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| | Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present... | |
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| | "Excuse Me, Could You Remove Your Steatopygous?" | |
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| | By: Mogel | |
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Words hit as hard as a fist. With that in mind, here are 190 really
annoying words that are sure to drive people on any board nuts. These words
are more that 25-cent words. Try 'em on your local board today...or just
about anywhere.
1. Borborygm Bowel noise; The noise of a fart
2. Hylozoism Belief that all matter has life
3. Puzzlepate One who is bewildered by the simplest ideas
4. Growtnoll A blockhead
5. Puler A whiner
6. Pottle 4 pints, A half gallon
7. Sexcent-Billion 1 with 1,800,000,003 zeros
8. Emesis Basin Kidney-shaped basin used in hospitals when one
feels sick
9. Moxiana Collecting memorabilia related to the soft drink Moxie
10. Kalology The study of beauty
11. Yonk An indefinitely long time
12. Polymath One who has mastered many fields of knowledge
13. Bollard Post ships are tied to on dock
14. Opisthosgraphy Writing on the back of a sheet of paper
15. Gudeons round pins on a window shade roller
16. Spiv One who lives flashily with no visible means of support
17. Carminative Relating to a fart; that which induces gas
18. Rhinophonia Strong nasality in ones voice
19. Tintinnabulation The sound of bells ringing
20. Whit The smallest immaginable particle
21. Anuptaphobia Fear of remaining single
22. Cyberphobia Fear of computers and high-tech electronics
23. Pediophobia Fear of dummies, dolls, and mannequins
24. Theomania Belief one is god
25. Boeotian One who opposes works of literature or art because he
does not understand them
26. Myrmidon One who carries out orders without hesitation or pitty
27. Anhungary Obsolete synonmy for hungary used by Shakespeare
28. Drumble A lazy person, drone
29. Grimalkin A bossy old woman
30. Lorg A stubborn and stupid person
31. Ploot Slut
32. Bawdstrot A procuress or prostitute
33. Skipkennel A lackey
34. Tufthunter Apple polisher
35. Yazzihamper A lunkhead
36. Mathom J.R.R. Tolkien word, The Hobbit something with no use
but too good to throw out
37. Whoozit A prototype widget
38. Autolatry Worship of ones self
39. Bardolatry Excessive worship of Shakespeare
40. Oligopsony A market with so few people the action of one can
effect price
41. Pintle Pin in a door hindge
42. J'aboubovitz Chess player who annoys his opponent by making
constant small ajustments to the pieces, from French
j'adoube, "I Adjust"
43. Nork Something that appears to be grand in a store shelf,
but looses appeal shortly after you get it
44. Neckar Testing something in such a way to envite disaster
45. F.U.B.A.R. Fouled Up Bayond All Recognition
46. Orthography Art of writing words with the propper letters,
correct spelling
47. Orthographer One versed in orthography, one who spells
48. Exalt To lift up, to praise or glorify
49. Messiah Expected savior or liberator
50. Thesis Proposition to be defended in an argument
51. Cynorexia Having a dog-like appetite; insatiable
52. Fulgurous Emitting lightning; flashing
53. Entropy The measure of the degree of disorder in a substance
or a system; entropy always increases and energy
always decreases in a closed system, as the universe.
54. Subentropic Somthing going against Entropy
55. Pangful Suffering; full of pangs
56. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsillicovolcanoconiosis
A Lung disease caused by inhaling fine particles
of silicon
57. Floccinavcinihillipilliflication
To estimate as worthless
58. Euthenics Science of improving the conditions of humans by
improving their surroundings
59. Fabulist Euphemism for liar
60. Facinorous Exceedingly wicked.
61. Famulus Medieval sorcerer's assistant.
62. Flagitious Atrocious, heinous, appallingly wicked; stronger
than facinorous.
63. Fopdoodle Insignificant fool.
64. Fugleman Frontman, spokesman, or leader, cuts imposing
figure, compels others to follow his lead.
65. Fungible Replaceable or acceptable as a replacement for a
similar item.
66. Fylfot Swastika.
67. Galactophagous Milk drinking.
68. Gelogenic Laughter provoking.
69. Gramercy Thank you.
70. Hebetate To grow dull or stupid.
71. Ineluctable Inescapable.
72. Ingravescent Growing worse or more severe.
73. Intumescense Swelling.
74. Acerebral Without a brain.
75. Alliaceous Smelling or tasting.
76. Alliaphage Garlic or onion eater.
77. Ante-Jentacular Pre-breakfast.
78. Aprosexia Inability to concentrate.
79. Aporia Public speaker's inability to begin, know what to
say, or close.
80. Aright Correctly.
81. Ataraxia Absolute calm and tranquility.
82. Battology Reiteration of same words or phrases in speech or
83. Belespirit Intellectually gifted person.
84. Bellibone A woman excelling in both beauty and goodness.
85. Boondoggle Carrying out valueless or trivial work to look as if
one is busy.
86. Cacophemism Opposite of euphemism; using a harsh word instead of
a milder one.
87. Calefacient Medicinal agent producing a feeling of warmth.
88. Cardialgia Heartburn, indigestion.
89. Charientism Elegantly veiled insult.
90. Chrematophobia Fear of money.
91. Circumforaneous Wandering from house to house.
92. Contradistinction In contrast to say, in contradistinction to.
93. Contraindiuated Inadvisable.
94. Coxcomb Conceited fool.
95. Decoction Soup.
96. Defenestration Act of throwing something or someone out of a window.
97. Dissight Unsightly object; eyesore.
98. Endomorph Short, fat person.
99. Egregious Exceptional.
100. Equanimity Calmness; unconcern.
101. Ergasiophobia Fear of or aversion to work.
102. Et Hoc Genus Omne And all that sort of thing.
103. Kopophobia Fear of exhaustion.
104. Lapidate Stone to death.
105. Lethologica Inability to recall the right word.
106. Lucripetous Money-hungry.
107. Lususnaturae A freak of nature.
108. Macrology Long, tiresome talk.
109. Moliminous Of great bulk or importance.
110. Mucilage Gum, glue or paste.
111. Multiloquous Very talkative.
112. Mussitation Murmuring; grumbling.
113. Nefandous Unspeakable; unutterable.
114. Nepheligenous Producing clouds of smoke.
115. Nescience Lack of knowledge; ignorance.
116. Nocent Harmful.
117. Noisome Noxious, smelly, nasty.
118. Noyade Mass execution by drowning.
119. Nummamorous Money-loving.
120. Nympholespy Passionate longing for something unattainable.
121. Oligophagous Eating only a few particular kinds of food.
122. Oligophrenia Feeblemindedness.
123. Oniomania Irrestible urge to buy things.
124. Onymous Not anonymous.
124. Oscitation Inattention.
125. Otiose Serving no useful purpose.
126. Palinoia Compulsive repetition of an act until it is
performed perfectly.
127. Paradigm Model, pattern or example.
128. Paralogism Illogical reasoning.
129. Pedagogy Science or art of teaching.
130. Peradventure Perhaps.
131. Petard Small explosive device used by engineers in medieval
times to undermine castle fortifications.
132. Quidnunc Gossip.
133. Quotidian Everyday, recurring, daily, ordinary, commonplace.
134. Rasorial Constantly scratching around in search of food.
135. Redivivus Restored to life or liveliness.
136. Rejectamenta Things that have been rejected as worthless.
137. Sapid Lively; interesting.
138. Saponaceous Soapy.
139. Saporous Tasty; flavorsome.
140. Sempiternal Eternal.
141. Sermocination Practice of making speeches; preaching constantly.
142. Solipsist One who believes that only himself exists.
143. Spurious Not genuine.
144. Steatopygous Fat buttocks.
145. Stentorophonic Speaking loudly.
146. Succe Daneum Substance resorted to when the real thing is not
147. Teratosis Biological freak.
148. Tergiversate To equivocate verb.
149. Thermanasthesia Inability to feel heat or cold.
150. Ullage Amount of liquid that falls short of filling its
151. Umbriferous Shady.
152. Ustulate Scorched; sunburned.
153. Viarago Fierce, bad-tempered woman.
154. Yellow Jack Quarantine flag.
155. Yirn To whine; pout.
156. Zugzwang In chess, when any of a player's moves open to him
damage his position.
157. Antithesis The exact opposite.
158. Ardent Intensely enthusiastic or devoted.
159. Arduous Difficult to do; laborous; onerous; full of
160. Assuage To make less severe or burdensome; ease
161. Bailiwick One's particular area of authority
162. Baroque Fantastically overdecorated, gaudily ornate
163. Blanch To turn pale.
164. Blatant Glaringly conspicuous or obtrusive.
167. Bombast Talk or writing that sounds grand or important but
has little meaning; pompous language.
168. Brash Offensively bold; pushing; impudent
169. Candor Sharp honesty of frankness in expressing oneself.
170. Capricious Tending to change abruptly without apparent reason;
erratic; flighty.
171. Caustic Cutting of sarcastic in utterance; biting
172. Caveat A Warning
173. Clandestine Kept secret or hidden especially for some illict
purpose; done without the knowledge of those who
would regulate or punish such actions.
174. Cloying Having an excess of a quality, as sweetness or
sentimentality, to the point of arousing distaste or
arousing disgust.
175. Cognoscenti People with special knowledge in a field, especially
the arts, expert; often used with a flavor of irony.
176. Complicity Partnership in wrongdoing.
177. Condescending Disguising one's disdain by obvious indulgence or
178. Consternation Great fear or shock that makes one feel helpless or
179. Consummate Supreme; very skilled; highly expert.
180. Conversant Familiar or acquainted with, especially as a result
of study or experience; well versed in.
181. Coterie A close group of people who share a common interest.
182. Crass Grossly stupid, dull or obtuse
183. Crescendo A gradual increase in loudness or in intensity.
184. Cynosure Any person or thing that is a center of attention or
185. Debacle An overwhelming defeat or rout.
186. Deify To make a god of; glorify; exalt or adore in an
extreme way, idolize.
187. Enwoman To indown someone with the qualities of a woman
188. Pirl To spin; twist; turn
189. Slattern A woman who is utidy in her dress, appearence, work
190. Sobriquet A nickname; Alias
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