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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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- -=>PHANTASY<=- -
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- THE -
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- Hacking,Phreaking,Anarchy,Survivalism,Commentary -
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Volume Number Four,Issue Number Sixteen Dated 04/15/93
Editor is Mercenary : mercenar@works.UUCP
Article Submissions: The Mercenary/IIRG
862 Farmington Avenue
Suite 306
Bristol,Ct 06010
IIRG World Headquarters BBS: The Rune Stone
14.4K HST Courier
All H/P/A, 3000+ Files
Table of Discontents:
[1] The "Rune Stone" Returns
By: Anubis
[2] Ripco : Not Dead Yet (Two News File Bulletins)
By: Dr. Ripco of Ripco II BBS
[3] Phone Preak Techniques
By: Mercenary
[4] DEF CON I Announcement
Supplied By: Bulletin Boards Across the Country
Edited by: Mercenary
1. American Dissident Voices
2. PHAGE Magazine Information
[6] The Rumor Mill (Unconfirmed Rumors From the Underground)
Edited By: Mercenary
1. PE vs TDT
2. TDT vs PE
3. SeCT News Announcement
4. IIRG Note on SeCT News Announcement
[7] PHANTASY TIDBITS: News and Views of Interest
1. Pupils Had Bomb Guide
2. Highway Sign Has Officials Blushing
3. Vulgar Highway Messages an Outside Job, Police Say..
4. IIRG Note on Highway Sign
[8] Listing of IIRG Distribution Sites
[9] Listing of PHANTASY Distribution Sites
All information in PHANTASY is from USER contributed material
The Publishers and Editors of PHANTASY and THE IIRG disclaim
any liability from any damages of any type that the reader or
user of such information contained within this newsletter may encounter
from the use of said information. All files are brought to you for
entertainment purposes only! We also assume all information infringes
no copyrights and hereby disclaim any liability.
PHANTASY is (C) 1990 by The IIRG
Section [1]: The "Rune Stone" Returns
By: Anubis
The Runes are there, for any fool to read.
But only he who has Hung on the Tree,as did Father Odin.
One who has gazed on the Abyss and suffered its emptiness,
May know their true meanings or tap the Power that lies within.
After almost 18 months, the long awaited event has arrived.
The return of The Rune Stone BBS
At last the Public Node of the Rune Stone BBS has been re-installed for
the readers of Phantasy and the H/P Community at large.
We hope those of you with an interest in Hacking or of the Underground
community will call and join.
We have No-Online Charges and no connect time charges.
Online are the IIRG Archives of nearly 3000 files consisting of Hack/Phreak
Text files,Magazines,Newsletters,etc. etc. with NO RATIOS!!
Please, if you were on the old Rune Stone, call back and set up an
account on the New system.
The Rune Stone BBS
IIRG World Heaquarters
NUP: Conspiracy
14.4 HST
IIRG NOTE: Starting with Computer Underground Digest #5.26
the Rune Stone BBS will be listed as a CUD Distro Site.
Section [2]: Not Dead Yet
Were not dead yet, but getting there...
Well folks, things didn't quite work out as we planned, no surprise with
messing with Unix based OS. Because of a limitation in the OS and the
hardware on this end, the expected closing is going to be delayed for a while.
We'll probably be playing with the new system on a different machine so
things here will be normal, or as close to it for a while.
Things are a bit screwed up though, since everything was transfered off and
returned back in a different order a few minor items got messed up. I'll be
tweaking things on and off so hang on to your shorts if you run into a
Dr. Ripco
RIPCO II BBS (312)-528-5020
Date: Sun 4-11-93, 10:26 pm
To: All
Subject: System Closing Update
Just to clear up the situation around here and to answer the bunch
o'questions I've received in e-mail...
First off, the system will be gone sooner or later. Some things jumped the
gun without proper forethought but since somewhat new ground is being broken
around here, the earlier annoucement probably should not have been made when
it was.
Secondly the new system at this point in time will be a complete second
system totally disconnected from this one. It'll be that way until the
second system is stablized enough to run on it's own.
I've even been toying with the idea of letting this system run on it's own,
probably on a different phone number even after the second system gets
going. Not sure on this matter, it depends much on how the newer system
looks to me and what it's capable of doing.
In any case, to answer the question of when and if it's worthwhile calling
here for the mean time, the answer is soon, probably by mid-summer at the
earliest and no later than fall. If things don't come together by then, I
doubt if it'll come to pass at all.
To answer the question of "why" is simple. The new system presented itself
much easier in thought than in real execution. Everything is going along but
each step taken creates another fork in the road. Rather than killing the
current system off and making the users pay for it in frustration of it
being here one day and not the next, it was decided to start from scratch
and all the "messing around" will be done on another computer system.
So consider things to be "as usual" for the immediate future.
Dr. Ripco
Section [3]: Phone Phreak Techniques
By: Mercenary
As companies attempt to secure there phone systems, many phreakers are once
again turning to residential systems to secure there on-line time.
I feel this may be the kiss-of-death for many of you out there.
For everytime phreakers abuse residential systems a general uproar is usually
started in certain Law-Enforcement circles after numerous complaints from
residential customers.
I present to you here some more of the popular scams being used by the
phreaking community at this time.
This scam usually is pulled on someone the phreaker knows, but dislikes.
It works well with traveling salesmen or others who's job requires them to
spend a large amount of time away from home but leaves their family behind.
The Phreaker will pose as the individual who is away and will have the
operator call the real individuals home.
The operator will inform the family Member that their "Loved-one" is making
a third-party call and will they accept the charge.
The unsuspecting family member will say, Yes we'll accept the charges
thinking it is their real "Loved-one"
And thus the phreaker has secured his access.
With this scam the phreaker will pose as a Security Representative of an
individuals long distance carrier (Sprint,AT&T,MCI) and say someone is using
your phone line for some form of illegal activity.
He will inform the unsuspecting "mark" that if he will accept a request to
charge a long-distance call to his phone from the operator who will call him
in several moments, it will allow them to trace the "criminal".
The phreaker will of course explain to his "mark" that he will credit their
account and they will not really be billed for the call.
Being a law abiding "Americas Most Wanted" viewer, the mark will of course
help the "Security Representative" get his man and accept the charges.
Once again the phreaker has secured his access.
A phreaker posing as a telephone company technician will go to a "marks"
house and present a legitimate looking ID they will have either scanned
(stolen from a real employee) or created with a desktop publisher.
He will inform the "mark" that they are having problems with the lines in
his area and could he come in and do a quick check on the "marks" line.
The phreaker will go to the "marks" phone and do what looks like just a
quick check of the "marks" phone, but in reality he is call-forwarding the
phone to a payphone where his accomplice will answer the phone.
He will inform the "mark" that everything is fine and will leave.
In the meantime, his accomplice will be answering the payphone and saying
yes, I'll accept the charges for half of their phreaking buddies around
the country placing third-party-calls.
Sometimes the phreakers will not even enter your home to call forward your
phone. they will clip into your lines with a homemade linemans handset and
call forward from there. This is known as "Call Clipping".
This particular technique works well in apartment complexes where almost
all the junction boxes are located in the basement.
In this scam, the Phreaker will call his "mark" posing as a police detective
or some form of Law-enforcement official. The Phreaker will inform the "mark"
that they have caught a family member or close friend commiting telephone
The Phreaker will say that he cannot give out the name of the individual,
because if he's innocent, the police do not want to make his name public.
The phreaker will then ask the "mark" if they would help clear their family
member or friend by accepting a collect call so they could trace the call to
the real "criminal".
Once again the phreaker gets his time.
----------- *** -------------
Section [4]: DEF CON I Announcement
Hey Schlenises:
Pulled from the fringeware@wixer.cactus.org
Finalized Announcement: 4/09/1993
We are proud to announce the 1st annual Def Con.
If you are at all familiar with any of the previous Con's, then you
will have a good idea of what DEF CON I will be like. If you don't have any
experience with Con's, they are an event on the order of a pilgrimage to
Mecca for the underground. They are a mind-blowing orgy of information
exchange, viewpoints, speeches, education, enlightenment... And most of all
sheer, unchecked PARTYING. It is an event that you must experience at least
once in your lifetime.
The partying aside, it is a wonderful opportunity to met some of the
celebrities of the underground computer scene. And those that shape its
destiny - the lawyers, libertarians, and most of all the other There will
be plenty of open-ended discussion on security, telephones and other
topics. As well as what TIME magazine calls the "Cyberpunk Movement".
Las Vegas, is as you might have guessed a great choice for the Con.
Gambling, loads of hotels and facilities, cheap air fare and room rates.
It's also in the West Coast making it more available to a different crowd
than the former Cons have been.
Your foray into the scene and your life will be forever incomplete
if by some chance you miss out on DEF CON I. Plan to be there!
WHO: You know who you are.
WHAT: Super Blowout Party Fest, with Speakers and Activities.
WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada
WHEN: July 9th, 10th and 11th (Fri, Sat, Sun) 1993
WHY: To meet all the other people out there you've been talking to for
months and months, and get some solid information instead of rumors.
So your bored, and have never gone to a convention? You want to meet
all the other members of the so called 'computer underground'? You've been
calling BBS systems for a long time now, and you definitely have been
interacting on the national networks. You've bullshitted with the best,
and now it's time to meet them in Vegas!
We cordially invite all hackers/phreaks, techno-rats, programmers,
writers, activists, lawyers, philosophers, politicians, security officials,
cyberpunks and all network sysops and users to attend.
DEF CON I will be over the weekend in the middle of down town Las
Vegas at the Sands Hotel. Why Las Vegas? Well the West Coast hasn't had
a good Convention that I can remember, and Las Vegas is the place to do
Cheap food, alcohol, lots of entertainment and, like us, it never sleeps.
We will have a convention room open 24 hours so everyone can meet and plan
and scheme till they pass out. Events and speakers will be there to
provide distraction and some actual information and experiences from this
loosely knit community.
This is an initial announcement. It is meant only to alert you to
the time, dates and location of the convention. Future announcements will
inform you about specific speakers and events.
An information pack is FTPable off of the internet at nwnexus.wa.com,
in the cd/pub/dtangent directory. The IP# is Information
updates will be posted there in the future as well as scanned map images and
updated speaker lists.
How you get there is up to you, but United Airlines will be the
official carrier (meaning if you fly you get a 5% to 10% price reduction
off the cheapest available fare at the time of ticket purchase) When
buying airline tickets, call 1-800-521-4041 and reference meeting ID# 540ii.
Hotel Rooms will cost $62 per night for a double occupancy room. Get your
friends -- together and split the cost. Food is inexpensive.
The entertainment is free inside the hotel.
Reference the DEF CON I convention when registering, as we have a block of
rooms locked out, but once they go it will be first come, fist serve.
Call 1-800-634-6901 for the reservations desk.
The convention itself will cost $30 at the door, or $15 in advance.
Mail checks/money orders/cashiers checks to: DEF CON I, 2709 East Madison
Street, Seattle, WA, 98112. Make them payable to: "DEF CON" we're not trying
to make money, we will be tring to cover costs of the confrence room and
hotel plus air fair for the speakers who require it.
Don't bother mailing it a week in andvance, that just won't happen.
Advanced registration gets you a groovy pre-generated name tag.
Include with your payment the name you want listed,
your association/group affiliation/bbs/whatever, email address, and/or bbs
number for syops. Last day for the registrations to reach me will be july
We are soliciting speakers from all aspects of the computer underground and
associated culture (Law, Media, Software Companies, Cracking Groups,
Hacking Groups, Magazine Editors, Artists, Etc.) If you know of someone
interested in speaking on a self selected topic, please contact
The Dark Tangent to discuss it.
For initial comments, requests for more information, information
about speaking at the event, or maps to the section where prostitution is
legal outside Las Vegas (Just Kidding) Contact The Dark Tangent on any of
the following networks in the general conversation echos:
CyberCrime, Platinum Net, Thunder Net, Scurvy Net, The Crime Syndicate,
~TOP~, Net, HiT Net, Shark Net. Leave the comments in the general
message sections.
Or leave me mail at: dtangent@dtangent.wa.com on the Internet.
Or call: A Dark Tangent System at: 206.722.7357 (This # will change 6/1/93)
Or Snail Mail (U.S. Postal Service) it to DEF CON, 2709 East Madison
Street, Seattle, WA, 98112.
Future information updates will pertain to the speaking agenda.
Saturday the 10th of July
INTRODUCTION Welcome to the convention
*The Dark Tangent (CON Organizer)
Keynote speaker Cyberspace, Society, crime and the future.
Civil Libertarians
-CPSR Computer Privacy/1st Ammendment/
-EFF The future of Internet/Who owns it
-USC Comp. Law Legalities of BBS Operation, message content
laws and network concerns.
*Allen Grogan, Editor of Computer Lawer
'The Underworld'
-Networking Concerns of National Networking of CCi Net.
*Midnight Sorrow.
-Pirating Concerns of a Pirating/Cracking Organization.
Concerns of a Major BBS operator
Why run the Risk?
-Virus Virus Creation/Explanation
-Packet Switching
SPRINT Concerns/security and the future
MCI of packet switching.
(*Jim Black, MCI Systems Integrity)
-CERT Changing rolls / Changing environmnets
System 75 Information on the System 75
*Scott Simpson
-System Administrator Security Concerns of an Administrator
The 'Underworld'
-Internet The security problems with Internet/Networks
Overview of hacking
*Dark Druid
-Getting Busted The process of getting "busted"
*Count Zero
-PBX Defeating ANI/PBX Q&A
-How to be a nobody Hiding your identity in the high-tech future, or
The payphone is your friend.
Other Institutions
-The Secret Service Their Defined Roll/Priorities/Q&A
*Nevada Secret Service Office
-The Prosecutors Their concerns/problems and
Hacker Hunters suggestions for the 'underworld'/Q&A
-The Media The effect of the media on public perceptions
*Erik Bloodaxe / Phrack Magazine
This itenerary is proposed, and topics and speakers will be marked as
permanant once a confirmation is received. This is by no means the exact
format of DEF CON I. Any Questions / Comments Contact:
A Dark Tangent System 206-722-7357
[> A Dark Tangent System 206.722.7357 <]
Section [5]: FOR THE PEOPLE
Supplied By: Bulletin Boards Across the Country
Edited by: Mercenary
Listen To,
A radio program for real Americans!!
Nationwide and Worldwide: Every Saturday evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time,
6:00 PM Pacific Time on 7355 KHz (shortwave) from WRNO, New Orleans.
The signal covers all of North America and most of the rest of the world.
Regional listeners:
Arkansas : Every Saturday morning at 10:00 AM from KMTL, 760 on your AM dial.
The Signal covers most of Arkansas.
California : Every Sunday evening at 6:00 PM from KPLA, 770 on your AM dial.
The signal covers much of northern and central California.
Florida : Every Saturday morning at 11:30 AM from WTIS, 1110 on your AM dial.
The signal covers a wide area of West-central Florida.
Virginia : Every Saturday night at 10:30 PM from WKGM, 940 on your AM Dial
The signal covers most of tidewater Virginia.
PHAGE Magazine Information Package (March 1993)
Welcome To The Future
Hello. Our names are Andy Hawks and Paul Leonard, and we are the publishers
of a new zine called PHAGE. PHAGE is a new magazine for people who are
living on the new edge, surfing along the new wave of radical thought.
This magazine was born from the need for a forum for new ideas in a print
Andy Hawks has been producing an electronic mailing list called Future
Culture for the last two years, catering to the desires of modern
thinkers. This list, along with the Frequently Asked Questions file which
is a primer for the list,arose out of an interest primarily in cyberpunk
fiction, particularly the idea that "cyberpunk is really about the present".
>From there, the spectrum of information contained in the FutureCulture
list spread to include a wide snapshot of aspects of modern culture
that are ahead of the mainstream, oriented towards the near-future.
This includes all realms of what is commonly called "new edge",
"technoculture", or "cyberculture" -- a mishmash of postmodernism,
psychedelics, hacking, raves, cyberspace, industrial music, cyberpunk
fiction and realities, etc., that are proving to be important
constructs in the evolution of world culture.
The list and file continues to grow and morph, gaining a wide audience
including,at one time or another, a variety of sociologists and
anthropoligists, authors and writers, hackers, scientists, students,
and prominent "cyber-" oriented figures.Those who share an interest
in the topics discussed in the file can participate in in-depth or
light-hearted discussions via the FutureCulture E-list.
Concurrently, and independantly, Paul Leonard has been releasing fiction
into the cybersphere through the Cult of The Dead Cow. The goals of cDc
, since it's inception in 1986, have always been to create a culture within
the new world of cyberspace. He has also ventured into the realm of print
publishing with FNORD! Magazine, from 1989 to present.
The two of us came together through the FutureCulture mailing list, along
with the Leri & Aleph mailing lists. The bond was solidified over
discussions on the Internet Relay Chat #leri conference. After a long period
of deliberation it was decided that we should allow our ideas to propagate
to as many people as possible. We decided that the best way to do this
at this time was to start a print magazine based around our ideals. We
live in a world where paper and television are the informational
messengers of choice to the masses.
The magazine will be designed and produced on the Macintosh computer, in
an 8 1/2 x 11" format, and each issue will be in the area of 64 pages. We
are planning to sell the magazine at a cover price of $3.50 (US), but
until costs are measured, we cannot say for sure.
We are looking for submissions and assistance with this project from all
angles: fiction writers, essayists, ranters, graphic designers,
artists, poets, etc. Submissions are welcome in any form, in any
style, in any tone, though that is not a guarantee that everything we
receive will be printed. We are looking for submisisons as soon as
possible, but feel free to send them in whenever you like. For first
issue, send them in by the second week of April.
Due to lack of available resources, we are unable, for now, to reward
monetarily those who contribute to PHAGE. We have have little money, and
our primary interest is producing the highest-quality magazine possible,
containg an immense spectrum of information.
If you would like to contribute to PHAGE in any way, please send all
queries, submissions, tips, words of wisdom, etc., to us on the Internet
If you do not have Internet access, please send mail to:
PHAGE Magazine
PO Box 10821
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54307-0821
Possible Content Material
Focusing on the Edges of Culture, examining the Fringes of Reason and
the Reasons of Fringe, the Here and Now and Soon-to-Be, via
unstrcutured Tones that Ebb and Flow from In-Form Information to
Formless Rants of Altered States.
The following are groups of potential topics that we have divided into
categories to make things more coherant.
Notes from the Editor, Leters from those that Grep and/or Grok
the Infinite Edge.
Soundbytes of the World, Unite and Take Over. Blurbs
pertaining to interesting news and products, quotes,
technology, factoids, etc.
Cultural Commentary - Realizing, Focusing, and Morphing
the PostModern World. Rants, Essays, Theses, Observations,
Predictions, Analyses, Streams and Rivers of Consciousness.
The Depths of the Underground Subcultures. Rants, Essays,
Theses, Observations, Predicions, Analyses, and Information.
The Virtual World. News, Notes, Notables and Quotables, Rants,
Essays, Theses, Observations, Predictions, Analyses,
Communication, Teknologies.
Interviews (I-Views) and E-Views with those who Surf, Ride,
Make and Break the Edges of Culture.
Fiction on The Edge: Transreal, Hyperreal, SlipStream,
Cyberpunk, Post-Cyberpunk, [insert_any_word_here], etc.
Reviewing, Analyzing, and Commentary regarding Popular and
Underground Media: Books, Magazines, Zines, E-Zines, E-Books,
Hypertext, Music, Film, Video, Television, Software, etc.
One Last Informational Fix, Closing Words, Late-Crashing News,
If you would like to contribute to PHAGE in any way, please send all
queries, submissions, tips, words of wisdom, etc.,to us on the Internet
If you do not have Internet access, please send mail to:
PHAGE Magazine
PO Box 10821
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54307-0821
Section [6]: The Rumor Mill (Unconfirmed Rumors From the Underground)
Edited By: Mercenary and Anubis
All right before I start on the actual proof here I want to make shure that the
few well known facts are stated so that EVERYONEknows the real story!
1) Ultima 7 Part 2 was released by Public Enemy first it was uploaded
to Unlawfull Entry about 4-5 Hours before TDT's version was
2) As I was starting to upload the third disk a TDT courier was
downloading Public Enemy's Crack file.
3) 4-5 hours later Hard Core nukes Public Enemys version saying the
original and the crack were stolen from TDT. (Hard Core in particular)
4) Hard Core's proof of the stolen crack consisted of blank lines that were in
our TSR file that were supposed to have originally had Hard Core's first
name in there twice ROB ROB.
Now these are known facts and im shure no one will dispute the fact that
this was the information that was being spread by TDT namely Hard Core.
Well I am here now to prove the thief to be Hard Core. First we will adress the
ROB ROB that was supposed to be in Hard Core'sTSR. If you look to Rob's TSR you
will find that the ROB ROB that is in there also has many other blank spaces
around it. You may ask yourself why are those other spaces there??
Well i'll tell you, the TSR that was used was written by TERMINATOR he took it
from a previous crack of his that he did while he was cracking for Fairlight a
little while back. That release was called MEGAFORTRESS. If you download that
release from any BBS you will find the TSR to be the same one with TERMINATOR'S
info filling those blank spaces perfectly! I will upload the TSR from that game
following this text file get it and compare orif you want to be 100% shure
download MEGAFORTRESS pull it apart and see for your self! Now if this is not
enough for you people who still dont believe I have a second piece of proof for
you! Download any TDT release that Hard Core supposedly wrote a TSR for and run
it. You ask what for?? because you will hear silence! Now do the samewith any
game TERMINATOR cracked and wrote a TSR for and run it. You will hear
Terminators LEGENDARY beep. Now the deciding factor run the TSR from TDT's
version of Ultima 7 and holy shit it fucking BEEPS! Now for a third piece of
information any of Hard Core's TSR's that you will look at stay in memory where
Terminators ALWAYS TERMINATE! The TSR that we supposedly stole from Hard Core
Terminates from memory! See what happened here is whoever stole TERMINATORS
crack for Ultima never took out his beep and put ROB ROB in there to try and
make it look like we stole it from Hard Core. Now I dont know if hard Core did
this or Hydro did this (since Hydro uploaded the crack file I dont know why)
but whatever the case Hard Core claimed this to be his own! So its very obvious
that Hard Core was NEVER able to crack this game!
To Hard Core if you really could not crack the game why not deal with it?
Did you really think you were going to get away with this?
I really cant believe this was done...
But at least the truth is nowout all that is left to say is
Speed Master/Blade Runner/The Hawk
-//- T H E D R E A M T E A M -\\-
For all of you guys that wonder what the HELL is going on in the PIRATE scene
right now...
[1] Public Enemy is the first group on the IBM that took another groups
crack and game and released on their own, they are NEVER gonna get
respect on the scene since they fucked up so badly, they will always be
remembered as a NO BALLS GROUP.
[2] The Grim Reaper is NO LONGER affiliated with TDT since he tried to run
the group on his own and start to tell people this and that person was
out of TDT
I'm the only person in this group that can do that.
[3] There is no changes in TDT except of one person i out of it. If you
have any questions about this contact me on Unlawful Entry.
THE HAWK - How can you be so lame and calling me a lie'er when you know
in your heart that you guys stole my crack and remove my name?
SPEED MASTER - Don't try to put an attitude on anyone, a lowlife like
will never kick ass like you always wanted, you should just
crawl back to your whole and keep shut up
BLADE RUNNER - Man, get a life. Your mates at PE dont even know how to spell
SCRIPT LANGUAGE - Dont tell me you loose respect for me for doing this,
you are the one loosing respect from everybody
RESET OF PE - How can you guys stay in such a lame as group, where you guys
dont have the balls even to admit you guys cant crack shit
THE SCENE - Don't ever respect anyone in PE LAME. You can rag, you can
bullshit, call each other lamers, but NEVER EVER steal
somebody elses CRACK that that person spent 4 days to do,
and then try to tell him he is a fuckhead. There were several
persons that got the game and even HAL9000 said he dont even
try on this one. NOBODY belives a slow fuck like terminator
could do it, and besides, he just needed to change my crack a
FINAL WORD - A few positions left in TDT, if you are the one that
want to be a part of a REAL CRACKING GROUP then contact
us today!
This is a little text file warning to all Connecticut BBS's.
The SPA is lurking in CT. Now the story!
According to our information here at SeCT WHQ we have information for all
the users out there about some recent activity in the area. Kevin B****,
Yes the fool that writes the Connecticut BBS list, has called the SPA on
(IIRG Delete) This board was a killer board run by the (DELETED)
At this time we have no more information on why this was done, but we will
be conducting an interview with each of the people involved,to get the truth.
At this point we at SeCT think Kevin B**** is an asshole and should be
destroyed. Also according to other information he had two other people
who helped him do this their names are Lou R****** and Jason L*****. As I
said before when we conduct the interviews we will have more information
for you.
For now our suggestion to all bbs's to delete these people if they are on
your board and tighten security. Never know what board he will turn in next.
So to Kevin B***** and his friends we at SeCT think you are a fuck'in asshole.
P.S.- Kevin if you are reading this and feel we are in the wrong we will be
conducting an interview with you to get your sidfe of the story.
This has been a SeCT News Warning 03-22-93
SeCT Staff
All users please pass this file around unchanged to everywhere you call!
The previous news file released by SeCT is partially correct.
The IIRG has recieved a tape of a phone conversation that was apparently
secretly recorded amongst some of the people mentioned in the SeCT file.
The truth of the matter in what we've transcribed so far is that the only
real person responsible was the person named "JASON".
Mercenary recieved an E-mail letter from one of the persons mentioned in
the file and this is what he recieved... (Edited of Course)
To: The IIRG <works!mercenar@uunet.UU.NET>
Hello... this is Lou XXXXXXX... I have written to you in the past... I have
seen an article floating around recently accusing me of having helped out in
the turning in of XXX XXXXS... this is not true. it has come to my attention
that Muther has given you the JASON TAPES as I call them... I think you know
what I'm talking about... please help me clear my name... I was an active user
and contributed much to XXX XXXX before its demise... why would I want it
down? I had no motive whatsoever! Jason is fully responsible... not me, and
not Kevin XXXXX. Please transcribe the JASON TAPES in the next issue of
Phantasy so that justice may be done. Thank you, I appreciate this. please
The IIRG will be presenting a transcription of the Tape in Phantasy 17
and hopefully this will correct some of the dis-information floating
around out there and clear the matter up once and for all.
Section [7]: PHANTASY TIDBITS: News and Views of Interest
150 - Page Manual Came from Computer
Lebanon,CT. - A 150-page manual on how to make bombs and homemade explosives
has been found in the hands of 13-year-olds in a Connecticut middle school.
The inch-thick book, chock full of tips on bomb building and vandalizing
schools was discovered last week at the Lebanon Middle School after a
Mathematics teacher overheard a discussion among a few of his pupils.
"It explained how to make bombs and how to cause mayhem at the school." said
resident State Trooper Mark Maynard, who was called in to investigate.
The manual had been obtained through a non-school computer bulletin board by
an older brother of one of the middle school pupils.
"The boy who obtained it is a computer whiz. He said he obtained it for the
purpose of doing a class project," Maynard Said.
But four or five copies of the manual wound up in the hands of middle school
pupils and were being sold to seventh- and eighth-graders for $10.00 apiece.
The older brother, a high-school student, apparently retrieved the computer
information about two months ago, but it did not surface at the middle school
until march 14th, not long after the bombing at the World Trade Center in New
York City.
"The first concern was that it was related to that," Maynard said. "It just
happened to surface right after it".
And while retrieving such information falls under Freedom of Speech and is
not illegal, it is against school rules to sell anything not for a school
Fund-raiser, said Bert Bosse, principal of the middle school.
Superintendent of Schools Albert Vertefeuille said some disciplinary actions
will be taken against the pupils for selling the computer document on school
grounds, but he declined to elaborate on what that action would be.
The computer information was not obtained through any school computers, but a
copy was later placed on one of the computers at nearby Lyman Memorial High
School. That also violated school rules, the school officials said.
"The thing that bothered us was that there was specific things on how to
terrorize schools,teachers,and principals," said Bosse. "My biggest concern
was not that any of the kids we dealt with would have used this for terrorism,
but they may have tried to attempt [to build explosives] themselves and caused
serious injuries."
Nationwide, hundreds of children and teenagers are maimed or killed every
year from experimentation with homemade explosives. Information obtained from
computer bulletin boards on homemade bomb making has been a major contributor
to such mishaps, police said.
"I think the problem is there is no law pertaining to this," Maynard Said.
In connecticut, teenagers learning how to manufacture bombs through home and
school computers contributed a nearly 50 percent increase in the number of
homemade explosives discovered last year by state police.
"We are definitely seeing more of it. Kids by nature experiment", said Sgt.
Kenneth Startz, who supervises the emergency services ddivision of the state
police, which includes the bomb squad.
"Bosse described the boys involved with the incident at the middle school as
good pupils who had not been in trouble before. He said he believed they were
driven by curiosity than anything else.
All of the kids were very cooperative, Bosse said. The parents were totally
shocked when they read what was in it".
Fairfield,CT.-Thousands of motorists traveling South-bound on Interstate-95
got a terse message on an electronic traffic sign: "YOU ALL SUCK".
We dont know how they did it," said State Police Lieut. Albert Masek of
troop G in Westport. "We thought maybe a computer hacker did it"
The incident was reported on the morning shift Sunday, Apr. 4th and
responding troopers could not disable the large, yellow lights on the
portable, 10-foot-high sign located near Exit 19. The sign displayed the
message for several hours until a state Department of Transportation crew
got it covered with a large tarp.
DOT spokesman William Keish said Monday that the sign can only be programmed
from DOT offices in Wethersfield or State Police headquarters in Meriden.
Bill Stoeckerd, director of DOT's incident management office reprogrammed it
"Were taking steps with the contractor to upgrade our security," said
Stoeckerd. "We really don't know, whether [the pranksters] were able to come
into access accidentally or not."
He said the sign, in use since August, was recently the target of a similar
prank, but not the exact same wording.
Connecticut State Police have concluded a computer infiltrator is
responsible for two crude messages, the latest lambasting Gov. Lowell P.
Weicker Jr., that have flashed on a highway electronic message board in
Fairfield,Ct. in the past two weeks.
CT State Police Master Sgt. Scott O'Mara would not comment on reports that
police had identified a suspect, he said "the 10 day old investigation was
The message board reportedly can only be operated from the state Department
of Transportation operations center in Wethersfield or the state police
communications center in Meiden,CT. but police believe the vulgar messages
did not come from either of those locations.
Instaed, "We believe it's a computer crime by modem through a phone line",
O'Mara Said.
At the time of the completion of this issue of Phantasy, a suspect has been
caught in the Highway Prank situation in Fairfield,CT.
We'll bring you more details in Phantasy Issue 17
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