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-= Truth Is Stranger Then Fiction =-
Issue 1:
Demonic Possessions & Exorcisms
Written By Parker Lewis [Vandals] (an681512@anon.penet.fi)
This is a new publication that I'll be starting, it is dedicated to the
world of strange phenomena which I've been interested in for several years
now, with the everyday routine that we live everyday, it's good to know that
there is much more to live then what is presented to us, it gives more
meaning to life. Anyways thats what this new text file series from The
Vandals will be about, contributions will be excepted. In this first "issue"
I'll be writting about Devil Possessions, which in my opinion is probably one
of the scariest phenomenas. I hope you enjoy this new series.
A person is known to be possessed when they start reacting in a violent
nature. For no appearent reason they become violent, they twist and tangle
their arms and legs in such ways that no one is able to untangle them,
sometimes their bodies can become so regit that outside force is unable to
move it, while at other times their bodies can become so flexiable that the
person is able to move the body in positions not normally possible without
the breakage of bones or joints, at times the person who has been possessed
is known to transform into a snakelike creature, the person's body would
become as flexible as rubber, and they would writhe along the floor, their
neck would elongate, thereby enhancing the serpent image. In the case of
Clara Germana Cele, when she bit one of the nuns which were supervising her,
in the arm, the arm revealed Germana's teeth marks as well as well as a small
red puncture which resembled a snake bite. The person who has been possessed
has no control over their own body, only the Devil can give peace to these
objects of his torture.
Another phenomena which occurs while the person is under control from the
Devil is the ability to levitate. People have been known to float various
feets in the air, both in a horizontal position (with their bodies extended
outwards) and a vertical position (with their feet downwards). While they
are floating, their bodies are rigid and their clothing remain tightly
attached to their bodies instead of falling down as would be expected.
Attempting to pull the person down while they are levitating is a worthless
task, only after having holy water strinkeled on the body, does the body
begin to descent and the clothing begins to fall loosely. Sometimes instead
of just levitating upwards, the body is thrown in various directions as if it
were a play toy.
When under control of the Devil, the person shows a hatered for all
relegious objects. The Devil is able to sense the presence of relegious
objects even if they are well hidden or concealed, pouring ordinary water on
him will only make him laugh whereas holy water will cause him much pain.
A person who has been possessed will refuse to eat food which has been
secretly blessed with holy water, or cower at the sight of a rosery or a
Another sign of possession by the Devil include vomiting of repulsive
substances like yellow foam, feathers, seeweed and tabacco leaves which emite
such horrible smells that the only way to get rid of it is to burn the object
which the vomit fell on. This evil smell can fill out a room, and make a
person's presence in the room nearly impossible, to give you an idea of how
bad the smell is, it smells even worst then Serial Link and his "Avengers"
group, but not by much (sorry, I just had to add that in there). Before the
vomit is expeled, the body becomes bloated as if it were about to burst.
A most frequent sign of supernatural ability comes in the form of
clairvoyancy. The person is able to predict deaths or accidents as well as
events taking place far from where the person is located, they may also use
this clairvoyancy to bring on shame to someone, by reveling scandalous
details of their private lives, complete with dates, times and names.
While under control of the Devil, the Devil may manifest himself by other
actions like infesting the victim's head with red lice which can only be
cured by pouring holy water on the victims head, utter shocking profanities,
make strange animal noises or really horrible screams which are unbareable,
for extented periods of time. The person may also start to talk to invisible
beings or demon drawings and show a great fascination for diabolic things.
The person may also have the ability to speak in different languages never
before spoken. Sometimes the words don't come from the person's mouth, they
seem to be coming from within.
For the rites of exorcism to be executed, the priest must first seek
permission from the bishop. During the exorcism the priest may be acompanied
by another priest and people who are physicly prepared for the challenge. In
some countries like for example, Germany, a physician must also be present to
evaluate the physical state of the victim. Exorcisms can take as long as a
few days to a couple of months or maybe even longer. Throught out the
exorcism the priests and the attending people must be both physicly and
mentally prepared for the task. They must endure the Devil's crys of pain,
as well as attacks from the Devil and this may take up to several sleepless
days. The Demons who have taken control of the body may choose to identify
themselves and their reasons for possessing the body. When the demons
finally surrender, they mark their departure from the body with either a show
of levitation, by leaving behind a foul odor or by some other action.
There are three ways that a person can get possessed although they are not
the only ways. The first is just a random person who the Devil chooses to
take control over, the second is if the person makes a pact with the Devil
and the third is if a person is cursed by someone who is damned after they
Skeptics dismiss possession by the Devil and attribute the person's actions
to an epilepsy attack, hysteria or psychological conditions like multiple
personalities. They consider demonic possession as medieval superstition and
ignorance. There is some degree of truth to their thinkings, but it only
explains certain conditions that is shown on a person who has been possessed.
During an epilepsy attack a person's muscles can become rigid and foam may be
produced in the mouth, the person may move their head in a back and forth
motion, the distortion of the face and strange guttural noises coming from a
spasm of the throat muscles may also be produced. During an attack the body
may bend back in a semi-circle, this is known as the hysterical arch, and
it's frequently seen in cases of possession. An average epilepsy attack can
last up to five minutes. These conditions do resemble some symptoms of a
person who has been possessed, but they choose to ignore the other signs of
possessions like levitation, the ability to speak in a foreign tongue, etc.
which can not be explained by modern day medical science. It is by these
paranormal phenomena that the church identifies a case of demonic possession,
other symptoms are the hatred for relegious objects and the ability to detect
relegious objects which have been hidden or concealed.
All information in this text file has been gathered from the following
<20> Mysteries Of The Unexplained By Readers Digest
<20> Demon Children By Martin Ebon
<20> Exorcism: Fact Not Fiction By Martin Ebon
<20> Diabolical Possession And Exorcism By Rev. John J. Nicola
<20> The New York Times, August 8, 1976
Article: Possessed By Satan By Adolf Rodewyk
"Theres More In Heaven And Earth Then What Is Dreamt Up In Your Philosofy"