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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
$$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1098
[-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --]
$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "This Story Doesn't Matter"
$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by, Effy
$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 06/16/00
[-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --]
$$ $$ "TssT" "TssT"
I was walking down a street, somewhere. It was sometime near
midnight, and I was lost. Walking. In an unfamiliar city...in a strange,
foreign place. But the stars gazed down upon the windows of my eyes and
reflected back such an instinct that I knew where I finally belonged that
this cold, unforgiving emptiness called reality was only an option of true
The stars reflected off the nearby river like bright, hazy pools of
urine. My mind was traveling in circles. A circle of thought circling
rapidly around an intensely magnifying center. The center of my intention,
creeping up upon me, then hitting me senseless and defenseless. It's an
amazing thing to find out you truly have no control left over yourself.
It makes you peacefully self-destructive. There is no other way to achieve
this mentally. As long as you have control over your emotions, your
thoughts will be plagued with negativity. It's common nature among those
like us. When we finally fuck ourselves up completely, we slowly slip away,
one by one, into a self-torturous hell called Death or The Dying.
But I paid little attention to this, as I neared the water. I
stopped, and vomited on my shoes without really caring. Was I drunk, or
did I do too many drugs? Am I sick? What is wrong with me? Nothing, not
a thing, is wrong. That's just what I'm talking about. Everything in the
world is wrong with me, but it doesn't, and never will, matter to me again.
After removing my socks (I had lost my shoes, or had they worn
themselves off from my endless walking?), and the tattered cloth that used
to be a shirt, I walked to the edge of the river. There was a dock that
extended approximately ten to fifteen feet into the water. I made my way
to the end of the dock. I looked to the sky. Then I looked at the water.
Where did I fit in? It doesn't matter.
Memories flooded back to me like swirling lollipops. It was only
slightly less sweet. Gratitude is only a lesser attribute of love. I felt
gratitude for being able to finally become apathetic after every moment of
my shitty life. Gratitude, almost real love. But only almost. It'd
always been almost, hadn't it? I was so glad I didn't hate myself anymore
for subconsciously following my own, personal, real-life melodrama. Every
other person on the planet deeply despises himself somewhere for it,
because it's part of the inescapable delusion of reality. But I could
conquer it. I was about to conquer it. I will let myself go...
And so I was gone, or so I thought. I floated in the river on a
tiny raft that had been tied to the dock. I figured I'd get run over by a
barge or something, at least by morning. Or I would end up baking to death
in the early August sun. Or vultures would devour my rasping carcass.
Perhaps I would suffocate in a pile of my puke. Maybe I would shit out my
heart. What if I drowned in my piss? The latter is more likely to happen,
taking into consideration the possibility that I had probably been drinking
massive doses of hard liquor again. But no matter the method of demise,
I was convinced that it was that night that I was destined to die.
I was one with the stars shining on the lake for a few hours,
perhaps. Then the sun came up. I was completely horrified by the sky's
newfound light that I pissed myself, again. I realized had come close to
the outcome I had most suspected, as I washed the urine off my face and
body with dirty river water. I noticed a fish flopping wildly next to me.
I reached out and somehow, in my still completely deranged state, managed
to grab it. Then I ate it. It was a gar. It was the best meal ever,
because the taste had no effect on me whatsoever. I was numb. Any person
who experiences the complete loss of sensation, physical as well as mental,
can be completely at peace. Every human emotion is a mental sensation.
Take those away, and emotion is inevitably erased. Without emotion or
physical pain (due to the loss of physical sensation), there is no fear
of anything, because all of our fears are due to being hurt mentally or
I figured out a way to kill myself. I would eat myself to death. I
would chew away my flesh, bit by bit, until I bled so profusely that I
would die from the loss. And I could watch it all intently, my mind
unfocused on the non-existent pain, and not be mentally disturbed by the
sight of my own decaying, gangrene infested limbs. And I could once again
sense a touch of love for being granted something that no normal person
could ever experience without the act of self-destruction by years of abuse
(physical, drug, mental, alcohol, self)...
My toes were just luscious. I couldn't feel myself move. I don't
even really know how I did it, or how I still do it. Mysteries of existing
divinity must not be questioned, for they do not matter. It doesn't
matter. Nothing matters at all.
I watched the blood trickle down my remaining half of my foot, and I
smoked a cigarette. I almost missed the feeling of smoking for a second,
and then dismissed it in a frightened manner. I did not want anything,
least of all smoking, to make me question the permanence of my serene state
of mind.
I gnawed off a bit more of my bloody stump, and then devoured part
of my other foot. I wasn't sure if I still had teeth. I could've been
choking right then, for all I knew. I hoped I would. But I just kept on
eating myself. I had to die sometime, eventually, even if it took getting
right to my brain. I wasn't sure exactly how I would eat my own brain, but
it really didn't matter at all anyway. I decided to eat my arms lastly
before my head, that way I could still break off various body parts and eat
them without having to use my neck to reach them (thus limiting my perfect
view of the personal spectacle). I ate my penis just like I would've eaten
a corndog. I even drank blood from my colon to wash it down.
The early afternoon sun shone high in the sky, increasing the
previous night's temperature threefold. My bloody, raw, exposed flesh
seemed to turn a pale shade of reddish brown. By late afternoon, I was
almost surprised that no one had found me yet. I had not even spotted or
heard a barge. No boats. It was still, eerie silence.
Two days later, I still laid in a grisly pile on the raft. I had
eaten off both of my feet, all the way up to the ankle. My lower torso was
caved in a bit due to my indulgement of the lean meat of my abdomen. A
trail of dried blood came out of my anus (which was torn due to my large
intestine being shit out). At this point, I wasn't quite sure if I was
alive or dead yet, and it actually started to bother me a bit, which
bothered me a lot. Nothing should bother me. Nothing matters. If I keep
telling myself it doesn't matter, it will all be ok, because it won't
matter as long as I keep telling myself that.
And I'm still telling myself it doesn't matter. It could've been
days or even years since my last day on the lake, but it doesn't matter
how long ago it was. Even though it doesn't matter, I think I was
eventually found by someone on the lake, practically carnage, and taken
somewhere where they cut off the remainder of my libs, stitched up my
torso, and given a sex change. I am pretty sure of this because I have
seen the results of it all, which was also long ago, and therefore does
not matter either but then again just because today is the present does
not mean that today matters either because in essence neither today nor
yesterday is important if nothing really mattes at all, right?
Wait. Why am I asking you? You don't matter either.
[ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu HOE #1098, BY EFFY - 6/16/00 ]