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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
DELiRiUM Acronym List v1.3
Compiled by Acidflux
Alphabetized by Darkhand
AAA Aces of ANSI Art
AAFH ANSI Artists From Hell
ABBSA American BBS Association
ACE 1) Arcane Corporate Elite
ACE 2) Acme Couriering Enterprises
ACE 3) Americans Communicating Electronically
ACiD ANSI Creators in Demand
ACT Association for Community Telematics
AD Altered Destiny
AFB Amazing Astrofest Bunch
AFC ANSI Factory
AFL Alpha Flight
AFR Another Fondation Release
AFS Acronyms Fucking Suck
ALF Anti Lamers Foundation
ALCEI Electronic Frontiers Italy
AMBD All Members Brain Dead
AMD Advanced Micro Designs
AMMO Anti Microsoft Movement for OS/2
ANE Anarchy 'N' Explosives
AoD Acedemy of Deception
APHA American Phreak Hack Association
APo Anarchists Pissed Off
APT Advanced Pirate Technology
ASB Astrofence Bunch
ASIS American Society for Information Science
ATA Atlantic Trading Alliance
AVG Avengers
AVLHL Always Very Lubricated Happy Lemmings
AWA 1) Anti-Warez Association
AWA 2) Arabs With Attitude
AWoL Artists WithOut Loyalty
BAD Bitchin' Ansi Design
BB Blood Brothers
BCC 1) Bilbo's Cracking Club
BCC 2) Boys from Company C
BCP Black Circle Productions
BDC Breakdown Demo Crew
BGR Brotherhood of Gods and Retards
BMF Bad Mother Fuckers
BOS Blades Of Steel
BOW 1) Brotherhood Of Warez
BOW 2) Best Of the Worst
BPi Blacklisting People inc.
BTR Beneath The Remains
BVN Banned Vision
CAE Chaotic Ansi Experience
CAU Computer Anarchists Underground
CCC 1) Chaos Computer Club
CCC 2) Chaos Cyber Creators
CCi Cyber Crime International
CCN Center for Civic Networking
CDC 1) Cult of the Dead Cow
CDC 2) Cult of the Dead Cat
CF Cyber Force
CGI Console Gaming Informers
CGNJ C0ol GuYZz N4m3d JaZ0n!
CHS Total Chaos
CHiNA Communist Hackers In North America
CIA Creators of Intense Art
CITS Center for Information, Technology & Society
CLF Cyberpunk Liberation Front
CME Center for Media Education
CNI Coalition for Networked Information
CNRI Corporation for National Research Initiatives
CoD Children of Damnation
CoMA Community of Moral Advancement
COOL Croation Orginizations Of Leechers
COPS Couriers Of Proven Software
CoRE Criminals of Radical Extremes
CoSN Consortium For School Networking
COTNO Communication Of The New Order
CPC Corporation for Public Cybercasting
CP$ Computer Pirates $yndicate
CPI 1) Canadian Pirates Incorporated
CPI 2) Center for Public Information, Inc.
CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
CrAC Crazed Artists Coalition
CRaM Citizens Revolting Against Moztah
CREN Corporation for Research & Educational Networking
CRUE Cheat Requests for Underground Elite
CUD Computer Underground Digest
CuM Crazy Users on a Mission
DeAD Damn Excellent Ansi Design
DEPBA Digital Exchange Pirate Board Alliance
DDM The Doomsday Machines
DFP Digital Free Press
DiE Demented Images of Euphoria
DJP DefJam Productions
DLoT Dark Lords Of Terror
DLT Delight
DM Digital Masters
DMT Dark Moon Traders
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles
DNA Digital News Associates
D0D Drink or Die
DOM Dominators
DRD Dread
DS 1) Dragon Society
DS 2) Dream Syndicate
DST Distortion
DVS The Devious Project
DUA Digital Underground Association
DUNE Dallas Underground Network Exchange
EC Energy Corporation
ECA Elite Crackers Association
ECHO Elite Crackers Hackers Association
ECR Electronic Rats
EPAH Eithical Phreakers And Hackers
EPiC 1) Excellence Produced in Creativity
EPIC 2) Electronic Privacy Information Center
ESW Every Strange Warez
ETA Express Traders Alliance
ETE Eternity
EVIL Exotic Visions In Liquid
EWR Elite Warez Review
EX Exile
EXT EXtorTion
FBC Fag-Bashing Crew
FBI 1) Freaker's Bureau Incorporated
FBI 2) Fast Balanced Informations
FC 1) Future Crew
FC 2) Fatal Connection
FCC Fast Corre Caminos
FCP Fone ConsPiracy
FDN The Foundation
FDT Fucked Damn Traders
FI Furtive Industries
FiRM First in Releasing Most
FLT FairLighT
FPS File Propulsion System
FRL Freelancers Guild
FS Fire Skull
FSW Fucking Sweet Warez
FTL Faster Than Light
FUAP Fucked-Up Average People
FUCK 1) Fucked Up College Kids
FUCK 2) Forgive Us Crazy Kids
FUD Fucked-Up Dudes
GEM Gemini
GLB Globe Trotters
GNS Genesis
GNX Generation-X
GOD Global OverDose
GoDs Guild Of Distributors
GRiP Graphic Revolution in Progress
GtD Gates Of Dawn
HACK Hacking And Computer Krashing
HAiL Honored Artists In Legion
HASH Humans Against Society and Homework
HAT Hate And Triumph
HATE 1) Highly Artistic And Talented
HATE 2) Hackers At The End
HAV Havok
HBD Hybrid
HCH HardCore Hackers
HEAT Hackers Enterprising Across Telecommunications
HEMP Hardcore Elite Mother Phuckers
HOE Hogs Of Entropy
HOPE Hackers On Planet Earth
HR High Rezolution
HSGMT High-Speed Global Mass Trading
HTC High Tech Couriers
HV High Voltage
HWA Hackers With Asthma
IA Illegal Activities
IASO International Association of System Operators
iBP iGH Bah Poo
IC Inner Circle
iCE 1) Insane Creators Enterprise
iCE 2) International Cracking Elite
ICP Ice Cold Productions
ICU Invisible Cracking Unit
IDC Independent Couriers
iDG Indigo
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
IIRG International Information Retreival Guild
ILF Internet Liberation Front (sorry couldn't help it)
ILL 1) Illuminatus
ILL 2) Information Liberation League
iLs IllusioN
iMG Image Ansi Artists
IMP Imperial
INC International Network of Crackers
IND Independence
iNT Integrity
IOI Input/Output Intelligence
IRG International Rogue Guild
ISA International Software Alliance
iSD Insane Software Designers
iTA International Trading Alliance
iTU Infinity Traders Unlimited
IUD INC Utility Division
IVP Instant Virus Production (by YAM)
JB Japan Boys
KAOS Krackers Association Of Sweden
KiSS Krazy Image Scanning Sickos
KORT Knights Of The Round Table
KPN K00L People's Nation
LAME Lunatics And Maniacs Encorporated
LAW Lyrical Association of Writers
LCS Local Courier System
LGD Legend
LIFE Loyalty In Full Effect
LLL Local Lamers Limited
LOC Legacy Of Criminals
LoD Legion of Doom
LOH Legions Of Hackers
LSD 1) Lush Software Designs
LSD 2) Lethal Software Distributors
LTD License to Draw
LwV Lamers with Vision
MAD 1) Massive Anarchistic Destruction
MAD 2) Malicious Art Denomination
MAD 3) Mutual Assured Destruction
MAG Makings of Artistic Geniuses
MAGIK Master Anarchists Giving Illicit Knowledge
MCM Miami Cracking Machine
MFT Manifest
MHPC Midnight Hacker's Private Club
MiC Master Image Creators
MMC Mickey Mouse Club
MNG Music N' Graphix
MPG Midwest Pirates Guild
MPI Micro Pirates Incorporated
MPIR Empire
MRN Maroon
MVF MAD Virus Factory
NAFTA North American File Trading Association
NAMBLA North American Man Boy Love Association
NAPPA North American Pirate Phreak Association
NARC Nuclear phreAkers/hackeRs/Carders
NASA 1) North American Society of Anarchists
NASA 2) North American SysOp Alliance
NAT Nation
NBC Natural Born Couriers
NCA National Courier Alliance
NCC Norwegian Cracking Company
NCIC National Crime Information Agency
NEUA National Elite Underground Alliance
NFA New Fone Express
NLA No Lamerz Allowed
NoT Nation of Thieves
NPPG No Particular Pirate Group
NRA National Rifle Association
NSA National Security Agency
NSA National Security Anarchists
NSOC National Society Of Crackers
NTA Nokturnal Trading Alliance
NUAA National Underground Application Alliance
NX Nexus
NWO New World Order
NWS NorthWestern Syndicate
NYC New York Crackers
OASiS Outstanding Ansi Specialists Institution
ODA Over-Dosed Anarchists
OET One-Eight-Two
OLR On-Line Revenge
OTL Outlaws
OX Outlaw's Exchange
P&P Pirate & Pirate
PaL Pirates at Large
PAM Pathetic ANSI Makers
PATW Pirates Around The World
PAW Pirates Analyze Warez
PCi Power Crisis International
PCP Pacific Coast Pirates
PDRC PRiMAL Demented Review Crue
PDX Paradox
PE Public Enemy
PHaT Phunky Hardcore ANSI Team
PHELA Phreakers Elite Association
PHUN PHoney Underground Nation
PHT Phantasm
PiC Partners in Crime
PIL Pirates In Legion
PiMP Phuckin' Insane Music Producers
PNX Phoenix
POi Phreaks Of the Industry
POTMAN Pirates Of The Mid-Atlantic
PoW Programmers of War
PPE Phreakers Phucking w/ Everyone
PPP Phucking Phield Phreakers
PSD PsychoSquad
PSI Pirates Sick of Initials
PST Parasite
PSY Psychosis
PTG Pentagram
PTL Pirates That Live
PTM Pirates Of The Mid-Atlantic
PUR Pursuit
PWA Pirates With Attitudes
PWS Piretes who canot spel corriers
QC Quality Cartel
RAGE Ruthless Anarchists Getting Even
RAID 1) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAID 2) Rebel Anarchists Incurr Destruction
RAM 1) Really Awful Music
RAM 2) REtardo AxE MurdErErz
RDC Radiance
REM Radical Elite Movement
REN Renaissance
REV Revolt
RFO Robin's First Orgasm
RiOT Revolution in Our Time
RiSC Rise In Superiour Couriering
RKL Rich Kids on LSD
RLT Reality
RMK RomKids
RoT Rebels of Telecommunications
RPM 1) Relentless Pursuit of Magnificence
RPM 2) Revelations Per Minute
RR Rescue Raider
RTS Request To Send
RZR Razor 1911
SAD Slick ANSI Designers
SCAM Society of Criminals, Anarchists, and Misfits
SCD Software Chronicles Digest
SCPG Southern California Pirate Guild
SCX Scoopex
SE Syntex Error
SFi Society of the Freedom of Information
SJG Screaming Jello Gang
SHiT Some Hairy Illicit Testicles
SKN Skillion
SiN Software Innovation Network
SLA Software Liberation Army
SMUT Syndrome's Mega Utility Team
SNaCK Skanning Nerds And Code Kidz
SNC Sonic
SOB Sovereigns Of Bell
SOD Sentence Of Desire
SOUP Sea Otter Underground Productions
SPI Software Pirates Incorporated
SR Skid Row
SSE ???
SSN Sysop Support Network
STC SaTanic Couriers
STN Stoned
SUN Sight Unseen
SvS Senseless Violence Squad
SWaT Special Warez Acquisition Team
$YND The $yndicate
TAC The Artistic Club
TB Thrust Brothers
TCB TeCHn[+]BrAiN$
TCOLB The Crackers Of Lame Boards
TCS 1) The Crime Syndicate
TCS 2) The Criminal Syndicate
TCW The Celestial Woodlands
TDD The Dirty Dozen
TDK The Destiny Knights
TDM The Drowning Man
TDN The Documentation Network
TDS The Devil's Spawn
TDT The Dream Team
TEC Tecnik
TERR Terratron
TGT The Guild Of Thieves
THC The Happyface Cult
THG The Humble Guys
THP The Hill People
THT The Humble Team
TIA The Insane Asylum
TiC The Inner Circle
TiCN The Insane Couriers Network
TiDT The Internet Dream Team
TIPN The International Piracy News
TL Top Listings
TMM The Mental Midgets
TNKB Turbo Nutter Kiwi Bastards
TNO The New Order
TNWC The North West Connection
TOAO The One And Only
TOD Traders Of Darkness
TooD The Order Of Darkness
TOP Tired Of Protection
TPC The Programmers Crew
TPO The PRiMAL Order
TPSA Telegard Pirate Sysop Alliance
TPU The People Upstairs
TRA The Rebel Alliance
TRC The Review Crew
TRM The Rim Merchants
TRN Tyranny (Phoenix Game Division)
TRSi Tri-star Red Sector Incorporated
TSAN The Sysops Association Network
TSB The Silicon Bovine
TSC The Spectrum Crew
TSS Tape Swappers Syndicate
TTP The Thrashing Pirana
TuC The Underground Cell
TUN The Underground Network
TVB The Vag Boys
TVT TeeVee Toons
TWA The Warez Alliance
TWL Twilight
TWaT 1) Text Writerz And Traderz
TWaT 2) The Winning Ansi Team
TxC Toxic
TYM Taking Your Machine
TZU Terror Zone Underground
UBiC United Boards in Control
UC-ID UC InterNet Division
UC United Couriers
UCF 1) Underground Computer Foundation
UCF 2) United Cracking Force
UCLA United Crackers Lab Association
UCR UC Random (Console Division)
UCS Underground Cracking Syndicate
UUDW Union of United Death Workers
UFT 1) United File Traderz
UFT 2) UNiTY Federation Team
UGC UnderGround Council
UKT United Kiwi Traders
UL Universal Labs
UNI Unity
UNT Untouchables
UPC United Phreakers Coalition
UPi United Phreakers Incorporated
uSe Unix Security Experts
USA United Software Association
USCA United Serbian Courier Association.
USSR Underground Software Systems Revolt
UTG United Traders of Germany
UUC Undernet User Commitee
UUDW Union of United Death Workers
uXu Underground Experts United
VAS Vaginal & Anal Secretions
VCi Vulcan Cultural International
VD Vital Dox
ViO Violation
VOR Visions Of Reality
VS Virtual Shock
VSW Very Strange Warez
VTW Voters Telecomm Watch
VYTA Violent Young Terrorists of America
WAC Wild Ansi Creators
WAR Well Adjusted Radicals
WC Wild Cards
WHFF Will Hack For Food
WiLD Wild Cards
WOC Wireless Opportunities Coalition
WON Will Of Nature
WPoS Worthless Piece Of Shit
WWC World Wide Couriers
XF Xenon Foundation
YAM Youngsters Against McAffee