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***** 0206092200 hrs
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***** activist
** internet!
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to ati@etext.org
hey where can i find that anarchy cologne online,
where i live we dont have a gadzooks or whatever
it was called but where online can i find that
stuff that you think sucks. i think its great
--- josh013
I thought you (and the rest of ATI) might appreciate this. It's especially
funny considering they're sending them to activist listservs.
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to ati@etext.org
Hi I'm just writing to tell u about a cool up and coming
punk band called PMX. Please check out their site at
http://pmxtv.com and download those mp3s!
Maybe you can do a story about the carlyle group?
haven't tried this yet.
maybe ati wants to publish it.
> 1-800-648-3516 is a toll free number to the Washington
> offices of every US Senator or Representative, call and
> ask for a Senator or Representative by name and they'll
> put you directly through to his or her office.
#'s http://www.inkk.tk
part iii
You're starting to realize what they'll do because it's
the third or fourth person of at least nine that this has
happened to in front of you.
You find out next that she's been moved to another part
of the same state and like you she's now in charge of half
a dozen people below her. What? Parallel to you? Woah.
Another similar incident, you go to the same "her:"
"Lemme have him, I'll take care of him." This time you'd
gotten to know him a little. Kept in touch through the
Lo and behold they moved him to a different state and
he's no in charge of you really, but way up higher than
you in the "chain of command," so to speak.
Yes, I said "chain." Years or decades ago, most companies
weren't run like military wannabes. But these days more
and more are.
A military structure can get rid of bureaucracy but not
corruption. Remember that -- you might need it some day.
A corporation run this way just might as well be called
a paramilitary like the Boy Scouts or the KKK but I digress.
Radio Shack had what was called "stealing." Your store's
shrinkage could not be above 6% a third month in a row or
"Texas" would come up and audit the hell out of you. No one
I know had ever suffered one of these audits, but it was
one of those scenes NO ONE wanted to find out about.
Hence, stealing. The store I was an A.M. to usually
hovered between 2% and 4%, so we were seldom on the receiving
end, but often the "giver."
"You've got a pickemup truck, right Prime?"
"I have some items that need to go to store #432. Load up
these items from the stockroom and deliver them. Take the
whole day, I'll clock you out."
He said he'd float me a few small commissions too, from
batteries and telephones throughout the day so I didn't have
a big hole in my afternoon or evening.
After a while I was entrusted with the phone call itself.
"Radio Shack #435, Prime Anarchist speaking, how may I
help you, sir or ma'am."
So the voice on the other end is "we're at 5ish for the
month. How're you looking?"
"Not sure," I tell him, "I'll check." "Hey boss, how are
we looking this month?" Store #408 is over 5ish again."
"One or two," my boss tells me, "give 'em whatever the
heck they need."
This time around it was something like seven Tandy TX
computers, six SX's, five telephones, four shortwave radios,
three discontinued turntables, two microphones and a partridge
family promotional record album.
Well, something like that. Not precisely, but I assure you,
it was in the low thousands. The lowest I'd ever conspired to
"steal" was high hundreds. Last I checked, a felony in NY,
CT, RI areas was theft over 300. I'm sure it's higher now, but
surely not quite into the thousands.
Anyways this was stealing but not quite that kind of stealing.
Or is it? Yeah. Ask me then, I didn't know. Ask me now? That's
why I'm writing this up.
So every other month or so a store would steal enough from
our store to bring us nearer to 6% but never over.
[finish later]
Theirs would go under 6 by stealing from us and/or another
store or two.
Thousands of dollars every other month or so just floating
around from store to store well by itself in a vacuum it
probably doesn't look so bad, but lets look at a couple other
things here at Radio Theft. Tandy Corpse. Realistic. Pilferage
'r' Us before we tumble the whole house of cards. Now I know
there's going to be hardly any outrage to speak of from the
mainstream here. Heck, when Oliver North who's at least 500%
more corrupt than Radio Shack could EVER be,
(TO BE CON'T In 323)
[ if you can't wait to read the rest, go to ]
[ and enjoy it early. I'll get the rest of it there as ]
[ soon as I can. I think the whole thing is there now. ]
Activist Times, Incorporated (ATI): Unlike the
other electronically distributed publications,
ATI does not limit itself to strictly computer/
telephone news. Articles normally include commentary
on world and government events, and other "general
interest" topics.
ATI issues are generally small and consist of articles
written by a core group of four to seven people. Unlike
the publications discussed thus far, ATI is available in
printed "hard copy" form by sending postage reimbursement
to the editor. ATI is currently on their 38th issue.
LINARES, Spain -- Andres Segovia died fifteen years ago.
The master classical guitarist was finally brought back
to his hometown as he wished. Exhumed from the Madrid cemetery
where he was first buried, Segovia's remains were brought
to Linares in Jaen province, the heart of Spain's olive-growing
Hailed the world over as the greatest classical guitarist of
the 20th century, Segovia died at 94 years old in 1987. People
say he elevated the guitar from a lowly bar instrument to one
played on classical concert stages around the world, garnering
as much respect as the violin or piano. Segovia once said it
was always a goal of his to "separate the guitar from mindless,
folklore-type entertainment."
Town hall officials said his widow Emilia avoided moving his
body to Linares, even though it was his wish, until a proper
resting place was prepared. They refurbished a 16th-century
palace to house the musician's remains and a museum dedicated
to his life and work.
A wake was scheduled for Monday night with a burial on Tuesday.
Emilia de Segovia led the funeral cortege that left Madrid Monday.
Awaiting in Linares was 32-year-old Carlos Segovia, the only
survivor among Segovia's four children.
The Segovia museum will feature sheet music written by Segovia,
suits he wore while performing, medals he won and a favorite guitar
nicknamed "La Nina."
If anyone finds any old sheetmusic that Segovia was working on
prior to the bombing of Guernica, please just slip it under the
door. No questions will be asked.
Occum's Razor won't always cut it.
Sometimes the longer explanation WAS the right one.
Paraphrase: "melodrama and news were born on the same
day and they've been speaking the same language ever
since." -- don't even remember the guy's name.
Quote: "The pioneers of a warless world are the
[people] who refuse military service."
-- Albert Einstein.
You ever been stuck behind someone going exactly 2MPH
less than the posted speed limit who hogs the left lane
and has a bunch of bumper stickers that deeply offend
So let me ask:
Did you want Clinton (impeached) for sex charges, lying
about sex charges, or helping usher in the police state?
Spamburger Helper - a wonderful new next step in processed
eating, processed living, processed processing.
Take it in, spamburger helper.
Breath it, speak it, help us spread the name.
1:30 pm. 91.5 radio. I listen to a low IQ conservative
xenophobe using the word "commonsensicle."
by marco
You are sociable and entertaining
Soon you will be sitting on top of the world
30 18 26 36 2 15
20 1 18 37 16 26
HEY NONI: Dreaming 'Bout My Baby
[3rd title: (the 'sub sub') The Complete Idiot's Guide To Screenwriting]
"It's about Wynona."
"Is she ok? Her case started?"
"No, I'm bringin' news from Manhatten."
"Oh, her wacky Brechtish 1-act? How's that going?"
"Yeah, it took a turn. She's giving herself a 'cameo.'"
"No way, and they agreed to it? Don't tell me she's going
to ruin her case by discussing everything onstage."
"Sorta. But I think it might've turned out good. Real good."
[UNISON: From ten other diners] "What? What did she do?"
"Stole all the evidence back, flew right to the Bowery and
donated it all to the Catholic Worker men's house.
[UNISON: many affected effeminate voices and overly
demonstrative dramatics. "what evidence, your honor?"]
Send all submissions, letters of resignation and corporate charters to:
or click on the homepage at:
for back issues and to order t-shirts,
hats and FruktWitch Cookies.
Hurry there's only _00_ left.
Call 860-887-2600 ext. 5293 to say something positive;
or 860-887-2600 ext. 5293 to say something negative.
And remember, 2morrow is international "" day.
So get out there and like they say in journalism
land: "You can quote me on that!"