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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
This entire issue dedicated to Mateo
What's the moon look like?
I put in my Badi Assad album and begin marking
up ATI. I realize I didn't watch SNL this week.
What did I miss?
This week's Activist Times 'zine sees Yvonne
Magdaline as Mary. The role of Primanikus will
be played by Morris the Cat.
_ || '
< \, =||= \\
/-|| || || 2000 is nigh.
(( || || || 10:35pm Sun-Night
\/\\ \\, \\
If your theatre's not an IMAX - you're missing
out. Or are you? NA MU MYO HO REN GE KYO
Who sang "King of the Jews" in Jesus Christ
Superstar - was it Randy Newman? Well, was it?
Judas, you left him for a bitchin' camaro???
Another message for the bishop. So do you
serve a king or a pawn? Well, do you? Do you?
And now, Sherwood Schwartz w/ the new multi-
racial Gilligan's Island!
doom doom, skip. dum dum sikki skkipp.
boombiddy boom, dumtek dumtek, tek tek, doom boom.
bumtek. Doombek! Can you feel the rhythms of
this world? Can 'ya? Can 'ya??
Evita, Is this really the end, or just Andrew
Lloyd Cartel week? I expect Roller Derby anyday now.
Count on it. Marc my words. Californication:
Somebody's throwing way too much at the Chili
Peppers. Cher?
1999 - only two bands this year I'm happy about
are/were Smashmouth and BNL.
Alanis has 41 million what??? I did who??
Fact be told, I want Monika Lewinski. Don't
Hi I'm Prime Anarchist and this is ATI, Activist
Truth, Industries. This is issue 202. The "just
B-4 the y2k edition." MiLKenium. Heaven is truth,
your lies are your own personal hell, huh? Bring
it on peeps, bring it on. I like this transparency
routine. Good stuff. And they say, the truth shall
read you. 12dec99. Like a book.
Some say the activists won in Seattle this year.
Some say Buchanan. No one says the police state
gets the decision. Not even the police state
himself. WTO? Can you say tail up your butt?
The long dusty whining trail home?
Santa Claus is doing well. Prices are at an
all-time stagnant. There's going to be some
happy kids around this planet. They can breath
a little easier now that, Hey, where are all
the trees? Who shaved all the thneeds???
Can you hear it? There's a message in the air
2nite. It's loud. Generation X is yelling it.
Gen who? What? You're kidding me! Those silly
silent slackers? They said what??? To who?
You've got to be kidding me.
Purpose. Hmmm. The world may end 2morrow, and
you will die. Well you will. So will I. Someday.
Not tomorrow, not next week. For now there is
happy. Happy happy, joy joy. I put Badi Assad
on repeat. NA MU MYO HO REN GE KYO!
Here's some #'s
to: the editor
There are two others which we know about
but they still have to send their working
Tonantzin (505)
thanks for the longwinded reply.
i have gotten so much positive
feedback lately it's amazing.
Joey (415)
I met this guy chatting on the old
_____ ISP. You're the only person
I could think of to forward it to.
He's in Belgium.
> Subject: Humanitarian disaster in Chechnia
> Hello friend,
> If you've been watching the news, you'll
> see whats happening and world's
> doing nothing about it.
> I'm not a Chechnian.
> I'm not calling for a NATO intervention,
> just humanitarian aid for people living
> in their basements, in freezing temperatures.
> Can you spare five minutes to save this people?
> If you support you could Email United Nations:
> ecu@un.org
> with a REQUEST to do something to at least supply
> the civilians them with some essentials: food,
> medicines, tints, etc. This way UN will receive
> innormous mail and this could even go in the news.
> PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE to your friends as you
> can, to get the ball rolling. Please do it now.
> Thank you!
> PeaceWarrior
Dear Prime,
What a disappointment.
I hereby request that you discontinue my
subcription and delete me from your
deleted e-mail addresses
sometime soon.
Confused in Boston
[ed note: we WERE in the pentagon, just
not in ways you would ordinarily think.
http://www.frucht.org/marco1.jpg ]
Were you in Seattle for the WTO thing?
I am looking for somebody who could write
about it from the anarchopacifist point of
view for Ahimsa,
We are at:
We are a small network of nonviolent
anarchists who are working to bring
together peace and freedom.
- Dick Martin
Thanks for the nice words.
I actually thought the coverage
would improve over the course of
the meetings -- I was wrong.
This is one of the worst
blackouts I've seen.
i cant believe you put the
waffle house link in there.
i cant tell you how many times
that's been the only open restaurant
while i'm on site somewhere south
of mason-dixon
- anon
-=-ATTN: Sabra. If you can read this,
please send your addy again... -=-
...its about giuliani
By Sananda Dec 4, 1999:
You know Safir, and Cohen, and Kerik,
and Turner; Kuriansky, and Goodman,
and Osterreich and Hess.
But do you recall, the most famous
fascist of all?
Rudolph, the hard-nosed fascist
Had a very slimy nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it grows
All of the other fascists
Used to laugh and call him names
They would never let poor Rudy
Play in any fascist games
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Satan came to say:
Rudolph with your nose so mean
Bust the homeless!
Make the city clean
Then all of the fascists loved him
As they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the hard-nosed fascist
You'll go down in history!
[PAWN] - Excerpts From A First Person Seattle Account.
by Prime Anarchist. Special to PAWN World Newz.
The most worthwhile first person account of Seattle's Tuesday
victory over Multinational Corporations was very long. Rather than
asking ATI's news board to consider going 50K for the next issue,
I made a quick editorial decision to cull out excerpts that I
thought were the most helpful to those of us who wish to know
what really really went on besides what the no-longer-credible
(my opinion, I stand by it) "legitimate press" may attempt to
The account is titled:
By a WTO Protestor.
It begins "I got on a Greyhound bus in Pittsburgh at 3:00am,"
The signature at the end has first and last name. I will only put
here that his first name is Damon. The rest of this piece is in
Damon's words. I will leave you with the following thought as you
read this. "George Orwell lives." I'm sorry if all you know about
Orwell is his big brother book, because that's not what I'm
talking about at all. You'll see.
From time to time ambulances would come through and the crowd
would clear a path immediately. Some protesters said,
"What if WTO delegates are sneeking in on the ambulances?"
But people came to an immediate concensus that, although that
was a possiblity, it wasn't worth risking people's safety.
Suddenly, a WTO delegate made it unnoticed through our lines.
But when he made it to police they refused to let him enter.
They turned back another delegate later.
<excerpts only. >
Against non-violent protesters, they used pepper spray, clubs,
tear gas, and later fired rubber bullets and marbles at the
people. In every single instance I witnessed first hand, police
violently attacked non-violent protesters with no provocation
whatsoever. That was the case when I was beaten and sprayed,
that was the case when downtown was flooded with gas, with
helicopters flying overhead shining spotlights down into
the crowd.
The police chased them into a business area and fired tear
gas into crowds that were now made up of shoppers and people
getting dinner as well as protesters. Finally, after 12
hours of people being beaten and gased, a small riot broke
out. A Starbucks coffee store was damaged and looted.
I'm amazed it took this long to happen, and I say this
in all honesty from being here first hand, that, by
repeatedly attacking and torturing non-violent protesters,
the Seattle police sought to incite a riot and finally
succeeded to a small degree.
One newscaster said, "Come on, get a life. We live in a
prosperous country." In all honesty, the news is scaring
me more than the riot police, because what it has done is
justify further violence against the protesters. They have
said that "police have been too lenient." The police have
used teargas, pepper spray, clubs, rubber bullets, and
marbles against peaceful civilians in downtown Seattle.
The only thing they haven't done is used live amunition.
And in the event that greater violence occurs against
protesters, the media will have justified it.
[PASS] a prime anarchist short snippet.
Rally this Sunday, December 12
Stafford, California (basically if you're reading this
right now, you're missin')
As another winter of high winds and freezing rain pounds Northern
California, 25-year old Julia Butterfly Hill will reach her second year
sitting 180' high in a giant redwood called Luna on Friday, December 10,
1999. A rally will be held to honor her efforts on Sunday, December 12,
at 10am in Stafford, California in Humboldt County, 240 miles north of San
Francisco on Highway 101. A benefit concert featuring Bonnie Raitt and
Joan Baez is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8 in Redway, CA.
Julia has been keeping this tree-top vigil on a tarp-covered platform
to stop Maxxam/Pacific Lumber Company from completing a timber harvest
plan that dooms the 1,000-year-old redwood tree she has called home
since 1997.
Second black mesa memory
by marco
I pull up to a gas station in hopiland behind
a guy in a nice ride who's honking at the man
with the medium length black hair in the attendants
There's a restaurant behind him. I remember having
had a hopi taco or a navajo taco - I never remember the
difference. And a salad.
The man's hollaring out his window, "could you hurry up?
I got places to go."
"I'll be out in a second." He's looking down concentrating
on something and there's a glow surrounding him. I cut the
motor and go in and get a soda to go. Somewhere between
lukewarm and cold.
"Hurry up" says the man in the shiny car.
"Hold your horses," man looking down.
I come out, pop the soda top, wander over to the man
looking down. Still aglow.
"Wow," I say, "whatcha makin'?"
"Gotta get to a stopping point for some belagonna."
"I know whatcha mean," I tell him, and
"Wow, that's wood? It's beautiful."
"Thanks," he says. "I'm trying to finish it today."
He smiles and looks at me for the first time. I smile back.
I go back in my van and play some guitar. In a little while
he comes out and starts pumping gas for me first so the guy in the
shiny car calls him a "fkkng injn bsstrd, I was here first."
The man in the medium length black hair waves to him and doesn't
look up, just finishes my gas, makes change and goes back in to
put his money away before waiting on the guy in the shiny car.
I drive off wracking my brain trying to remember who in my
family taught me to hold my horses. I don't remember 'til the
next day I'm herding sheep. It's my swedish boatbuilder grandfather
the carpenter in connecticut. He's about 85 now. Lives in one
of the Masonic Home and Hospitals. We don't agree on very much.
Just taking deep breaths first thing in the morning for a long
time before starting your day.
I can't wait to visit him this December.
He's one of my heros.
(A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S)
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"may you not encounter a snake in your path..."