Kreider library. I need to use it to
break down the value returned by time() into months, days and years. The only
problem is that the data returned is in the tm structure is ALWAYS March 6,
Is there a bug in localtime? or have I missed something?
Here is my code and a dump of the output:
#include <utime.h>
long curtime; /* current date time */
struct tm *t, tim; /* tim for sizeof */
pflinit(); /* enable long printing */
curtime = time( (long *) 0);
printf("curtime: %ld, curtime/86,400: %ld\n",curtime,curtime/86400);
t = localtime( curtime );
printf("tm_sec: %d, tm_min: %d, tm_hour: %d, tm_mday: %d, tm_mon: %d,
tm_year: %d\n",
t->tm_sec, t->tm_min, t->tm_hour, t->tm_mday, t->tm_mon,
_dump("tm:\n",t, sizeof(tim) );
OUTPUT: curtime: 653435281, curtime/86,400: 7562 tm_sec: 15, tm_min: 28,
tm_hour: 6, tm_mday: 6, tm_mon: 2, tm_year: 206 tm:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0 123456789abcdef0
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------0211: 00
0f 00 1c 00 06 00 06 00 02 00 ce 00 00 00 24 ...........N...$ 0221: 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Has anyone else had this problem? What am I doing wrong?
(I also note that the heading on _dump is wrong and the function sends its
output to stderr not stdout as the clib documents say.)
Thanks for the help.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6736 S3/Languages
16-Sep-90 20:52:38
Sb: #6731-#localtime problem
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 (X)
Alas, many Unix-inspired functions take pointers as arguments where one would
expect to pass the values instead, and hand back a result by modifying some
<expletive> global variable. I bet localtime() is one such function, and that
you get to hand it a pointer of some sort. Look at the docs closely.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6772 S3/Languages
19-Sep-90 00:23:16
Sb: #6736-localtime problem
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give them a hard look.
#: 6755 S3/Languages
17-Sep-90 14:46:27
Sb: #6731-#localtime problem
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 (X)
Hmm... looks like this may be an age old gotcha.... did you define time() as a
function that returns a long?
i.e. 'long time(); /* no C */'
P.S. Pardon the obligatory C humor...
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6773 S3/Languages
19-Sep-90 00:29:53
Sb: #6755-#localtime problem
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
I think so. utime.h includes that declaration so I figured that #including it
provided the needed declaration. The output suggests that it does because
curtime looks right i.e. 7562 days after 1970 is a day in 1990.
Have you used localtime() to break down the value returned by time()? If so
(and your code worked) what did it look like?
Thanks for the help
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6779 S3/Languages
19-Sep-90 12:06:33
Sb: #6773-#localtime problem
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 (X)
Ken -
Yep - I have used localtime() a lot.... works ducky. One thing that used to
screw folks up (me too) was that most of the time related functions called for
pointers to the long value. Have a gander at that. Also - let's see you're code
segment again (pls)...
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6831 S3/Languages
21-Sep-90 01:05:34
Sb: #6779-localtime problem
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Pete, Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give my code a hard look.
#: 6833 S3/Languages
21-Sep-90 01:28:28
Sb: #6779-#localtime problem
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Your guess on my error was right on the money. I changed the argument to
localtime to a long pointer and the code worked fine. Funny how those
asterisks sneak past me.
Thanks for the help.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6844 S3/Languages
21-Sep-90 15:35:46
Sb: #6833-localtime problem
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
Ken -
Ahhh... good. Happy to help.
#: 6732 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Sep-90 16:11:22
Sb: OSk Docs
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
I was browsing through my new OSK documentation and found that someone at
Microware has a sense of humour! In the C Function manual on page 21 is the
description of the _julian() function. The synopsis states:
int _julian(time,date) int *time, /* pointer to time value */
*date; /* pointer to date value */
Under "Caveats:" it says, "Unless debugging is an obsession, use pointers for
date and time values." <big grin>
#: 6735 S10/Tandy CoCo
16-Sep-90 18:21:29
Sb: #Ramdisk
Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403
To: All
What is the largest ram drive available for OS9? Is there one for the 1meg
upgrade? -ph-
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6764 S10/Tandy CoCo
17-Sep-90 19:50:56
Sb: #6735-#Ramdisk
Fm: DENNIS SKALA 73177,2365
To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X)
Your question is very timely. Just yesterday I put the finishing touches on
modifying (actually correcting) the Microcom Ramdisk package to work with the 1
Meg memory upgrade. Up to 800K in size, sets up and formats in a wink, size
selectable at setup, recovers (most of the time) from a system crash, undoable
to recover system memory. Comes with a quick device-to- device copy utility.
They should have it in a week or so.
***** Dennis *****
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6766 S10/Tandy CoCo
17-Sep-90 21:00:30
Sb: #6764-Ramdisk
Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403
To: DENNIS SKALA 73177,2365 (X)
Great! I'll be looking for it! -ph-
#: 6746 S10/Tandy CoCo
17-Sep-90 06:03:28
Sb: Stereo Sound
Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572
To: All
Would it be possible to make a driver for the Orchestra-90 cartridge and play
computer generated sound through it in stereo?
#: 6761 S15/Hot Topics
17-Sep-90 16:45:35
Sb: #MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Giles 73347,2651
To: Kevin Darling, 76703,4227 (X)
Hiya, Kev! (grin)
How's everything? NS!)
I Called Multi-Media several wks ago requesting a service manual for th MM/1,
& th nice lady took my name & addr & said she'd get it to appropriate person to
send me info on it, but no word.
I'm curious if they HAVE a service manual (yet), or if they're still workin
on it etc. (grin) Do u kno anything about it? (I figure if they HAVE one, YOU
HAVE it! Hehehe
Tell Marsha "Hi!". (grin)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6762 S15/Hot Topics
17-Sep-90 18:55:32
Sb: #6761-#MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Giles 73347,2651 (X)
Hey der Giles! Being worked on, I'd say. There are schematics and chip specs
already, of course, but a service manual will probably take quite some time to
do. A technical manual should be pretty easy to do tho.
Besides <sniff>, nothing goes wrong with OS9 machines, and how dare you to
imply otherwise <hehe>?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6778 S15/Hot Topics
19-Sep-90 09:15:23
Sb: #6762-#MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Giles 73347,2651
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Ah yes...My apologies (grin). Musta been a TECH manual I was after! Hehe...Yah
jus somethin that shows all th parts & how they work. Can u gettem to fix me
Thx Kev. Hey, cancha come to CB band B sometimes? I'm on Mon, Wed, Fri, &
Sat at 22:00. My handle is "Gentle Miant" (snicker).
Well, hope to c u SOMEWHERE! (Maybe even th COCOfest!)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6781 S15/Hot Topics
19-Sep-90 13:13:34
Sb: #6778-#MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Giles 73347,2651 (X)
Giles - until it's ready, you can also check with your Phillips/Signetics parts
dealer, and ask for manuals on the 68070 cpu, and the 66470B Video and System
Controller chip. That's enuf reading for weeks! <grin>
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6810 S15/Hot Topics
20-Sep-90 11:23:03
Sb: #6781-#MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Giles 73347,2651
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Thx, Kev (grin)!
Oh and if it's SEPARATE, I'd ALSO like tech manual on th I/O board.
Gonna b at th CoCoFest?
Have FUN! (grin)
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6816 S15/Hot Topics
20-Sep-90 17:30:29
Sb: #6810-MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Giles 73347,2651 (X)
Oh you bet... we're gonna be at the CoCoFest. So far it sounds like the entire
gang will be there. Should be a good show (too short, as usual!)
#: 6824 S15/Hot Topics
20-Sep-90 21:21:34
Sb: #6810-#MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473
To: Giles 73347,2651 (X)
You gonna be at the fest?
If so....I'm not speaking there (Sunday)!!! (Only kidding!)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6845 S15/Hot Topics
21-Sep-90 15:45:23
Sb: #6824-#MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Giles 73347,2651
To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X)
Yup! (At least really gonna TRY!) Iz about time I saw for mySELF if u're REALLY
as ugly as they SAY, Danno! Hehehe
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6854 S15/Hot Topics
21-Sep-90 20:44:28
Sb: #6845-MM/1 Serv. Manual
Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473
To: Giles 73347,2651
Yo mama! <grin> Dan
#: 6767 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Sep-90 00:02:34
Sb: #6660-#mm/1 information
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 (X)
(and Paul, too) -- got the INSIDER today. Thanks for clearing up the mixup
so fast.
I've got a few questions tho, after reading theispec sheet :
o Does the Extended (I/O board) come with 0K? For some reason, I was under
the impression that it came with another meg or so of RAM.
o Network interface: is this a proprietary networking scheme, or is it based
on an established protocol of some sort?
o MIDI interface: same as above (I'm a complete newbie as far as MIDI goes,
but am sure I'll be asked if it's a standard implementation).
_Really_ looking forward to Thanksgiving this year!!! ;-)
"I know we're on shaky ground, but it's not MY fault." -- S. Andreas
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6786 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Sep-90 17:25:17
Sb: #6767-#mm/1 information
Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332
To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X)
Jim -
Glad you got the Insider! I'd like to hear your reactions to it, suggestions
for other stuff you'd like to see, etc.
The extended board comes with 0K, but you can add either 2MB or 8MB worth of
The tentative network scheme involves using high-speed serial and NFM
(Microware's standard network file manager). Any number of protocols can be
implemented on it including Ethernet, Arcnet, etc.
MIDI will conform to MIDI spec 1.0. That's as established a protocol as you can
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6832 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
21-Sep-90 01:11:47
Sb: #6786-#mm/1 information
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332 (X)
Thanks for the info on the Net Manager and MIDI.
Reaction? Quite well done and produced. First issue had a lot of stuff in
it that I already knew from reading msgs. on CIS, but probably invaluable for
someone who doesn't have access.
What would I like to see? How about my MM/1 on the doorstep after work
tomorrow? <grin> Oh, you mean in the INSIDER! Well, how about some pix of
MVCanvas screens, the GUI, some dope on the utilities that'll be included. I'd
like to see some info on things that are in the works regarding software
that'll be ported, but I realize that there's some things that can't be
discussed until they're a 'done deal'.
How about some articles on the MM/1's versatility - a classroom of MM/1's
linked together - an MM/1 used as a data acquisition/processing machine - an
MM/1 controlling a home environment in the background
Zat enuf ideas?
p.s. FWIW - people who attend meetings/rallies/etc. are 'attendees', not
'attendants'. (sorry, couldn't resist ;-)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6843 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
21-Sep-90 09:30:27
Sb: #6832-#mm/1 information
Fm: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332
To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
Jim - Thanks for the suggestions. And for the spell-checking. <grin>
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6848 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
21-Sep-90 16:39:27
Sb: #6843-mm/1 information
Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142
To: Mark B. Sheffield 76247,1332
On the same token, Mark, I received a brochure yestereday in the mail about the
MM/1 (it's great! I can't wait to get mine!) I just need to know--I sent in
$150 for the preorder, meaning I get $200 off, right? The brochure says 'send
me info about what you want and a $150 per mm/1 wanted'. Since I have a $200
credit, do I still need to send in $150? I have that $200 plus about $300 in a
month or so for a downpayment--can I get the other $359 paid off in some
payment plan? Having my cake and eating it too? (hehe--receive MM/1 now, pay
$359 later? Any possible way?) Thanks . .`.
#: 6770 S7/Telecommunications
18-Sep-90 17:24:01
Sb: #sterm 1.4
Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142
To: all
Does anyone have a copy of STerm 1.4 that could upload it here? Or perhaps I
missed it? If anyone has it/knows where it is, please drop me a line. thx,
Joseph Cheek
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6776 S7/Telecommunications
19-Sep-90 05:30:11
Sb: #6770-#sterm 1.4
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 (X)
STERM 1.4 is not released yet. Version 1.3 is in Lib7 for downloading. 1.4 is
still in the testing stage (sorta) and will be available in the next month or
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6821 S7/Telecommunications
20-Sep-90 19:40:49
Sb: #6776-sterm 1.4
Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X)
Thank you, Mark. I will relay that information to my friend.
#: 6771 S10/Tandy CoCo
18-Sep-90 21:31:29
Sb: #HardDrive Problem
Fm: james pottage 71750,2012
To: Kevin Darling
Kevin, this is a short note to give you a better idea of the problems I am
having with the SCSI Seagate 125N hard drive. The drive seems to function well
after the system has booted up. The problem seems to be in the boot. When I
boot up the system does not change the data and execution directories to the
hard drive. It appears that the system may try to change directories because
the light on the hard drive comes on during the boot for a breif moment. Once
the system has booted I can then type chd /h0 and chx /h0/cmds (or to /dd which
is the harddrive as well). This usually works fine, however, once in a while I
get an error 247 - seek error. This goes away after a second attempt to change
directories to the hardDrive. Moreover, if I press reset after booting (without
changing directories) the system will boot with no problems ie. it changes
directories to the hardDrive and then runs startup off the harddrive. This
sequence of problem will happens even if the system has been running for a
while and a cold start is then done(ie the system coco is turned off and then
dos is used to start again - and the hard drive is left running the whole
time.) I have tried changing the CC3GO module and this has had no effect on the
boot. I am presently using the drivers for the Disto Super Controller 2 in 1
board - harddrive and serial port. I believe that these drivers were not
written by you. Would the 4 in 1 drivers which you wrote work on this system.
Oh yea one more thing, the hard drive is occasionnally accessed by the system
for no apparent reason ie. the harddrive runs when the program in memory (like
VED) should not be using the drive.
Jim Pottage
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6801 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 00:11:42
Sb: #6771-HardDrive Problem
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: james pottage 71750,2012 (X)
Jim - haven't forgotten about you; just couldn't think of anything <grin>.
Coupla ideas tonight. First, are you using a Multipak, and if so, has it been
Also, is the drive desc set up for embedded SCSI drives? That is, is the
control word stuff set to zero? (I forget what utils Disto provides to set
this; some kind of custom "dmode" command?).
And (sorry if this is a repeat Q), has it always acted this way? thx! - kev
#: 6817 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 17:32:15
Sb: #6771-HardDrive Problem
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: james pottage 71750,2012 (X)
Another note: when you say that the HD is accessed at times, even if nothing
should be going on, do you mean the drive light comes on? Or just that you
hear the drive seeking around every once in a while? That last is normal, as
many drives autopark themselves (and/or re-align themselves, I think) after a
period of inactivity.
#: 6775 S15/Hot Topics
19-Sep-90 02:18:03
Sb: #CD-I News
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: all
Two news items of note on CD-I, which uses the OS-9 operating system:
"Photo CD" is a new photographic system -- jointly developed between Kodak and
Philips -- that can scan 35 mm images and write them on compact discs for later
playback by consumers on Compact Disc-Interactive (CD-I) players, CD ROM-XA
systems, and dedicated Photo CD players.
Gaston Bastiaens, director of Philip's interactive media systems group, said,
"Photo CD will extend the application possibilities of the CD-I system."
CD-I was also explained as a key stimulus for the development of the new
Motorola 68340 "data movement engine", which will be used to enhance future
CD-I systems. The 68340 is an integrated device based around a 68020 cpu core.
On-chip peripherals include 32-bit dual channel DMA, timers, serial.
CD-I players turn televisions and stereos into interactive entertainment and
information centers, combining high quality sound, text, still image and full
motion video, computer graphics and data on CDs. Developed by Sony/Phillips,
CD-I will be the world standard for interactive CD applications. Consumer
players will be introduced in the United States and Japan in 1991, Europe in
1992. Many publishers are already preparing titles for the consumer launch.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6777 S15/Hot Topics
19-Sep-90 08:49:37
Sb: #6775-#CD-I News
Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
This would be of great interest to others (besides myself) on the Photography
Forum (go photoforum). Could you either post it there or tell me how I could do
it (I do not have easy access to a machine that allows up/downloading)?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6782 S15/Hot Topics
19-Sep-90 14:41:11
Sb: #6777-#CD-I News
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X)
Mark - I see they're already talking about Photo CD there... see msgs 31592 and
onward. Thanks for the tip tho, I can always add some info about the CD-I
aspect of all this.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6783 S15/Hot Topics
19-Sep-90 15:03:08
Sb: #6782-CD-I News
Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Oops - thanks. I had de-selected section 2 (News & Issues) because I got tired
of tirades about the Mapplethorpe exhibit and censorship. Well, it just goes to
show you .... <g>.
#: 6849 S15/Hot Topics
21-Sep-90 16:47:01
Sb: #6775-CD-I News
Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Kevin--you say that "CD-I will be the world standard for interactive CD
applications". Whatever happened to competitors, like DVI?
#: 6787 S7/Telecommunications
19-Sep-90 18:25:37
Sb: #Initializing modem
Fm: Rodney Harper 75130,1321
To: All
When booting up OS9, is there a way I can send a string to my Modem to
initialize it before running a Term program ?
I would like to put this in the startup file if it is possible.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6788 S7/Telecommunications
19-Sep-90 18:51:50
Sb: #6787-Initializing modem
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Rodney Harper 75130,1321 (X)
Sure... why not:
[other startup commands]
echo ATE0V0Q1S11=50 >/T2
#: 6789 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Sep-90 19:30:44
Sb: #header files
Fm: Jim Chapman 72557,1120
To: all
I am trying to compile mroff from dl6 but it includes os9.h and scfstat.h. Can
anyone tell me what is in these or how to compile this with 68000 C. thanks.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6792 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Sep-90 20:32:55
Sb: #6789-header files
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Jim Chapman 72557,1120
You'll need to look for the system calls that are being made there, and convert
them to the corresponding OSK C library call. os9.h is a header that includes
a 6809 register image for a call that exists only in the 6809 library.
scfstat.h could probably be replaced with sgstat.h; I'd have to look to make
sure, though.
#: 6813 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
20-Sep-90 15:23:48
Sb: #6789-header files
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Jim Chapman 72557,1120
OS9.H mostly includes the register frame structure for doing OS9 calls, and
possibly the codes for OS9 I$ and F$ requests. SCFSTAT contains serially (SCF)
oriented parameters (path options, etc.).
#: 6790 S7/Telecommunications
19-Sep-90 19:42:28
Sb: #term help
Fm: edward langenback 73510,145
To: all
i have just obtained a Multi-Pak and RS-232 Pak and would like to be
able to use OS/9 terminal software, however, i've had no luck in getting either
xcom9 or bbterm to work with them.
neither one seems to be communicating with the rs-232. in each case
i've made sure to specify /t2 as the device, and the rs-232 is in slot 1 of the
multi-pak. i have been able to use the telcom application in the level 1
version of Deskmate, which proves that everything is working, but that 32
column screen just simply won't do.
any ideas what the problem is? i have used both xcom9 and bbterm in
the past with the BITBANG.ar driver through the bitbanger, so i doubt its the
>>>>>S S<<<<<
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6794 S7/Telecommunications
19-Sep-90 20:42:01
Sb: #6790-#term help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: edward langenback 73510,145 (X)
The 232pak expect a high DTR signal before it will listen to anything. Your
modem might be able to do this (dip switch or command) or you could jumper a
cable with 6-8 and 20 hooked together.
What type of modem are you using? Do you see any activity on the light (are
there lights?).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6802 S7/Telecommunications
20-Sep-90 01:42:56
Sb: #6794-term help
Fm: edward langenback 73510,145
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
a high DTR signal, Hmmm... forget what that stands for just now,
data terminal ready i think.
the only switch on my modem (a Capetronic QT-1200) is to force
carrier detect on. no status lights, though i have thought of getting
one of those units from rat shack that goes in-line and has several
status lights on it.
i've been going with the switch in force carrier detect position, i'll
try it in the normal position. hopefully i won't have to do any
jumpering, don't want to have to cut open my new rs-232 cable.
>>>>>S S<<<<<
#: 6811 S7/Telecommunications
20-Sep-90 15:17:06
Sb: #6790-#term help
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: edward langenback 73510,145 (X)
Is it possible that you've patched xcom9 and bbterm to use T1 for the bitbang
Do you have type (parity) and baud values set properly for T2?
Did you remember to include ACIAPAK and T2 in your boot file?
What are you using for a cable between your modem and the serial port?
Tell us a little more about what you've done, and what happens when it fails
and we should be able to figure out what the problem is.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6814 S7/Telecommunications
20-Sep-90 16:26:19
Sb: #6811-term help
Fm: edward langenback 73510,145
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
help insert list
ok, here it is...
patched xcom9 and bbterm? no, instead i used the BITBANG.ar
descriptors and driver when i was using xcom9 and bbterm through the
bit banger.
type and parity were set properly
ACIAPAK and T2 are in the boot file. (i used a fresh copy of the
system master to boot with)
the cable is a 6' shielded rs232 cable from radio shack.
i also installed the jumpers between pins 6, 8, and 20 as
i was advised in a prievious msg here.
this setup works fine with BOTH the telcom package in the
level 1 version of deskmate, AND with Ultimaterm. (am using
Ultimaterm and the above setup now)
bbterm starts up normally, but in terminal mode, nothing is echoed
to the screen, and none of the AT commands give any responce from
the modem.
xcom9 also starts normally, but echo's random characters,
the following is an example....
this looks similar to what i've seen when Ultimaterms baud rate
was not set correctly, however i got this output after i had
used XMODE to set the type and baud. (though i also got the
same kind of output before using XMODE too)
thanks for any help...
#: 6791 S10/Tandy CoCo
19-Sep-90 20:04:44
Sb: #Ledger 4.5
Fm: David Sanchez 76200,2476
To: Joseph Cheek
Concerningg your Ledger 4.5 program, I think it is great! The edits come in
However, there are a coupla things I noticed. After editting a transaction, the
balances are not correct. I am not sure (I haven't delved into it in a couple
of weeks) but I think the program fails to read deposits after the edit or
vice-versa (but always AFTER the edit). I will look into it more closely.
Also, is there any way to change the screen colors? The reason I ask is because
I use a monochrome monitor and some of the highlights fade and can barely be
read. Some of the things I noticed were the default selections, the main menu
and the deposits on the Transaction Query options. On the deposits, and I can't
tell you what colors they are, but the are a light color with dark characters.
These are very hard to read.
Those are the only two things that I have noticed so far. The colors are an
irrritating thing but the miscalculation problem can be devastating.
Thanks for your help,
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6846 S10/Tandy CoCo
21-Sep-90 16:28:02
Sb: #6791-#Ledger 4.5
Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142
To: David Sanchez 76200,2476
David-edit bug also. I found that it works fine with correct entries but that if
something is off, everything else is thrown off, also--due to the logic I
implemented in the recalculation portion. I will fix that. Third: changing
screen colors, yes, I can arrange that. My new version will be 5.0, with
greatly enhanced features, a new record type (which will require a program to
change the data from the old (pre-5.0) record format to the new format) and
lotsa little goodies (of which I could easily implement a color selection).
However, it will be several weeks forthcoming, prob'ly a couple of months. For
the color right now, there's not much I can do now, but I have noticed a way to
work around the recalculation bug (which usually works?!?!?)--try editing the
entry previous to the entry in error, and edit the data to contain the same
data that was there before--in effect, not changing the entry, but it should
provide an accurate recaluon of the entries afterwards. Hope this helps.
If you have any other questions, comments, please leave them to me! I
appreciate the effort to give me feedback, as this is an essential portion of
software development. Thank you for your time.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6847 S10/Tandy CoCo
21-Sep-90 16:32:51
Sb: #6846-Ledger 4.5
Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142
To: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 (X)
David--It seems that my reply was a little munched, some of the first few lines
were lost--not sure why. anyway, what you missed was: I'm glad you like the
program, and hope to help you in this problem. I can't do much about the color
right now, but please read the message previous (PARENT from the ! prompt) for
a hopeful temporary workaround for the recalc. bug.
#: 6793 S10/Tandy CoCo
19-Sep-90 20:34:45
Sb: #See You in Atlanta
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: All
Well...I hope that I will see many of you in Atlanta. I just bought
nonrefundable plane tickets there, so I'm committed to going to CoCoFest.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6796 S10/Tandy CoCo
19-Sep-90 22:07:25
Sb: #6793-See You in Atlanta
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
Hey! That's great, JJ! Stop by my booth (sharing one with Art Flexser of
Spectro Systems) and say HI!
#: 6795 S6/Applications
19-Sep-90 21:44:58
Sb: #microemacs bug
Fm: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720
To: all
I have found a bug in the version of microemacs for 6809 that I posted. I
do not know how to fix it, but I do know the work around. ue will crash the
entire system if the sun termcap entry is used. I guess it causes a pointer to
go to never never land or something. Since I have no source code the only
thing to be done is remove the sun termcap entry and not use a Sun as a
terminal for your coco if you want to use microemacs.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6809 S6/Applications
20-Sep-90 07:47:08
Sb: #6795-#microemacs bug
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720 (X)
Is it a bug in Uemacs or is it yet another example of the problems with the
somewhat flaky implementation of termcaps on the 6809?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6818 S6/Applications
20-Sep-90 18:33:09
Sb: #6809-#microemacs bug
Fm: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
I can not say for sure, all I can say is that I narrowed my system crashes
down to every time I started Uemacs using my sun as the terminal. I even set
the tty for /w1 to be a sun and it did the same thing, so it is not serial line
related. Simmy could probably answer the question as he is the only one with
source for the 6809 version that has termcap support I hear tell the source for
the non termcap version is on delphi.
For now delete the sun termcap entry. I am going to expariment with a shorter
bare bones sun termcap and see if that works.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6838 S6/Applications
21-Sep-90 07:33:19
Sb: #6818-microemacs bug
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720
That's a good approach (bare bones entry). I've hosed my system with the model
100 entry and a few others. In fact, I held my breath just recently changing
the entry on /t2 from TVI910 to Wy50 but all went well.
Keep us posted.
BTW ... did you get my note to you (via uucp) about your mailer?
#: 6803 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 01:45:42
Sb: #J&M Driver
Fm: Don Kircher 76346,3475
To: Kevin Darling/ 76703,4227 (X)
Thanks for your help with the device driver for the J&M. I have come to
the conclusion that it just plain needs a new driver/descriptor for level II. I
was able to FORMAT the drive with the program supplied in the original package,
so that rules out hardware problems. (that program didn't bother with
drivers/descriptors but it did work under level II).
Two questions before tackling this l-o-n-g term project.
The defs files for level II will be different and will be found in the
developers kit - yes ( sigh ) and
Will the coco II version of dynamite be appropriate for level II drivers as
it also had a defs file and
If it won't work can you direct me to a disassembler which will be
appropriate for level II defs.
All this because I couldn't find a decent wordprocessor that would run on
WORDPAK RS to do my resume on the hard drive !
Rather like eating your way out of a warehouse full of
There are 3 Replies.
#: 6806 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 03:21:17
Sb: #6803-J&M Driver
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Don Kircher 76346,3475 (X)
I've messed with J&M hard drives on a friend's system a coupla years back... I
don't recall any changes needed (other than making quite sure that the address
byte we mentioned before is changed... that's mandatory in the descriptor). I
can send you some code to look at, tho.
Also, I forgot to ask... are you using a Multipak? Has it been upgraded, if
Very few drivers actually need L-II defs; but I think you can still find a copy
of most of them over on the Microware display area (GO MSC and look in the 6809
section... if it's still there.. hmmm... I'm not sure it is!).
Never say die. It's gotta be something quite simple ;-). - kev
#: 6807 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 03:23:27
Sb: #6803-J&M Driver
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Don Kircher 76346,3475 (X)
PS: Don, does your J&M HD setup use a Konan drive controller board?
- kev
#: 6808 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 03:26:19
Sb: #6803-J&M Driver
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Don Kircher 76346,3475 (X)
PPS: I just looked... Microware has taken down all the 6809 OS-9 stuff from
their display area.
#: 6804 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 02:02:45
Sb: #Disk Drive Help Needed
Fm: ANDYT 76636,2300
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6805 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 03:16:08
Sb: #6804-#Disk Drive Help Needed
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: ANDYT 76636,2300 (X)
Andy - if you leave in just one Teac, does it work? Have you set the drive
select jumpers on the drives to d0 and d1? (or d1 and d2, on some drives;
whichever are first).
Does the FD500 drive cable (the 34-pin cable) have some teeth pulled on it?
That will matter if those 55B's are double-sided drives (I can't recall - are
Not to worry... you should be running soon. Oh; and are they used or ??
- kev
PS: please use the OPTions menu here in the forum to change your name to your
first and last name .... thanks!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6829 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 23:19:21
Sb: #6805-#Disk Drive Help Needed
Fm: ANDYT 76636,2300
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6830 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 23:34:43
Sb: #6829-Disk Drive Help Needed
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: ANDYT 76636,2300
Andy - okay, the jumpers sound right.
Yes, usually the last drive on the cable needs the resistor pack installed
(called "termination"). Drives may or may not operate without one.
Check your cable.. do you see any pins pulled on the drive connectors? If so,
being double sided will require that you either make a new cable (by crimping
on new 34-pin connectors from any RS store)... or by turning over the cable at
all ends (so that the "good" side with all pins is used).
Let us know what you find.
#: 6815 S1/General Interest
20-Sep-90 17:23:14
Sb: #MV
Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403
To: Anyone
Recently started to get more familiar with MultiView and found creating OS9
shells within it to be rather fascinating. One glitch
I've noticed is that a module in memory can be used by only one window at a
time, such as when playing 2 of Floyd's game in different
windows. The games require RunB, syscall, inkey, and gfx2. I'm guessing
that this is normal and that there's no way around it.
Is that true? -ph-
There are 3 Replies.
#: 6822 S1/General Interest
20-Sep-90 21:12:06
Sb: #6815-#MV
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X)
Eh? Program modules in OS-9 are essentially without exception re-entrant and
position-independent, precisely so they *can* be used by multiple processes.
Now, a given program module may be written in such a way as to defeat that,
typically by using the same names for files open for output or update, but the
intent of OS-9 is that programs *should* be usable by multiple processes
without loading multiple copies.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6825 S1/General Interest
20-Sep-90 21:29:41
Sb: #6822-MV
Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
Well, maybe the problem is that the process should be started using the icon
instead of as tho from a shell independent of MV? I've had MV for quite a
while only recently found the time to experiment. -ph-
#: 6826 S1/General Interest
20-Sep-90 21:31:42
Sb: #6822-#MV
Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
PS: Also have had problem getting MV to read /d2. It won't do it from the
icon, but /d2 is recognized if accessed from an OS9 shell. Any thots on this
one? -ph-
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6837 S1/General Interest
21-Sep-90 05:48:27
Sb: #6826-MV
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Paul Hanke 73467,403
Do you have it listed in the line starting RBFDEV= in /dd/sys/env.file?
#: 6852 S1/General Interest
21-Sep-90 18:39:05
Sb: #6826-MV
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: Paul Hanke 73467,403
Its been a while since I did it, but take a look at env.file in /DD/SYS. I
think all you need to do is add /D2 to the list of devices for the RBFDEV
#: 6827 S1/General Interest
20-Sep-90 23:06:09
Sb: #6815-MV
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Paul Hanke 73467,403
Hi Paul -
No, modules can be used repeatedly by anyone, as long as there is memory for
the programs to run (and map in the modules). As long as a game uses windows,
it should be able to run in several of them at once.
You need to give us more info... which game, what kind of errors do you get,
how do you start things, how much ram do you have, etc etc.
thx - kev
#: 6840 S1/General Interest
21-Sep-90 08:48:33
Sb: #6815-MV
Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572
To: Paul Hanke 73467,403
I know exactly what the problem is. It's my fault, not OS9's. When
programming my games, I called some modules the same. For example, I might
call the boot modules Dungeon and the main game module Game. For another game,
say Gem Quest, I would call the boot module GemQuest and the game module Game.
See the problem? For some reason it never occured to me that someone would
want to run the games at once! When I have time I'll create a modpatch to take
care of the problems with running the games concurrently.
#: 6820 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 19:09:54
Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545
Does anyone know how to create a generic window (/w) from Basic09 and then run
a program (SHELL "program) in it and then jump to it without pressing
There are 2 Replies.
#: 6823 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 21:14:09
Sb: #6820-SELECT
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545
You'd probably have to explicitly open /w yourself, OPEN #wpath, "/w":UPDATE,
and then SHELL "program <>>>/"+STR$(wpath) or words to that effect. (Don't
forget to explicitly close #wpath once the smoke clears.)
#: 6828 S10/Tandy CoCo
20-Sep-90 23:06:33
Sb: #6820-SELECT
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545
(* Open /w, goto it, run program in it, return on end
(* Taken from MVTEST.AR in Lib 10, I think
DIM stack:registers
DIM oldpath(3),newpath:BYTE
I_Dup=$82 \(* Duplicate path *)
(* Open wildcard, and for gcal must dwset it, select it
OPEN #newpath,"/w"
RUN gfx2(newpath,"DWSet",6,0,0,40,24,0,1,2)
PRINT #newpath,CHR$($1B); CHR$($21);
(* Duplicate original stdpaths into temp storage
(* close them, dup newpath into them.
FOR p=0 TO 2
RUN syscall(I_Dup,stack) \(* make dup of oldstdpaths
RUN syscall(I_Dup,stack) \(* force oldpath to new
SHELL "gcal" \(* Start gcal with all new /w paths
(* On exit, do the opposite
FOR p=0 TO 2
RUN syscall(I_Dup,stack) \(* reset original stdpaths
CLOSE #oldpath(p)
PRINT #0,CHR$($1B); CHR$($21); \(* reselect BEFORE:
CLOSE #newpath
#: 6834 S10/Tandy CoCo
21-Sep-90 02:08:19
Sb: #J&M Hard Drive
Fm: Don Kircher 76346,3475
To: Kevin Darling/ 76703,4227 (X)
The J&M has a Konan drive controller board and I've not been using an
mpi. I did some fiddling with the ident and cmp utilities and discovered ( well
it WAS a discovery for me ! ) that cc3disk is longer than ccdisk as is /d0II
longer than /d0I. Why so and could that be a hint of something lacking for
level II operation.
btw what are the sig surcharge rates for patient tutors of slow
The educational value of all this easily trancends these silly hardware
There is 1 Reply.
#: 6839 S10/Tandy CoCo
21-Sep-90 07:34:59
Sb: #6834-J&M Hard Drive
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Don Kircher 76346,3475
Don - grin - no extra charge for slow learners who keep at it.
I betcha /d0 is longer in L-II cuz of the name "cc3disk" embedded in it (versus
just "ccdisk"). Am I close?
CC3disk itself is longer because it has more capability than the L-I version.
That is, it knows better about double-sided and 80tk disks, and isn't hardcoded
to everything like CCdisk was.
Good on the Konan controller. I assume you have the AR util? I can email you
something to play with. best - kev
#: 6835 S10/Tandy CoCo
21-Sep-90 02:09:59
Sb: Wordpak(s)
Fm: Don Kircher 76346,3475
To: Dennis Skala/ 73177,2365 (X)
YES! I'm a diehard user of wordpak on my Coco 1.
Got real nervous when it started fuzzing and dancing on me.
Probably never would have gotten a COCO 3 if I could have
found a wordprocessor that worked on the wordpak RS. I've
got Stylo graph but not a Wordpak II. If I can ever get
the Coco 3 up to speed I'll check your stuff out.
Marty Goodman has done some neat looking stuff for the
RS version over on delphi...if I can ever find the time.
#: 6836 S10/Tandy CoCo
21-Sep-90 02:12:08
Sb: Tandy Hard drives
Fm: Don Kircher 76346,3475
To: all
I've been fiddling with an as is tent sale radio shack 15 meg hard drive of
the variety intended for the level 1 drivers packaged in os9 version 2.00
The price was right ( 75 bucks ) I couldn't resist. I already have the primary
drive and it works well. Got to build my own cables to connect these two
beasties. Inside the humongous case there is a five inch tandon unit with a
western digital control board. No docs came with either unit.
Got it all fired up today with all the drivers in place and the cables hooked
up properly ( I hope ! ) But no luck
Any attempt to access /h1 including format results in a two step failure.
example; format /h1
** all the normal prompts **
error 247 seek error
Ok no sweat the drive is trashed but the next
drive access on /h0 gets an error 246 device not
ready. Something has happened to the driver !
/d0 and /d1 behave normally but cchdisk is
trashed until reboot. I can say with confidence
that it is NOT /h0.
Ok so now the question;
Is that secondary drive /h1 REALLY trashed or is my hookup suspect
and does anybody have any ideas how narrow it down. Lastly any
favorite vendors for repair. From 75 bucks theres a lot of room
to play with and still be cost effective.
#: 6850 S10/Tandy CoCo
21-Sep-90 17:08:53
Sb: Hardisk
Fm: james pottage 71750,2012
To: Kevin Darling
Kevin, no I am not using a multipak and yes the drive desc is set to zero. The
drive light does not come on during the accesses when no programs are being
run. I did not realize that some drive autopark themselves after a certain
period of no use. The problem with the boot seems to be with the way in which
the CC3go module interacts with the CCHDisk. Possibly the CCHDISK has a bug in
Jim Pottage
#: 6851 S13/Atari ST
21-Sep-90 18:33:08
Sb: Atari ST
Fm: - Visitor 73020,413
To: [F] Kevin 76703,4227
Excuse me, I own an Atari ST and find TOS very disappointing. Can OS-9 give my
Atari real multitasking capability? From whom would I purchase a copy?
#: 6853 S14/misc/info/Soapbox
21-Sep-90 19:14:38
Sb: serial port boards
Fm: DOUG 72667,1433
To: all
I'm conducting a "poll" of the OS9 users here on the sig.
1) How many of you are still using the ss50/30 or ss50/30c bus?
2) If you reply in the affirmative to question 1,
does your system have serial port cards that have the
capability of selectable baud rate? If so, did you build the card or
purchase it from a supplier?
3) If you do not have such a card, would you be interested in PC boards that
you could "stuff" using the 6551 ACIA?
The reason for these questions is I'm still using the ss50c bus and use the
6850. This of course requires external baud rate generators. I've constructed
prototypes for another system I've built from scratch that uses a 80 pin bus.
Since it has worked so well, I'm looking for a number of individuals who would
like a 6551 serial port card to help defray the cost of having good PCBs made.
I am currently laying out the board and will have them made if there is any
If you are interested, leave a message for me on Mail (I routinely check that
at work). Let me know how many boards you may want. If a large enough
interest is shown, we can all benefit from a decent break price per board
Unfortunately, at this time I can only offer the board. I cannot offer a
driver module. I'm sure someone out there has already written one.
Doug 72667,1433
Press <CR> !>