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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
How to Become a RAH Distributor:
Random Access Humor (RAH) is a monthly electronic humor magazine.
RAH is not specific to, or affiliated with, any online system or BBS
network. RAH is one of the last bastions of the fine art of
political incorrectness.
The publisher of RAH is looking for Gateway Systems and Official
Distribution Sites throughout the online world.
>> Philosophy Behind the RAH Distribution System <<
Official RAH Distributors and Gateways are not meant to be exclusive
RAH distributors, they are meant to be *consistent* RAH distributors.
The idea is to provide sites within local calling distance of as many
people as practical where a reader can obtain the current issue of
RAH, preferably with as little hassle as possible.
Gateway systems must meet the following criteria:
1) They must have a node address on a Fido-technology network to
which the publisher belongs. See the publisher listing for a
current list of eligible networks. They must also have a node
address (or other applicable membership identifier) on at least
one network to which the publisher does not belong. The other
network(s) do *not* have to be Fido-technology networks.
2) They must be capable or receiving the monthly issues through
a "Tick" style file-echo system. Gateways will receive each
monthly RAH issue directly from the publisher's system. Since
February 1993 RAH has been available in two formats: the
original one-piece ASCII text format; and the READROOM.TOC
format, supporting the popular Readroom BBS periodical reading
door. Gateways are required to make both formats available.
3) They must make both versions of the current issue of RAH available
for download to all first-time BBS callers. (If they operate a
4) They must make both versions of the current issue of RAH available
for File Request by any Wazoo/EMSI compatible system which may
call. They may not operate in "curmudgeon mode" as far as RAH
is concerned. In plain English, Gateways must honor every
request for RAH made in any valid request format supported by
the networks to which they belong and the software which they
5) They are encouraged to offer back issues of RAH in the same manner
as in 3 and 4 above, but this is not mandatory.
6) They must also receive the RAHDIST private message echo and "echo"
it to any Official Distribution Site on any network which they
Official Distribution Sites (ODSs) must meet the following criteria:
1) They must obtain the current issue of RAH each month from the
publisher's system, a Gateway System, another ODS, or through a
file echo. They may obtain the issues through a "Tick" style
file-echo system, by FReq or any method they and the supplier
can agree on. Note that the Publisher, Gateways and ODSs are
*not* obligated to send RAH to any other site at their own
expense. Both versions of RAH are now available through the
SDS file echo NEWSLETR and the EPubNet echo EP-MAG, which is
available through the Filebone. Internet users may obtain an
uncompressed text version of RAH via anonymous FTP from:
uglymouse.css.itd.umich.edu Directory: pub/Zines/RAH
2) They must make the current issue of RAH available for download
to all first-time BBS callers.
3) They are encouraged to make the current issue of RAH available for
File Request or through any equivalent technology they may use.
If the ODS elects to provide this service they should not
operate in "curmudgeon mode" as far as RAH is concerned. In
other words, they should not limit requests for RAH to those in
their "nodelist" or other network list.
4) They are encouraged to offer back issues of RAH in the same manner
as in 2 and 3 above, but this is not mandatory.
5) They are encouraged to receive the RAHDIST private message echo
but this is not mandatory.
Both Gateway and ODS systems may display a statement to their callers
identifying the system as an "Official RAH Distribution Site"
although this is optional.
All Gateway and ODS systems are urged to obtain each new RAH issue on
the first day of the month. They are *required* to obtain each issue
by the fifth (5th) day of the month.
All Gateway and ODS system operators are asked to report to the
publisher immediately any unauthorized use of RAH or the copyrighted
contents of any individual issue that they may encounter. Please
investigate any hearsay reports of violations before reporting them
to the publisher.
Gateway and ODS system operators are granted permission to convert
each RAH issue to a different archival format for use on their own
system, but the original text file must remain unaltered.
Current and back issues of RAH are always available by download or
FReq from the RAH Publishing system:
The Puffin's Nest BBS Pasadena, MD. USA Sysop: Dave Bealer
FidoNet> 1:261/1129 (410) 437-3463 1200-14400 (V.32bis)
SailNet> 53:5000/1129
Current issue (text format): FReq - RAH
Current issue (READROOM.TOC format): FReq - RAHR
Back issues (text): FReq - RAHyymm.ZIP yy=year mm=month
(e.g. FReq: RAH9209.ZIP to receive debut issue)
Back issues (Readroom): FReq - RAHyymmR.ZIP yy=year mm=month
(only RAH9302R.ZIP or later issues)
Current copy of this document: FReq: RAHDIST
RAH Writer's Guidelines: FReq: RAHWRITE
There is also a private message echo for RAH Distributors, the
echo-tag is RAHDIST. This message echo is optional for ODSs, but
mandatory for Gateway Systems. If you want to "gate" RAH to ODSs
in another network, you must also "gate" the RAHDIST message echo
between the networks. This requirement exists to ensure that all
distributors without direct netmail access to the publisher may still
keep in touch. Although the RAHDIST echo is optional at this time,
the publisher reserves the right to make it mandatory for *all*
distribution sites at anytime in the future. RAHDIST is a *private*
message echo. Only RAH distribution sysops should have access.
To apply for Gateway status, send a netmail message to Dave Bealer
at 1:261/1129 identifying the names and zones of the networks for
which you can act as gateway. DO NOT begin gating operations until
your gateway status has been verified by the publisher.
The international response to RAH has been amazing. To save
money, gateways on continents other than North America may obtain the
RAHDIST message echo and RAH file echo from the Primary Gateway for
their continent. Thus only one distributor on each of the other
continents has to call the publisher's system with cross-ocean calls.
The following systems are RAH Primary Gateways:
-= Europe =-
Datanet BBS Voorschoten, Netherlands Sysop: Ed Bakker
FidoNet> 2:281/101 31-71-617784 14400 (V.32bis)
Digital-Net> 15:200/512 MomNet> 71:2000/2
To become an ODS, contact the publisher or the nearest existing
Gateway or ODS. You may be required to obtain each month's copy at
your own expense.
There are currently no restrictions regarding the distribution of
RAH via modem. Distribution of RAH by hardcopy, diskette or CD-ROM
for a fee is forbidden without express written consent of the
Remember everyone, this is only a hobby. We're supposed to be having
fun, aren't we!?
Dave Bealer, Publisher
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
May 30, 1993