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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
AL Computer Crime Act, Code of Alabama, Sections 13A-8-100 to 13A-8-103
AK Statutes, Sections 11.46.200(a)(3), 11.46.484(a)(5),
11.46.740, 11.46.985, 11.46.990
AZ Revised Statues Annotated, Sections 13-2301(E), 13-2316
CA Penal Code, Section 502
CO Revised Statutes, Sections 18-5.5-101, 18-5.5-102
CT General Statutes, Sections 53a-250 to 53a-261, 52-570b
DE Code Annotated, Title 11, Sections 931-938
FL Computer Crimes Act, Florida Statutes Annotated, Sections
815.01 to 815.07
GA Computer Systems Protection Act, Georgia Codes Annotated, Sections
16-9-90 to 16-9-95
HI Revised Statutes, Sections 708-890 to 780-896
ID Code, Title 18, Chapter 22, Sections 18-2201, 18-2202
IL Annotated Statutes (Criminal Code), Sections 15-1, 16-9
IN Code, Sections 35-43-1-4, 35-43-2-3
IO Statutes, Sections 716A.1 to 716A.16
KS Statutes Annotated, Section 21-3755
KY Revised Statutes, Sections 434.840 to 434.860
LA Revised Statutes, Title 14, Subpart D. Computer Related Crimes,
Sections 73.1 to 73.5
ME Revised Statutes Annotated, Chapter 15, Title 17-A, Section 357
MD Annotated Code, Article 27, Sections 45A and 146
MA General Laws, Chapter 266, Section 30
MI Statutes Annottated, Section 28.529(1)-(7)
MN Statutes (Criminal Code), Sections 609.87 to 609.89
MI Code Annotated, Sections 97-45-1 to 97-45-13
MS Revised Statutes, Sections 569.093 to 569.099
MT Code Annotated, Sections 45-2-101, 45-6-310, 45-6-311
NE Revised Statutes, Article 13(p) Computers, Sections 28-1343 to 28-1348
NV Revised Statutes, Sections 205.473 to 205.477
NH Revised Statutes Annotated, Sections 638:16 to 638:19
NJ Statutes, Title 2C, Chapter 20, Sections 2C:20-1, 2C:20-23 to 2C:20-34,
and Title 2A, Sections 2A:38A-1 to 2A:38A-3
NM Statutes Annotated, Criminal Offenses, Computer Crimes Act, Sections
30-16A-1 to 30-16A-4
NY Penal Law, Sections 155.00, 156.00 to 156.50, 165.15 subdiv. 10,
170.00, 175.00
NC General Statutes, Sections 14-453 to 14-457
ND Century Code, Sections 12.1-06.1-01 subsection 3, 12.1-06.1-08
OH Revised Code Annotated, Sections 2901.01, 2913.01, 2913.04, 2913.81
OK Computer Crimes Act, Oklahoma Session Laws, Title 21, Sections
OR Revised Statutes, Sections 164.125, 164.377
PA Consolidated Statutes Annotated, Section 3933
RI General Laws (Criminal Offenses), Sections 11-52-1 to 11-52-5
SC Code of Laws, Sections 16-16-10 to 16-16-40
SD Codified Laws, Sections 43-43B-1 to 43-43B-8
TN Code Annotated, Computer Crimes Act, Sections 39-3-1401 to 39-3-1406
TX Codes Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 33, Sections 33.01 to 33.05
UT Computer Fraud Act, Utah Code Annotated, Sections 76-6-701 to 76-6-704
VA Computer Crime Act, Code of Virginia, Sections 18.2-152.1 to
WA Revised Code Annotated, Sections 9A.48.100, 9A.52.010, 9A.52.110 to
WI Statutes Annotated, Section 943.70
WY Statutes, Sections 6-3-501 to 6-3-505
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Brendan Kehoe - Widener Sun Network Manager - brendan@cs.widener.edu
Widener University in Chester PA A Bloody Sun-vs-Dec War Zone
"Well you can't expect to wield supreme executive power cause some
some watery tart threw a sword at you!" - Barbara Bush to Dan Quayle