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Raw Normal View History

2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Here's the timeline covering every episode so far aired in the
United States (posted in two parts). Major spoilers abound, obviously,
including those for future episodes in the older ones.
This was based on one begun by Jerry Boyajian, and includes transcriptions
by Ed Hughes, David Coufal and others I've pulled off the news.
A copy will be made available for anonymous ftp at sal.sait.edu.au
Edwin Nomura
1983 ("6 years ago" - Truman to Cooper)
-- Andrew Packard brings Josie over from Hong Kong to be his wife
August 1987 (approx)
-- Andrew Packard supposedly dies in a boating accident. Truman first tells
Cooper Packard died "last year" which would've been 1988 but later tells
him it happened "a year and a half ago."
-- Hank Jennings "accidently" kills an unnamed vagrant, is convicted of
vehicular manslaughter and sent to jail. (He's said to've spent 18
months in jail.)
06 Feb (Monday) (date at top of page in diary)
-- "Day One" (entry in Laura's diary). During Cooper's questioning of James,
he asked what happened on 2/5 and James flashed back on the time when
Laura gave him the locket. Cooper said to Diane he had flipped back 18
days to "Day One." That could be 18 days from 2/23 (last entry in the
diary), yielding the 5th, or from 2/24 (the day he was looking at it),
yielding the 6th.
12 Feb (Sunday)
-- The picnic (James told Cooper it was "two Sundays ago")
23 Feb (Thursday)
05:00 pm (Josie to Cooper and Truman)
-- Laura arrives at Josie's for her English lessons. Josie says Laura left
an hour later.
Sometime after dinner
-- Last entry in Laura's diary: "Nervous about meeting J. tonight."
(After dinner since she remarks about having asparagus for dinner again)
09:00 - 09:30
-- Laura returns home from Bobby's. (Sarah Palmer tells Truman she last saw
Laura when she got home about 9:00. Bobby answers yes when Cooper asks
him, "she was studying at your house until about 9:30. Isn't that right?"
-- Laura snuck out of her house (James to Cooper)
-- Leland calls Laura from Ben's office
-- Laura jumps off James' bike and runs off (James to Cooper)
12:00 - 04:00 am
-- Estimated time of Laura's death according to the preliminary autopsy
24 Feb (Friday) [Episode 1000 (pilot) - 4/8/90, 8/5/90
Written by Mark Frost and David Lynch
Directed by David Lynch]
"Just after dawn" (Harry to Bobby)
-- Pete Martell finds Laura's body: "She's dead...wrapped in pastic"
-- Ben and Leland have meeting with Norwegians. Ben mentions he has
information that the sawmill will go belly up within a year.
Leland receives news about Laura.
-- Bobby takes Shelley home, then goes to school and is arrested.
-- Ronnette announced as missing then is found wandering along the tracks.
-- Nadine sends Big Ed off to get the drapes ("They said those drapes would
be ready by 10.")
11:30 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper enters Twin Peaks. (He had lunch at the Lamplighter Inn)
Noon/early afternoon
-- Cooper & Truman check on Ronnette. (Truman to Cooper: "as far as we know,
Ronnette and Laura hardly knew each other." Ronnette: "no, don't go
-- Dr. Jacoby tells Cooper and Truman he wants to go to the morgue. Truman
says no. Jacoby also says that Laura's parents didn't know she was seeing
-- Cooper and Truman check on Laura. Cooper finds an "R" under Laura's left
ring finger.
-- Andy and team find the train car.
-- Cooper and Truman question Bobby, then Donna.
04:00 (approx)
-- "The Norwegians are leaving!" (one of Ben's employees tells concierge Ben
would be back by 4:00 for the final signing of the deal with the
Norwegians, and Ben arrives as the Norwegians are leaving)
04:10 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper and Truman at train car. They find the necklace, on a chain, with
half of the heart and a note, "Fire, walk with me."
Late afternoon
-- Cooper and Truman at the bank. Clerk says Laura had safety deposit box
for about 6 months. Inside are over $10,000 and a copy of Fleshworld.
-- Leo finds two kinds of cigarette butts in the ashtray and threatens
Early evening
-- Town meeting where Cooper addresses the community leaders. He says that
one year ago, almost to the day, in the southwest corner of the state,
a girl by the name of Theresa Banks was found dead and because of
"irrefutable similarities," he believes that same perpetrator killed
Laura and almost killed Ronnette.
09:30 (approx)
-- Donna sneaks out to meet James at the Roadhouse. Big Ed meets Norma there
as well. Fight breaks out, Joey Paulson takes Donna to meet James. James
and Donna bury the locket, on a thong. James is arrested.
Late evening
-- Truman meets Josie, has been seeing her for about 6 weeks (Truman to
-- Catherine meets Ben, tells him they agree "to meet to talk about it"
12:28 am (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper knocks off for the night at the Great Northern. Locket, on a
thong, is dug up by person unknown (Jacoby).
25 Feb (Saturday) [Episode 1001 - 4/12/90, 8/11/90
Written by Mark Frost and David Lynch
Directed by Duwayne Dunham]
06:18 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper is up and goes to breakfast, where he meets Audrey
Early to mid-morning
-- Cooper rattles off the day's schedule to Truman, who's stuffin' his face
with a donut. C: "Harry, I really have to urinate!"
-- Cooper and Truman get autopsy results from Dr. Hayward
-- Shelley discovers Leo's shirt soaked with blood and hides it
-- Cooper and Truman question James
-- Mike and Bobby talk in jail cell (Leo called Mike "yesterday" and Bobby
met with Leo "the night Laura died")
-- The Donna and Laura picnic video
-- Donna to mom: Laura's been seeing James for 2 months. Donna is sad but
-- Cooper gets call from Albert. Harry and Ed discuss the stakeout. Ed
thinks his drink was drugged at the Roadhouse. The bartender was Jacques.
-- James released into Ed's custody, Mike and Bobby released.
"Just barely morning" (Pete to Josie)
-- Cooper and Truman talk to Josie. Pete: There was a fish... *in* the
-- Catherine meets Ben. They plan to torch the sawmill.
-- Donna visits the Palmers. Sarah has a vision of Laura and killer Bob
Late afternoon/early evening (exterior shot is dark)
-- Hawk qustions Pulaskis, spots one-armed man
-- Bobby and Major Briggs have words over dinner
-- Cooper and Truman encounter Log Lady at RR
-- Jenny's first day at One-Eyed Jack's (not shown but mentioned later)
Later in evening
-- Shelley gets home and is beaten by Leo
-- James has dinner at Haywards'
-- Jacoby listens to tape from Laura, takes out the locket, on a thong
-- Bob Lydecker assaulted outside a bar in Lowtown, a section of Twin Peaks
(not shown)
Saturday evening (continued) [Episode 1002 - 4/19/90, 8/18/90
Written by Mark Frost and David Lynch
Directed by David Lynch]
-- Jerry Horne gets back from Paris. He and Ben go to OEJ.
Midnight (clock at Haywards')
-- James and Donna have their heart-to-heart
-- Hawk calls Cooper, tells him that Ronnette recently quit at the perfume
-- Audrey slips note under Cooper's door (Jack with one eye)
-- Bobby and Mike meet with Leo in the woods. Bobby sees someone with Leo.
Leo: Leo needs a new pair of shoes!
26 Feb (Sunday)
-- Ed drops grease on Nadine's drape runners. Nadine's arms bend back.
-- Shelley turns off a commercial for "Invitation to Love" and Bobby visits
-- Cooper teaches Harry, Hawk, Andy and Lucy about Tibet. Rock/bottle:
1 James Hurley, secret boyfriend
! 2 Josie Packard, was instructed in English by
U3 Laura. Bottle wobbled slightly.
!---! 3 Dr. Lawrence Jacoby, Laura's psychiatrist.
2 ! Grazed bottle, bottle fell but did not break.
! ! 4 Johnny Horne, Laura was his special education
!----! ! ! !--1-! tutor. Rock hit trash can.
! ! ! ! ! ! 5 Norma Jennings, she helped Laura organize the
! ! ! ! ! ! Meals on Wheels program.
5 6 Shelley Johnson, waitress at diner, friend.
Rock hit tree, then Andy.
7 Jack with one eye. No rock thrown.
8 Leo Johnson, husband of Shelley, drives a truck,
connection with Laura unknown. Bottle struck.
-- Ed meets Norma at the RR
Late morning (after church)
-- Haywards meet Audrey in the RR who puts on music on the juke. "God,
I love this music. Isn't it too dreamy?"
Afternoon ("are we going to have to stand here all afternoon?" Albert to
-- Albert and team arrive
-- Nadine ecstatic about her now-silent runners
-- Pete and Catherine talk. Pete sneaks safe key to Josie and she finds two
ledgers in the safe.
-- Leland has a breakdown to the strains of Glen Miller
-- Cooper dreams:
A series of sudden images, as if illuminated by a strobe light with
darkness in between:
Cooper in a chair, the dwarf
Laura's mother running downstairs [from episode 1000]
Bob at foot of Laura's bed
A bloody cloth [in the railroad car?]
Laura dead
Bob crouched at Laura's bed [Sarah's vision]
The One-Armed Man:
Through the darkness of future past,
The magician longs to see
One..chants...out..between two worlds...
Fire...walk with me.
We lived among the people -- I think you say convenience store?
We lived above it. I mean it like it is, as it sounds. I too
have been touched by the devilish one; tattoo on the left shoulder.
Ah, but when I saw the face of God, I was changed. I took the
entire arm off. My name is Mike. His name is Bob.
Bob, crouched in some room full of clutter (tantalizingly
unrecognizable metal objects) like an attic or basement. He looks
around and says:
Mike? Mike? Can you hear me? [he turns to look at the camera]
Catch you with my death bag!
You may think I've gone insane, but I promise I *will* kill again!
A small mound of dirt with a gold necklace on it, surrounded by a
ring of candles. A puff of wind; the candles blow out.
An older Agent Cooper (in his 50s or so) is sitting in a red-carpeted,
red-curtained lounge. Laura Palmer is sitting a few chairs away from
him, dressed in a slinky black dress and looking very elegant. There
is a strange scraping noise - a distorted silhouette of a person,
backlit against a doorway -- it seems to be shuddering somehow -- the
scraping noise gets faster. Suddenly the distorted silhouette turns
around. It's The Little Man From Another Place. The scraping sound
was him rubbing his palms together. He's got a cheerful, wide smile,
and he says (in twisted, reversed backwards English)
Let's rock!
He sits in one of the chairs. There is a pause. A black shadow drifts
slowly over the red curtains, over their heads. Laura puts one finger
next to her nose, looking significantly at Cooper. Then:
LMFAP: [to Cooper] I've got good news. That gum you like is going to
come back in style. [noticing Cooper staring at Laura] She's my
cousin. But, doesn't she look almost exactly like Laura Palmer?
Cooper: [to LMFAP] But she is Laura Palmer.
[to Laura] Are you Laura Palmer?
Laura: [arching her back weirdly] I feel like I know her,
but sometimes my arms bend back.
LMFAP: She's filled with secrets. Where we're from, the birds sing a
pretty song, and there's always music in the air.
Slow jazz music begins to play. The Little Man From Another Place
stands and starts a jerky dance. Laura stands, crosses to Cooper,
kisses him, and whispers something in his ear.
-- Cooper jerks awake, with his special Cooper Cowlick pointing straight
up. He calls Harry and says he knows who killed Laura Palmer --
but it can wait till morning.
27 Feb (Monday) [Episode 1003 - 4/26/90, 8/28/90
Written by Harley Peyton
Directed by Tina Rathborne]
07:15 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper meets with Audrey over breakfast then tells Harry and Lucy about
his dream. In actuality, he describes the ending to the European
version. He can't remember the killer's name.
-- Fight at the morgue: Ben and Doc Hayward won't let Albert continue with
his autopsy.
Albert: Mr. Horne, I recognize that your position in this fair
community necessitates venality, insincerity, and a certain irritating
manner of expressing yourself. Stupidity, however, is not a necessarily
inherent trait. Therefore, please listen closely--You can have a
funeral any old time. You dig a hole, you plant a coffin. I, however,
cannot perform these tests next year, next month, next week or even
tomorrow--I must perform them now. <drill noise--VEEP VEEP!>
I've got a lot of cutting and pasting to do, gentlemen, so please
return to your porch rockers and resume whittling.
Truman slugs him.
Mid to late morning (?)
-- Cousin Madeline arrives to the strains of "Daddy!" on ItL
-- Norma is told of Hank's pending parole
-- Cooper and Truman talk to Leo
-- Bobby and father have words again
12:27 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper and Truman leave for funeral after Albert's autopsy report
Laura was tied up twice, two kinds of twine. Traces of soap at the back
of her neck. Died of numerous cuts.
-- Ed and Nadine have a quiet moment. James declines to go to the funeral.
-- Audrey checks on her family through a peephole. Ben and Sylvia fight over
whether or not to take Johnny to the funeral. Dr Jacoby comforts Johnny.
Early afternoon
-- Laura's funeral. James and Bobby fight. Leland freaks out.
-- Shelley demonstrates Leland's coffin ride
-- Cooper meets the Bookhouse Boys (Truman, Ed, James, Joey, Hawk) and they
question Bernard Renault at the Bookhouse.
-- Jacques calls Leo for help
-- Catherine eavesdrops on Josie and Harry. Josie shows Harry the safe, but
one of the ledgers is missing. Catherine has it.
-- Cooper meets with Jacoby at the cemetary, then meets Hawk at the
Roadhouse. The two take a drunken Leland home.
28 Feb (Tuesday) [Episode 1004 - 5/3/90, 9/1/90
Written by Robert Engles
Directed by Tim Hunter]
-- Andy sketches killer Bob from Sarah Palmer's description. Sarah then
describes her vision of someone digging up the necklace.
-- Cooper questions Jacoby
-- Hawk tracks down the OAM to the Timber Falls motel, where at the
same time, Ben and Catherine are having a rendezvous, and are being
staked out by Josie.
-- Cooper and the boys arrive and question Philip Michael Gerard the OAM.
He has a suitcase full of shoes. Andy drops his gun and it goes off.
-- Bernard Renault makes bail (not shown but mentioned later)
-- Audrey gets Donna to agree to help her find Laura's killer
-- Norma goes to Hank's parole meeting
-- Cooper and the boys visit the Lydecker Clinic and confiscate files
-- Bobby has rendezvous with Shelley and she gives him Leo's bloody shirt
-- Cooper, Harry, Hawk and Andy practice in the shooting range
Late afternoon/early evening
-- James runs into Madeline Ferguson at the RR diner
-- Norma gets a call from the prison. Hank is being paroled.
-- Ben talks to Jerry about some Icelanders, then Audrey talks to Ben about
learning the family business by starting work at the department store.
-- A fax arrives from Gordon with a reconstruction of the plastic piece
found in Laura's stomach. Andy comes across the file on Waldo, a mynah
bird belonging to Jacques Renault. The cops race to Jacques' apartment.
They find Leo's bloody shirt there, planted by Bobby.
-- Ben meets Leo by the river and they make plans about setting fire to the
mill. Bernard's body is lying on the ground. Leo confesses to killing him
and reports that frere Jacques is hiding out in Canada. (Leo tapes this
-- James and Donna go to the buried necklace and find it missing
-- Pete chats with Josie and retires. She gets a call from Hank.
01 Mar (Wednesday) [Episode 1005 - 5/10/90, 9/8/90
Written by Mark Frost
Directed by Lesli Linka Glatter]
04:28 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper is woken up by singing Icelanders
-- Cooper meets Audrey in the hotel restaurant
-- Ben and Jerry discuss the Sons of Odin
-- Cooper meets Harry and Andy at Jacques' place. The blood on Leo's shirt
is determined to be AB-. It doesn't match Laura's but matches Jacques'.
-- Bobby has breakfast at Shelley's. Andy comes looking for Leo. Leo calls.
-- Norma drops by Big Ed's and they agree to cool their relationship for
-- Audrey has her job interview at daddy's store
-- James and Donna meet
-- Cooper discovers Laura's ad in Fleshworld
-- Madeline meets with James and Donna at the RR and agrees to help them
-- Hank, now out on parole, shows up at the RR to start work
-- The Briggs family goes to see Dr. Jacoby
-- Cooper, Harry, Hawk, and Doc Hayward go hiking:
As they approach the cabin, a crow lands on a nearby branch and
eyes them. The Log Lady appears and the crow caws.
LL: "It's about time you got here."
{To no one in particular} "They move so slowly when they're not
afraid. Come on, then, my log does not judge."
{ They follow her inside. }
LL: "I've got tea. I've got cookies. No cake."
Coop: "That's very kind ma'am, but I don't believe..."
Hawk: "What kind of cookies?"
LL: "Sugar. The owls won't see us in here."
Doc: "A cup of tea would be very nice."
LL: {To HST & Coop} "Shut your eyes and you'll burst into flames."
HST: {Strolling to the table} "Thanks Margaret."
LL: "We'll let it steep."
{ All sitting at the table. Coop goes for a cookie, and Margaret
slaps his hand. }
LL: "Wait for the tea. The fish aren't running."
HST: "You've been expecting us, Margaret?"
LL: "You're two days late, but that's you're concern. My log saw
something, something significant."
HST: "What did your log see?"
LL: "Tea first. Then be ready."
"My husband was a logging man. He met the devil. Fire is the devil
hiding like a coward in the smoke."
Doc: "It was the day after the wedding, wasn't it Margaret?"
Hawk: "The wood holds many spirits, doesn't it Margaret?"
LL: {Gesturing with log to Coop} "You can ask it now."
Coop: "What did you see the night Laura Palmer was killed."
LL: "I'll do the talking."
"Dark. Laughing. The owls were flying. Many things were blocked.
Laughing. Two men. Two women. Flashlights pass by the woods over
the ridge. The owls were near. The dark was pressing in on her.
Quiet then. Later, footsteps. One man passed by. Screams.
Far away. Terrible. Terrible. One voice."
Coop: "Man or girl?"
LL: "Girl. Further up over the ridge, the owls were silent."
{ As they leave on the way to discovering Jacques' cabin, the crow leaves
the branch it has been on all this time and follows, landing on a branch
when they stop once again. We get a close-up of its blinking eye. }
04:00 (cuckoo clock)
-- Cooper, Harry, Hawk, and Doc find Jacques' cabin and discover clues given
to Cooper in his dream
-- Party at the Great Northern for the Icelanders. Ben and Catherine meet in
private, Audrey eavesdrops. Catherine confronts Ben about OEJ chip, slaps
him 3 times, says lets burn the mill now.
-- Leland freaks out to music.
-- Madeline calls Donna. She found a tape of Laura's.
-- Back at the party, Ben surreptitiously meets with Josie. She found the
ledger where he said it would be. Ben: "we can proceed. Tommorrow night"
-- Leo gets home and is beat up by Hank. "I told you to mind the store, not
open up your own franchise." Leo gets pissed at Shelley who shoots him.
-- Cooper arrives back at his room to find Audrey in his bed
Wednesday evening (continued) [Episode 1006 - 5/17/90, 9/8/90
Written by Harley Peyton
Directed by Caleb Deschanel]
-- Cooper has a talk (and that's all) with Audrey
02 Mar (Thursday)
-- Andy arrives at the station. Lucy won't talk to him and gets a call from
a doctor.
-- Cooper, Harry, and Doc Hayward are trying to get Waldo to speak
-- Hawk shows up with a forensics report on Jacques' cabin and says that
Jacques is now working as a dealer at OEJ. There were defenitely 3 guests
at Jacques' cabin: Laura, Ronnette, and Leo.
-- Leo spots Bobby arriving at his house to see Shelley. He then takes off
when he hears on the police band radio about Waldo.
-- Maddy, Donna, and James listen to the tape that Maddy found. They plot to
get the missing tape (2/23) they belive Jacoby has.
-- Audrey and another girl, Jenny, are working the perfume counter at
Horne's. Audrey hides in manager Emory Battis' office to listen in on his
conversation with Jenny concerning her sideline work at OEJ.
-- At the Double-R Diner, Hank palms a lighter that a customer left. Hank
has thoughts about Big Ed after a talk with Shelley. Harry comes in with
Cooper and warns Hank to keep clean.
-- Nadine is home watching "Invitation to Love" and feeling miserable
because the patent attorney she went to didn't like her drape runner
idea. Ed comes in, comforts her, and encourages her to keep trying.
-- Harry stops by Josie's and asks about her being at the Timber Falls Motel
on Tuesday. First she tries to deny it but then tells him about Ben and
Catherine and about overhearing Catherine's plan to burn the mill.
Evening (Cooper to Harry)
-- Harry and Ed rendezvous with Cooper at the hotel. Harry tells Cooper
about Josie's problem. Cooper seems suspicious. Audrey shows up looking
for Cooper just as they left.
-- Mr. Neff, an insurance agent, shows up at Catherine's about an unsigned
policy. Josie was to get $1,000,000 upon Catherine's death.
-- Catherine finds her bogus ledger missing
-- Audrey leaves a note under Cooper's door and notices an Asian man
checking in a couple of doors down from Cooper
-- Leo shoots Waldo and drives off, but not before Waldo's last words are
recorded. "Laura, Laura, don't go there. Hurting me, hurting me. Stop
it, stop it. Leo, no, Leo no."
-- Cooper and Ed show up at OEJ posing as "Fred and Barney" and meet
Blackie. Ed craps, Cooper jacks.
-- Maddy sneaks out, though she is seen by Leland, to meet James and Donna.
-- Ben eats ice cream with Jerry, then sends him off with the Icelanders to
OEJ for a signing party for the Ghostwood deal
-- Ben calls Josie about Catherine. Josie says she'll "get Catherine there"
and that it is "planned for tonight."
-- Audrey meets Blackie. She ties a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue,
and is hired at OEJ
-- Jacques relieves the previous dealer at the blackjack table where Cooper
is playing
-- Dr. Jacoby is watching ItL on tv when he gets a call from "Laura." At the
gazebo, where Maddy, disguised as Laura, is waiting with James and Donna
and Bobby is watching them. The whole tableux is being watched by a
mysterious heavy breather.
-- Jacoby takes off to find out what's going on with "Laura" while James and
Donna sneak into his office to search for the mising tape. Bobby has
followed them there and sticks a bag of cocaine in James' gas tank.
Evening (continued) [Episode 1007 - 5/24/90, 9/15/90
Written and directed by Mark Frost]
-- James and Donna enter Jacoby's place, find paper umbrellas, the (slightly
different) missing tape and half the locket on a chain
-- Jacoby, watching "Laura" is beaten by person unknown
-- Audrey meets with Blackie and notices Cooper on a monitor
-- Cooper talks with Jacques, sets him up. Jacques says the bird had a thing
for Laura. Leo put a chip in Laura's mouth while the bird was attacking
her and said, "bite the bullet, baby."
-- Leo kidnaps Shelley
-- Jacques arrested, struggles, is about to shoot Harry when Andy shoots him
-- Bobby, Maddy, Donna listen to the tape.
"Hey what's up doc? It's Laura, in case you haven't guessed. It's
Thursday the 23rd and I'm so bored. Actually, I'm in kind of a weird
mood. God, James is sweet, but he's so dumb. And right now I can only
take so much of sweet. Hey, remember that mystery man I told you
about? Well, if I tell you his name then you're gonna be in trouble.
He wouldn't be such a mystery man anymore, but you might be history,
man. I think a couple of times he's tried to kill me. But guess what?
As you know, I sure got off on it. Isn't sex weird? This guy can
really light my F-I-R-E. He's a red corvette... Uh oh, here comes mom
with milk and cookies. Later, Lawrence. Bye bye."
3:20 (working back from the bomb clock)
-- Leo prepares to burn the mill with Shelley tied up in it. Timer set for 1
-- Nadine writes a note and takes pills
-- Hank receives $90,000 from Josie for the job 18 months ago. He says doing
business with someone is for life and slits both their thumbs.
-- Catherine is upset. She can't find the ledger. She deviously asks for
Pete's help.
-- Ed, Hank, and Andy tell other deputies what happened within earshot of
Lucy. Andy makes his move and she announces she is pregnant.
-- Lucy receives call from "Leo" (Bobby) to check out James. "He's an easy
-- Cooper and Truman question Jacques. He was in the cabin with Leo, Laura,
and Ronnette. He and Leo fought and hit him with a whisky bottle.
-- Hayward tells Cooper and Truman that Jacoby said he saw Laura
-- Catherine gets a call from Hank. "It's at the mill, what you're looking
-- Ed finds Nadine unconscious. He calls for an ambulance. The address is
422 Riverside.
-- Lucy gives message to Cooper and Truman. Leland asks Harry about suspect.
-- James gives Cooper Laura's tape. Cooper tells him Jacoby is in the
hospital and confronts him about the cocaine found in his gas tank.
-- Icelanders (Einar Thorson) sign the Ghostwood contract
-- Ben tells Hank to proceed
-- Bobby goes to see Shelley, is attacked by Leo, who is shot by Hank
4:20 am (clock on bomb)
-- Catherine finds Shelley and frees her. Fire starts.
-- Leland kills Jacques
-- Pete goes into burning sawmill after Catherine
-- Ben signs the contract and goes to see the new girl (Audrey)
"Close your eyes. This is the stuff as dreams are made of."
4:37 am (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper returns to his room, notices the quiet, picks up note addressed,
"My special agent," receives a phone call and is shot by person unknown
03 Mar Friday (continued) [Episode 2001 - 9/30/90
Written by Mark Frost
Directed by David Lynch]
Early morning (4:45?)
-- Room service waiter delivers Cooper's warm milk, hangs up phone on
Andy. "I've heard about you."
-- The Giant appears:
G: "I will tell you three things. If I tell them to you and they come
true, then will you believe me?"
C: "Who's that?"
G: "Think of me as a friend."
C: "Where do you come from?"
G: {Shaking head} "The question is: where have you gone?"
"The 1st thing I will tell you is: There's a man in a smiling bag."
C: "Man in a smiling bag..."
G: "The 2nd thing is: The owl's are not what they seem.
The 3rd thing is: Without chemicals, he points."
C: "What do these things mean?"
G: "This is all I'm permitted to say. Give me your ring. I will
return it to you when you find these things to be true."
{Takes Coop's ring} "We want to help."
C: "Who's we?"
G: "One last thing. Leo locked inside Hungry Horse. There's a clue at
Leo's house. You will require medical assistance."
-- Jerry gives heroin to Blackie
-- Audrey evades Ben, Jerry calls him away: Brother Ben, we got an S-N-A-G.
-- Cooper tells Diane things he'd like to've done until Andy, Hawk, and
Truman arrive
7:45 am
-- Lucy updates Cooper. Truman and Doc Hayward are present.
C: Doc, when the will is invoked, the recuperative powers of the physical
body are simply extraordinary. Just give me a couple of hours to
get dressed.
-- Shelley, in her hospital bed, cries for Bobby
-- Cooper sees Jacques' body wheeled away in a bag
C: Is that bag smiling?
Doc: Smiling?
Lucy: What's there to smile about?
-- Ronnette has a vision, "Laura..."
-- Sarah asks Maddy if she misses Beth (her mom). Maddy describes her dream,
(the rug) Leland sports a new 'do, singing Mairzy Doats:
Mairzy doats and dozy doats
and little lambzy divy.
A kiddly divy, too, wooden shoe?
Now if the words sounds queer,
and funny to your ear,
a little bit jumbled and jivy,
Mares eat oats and does eats oats
and little lambs eat ivy.
A kid'll eat ivy, too, wouldn't you?
Maddy sees something in the rug.
-- Ben and Jerry talk. Ben wants to know about Catherine and Leo's status.
Leland arrives, singing Mairzy Doats. The brothers dance.
-- Cooper determines what happened at Leo's.
C: Sherrif, get your mind off Shelley - for a moment.
Hawk finds a tarp smelling of gasoline. Albert and team arrive. Andy
steps on a board and walks like a chicken, underneath are a pair of
Circle Brand boots and cocaine.
A: And it's another great moment in law enforcement history.
-- Maddy meets with Donna at the RR and gives her Laura's shades that she
wanted and breaks her own. They agree to "keep it quiet."
D: Maybe the sun won't go up tommorow if you wash your hair. Think
like that and you'll go crazy.
Norma gives Donna a letter that got to the RR "yesterday:" Look into
the Meals on Wheels. The log lady spits out her gum.
-- Albert examines Cooper: "You were shot by a right handed person 5 foot
6 to 5 foot 10 inches tall at a distance of less than 3 feet."
Cooper tries to get Albert to open up to the locals.
A: After the square dance, we can all go for a hayride.
Andy reports that Leo was in jail in Hungry Horse, Montana on 2/9/88.
A: Where do they keep his water dish?
-- The OAM arrives at the station to "sell shoes" to Truman (to Lucy)
-- Truman questions James. Cooper demands and gets the locket on a thong
from James.
C: Jacoby! I didn't figure he had anything to do with this at all.
Sometimes, you just get lucky.
-- Donna arrives at the station in Laura's shades and smoking and meets
James in his cell.
J: When did you start smoking?
D: I smoke every once in a while. Helps relieve tension.
J: When did you get so tense?
D: When I started smoking.
-- Cooper has Andy and Lucy look through the back issues of the last three
years of Fleshworld for Theresa Banks.
C to D: Diane, just received the back issues of Fleshworld. Good work.
It's nice to see some cooperation with the law especially from
a company that preys on human weaknesses.
-- Hayward examines Jacoby. Cooper and Truman arrive. Cooper confronts
Jacoby with the locket on a thong: I don't want any baloney, magic
tricks or psychological mumbo jumbo.
Jacoby said the night after Laura died, he followed Leo, lost him,
saw and followed James and Donna and dug up the locket.
J: Laura was, was in fact, no she was living a double life. Two people.
Yeah, but then, then when I saw her the last time, she
I dunno, she seemed to've reached a kind of peace herself. Now I
believe that what she in fact, she had arrived at was the decision
to end her life.
T: Are you saying Laura wanted to die?
C: Laura Palmer did not commit suicide.
J: No, but maybe she allowed herself to be killed.
Jacoby smelled scorched engine oil the night before.
-- Bobby visits Shelley, brings her flowers
-- Cooper, Truman, and Albert spot Bobby in the hospital. A: Sherrif
Truman, to see this kind of investigative genius at work is just a
real treat for me.
They meet Ed in the hall.
Ed: I never believed in fate, Agent Cooper. Always felt, you make your
own way, you take care of your own, you pick up after yourself.
Albert: Farmer's Almanac?
Cooper: Albert, I would like to speak to Ed.
Truman: Albert, I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
Ed tells his tale of how he was with Norma but married Nadine and
shot her eye out accidently on their homeymoon. James drops by. Cooper
sees the smiling bag. Albert goes to check in at the Great Northern.
-- Pete is disgusted by the hospital food
-- Norma visits Shelley in her room, then sees Ed caring over Nadine
-- Bobby runs into his father at the RR:
MB: "Bobby, may I share something with you?"
BB: "Okay."
MB: "A vision I had in my sleep last night, as distinguished from a
dream, which is mere sorting and cataloguing of the day's events by
the subconscious. This was a vision, fresh and clear as a mountain
stream, the mind revealing itself to itself. In my vision, I was on the
veranda of a vast estate, a palazzo of some fantastic proportion.
There seemed to emanate from it a light from within, this gleaming,
radiant marble. I'd known this place. I had in fact been
born and raised there. This was my first return. A reunion with the
deepest well-springs of my being. Wandering about, I noticed happily
that the house had been immaculately maintained. There'd been added
a number of additional rooms, but in a way that blended so seamlessly
with the original construction, one would never detect any difference.
Returning to the house's grand foyer, there came a knock at the door.
My son was standing there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living
a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced, a warm and loving
embrace, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one. My vision
ended and I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and
confidence in you and your future. That was my vision of you. I'm
so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish
you nothing but the best in all things."
BB: "Thank you Dad."
Bobby appears moved. Hank asks Briggs how the pie was and salutes him.
-- Norma won't talk about Shelley and Bobby recognizes Hank as he who
shot Leo.
-- Cooper and Albert tell their theory of what happened on 2/23
C: The night Laura Palmer was killed, it appears she made 2
appointments. In her diary, she had written, "Nervous about
meeting J. tonight." I now believe this was a refernce to James
Hurley. She was nervous because she planned to tell him she
didn't want to see him anymore. Before she snuck out of the
house, she received a phone call.
A: We believe it was Leo Johnson making a second appointment
for some time later that night.
C: Laura met James, was with him until 12:30 when, at the intersection
of 21 and Sparkwood, she jumped from the bike and ran into
the woods. We believe that it was there that she met up with
Jacques Renault, Leo Johnson and Ronette Pulaski. Together
they drove to the foot of the trail leading to Jacques' cabin.
They climbed the trail, they were heard passing the cabin of
the Log Lady. They reached Jacques Renault's cabin at approximately
1 am. Drugs and alcohgol were consumed. Laura was tied up
and had sexual relations with both Leo and Jacques. Waldo the
bird was let out of his cage and attacked Laura. Leo and
Jacques fought. Jacques went outside and passed out. When he
came to, Leo and the girls were gone. We believe Leo hiked
back down to his Corvette alone, leaving the girls behind.
A: The reason being, there was a third man.
C: Deputy Hawk found evidence of a third man outside the window
of Jacques' cabin.
A: The third man took Laura and Ronette to the train car, where
they were tied up. Laura for the 2nd time, Ronette for the 1st.
C: Using a blunt object, the killer hit Ronette and knocked her
unconscious. He must've been so intent on killing Laura, he
didn't realize Ronette regained consciousness and escaped.
A: He either didn't know or he didn't care. He made a small mound
of dirt and put the half heart necklace of Laura's on top. He
then placed a small cut out letter R under the nail of her
left ring finger. You'll recall he placed the letter T under
the fingernail of Theresa Banks. He, uh, left a note written in
blood, "Fire, walk with me."
C: Here's the interesting thing. The blood on the note was tested.
It doesn't match Leo's, Jacques', Laura's or Ronette's.
A: So we surmise the killer wrote the note in his own blood. The
rare type, AB negative. The towel that Deputy Hawk found five
miles down the tracks was soaked in blood of that type. He
also found, near the towel, scraps of faded paper.
C: The scraps may have been left by the killer. They'll be sent
back to Washington DC for testing.
{Andy cries}
A: I know, Andy, I know, I know, I know. It's what we call a real
three hanky crime.
Andy: Albert Rosenfeld. I don't like the way you talk smart about
Sherrif Truman or anybody. You just shut your mouth! {Exits}
C: Laura Palmer is dead. Jacques Renault is dead. Ronette
Pulaski and Leo Johnson are in comas. Waldo the bird is dead.
This leaves only the third man.
-- Truman gives Pete a ride home. P: This smoke inhalation is nasty
business. I feel like somebody taped my lips to the tailpipe
of a bus.
Josie left a note; she went to Seattle, she goes shopping every 3
months. An Asian man calls, asking for her, then he makes a collect
call to Hong Kong.
-- Ben and Jerry meet with Hank. Hank confirms he put Catherine in the mill
and they hope to frame the arson on her and Leo.
-- Audrey meets with Blackie, she's not pleased with her not satisfying the
-- Donna calls Norma about taking over Laura's Meals on Wheels route.
She'll use the RR station wagon.
-- At the Hayward Supper Club, Gersten plays the piano and Harriet
recites a poem:
"It was Laura
And I saw her glowing.
In the dark woods,
I saw her smiling.
We were crying
And I saw her laughing.
In our sadness,
I saw her dancing.
It was Laura
Living in my dreams.
It was Laura.
The glow was life.
Her smile was to say
It was all right to cry.
The woods was our sadness.
The dance was her calling.
It was Laura
And she came to kiss me goodbye."
Donna sits on her hands. Leland sings "Get Happy" and collapses.
11:55 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper goes to bed. C to D: I'm dog tired. A man can only go long
without submitting to a period of rest. As we know from experiments
conducted on American GI's during the Korean War, sleep deprivation
is a one way ticket to temporary psychosis. And I'm working on a
3 day jag.
-- Audrey prays for Cooper
-- The Giant returns:
G: "Sorry to wake you."
C: "I'm not dreaming."
G: "I forgot to tell you something."
C: "You were right about the smiling bag."
G: "The things I tell you will not be wrong. Better to listen then to
C: "I believe you."
G: "Don't search for all the answers at once. A path is formed by
laying one stone at a time. One person saw the third man. Three have
seen him, yes. But not his body. One only. Known to you. Ready now to
talk. One more thing: you forgot something."
C: "What?"
{ Flash of green gets zapped into Coop. He lies alone in the dark,
blinking. }
-- Ronnette has a vision of Bob and Laura
04 Mar (Saturday) [Episode 2002 - 10/6/90
Written by Harley Peyton
Directed by David Lynch]
-- Cooper talks to Albert about Tibet over breakfast:
C: Buddhist tradition first came to the land of snow in the fifth
century AD. The first Tibetan came to be touched by the Dharma was
King Hathatha Rignamputsan. He and succeeding generations came to be
collectively called the Happy Generations. Now some historians place
them in the Water Snake Year, two-thirteen AD; others in the year
of the water ox 173 AD. Amazing isn't it? The Happy Generations.
A: Agent Cooper, I am thrilled to pieces that the Dharama came to King
Hohoho, I really am, but right now I am trying hard to focus on the
more immediate problems of our own century right in Twin Peaks.
C: Albert, you'd be surprised at the connection between the two.
A: Color me amazed.
Albert tells of Cooper's ex-partner Windom Earle escaping from a mental
institution. The Asian man watches Cooper drink coffee.
-- Donna delivers a meal to Mrs. Tremont. Her grandson makes the creamed
corn disappear. "Sometimes things can happen just like this."
"She seemed like a very nice girl."
-- Cooper and Truman see Ronnette and wrestle with the stools. They show
sketches of Leo and Bob to her. She reacts violently to the second.
"Tr- tr- tr-"
-- Ben and Jerry contemplate over which ledger to burn then decide to roast
-- Andy fights scotch tape at the RR. The log lady enters and tells the
Major to "deliver the message."
-- Andy tells Lucy he's sterile:
Listen to me, Lucy Moran, you just listen. When the Takoma
Sperm Bank was looking for donors, naturally I applied. It's my civic
duty and I like whales. A routine physical examination revealed that
I'm sterile. Sure I thought it meant I didn't have to take a
bath, but the doctors told me the truth. They told me I can't have
babies. So what I wanna know now is why are you having one and how?
-- Hank sees Cooper and Truman, signs his parole form. Hank was a Bookhouse
Boy. Ben calls: Audrey's missing.
-- Jerry shows Ben the unsigned insurance policy. Ben calls Einar Thorson -
Leland's already called. Leland recognizes Bob; he lived next door to his
grandfather. J: Is this real Ben? Or some twisted dream?
8:08 (clock on wall)
-- Shelley sees Leo on life support. Norma's waiting to drive her home.
-- Lucy gets a call but hangs up on him because he remains anonymous
-- At OEJ, Audrey questions Battis. He recruited Laura and Ronnette to work
at OEJ. Laura used drugs one weekend so they got rid of her.
-- Bobby and Shelley scheme over Leo
-- Cooper reports Windom Earle's flight to Diane. The Major visits.
BRIGGS: I have a message for you.
COOPER: From whom?
BRIGGS: I'm not at liberty to reveal the nature of my work. This
secrecy pains me from time to time. Any bureaucracy that
functions in secret inevitably lends itself to corruption.
But these rules I have pledged to uphold and I believe a
pledge is sacred.
Briggs shows Cooperthe message: /THE/OWLS/ARE/NOT/WHAT/THEY/SEEM/
-- James sings with Donna and Maddy. James and Maddy exchange looks, Donna
gets jealous, then gets a call from Harold Smith. Maddy sees Bob.
-- Cooper is awaken from a dream by a call from Audrey. She is caught by
05 Mar Sunday [Episode 2003 - 10/13/90
Written by Robert Engles
Directed by Lesli Linka Glatter]
6:40 am (clock on wall)
-- Ronnette is in the throes of a violent seizure. Truman turns off a
machine by her bed, then tells Cooper and Albert, who have just arrived,
that she took out her IV. Cooper pulls out a 'B' from under Ronnette's
-- Cooper enlightens Albert and Truman about his visitations from the Giant
12:30 (?) (Harold's watch)
-- Donna visits Harold, who gives her a flower to put on Laura's grave. He's
known Laura since she started the Meals on Wheels. She pulls on a piece
of paper sticking out of a drawer.
-- Cooper and Truman discuss Bob. R B T
Albert reports: the B from Ronnette's Mrs. Palmer
finger was from a Fleshworld. Maddy ----===========---- Cooper
The cocaine found in James' cycle Ronnette
matches that found in Leo's house and Jacques' car.
Cooper was shot with a Walther PPK.
Albert and Truman trade words:
ALBERT: You listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the
fact is that I am a nay-sayer and hatchet man in the fight against
violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take
another, because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and
King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge,
aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method...is
love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.
COOPER: Albert's path is a strange and difficult one.
-- Lucy looks for words with R, B, and T. Richard Tremayne, her lunch date,
arrives at the station. Hawk offers two more words: prohibited, robot.
-- Leland drops by and tells Cooper, Truman, and Hawk about the man in the
sketch - he lived in a white house, across a vacant lot from his
grandfather's place on Pearl Lakes. His name was Robertson and he used
to flick matches at him, "you wanna play with fire, little boy?" Leland
flicks a match nicely himself into an ashtray. Cooper picks it up and
blows it out.
-- At the RR, Lucy and Dick have words over lunch. They used to go out every
Thursday night for three months, but he hasn't called in 6 weeks, since
their encounter in Horne's Home Furnishings. She tells him of her
-- James and Maddy discuss Donna. She arrives at an opportune moment, while
they're holding hands, and storms out.
-- Emory videotapes Audrey as Blackie shoots her up
-- The OAM shows shoes to Truman, sees the sketch of Bob, gets dizzy
and heads for the bathroom
-- Shelley drops by the station and tells Cooper and Truman she won't give
a statement against Leo. Cooper smells an insurance scam and wonders
who's behind it.
-- The OAM has spasms in the toilet stall, flushes the toilet and the
spasms cease. He drops his needle. Mike takes over.
-- Cooper meets Ben at the Great Northern, who tells him to watch his step
with Audrey. The Asian Man watches and follows Cooper.
-- Jean Renault gives Audrey some English caramel
-- Emory recognizes Cooper on the monitor. Jean and Nancy, Blackie's sister,
arrive. They and Blackie scheme. Jean wants Cooper and Blackie wants
money. He'll be the go-between for 30%.
-- Truman gets a call from Pete - Josie will be back tommorow afternoon.
Hawk has information about the white house - it's boarded up and no name
on the mailbox. Truman tells Cooper about the OAM and flinches when
Cooper reminds him that in his dream, the OAM knew Bob. Cooper finds the
needle in the bathroom.
4:15 (?) (clock on wall)
-- Ed visits Nadine who is strapped to her bed. He sings to her, and she
breaks her straps and wakes up. She's 18.
-- Cooper and Truman visit Jacoby in his hospital room. His wife is there.
Hypnotized, he says he smelled engine oil at the park, and he saw
Jacques' killer
Night (full moon)
-- Donna brings Harold's flower to Laura's grave and has a one-way
converstion with her
-- James sees Maddy at the Palmer home. He's depressed since his mom came
home. Donna once again catches them at another opportune moment.
-- Maddy cries to Leland, "Everybody thinks I'm Laura, but I'm not!"
Cooper and Truman arrive to arrest Leland for the murder of Jacques.
-- Donna goes over to Harold's and finds Laura's secret diary next to a
06 Mar Monday [Episode 2004 - 10/20/90
Written by Jerry Stahl and Mark Frost,
Harley Peyton, Robert Engles
Directed by Todd Holland]
Early morning
-- Cooper and Truman question Leland, who admits to killing Jacques
-- Doc Hayward and Andy discuss Andy's sterility. Doc asks for another
sample. Andy, with a copy of Fleshworld, runs into Lucy on the way to the
-- Truman tells Cooper no one named Robertson ever lived in the white house.
Andy runs into a deputy, "Sorry, Bob." Cooper notices Andy's wearing
Circle Brand Boots
"Not even 9:30" (Ben to Louie)
-- Louie tells Ben that travel critic M. T. Wentz is coming to town
-- Jean, who "sells insurance to small businesses," visits Ben with the
video of Audrey and the condition that Cooper bring the ransom money
-- Donna picks up lunches from the RR
-- Norma tells Hank about M. T. Wentz. He says there's enough time and takes
-- At Harold's, he shows Donna the secret diary and reads from it. Donna
suggests giving it to the sheriff but Harold disagrees.
-- Ben shows the Audrey video to Cooper and asks him to deliver the money
-- Josie returns
-- At OEJ, Emory brings Audrey to Jean. Audrey says Emory hit him. Jean
kills Emory.
-- Andy approaches Lucy. Cooper has a talk with her.
-- Cooper asks Harry a favor. He needs the best Bookhouse Boy.
-- M.T. Wentz to arrive today
7:05 (clock on wall) (1/2 moon)
-- Hank and Norma patronize a large man at the RR. Hank lifts his billfold
and finds it is Daryl Lodwick, District Attorney.
-- Donna meets Maddy at the RR and asks her help in getting the secret diary
-- Harry confronts Josie about the mill, she seduces him on the couch.
A mystery man watches outside the window in the rain (Asian man?).
-- Judge Clinton Sternwood arrives at the station and meets Lucy, Cooper
and the sheriff.
-- Dick Tremayne arrives, offers Lucy money for an abortion, and is kicked
out by her.
-- Andy, who overhears Lucy crying, brings in Leland to meet with the Judge.
Sid arrives.
-- Ben bows to Mr. Tojamura who checks in. Louie calls Norma - she thinks
it's M. T. Wentz.
-- Josie introduces her cousin Jonathan to Pete. Jonathan tells Josie her
job is to sell the mill and she is expected in Hong Kong by Mr. Eckard.
-- Truman meets Cooper at the Roadhouse.
-- Hank at the RR gets a visit from the Asian man and is beaten up.
07 Mar Tuesday [Episode 2005 - 10/27/90
Written by Barry Pullman
Directed by Graeme Clifford]
6:42 am (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper awakes, chewing on his ear plug, and finds Audrey's note
-- Hawk tells Truman of his finds - two old ladies at the white house.
They never heard of a Robertson.
-- Lucy leaves for Tacoma. She'll stay at sister Gwen and Larry's for
two days.
-- Cooper tells Truman he knows where Audrey is
-- Mr Pinkle demonstrates for Bobby and Shelley the Leo-lifter apparatus
-- Leland's hearing. Truman defends, Andy sketches. Ben chews on nuts and
leaves. Leland's released. His grandfather, Joshua, brought them over
75 years ago.
-- Donna delivers lunch to Harold and makes a deal. He'll read the diary if
she tells her story. She taunts him outside, he collapses.
-- Leo's hearing. He's ruled incompetent to stand trial. The Judge, Cooper,
and Truman have a drink. Cooper doesn't think Leo did it. Truman tells
Shelley Leo's coming home.
-- Ed brings Nadine home. She rips off the refrigerator door.
-- Tojamura meets Ben and offers him 5 million dollars for Ghostwood
-- At the Great Northern, Bobby is snooping around Hank
Noon ("Expect a call tommorow. Noon." Jean to Ben)
-- Cooper meets Ben. They get a call from Jean with instructions on where
and when to deliver the money. Ben has Hank follow Cooper.
-- Donna and Maddy plot to get the diary
-- At OEJ, Jean arms himself. Nancy reports that Audrey is asleep.
-- Andy mans the phones at the station. He calls the Doc for the results
of his sperm test. "I'm a whole damn town!" to Truman as he's zipping
his fly. He sees Gwen's number, calls, and gets an abortion clinic.
-- Cooper and Truman plan. Hawk enters and reports that the OAM is staying
at the Robin's Nest. No one's seen him for "a day, a day and a half."
He found a mysterious drug.
-- Maddy gets some coffee at the RR. James follows.
-- Donna tells a story to Harold
-- Cooper and Truman bust into OEJ. There's a roll of plastic on the stairs.
-- Harold shows Donna some orchids
-- Cooper runs into Nancy and gets Audrey
-- Truman watches Jean kill Blackie. Hawk saves Cooper and Truman.
"Good thing you guys can't keep a secret."
-- Hank is caught outside by Jean and is identified as DA Lodwick (billfold)
-- Maddy and Donna are caught by Harold
[Episode 2006 - 11/3/90
Written by Harley Peyton & Robert Engles
Directed by Lesli Linka Glatter]
Night (con't)
-- James rescues Donna and Maddy. Harold sprays his plants and grieves.
-- Cooper brings Audrey to the Bookhouse.
-- Maddy leaves Donna and James, who share a moment
-- Truman recognizes Jean in a book of criminals and points him out to
Cooper, who begins to feel remorse for getting Audrey messed up in his
-- Cooper gives back the money to Ben and tells him what happened. Ben hugs
him, then the briefcase.
08 Mar Wednesday
-- Bobby brings Leo home. He and Shelley get their first check - it's only
$700, it was supposed to be $5000. Leo groans.
-- Donna tells Truman about the secret diary. Gordon Cole arrives ("sounds
real good, Sherrif, but I already ate"), with Albert's report: vicuna
fibers were found outside Cooper's room, the OAM's chemicals were weird
stuff, and the scraps of paper found near the train site were diary
pages. Hawk brings in the OAM. "There's the one-armer now."
-- Ben sees Audrey. A: "I saw so much." "I'm aware of a lot of new things
too, Daddy."
1:50 pm (clock on wall)
-- Nadine comes home
-- Jonathan rapes Josie and gives her a one way ticket to Hong Kong. She
says she hasn't received her insurance money nor the money from Ben.
She's waited five years for this. The plane leaves at midnight.
-- Maddy says goodbye to James at a dock. She leaves tomorrow.
-- Ben meets Josie at his office. They drink to the fire. She got Pete's
signature and wants her money. He threatens, she threatens. He gives
her the check from Tojamura, she gives him the contract.
-- Bobby and Shelley party around Leo. They make out in front of him, Leo
-- Cooper meets Gordon. Albert thinks Cooper is in over his head. Gordon's
worried over Pittsburgh. Cooper gets an unmarked letter with an opening
chess move (P to K-4) from Windham Earl.
-- Leland meets with Ben and proves himself, while pocketing fur off of a
stuffed dog. Jerry's on his way to Tokyo.
-- Truman arrives as Josie's leaving. He is introduced to Jonathan as "Mr.
Lee," Josie's assistant. He tells her he loves her, she hesitates and
-- Ben meets with Tojamura. Leland sings. Pete chats with Tojamura:
Pete: The King and I! [to Tojamura] Do you like musicals?
Tojamura: No.
Pete: Not even Fiddler on the Roof? Made me weep like a little baby.
Tojamura: I find adherence to fantasy troubling and unreasonable.
-- Cooper questions Mike:
M: There is no need...for medicine. I am not in pain.
C: Who are you?
M: My name is Mike.
C: What are you?
M: I am...an inhabiting spirit.
C: Who is Phillip Gerard?
M: He is host to me.
C: You spoke to me in my dream...about Bob.
M: Mmm. He...was...my familiar.
C: Where does Bob come from?
M: That...cannot be revealed.
C: What does Bob want?
M: He is Bob...eager for fun. He wears a smile... Everybody run!
Do you understand the parasite? It attaches itself to a life form and
feeds. Eh. Bob requires a human host. He feeds on fear...and the
pleasures. They are his children. I am similar to Bob. We once
were partners.
M and C in unison:
Through the darkness of future past,
The magician longs to see.
M: One...chants out, between two worlds,
Fire...walk with me.
Oh, but then...I saw the face of God...and was purified. I took off
the arm...but remained... close to this vessel, inhabiting from time
to time, for ONE, SINGLE, PURPOSE.
C: To find Bob [produces sketch of Bob].
M: TO STOP HIM! This [points to sketch] is his true face. But few can
see it. The gifted...and the damned!
C: Is Bob near us now?
M: For nearly forty years.
C: Where?
M: Ah. A large house, made of wood, surrounded by trees. The house is
filled with many rooms, each alike, but occupied by different souls,
night after night.
C: The Great Northern Hotel!
09 Mar Thursday [Episode 2007 - 11/10/90
Written by Mark Frost
Directed by David Lynch]
Early morning
-- Mike babbles, Gordon tells Harry about the diary pages. Gordon is on his
way to Bend Oregon, "hush hush" business.
7:24 am (clock on wall)
-- Andy shows guests to Mike, who says "no...no..." Navy sailors bounce
handballs. Ben enters the room and Mike faints.
-- Hawk discovers Harold's body
9:05 am (clock on wall)
-- Maddy tells Leland and Sarah she's leaving tommorow. "I'll come galloping
back often!"
-- Cooper and Truman find the French note on Harold's body "I'm a lonely
soul." Hawk finds the torn diary.
-- Bobby and Shelley pay their bills and end up with $42. She wants Bobby to
take a necklace back. Leo's truck's been impounded. Leo screams and
spits, "new shoes." Leo had Shelley take in a pair of boots "last week."
-- Audrey confronts Ben with what she knows. He's owned OEJ for five years.
Laura worked there a short time, Battis recruited her without his
knowledge. He slept with her.
-- A tearful Shelley tells Norma she's quitting. Nadine and Ed arrive.
Norma's been working there "20 years this April." Nadine crushes a glass.
-- Bobby and Mike get back to Leo's with the boots and finds a tape in the
2:47 pm (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper pieces together the diary. Audrey arrives and tells him what she
found out about Ben.
Night (full moon) (Albert puts Maddy's death bewteen 10 and 12 and
Truman says they took Ben in after that)
-- Ben gets a fax from Jerry - he's talked with the people in Osaka and
it's thumbs up. Hawk, Andy, Truman, and Cooper arrive to take Ben in
for questioning.
-- At the Palmer house, a record skips at the end, and Sarah (drugged)
crawls down the stairs, "Leland."
-- Ben is brought to the station. The Log Lady tells Cooper, "We don't know
what will happen or when, but there are owls in the Roadhouse." She
acknowledges that something is happening.
-- Pete runs into Tojamura - it's Catherine
-- Sarah sees a white horse and faints. Leland's at the mirror, a small
white horse (?) on the table.
-- At the Roadhouse, Donna meets James and they discuss Harold. The Log Lady
arrives with Cooper and Truman. The navy sailors are there also. Donna
lip syncs.
-- Cooper and the Log Lady see the giant, "It is happening again."
-- Leland at the mirror, sees Bob. Maddy smells something burning and is
killed by Bob/Leland. An 'O' is put underneath her fingernail.
-- The waiter from the Great Northern tells Cooper, "I'm so sorry." Bobby
and Donna appear moved. Cooper's thinking hard.
10 Mar Friday [Episode 2008 - 11/17/90
Written by Scott Frost
Directed by Caleb Deschanel]
-- Leland plays indoor golf. Donna and James drop by and miss their chance
to say goodbyw to Maddy. Leland says he dropped Maddy off at the bus
station not 20 minutes ago. Leland excuses himself and talks to Sarah.
After Donna and James leave, Leland packs the club into his bag
(Maddy's in there) and leaves. His license plate says "The Timber State"
-- Ben brushes his teeth in his cell when Jerry arrives back from Japan.
Ben says he was with Catherine the night Laura died. Ben and Jerry
reminisce about Louise Dombrowski dancing with a flashlight.
-- Lucy's back with her sister Gwen
10:03 (Cooper to Diane)
-- Cooper and Truman come across Leland dancing with his golf club.
Truman tells Leland Ben's been arrested. Cooper asks him to get back
to him if he remembers anything about Ben.
T: Everything OK?
C: I'm not sure.
Late morning
-- Doc Hayward takes a blood sample from Ben. Jerry defends, and Cooper
and Truman question him.
-- Bobby makes a copy of Leo's tape and writes a letter for Ben
-- Norma's mom Vivien arrives with her new husband Ernie, a financial
anaylist. He says he's through with gambling, but leaves a paper on
the counter and Norma sees "$1000 Houston by 3 points" written on it.
-- The OAM ("he's close...") bumps the deputy and escapes from his room
-- Hank returns to the RR and smooth talks Norma
-- Harry and Pete look through a pair of binoculars at a pileated
woodpecker. They trade stories about Josie and get funny feelings.
Truman leaves with Cooper. The OAM is missing.
-- Andy sees Lucy with Gwen's baby and faints
1:40 (?) (Ben's watch)
-- Pete delivers a voice message to Ben from Catherine. She'll testify
for the mill. Ben throws a tantrum.
-- Leland sings "Surry With a Fringe on Top" while driving. Cooper's
whistling the same tune in a different key. They nearly collide.
Truman pulls Leland over and they chat. Leland mentions Ben made a
phone call at 10 pm the night Laura died and mentioned a "derry"
or diary. Leland offers to show Cooper his new clubs and appears
to almost whack Cooper with one when Truman calls him away - they
found the OAM, near the waterfall.
-- Hawk brings in the OAM to the station. Lucy attends to Andy while
while Gwen gabs. Andy tells Lucy about his sperm.
-- The OAM examines Ben. Truman charges Ben with the murder of Laura.
The OAM is taken to back to hotel. Cooper tells Truman he doesn't
think Ben didi it.
8:30 (Vivien to Hank)
-- Norma, Hank, Ernie and Vivien have dinner together, Hank's got a
new domino - double 4. When the ladies are in the powder room, Hank
and Ernie talk. They were prison buddies. Ernie Niles, "The
Professor," got out 6 months ago. He met Vivien at a Republican
fund raiser. He says he doesn't gamble anymore.
11:05 (clock on table)
-- Audrey visits Cooper. Cooper gets a call.
-- Cooper and Truman identify Maddy's body
11 Mar (Saturday) [Episode 2009 - 12/1/90
Written by Mark Frost, Harley Peyton and Robert Engles
Directed by Tim Hunter]
-- Albert reports: letter O under Maddy's fingernail, fur in her hand
from a dead, stuffed fox. Cooper asks for 24 hours to finish it.
Albert: Cooper...
... an observation. I don't know where this is headed, but the
only one of us with the coordinates for this destination in his
hardware is you. Go on whatever vision quest you require. Stand on
the rim of the volcano, stand alone and do your dance. Just find
this beast before he takes another bite.
Cooper: <Sigh> God help me, I don't know where to start.
Hawk: You're on the path. You don't need to know where it leads.
Just follow...
-- James gives Donna a ring. Donna mentions last night.
-- Vivien doesn't like Norma's eggs.
-- Andy's French surprises Donna
-- Donna, Cooper, and Andy arrive at the Tremonds. A younger Mrs. Tremond
answers the door. Her mother passed away 3 years ago and she has no
children. She has a letter addressed to Donna that was in her mail
the morning after Harold died. It's a page from Laura's diary:
February 22. Last night I had the strangest dream. I was in a
red room with a small man, dressed in red, and an old man
sitting in a chair. I tried to talk to him. I wanted to tell
him who BOB is, because I thought he could help me. But my
words came out slow and odd. It was frustrating trying to talk.
I got up and walked to the old man. Then I leaned over and
whispered the secret in his ear.
Somebody has to stop BOB. BOB's only afraid of one man. He
told me once. A man named Mike. I wonder if this was Mike in
my dream. Even if it was only a dream, I hope he heard me. No
one in the real world would believe me.
February 23. Tonight is the night that I die. I know I have
to because it's the only way to keep BOB away from me. The
only way to tear him out from inside. I know he wants me. I
can feel his fire. But if I die he can't hurt me anymore.
-- Cooper questions the OAM who says, "you have all the clues you need."
-- Cooper, standing in a hall at the Great Northern, thinking hard,
sees the waiter. "I know about you. That milk'll cool down on you
but it's getting warmer now."
-- Cooper, Truman and Albert examine Ben's office. Albert says Maddy
was killed the night before last between 10 and 12. He also has
Ben's blood test results.
12:43 pm (clock on wall)
-- Andy calls Dick while Lucy watches - they need to talk
-- Tojamura sees Ben. He wants the contract signed or the money
returned. Ben signs it and Tojamura reveals his true identity.
-- Leland comes home to Donna. She's got a tape of her, Maddy and James
singing for Maddy. Leland recognizes Laura's shades on Donna and
she mentions Laura's secret diary. Leland gets a call from Beth -
Maddy never made it home. He chews gum, dances with Donna, and hugs
her hard. Truman's at the door for Leland.
-- Donna tells James about Maddy. He leaves her crying.
12 Mar Sunday
3:00 am (clock on wall)
-- At the Roadhouse, Ben eats nuts. Cooper and Truman are at the bar.
Truman brings Leland, Ed arrives and they clear the room. Hawk brings
Bobby and Leo. Major Briggs brings the waiter, who gives Cooper a
stick of gum. Leland: I know that gum. That's my most favorite gum
in the world. Cooper remembers: Laura: "My father killed me." The
Giant gives Cooper his ring back.
3:55 (clock on wall)
-- Cooper and Truman trick Leland into a cell. He freaks.
-- At gunpoint, Leland is cuffed and read his rights. Leland/Bob
confesses to killing Laura and Maddy. He mentions Pittsburgh and
Cooper is noticeably shaken.
Early morning
-- Dick and Andy listen to Lucy. Dick smokes.
-- Cooper tells his story of how the answer was staring him in the
face all this time - Leland's dancing, grey hair, Robertson, the
letters, the secret diary. Leland recites Mike's poem and Bob's
response. The sprinklers go off and Leland rams his head into the door.
<Cooper, Albert, and Truman burst into the room. The sprinkler system
has gone off and water is pouring over them all>
Cooper: Call an ambulence! <Cooper kneels next to Leland and cradles
Leland's head in his lap. For the rest of the scene he strokes
Leland's hair and face, comforting him.>
Leland: Oh God! Laura! I killed her. Oh my God, I killed my daughter.
I didn't know. Forgive me. Oh God. I was just a boy. I saw him
in my dream. He said he wanted to play. He opened me and I
invited him and he came inside me. When he was inside, I
didn't know. When he was gone, I couldn't remember. He made me
do things. Terrible things. He said he wanted lives. He wanted
others, others that they could use, like they used me.
Cooper: Like Laura.
Leland: They wanted her. But she was strong. She fought. She wouldn't
let him in. Oh God. They had me kill that girl, Theresa. And
they said if I didn't give them Laura, they'd have me kill
her, too.
Cooper: But she wouldn't let them in.
Leland: They said she'd die before she'd let them. Then they made me
kill her. Oh God, have mercy on me. What have I done? What
have I done? Oh God. I love her. I love her with all my heart.
My angel, forgive me.
<Cooper looks to Albert, who shakes his head -- apparently Leland
isn't going to live>
Cooper: Leland. Leland, the time has come for you to seek the path.
Your soul has set you face to face with the clear light and
you are now about to experience it in its reality. Wherein all
things are like the void and cloudless sky and the naked
spotless intellect is like a transparent vacuum, without
circumference or center. Leland, in this moment, know yourself
and abide in that state. Look to the light, Leland. Find the
Leland: I see it.
Cooper: Into the light, Leland. Into the light.
Leland: I see... Her. She's there.
Cooper: Into the light, Leland.
Leland: She's beautiful.
Cooper: Into the light.
Leland: Laura?
Cooper: Don't be afraid.
<Leland dies. Wordlessly Cooper pushes his own hair back and looks up.
The sprinklers shut off>
-- Cooper, Albert and Truman, on the path, meet Briggs and they discuss
15 Mar Wednesday [Episode 2010 - 12/8/90
Written by Tricia Brook
Directed by Tina Rathborne
-- Cooper explains to Sarah what happened the night Maddy died and
Leland's final moments
-- Leland's wake. Dr. Jacoby's back from Hawaii. Mayor Dwayne Milford
pulls his brother Dougie's ear. Dougie owns the newspaper and is
engaged to be married. The Mayor first ran for that office in '62.
Cooper to Truman: Harry, I'm really gonna miss this place.
-- Dr. Jacoby and Ed ask to have 35 year old Nadine admitted to school
-- Audrey sees Cooper, who tells his tale of Earle.
-- Bobby puts on Leo's clothes and goes to see Ben
-- Catherine talks to Harry. She says a guardian angel saved her and
directed her to the summer cabin on Pearl Lakes. There appears to
be an owl-shaped smudge on her cheek.
-- Dick talks to Lucy while she's replacing ceiling light bulbs. Andy
offers to be friends.
-- Cooper says goodbye to Truman, who gives him a green butt skunk hook
and a Bookhouse Boy patch. He says goodbye to Hawk, Andy and Lucy,
when Roger Hardy arrives with a mountie and tells Cooper he has been
suspended from the FBI.
-- Audrey gets Bobby in to see Ben, but gets kicked out. They go to
get ice cream. B: Cup or cone? A: Mmmm...cone. I like to lick.
-- Roger and the mountie question Cooper, who surrenders his gun and
badge. They only knew of two deaths, and Cooper didn't know about
Battis. Truman stands up for Cooper.
-- Nadine Butler tries out for cheerleading
-- Shelley brushes Leo's teeth. Bobby calls, Leo moves.
-- Vivien reveals herself to Norma, who kicks her out.
-- Hank brings Ernie to Jean at OEJ. Jean's assistant is the mountie -
he'll put some of the stolen cocaine in Cooper's car
-- Josie, injured, returns to Truman's place
-- Cooper and Briggs around a campfire:
COOPER: At the time I did what I thought was right. I must now face
the consequences.
BRIGGS: You can do no more.
(Cooper and Major Briggs, roasting marshmallows over a campfire.)
COOPER: You know, Major, I find myself thinking a lot about BOB.
If he truly exists.
BRIGGS: Yes, I've pondered that same question continuously since this
horror was revealed.
COOPER: I try to imagine him out there, incarnate, looking for
another victim to inhabit.
BRIGGS: There are powerful forces of evil in the world. It is some
men's fate to face great darkness. We each choose how to react.
If the choice is fear, then we become vulnerable to darkness.
There are ways to resist. You, sir, were blessed with certain
gifts. In this respect, you are not alone. Have you ever heard
of the White Lodge?
COOPER: The White Lodge. No, I don't believe I have.
(Briggs appears to ponder what he should say about this.)
(Angle on the woods from the point of view of some unknown entity,
moving through the woods.)
COOPER: Major, I'm going to take a moment here. I feel the call of
nature. There's nothing quite like urinating out in the open air. I
look forward to hearing more about this White Lodge.
(Cooper moves off into the woods. Major Briggs laughs, gives
the departing Cooper a "thumb's-up".)
When I return. From my journey.
(Lingering on Briggs, who looks off in the direction of Cooper's
exit with a speculative expression. An owl hoots. Major Briggs looks
up, alarmed.)
(Cooper urinating in the woods. An owl hoots in the tree above him.
Cooper watches the owl. Suddenly a brilliant white light appears
behind him. Cooper turns toward the light.)
(Angle on Briggs, bathed in blinding white light.)
(A robed figure appears in the light, backlit. No features are visible.)
(Cooper dashes through the woods to the camp site. The Major is gone.)
COOPER: Major Briggs? MAJOR?
(Cooper looks at the light. It seems to be receding into the woods.
Cooper runs toward it. He reaches the top of a small hill and freezes,
looking into the light. The light blinks out.)
16 Mar Thursday [Episode 2011 - 12/15/90
Written by Barry Pullman
Directed by Duwayne Dunham]
-- James cycles
-- Mrs. Briggs talks to Cooper and Truman about her husnad's disappearence.
Being "in the woods is significant," he "talks about them constantly."
He left notes by his bedside table so she'll call back later.
-- Andy and Hawk found a present for Mr. & Mrs. Milford
-- Gordon calls from Bend (a temp patches him through - Lucy's helping
with the wedding). Dennis Bryson from the DEA will be arriving.
-- Cooper presents no defense to Roger
-- Nadine asks Donna about Mike
-- James cycles to Wallies and meets Evelyn Marsh
12:18 pm (clock on wall)
-- Andy leaves flowers for Lucy
-- Dick brings Nicky, his charge from Happy Helping Hand, to the station.
Andy offers him a malt.
-- Cooper, Truman, and Hawk discuss the White Lodge:
HAWK: Cooper, you may be fearless in this world, but there are other
COOPER: Tell me more.
HAWK: My people believe that the White Lodge is a place where the
spirits that rule man and nature here reside.
TRUMAN: Local legend. Goes way back.
HAWK: There is also a legend of a place called the Black Lodge...
the shadow-self of the White Lodge. The legend says that
every spirit must pass through there on the way to perfection.
There, you will meet your own shadow-self. My people call
it "The Dweller on the Threshhold."
COOPER: "The Dweller on the Threshhold..."
HAWK: But it is said, if you confront the Black Lodge with imperfect
courage, it will utterly annihilate your soul.
-- Dennis arrives. He and Cooper worked together in Oakland. An RCMP
officer says he stole drugs.
-- Nadine leg presses 600 lbs.
-- Josie tells Harry about Eckhart. He took her off the streets in Hong Kong
at 16 and taught her about life and business. She was afraid for her
life when she met Andrew, a business aprtner. She says she believes
Eckhart is responsible for Andrew's death. She escaped from the airport
at Seattle.
-- Roger has pie at the RR (story on Leland in his paper)
-- Hank and Ernie return. When Norma asks Ernie if he caught anything, he
spins a tale she doesn't buy. Vivien's returned to Seattle.
-- Nicky blows whip cream in Dick's face and spins Andy's seat
-- James looks at Evelyn's '48 Jaguar. Her husband, Jeffrey, travels
extensively. She'll provide room and board while he works on the car.
-- Ben watches old footage of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Great
Northern. Hank arrives: Ben, I have had an absolutely killer schedule.
Ben wants to rearrange furniture. Hank tells him OEJ has been taken
over. Ben makes shadow figures.
-- Cooper gets an envelope from Windom Earle. P to Q4.
"Of course, you couldn't help but take note of my emphatically
traditional opening. I must say, your responding move was nothing
if not reflective of your predilection for the tidy and fastidious.
See how my response to you begins to lead us towards a classical
confrontation? But there's doubt in your mind: what are my true
intentions? How will you answer this time? Hobgoblins, Dale...
consistency...predictability, giving rise to patterns. We both
know only too well how these patterns leave you vulnerable to
attack. You with your wounds, I with mine, let me paint you a
picture: my knights will skirmish, lanes of power and influence
will open through my bishops and rooks, pawns will naturally
be forfeit. I'm even prepared to sacrifice my queen because,
I assure you, dear Dale, my goal will be attained at any cost;
the king must die!"
-- The Milford wedding. Dwayne objects.
-- Dennis tells Cooper s/he found cocaine in Cooper's car and explains
what happened.
-- Cooper dances with Audrey, Andy with Denise
-- Josie tells Catherine Thomas Echhart killed Andrew and she should be
careful. Catherine employs Josie as her maid. Andrew's alive:
"Everything's going exactly as we planned." He and Catherine will be
waiting for Eckhart.
17 Mar Friday [Episode 2012 - 1/12/90
Written by Harley Peyton and Robert Engles
Directed by Caleb Deschanel]
-- Bobby tries again to blackmail Ben, who's acting too weird for it to
take. B: "You know what you need in this life? Balance, distance,
symmetry." He's stacked his furniture. Eventually he hires Bobby to spy
on Hank; Bobby is thrilled.
-- Cooper is discussing houses with a real estate agent (Irene). A coin
flip leads him to like Dead Dog Farm, an estate with a mysterious past
where no one stays for long.
-- Andy, Dick and Lucy visit with Nickie's case worker. Nickie is an orphan
who has been through many foster homes, and is the victim of "persistent
random misfortune." Harry breaks up the meeting calling Andy to an
emergency at the Great Northern.
-- Harry, Doc Hayward and Andy investigate Dougie Milford, dead in his hotel
bed. Dwayne comes in and grieves, accusing the wife of murder by
sex. Andy doesn't cry. "My Secret Life" by Chris Gerrity is found
on the bed.
-- In the hallway, Hawk is talking/flirting with the widow. H: "When
something big goes down, I'm the man."
10:10 (clock on wall)
-- Nadine has joined the wrestling team and takes district champion Mike in
one fall while asking him out.
-- Mike complains to Donna about Nadine.
-- James meets Malcolm Sloan - Evelyn Marsh's brother, Jeffrey Marsh's
driver. He says Marsh abuses Evelyn. Once a fortnight she breaks one
of his things.
-- At Dead Dog Farm, Cooper notices some tire tracks: "A Jeep, a four-
wheeler and a luxury sedan." In the house he deduces a meeting took
place in the past few hours. He finds baby laxative and cocaine dust.
-- Dick fixes a flat (reading the instructions) while Nicky is irritating.
While Nicky is not touching the car and facing the other way, the car
falls off the jack. Nicky panics and runs to hug Dick (who is unhurt).
-- Cooper comes to tell Harry about Dead Dog Farm, but instead visits
with Air Force Colonel Reilly investigating Major Briggs. Briggs is a
great pilot. "The owls are not what they seem" was broadcast from
the woods, not deep space -- maybe from the White Lodge ("That's
classified"). Cooper mentions seeing an owl before Briggs disappeared.
-- James and Evelyn flirt and kiss. James encourages her to leave her
husband but she refuses. When Jeffrey comes home she runs to greet him.
-- Bobby, returning to Ben's office with photos, sees Audrey who flirts
with him but doesn't kiss him. Audrey goes to her secret listening place.
-- Ben, who is working on a civil war model ("Gettysburg, day 1"), accepts
the photos from Bobby and gives him a raise. Audrey eavesdrops.
-- Pete and Catherine enjoy a romantic meal, served by Josie in a maid
outfit. Pete is bothered by Catherine's treatment of Josie, but is having
too much fun to make an issue of it.
-- Cooper brings Diane up to date:
"Diane, I'm holding in my hand a nationally distributed newspaper. My
opening move [P to Q4] responding to Windom Earle's opening move was
printed in the personals column as per my instructions, but I have already
received his response to this yesterday. He anticipated my response to
his opening move perfectly. He's toying with me, Diane. I wonder where
he is and what he's planning."
Audrey knocks and offers Cooper Bobby's photos she has just stolen from
her father's office. Cooper identifies them as Hank, Ernie, Jean Renault
and the mountie, meeting at Dead Dog Farm. Denise comes in, and Audrey
kisses Cooper on her way out. Cooper briefs Denise.
D: I may wear a dress but I still put on my panties one leg at a time,
if you know what I mean.
Cooper: Not really...
-- At the RR, Ed looks depressed, prompting Norma to suggest they can still
be friends and to take his hand, all this secretly witnessed by Hank,
sporting a 3:4 domino.
-- Dick tells Andy he thinks Nicky is the devil.
-- In Harry's office, Dwayne continues to accuse Lana of murder. Doc says
it was a natural heart attack.
-- In the hallway, all the men watch Lana being escorted to a room. They
begin collectively reciting Shakespeare.
-- Lucy tries to call the sheriff to the phone, but gets no response. She
eventually finds all the men literally spellbound by Lana telling stories.
-- Dennis visits Ernie at the RR. At the Great Northern, Cooper and Dennis
interrogate Ernie. They apparently want to let him off, using him to
catch the big guys. Dennis will pose as a buyer from Seattle and Ernie
will arrange for a deal between Renault and Dennis.
-- James hears Evelyn and Jeffrey fighting. Malcolm tells James the first
beating was four years ago. He swears to kill Jeffrey.
-- Bobby goes home to find his mother sitting in the dark grieving over the
Major's disappearance. She flips on an owl lamp and Bobby tells his
mother about the Major's vision. Suddenly the lights go out and the major
materializes in the house, wearing a vintage pilot's outfit (leather
jacket and goggles) and asking how long he's been gone.
Betty: Is everything all right?
Garland: No, dear...not exactly.
18 Mar Saturday [Episode 2013 - 1/19/90
Written by Harley Peyton
Directed by Todd Holland]
-- Fade up on night time sky/field of stars. Camera pans
slowly to right.
VOICE: (whispers) Cooperrr...
In the background, a chittering noise is heard. A yellow
symbol consisting of three equilateral triangles overlapping
slightly at their apexes (like the international radiation
symbol) appears spinning in the center of the screen and
rapidly moves towards the camera with a screaming noise.
When it hits the camera, the screen erupts with flames.
BRIGGS (V.O.): I remember stepping from the flames. A
vague shape in the dark. Then nothing.
Slow fade from flames to Major Garland Briggs. He is
seated on a throne of stone in the middle of a jungle.
The camera moves slowly towards him.
BRIGGS: 'Til I found myself standing by the cold
remains of our campfire. Two days later.
HAYWARD (Distorted V.O.): Major, there are some new techniques
that might help us break through your amnesia.
BRIGGS: Well, my memories are immune from regression.
I can feel them...
A wolf begins to growl in the background.
BRIGGS: ...they're palpable, the smells, the sensation.
Everything is known to me, yet somehow beyond my reach.
COOPER (distorted V.O.): Do you remember anything else?
BRIGGS: Very little, save for one disturbing image
of a giant owl, pervasive.
The wolf continues to growl.
COOPER (distorted V.O.): A giant owl?
With a flash of light, we cut to a brief negative image of an owl flying,
then to a close shot of the back of the Major's neck, where there is a
small red scar identical to the 3-triangle symbol seen before. Cut
to Briggs face. The flash is revealed to be from an Instamatic
camera that Doc Hayward used to take a picture of the scar.
The camera slowly pulls back from Briggs. The scene is the
Sheriff's Station Conference Room, the time is apparently morning.
Major Briggs, Agent Cooper, Doc Hayward and Sheriff Truman
are present.
COOPER: A giant owl? How big?
BRIGGS: (fidgeting with his fingers) Enough to cloud my mind and memory.
HAYWARD: (handing the instant picture he has just taken to Cooper)
Three triangular scars behind the right
ear, in perfect proportion.
TRUMAN: Major Briggs...what exactly does your work involve?
BRIGGS: That information...as I've repeated endlessly
to myself...classified. Though the keeping of
secrets ... seems less meaningful to me now.
(Pause. The Major is nervous and shaken.)
Perhaps there are sources of information that are
so important as to transcend the human need
to conspire. Information of such weight that
pertains not ... (Garland pauses. He begins to
lose control of his emotions.) Oh, God! Is
this meant for the soul?! My soul?
COOPER: Major--perhaps you'd better start back at the beginning.
BRIGGS: Are you familiar with...Project Bluebook?
COOPER: Yes sir, I am. The Air Force investigation into
the phenomenon of Unidentified Flying Objects.
BRIGGS: Officially disbanded in 1969. But, there are those
of us who ... continue in an _unofficial_ capacity.
Examining the heavens as before...in the case of
Twin Peaks, the earth below.
Cooper and Truman look at each other.
BRIGGS: We are searching for a place called the White Lodge.
Briggs stops talking as the door opens and two M.P.s step in.
M.P. #1: Major Briggs?
BRIGGS: I've been expecting you.
TRUMAN: Now hold on just a minute, fellas.
M.P. #1: Colonel Riley's orders.
TRUMAN: I don't care what orders you got, this is my
station and Major Briggs happens to be a friend of mine.
BRIGGS: Harry (Briggs rises). I'm afraid we will have to continue
this discussion at a later date.
TRUMAN: Are you sure you wanna to go with them?
BRIGGS: (Nods) Yeah. (to Cooper) Goodbye.
M.P. #1: Major.
-- Dennis and Cooper have Ernie call Jean for the setup
-- Dick tells Andy Nicky's records were sealed and returned to the
-- Cooper asks Lucy if she's seen anything from Earle in the newspapers
-- At the RR, Ed tells Norma, "We need to talk"
-- Shelley's fed up with taking care of Leo and slaps Bobby who's going
out again, as Invitation to Love plays on the TV. Leo's eye twitches.
-- Ed gets a call from James who wants all his money ($12) sent to him
at Wally's
-- Evelyn asks James about his girls and for his help
9:25 (clock on wall)
-- Mike tries to fight off Nadine at the RR
-- Hank asks Norma where's she's going
-- Josie answers the door to Truman who can't keep his hands off her
-- Audrey visits Ben's battlefield and calls Jerry
-- Ed answers the door to Norma
-- Hawk prepares Ernie with a bug:
(Hawk is attaching a "wire" to Ernie with adhesive tape)
E: Ouch! Will you mind the chest hair, will ya?
H: You're sweatin' like a pig, Mr. Niles!
E: Oh, thanks a lot! That's nervous perspiration, man, hyperhydrosis.
It's a childhood condition--and I didn't notice it 'til the war.
Korea, remember that? Do ya? I was leading a batallion up towards
the 49th parallel. We were just a bunch of fresh-faced kids. I didn't
know what kinda hell we were steppin' into.
C: Ernie! Ernie, I want you to focus on the here and now. Repeat your
instructions to me, step by step.
E: Okay. Uh...I take...Denise...up to Dead Dog Farm. I introduce her to
C: Right.
E: I, uh...take Renault through the buy...complete the transaction, and get
the hell out of there, huh?
C: Good. Harry--that's when you come in. (Truman nods) By golly...I sure
wish I could join you fellas. But I've temporarily lost my
enforcement franchise.
E: Heh, I bet.
T: Well...I'v been givin' that some thought. (tosses badge to Cooper)
Consider yourself deputized. The bureau's loss is my gain.
(Cooper looks at the badge--it's number 13.)
C: (happily) I hope I can live up to this.
H: (finishes wiring Ernie) He's done. You might want to towel him off
before we go! (wipes his hands, exits)
E: Ah, come on! (to Cooper and Truman) Uh...how long will it, uh...
take you guys to storm the farmhouse after, uh, I complete the buy?
C: (pinning on his badge) You go out, we come in.
E: Can I, can I ask you a question?
T: What, Ernie?
E: Don't make me do this! This isn't my line of work! I'm a coward! I
don't do this kind of thing, I'm a CPA!
T: Ernie.
C: Ernie.
E: (laughs nervously) Just a momentary lapse. I'm okay, I'm...I'm cool.
Let's go do it, huh?
C: Where's Denise?
T: Haven't seen her.
(Door opens. Denise enters dressed as a man, hair pulled back into a
D: (proudly) You can call me Dennis! Oh, I don't know, somehow it
seemed...more appropriate. (Cooper beams, absolutely delighted)
Whadda you think?
(Truman whistles appreciatively)
-- Andy and Dick at the Dorritt Home for Boys
D: Our investigation must proceed "sub rosa." We may have to pick the
lock. Tricky business, that. (Andy opens the unlocked door) Voila!
We enter!
A: Where is everybody?
D: Lunch! Here we are, the case files. N...N...N...(turns to another
set of files) N! Nales...Nester...Netherby...Needleman, Nicholas.
Needleman, our little Nicky!
A: We can read it in the car!
D: Oh, patience, Andrew.
A: (increasingly nervous) Dick!
D: Sh! The usual background information...mmm...birthplace...initial
adoption... mm-hmm! First of several, it seems.
A: Dick!
D: (oblivious to Andy) Ah, the plot thickens. Where are thy secrets,
little Nicky?
(The Brewsters appear at the door, wave eagerly. Andy sees them.)
A: Dick!
(The Brewsters enter. Dick jumps up, startled, and clumsily hides
Nicky's file in his trenchcoat.)
B: Hi!
(Andy, petrified, crosses and stands beside Dick.)
B: We're the Brewsters. (laughs) I know we're a little early. It's
just that we're so darn eager to see him. Can we see him? Where's
D: D--Uh, little Donny is...uh, dead. (The Brewsters look horrified.)
Eh! Dead tired, I mean. I'm afraid little Donny, he isn't feeling up
to snuff.
B: Well, he was in perfect health only yesterday.
(Dick is stumped.)
A: Dick!
D: Just a minute...*Woody*. Let me finish helping these good people.
Now--where were we?
-- Ed answers the door to Donna who's looking for James. She'll deliver
the money.
-- Norma leaves and Nadine rescues Ed from Hank
-- Bobby sees Ben, then Audrey. A: I think Daddy needs an injection.
-- Catherine visits Ben
-- James shows Evelyn the fixed car who seduces him as Malcolm watches
-- At Dead Dog Farm, Ernie's shirt smokes, blowing the cover. Hawk calls
for backup as Cooper exchanges himself for Ernie and Dennis.
Evening (1/4 moon)
-- Evelyn leaves James in bed to go at it with Malcolm
-- Jean, the mountie, and Cooper in the center room:
C: Is my death so important to you?
R: My two brothers die...I hold you responsible.
C: Why?
R: Well...before you came here...Twin Peak was a simple place.
My brothers deal dope to the teenagers and the truckdrivers...
oh...One Eyed Jack welcomed the businessman and the tourist...
quiet people lived a quiet life. Then--a pretty girl die,
and you arrive...and everything change. My brother Bernardo,
shot, and left to die in the...the woods. A grieving father
smother my remaining brother with, ah...the pillow.
Kidnaping...death...suddenly, ah, the quiet people...they're
quiet no more. Suddenly the...the simple dream, become the
nightmare. So. If you die, maybe you will be the last to die.
Maybe you brought, ah...the nightmare...with you. And maybe...
the nightmare will *die* with you.
-- Dennis in a RR uniform, delivers food. Cooper shoots Jean with a
gun hidden in Dennis' panty hose and Dennis kicks the mountie's ass.
-- Shelley wakes to intermittent power to find Leo
-- Power's off at the station. Lucy says there were two fires and an
explosion. Cooper finds a dead person pointing to a chessboard:
| WR | | WB | WK | WQ | WB | WN | WR |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| WP | | WP | WP | | WP | WP | |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
| | | | | | | | |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| | | | | | | | |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
| | | | WP | | | | |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| ? b|
| | | | | | BQ | BP | |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| ? b| ? w|
| | BP | | BP | BP | | | |
| w| b| w| b| w| ? b| ? w| ? b|
| BR | BN | | BK | | BB | | |
| b| w| b| w| ? b| ? w| ? b| ? w|
b = black square w = white square
B = black piece W = white piece
K= king Q = queen B = bishop N = knight R = rook P = pawn
? denotes square not visible or partially obscured
18 Mar Saturday (continued) [Episode 2014 - 2/2/91
Written by Scott Frost
Directed by Uli Edel]
-- Truman, Cooper, and Doc Hayward investigate the dead body - there's a
black pawn in the mouth. Cooper says it's a vagrant, and makes several
predictions borne out by investigation (type of wound, an abandoned
car ...).
-- Audrey plots with Bobby to save the Horne empire. AUDREY: From now on,
it's me you suck up to.
-- Leo stalks Shelley with an axe, as an owl watches. LEO: Bad girl.
Bobby returns home and after a struggle, Shelley stabs Leo in the leg who
runs away into the woods.
19 Mar Sunday
-- Cooper's been cleared, but the suspension remains. Harry offers the
vagrant murder case to deputy Cooper. Hawk reports Hank is in the
hospital - he missed the drug deal because he was "hit by a bus."
Shelley called to report Leo's awakening.
-- Andy tells Lucy about his and Dick's theory of Nicky killing his parents
at the age of 6.
-- James meets Jeffrey, who gets in the car and drives off. Evelyn
puts the moves on James. JAMES: IT'S WRONG!!!
-- At the RR, Ed and Doc Hayward discuss Nadine's dating and sex life.
Donna took the van to look for James who's "out a couple of hours west."
-- Ed tells Norma about the Nadine/Hank fight. Norma says Harry will
arrest Hank for parole violation. Ed and Norma plan a romantic weekend.
NORMA: People will find out. ED: Let 'em.
-- James prepares to leave
-- Cooper talks with Truman:
| WR | WN | WB | WK | WQ | WB | WN | WR |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| WP | WP | WP | | | WP | WP | WP |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
| | | | | | | | |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| | | | WP | | | | |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
| | | | WP | | | | |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| | | | | | BN | | | Captured:
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| ---------
+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ BP by WP
| BP | BP | BP | | BP | BP | BP | BP |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| BR | BN | BB | BK | BQ | BB | | BR |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
T: So how does chess figure into all this?
C: Because Windom Earle and I played a game every day for three years.
He felt that all of life could be found in the patterns and conflicts
on the board. (pauses) Because I never beat him. (pauses) Now it's
my turn. I'll publish my response in the Twin Peaks Gazette. I don't
know what else to do.
T: Coop, you're gonna have to give me some more information here.
C: Harry, I've brought some baggage to town I haven't told you about.
(sits) Windom Earle was my first partner. Everything I know about the
law and the bureau, I owe to him. Four years ago, we drew the
assignment of protecting a material witness in a federal crime. She
was, uh...very beautiful...very gentle woman. Her name was Caroline.
She and I fell in love. One night, I...failed in my vigilance. An
attack was made; I wasn't ready. I was wounded and I lost
consciousness. (swallows hard) When I came to, she was in my arms,
she...she was dead, she'd been stabbed.
T: The wounds on the vagrant.
C: Identical. The killer was never found. My wound healed; Windom Earle
went mad. Institutionalized until his recent escape.
T: So why is he after you?
C: Harry--Caroline was Windom Earle's wife.
(Truman has been sitting on the edge of his desk. Now, he sits in his
chair, taken aback.)
T: So...he blames you for her death.
C: (shakes his head, leans forward) It's much worse than that. I think
he killed her. And I think he committed the crime that she originally
witnessed. Harry-- Windom Earle's mind is like a diamond! It's cold,
and hard, and brilliant. I think he feigned the insanity that sent
him away, but at some point he lost the ability to distinguish between
what's right and what's wrong. You don't know what he's capable of,
Harry...you don't know!
-- Donna shows up at Wally's looking for James but finds Evelyn instead.
Evelyn said he had done some work for her and then headed off to Mexico.
-- Audrey ushers Jerry into Ben's office. BEN: Jeb! Dr. Jacoby is there.
He says Ben's reversal of the South's fortunes is a healthy way for Ben
to recover from his own defeat.
-- Briggs staggers into the sheriff's office and collapses. Lucy checks her
lip stick.
-- Briggs, Truman and Cooper at the station:
(Briggs, Cooper, and Truman are all sucking down huge glasses of water.
Lucy is standing nearby with a pitcher of water.)
L: More?
C: I'm fine.
T: Fine, Lucy.
B: Fine.
(Lucy exits.)
T: Major--what happened?
B: Well, as men who have dedicated their lives to service, I know that
you're able to understand how sacred I hold a pledge of allegiance.
And the cost one must pay when breaking a pledge.
C: It can be very great.
B: Well, the Air Force, *I thought*, was not unlike other societies of
men dedicated to the fight for the good. (pauses, mops his brow)
Gentlemen, frankly I'm worried. When my superiors questioned me about
my disappearance, they exhibited a degree of suspicion and intolerance
bordering on the paranoic. I must now admit that their motivation in
the search for the White Lodge is not ideologically pure. I believe
that during my disappearance I was taken to the White Lodge. I can
remember, virtually nothing. But I have the clear, intuitive sense
that there's... much trouble ahead.
C: Major? What kind of trouble?
B: I am unaware of the form it will take. (pauses) I will return.
Until that time, I will be in the shadows if you need me. Good day,
C: Good day, Major.
(the Major exits.)
T: In the shadows. Can you beat that?
C: No...
-- Jacoby, Lana (the widow Milford), Cooper, Truman, Hawk at the station
(Cooper and Truman enter the meeting room after Hawk. Jacoby and Lana
are waiting there.)
J: Good. I wanted all of you to hear this. I've just spent almost the
last twenty-four hours with this charming young lady, and as you can
see, uh... I have no bruises, no broken bones...any claims by her
deceased husband's brother that she's cursed or somehow responsible
for a death is nonsense. Now what she does, in fact, possess is a
heightened sexual drive. And a working knowledge of technique,
anatomy, and touch, that few men have ever had the pleasure of
experiencing, or the skills to match.
T: Is it *hot* in here?
C: Yeah.
H: Yep.
C: Lana, let me be the first to congratulate you.
L: Thank you! Well--I could never have done it without Dr. Jacoby.
J: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Okay. Well, we're gonna go bowling. See ya
later, guys!
-- Dwayne Milford is in the lobby with a shotgun, threatening to shoot Lana.
Cooper suggests that the mayor and the widow go alone into the conference
room to work it out. Truman: Now what? COOPER: We wait.
-- COOPER: OK, long enough. The cops enter the conference room to find the
widow and the mayor making wedding plans.
-- Catherine reveals Andrew Packard to Pete.
-- Eckhardt and a young female escort check into the Great Northern
-- Truman shows Cooper a Seattle newspaper story -- Jonathan is dead. Harry
suspects Josie and asks Cooper to investigate.
-- Doc Hayward tells Dick and Andy about Nicky's past. His mother was an
immigrant, maid at the Great Northern. She was impregnated during a rape,
died in child birth. Nicky was in an orphanage, then adopted.
His adopted parents were killed in a car crash. Lucy is indignant that
the men had suspected Nicky of wrong-doing. She swats a fly.
-- It comes down at the Marsh place. Evelyn says Jeffrey died in a car
crash, the brake lines were cut. JAMES: You set me up! Evelyn says she
loves James, and hopes he gets away. Police arrive. James is sneaking
away. Donna is there in the shadows, and they run away together.
-- Leo walking through the woods. Gratuitous owl shots. There is a cabin
with a light on. Leo walks in and meets Windom Earle.
20 Mar (Monday) [Episode 2015 - 2/9/21
Written by Harley Peyton and Robert Engles
Directed by Diane Keaton]
-- Evelyn and Malcolm tell the cops about James
-- At Wallies, the cops watch an opera, while James and Donna talk
as the bartender persists in listening in. Donna wants to talk to Ed,
James wants to talk to Evelyn.
-- Donna calls Ed
-- Cooper and Truman question Shelley and Bobby, who says that Hank shot Leo
-- Albert ("Get a life, punk!") tells Cooper about Earle's leavings at
five different post offices in different cities, each an article of
Carolyn's clothing.
-- Earle makes music as Leo awakens
-- Ed and Norma discuss their future in bed when Nadine rips off the door
and joins them in bed. She says she knows about them, mentions Mike,
and bends her 2nd place wrestling trophy.
-- Cooper and Truman question Josie
-- Pete returns with a load of dry cleaning. Cooper takes a sample from
a coat.
-- Thomas calls Josie. Catherine listens.
-- Ben continues on in the war. Johnny is present in his Indian headdress.
Bobby trumpets.
-- Evelyn and Donna trade words at Wallies until Malcolm comes for Evelyn
-- Albert's report. The dead Asian man was Johnathan Kumagi. The fibers
found outside Cooper's door and from Josie's coat are a perfect match.
The dead vagrant's name was Eric Powell. Powell was Carolyn's maiden
-- Pete beats Toad, Cooper and Doc Hayward in chess
-- Shelley gets her job back and cleans the ice cream cone.
-- Truman tells Norma Hank is going back to jail
-- Josie answers the door to Eckhardt, who dines with Catherine. They
debate over what to do with Josie.
-- James confronts Evelyn, who's blowing smoke rings. She confesses and
seduces him. Malcolm knocks him out.
-- The North surrenders and Ben's back
-- Earle prepares himself and tutors Leo in penmanship
-- Donna stumbles into Evelyn and Malcolm scheming. Fiasco results
in Evelyn shooting Malcolm.
-- Cooper looks at a picture of Carolyn as Earle walks out of the elevator.
Earle leaves a message for Audrey.
-- Cooper finds a mask and a message from Earle in his bed.
21 Mar (Tuesday) [Episode 2016 - 2/16/91
Written by Tricia Brook
Directed by Lesli Linka Glatter]
-- Cooper and Truman listen to Earle's tape. They decide to call Pete
for Cooper's next move. Lucy: Paper and Pete - I'll do it alphabetically!
-- Pete answers Lucy's call then serves breakfast to Catherine and Andrew.
Josie enters, sees Andrew and faints.
-- Truman reads the paper, an article on the Asian man's death
-- Hank (on crutches) and Hawk in Truman's office. Truman accuses Hank of
shooting Leo. Hank says he was home with Norma then, and offers to deal
info on Packard's death for freedom. No deal. Hawk kicks Hank's
crutch out from under him.
-- Albert's report reagrding the gun:
A: This is the bullet we removed from you. This is the one that was
excavated from the dead man's skull. Same bullets, same gun, same
killer. Let's go get her.
C: Albert, hold your horses.
A: Coop--I appreciate any reluctance you might have for busting your
pal's old lady, but the woman ventilated you and left you for dead.
C: (holds up his hand) Albert--I don't take it personally. What about
the gloves, the powder tests?
A: News at five. All right, fine, you're not mad, but there's an
epidemic of multiple gunshot wounds following this chick around,
she is a menace.
C: (nods) I'll talk to her. Maybe she'll confess, turn herself in.
A: Maybe she'll grow wings and join the circus. (leaves)
-- Audrey working as concierge at the Great Northern. Some hunk walks
in; he claims to have seen Audrey years ago playing Heidi. Audrey has
mail -- a note containing a torn piece of paper with writing, and a
note inviting her to "save the one you love" by attending "a gathering
of angels" at the Roadhouse that night.
-- Ed replaces some figurines on a shelf when Nadine returns from school
early. She confesses to Ed her love for Mike. NADINE: "It's time to
call a spade a spade, Eddie: we're breaking up."
-- Cooper pleads the truth from Josie. Catherine listens in. COOPER: "I
don't know what place Harry occupies in your heart, but I do know that
you own his." Josie is unresponsive. After Cooper leaves, Catherine
badgers Josie while oozing slime. Catherine says Josie will have to
see Eckhardt alone that night. JOSIE: "He'll kill me." Catherine
casually exposes a gun in the book case which Josie grabs and fondles.
-- Bobby, Ben, Jerry, Audrey and the hunk (old friend of Ben's, John
Justice Wheeler aka Jack) plot business. Ben reveals there is an
endangered species on the mill/Ghostwood property: the pine weasel.
B: I give you...the little pine weasel. Found only in our tri-county
area... it is nearly extinct.
J: (happily) They're incredible roasted.
Ben will use this fact to stop development until he is in the driver's
seat. BEN: "And then, I'm considering a run for the Senate."
1:16 (clock on wall)
-- Earle the truck driver leaves the RR, leaving a note for Shelly.
Norma is on the phone with her sister (Andie), a nun who is
coming to visit. Shelly reads the note, identical to Audrey's.
Ed comes in and proposes to Norma.
-- Leo whittles under Earle's instruction
-- Norma visits Hank in jail, asks for a divorce. Hank promises to reform
and asks for an alibi regarding Leo. Norma refuses, although Hank
swears he'll die if he goes back to prison. HANK: "You're his whore."
NORMA: "I'd rather be his whore than your wife."
-- Pete selects a move that will give Earle "sleepless nights" and not
allow him to capture any pieces for 4-5 moves. It appears to be P to
QN-3. This is just about the only legal move in that corner of the
board (to Cooper's right) that would prevent any immediate capture.
If the move had been P to QN-4, then the pawn would have been vulnerable
to attack by the white king's bishop. P to QR-4 would have been OK too,
but it appears that Pete moved the pawn in the file of the queen's
| WR | WN | WB | WK | WQ | WB | WN | WR |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| WP | WP | WP | | | WP | WP | WP |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
| | | | | | | | |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| | | | WP | | | | |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
| | | | WP | | | | |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| | | | | | BN | BP | | Captured:
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| ---------
+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ BP by WP
| BP | BP | BP | | BP | BP | | BP |
| w| b| w| b| w| b| w| b|
| BR | BN | BB | BK | BQ | BB | | BR |
| b| w| b| w| b| w| b| w|
5:00 (A to C: "News at five.")
-- Albert says the powder on Josie's glove proves she shot Cooper. There was
a positive ID of her in Seattle.
-- Andrew visits Josie putting on makeup in her room. He says he loved her
though she didn't love him and she should go to Eckhardt who can
get her out of the country.
-- James and Donna meet for a picnic in the mountains. James is going to
continue traveling around. Donna will return to TP. They will continue
to love each other and meet again some day. Evelyn is going to stand
-- Truman comes to see Josie. Catherine says she's gone to see Eckhardt.
-- Eckhardt and Andrew meet in the elevator. Andrew says he is alive
because Josie betrayed Eckhardt. Something about Josie in love with
Truman. ECKHARDT: "I've already taken care of him."
-- Ben, Audrey and Jack at supper. Jack is in business of saving troubled
businesses with environmental problems. Ben is called away;
attraction/repulsion/defensiveness between Audrey and Jack ensues.
9:30 pm
-- Shelly, Audrey and Donna meet at the Roadhouse. They put their three
pieces of paper together. Earle watches from the bar.
"See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another.
No sister flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother.
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea.
What is all this sweet work worth,
If thou kiss not me?"
-- Cooper practices fly fishing in his room. Catherine calls to let him
know where Josie is. He grabs his gun and goes to investigate. He hears
a shot and opens Eckhardt's door. Eckhardt stands up and dies.
Josie and Cooper point guns at each other.
J: He tried to kill me.
C: Is that what you'll say about me, Josie--that I tried to kill you?
What about Jonathan? Did he try to kill you, too?
J: He...he was taking me back.
C: Why did you shoot me, Josie?
J: Because you came here. I knew this day was going to come. I'm not
going to jail! I can't!
(Harry enters, gun drawn)
H: Put it down, Josie.
J: Ah! Harry?!
J: Harry--forgive me. I never meant to hurt you. (takes several sharp
breaths, closes her eyes, hugs the gun to her chest, and collapses on
the bed)
H: (rushes to her, cradles her in his arms) Josie! Josie?! Josie!
(looks up) She's dead.
(Harry and Josie on the bed disappear, spotlight appears. BOB climbs
onto the bed from the floor on the far side, laughing maniacally, until
he is on his hands and knees on the bed)
B: Coop! What happened to Josie?! (continues to laugh)
(BOB disappears, the little Man From Another Place appears, dances on
the bed, and disappears. Harry and Josie reappear as before. Josie's
face appears in the knob of the nightstand, crying out in torment)
f3-7r3974rg94gf79-t7fx-97tr-kb79-btr97vr-973tr8c63r8vch9ptv.p;v67ptr7pvt7ptv;p73********************************************************************************* "If you say drink coffee... I drink coffee!" *
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** Edwin Nomura * I have no plans to call on you, Clarice, ** enomura@ucsd.edu * the world being more intersting with you in it. *