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Burn The Flag!
Bloody Afterbirth
Toxic File #66
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What a board SHOULD be.
I pledge violence...to the flag...of the United Shit of America...
And to the cunt tree...for which it stands...
One nation...that thinks it's God...
Already divided...
With liberty and justice..for none.
I saw the bill that banned flag burning get kicked out of the House the
other day. Now, the Senate gets to vote on it, even though it's already
been rejected...(They have to waste time, don't you know...)
You look in the news, and you almost always see some shit about burning
the flag, and the taking away of our freedom of speech.
A freedom that we in the computer Society have known was being robbed
from us for years.
And, since there are so many debates going on over burning the GLORIOUS
flag of the GREAT United States, I thought I'd say a few words on the
subject myself.
Burn the goddamned flag!
They say we're burning the "Symbol Of America And All It Stands For."
All the more reason to burn the flag!
America stands for money and greed, political and social corruption,
egotism and laziness, pollution and crime, loss of freedom and oppression by
the Greyfaced bastards that run the joint.
If that's what the flag stands for, then burn them ALL.
This country was founded on some DAMN good principles.
One of those was a LIMITED centralized government.
The founding fathers INTENTIONALLY placed restrictions on what the
government could and could not do. They saw the problems that an overly
powerful government could and would cause. These days, our 'limited'
government is proving them absolutely correct.
They strip our rights and ignore our own desires. They ignore what we
have to say about the way things are going. They feed us lies and
propaganda and BULLSHIT. And most of the fucks in this country swallow it
all...and defend that stupid piece of fabric with a nice design on it we
call a flag.
But is it the flag that stands for the country, or the country that stands
for the flag? The latter. The country is supposed to defend the flag. How
does it do that? It defends the flag by standing up for the values that the
flag was originally a sign of.
Freedom of speech and thought and action.
Is the country doing that? NO! It continually sticks its arrogant nose
into the business of other countries that don't WANT our 'help'. It bans a
plant that could do more good for the environment than any other
(marijuana). It constantly spends money on things like researching the
sexual habits of hermit crabs, ignoring things like serious research into
the AIDS virus, space exploration, and education.
So how can we show displeasure? We can't burn the COUNTRY because there
aren't enough TREES left. What can we possibly do to express our opinion
over the way the American government has become?
By burning the precious symbol that the country is supposed to defend but
usually just shits on.
They tell us we can't express our opinion that way.
Fuck them! The real issue behind flag burning is this:
Within this GREAT country, there are many intelligent human beings that
realize just how bad this country has become. They see the corruption that
permeates every level of the government and our very society. They
recognize the danger we are ALL in by letting the country continue it's
downward plunge.
And the government just can't take anyone telling them what they're doing
wrong. It hates to be wrong, and it KNOWS it is wrong.
If this country was such a grand thing to be proud of, NOONE would WANT
to burn the flag! SOMETHING is wrong!
IGNORE the issue of whether the flag burning is RIGHT or WRONG!
Figure out WHY people want to burn the flag!
Give us ONE good reason to be proud of this country!
Give us ONE good reason NOT to burn the flag!
And give us one good reason why we should sit on our asses and let our
freedoms and rights be stripped away from us by an oppressive and
insensitive government.
We should not.
Stand up for your rights.
Write your congressmen/women. Write your Senators and Representatives,
your newspapers and magazines. We are guaranteed certain INALIENABLE
rights. They government CANNOT take away out rights unless we LET it!
The government NEEDS us. WE can strip its power!
If you take a stand, vote and spread your opinions to the public, we can
get our rights BACK. The situation will not get any better by itself. Left
alone, this tumor will grow.
Do you want to live in a fascist police state?
I don't.
(c)June 1990 Bloody Afterbirth/Toxic Shock
-more will be said on this subject-
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