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Underground eXperts United
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[ uXu Index #29 - 18-Apr-98 ] [ By Bravemoore ]
* The intro. EEEEVVVROPOL! Schengen Information System (SIS),
* Supplementary Information Request at the National
* Entry (Sirene). Purpose: ''...with the help of the
* transferred information, maintain order and public
* safety, including the security of the state...''
* Just when I thought this century/millenium would end relatively
* peacefully and quietly, from a political point of view that is,
* a newsflash hits me right between the eyes. As I type this, a
* european police state is being created. In spite of it's name,
* Europol, they aren't as nice and cuddly as one first might think.
* Until now, you had to be convicted of a crime in court, in order for
* the cops to keep a legal record on you. In this new database, Sirene,
* to mention one, it is now legal for the cops to keep a detailed record
* of you, no matter if you're innocent, a suspect or a convicted criminal.
* This database will if used to it's full extent, contain DNA,
* appearance description, religious, sexual, philosophical and political
* preferences, race, union membership, mental and physical health state
* information.
* The worst part of this is, IT'S NOT A LATE APRIL FOOLS' DAY JOKE!
* It's been said before, but it's worth repeating (travesty) :
* "1984: We're behind schedule / Europol"
* Now let's not get too depressed...
* HIP'97! *The* happening of 1997. About 1500 people came to attend
* the latest in a sequel of summer-conventions in Holland.
* We were there to present the then-latest uXu release (#28), and to
* have an entertaining, enlightening and - not to mention - a good
* time. During these three days in August, we gave away more than
* a hundred diskettes containing all our released files! We didn't
* notice any of the disks laying around later, so I guess they got well
* taken care of...
* It's hard work being a missionary, but when we think about all the
* good that will come out of this - it's worth a little agony and late
* nights :)
* *Sniff* Lucky you. At least _you_ got a brand new bunch of uXu files
* to read... We haven't :( In this release, we have - beside from the
* regular writers - four new contributors: Sophia, Jay Miller,
* Moshe Benarroch and George Kozma. Each with their own speciality.
* Enjoy!
* Your faithful Editor,
* Bravemoore
* mailto:uxu-request@lysator.liu.se
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Description: Subscribers will receive the files in plain ASCII
as the releases are made available.
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2) THE UXU INFO LIST (Release Notification List)
Address: uxu-info-request@lysator.liu.se
Description: Subscribers will receive a short notice in plain ASCII
as the releases are made available. This notice contain
the titles, authors and sizes of the new files and how
to get them.
Commands: Subject: SUBSCRIBE
There are also a few other services available:
Address: uxu-request@lysator.liu.se
Description: In the body of the message, list the number of the
issues you want sent to you - each separated by commas.
Example: "086,107,314,nnn" (without quotes)
Command: Subject: uXu BACK ISSUES
Address: uxu-request@lysator.liu.se
Command: Subject: INDEX UXUSHORT
Address: uxu-request@lysator.liu.se
Command: Subject: INDEX UXULONG
Address: uxu-request@lysator.liu.se
Command: Subject: INDEX UXUJOIN
Address: uxu-request@lysator.liu.se
Command: Subject: INDEX UXUDIST
Current uXu Writers
Name Specialities Status
Bravemoore - Fiction, Manuals, Humor - Member/Editor
The Chief - Fiction, News, Lyrics, Facts - Member
The GNN - Anarchy, Weirdness, Fiction - Member
Knyttet - Thoughts from the inner mind - Member
Joseph - Constructive information - Member
Intoxicating - Sobering thoughts - Contributor
DisordeR - F.U.C.K. defector - Contributor
Michael W Dean - Rock'n Roll writer - Contributor
HC - Local observations - Contributor
* Sophia - Everyday/everyone-feelings - Contributor
* Jay Miller - Vivid poetry - Contributor
* Moshe Benarroch - Poetry from the holy land - Contributor
* George Kozma - Alternative philosophy - Contributor
uXu Lifetime Honorary Members
Name For...
Ikonoklast Writing that great piece of work, Technophilia
Leon Felkins His great and serious essays for serious people
* I N D E X - Standard Releases 411 - 429 [April 1998]
For the complete list of uXu files, check out our web or FTP sites, or
send mail with subject "INDEX UXUSHORT" to uxu-request@lysator.liu.se
No Title Author Size
* [411] Writer's Block The GNN 6k
* [412] Introspection Jay Miller 2k
* [413] Chest Shot The GNN 4k
* [414] A Meager Attempt Sophia 7k
* [415] Chen The GNN 4k
* [416] The Paradox Joseph 5k
* [417] On Friendship The GNN 39k
* [418] Old Buk In The Holy City Moshe Benarroch 4k
* [419] How To Get More Sex The GNN 10k
* [420] Life Is Bravemoore 2k
* [421] How Do One Find New Friends? Knyttet 4k
* [422] Malfunction The GNN 8k
* [423] Modus Operandi The GNN 10k
* [424] Neighbor Trouble Bravemoore 3k
* [425] The Fictional Parent The GNN 9k
* [426] Neighbor Trouble II The Chief 4k
* [427] Freudipus George Kozma 7k
* [428] Genetic Moralism The GNN 12k
* [429] uXu Index #29 Bravemoore 20k
* I N D E X - Swedish Releases 31 - 32 [April 1998]
F|r en komplett lista p} svenska uXu-filer, skicka e-post till
uxu-request@lysator.liu.se med {renderaden "INDEX UXUSHORT".
Nr Titel Skribent Storlek
* [31] Filmmanuskript: Terroristerna The GNN 16k
* [32] Massornas Tids}lder The GNN 22k
* uXu - Description Index
Standard Releases
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/ \ / \ Underground eXperts United
< uXu > Release Update #29
\ / \ / Apr 18, 1998
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August April August April August April Releases 1998:
411: "Writer's Block" by The GNN. Let us quote Gene Fowler: "Writing
is easy; all you do is sit staring at a blank sheet until the drops
of blood form on your forehead." True as it is, have you not spent
several days, even MONTHS sometimes, waiting for the blood to form?
And nothing happens? Diagnosis: you experience a writer's block.
Remedy: none whatsoever, as argued in this text.
412: "Introspection" by Jay Miller. These are two short hard-core
poems, raw as the mixture of diesel and razor blades. Yet without
turning obscure. Highly recommended by John "Popie" Paul himself.
413: "Chest Shot" by The GNN. This is a tale about four people:
A woman reading a book by a cafeteria, a man who desperately tries
to get her attention, another man who observes them through a pair
of binoculars, and a final man who views two of them through the sight
of a gun. Interested? Read it.
414: "A Meager Attempt" by Sophia. As we get older, we change. Our
interests and passions twist and turn on the track through life. But
what if there are two passions around on the same track? Will they
collide, crash, force the other one off the road - or decide to go
in different directions? And if they do, where will they head?
415: "Chen" by The GNN. This particular story begins like this:
"Charles Chen flipped through the television channels". And it ends
like this: "But some people said he just chewed and ate the bullet,
and never returned to his couch again." But as the experienced reader
you are, you know that it is what happen in between that counts.
416: "The Paradox" by Joseph. Afraid to go out, afraid to stay
indoors. Sick of living, unwilling to die. The constant fear of
other people, the constant fear of oneself. The never-ending wheel
of paradoxes, that for some constitute their paranoid lifestyle; for
others, the insight that one is quite happy after all.
417: "On Friendship" by The GNN. Do you have any friends? Oh, no?
Really not? What the hell do you mean by 'otherwise I would not waste
my time reading uXu day in and day out'?! Anyway. Of course you have
friends. But what is a 'friend', and what does the notion of
'friendship' really imply? If you think about it, these are not all
that easy questions. But this file might help you out.
418: "Old Buk In The Holy City" by Moshe Benarroch. More poetry! But
this time with a political and social angle. More ought not be said,
read it yourself. Hey wait... isn't that... yes it is!
419: "How To Get More Sex" by The GNN. YES! This file ACTUALLY works!
Everything in this file is TRUE! THIS FILE WILL MAKE YOU HAVE MORE
SEX! This is not yet another of these crappy texts that claims
420: "Life Is" by Bravemoore. Life can be many things, indeed. For
one thing, it can be distinctly human. And how is it then? Heck, how
should I know? Ask Aristotle. Or Bravemoore.
421: "How Do One Find New Friends?" by Knyttet. Keeping old friends
is one thing, making new ones is a different story. Knyttet shares
her thoughts on the subject, in her on special way of explaining
422: "Malfunction" by The GNN. Classic science-fiction is usually
about one out of three things: time-travelling, space encounters or
teleporters. This is not a classic piece of sci-fi (as it was
written 1998), but it is about teleporters. From a new angle?
Absolutely not! That would ruin the whole experience! With a
different story? Of course. We never snatch other's ideas.
423: "Modus Operandi" by The GNN. Hey, you wanna be a terrorist?
You wanna blow things up? You wanna kill, main and destroy, for
the sake of the cause? If you answer 'yes' to all those questions,
here is the file for you, here is your plan, here is your
long-awaited modus operandi.
424: "Neighbor Trouble" by Bravemoore. Neighbors can be a pain in
the ass. If they do not torture you with loud music, lousy cooking
or never-ending drinking parties, they claim that YOU do so.
Outrageous! Why cannot people just accept that other's might
subscribe to a different lifestyle? They cannot, because they are
DIFFERENT. From you, that is.
425: "The Fictional Parent" by The GNN. Once again, Sweden shows
its best side. Haha. Just kidding. The truth should be: Once again,
Sweden stands out of the crowd, by preferring the easiest way out
of a complex problem. Easy way out, indeed; the best way out,
certainly not. Or judge for yourself. This is merely The GNN's point
of view on the subject.
426: "Neighbor Trouble II" by The Chief. Neighbors surely can be
a pain in the ass! But one must not forget that a 'neighbor' lives
very close to you. Closer than you might firstly believe. But the
problem is still there: THE DIFFERENCE!
427: "Freudipus" by George Kozma. Close historical investigation
of a given speciality at a given time discloses a set of recurrent
and quasi-standard illustrations of various theories in their
conceptual, observational, and instrumental applications. These are
the community's paradigms, revealed in its textbooks, lectures and
laboratory exercises. The paradigm of Sigmund Freud is no
exception, as Kozma here argues.
428: "Genetic Moralism" by The GNN. We live in the age of the
scientific method, the true and reliable modus operandi of coming
to correct conclusions through bullet-proof logical thinking.
Overwhelming? Not necessarily. The scientific method is, and will
always be, limited to a special part of the universe. But, as always,
some people will misconceive the most obvious truths. This file
tries to remedy one misconception: that it is 'scientifically proven'
that we are 'natural egoists'.
429: "uXu Index #29" by Bravemoore. Another info-packed index.
Find everything you need, to know more! How to order back-issues,
subscribe and so on. If by some strange reason still shouldn't
be satisfied, try out our... duuh.. v{bbsida.
[#429 also includes an index for the latest uXu-S series]
Call our Fine Distribution Sites: [Crispy 'til Release #30]
*** Internet has yet again claimed a few more victims. Contact us
*** to have your BBS added to this list now!
Name Number Speed Country SysOp
+Ripco ][ [773]-528-5020 [14.4] US Dr. Ripco
KastlerocK [412]-527-3749 [28.8] US Jamie Kowinsky
* +The Young Gods [+351]-1XX-XXXXX [33.6] Portugal bOOMERANG
* Executive Terror [+61]-89319-3226 [33.6] Australia Phreak Klass
Unphamiliar Territory upt.org [ -] US Invalid Media
* IIRG iirg.org [ -] US Black IC
+ = Headquarters for this country
Changes to the Distribution Site list since last time and extra info:
* The Stash: Rest in peace... forever?
* The Young Gods: Back again.
Unphamiliar Territory: Private Membership. Telnet.
* IIRG (International Information Retrieval Guild) : Welcome back!
* Deleted: X-treme, Cathedral Crowbar, Soth's Domain, LHD2,
Destiny Stone II
The uXu Connection
* E-Mail - bm@uxu.org (Bravemoore)
* - chief@uxu.org (The Chief)
* - gnn@uxu.org (The GNN)
* - sliver@mail.bip.net (Joseph)
FTP Sites - ftp.lysator.liu.se /pub/texts/uxu
- ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/UXU
* WWW - www.uxu.org
Mailing List - uxu-request@lysator.liu.se (the Distribution list)
- uxu-info-request@lysator.liu.se (the Information list)
IRC Channel - EFnet / #uxu (not all that often)
Underground eXperts United Copyright Notice
The files spread by uXu are copyrighted by the author, however spreading
is allowed as long as the few following rules are followed:
- No commercial spreading whatsoever.
- Filenames are in the format UXU-nnn.TXT where nnn is the valid number
of that file. You may re-archive it, but keep the UXU-nnn.aaa format
(where aaa is the archive-extension, e.g. ARJ, ZIP, LZH etc.)
- You are NOT allowed to add, subtract or in any way change the text.
Please note that neither uXu nor the authors take any responsibility for
the information contained in the files nor for any psychological or
physical damage or injuries caused by use or misuse of the contents of
the files.
If something is unclear or if you want to get more material from uXu,
please write directly to the editor: uxu-request@lysator.liu.se.
No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission in
writing from the publisher and/or author.