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Public-Access Computer Systems News
Volume 4, Number 8 (1993) ISSN 1050-6004
Editors: Dana Rooks (LIBL@UHUPVM1) and Linda Thompson
Issued on an irregular basis by University Libraries, University
of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-2091.
Kluwer FTP Server, 1
OCLC Acquires Information Dimensions, Inc., 2
OCLC Installs PRISM Keyword Searching, 3
OCLC Library School Program in Europe, 4
LC Announces Selection of Cataloging Research and Exchange
Program Applicants, 4
FirstSearch Users Can Now Place Electronic ILL Requests, 5
DiscLit: British Authors Named to Media & Methods Awards
Portfolio, 6
The new Kluwer ftp server offers comprehensive information on
Kluwer's electrical engineering and computer science journals.
The ftp server enables retrieval of the complete table of
contents, dating back to issue 1/1 and including those of
forthcoming issues not yet published. It also is possible to
retrieve the Aims and Scope, Instruction for Authors, and
Ordering information for each journal title.
Besides information on journals, the ftp server also contains
LaTeX style files for authors wishing to submit manuscripts.
In the near future, Kluwer Academic Publishers plans to extend
this service to include book previews (offering preface and table
of contents).
The Kluwer ftp server can be accessed at the following address:
ftp world.std.com
login: anonymous
directory Kluwer/journals
This service can also be reached using gopher.
+ Page 2 +
If difficulties are encountered or for additional information,
contact one of the Kluwer help desks. These desks can be reached
at the following email addresses:
for North America: for outside
North America:
Eric Maki
emkluwer@world.std.com Martin van der Linden
OCLC Online Computer Library Center has acquired Information
Dimensions, Inc. (IDI) from Battelle Memorial Institute. IDI,
located in Dublin, Ohio, will operate as a for-profit subsidiary
of OCLC, a non-profit organization which is also located in
Immediately following the acquisition, the IDI board of directors
elected K. Wayne Smith as chairman of the board and chief
executive officer of IDI. Jim Hackbarth was named president and
chief operating officer of IDI.
K. Wayne Smith is president and chief executive officer, OCLC.
Jim Hackbarth was formerly OCLC's director of sales and market
IDI markets computer software products for managing electronic
documents and text on leading mainframe computers,
microcomputers, workstations, and personal computers. Its two
major software products--BASISplus and ZyINDEX--are widely
recognized as industry leaders in database and documents
management. IDI's clients include more than half of the Fortune
100 companies as well as numerous government agencies,
publishers, and financial organizations. Sales in 1992 were $33
million, more than half of which were international.
IDI has 280 employees worldwide, 130 of whom are located in its
headquarters in Dublin. It maintains major sales offices in
London, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Stockholm, and Frankfurt as well as
eight such offices in North America. IDI has a subsidiary in
Australia and distributors in Spain, Scandinavia, Korea,
Singapore, Argentina, and other industrialized countries.
IDI was founded in 1986 as a for-profit subsidiary of the
not-for-profit Battelle Memorial Institute, the world-renowned
research and development center headquartered in Columbus, Ohio.
For additional information, contact Nita Dean, 614-761-5002.
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Catalogers and interlibrary loan librarians now have the key to
gaining wider access to the world's richest bibliographic
database. PRISM Keyword Searching, installed April 17, is a
powerful new tool for library staff, providing keyword access to
all 27 million bibliographic records in the OCLC Online Union
Catalog as a supplement to existing PRISM features. The added
searching method provides subject access from within the PRISM
interface to allow streamlining of workflow so virtually all
searching can take place on PRISM.
With PRISM Keyword Searching, users can perform searches using
the "find" command with 12 new keyword indexes: author,
frequency, language, notes, place, publisher, report number,
series, subject, subject/title/contents, title, and uniform
PRISM Keyword Searching also allows users to combine up to eight
terms using the Boolean "AND," qualify searches by date and
format, broaden searches with character masking, and revise their
last search using the new "revise" command.
Keyword searching supplements numeric, derived key, combined key,
and title phrase searching options in PRISM.
Copy catalogers will be able to locate records and verify
headings more easily with PRISM Keyword Searching. Original
catalogers can use keyword searching to determine the appropriate
subject headings and classification numbers to assign to a work.
The catalogers will be better able to locate records and headings
that are more difficult to retrieve through other searching
techniques. Interlibrary loan librarians will find it helpful
for locating records from requests that are either incomplete or
Because it requires more computer resources than numeric or
derived search keys, PRISM Keyword Searching is priced higher
than other PRISM searches. Searchers will use keyword searching
when it is the most efficient technique to find what they're
looking for--an approach that will save them valuable time.
The new service is priced on a per-search basis. Users should
check with their networks for pricing levels.
For additional information, contact Chris Grabenstatter, 614-
764-6181, or Nita Dean, 614-761-5002.
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The OCLC Library School Program will be offered to schools of
library and information science in Western, Central, and Eastern
Europe. The program, available since 1984 to ALA accredited
library schools in North America, was established to provide
library school faculty and students access to OCLC cataloging,
reference, and resource sharing products and services to be
integrated into the school's teaching program. OCLC waives
charges for the use of most services, thus contributing to the
teaching resources of those schools that participate in the
Most library schools in Europe have access to the European
Academic and Research Network and to national and other
Pan-European academic and research networks, and through these
networks to the OCLC network node in Europe. These network
facilities will allow access to OCLC's online products and
The OCLC Library School Program is open to all library and
information schools in Europe that are able to demonstrate they
offer undergraduate and graduate degree courses in library and
information science considered by their country's library
association to be comparable to ALA accredited programs.
For additional information, contact Nita Dean, 614-761-5002, or
Sandra Brookes, 44 21 456 4656.
Winston Tabb, Associate Librarian for Collections Services at the
Library of Congress, is pleased to announce the selection of four
applicants for the Library's new pilot Cataloging Research and
Exchange Programs. Announced last year, the programs are based
on the Library's desire to improve its cataloging operations,
particularly in the area of arrearage reduction, by engaging in
applied research and analysis and staff exchange activities with
the library community.
Dr. Ling H. Jeng, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Library
and Information Science, University of California, Los Angeles,
is one of two candidates selected for the Visiting Researcher in
Cataloging Program. Her research will identify the specific
factors essential to cataloging expertise at the Library of
Congress to develop computer tools that will assist in the
cataloging process.
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Dr. Chandra Prabha, Senior Research Scientist in the Office of
Research, OCLC, will also be participating in the Visiting
Researcher in Cataloging Program. Her area of research will
involve the components of original cataloging.
Michi S. Hoban, Assistant Catalog Librarian at Dartmouth College
Library, and Cynthia Watters, Head of the Catalog Department at
Middlebury College Library, are the two candidates selected to
participate in the Cataloger Exchange Program.
The Library of Congress gratefully acknowledges the contributions
of Beverly Lynch, Dean and Professor at the UCLA Graduate School
of Library and Information Science, K. Wayne Smith, President of
OCLC, Margaret A. Otto, Librarian of the College, Dartmouth
College Library, and Ronald E. Rucker, College Librarian,
Middlebury College Library, and their respective organizations
for their generous release of valued staff.
For more information on any of these programs, contact Glen
Zimmerman, Director for Technical Processes Research, Collections
Services, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540-4030;
Internet: gzim@seq1.loc.gov.
Libraries providing The FirstSearch Catalog now have the option
of letting patrons enter interlibrary loan requests into an
online review file that is processed by library staff.
The newly installed link from FirstSearch to PRISM Interlibrary
Loan (ILL) can help users who find items in WorldCat or in OCLC's
ArticleFirst serials database to borrow materials from OCLC
member libraries. WorldCat, OCLC's Online Union Catalog, with 27
million bibliographic records and over 450 million location
symbols, gives FirstSearch users access to the holdings of
thousands of libraries.
The FirstSearch/ILL Link is optional and must be turned on by the
library's FirstSearch system administrator. It also can be made
available, via separate FirstSearch authorizations, to some users
but not to others, depending on whether they have ILL privileges.
There is no charge for using the link but libraries must be OCLC
members that participate in PRISM ILL.
The link is part of the OCLC Dispatch Service. In January, OCLC
introduced a document ordering capability, and FirstSearch users
began to order articles cited in ArticleFirst and Periodical
Abstracts databases.
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The FirstSearch Catalog is designed for library patrons, with an
end-user interface that allows patrons to move easily through an
online search in just a few simple steps, without training or
online searching experience. It currently provides access to 32
For additional information, contact Tam Dalrymple, 614-761-5054,
or Nita Dean, 614-761-5002.
DiscLit: British Authors, a CD-ROM-based tool produced by G.K.
Hall and OCLC for high school and college literature students, is
one of the winners in the English CD-ROM category of the Media &
Methods Awards Portfolio.
Media & Methods presents annual awards for "outstanding
instructional materials and services." Its awards "honor the
commitment and creativity of the producers, manufacturers, and
suppliers who are making a significant contribution to excellence
in education nationwide." The award will be announced in the
May/June issue.
DiscLit: British Authors is the second OCLC compact disc to win
in the English CD-ROM category. In 1992, DiscLit: American
Authors was honored by Media & Methods.
DiscLit: British Authors provides information and criticism about
British authors. The disc contains the full text of 145 volumes
of Twayne's English Authors Series plus the OCLC British Authors
Catalog--200,000 citations of widely held books by and about
British authors from the OCLC Online Union Catalog. The authors
range from Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Defoe to Woolf, Stoppard,
and Rushdie.
Media & Methods combines today's educational media and technology
with hands-on applications. The magazine features practical case
studies, new developments, and implementation strategies that are
vital to school libraries and classrooms.
For additional information, contact Tam Dalrymple, 614-761-5054,
or Nita Dean, 614-761-5002.
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Public-Access Computer Systems News is an electronic newsletter
that is distributed on BITNET, Internet, and other computer
networks. There is no subscription fee.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 (BITNET)
First Name Last Name. PACS-P subscribers also receive two other
electronic serials: Current Cites and The Public-Access Computer
Systems Review.
Public-Access Computer Systems News is Copyright (C) 1993 by the
University Libraries, University of Houston. All Rights
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by academic computer
centers, computer conferences, individual scholars, and
libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their
collection, in electronic or printed form, at no charge. This
message must appear on all copied material. All commercial use
requires permission.