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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Legions of Lucifer ('l<>jen ov l<>cif<69>r) n. 1. Any multitude of followers
of the chief evil spirit, Satan. 2. A group of Telecommunications and
Computer Experts that work together as one to cause havok in the
anarchy bound society of this nation.
PHUCK : Phone Hackers United Crash Kill
Legions of Lucifer merged with PHUCK, INC on January 15, 1991 at 11:41pm PST!
We are now: L.o.L-PHUCK
The Radio Shack ICST Scam
Editor's Note: This file, like others from the L.o.L-PHUCK Tfiles
Group is intended for INFORMATIONAL USE ONLY. The information
contained herein is for your reading pleasure only. The author
and the Legions of Lucifer Tfiles group do **NOT** assume
responsibility for possible legal harrassment endured due to
applying this information. This file serves just merely as
interesting reading material and is not intended to be used. Persons
with criminal mentality and con artists should stop reading at this
What is ICST?
ICST stands for Intra-Company Stock Transfer. This is the method of
merchandise delivery between different stores in the chain. An example
of how this works is suppose you go to store A wanting to buy a VGM-300
VGA Monitor and it is not in stock. They will then try to call local
stores to locate your merchandise, which can be anything from a capacitor
all the way to a stereo system or a Tandy 5000 Personal Computer. So you
can see the potential here, eh kiddies :)! Upon calling, the employee
at store A discovers that store B does have the merchandise and will
be able to pick it up for sale to the customer.
Preliminary work.
In order to make things happen, you will need to obtain the store's
confidential phone directory listing. The most efficient way is to make
friends with a dishonest and disgruntled Radio Shack employee and get him
free 'gifts' in exchange for the information. Another method is to have
an extra friend go in the store and have a couple guys keep the employees
busy, then have one guy lift the phone directory, which will be in the
form of a computer printout on either the counter next to the cash
register, or near the store FAX machine.
You will know you have struck paydirt when you retrieve a document
barring resemblance to the following:
<20> Store Number <20> Phone Number <20> Location <20> Manager <20>
<20> 01-XXXX <20> 555-1212 <20> 17 Nowhere St. <20> Tom Bullshit <20>
<20> 01Z-XXXX <20> 555-1213 <20> 37000 Fake Ave. <20> Ima Loser <20>
<20> 11-XXXX <20> 555-3452 <20> 666 Ficticious Blvd<76> John Doe <20>
Here is a breakdown of the store codes as it pertains to the
01 stores: The 'normal' run of the mill Radio Shacks. They are
allowed to sell stereo, tv, vcr, electronics, etc. They also
do carry the low end computer models. The 01's CAN'T sell **ANY**
386 based models, i.e. 4000 and 5000 families, VGA monitors,
FAX machines, laser printers, etc.
01Z stores: Basically they are a support store out in the middle
of BFE [that is Butt Fucking Egypt, for those of you unfamiliar with
the term], these "special" stores are allowed to carry the same
merchandise as the 11 stores, but in far less volume. They are
good to use as destinations when scamming.
11 stores: This is the good 'ol Radio Shack Computer Center. These
stores are allowed to sell ALL Radio Shack computer lines from
1000-5000, FAX machines, printers in 9,24 pin, color, laser, laptops,
and all monitors from mono-VGA.
This information is VERY crucial to making the sting work, because
this could lead to obvious fuckups and a demise of your civilian life if
you did something VERY lame, such as say that you are coming from an 01
store and need a Tandy 4025. This would sound VERY bad because you are
selling merchandise you are NOT allowed to stock!
Setting up the sting.
The initial planning stages are important. In these stages, you will
merely pick up your Radio Shack catalogue and select your merchandise.
It is also useful to save the flyers in the Sunday sections of major
city newspapers as when merchandise is on a big sale, it is easier to
obtain and they will think a lot less than if it was at full market price.
Also, make up a fake alias. The White Pages provide a good source for
real sounding names. You may also wish to consult popular writers, such
as Piers Anthony and steal a character name [we once used Randy Flagg].
However we used a 'calling card' always. We always used names like Robert
Smith, Roger Schwartz, Randy Switzer, etc. Get it? They ALL have the
initial R.S = Radio Shack. Cute, eh?
Making the Telephone Call.
Ok, so now you have the necessary information in names, numbers, and
parts. It is ALL social engineering from this point out. If you are
young, do NOT attempt this, because I have NEVER seen a Rad Shacker
younger than 16 in a store, and NEVER younger than 18 in a Computer
Center. This portion of the scam is what I call the 'make it or break
it' section. Here are a few details to keep in your mind:
+ Respect the man/woman on the telephone. Remember: The
person IS a coworker!
+ The customer is ANXIOUS and has CASH!
+ You have just started working about 2 weeks ago for the company,
and this is your first major chance at a GOOD commision.
+ The customer will KILL if he doesn't have this item TODAY!
+ [if the chips get down] This is a REPEAT customer!
Here is a sample dialogue for the telephone call:
RS: "Good morning. Radio Shack. Dave speaking."
YOU: "Hello Dave, this is <Fake first name> from the store at
<location>. How are you doing?" [Note: ALWAYS greet warmly!
then stab 'em in the back in a minute!]
RS: "Pretty well, <Fake first name>, can I help you with something?
YOU: "Yes, I have a repeat customer here who is interested in
purchasing the <product>, but we are out of stock currently, and
I have been calling all over the district this morning trying to
hunt this down. Do you have any in stock?"
RS: "Hold on, let me check"
3 minutes and 2 cups of coffee later...
RS: "Hello <Fake first name>?"
YOU: "Yes."
RS: "No. All we have is a floor demo in stock."
YOU: "But I have a REPEAT customer who has cash and needs the item
today. I have called the Computer Center at Noweheresville
and Fake City and they are out of stock. Is there any way
you could let your floor demo go?"
RS: "Well, ok, in that case I can make you a deal. About what time
can I expect you in?"
YOU: "In about 45 minutes-1 hour from now. I am expecting a client in
a few, so I am going to stay around here for a little bit."
RS: "Ok, see you when you get here, <Fake first name>, bye."
YOU: "Bye." <Hang>
Notes: NEVER take stores TOO close together. These guys DO get around.
If you take a store 2 miles down the road, they are like sisters and will
KNOW if a new employee just started etc. The best way is to take a store
about 10-15 miles away, but still within the locale.
Also, there ARE district managers and runners. Be alert for these types.
Here, the DM is a woman, usually males, however, they are the supervisors
for the whole area, and if you come waltzing in and they happen to be
around for some bullshit and see you, and don't know you [they KNOW and
MEET all hirees!], the shit may hit the fan quickly.
Keep your eyes peeled for all workers in the store, and make mental notes
when they are on the phone, etc. Always make sure you are in control
of the situation and pay attention to phone conversations. Also, walk
around like it is HOME. Don't be lame and be getting hard off of some
demo program etc, because after all, the SAME damn demo is running back
on the 4015 at your store.
Also, another thing to note is that you should choose malls if possible
because if something goes wrong it is a LOT easier to get lost amongst
the people, go in other stores, hide, and get to a getaway car.
As with any corporation, Tandy Corp, expects their employees to groom
themselves in a similar and presentable manner. Here is what they like
and dislike:
They are not crazy about facial hair. If men have neatly kept mustaches,
it is ok. ABSOLUTELY no beards, goatees etc.
Hair must be nicely trimmed, clean looking, no long hair.
No loud colors. The method of dress is standardized. What they like to
see are white shirts with long sleeves [no sleeve rolling, even in the
summer, remember you are going from an air conditioned store in an air
conditioned car to another air conditioned store...]. Nice stylish
conservative ties, especially solids. Dark trousers, especially black
or navy blue. Dark socks, black, brown, dark blue. And dark dress shoes,
neatly polished. Light grey shoes are acceptable too, NO loafer or
docksiders though.
Making the visit.
Ok, now you drive to the location where the sting is about to take place.
I best advise having 1-2 other team members along for backup purposes.
A standard method we used was to have one member go in as a 'customer'
and keep em busy by asking serious questions about high ticket items.]
Plus the other person can act as your 'security guard', watching for
trouble. It is a good idea for the other man to be wearing something
that can be altered unnoticingly to signal you that something is going
wrong and to GET THE HELL OUT. A good idea is a ballcap, which can be
taken off as the distress signal, put on backwards like a catcher, etc.
Another good idea is one of the waist pouches many people carry. Front
side, everything is ok, shifted to the back, they are wise, drop the
Once in the store, act calmly, warmly introduce yourself, and stand around
Strange things do happen, like once a woman came into the store I was at
and I had to help her with an item real fast, so I mean it is wise to
have good social engineering skills and basically, be a good bullshitter,
and if this happens, just say you work at another store, however Joe would
be pleased to help you. This saves your ass, plus puts more pressure on
him and he will want to get you out of there faster.
The next thing I used to do was start talking typical employee crap.
E.g. How long have you worked for the company?, Busy day? etc.
Plan A - Getting the goods.
Assuming all goes well, the guy will do one of three things. If you
catch him alone and the store is busy, with customers and your plants,
he will probably just say that he will take care of the paperwork later
and say your goodbyes.
The second option which is usual circumstances, is he will take you
in the back room, call up the ICST through the intra-store network,
and record the transaction electronically, then he will write out an ICST
form [paper] and give you one copy. It has been a while, but I believe
it is about 4-5 forms: sending store, receiving store, district manager,
and company. Then he will write all the pertinent information [product
name, stock number etc] and then you sign at the X at the bottom of the
form, pick up the merchandise and away you go, off in the sunset...
The third option is the dreaded verification. If you think he is acting
'smart' and may want to know more about you, ask to use the phone because
something about the product doesn't look right and you want to consult
your manager. In reality, call your friend sitting at the payphone and
then he is on, and say to the feeb at the store, "Yeah, Mr. Smith wants
to talk to you for a minute.", and it will clear up the bullshit.
Plan B - Escape.
At times things go wrong. Remember : It is NOT a crime unless you leave
the store with merchandise, therefore bail out if you have to. Once I was
in a predicament where he was about to call my manager to verify me. I
reacted brilliantly by standing around a minute while he was ringing up
an order, and saying to call my manager, and that I am just going to pull
my car up to the door. In reality, I scurried to my friend's car, laid
down, and he got the fuck out of there.
Another incidence is if you don't know stuff you should. The older
employees [even 50 miles away as we found out!] are friends and know
what manager is where and all the company gossip. A friend of mine was
in dressed bad [stripped shirt, wrong shoes..] and they were onto him
from the word 'go'. The guy started interrogating him about the manager
whom as we later learned, had transferred to a store 3 weeks before!
So, saying that he just talked to him, when he had been at a new
store for 3 weeks looked VERY bad. He said it was a long trip [60
miles approx...] and he was going next door to the restaurant for a
quick bite to eat. He got out and a guy tailed him out of the store.
He had to run across a major street, run down the block, jump over a
9 foot high concrete wall [in dress clothes mind you!], try haggling with
two black construction workers to sell him a pair of overalls, then run
behind the next strip mall. Meanwhile, my accomplice and I faked a
phone call, and we went behind the mall and split up. I went and gave
the in store man my jacket to conceal him and we went into a waterbed
store, meanwhile other friend sneaked around the parking lot and
retrieved my buddy's truck and got to the waterbed factory, and we got
the hell out.. And if that wasn't bad enough, a biker cop drove up to
the store while my friend was retrieving the vehicle. Wonder why? Hah!
Also, always have some fast cash handy, because you never know if you
may need to hail down a taxi etc real fast to throw them off the track.
My suggestions are to pull about 2-3 good jobs in one day, then lay
low for at least 3 months. Word will not usually get around about the
scam until the ICST processing is done about a month later. However,
if you botched it, looked bad, had a close call - you can BET next
time those two stores do business, they will say what a klutz that
Bob Smith is. Then the manager from store A will say "Who the hell
is Bob Smith?". Then the jig is up, and the scam is out in the air and
they will want you.
Also, don't plan on hitting any stores where you may have to do
legitimate purchases within the next 6 months, because they WILL
remember you and some shit will hit the fan mighty fast.
Another good idea is to BURN all the boxes and paper work, plus remove
serial numbers from the merchandise just in case you might ever get
interrogated for something else, they don't have another charge
against you.
After all is said and done, put on your sysop shades, light up a
cigarette, kick up the radio and have fun with your new equipment...

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<30><43><37><30><6D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><31><38><31><6D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <30><31><6D><EFBFBD>
"Anarchy is the base of todays society, without it, we would be in chaos"
- Anarchist
(<28>)egions (<28>) (<28>)ucifer - (P)hone (H)ackers (U)nited (C)rash (K)ill
Call these <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK support boards for information or application
H.M.S. Queen Mary's Revenge 213/274+1333 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK World HQ/1
The Magical Mystery Board 203/393+1529 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK World HQ/2 THG Site
Electric Eye ][ / Elite 313/776+8928 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK Dist Site TRAD HQ
Inphiniti's Edge BBS 216/662+5115 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK Dist Site Chaos Chrn.
Maze Enterprises Ltd. 916/444+9812 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK Dist Site INC & TPS
Astral Plane 305/935+3976 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK Dist Site iPX HQ/NASTY
The Morgue +61-7-353-3388 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK Australia EMC Site
Interpol II +46-8-29-6716 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK Sweden SHA HeadQ.
<EFBFBD>egions <20>f <20>ucifer-PHUCK High Office Staff Member
Prezident of [<5B>.<2E>.<2E>] : Captain Swashbuckler
Prezident of [PHUCK] : Tripin Face
Out of US Representatives : The Undertaker -=- Australia
Mr Big -=- Sweden
This text file is (C)Copyright 1990,91 <20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK, Inc.
<20>.<2E>.<2E>-PHUCK is a registered trademark of QMR, All rights reserved
Any modifications to this text phile is a violation of copyright.
H.M.S. Queen Mary's Revenge 213/274+1333
The Magical Mystery Board 203/393+1529