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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
$$$$$$$$$$$ hogz of entropy #212
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>> "Let Me Out of My Cellar" <<
by -> Gangsta Spanksta
I know that you love me but how come do I have to stay in the cold
dark cellar all the time? I wanna go outside and smell the flowers. I want
to go out and watch the clouds reflect off the water. I want to swim and
frolic through the woods. But no! You keep me locked up down here all the
It's so cold down here that I always shiver as my naked body rests
against the rock walls. Look my lips are blue and goose bumps cover my
body. Why are yo so mean to me? Don't I do everything you ask for? I love
you, you know. But you never return any of my affections. Can't you for
one time in your life show me that you love me back?
Please let me out. I promise I won't run. I promise to be yours
forever I just want to feel the sun touch my skin one more time. It has
been so long you know. So very long. I just wanna go out and play with the
other children you know. Please, just this one time?
Down here, I am always by myself. You hardly come down here anymore.
I try to imagine other friends but even they just end up leaving me. I just
get lonely down here talking to myself. There are just so many games I can
play in an empty cellar.
Look I have become dirty from all this dust down here. Let me go out
so I can wash myself. You always complain about how I look you know. I
look a whole lot better clean I think. Let me go out so I can see my
reflection in the creek. Its been so long since I have seen myself. How
many years will you keep me down here?
You always promise me when we play your little games that some day
you let me outside. How come you never keep your promises to me? You
whisper in my ear that you love me and then you just lock that great big
door in my face. I bang against it for hours begging you to let me out.
But then you are long gone and I give up and collapse in my corner.
I cry then wondering if you are just playing with my feelings. I
wonder how you can do such mean things to me when you are supposed to love
me. I always try to come up with excuses for the things you do. But
sometimes I can't come up with one and just give up. I look at these walls
and make a quick prayer that someday, maybe just for a second I will be set
Oh no! Don't be displeased with me. I'm sorry that I questioned
your love. I'm sorry that I bitch so much about going out. I won't do it
anymore. I promise. Please just don't beat me. I'll be a good little boy
and do what you say... Please!
* (c) HoE publications. HoE #212 - written by Gangsta Spanksta - 3/15/98 *