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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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dumb issue number 003.
"my first experience with lsd." by, lucifer
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my ever so crafty cousin supplied me with this article not to long
ago. he gave me permission to use it for dumb, so here it is. enjoy.
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wow, were should i start. well. i was at school one day when one of
my close friends told me about this stuff that was going around. (lsd) he
told me that this stuff was the best shit in the world, so i was like maybe
one time wont hurt. anyways, i bought a tab. a little black/white
checkered peice of blotter paper. took it home, and hid it for the weekend.
the weekend came quick. i was excited as hell, because i didnt know
what was going to happen to me. anyway, at about 3:00 pm, my friend and i
went to his house (mom wasn't home) and we each put a tab into our mouths.
since it takes anywhere from 30 mins. to 45 mins. for the inital effects to
kick in, we sat down to watch tv.
about 35 mins. later, i felt a slight buzzing in my ears. my friend
heard it also. i got up, and noticed that i felt really, well out of it i
guess, i also noticed that the blinds that cover his front window were
moving. (there was no fan on, and there was no wind) so i was like "shit
your blinds are moving." then the fun began. we went into his room, put on
some music and i just fell onto the ground. i couldn't move. i looked at
the wall and saw it was like moving and stuff. anyway. the music was so
awsome. we were listening to a band called phish, they rock when you are
messed up. they suck when your sober, but damn they rule when your fucked.
anyway. my friend and i thought it'd be better if we started to move. we
got up (took us like 45 mins. alone to get up) and walked around. it is
hard to describe what i felt/saw during this part, because i kinda forgot
what i did. all that i remember doing after that is having my friends
sister come home, then we went outside to the park. i remember we were
talking about stuff like "why do we walk? do our feet tell us to walk?" and
stupid shit like that. it felt like everytime i walked, my feet were left
behind and i was floating. so we are having a dandy 'ole time running
around the park and looking at the clouds, when he blurts out "we have to go
home, my mom is bringing us pizza for dinner!" so we are walking home, me
and him talking about how when we open the pizza box there is going to be
some sort of face on the pizza. so, we get home, sit around for a little
bit, waiting for his mom to arrive with the pizza. she came home, remind
you we are at our most intense part of the trip, and we sat down to eat.
i'll tell you right now, i didn't think i was going to make it through
dinner. here we are, two tripping fools eating with a mom. everything
going ok. so then i'm sitting there eating my pizza having a conversation
with his mom when all of a sudden, her eye falls onto her plate and her head
warps into this thing. i was like ahhhh, but i couldn't say a thing, or
else we would get caught. so, it passed and her head was back to normal.
we got passed dinner, i have no clue how, but we did. since my parents went
out, we trekked over to my house where we spent the rest of the night.
at about 6:30 we arrive at my house. alot of weird shit is going on.
first off, every time i said somthing, the words came out of my mouth and
hit the person i was talking too. that was fun. second, i would look at
the floor and there would be all these little red - purple people there;
depending on the floor i looked at. third, when i looked at the wall paper
on the wall, it would move in the awsomest [note: is that a word? =)] ways.
then there were other things (trails, and very strange mental thoughts,
along with some weird dreams).
at like 9:30 i looked at myslef in the mirror, only it wasn't me it
was some old guy with a really long beard. i got really freaked out and ran
out of the bathroom. then my friend and i went to look at ourselves again,
and he made this really weird face. next thing you know, his head is three
feet long. that was really cool, but it freaked me out. so, once again i
ran out of the dread room (bathroom) screaming.
at like 10:30 we were coming down. so, we slapped acidwarp (tm) onto
the computer and stared at it for like 2 hours, =) with some rad music on
(phish). i eventully ended up on my bed, and fell asleep. i slept so deep
that night, with the most excellent dreams i ever had.
i woke up with no hangover, and felt great. no spinal cramps, ect.
overall, i'd have to say this was an enlighting expeirence for me.
it was spiritual as well as fun at times. all that shit that the government
says and that rot they teach you in school is all fake. i don't understand
how someone could have a bad trip. if you go in having a bad attitude, you
won't have a fun expeirience. you won't die though. if you go in under a
great mood, i will gauruntee this will be the best expierience of your life.
if everyone in the world was natrually tripping, i'll tell you right now,
there would be no war. everyone would get along. lsd has changed my view
of life. it made me think about things i would have never thought of. i
don't know if i'd ever do this again, but i'll tell you right now, if you
ever want to do any illegal substances, i'll say "go with lsd," but be
prepared. it can be intense at times. as with any drug, treat it with
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