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$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$ HOLY TEMPLE of MASS CONSUMPTION $$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$S$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$ *N*E*W*S* $$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$ #31 - idkfa, iddqd $$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$
Holy Temple of Mass Consumption slack@ncsu.edu
PO Box 30904 BBS: 919-954-5028
Raleigh, NC 27622 http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/users/a/aiken/htomc.html
<<<Sorry this issue took so long to complete, but I've been playing Doom>>>
Slack Crusades: GWAR with Rev. Ivan Stang all dates
Circus Apocolypse -All dates,
Dr. Legume, Janor Hypercleats, Papa Joe Mama- Selected dates
Free Hotline # (216)556-0338 Web: sunsite.unc.edu/subgenius (Rev Bevilacqua)
HOUR OF SLACK is heard Sunday nights at 9 on WCSB, Cleveland, 89.3 fm, and
will BE HEARD ALL OVER THE INTERNET via realtime audio ANY WEEK NOW, along
with THE Rev. Mike Cole's show, Einstein's Secret Orchestra with Lonesome
Cowboy Dave, and all the other great stuff on WCSB.
SubGenius Hotline to "Bob"! 1-900-990-5085 ext. 324,325
Updated each week with a new Conspiracy Hotline and Rant of the Week. $2 a
minute, 5 minute maximum. Rants by great SubGenius preachers (Janor
Hypercleats, Father Joe Mama, Ivan Stang, Dr. Howll, Pope David Meyer).
Under 18 need parent's permission. Touch-tone phone r'q'd. Maximum call, 5
min. Mystery Playhouse, Bradenton FL
Music to Play Doom By
"Open Your Ears" - double-length 78 minute CD featuring Out of Band
Experience, and Kings of Feedback. Fully accredited DoktorBand, this
incredible industrial/blues/sludge/slack/noise music is now available
for the *low* price of only $10! Get it today!
Mutants can always call 1-(617) LICK OBE for "Used Slack" etc.
Or they can just part with a TEN DOLLAR BILL and MAIL it to:
OBE-KOF=Bill T. Miller - PO Box 221- Boston, MA 02123 USA
and get their very own OBE-KOF "Open Your Ears" 78 minute CD!
Email ObeKOF@world.std.com or access the "OBE-KOF Orgy of Noise"
site on the web at: http://world.std.com/~ObeKOF/
Mr. Slugg - self-titled tape from I Need Medical Attention Records & Tapes,
306 Thayer St. #82, Providence RI 02906
Heavy synth-oriented band, with songs ranging from ambient pieces to heavy
industrial/gothic. Reminiscent of Gary Numan and the Tubeway Army on the
lighter songs, and very similar to the darker/noisier style of Nine Inch
Nails on the harder. I liked it quite a lot, as I suspect anyone who likes
the dark synthesizer style would. No price listed, but contact INMATR&T for
[Thanks again to Ben Inmart for this one!]
**Just arrived, will be covered in upcoming HToMC---
New CD from Indian Rope Burn, "The Big-Bang Payoff". Another great DoktorBand,
contact Mike Crooker at mikecrooker@delphi.com / irb666@aol.com
gge records, PO Box 1784, Kent OH 44240
Introducing Schmeltfisch, the First Short
Jewish Angstithologist and Superhero
by Michael Sussman
In my strip, there's a bust going down. All executed in
the most tasteless manner. Officer Overbound is badging and
badgering, hassling and amassling; he's wreck & flexin for an
audience of his peers. The harried bureaucrats of the underground
economy stoically endure the procedure.
I'm in tights and a cape, and I pop on the scene [to
Announcing: The First Short Jewish Angstithologist and
Superhero... at your service.
The players are puzzled, which buys me time.
"Have you gentlemen considered the weight of your
Next frame shows me pointing, not at the accused, but at
the stunned gaggle of law enforcement officials.
"But Schmeltfisch," -- (thus was I for eternity dubbed by
Officer Overbound on page 12) -- he says, "But Schmeltfisch,
what the hell are you talking about?"
"Clearly the curse your 'Ethics of Monotony' has cast on
our young civilization is at fault, not these innocents. Imposition
of a hostile moral code in an inflexible and wrongheaded manner.
Let's get down to the sloppings, Officer Pignut: If you can
convincingly argue the case for human free will on the
repentance- and- salvation model upon which your legal system
supposedly rests, why then I'll shut down shop without taking up a
minute more of your precious time."
Mute disbelief and incomprehension. I don't even know
what the fuck I'm talking about.
"I didn't think so. Hand over the guns. That's right, the
big ones, too. My sidekick Boony requests a small peace offering
from the illicit goods in question. He's in the hall. Oh, Boony!
Chill out, you dopey-spaced hippie, there'll be time enough for
that back in your cage. Kidding, kidding, you dreary
These people are now so hopelessly absorbed in their
private existential crises that I can float off without having to
worry about that miscarriage of justice ever taking place. I'm
sure Officer Overbound is already on his way to the nearest 12 oz.
self-help seminar and has forgotten all about his duty to a drug-
free ghetto.
Thanks to my placid nature, I sometimes project a false
image of easy leisure. My time, however, is dear. Surely you will
excuse me so that I may write more adventures for your reading
Interlude: Schmeltfisch Orders a Burger
All this crime fighting has left me famished. Boony,
more mentally fragmented than ever after all the excitement, pulls
up in the temporary Schmeltmobile, the 1986 Toyota Tercel,
adoringly referred to as "Yota." You'll have to imagine any
Batgadget-type accessories because there are none; Yota is
essentially a glorified go-cart with a tape deck and one working
speaker. The whole Jewish anarcho-syndicalist superhero gig
takes a while to get on its feet, you understand.
I'm rapping at Boony as we Toyodell over to the Grease
Pit for a quick bite of corporate swine.
"Been trying to get back into that topical singer-
songwriter shtick that was bringing home the bank circa '71, you
know. Our most recent adventure still fresh in mind, I'd imagine
something like this: (of course I'll tighten the rhyme scheme after
some revision)"
I've got a semi-automatic shotgun,
Woh, I got a night stick,
I got a computer that knows all about you,
Talking 'bout a Peace Officer, George,
Talking 'bout a public servant-- and furthermore:
I got tear gas for your comrades
I got handcuffs and pepper spray...
Now Boony is appropriately modest about his critical
appreciation of poetry (and post-Dylan folk rock, for that matter),
but perhaps this time his coarser instincts were just. My muse is
momentarily silenced by Boony's philistine brawn as he swerves
us into the drive-thru lane at Crapburger.
"Whaddya want?"
"Gimme a minute, you grouchy shit. You're just my
fucking sidekick, you intolerable bitch."
"Two Burgerdaddy Combos with Root Beer! Say boss
don't look at me that way. How many times you gotta tell me that
you're 'ethically and systematically opposed to the notion of
human choice?' I always gotta sit in the fucking drive-thru lane
at McAssholes with four hundred deranged rush hour bureaucrats
leaning on their horns while you meditate on the issue of
"Boony, that's why I keep you around, pal. Hours of
lethargy and self-indulgent compulsion broken up by lightning
flashes of eloquent genius. Your toned monstrosity of a body
doesn't hurt in tight situations, either. I say, old chap, bring on
the Burgerdaddy combos! Let's go out there and fight some
fucking crime."
"Pitch in $2.20, boss; I ain't spotting you no
Schmeltfisch Takes on Corporate Scum and Wins
His Benevolence Razorslash will see you now. No easy
task to get an audience with a CEO at a major conglomerate, even
for a short Jewish angstithologist/superhero wearing tights.
Luckily I was able to convince the temp tending the front desk
that his paradigm needed shifting and so he scurried off to the spa
for a vision quest at my recommendation. I have that effect on
I had to leave Boony back in the car with all those drugs
we stole from the cops this morning. A good heart has Boony...
an open, generous nature... an excellent vocabulary (thanks to his
S.A.T. compulsion--more on this later); but dumb as Montana
before the Ice Age, and lusty like yer uncle's German Shepherd!
Good Lord! it's like leaving a Republican congressman in a room
with hot insider stock tips and a bad hair piece! And this stoner is
supposed to be ready to tear out of here in the getaway vehicle at
a second's notice!
"Ah, Mr.Schmeltfisch, or, pardon me, Lord
Schmeltfisch" (I had to do some, er, exagerrating to get Mr.
Razorslash's attention), "Lord Schmeltfisch, what can
I do for you?"
"Your Benevolence Razorslash: May I speak frankly with
"Sure chum; for a Harvard man? We're family already."
"What if I told you that I can take care of your little
'indigenous' problem in Ecuador?"
"Those stinking Spic Injuns won't give up an eensy little
bit of their precious forest and now those goddamned tree
hugging, hairy-assed feminist greeny-assed muthafuckers got all
their goddamned Jewish banker money fucking me up the ass,
"Right on, white man! Have I got a bacteria for you!"
"Oh, you vicious fuck! I love it! How much will it cost
"I only request a small cash donation, preferably in the
million range."
"I'll have one of my temps run to the bank while you
"A pleasure doing business with you."
When I get outside, Boony is snorting lines of a
dexterity-enhancing designer drug off the hood of my car. He
fucks around with his nose, looks at the briefcase, nods, looks at
"I'm gonna make Yota do things you never before
thought possible."
Had the driver's side door worked when Boony pulled at
the latch, this would have been a forceful and terrifying
declaration; instead the gesture approximated low comedy.
Humiliated and starting to max out on all that shit he'd been
snorting, Boony rips the door off its hinges and miraculously
starts the car with sheer willpower.
What the fuck do I care? I got Herr Razorschmuck's
million bucks and possibly the most dextrous and high-strung
chauffeur this side of Paradise. I buy myself a new door, send the
remainder to the Ecuadorian People's Liberation Movement, if
there is such a thing, and call it a wash.
"I hope you're ready to hug some trees like you're
hugging those shoulders, Boony. To the Earth First compound!
We've got some industrial sabotage to coordinate!"
Michael Sussman
145 Central Ave
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 431-0541
65% of all Americans believe that frozen pizza will never
be any good and there's nothing science can do about it.
--TV Nation Poll
Sacrifices to the Sacred Zine Altar
** Send these people all kinds of neat stuff **
Obloquy - #1 Summer 1995 - This issue details the ultimate blowout devival
at the DragonCon 95 convention. Exposed in gory detail is the parade of
preachers and ranters, with Ivan Stang, Dr. K'taden Legume, Papa Joe Mama,
Janor Hypercleets, Sister Susie the Floozie, and tons of local talent from
"Bob"'s Slacktime Funhouse on WREK. 7 FULL HOURS, ending just before 6am.
[The head HToMC commander was there in full nuclear/chemical warfare gear]
Plus, other info on modern idols, slackness, and contacts. Send a plastic
spaceship to: obloquy, PO Box 5902, Wilmington, NC 28403-0879
OGYR NETWORK - vol 4 #4 - $aint @ndrew has had the kind of year that I wish
I had, as I was busy blasting away monsters. He has full details, with
pictures of the Cleveland Devival (apparently not the Legume "memorial"),
but the earlier one with Indian Rope Burn. Also detailed is the Chicago
Underground Film Festival, attempted assassination of Stang, zines, band
interviews, tons of great gothic/alternative/industrial/noise/rant tapes
and CD reviews (unequalled anywhere, even in the purely music-oriented zines),
and lots of neat new products from the Church of Euthanasia. Also get the
Ogyr Network Online Web Site at http://www.prairenet.org/~saint/homepage.html
$2 cheap! from PO Box 53, Plainfield IL 60544
Shish-Kebob - The Bran Flakes Quarterly Journal vol. 1 issue 1 - A truly
demented zine, this one goes on a whirlwind tour of World History, with
chapters on serial killers, mass murderers, cults, the Burning Man festival,
growing hemp, subversive "churches" including the Church of Satan, SubGenius,
Discordians, and Cthulhu worshippers, and more. Plus, its a great reference
for Subgenius contacts on and off the network, including radio shows. Bran
Flakes is a righteously slack-infested Subgenius offshoot, which has made
several appearances on the radio shows, and they also have a variety of
tapes. Don't miss the Commandments of Mofo. Only $1 to Rev. Otis F. Odder/
MOFO, The Bran Flakes, PO Box 2704, Reno NV 89505, Planet Earth
So What? #8 - The official blasphemy, cynicism, and irreverence zine of the
Temple of Holy Electronic Media Unadulterated Slack (THEMUS). This month,
Rev. Groovy G brings us more Crazy Christian Conspiracy Comics, Bil Keane
Must Die, 23 Watch, celebrity corpse update, mutants listings, plus much,
much more. I specially liked "Sunday School Stories They Never Told You".
This issue also has material from OverRev Wi(ll)iam of Yeah...And? and
other THEMUS chapters. Get this- its not only a very complete reference
to what's happening in SubGeniusDom, but full of offensive and shocking FUN!
Send *something* to PO Box 378, Richmond, VA 23203
Vision Temple - bizarre products, SubGenius/Discordian news, occasional
zines (including Orange Grain re-cycled journal), tapes, and weirdness
through the mail. Hear all about Rev. Matthew Carey's strange mental and
psychotropic technology. Send a SASE for some neat free stuff, and get on
the mailing list from: Rev. Matthew A. Carey, 18653 Ventura Blvd, Suite #379,
Tarzana, CA 91356. E-mail: ac118@lafn.org, and check alt.slack for this
regular updates.
Yeah...And? - Local SubGenius zine from the Austin, Texas compound.
Highlights include a good and *new* High Weirdness list, plus some e-mail
lists. And, of course, DobbsDoctrine, fellow freaks, and a variety of
other interesting little items including clipart. They're also part of
the latest big push by the Universal Life Church to get everyone signed up;
look for more info on that elsewhere in this issue. The Price is right too,
its "free", although I'm sure they would probably appreciate zines or money or
sacred items in exchange. Austin, despite being the capital and being in
Texas, does drip slack. Write to: OverRev Wi(ll)iam, 1305 Cullen Suite A,
Austin TX 78757-1905 or e-mail: abner@bga.com
The 5lb Bag - issue 2 - General-interest zine, this one with an original OJ
conspiracy theory, poetry, lots of football/NFL info and articles, zine
reviews, letters and other miscellaneous articles. He's also calling for
submissions of any type of fiction, poetry, rants, art, etc, plus he will do
reviews of zines, books, or other materials. $2- $10/6-sub to The 5lb Bag,
c/o Aaron Brandon, 201 Miller Rd. #23, Lebanon OH 45036
ACLU Annual Report - Any organization that can get under Pat Robertson's skin
is ok by me, although the ACLU does seem to be going down the dark path of
"political correctness" in many ways. Plus, although they proclaim undying
love for the Bill of Rights, they conveniently turn a blind eye to the 2nd.
On the whole, however, they probably do far more good than bad, and its nice
to see an organization not afraid to take on unpopular causes in the name of
principles. They have an on-line reading room at gopher://aclu.org:6601.
ACLU, 132 West 43rd St., NY NY 10036 (212) 944-9800
Blue Blood/Black Leather Times - The first is a very explicit, hardcore
magazine for the gothic/vampire. HOT photography, piercing, tattoos, blood,
and uncensored interviews and stories make this a true counterculture item.
They seem to be real too, I've seen them at Dragon*Con. Black Leather Times
is an irreverent sick humor magazine covering a wide range of wild topics.
*both need age statement* Blue Blood-$40/6, $22/3 sub, back issues $10,
BLT $1 for most. CBLT, 3 Calabar Court, Gaithersburg MD 20877-1036
Boredom Inc. - One page newsletter, always different from anything else in
the world. Send some piece of strangeness or your own zine to:
Thanatos, PO Box 67, A.F., UT 84003 (into the SubG thins also!)
Cato Institute - 1995 catalog - This has become a very popular organization
in Washington nowadays, among the "conservatives". Little do they know, but
this is actually a Libertarian think-tank in disguise. They have tons of
books detailing precisely why and how to scale back government, cut taxes,
deregulate business, and begin to respect personal and property rights,
while avoiding the hypocritical police-state mentality of both the left and
the right. Current books include "Forfeiting Our Property Rights" by Rep.
Henry Hyde, on civil forfeiture, and "The Politics and Law of Term Limits",
looking at it from all sides. Plus, policy analysis on a multitude of
issues. Cato Institute Books, 938 Howard St., Suite 202, SF CA 94103
Creation/Evolution #36 - Summper 1995 - Somewhat more technical than most
people might appreciate, this journal features articles delving into
scientific and historical topics relevant to the current furor over teaching
"creationism" in science class. This issue deals with fossil fish teeth
mistaken by creationists as human teeth, the bible vs. biological concepts,
info on the current struggle in public schools, and more. Published by NCSE,
a one-year membership is $25 which gets you 4 issues of this journal.
NCSE, PO Box 9477, Berkeley CA 94709-0744 800-290-6006
The Curio Manifesto - collection of weird colors, ideas, pictures, etc.
Tons of things from the Food Not Bombs project in SF, to junk sculpture
in NY. Sounds like a serialized version of the ReSearch books; lots of
underground/strange themes, but no set topic or medium. Includes zines,
opinions, letters. $12 for 4 isues, $18/6 to Curio Sub, PO Box 522,
Bronxville, NY 10708-0522, ask for submission addresses
Daemonolatriea 696 - Whores of Goddess Scientists (WOGSS) presents 28+ pages
of black magic, rebellion, and art. Very dense, includes massively jammed
occult symbols, figures, art, and slogans from every conceivable religious
system known to man, and many even transcending that. This isue includes
part #1 of the "Worst of the Bible", useful for countering pushy christians,
a Prayer to Satan, invocations, and tons of ads for occult groups, as well
as plenty of things to just make you think. Hours of enlightened chaos.
Each issue for trade, stamps, cash, or other equal to $6.66, and includes
pages from Anticryptographa 797. Revs. Cheryl & Adrian Cain,
1800 Market St. #47, San Francisco, CA 94102. Adults only.
Derogatory Reference #79 - Arthur Hlavaty continues his personal diary-style
thoughts and experiences. He is heavily into written science finction and
attends several non-media-circus cons, participating in panels with his wife,
Bernadette Boskey. He talks about panels and guests at Disclave, Readercon,
as well as a wide range of books that he has read. Plus, his thoughts on
many other issues, from the OJ trial dramatics, to the 25th anniversary
of the Stonewall riots, to (IMHO valid) grips about clueless Internet users
and burdensome operating systems; and much more. Always fun to read.
Published 4 times a year, ezine and print, $1 or trade, or comments.
Arthur D. Hlavaty, 206 Valentine St., Yonkers NY 10704-1814; hlavaty@panix.com
The Devil's Advocate #3 - UFO information zine, this issue including articles
on "Angel Hair", web-like material which has fell from the sky and covered
large areas, immediately following UFO sightings; plus an article looking at
the ways the abduction stories change according to the culture and minset of
the observer. Plus, reviews of other UFO-oriented zines as well as
conventions. 6 issues/$10 (1 year) Devil's Advocate, PO Box 10853,
Pensacola, FL 32524
EARTH'S FINAL WARNING! - "A New World Order Is Coming!" or so the Heralds
of Truth tell us. Like, tell us something we *didn't* know already. But, of
course, its MUCH, MUCH worse than even these conspiracy amateurs can possibly
imagine. For the most part, its just the typical anti-catholic Pope as the
AntiChrist protestant propaganda, but its got some nice clip-art. Plus,
these people sound like they can be talked out of tons of free stuff.
Heralds of Truth, PO Box 800, Puyallup, WA 98371
Factsheet Five - #58 - Besides being the ultimate and indispensible Mother of
All Zine Reviews, it also has lots of hints and tips for creating your own
zine. This issue has an article on how to do band/celebrity interviews,
shopping for zines as holiday gifts by Johnny Marr, and how to create your
own (legal!) local money. Plus, thousands of zine reviews and listings in
every category, including catalogs, on-line zines, acomics, and more. A
must-have. 6 issues for $20, PO Box 170099, San Francisco, CA 94117-0099
Fantagraphics Books catalog #8 - christmas 95 - One of the biggest sources of
alternative or underground comics, featuring the works of Robert Crumb, Kim
Deitch, Bill Griffith (Zippy), Vaughn Bode, Gilbert Shelton, Skip Williamson,
Robert Williams, Daniel Clowes, Peter Bagge, Jim Woodring, Chester Brown,
and dozens more of the biggest and best names in comics. Hundreds of comics,
anthologies, magazines, t-shirts, and other goodies. Call 800-657-1100 or
Fantagraphics Books, 7563 Lake City Way NE, Seattle WA 98115 for free catalog
The FIJActivist #19 - the official newsletter of the Fully Informed Jury
Association, detailing their outreach and legal efforts across the country.
FIJA refers to the fact that juries have not only the right, but the duty to
judge not only the facts of a case, but whether the law itself is just or
unjust; conveniently, judges often ignore instructing juries of their rights
and often even lie to them about it, and ban free speech and books on FIJA.
It was primarily juries refusing to enforce alcohol Prohibition laws that led
to the repeal, and this is actually the citizens' way of curbing unjust laws.
No small wonder that they don't want people to know it. Basic memberships
are $25/year; joining at higher levels not only supports a great cause, but
gets you free FIJA promotional supplies. Also FIJAcon III will be held on
Oct. 6-8 in Salt Lake City. DIJA, PO Box 59, Helmville, MT 59843 or
info at 406-793-5550 Dial 1-800-TEL-JURY for free info pack!
Giants and Little People #2 - all about unusually larger or small people,
both in real-life and fiction, with a long discussion of various TV shows
involving shrinking people and/or giants. Lots that I would have never
remembered. Plus, some shrinking-them Calvin & Hobbes, a tabloid story
on the real world's smallest man (18-3/4 inches tall). $1 to Bob Nelson,
75 Hale St., Apt. 1, Beverly MA 01915 (Also produces Negativfan)
Interesting! issue 5 - Quite literall, a "compilation of things I find
interesting". That covers an awful lot of zines, but its laid out in a
very organized manner. This issue includes quotes, zines, cartoons, tons
of miscellaneous interesting news items, statistics, computer viruses,
classified ads, and much more. Lots of real-life but little-known items,
and lots of fun stuff, like the Cartoon Laws of Physics. Plus, there's
lots of things that Rich is interested in, since he is a doctor; there
are some good essays on that and other issues. This is now available as
print for $3 each, or e-mail to: interesting@pobox.com with a "subscribe"
message. Comments are also welcomed. PO Box 1069, Bangor ME 04402-1069
Jimland Novelties - catalog 2 - For fans of the psychedelic and confusing
JIM comics by Jim Woodring, this is his personal catalog of items. It has
mundane items such as coffee mugs, postcards, t-shirts, and mini-comics,
and strange items such as his dream-of-the-month club, jiva portraits, and
relics. Jimland Novelties, PO Box 45007, Seattle WA 98145-0007
Kill City Graphics - 2 great new comics from Rev. Dave Mitchell- Barefoot and
Pregnant #4, starring our two favorite florida redneck gals, one knocked up,
and No Fun comics #2 (formerly "Kill City Comics & Stories"). Each of these
12-page mini-comics is only $1 cash. The B&P Girls return from their UFO
abduction, and try to sell their story to the tabloids. Plus, the look at
the surgeon general's warning on alcoholic beverages, and 3D pictures. No Fun
comics has several stories, from the terminally-buzzed Bleach Boys to the
sublime Bumper Sticker Theatre. I liked the Henry Rollins Workout plan.
Dave Mitchell, PO Box 5094, Winter Park FL 32793-5094
Lost Armadillos In Heat #12 - More wild party-news from the college town
that pretends its the capitol of Texas. Highlights of this one include
Mr. Bitch, Austin Music Geeks, a 100% accurate guy-talk decoder, an interview
with singer Sara Hickman, stupid fraternity initiation stunts, and real
news stories on masturbation gone wrong. Tons of fun stuff, even if I don't
get some of the local references. And, they have the advice columnist with
an attitude but desirable anyway, Misti. 4 issues/$8 to Lost Armadillos,1113
W. 31st, Austin TX 78705 Also check out their bumper stickers and t-shirts.
The Mongoloid Moose #16 - Scott Wilson's latest adventures include:
the infamous motel-soap battle, another installment of Driving with Dave
where the guys get a free peak at Die Hard 3, but the car *dies* afterward,
101 letter endings to replace the worn-out "Sincerely Yours,", miscellaneous
other articles/poems/art, plus a great rant reprinted from Real Deal, on the
best way to deal with those jaywalkers with such big attitudes that they
*slowly* cross the street and hold you up- run over their damn asses! It may
be the most education they've ever had. Lots of fun stuff. Single issue
only $1 or 6 issues for $5. Free ads, and they love to trade too.
e-mail: bhabes@pegasus.rutgers.edu, although the Moose isn't available there
The Mongoloid Moose c/o Scott Wilson, PO Box 642, Bloomfield NJ 07003
NCSE Reports - Summer 1995 - This magazine focuses on the nationwide battle
against certain minority religious groups to either insert the non-scientific
creationism into school science classes, and attack science in general and
evolutionary theory in particular. As you might expect, this is just an
attempt to sneak their religious beliefs into an otherwise lawfully-secular
institution. Plus, they are a great source of books. Membership in NCSE
is only $25 per yer, and includes 4 issues of NCSE reports and 2 issues of
Creation/Evolution Journal, plus book discounts. NCSE, PO Box 9477,
Berkeley, CA 94709 800-290-6006
NegativFan #14, a zine all about the enigmatic band Negativeland, their
battle over the "U2" album, interviews, and listings of available albums,
tapes, and videos. Great stuff! This is a fantastic way to keep up with
the band's amazing live radio shows, concerts, and other offerings, plus
For those unfamiliar with this group, GET IT! 75 cents/1.25 for 2, to
Bob Nelson, 75 Hale St., Apt. 1, Beverly MA 01915
thE obLiViositEr 01001 - onspiracy slack from the Great White North. Includes
rants, spewing, Rosicrucians, criticism of the screwed up Canadian govt,
conspiracy tales, scary mutant rednecks (mostly American...yay USA #1!!! :-(
cartoons, and tons of strangeness. I got most of their movie quotes quiz.
$2 to 650 Broadway Ave. Apt. 11, Saskatoon SK, S7N 1A9 Canada - Back issues
are also available.
Prometheus Books - trade catalog, fall & winter 1995/1996 - The ultimate
library source for the skeptic. They also have lots of other great and
recent books on other subjects, including history, ethics, law, and
controversial issues such as abortion and euthanasia. Order toll free
(800)421-0351 or fax (716)691-0137. 59 John Glenn Dr. Amherst NY 14228-2197
RoMSFaFINA #3 - Dan Harper talks about his experiences with science fiction,
particular from sf books. In #3, he talks about Boskone 32, one of the few
cons he's attended, and his impressions of the writing panels; old friends
who have abandoned sf, mystery vs. science fiction, plus reviews of Ursula
K. LeGuin and the recent "Waterworld" movie (I agree-it was less than
impressive for tons of money), and books he's read this past summer.
[by "high-brow" in #30, I meant that its real, honest writing as opposed to
slapped-together pop-culture reviews, not "elitist" by any means.] Send no
money, but fanzines, comments, and illustrations apprciated. Dan Harper,
PO Box 194, Concord MA 01742-0194, danlharp@aol.com
Slave Labor Graphics - The official source of great comics like Milk & Cheese,
Hectic Planet, No Hope, Dr. Radium, Bill the Clown, One-Fisted Tales,Too
Much Coffee Man, True Swamp, Lowlife, and tons of other great comics and
graphics novels that you might not see in your local comic store. Get a
copy of this from Slave Labor Graphics, 979 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose CA 95128
They also have an order line at 1-800-866-8929
Smite #8 - Back from a long absense due to moving (with plenty of horror
stories of *that* within), this issue details connections between the cast
of Gilligan's Island, and the JFK assassination/CIA/Oswald conspiracy. Plus,
lots of movie reviews- the best and the worst of cheap/cheesey teenage sex
and exploitation movies. He does weed out the ones worth watching, versus
the ones shown on Up All Night. Still only $1 each or $5 for 6.
R.L. Porter/AT Publications, PO Box 1064, Lufkin, Texas 75902
Snuff It - Journal of the Church of Euthanasia, #3 - Lots of new activities
from the voluntary-depopulation group. Articles include fetus eating in
China, news of their infiltration and brief participation in the 1995
Boston First Night Parade and the video coverage, of it, their booth at the
National Stationary Show in NYC, the Safe Sex Fashion Show at a local club,
and creatively changing billboards. The newsletter also has tons of info
on various groups and population information. Plus, they are now a 100%
tax-deductible educational foundation; and they have a TON of great new
stickers, t-shirts, posters, back issues, and other great materials. This
issue is a CHEAP $2 to: The Church of Euthanasia, PO Box 261, Somerville
MA 02143. E-mail Rev. Chris Korda at coe@netcom.com, files on ftp.etext.org
in the /pub/Zines/Snuffit directory, or http://www.envirolink.org/orgs/coe/
The Solar Age Hemp Paper Report - Winter 94-95 - Articles and news on the
front to legalize hemp as a highly profitable and environment-friendly
substitute for many manufactured items. In particular, it could replace
trees as a source of paper, saving 50% of the timber cut each year, and not
requiring *any* of those damn smelly paper mills. Naturally, the status quo
is fighting tooth and nail, from zealous drug-warriors blinded by their
holier-than-thou "morality", to big-business using the law to shut out the
competition. But, the articles here chronicle the real gains being made
all the time. subscription $12/year to Solar Age Press, Box 610,
Peterstown, WV 24963
Solestar - This is a small zine about neat things happening in the general
Ottawa region. Although the coffee house reviews may be a bit too local
for some people, they do have lots of reviews of bands and shows in that
area, which could definitely be of interest, given how some of these bands
go on tour- and these could be good pointers for *you* to see one of these
groups before (and if) they get popular. Plus, there's also comics, art,
doodles, and other neat things coming out of that area. These zines are
free in the Manotick ON area, but they will trade, or give subscriptions
in exchange for Canadian stamps. 5291 Hillcrest Dr. Manotic ON K4M 1B6
Survivor - Vol. 7 #6 - Very practical issue, with articles on close-defense
shotgun techniques, and how to find or make your own water in survival
situations. Also, with Armed Citizen reports, jokes, zines listings, a
wide variety of self-sufficiency/self-business ads, and multiple pages of
great political cartoons that the government, and in particular the IRS and
BATF, don't want you to see. Send donation to: Evans, 11-15 45 Avenue,
Long Island City, NY 11101-5154.
Tailspins #23 - This magazine does to the independent music scene what
Factsheet Five does for zines. I haven't seen any other zine or even
magazine that even comes close. Anyone who has any kind of music or record
is listed here, including lots of the obscure and hard to find companies.
Plus, they have *tons* of reviews that aren't afraid to call it as they see
it. This has interviews with George Anthony of Battalion of Saints, King
Coffey of the Butthole Surfers, and Earth Crisis; plus reviews of live shows.
Plus, a neat Mitch O'Connell cover. Very professionally done, 105 pages.
Sample copy $3, $12 for one year of bi-monthly issues. Tailspins Magazine,
PO Box 5467, Evanston, IL 60204 312-935-0666, tailspin@interaccess.com
Tom Paine Productions - Distinctive T-shirt catalog featuring America's
foremost patriot philospher, infidel, and hellraiser, whose "Common Sense"
pamphlet rallied troops for independence. Plus lots of other rabble-rousers
and troublemakers including Voltaire, Spooner, Rand, Mencken, John Brown,
and most of the Founding Fathers, who would no doubt today be labelled as
"militia" extremists and raided by the BATF. Plus, lots of politically-
incorrect slogans and challenges to "authority". Reasonable prices too.
717 South Mill Ave, Suite 67, Tempe, AZ 85281 (602) 954-2470
Ultrasonic Scalpel #2 - Fun news and articles from the mutant culture.
Includes reviews of 70-80s vintage pinball games, a subject very close and
dear to me, music reviews, playing guinea pig for new drugs, in this case,
"herbal" ecstasy, true-life adventures in the audience of the Bozo show,
(I did the NC version...), plus zine reviews and classifieds. Super-strong
extra heavy-duty psychic slack here. $1, Ultrasonic Scalpel, PO Box 209,
Clarendon Hills, IL 60514-0209
W-Project - This is a underground culture production of unspecified purpose;
including poetry, photos, strange thoughts, tapes, and the zines Luke's
W-Zine, and Pulvis et Nihil. Lots of Italian stuff, although they are
readable for an English-speaking audience. Plus, he keeps me up-to-date on
Cicciolina, the Italian porn star-turned-politician (and now, not the only
one!)- and the death of one of their stars, Moana. [See ad] Contact
Luca Valfre, Via F.Armosino 3, 14100 Asti (ITALY)
The Watcher #10 - The official journal of the Order of Shaitan, the Baltimore
affiliate of the Church of Satan, this zine includes satanic stories, rituals,
poetry, reviews, and ads/contacts for lots of other satanic and occult
organizations. Also included is news on how they were kicked out of the
local July 4 parade, supposedly celebrating religious "freedom", much to the
delight of the area's christian groups. For those unfamiliar with Satanism
as it is *really* practiced, as opposed to fundamentalist propaganda, it is
a celebration of hedonism, indulgence (something we can definitely relate to!),
and living life to its fullest, unencumbered by arbitrary authority and
unnecessary social constrictions. Contrary to rumors, they do NOT sacrifice
or harm any other living thing; their inclusion of news stories of the antics
of christian priesthood shows quite plainly where the *real* demons are.
Single issue is $5, Sub/Membership is $18 for 4 issues. checks/money orders
made to Gargoyle Productions. ORDER OF SHAITAN, Rev. Ron Mephisto, S.P.,
Priest of Mendes, 708 S. 51st St., Baltimore MD 21224 (Age statement!!)
WFMU Catalog of Curiosities - summer 1995 - A college station that has lived
on when the college bit the dust, WFMU 91.1 FM blasts the NJ/NYC area with
the wild and unusual, and now they offer some truly original stuff in their
catalog. From William Shatner's rendition of "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"
to the Shemp Meditation Tape ("HeeeeBeeeeBeeeeBeee...") to the best of
trash/alternative/underground/internation culture, you can find it all here.
Records, books, tapes, videos (including car crash and other scare films),
and more- one helluva psychotronic collection. Check their web site at:
http://wfmu.org, or WFMU, PO Box 1568, Montclair NJ 07042 202-678-4277
Public Service Announcement:
To continue on about saving your cup for free refills. I've devised
the cheapest plan to get the most for your money at Taco Bell. Just
don't blame me if the Taco Bell Police come after you.
Items needed:
About $2.00,
Ten empty two-liter plastic soda containers with the screw-on caps,
A funnel,
One empty small Taco Bell drink cup (you can buy a drink for 79 cents on
your first visit to get one),
Bags to hold all your stuff in,
Plus you should arrive by car, with plenty of trunk space.
This plan will work better at Taco Bells with self-service drink
dispensers. It may work where they have to fill the drinks for you
to get free refills, but they may start wondering if you're suffering
from some severe illness, for having a need to drink fifty soft drink
servings. No one can be that thirsty.
What you do is order one 59 cent taco, and a soft-drink (no ice if
you have to request it). Go to a back table to eat, with your taco,
and drink. If you're really hungry, eat most of the taco, then return
it, saying it was bad. Get another one. Say that one is bad too.
Continue until just before they catch on. Finally, if you're still
hungry, ask for a refund and then buy a replacement bean burrito.
After that, go to the self-service condiment area (most Taco Bells
these days have one) and put all the napkins, plastic spoons, sugar,
taco sauces, straws, and everything else there, in a bag to take home.
Then, without being noticed, take one of the plastic soda containers out
of your bag, put the funnel in it, and pour your drink into it. Go
back to the self-service dispenser (or the counter, if you're doing it
that way), and get a refill again (no ice, of course). Keep doing
this until the container is full, and then screw on the cap. You
should keep doing this until all 10 two-liter bottles are full, but
just be sure you don't mix soda flavors/brands up in one container,
if you're trying to get a variety of Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Root Beer,
and so on.
Take all of what you got, and put it in your car. Go back into the
store again, with a couple empty bags. Use the restroom, and put all
the toilet paper and towels in one of your bags. If you can get into
the other restroom (not your sex) get the stuff out of that one too.
You may wonder why do this. Just check the price of toilet paper these
days. Also, while you're in the bathrooms, drain the soap machine, swipe
the light bulbs, take the toilet seat covers, and stock up on urinal
By this time, the store personnel should have re-stocked the condiment
area with new napkins, plastic spoons, sugar, taco sauces, straws,
etc., because they thought they just ran out. So after you leave the
restroom, stop by the condiment area and put all that new stuff in
your bags too. After this, leave the store. In the parking lot, steal
the potted plants and cut all the landscaped flowers. Now get in your
car and you may really have to make a run for the border.
Pat Buchanan's Favorite Comics
[covering comics from Sept-Dec. 1995, found in a large
underground vault in a lower Doom level]
*** A-Bomb #6 - Adult anthology with stories "Strip Fucker" with an
interesting "fight" like the arcade games, "Knight after Knight" with an
interesting twist on the knight-saving-damsel-from-dragon story, and
"Merry Maria Melon", showing what all the girls from the fair tales do in
their time off. Plus, illustrations from Shon Howell. Venus Comics
**** A-Bomb #8 - The x-rated manga comic continues with not as many little
short stories, but a few longer ones. Perhaps one of the appeals of this
series is that something always seems odd or out of place- perhaps its the
big-eyed cutesy cartoonish women, that you just don't naturally expect to
see them screwing like rabbits. Very explicit. Venus Comics
** Beavis & Butthead #15 - After seeing Spring Break pictures on TV, the
boys hitchhike to the beach. After getting their asses kicked at a wet-T
shirt bar, they are mistakenly taken back to Harvard. Original, but not
quite up to other issues in this series. Marvel Comics
*** Big Mouth #5 - Pat Moriarty goes into a tale of an old parasitic
roommate, and the time that the old roommate got between him and a girl
he had a crush on, while getting drunk at a bar and getting a horrible
haircut as part of the band's act. Plus, "Lee's Rules of Thumb" and Don
Donahue's tale of the time he impersonated Robert Crumb at a book signing
in Berkeley. Plus, more old-age zen from Bern and Edwina. Fantagraphics Books.
**** Brain Tablet #1 - As mentioned in the "Black American Comic Artists"
issue of The Comics Journal in 1993, this is a variety of Black super-heroes
in many of the far-out style adventures you'd expect of super-heroes, but
from an African-American cultural perspective. And, it works great, with
good story-lines, nice artwork, and a no-holds-barred attitude. Although
it is written from the Black perspective, and contains lots of references
and information for positive advancement of the black community, the work
as a whole is a fun read for anyone. They currently have no business address,
but expect #2 and other comic titles. For info, contact Professor Homeboy,
c/o Smith, 191 Van Buren St., Brooklyn NY 11221
**** Buck Godot #5 - The mystery deepens - Buck is hired by the Klexdixal to
prove their innocence at releasing the virus; ambassador Etienne is kidnapped
through a previously unknown tunnel in the embassy, a team investigating the
missing garbage also disappears, station maintenance robots go on a murderous
rampage when they detect investigators looking into the unknown machinery,
and the Winslow is found - being worshipped by the Pogs. Palliard Press
*** Carnal Comics starring Tracey Adams and Demi the Demoness - Like the other
Carnal Comics, this tells the life story of Tracey Adams, who retired from
porn movies in 1990. In her fantasy, Tracey and adult star Nightingale take
a magical trip to an underground pyramid where they meet Demi the Demoness
and Kit-Ra, and get in on the fun. Carnal Comics.
**** - Cherry #18 - Cherry has an anxiety attack and has to visit the school
counselor; Cherry gives her a massage and one thing leads to another. Plus,
Cherry gets a job caring for dolphins at an aquarium, and has a fun swim
with them. Also- check out the "Codex of Weird Head for Men & Women" by
Mark Bode - DOBBS SIGHTING!! Cherry Comics.
*** Coffee World - Coffee tales include "Cup-A-Joe", where the Coffee Baron
tries to buy a coffee house's unique espresso machine by making it appear
that the coffee is turning people into oatmeal, Too Much Coffee Man,
"Saturn Sam" where aliens turn the entire city's water supply into coffee,
plus other java-related stories. World Comics
**** Dangle #4 - Short stories by Lloyd Dangle, including "Too Sweet", where
he is just too nice and polite to stand up to offensive people, and admires
people who can, "Delivered Job" with a strange and complex accident on a
street maintenance site, and "Dangerous Dangle", where Lloyd responds to an
ad for an artist job, only to find out that someone is pretending to be him;
so Lloyd travels out to find and punish the imposter. Drawn & Quarterly.
***** Dawn #1 - All of the heavy metaphysics is back, in a story actually
including Dawn herself. A warrior in the Saturday Night Times Square Free-
For-All battle sees a strange and enticing woman. After spending the night
at his place, she convinces him to leave the post-apocalyptic city and seek
the mysteries of heaven at a strange cathederal. Great art,all color. Sirius
*** Demi Adventure #1 - Interactive adventure with Demi the Demoness. The
demons are advancing on Kit-Ra's pyramid, so Demi and Treezh must go on an
adventure to find a talisman that will release Kit-Ra and defeat the demons.
It also includes, as a part of the action (in more ways than one), *you*,
the reader, as a character. 48 pages of text and illustrations. Rip Off Press.
**** Dork #3 - Miscellaneous strips and stories by Evan Dorkin, including
but not limited to "Milk and Cheese". Possibly the most cynical person
alive takes on Generation-Xers, ravers, nerds, fan-boys, autobiographical
comics, pop culture, and anything with even the slightest hint of
pretentiousness. No punches pulled. Slave Labor Graphics
*** Duplex Planet #12 - More of the stupid but profound answers of a bunch
of nursing home, to a variety of questions. Artists include Pat Moriarty,
Mark Weber, Matthew Guest, Dave Cooper, and more. Best is "If you could
only own 1 thing, what would it be?" Fantagraphics
**** Duplex Planet #13 - The nursing home residents were particularly
profound, or psychedelic, however you look at it, in this issue. Great
artwork too, with covers by Doug Allen and Gary Lieb. Artists include
Glenn Head, *Natasha, Andrew Taylor, and many of the usual artists.
Lots of fun. Fantagraphics Books
***** Frank's Real Pa - by Jim Woodring. This originally ran one panel per
page in the Millenium Whole Earth Catalog. Frank goes on another one his
extremely bizarre adventures, and all the regular characters make an
appearance. Its much easier to just *experience* it than to even attempt
to understand it- and it brings back memories of my own strange dreams.
Fantagraphics Books
*** Hate #19 - Buddy and Jay finally open a storefront business, but run
into problems over Jay's rather lax business practices, and his relapse
back into heroin. Jay finally gets his act together, although he doesn't
avoid hangouts like the neighborhood strip bar. Nice, non-preachy way of
getting the message across. Fantagraphics Books
**** Last Gasp Comix & Stories #3 - Collection of bizarre, often totally
tasteless and disgusting comics by a variety of artists. Includes another
installment of "Mr. Pons", plus strangeness from Steven Cerio, urban addict
anst from Mats Stromberg, and an extra special bit of grossness from
Stephane Blanquet. Disgusting and disturbing at the same time. Last
Gasp Eco-Funnies.
*** Naughty Bits #17 - Bitchy Bitch finally busts her ass to try to make
decent grades. While on Christmas vacation at home, they see her in an
anti-war demonstration, and the shit hits the fan. When she arrives early
back to campus, she finds her roommate with another girl. With all these
things coming down on her at once, she decides to quit and go her own way...
with a typing job. Freedom at last!- or is it? Fantagraphics Books
**** Nefarismo #6 - The teacher of the depraved and sadistic School of Evil
chooses another to take her place, so they perform the cruel, perverted
sacrifice ritual to send her to heaven by way of hell. Possibly more
perversions and wild, evil, and gothic intrigue in one comic than I've seen
before. Extremely twisted, and not for the faint-hearted. Eros Comics.
*** Negative Burn #26 - Stories include dark crime/conspiracy stories
such as "The Kiss Off" and "Suburban Nightmares", to the somewhat trendy
"Very Vicky" and the silly "Stubbs the Cat". Nice mix of stories.
Caliber Press
*** Not Quite Dead - comic by Gilbert Shelton - this is the adventures of
a hard-working local band, with dreams of stardom, but having nothing but
hassles. Lots of digs on the "commercial" music business too. Much like
the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, but in a band and a lot less drugs.
Rip Off Press.
*** Peepshow #8 - In another issue entirely from his childhood, maybe Joe
is letting us know how his screwed-up past led to the screwed-up present.
Although there's lots about his adventures that people can relate to, he
also comes across as an overly nerdy, selfish, and downright anal kid, who
has a lot to learn about getting along with other people. I see kids like
this in public all the time, and have to contain myself from bashing in their
loud, irritating little heads. Fantagraphics Books
***** Post Brothers Annual #1 - Ron and Russell go on a series of fights and
missions when the Rondoid Brain Police go after them. Each story is an
interlocking part of the overall story, where they are manipulated and
tricked by everything from false announcements of new Bulldagger albums to
ostrich rustling, to visiting Hell to bring back someone they killed while
rustling. As usual, violence saves the day, and the boys have the last
laugh. But, it never ends... Stories by Matt Howarth and Nancy Collins. Aeon.
** Ren & Stimpy #37 - This series seems to have finally run out of gags.
Even with a new theme- being abducted by aliens, they remain stuck in old
and predictable one-liners. Even the purely silly filler comics lack the
zest they once had. Predictable, given the large multi-page ads straight
from TV. Marvel Comics
***** Screw Comics #3 - There's tons of nude/sex comics out nowadays, but
few have just the right touch of bawdy *vulgarity* to make it funny again.
This collection from Al Goldstein's Screw magazine covers lots of artists
such as Dame Darcy, Spain, Tony Millionaire, and many, many more. Lots
of great sleaze, and lots of plain *funny* comics. Edge Publishing Co.
**** Sexy Tales (to give you the creeps) - a couple of horror stories,
including the usual naked bodies, but going beyond it. In the first, a
mixtures of superhero leagues, screwing around, nudity, and zombies mix in
a strange soap opera. The second includes a sadistic gourmet chef who
cooks and eats other inferior but "popular" chefs, until they come back and
have their revenge using human-size cooking implements. Eros Comics
**** Slavepit Funnies featuring GWAR - Actually written and drawn by the
guys in the mutant-band. Full-color comics detailing the battles of the
space barbarians stranded in Antarctica, as they battle each other to
construct the Temple of GWAR and as they battle the "Surf of Sin". Pus,
Lady Liberty battles undead neo-Nazis and other evil superheroes, and
the adventures of Cortexius. Every bit as rude and violent as their
stage show. Slave Pit Inc.
*** Stickboy #7 - After killing off Stickboy 2 years ago, Dennis Worden
has regained his inspiration. In a festival of instrospective angst, this
issue follows Blockhead, who has become a hateful bum fater being dumped by
the love of his life. It touches on conservative/yuppies, financial
exploitation of the medical system, sour relationships, alienation in the
big city, plus tons of real-life insanity in a "news" section. Not for the
suicidally depressed. Starhead Comix
*** Tank Girl: The Odyssey #3 - After wrecking their plane, Tank Girl and her
crew must battle hypnotic gothic-rockers, one-eyed cyclops cultists, and
Tank Girl's own dead mother as they steadily make their way back home.
Consistent bad-attitudes and violence. DC/Vertigo.
*** Tank Girl: The Odyssey #4 - The journey back home to save Booga from the
ruthless promoters takes yet another detour as Tank Girl and her traveling
companions become media icons. Which, of course, turns into another excuse
for pushing the "normals" around and engaging in all manner of excess. TG
overcomes her dead mother's resistance by killing her dad, the final obstacle
to getting home. Blatant ripoff of Homer's Odyssey, as they are all too glad
to point out in detail. DC/Vertigo
*** Vamperotica #6 - In a mythical backdrop amazingly similar to the
"Masquerade" RPG, this comic series features a couple of stories in each
issue about modern vampires. And, fair amounts of vampire violence, sex,
and even relationships. Not very outrageous, but fairly good, stories
woven into a larger, consistent setting. Brainstorm Comics.
*** XYZ Comics - a mixture of Robert Crumb's stream-of-consciousness comic
pages, short and medium-length strips. As usual, they give the impression
of a street-smart Walt Disney on acid, often exploring the lewd and crude
side of things. Kitchen Sink Comics
*** The Young Witches - Book 2: "London Babylon" issue 1 of 6 - After their
castle burns down, the two young witches are picked up and given a ride by
a kind old gentleman, who turns out to be Dr. Jeckyll. Once in London, they
are drugged and kidnapped to a sex-slave dungeon which provides perverted
stage entertainment for nightclub. Extremely explicit; on a perverted level
similar to Nefarismo, but without the sado-masochism. Eros Comix.
***** Zero Zero! - Another serial with cartoons by many of the best in
alternative comics, including Kim Deitch, Richard Sala, Glenn Head, Skip
Williamson, and many more. Kim Deitch continues the Molly O'Dare story,
plus other complete stories and continuations. Also look for Dan Clowes,
Dame Darcy, Mary Fleenor, Jim Woodring, Bill Griffith and more in this
great series. Fantagraphics Books.
Slave Labor:
**** Seth Throb, Underground Artist #1 - The tale of a illustrator and comic
artist trying to deal with the depressing gloom of a decaying metropolis and
the failed personal relationships that have given him his bleak outlook.
After a particularly freakish encounter with a multiple-personality case in
a stuck elevator, his friend points out that he does live for the wild and
unusual, despite being upset and even inspired by them. Complicated story
that deals with angst in a very real way.
**** Slacker Comics #1 - Cartoons from Doug Slack, mostly about the moods
and pretentiousness of much of the Gen-X "alternative" crowd, with stories
about Randy, the "angry little grunge puppy" and his war against posers and
general bad attitude about the world. Plus, other short comics including
Rip Rot Gut, the ultimate warrior/insect exterminator. Fun, and actually
quite a bit cathartic.
***** Attitude Lad #1 - Pure hardboiled sleaze, with as much violence and
jaded perversion in one comic as I've seen in quite a while. Attitude Lad
and a cast of characters from the wrong side of town take on meaningless
physical relationships, b&d, ugly strippers and hookers, sick sexuality,
mayhem, and every vice known to man. No big deal here- its all in a days
work. Highly recommended.
[This file is from the SF-Lovers Archives at Rutgers University. It is
provided as part of a free service in connection with distribution of
SF-Lovers Digest. This file is currently maintained by the moderator of
the Digest. It may be freely copied or redistributed in whole or in part
as long as this notice and any copyright notices or other identifying
headers or trailers remain intact. If you would like to know more about
SF-Lovers Digest, send mail to SF-Lovers-Request@Rutgers.Edu]
Compiled by Saul Jaffe (sf-lovers-request@sflovers.rutgers.edu).
Copyright (C)1995.
February 8-11, 1996 (North Carolina)
PULPCON B. Ramada Inn West, Exit 44 off I-40, Ashville, NC;
704-665-2161; rms $39. GoH: Talmage Powell. Convention for enthusiasts
and collectors of pulp magazines. Memb: $25. Info: Pulpcon Box 1332,
Dayton, Ohio 45401; 513-223-2144.
February 15-18, 1996 (North Carolina)
MAGNUM OPUS CON 10A. Adam's Mark Hotel, Charlotte NC. Info: Send $0.50
to MOC-10A, Box 6585, Athens GA 30604; email: moc@ix.netcom.com.
February 16-19, 1996 (California, Southern)
GALLIFREY '96. The Airtel Plaza Hotel, Van Nuys, CA; 818-997-7676; rms
$85. GoHs: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred; Guests: John Levene,
Patricia Tallman, Philip Segal, Ron Wilerson, Jean Louise Matthias, Jean
Marc, Randy Lofficier, Larry Stewart, Eric Hoffman, more. Memb: $40
until 2/10/96, $45 after. Info: Gallifrey Conventions, PO Box 3021, N.
Hollywood CA 91609; 818-752-9656; email: galleyone@aol.com or
February 16-18, 1996 (Colorado)
ANACONISM. Sheraton Denver West, 360 Union Boulevard, Lakewood CO;
800-LAKEWOOD; rms $59/$69. GoH: Larry Niven; FGoH: Randy Rau; Guest:
Edward Bryant. Memb: $25 until 2/1/96, $30 after. Info: Anaconism, Box
21766, Denver CO 80221-08766; 303-426-1847; email: anaconism@ibecc.org;
URL: http://www.abwam.com/ibecc/anacon/anacon.html.
February 16-18, 1996 (Massachusetts)
BOSKONE 33. Sheraton Tara Hotel, Framingham, MA; 508-879-7200; rms $89
sngl/dbl, $91 tpl/quad, $131 suites. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold; AGoH:
Gary Ruddell; SGoH: Bob Madle; Featured Filkers: Musical Chairs. Memb:
$33 until 1/15/96. Info: Boskone 33, Box 809, Framingham, MA
01701-0203; 617-625-2311; email: sbarsky.sharon@mail.ndhm.gtegsc.com;
URL: http://www.panix.com/NESFA/Boskone/flyer.html.
February 16-18, 1996 (Virginia)
SHEVACON 4. Omni, Charlottesville VA. GoH: Eric Kotani; AGoH: Lubov;
SGoH: John Maddox Roberts; TM: Rikk Jacobs. Info: ThemeCon SF&F, c/o
Harry Shiflett, Box 2672, Staunton VA 24402; 703-885-5530.
February 16-18, 1996 (Washington)
RADCON '95. Red Lion Inn, Pasco WA. GoHs: Spider and Jeanne Robinson;
SGoH: Guy Ammega; AGoH: J. Raven Amy; FGoH: Daron Fredricks. Memb: $15
until 2/15/96, $20 after. Info: RadCon, 2527 W. Kennewick Ave. #162,
Kennewick, WA 99336; 509-943-0713.
February 17-18, 1996 (California, Southern)
LEAP CON '96. Beverly Garland Hotel, N. Hollywood CA. Guests: Mike
Genovese, Mary Gordon Murray, Sami Chester, Mark Banning, Tommy
Thompson, Dan Roebuck, Ryan McWhorter, Doren Clark, more. Quantum Leap
convention. Memb: $40 in advance, more at door. Info: LEAPTIME, Inc.,
PO Box 16495, N. Hollywood CA 91615-6495.
February 23-25, 1996 (California, Southern)
CON-DOR. Town & Country Hotel, San Diego CA. GoH: Kim Stanley Robinson.
Memb: $25 until 2/10/96, $30 after. Info: Con-Dor, PO Box 15771, San
Diego CA 92175; 619-463-5737.
February 23-25, 1996 (Washington)
GEOCON 4. Evergreen State. College, Olympia, WA. GoH: Amy Thomson;
AGoH: Brenda Simpson-Nelson; FGoH: Jon Wilkie. Memb: $4 until 2/15/96,
$5 after. Info: The Gaming Guild, CAB 320, The Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505; 360-866-6000 x6036; email:
March 1-3, 1996 (California, Northern)
CONSONANCE '96. Oakland Airport Holiday Inn, Oakland CA; rms $70 sngl,
$75 others. GoH: Murray Porath; TM: P. Alan Thiesen. Memb: $32 until
2/1/96, $335 after. Info: email: figmo@netcom.com; URL:
March 1-3, 1996 (Maryland)
JOHNCON '96. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD. SF, Fantasy and
Comic Convention. Memb: $30 in advance, more at door. Info: The
JohnCon Convention Committee, c/o HopSFA, Office of Student Activities,
122 Merryman Hall, Charles and 34th Streets, Baltimore, MD 21218; URL:
March 1-3, 1996 (Maryland)
INTERCON XI. Days Hotel, Timonium MD. GoH: Lawrence Schick.
Role-playing games. Memb: $30 in advance, $40 at door ($5 discount
available to certain members of national role-playing groups). Info:
Intercon XI, PO Box 196, Merrifield, VA 22116-0196; email:
buggy@magnet.com or darkling2@aol.com; URL:
March 1-3, 1996 (Massachusetts)
5-CON 1996. Seelye Hall, Smith College, Northampton, MA. GoH: Roberta
Gregory. SF, fantasy, comics and gaming convention. Memb: $14 until
1/31/96, $17 after. Info: P. Wieland, c/o Hampshire College 1037,
Amherst MA 01002-5001; 413-549-4600 x4531; email: 5con@smith.smith.edu;
URL: http://hamp.hampshire.edu/~pswF94/5con.html.
March 1-3, 1996 (New York)
ASTRONOMICON 5. Radisson Inn, 175 Jefferson Rd, Rochester NY;
800-333-3333; rms $65 sngl/dbl. GoH: Rob Sawyer; AGoH: Tom Kidd; FGoH:
Bjo Trimble. Memb: $25 until 2/15/96, $35 after. Info: The Rochester
Fantasy Fans, PO Box 1701, Rochester NY 14603-1701; 716-342-4697; email:
ralston@aol.com or rff@aol.com.
March 1-3, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)
STARBASE ENDEAVOR. Royal Connaught Hotel, Hamilton, ON Canada. GoHs:
Robert Penelton, Roxane Biggs-Dawson. Memb: $35. Info: 140 Robinson
St., Box 907, Hamilton ON L8P 4R6 Canada; 905-572-9735.
March 2-3, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)
MICROCON 16. Exeter University, Exeter, England. Info: Microcon 16,
c/o Darrel Manuel, Cornwall House, St. German's Rd., Exeter, EX4 6TG
March 8-10, 1996 (California, Northern)
CONTACT 12. Holiday Inn, Milipitas CA. Guests: Larry Niven, Poul and
Karen Anderson, Ctein, more. Emph: First Contact, world-building
conference. Info: Contact 12, Box 506, Capitola CA 95010; 800-787-2010;
email: terrel@cruzio.com.
March 8-10, 1996 (Virginia)
KATSUCON TWO!. Holiday Inn Executive Center, 5655 Greenwich Road,
Virginia Beach VA 23462; 800-HOLIDAY; rms 60. Guests: Steve Bennett,
Richard Kim, John Ott, Bruce Lewis, Tim Eldred, Michael Ling, Robert
DeJesus, Fred Perry, Helen McCarthy, Steve Kyte, Steve Pearl, Katsura
Masakazu, Toren Smith, Ben Dunn. Anime/Manga Convention. Memb: $30
until 12/31/95, $35 until 2/23/96, $40 after. Info: Katsu Productions,
PO Box 11582, Blacksburg VA 24062-1582; email:
katsucon@vtserf.cc.vt.edu; URL:
March 8-10, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)
RHINOCON 3. London ON Canada. GoH: Steven Brust. Info: c/o Neil
Belsky, Box 151, Ailsa Craig ON N0M 1A0, Canada; 519-293-3876; email:
March 15-17, 1996 (Michigan)
CONAMAZOO FOUR. Stoffer Battle Creek Hotel, 50 Capitol Avenue,
Southwest, Battle Creek, MI 49017; 616-963-7050; rms $84. GoH: Pamela
Dean; FGoH: Jim Landis; Filk GoH: Steve MacDonald. Memb: $20 until
2/14/96, $25 after. Info: Conamazoo, PO Box 1546, Evanston, IL
60204-1546; 708-328-8765; email: conamazoo@tezcat.com or
March 15-17, 1996 (New York)
LUNACON '96. Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook, NY. GoHs: Terry Pratchett,
Esther Friesner; AGoH: Phil Foglio; FGoH: Bruce Pelz; Special Origami
Guest: Mark Kennedy. Memb: $33 until 2/17/96, more after. Info:
Lunacon '96, PO Box 3566, New York, NY 10008-3566; email:
lunacon@lunacon.org; URL: http://www.lunacon.org/lunacon/lunacon.html.
March 15-17, 1996 (Tennessee)
CORFLU XIII. Clubhouse Inn, Nashville, TN. Memb: $40, $10 supporting.
Info: Corflu XIII, c/o Lucy Huntzinger, 2305 Bernard Ave., Nashville, TN
March 15-17, 1996 (Virginia)
MADICON 5. James Mason University, Harrisonburg VA. GoH: Margaret Weis.
Info: SFFG, Box 7202, JMU, Harrisonburg VA 22807; 540-434-5422; email:
March 15-17, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)
ODYSSEY TREK '96. Skyline Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls ON, Canada; rms
C$65. GoH: Tanya Huff; Guests:; Ethan Phillips, Deborah Duchene. Memb:
C$38 until 2/15/96, C$45 after. Info: c/o 10 Highgate Dr. #13, Stoney
Creek ON L8J 3P7, Canada; 905-573-2187; bhagey@hookup.net.
March 20-24, 1996 (Florida)
Author: Robert Holdstock; SGoH: Brian Aldiss; Scholar Guest: Tom
Shippey. Info: IAFA, College of Humanities, 500 NW 20th HU-50 B-9,
Florida Atlantic U. Boca Raton FL 33431; 717-532-1495.
March 21-24, 1996 (Texas)
AGGIECON 27. Memorial Student Center, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX. Guests: Bernie Wrightson, Nancy Collins, Joe Christ, Dave
Wolverton, Kerry O'Quinn, Richard Biggs, Kevin J. Anderson, more. Info:
AggieCon, Memorial Student Center, Box J-1, College Station, TX 77844;
409-845-1515 (ask for Judy with Cepheid); email: cv@tamu.edu; URL:
March 22-24, 1996 (Mississippi)
COASTCON 19. Biloxi MS. GoH: Elizabeth Moon. Memb: $20 until 1/1/96,
$25 until 2/29/96, $30 after. Info: Coastcon 19, Box 1423, Biloxi MS
39533; 601-435-5217; URL: http://www.datasync.com/sotmesc/ccon.
March 22-24, 1996 (Virginia)
TECHNICON 13. Best Western Red Lion, Blacksburg VA; 540-552-7700; rms
$50. GoHs: L.E. Modesitt, Lori and Corey Cole; AGoH: Ruth Thompson;
FGoH: Kevin Mcelveen. Info: Technicon 13, c/o VTSFFC, Box 256,
Blacksburg VA 24063-0256; 540-951-7232; email:
March 22-24, 1996 (Canada, Quebec)
CON*CEPT '96/Boreal '96. Holiday Inn Crown Plaza Metro Centre, 505
Sherbrooke St. East, Montreal, PQ, Canada; 800-561-4644; rms C$85
sngl/dbl, C$95 tpl/quad. GoH: Terry Pratchett; AGoH: Bob Eggleton;
FGoH: Hal Clement; Boreal GoH: Joel Champetier; Guests: Donald
Kingsbury, S.N. Lewitt, David Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, more. Memb:
C$24 until 3/7/96, C$29 after. Info: Con*Cept '96, Box 405, Station H,
Montreal PQ, H3G 2L1 Canada.
March 22-24, 1996 (Germany)
8TH SF DAYS NRW. Dusseldorf, Germany. GoH: James White. Theme:
Religion. Memb: 35DM/L17 until 2/28/96, 40DM/L19 after. Info: Heinrich
Sporck, Am Sonnenberg 38, D-44879 Bochum Germany; +49-234-461390.
March 29-31, 1996 (Oklahoma)
NORMAN CONQUEST 8. The University of Oklahoma Campus, Norman OK. AGoH:
Mitch Bentley; Gaming GoH: Dennis MacDonal; Guests: Peter Bradley,
Angela Lowry, Rick Lowry, Southwest by Night, John Russell, Brian Young,
more. Memb: $6 in advance, $12 at the door. Info: Club WARP, Room
215-A, 900 Asp Avenue, Norman OK 73019; 405-325-9583 or 918-747-0518.
March 29-31, 1996 (Tennessee)
MIDSOUTHCON 15. The Brownstone Hotel, Memphis TN; 800-468-3515; rms $70
sngl-quad. GoH: Barry Longyear; AGoHs: Frank Kelly Freas, Laura Brodian
Freas, FGoH: Cullen Johnson; SGoH: Paul Darrow. Memb: $25 until 3/1/96,
$30 after. Info: MidSouthCon, Box 11446, Memphis TN 38111-0446;
March 29-31, 1996 (Tennessee)
MAGIC CARPET CON IV. Days Inn and Convention Center, 1400 N. Mack Smith
Road, Chattanooga TN 37412; 800-251-7624; rms $47. GoH: Melissa Scott;
AGoH: Cheryl Mandus; Filk GoHs: Leslie Fish, Filthy Pierre; SGoHs: Andre
Norton, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Memb: $30 until 3/1/96 $35 after
(membership limited to 500). Info: Magic Carpet Con, Inc., PO 678, Rocky
Face, GA 30740; email: 73743.1320@compuserve.com or mmartin@basis.com or
March 29-31, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)
PRISONERS OF THE (K)NIGHT. Holiday Inn Yorkdale, Toronto, ON Canada;
1-800-HOLIDAY; rms C$89/$65. Guests: Deborah Duchene, Nancy Baker,
Poppy Z. Brite, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Kim Newman, Stephen Jones, Nancy
Kilpatrick; TM: Larry Stewart. Multi-media convention devoted to the
vampire genre. Info: Prisoners of the (K)night, c/o David Gracey,
203-23 Oriole Rd., Toronto, Ontario; email: maryannbmc@aol.com.
March 29-31, 1996 (Canada, Alberta)
ST CON 96. Sandman Inn, 888 7th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB Canada. AGoH:
Jim Pearson; FGoH: Shelly-Ann Jensen. Info: PO Box 22188, Bankers Hall,
Calgary AB T2P 4J5 Canada.
March 30-31, 1996 (Connecticut)
TREK-CON. Ramada Inn, Route 82, Norwich CT. Guests:; James Doohan,
Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Walter Koenig. Celebration of the 30th
anniversary of the original Star Trek series. Memb: $55. Info:
March 30-31, 1996 (Virginia)
NOVACON 4. West Park Hotel, Tysons Corner VA. Guests: Robert Picardo,
Grace Lee Whitney, Dave McDonnell, Dennis R. Bailey. Info: One Trek
Mind Inc., PO Box 3363 Merrifield VA 22116; 703-280-5373; email:
pvht15a@prodigy.com or novacon@juno.com.
April 4-8, 1996 (Australia, Western Australia)
FESTIVAL OF THE IMAGINATION 1996. Kings Perth Hotel, Perth, WA
Australia; rms A$80 sngl, A$85 dbl. GoHs: Bruce Sterling, Neil Gaiman,
Robin Pen; Guests: Sean McMullen, Pat Cadigan, Terry Dowling, Nick
Stathopoulos, Sean Williams, more. Australian National Literary SF/F
Conference. Memb: A$20 supporting. Info: Festival of the Imagination
'96, GPO Box G429, Perth WA 6948, Australia; email: mjl@iinet.com.au;
URL: http://iinet.com.au/~mjl/festival/.
April 5-7, 1996 (Maryland)
BALTICON 30. Omni International Hotel, Baltimore, MD; 800-THE-OMNI; rms
$95. GoH: Robert Jordan; AGoH: Lubov; FGoH: Marty Gear; Filk GoH: Frank
Hayes; 1995 Compton Crook Award Winner: Doranna Durgin. Memb: $30 until
12/31/95, $35 until 2/28/96, $40 after. Info: Baltimore Science Fiction
Society, Inc., PO Box 686, Baltimore MD 21203; 410-563-2737;
bsfs@access.digex.net; URL: http://www.access.digex.net/~bsfs.
April 5-7, 1996 (Minnesota)
MINICON(MN). Minneapolis MN. GoHs: David Ossman, Joe Siclari, Edie
Stern. Memb: $30 until 2/14/96, $60 after. Info: MinnStf, Box 8297,
Lake St. Stn., Minneapolis MN 55408; 612-333-7533; email:
request@minicon31.mnstf.org; URL: http://gw.ddb.com/minicon31/.
April 5-7, 1996 (Missouri)
NAME THAT CON 9. Holiday Inn Clayton Plaza, St. Louis MO;
314-863-0400; rms $70 sngl/dbl, $75 tpl/quad. GoH: Margaret Weis; AGoH:
Ruth Thompson; FGoH: Mark McNary; TM: Mickey Zucker-Reichert. Memb: $20
until 2/29/96, $25 after. Info: NameThatCon, PO Box 575, St. Charles,
MO 63302; URL: http://www.ecc.cc.mo.us/~randy/ntc9.html.
April 5-7, 1996 (Washington)
NORWESCON 19. Red Lion Hotel/Seattle Airport, SeaTac, WA; rms $85.
GoH: A.C. Crispin; AGoH: Tom Kidd; FGoH: Kitty Canterbury. Memb: $40
until 1/15/96, $45 until 2/15/96, $50 after. Info: NorWesCon 19, c/o
NWSFS, Box 24207, Seattle, WA 98142; 206-248-2010; email:
April 5-8, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)
EVOLUTION/EASTERCON 47. Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow, London,
England; rms L42 sngl, L32 dbl, L28 tpl. GoHs: Vernor Vinge, Colin
Greenland, Jack Cohen; AGoH: Bryan Talbot; FGoHs:; Paul Kincaid, Maureen
Speller. Info: Evolution, 13 Lindfield Gardens, Hampstead, London, NW3
6PX, UK; email: b.hardcastle@imperial.ac.uk; URL:
April 12-14, 1996 (New York)
I-CON XV. Holiday Inn and SUNY at Stony Brook, NY. SGoH: George Alec
Effinger; AGoH: Doug Beekman; Filk GoH: Tom Smith; many more TBA.
Authors, sci/tech, huge dealers' room, art show, Anime, comics, films,
gaming, filking, CyberBar, Chemistry Magic Show. Memb: $20 until
1/15/96, $24 until 2/28/96, $28 after. Info: I-CON, PO Box 550, Stony
Brook, NY 11790-0550; 516-632-6045; email: icon@ic.sunysb.edu; URL:
April 12-14, 1996 (United Kingdom, England)
ACCELERATE '96. Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow Airport, London; rms
L45 sngl, L35 dbl, L30 tpl. The third British Quantum Leap Convention.
Memb: L35; children 6-14 L17, under 5 free. Info: Accelerate '96, 78
Sterry Road, Dagenham, Essex RM10 8NT, England; email:
accelerate@pbayliss.demon.co.uk or 100305.2156@compuserve.com.
April 13-14, 1996 (Canada, Nova Scotia)
Scotia, Canada; 902-429-7410; rms C$89. GoHs: Majel
Barrett-Roddenberry, Robin Curtis, Robert O'Reilly, Robert Llewellyn.
Memb: $45. Info: 61A Melody Dr., Halifax, NS B3L 1P9; 902-443-5998;
email: msffest@ra.isisnet.com; URL: http://www.isisnet.com/marsf.
April 19-21, 1996 (New Mexico)
NEW PACIFICON '96. Pinnacle Hotel Four Seasons, 2500 Carlisle, NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87110; 800-545-8400. Earth 2 convention. Memb: $60.
Info: email: newpacificon@stargame.org.
April 19-21, 1996 (Texas)
CON-TROLL '96/TEXICON. Ramada Astrodome, 2100 South Braeswood at
Greenbriar, Houston TX; 713-797-9000; rms $65. GoHs: Harry Harrison,
C.J. Cherryh; AGoH: Mary Hanson-Roberts; SGoHs: Lynn Abbey, Jane S.
Fancher. Memb: $25 until 3/15/96, $35 after. Info: Con-Troll
Conventions Inc., Box 740969-1025, Houston TX 77274; 713-895-9202.
April 19-21, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)
FILKONTARIO 6. Venture Inn Toronto Airport, 925 Dixon Road, Etobicoke,
ON M9W 1J8; 800-387-3933; . GoHs: Mary Ellen Wessels, Barry and Sally
Childs-Heldton; Interfilk Guest: Steve Dixon. Memb: C$35/$27 until
4/1/96. Info: 302 College Ave. W, Unit 20, Guelph, ON N1G 4T6 Canada;
email: d.hayman@genie.com.
April 26-28, 1996 (Georgia)
DEEPSOUTHCON '96. Best Western, Jekyll Island GA. Guests: Harry
Turtledove, Peggy Ranson, Joe Siclari, Edith Stern, Jack C. Haldeman II,
Jack McDevitt. Memb: $25 until 3/31/96, $30 after. Info: DeepSouthCon
'96, Box 1271, Brunswick GA 31521; 912-638-1486; email:
April 26-28, 1996 (Canada, Ontario)
FLEET ACADEMY NORTH. Holiday Inn, Yorksdale, Toronto ON Canada; rms C$79
sngl/dbl. SGoH: D.C. Fontana; GoH: Karl Schroeder; FGoH: Bjo Trimble;
TM: Larry Stewart. Memb: C$35/$32 until 12/31/95. Info: Fleet Academy
North, 26 Doddington Drive, Etobicoke ON M8Y 1S4, Canada; email:
May 2-6, 1996 (United Kingdom, Wales)
WARP TWO. Cardiff International Arena, Cardiff Wales. Guests: Nana
Visitor, Walter Koenig, Mark Lenard, more. Memb: L35. Info: David
Simons, Warp Two, 69, Merlin Crescent, Edgware, Middx, HA8 6JB.
May 3-5, 1996 (Iowa)
DEMICON(IA). Howard Johnson, Des Moines IA; rms $43 sngl, $51 dbl, $57
tpl, $63 quad. GoH: Algis Budrys; AGoH: Keith Berdak; FGoHs: Otto and
Ruth Sheller; TM: Rusty Hevelin. Memb: $20 until 4/1/96, $28 after.
Info: Demicon 7, Box 7572, Des Moines IA 50322; 515-224-7654; email:
May 3-5, 1996 (Ohio)
MARCON 31. Hyatt Regency, Columbus OH; rms $89. GoH: Katherine Kurtz.
Memb: $30 until 4/15/96, $35 after. Info: Marcon 31, Box 141414,
Columbus OH 43214; 614-475-8181; email: 70004.760@compuserve.com; URL:
May 3-5, 1996 (South Dakota)
MAGE CON NORTH 2. Best Western Ramkota Inn, Sioux Falls SD. GoH:
Margaret Weis. Memb: $15. Info: Mage Con North 2, Box 84828, Sioux
Falls SD 57118; email: magecon@aol.com.
May 3-5, 1996 (Washington)
ANGLICON 9. Quality Inn, 17101 Pacific Hwy S, SeaTac, WA. Memb: $40
until 4/1/96, $45 after. Info: Anglicon 9, PO Box 75536, Seattle WA
98125; 206-789-2748; email: onan@eskimo.com; URL:
May 9-12, 1996 (Oregon)
WORLD HORROR CONVENTION 1996. Valley River Inn, 1000 Valley River Way,
Eugene OR 97401; 800-543-8266; rms $89 sngl, $99 dbl/tpl/quad. Guests:
Clive Barker, Charles de Lint, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Don Maitz, Janny
Wurts, Ed Bryant. Memb: $65 until 12/31/95, $75 until 5/1/96, more
after; $25 supporting. Info: World Horror Convention 1996, Box 40842,
Eugene OR 97404; 503-345-6197; email: p.hypatia@genie.com, email:
hypatia@teleport.com or 71053.1042@compuserve.com.
May 10-12, 1996 (North Carolina) *********************
ROC OF AGES CON. Sheraton, Charlotte NC. Guests: James Doohan, Boris
Vallejo, Julie Bell, Ron Spencer, Jeff Menges, Roy Thomas. Info: email:
******* HToMC will be at this event!
Neat Stuff on the Internet
Stang's Email Address: i.stang@metronet.com (Rev. Ivan Stang)
1st Orthodox Stangian MegaFisTemple Lodge of People's Covenant Church
of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected / The SubGenius Foundation,Inc.
PO Box 140306 Dallas TX 75214 / Fax 214-320-1561 / PRABOB
Army surplus! If you are unfortunate enough to miss the escape saucers,
you might need some of these products. Knives, gas masks, water filters,
survival books, and other goodies are available here, with pictures.
Plus, they have links to militia sites. http://rrnet.com/~subrosa
And, on the subject of survival, a new online shareware survival novel
called "The Gray Nineties" is now available. In this scenario, the
government screws up the economy so badly that the vital utilities and
businesses fall like dominoes and society completely collapses. Of all the
war/a-bomb/natural disaster scenarios, this might actually be more possible.
It describes in detail a group's preparations and tactics for surviving "the
crunch". Not foaming-at-the-mouth as other survivalist literature tends to
be, its full of practical hints and tips. For those without the extensive
underground facilities and military stockpiles like the HToMC/SLAK garrisons,
the detailed story can function as a checklist for building your retreat.
The Gray Nineties - http://www.teleport.com/~ammon/gn/cover.htm
The Universal Life Church accepts everyone without question of beliefs, grants
lifetime ordination, for free. Why let the "religious" people have all the
perks and "respect" of the title REVEREND, when you can have it too? The
church has two tenents: the absolute right of freedom of religion and to do
that which is right. Anything else (within the law) is allowed. As an
ordained minister of the church, you too may ordain new ministers. You must
send the names and addresses of new ministers to the church in Modesto,
California for recording on their rolls. The Universal Life Church will not
stand between you and your God (if any at all) and recognizes that each
person must choose his own path. Each person in the ULC is free to follow any
path as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.
If "ministers" enter Disneyland at a reduced fare, YOU BE ONE TOO! YOUR
BELIEFS are just as valid or unvalid as any others...they are both sets of
beliefs. WE believe in YOU and will ordain you and send full legal credentials
so that in the eyes of the law you are equal to Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and
the Pope.
Visit our web site, http://ybi.com/ulc/
Out of all of our favorite cheesy-paranoid images from the 50s, little
compares with government propaganda on THE BOMB. Jayne Loader's Public
Shelter is a web site and a CD-ROM with everything you ever wanted to know
about nuclear warfare, including lots of pictures, sounds, and footage from
her classic film, The Atomic Cafe. Without commentary or interpretation,
this tells the story in its own words and images- and its one thats
simultaneously funny, creepy, and at one time, deadly serious. Forget Ed
Wood and all the other schlock film-makers of the 50s- the absolute kings
of bulldada once worked for the Dept. of Civil Defense, and there's a big
healthy dose of it on this site.
Atomic Cafe: http://www.publicshelter.com
What do cartoon characters do in their spare time off the set? They make
porno, of course. In a tribute to the complete desecration of "cuteness",
all of your favorite cartoon characters may be found committing various acts
that'll *never* make it to the TV. Lots of these graphics files are
available for FTP at: ftp.netcom.com:/pub/qu/quozl/HTTB
Dan's Gallery of the Grotesque, as mentioned on the Howard Stern show, is
one of the premiere collections of gross and tasteless pictures on the net.
Everything from suicides, homocides, accidents, war, and mutations, can be
found here. Definitely not for the squeamish, there's more blood and gore
here than in any 10 movies.
WZRD 88.3 FM Chicago - Also known as "The Wizard", free form radio, blasting
the Chicago area with the new, strange, and experimental for over 20 years.
Fully licensed SubGenius clench, they offer their own web pages with
music, weirdness, and rants. http://www.imagescape.com/wzrd/
Ice-9 Publications - home of the Radio Farm, with pictures of the recent
Pittsburgh Devival plus other SubGenius goodies!
John Labowitz's E-Zine List - The Factsheet Five of the electronic scene,
this is a comprehensive listing of over 800 on-line e-zines, magazines,
digests, and more. Put a link in your page for this site today!
DOOM!!! The ultimate source for Doom levels, the perfect time and
productivity killer! Blast your way through underground grottoes, dungeons,
castles, and space facilities infested with monsters out for blood! Tons
and tons of add-on levels (WAD files). Play Doom! Make your zine late!
Dreamboy - Anthony Romano continues his e-zine of dreams. Much like Dream
Scene the print zine, but overall much more graphic and "adult"-themes.
Some of these really come to gory life. Plus, he now has a very nice-looking
web page with graphics, information and everything. Get on his mailing list
for semi-monthly mailings of Dreamboy e-zine to cdromano@earthlink.net, or
log onto:
Something for nothing! The ultimate resource guide for Free Stuff! A
guide to forms, 800-numbers, mailing lists, and contests, to get all sorts
of free merchandise. Plus, get free e-mail, so that you can actually
pretend that you have a "friend" out there. Also, links to other cheapness
and free stuff pages.
Rev. Donald Wildmon/American Family Association Watch - This self-appointed
guardian and censor of all media thinks that his group has the right to
determine what you should watch in the privacy of your home. Toward that
end, his organization targets sponsors advertisers and producers of any show
even slightly to the left of Jesse Helms, threatening them with boycotts.
Of course, they don't have the numbers or the power to actually hurt any of
these companies, but they are capable of making a noise far in excess of
their numbers. This page is an effort to keep tabs on this group, and to
actively work *against* them. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - I have also personally
done such damage-control work in the past, and those sleazeballs deserve it.
Holy Temple of Mass Consumption slack@ncsu.edu
PO Box 30904 BBS: 919-954-5028
Raleigh, NC 27622 http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/users/a/aiken/htomc.html
Until banned by jackbooted thugs under the unconstitutional CDA.
Gee, thanks a ton, Bill. :-(