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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
= F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. =
Take me to your leader, earthling
Or I'll atomize your face
As if I need to waste the time
To kill the human race.
I need to breathe quickly
So I don't have to care
About all the kinds of cancer
That I catch from this air.
I stand in the middle of the city
In the middle of the street.
There are many hostile commuters
That I really need to meet.
I don't come here in friendship
I don't come here in peace
I came here for your leader
To make my boss happy, at least.
The police officer tried too hard
To force me out of the street
So I fired my weapon at his head
It is now resting in his feet.
I love it when I do this
To these brave men in blue
They think they control the world
By giving pink papers to you?
They are god, they are the lord
They write down the rules you break
Sometimes put you in restraints
And throw you in "the tank".
They won't do it to me today
I'll put their heads up their ass
But I don't have to do this much
It was placed there in the past
All the years I have been to this place
It seems to be getting worse
The Californians have taken it over
It's the Reagan/Valley curse
Take me to your leader, earthling
I don't want to meet some fuck
I've met Reagan, Quayle, and Bush
And that should say enough.
Your leader's are slow and boring
Can never take them with us
We already have Nixon's men
Those retards are enough.
I'm going to D.C. tomorrow
To meet your president prick
I might actually get off this time
Cause I heard your king's a chick.
Was it Hillary or Chelsea
I really don't recall
But I have a few hours to kill
So I might just fuck them all
It's better than the Kennedy's
Bobby, John, and Ted
They talk too slow and Ted is fat
And two of them are dead.
What about that Jackie girl
I wonder if she is fun
I really can't remember
From all that coke and shooting gun
Yes, I was the mystery gunner
All alone on my grassy knoll
The C.I.A. paid me 3 million
As if I really liked my soul
Killing is a hobby
I would have done it for free
Especially Ronald Reagan
I'm sure Jim Brady would agree
I'd like to give Brady head
But he can't stand up to me
If he started to get hard
I'd make him wait a week
A seven day waiting period
I can do without
Waiting to kill a republican?
That's not what I'm about
He's a strong and powerful man
But he always needs a shove
Shoved in front of Reagan
Shoved down the steps of love
Cuisanarts are to yuppies
As Brady is to stairs
The wheelchair is confining
The staircase didn't care
Take me to your leader, Earthling
I don't think you can today
Because your leader is that box
You stare at and waste away
Who is your leader now, fucker
JUDGE ITO or Nicole Brown
How about Snoop Doggy Dogg
He's always "in da house".
How about Kurtme Kobain
He's always meant what he said
Of course in American culture
The best ones are shot in the head.
Your leader is a purple thing
Who sings dances and plays
Who touches your kids DOWN there
When he lures them backstage.
He's purple, fat, and gullible
He acts like your gay friend
But it's over your stupid barstool
Where your children, he will bend
At first, there was a Mr. Rogers
They TOUCH your kids and TEACH them well
And THEN they'll fuck some more
Take me to your leader, asshole
So I can get some love.
With all these stupid T.V. freaks
Or alone with you and O.J.'s glove
Your main leader that you love
Even I can't bump and grind
Because the well hung football SUPERSTAR
Is stuck in court till the end of time
He talks on T.V. all day
So with him we can't lose
Your president is brought to you by
Freshly squeezed SIMPSON ORANGE JUICE!!
I'm going back to my planet
Fuck you and your T.V., too
I'm taking Sandra Bullock with me
She's mine! FUCK YOU KEANU!
Why fear aliens nuking you?
You are great for shits and grins
You are just like a T.V. show
Fun to watch once and again
It takes no brains to watch you
You don't require a remote
Take me to your leader, Earthling?
Sorry, Bill, your shit won't float
Your leader doesn't grab me
As long as I can get off,
And he gets the fuck out
So, to Chelsea, Billy, and HER
(edchrist, inc.)
= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions =
= Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) =
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