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DemoNews Issue #86 - March 5, 1995 | Size : 12,393
------------- | Subscribers : 1296
DemoNews is a weekly newsletter for the demo scene. | Last Week : 1274
It is produced by Hornet at the site ftp.cdrom.com. | Change : +22
Review of Progression Music Disk............Ryan Cramer
The NAID Convoy.............................Ryan Korniloff
The BiWeekly Dork...........................Mellow-D
=----------------------------------------------------------[File Information]-=
All files listed below are on ftp.cdrom.com or one of its mirrors.
Ratings are completely subjective and do not necessarily reflect opinions
of the demo scene in general.
ftp.cdrom.com too slow? Try our mirror at ftp.luth.se. You may even
upload to this site under /pub/msdos/demos_upload.
Location /demos/alpha/1995 Size Description
=-------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------=
/w/wintro.zip 288 Winter Intro by Pure Resistance (SB)
Location /demos/music Size Description
=-------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------=
/programs/players/at_0300.zip 100 AweTrack (for AWE32) by Thor
Location /demos/graphics Size Description
=-------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------=
/pictures/mk-art_c.gif 398 Picture by Mr. Krinkle
/pictures/mk-srp_l.gif 392 Picture by Mr. Krinkle
=-----------------------------------------[The NAID Convoy]--[Ryan Korniloff]-=
Wanna to go to NAID???
Want some company or need a ride?
Then hook up with the East Coast NAID Convoy!
... The_Plan ...
What I am trying to do is to organaize a convoy on the East coast going up
toward Quebec. As we progress to NAID, we would join up with others. I
came up with the title "East Coast NAID Convoy", which IMO is pretty
creative. :) When taking into account the time it takes to get there
(which in my case, is about 13-15 hours) and, potentially, the number of
people that might participate, the biggest obstacle would be organizing the
effort. But in that respect, I'm well under way.
... The_Route ...
From my end, the trip would start early Friday morning (6,7,8am?). The
exact route has not been set yet because I am still waiting on AAA
(American Automobile Assotiation) to give me all of the information I need.
Basically, our trip would take us through Pennsylvania, New York, and
possibly Vermont. Whether we would make stops anywhere between my house
and Quebec has yet to be decided. That will be a group decision. I am
also collaborating with Dan Wright (former Demo Maintainer at HORNET) in
Fort Lauderdale which is about 40 miles North of Miami. If you are coming
from that area, his address is dmw@inca.gate.net
... Station_Stop ...
To those who are leaving from further South than I: I am offering my place
as a station stop. How you get here is up to you. Just make sure you get
here so you'll have enough time to rest. I will give you detailed
directions if you request them.
I live in Columbia, Maryland. Columbia is about 20 minutes south of
Baltimore and about 50 minutes from Washington D.C. about 5 minutes off of
Interstate 95. I am a 20 year old college student and I live with my
parents. But trust me, you will like my parents, and they do not mind me
having 15-20 people over for a couple nights (one night going up, the other
coming back).
I will try and stock up on some food and snacks so we all won't starve.
However, I can not feed _everyone_. I am not holding a party or anything,
the purpose of this is for everyone to take a rest. If there is time,
there are many places to eat around here. A few are even open all night
It all depends on what time you arrive and how much sleep you want to get.
Make sure you bring a sleeping bag and some pillows. I only have one extra
room. You guys can fight for it. Just don't use any guns or knives because
we are in the middle of painting right now and I don't want to do it again.
... Details ...
Other than a wallet full of cash and some NoDoze, there is only one other
item I think that everyone needs: a CB radio for every car. Let's face it,
if we're to meet up with people and proceed hundreds of miles north to
another country, we _need_ to be in contact. A basic CB and antenna would
run you about $60 if you can't borrow one from a friend.
Cameras would definately be a great idea.
I think my collaberator from Fort Lauderdale (Dan Wright) is bringing a
video camera. If I had one, we would definately be using it.
... Miscellaneous ...
More or less, this is a group effort, so let me know if you have _any_
ideas you think will be useful.
If there is anyone out there in another country that is planning on going
to NAID and is looking for an adventure and wants to see some of the States
(I'm sure this will be a big fiasco), you could stay here for a day or so
before and after the trip to NAID. I'll come get you from and take you
back to the airport. The closest airport from my house is Baltimore
Washington International (BWI). And _you_ get the guest room. :-) We'll
also feed you, of course.
If you are at _all_ interested _please_ e-mail me!! My address is below.
And _please hurry_! I am not sure how big of an operation this could
become, so we need all the time we can get!
- Ryan Korniloff rkornilo@nyx10.cs.du.edu
=---------------------------------------------[The BiWeekly Dork]--[Mellow-D]-=
Thanks for all the lovely feedback! I've really accomplished what my
signature says - "The BiWeekly Dork".
First, a couple things to clarify. The views that I print are NOT, by
default, the views of the HORNET staff/the HORNET demo- group. The column
is intended to be sarcastic, and is not directed to any person in the
scene, and I can only wish people took it as a joke. I decided to take
music groups as the first thing in my column, and seems like it was a good
idea. Next time, I'll "bash on something else".
Unlike some people thought, I do not have anything against the American
demo scene. On the contrary, I look up to it as we never really had
American people in the scene on the Amiga.
Like I said, next time something else is on my column. Don't hate me for
it, but try to take it light-heartedly!
Lighten up,
-The Bi-Weekly Dork, Mellow-D
Last week, I interviewed Jackie from the group Threesome. When presented
with the chance to interview a female demo scene member, I saw the
opportunity to do some good for the demo community.
During the interview, I asked Jackie if she would consider becoming a member
of HORNET. Here is a small excerpt from that interview:
Jackie: Well, just as long as I wasn't selected solely on the novelty of
being a girl in the demo scene. If I get something, I want it to
be based on merit, not on the fact that I'm a girl. Would I have
been offered a position if I were a guy?
Snowman: Let me clarify. Your successful standing in the music aspect of
the scene still has yet to be determined. Your standing as a
female is not in question. As such, you are different in some way
than the majority of the scene. Currently, I feel that the scene
has a lot to gain through acceptance of females as active and
productive members of a group.
The question is: Is it ethical to bring on a new member to HORNET based
solely on the fact that she is a woman? My answer is "yes", and I will
explain my way of thinking.
In the United States, we have something called "affirmative action". In
effect, it requires companies to hire certain numbers of discriminated
groups (blacks, women). The logic behind this is fairly simple. Many
corporations, if left to their own, would hire a disproportionate number of
white males. Affirmative action helps to balance things. At some point in
the future when no one is discriminated against, affirmative action can be
There is something that people may have completely overlooked in Jackie's
situation. The greatest evil right now is that there are not many women in
the scene. I do not know what causes this, but there is a possibility that
women feel uncomfortable joining the scene because it is so dominated by
males. If this is the case, then it is our _responsibility_ to help make
them feel more welcome.
Asking Jackie to join HORNET is my attempt to help "balance the scales".
-Christopher G. Mann / HORNET
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#1 E-mail to listserver@unseen.aztec.co.za (any subject line will do)
#2 On the first line in the body of the mail, write:
subscribe demuan-list FirstName LastName
subscribe demuan-list Christopher Mann
subscribe demuan-list Snowman
subscribe demuan-list r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu <---- WRONG!!
The listserver will automatically take the return address of your
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#1 E-mail to listserver@unseen.aztec.co.za (any subject line will do)
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_____Having Trouble?
If you have difficulty with the listserver, feel free to write Snowman
at r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu.
For questions and comments, you can contact Hornet at:
Handle Address Area
----------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
Dan Wright dmw@inca.gate.net Freedom CD coordinator
GraveDigger gd@ftp.cdrom.com columnist, file mover, musician
Snowman r3cgm@ftp.cdrom.com organizer, editor (DemoNews), coder
Trixter trixter@ftp.cdrom.com coder, web master, file mover