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Newsgroups: rec.games.chinese-chess
Subject: rec.games.chinese-chess FAQ (part 1 of 2)
Date: 31 Jan 1995 22:13:26 -0600
Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway
Lines: 537
Sender: nobody@cs.utexas.edu
Message-ID: <950131201449.20224f5b@ALM.ADMIN.USFCA.EDU>
NNTP-Posting-Host: news.cs.utexas.edu
This posting is intended to address Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
about the game of Chinese chess (otherwise known as "xiangqi" or
"elephant game" or "co tuong"). Corrections, additions, suggestions, etc.,
should be sent to Stephen Leary at al269@yfn.ysu.edu.
"The FAQ belongs to the readers of rec.games.chinese-chess."
The FAQ is now divided into two parts. Questions 1-13 are in Part 1;
Questions 14-20 are in Part 2.
Posting Frequency: every two weeks
Last Update: November 27, 1994
New since last posting:
7. What Are Some Common Opening Moves?
14. Is There Any Software Available?
15. Can I play Opponents By Using My Computer?
INDEX of Questions:
1. What is Chinese Chess?
2. What does the board look like?
3. What are the pieces & how do they move?
4. What are the rules of the game?
5. What are the values of the pieces?
6. What kind of notation is used?
7. What are some common opening moves?
8. Are there any proverbs for this game?
9. Are there any basic guidelines for handicap play?
10. Can you recommend a few good books?
11. Where can I buy books?
12. Can you recommend some magazines?
13. Where can I buy sets?
14. Is there any software available?
15. Can I play opponents by using my computer?
16. Are there any clubs where I can find opponents?
17. Is there a Chinese chess version of the United States Chess Federation?
18. What are some of the top tournaments?
19. Who are some of the strongest players around the world?
20. Are there any variants?
1. What is Chinese Chess?
Chinese chess is a chess-like game which is especially popular in the
Far East: China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, etc.
The strongest players and tournaments can be found in these countries.
As would be expected, most of the materials published on Chinese chess
are written in the languages of this region: most notably, Chinese and
Vietnamese. As Asians continue to immigrate to Europe and North
America, the level of Chinese chess skill on these continents can be
expected to improve and more materials should become available in
western languages, such as English, French, and German. Also, more
westerners should be expected to become interested in the game and
improve their level of expertise.
Chinese chess is NOT any of the following games: Shogi, Japanese chess,
go, wei chi, weiqi, Chinese checkers, western chess, Korean chess,
Thai chess, Makrook, Malaysian chess, Mah Jong, Sic bo, Pai gow.
2. What does the board look like?
It looks like this (along with the starting position of the pieces):
r---n---m---g---k---g---m---n---r 9
| | | | \ | / | | | |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 8
| | | | / | \ | | | |
+---c---+---+---+---+---+---c---+ 7
| | | | | | | | |
p---+---p---+---p---+---p---+---p 6
| | | | | | | | |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5
| R I V E R |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4
| | | | | | | | |
P---+---P---+---P---+---P---+---P 3
| | | | | | | | |
+---C---+---+---+---+---+---C---+ 2
| | | | \ | / | | | |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1
| | | | / | \ | | | |
R---N---M---G---K---G---M---N---R 0
3. What are the pieces and how do they move?
Each side has the following pieces:
2 Rooks (R) (or chariots or carts)
2 Knights (N) (or horses)
2 Ministers (M) (or bishops or elephants)
2 Guards (G) (or assistants or counselors)
1 King (K) (or generals)
2 Cannons (C) (or catapults)
5 Pawns (P) (or soldiers)
The rooks move and capture as in chess
KNIGHTS .................8
The knights move and capture as in chess, with .................7
one important difference: they can be blocked. .................6
Example: if a knight sits on c2 and another piece .................5
(either your own or the opponent's) sits on c3, . river .
the knight cannot move to d4 or b4; but it could .................4
move to b0 or d0 or a1 or e1 or e3. If a knight ....R............3
sits on c2 and another piece is on d2, then it ....N.c..........2
cannot move to e1 or e3. ..............C..1
a b c d e f g h i
The ministers can move exactly two diagonal spaces at a time. They cannot
cross the river (see River below) to the other side of the board. It
captures on the square to which he is moving. A minister on g0 can move
to e2 or i2. If an opposing piece sits on e2, he can capture it.
If his own piece sits on e2, he cannot move there. If he sits on g0 and
another piece sits on h1, he cannot move to i2 because he is blocked.
The guards can move only 1 space diagonally, and cannot leave the
palace (see Palace below). They capture the same way they move.
The king moves as in chess, only he cannot move diagonally, only 1
square vertically or horizontally. The king must remain in the palace.
There is no castling as in chess.
Cannons move like rooks, as many squares vertically or horizontally as
they want, as long as there is no other piece in the way. However,
cannons capture by jumping over a piece to capture another piece.
Example: a cannon sits on e1; a knight sits on f1 (the piece can belong
to either side); and an opposing rook sits on h1. The cannon could
capture the rook by jumping over the knight. It can only capture by
jumping, and can jump over only one piece. If there were two pieces
between the cannon and the rook, then the rook could not be captured
by that cannon. The cannon cannot jump if it isn't going to capture
something, it must simply move like a rook.
Pawns move 1 square forward (never two, as is possible on the first
move in chess). While the pawn is on its own side of the board, it
captures by moving 1 square forward and taking an opposing piece that
may be sitting there (the pawns don't capture diagonally as in chess).
Once a pawn moves across the river onto the other side of the board,
it acquires an additional power: it can then move 1 square sideways
in addition to being able to move 1 square forward. On the other side
of the board, the pawn could then capture by moving sideways or forward.
The pawn can never move backward. The pawn does not promote when it
reaches the back rank of the opponent--it can then just move sideways.
The king and guards cannot leave the palace (except the guards who leave
when they are captured :-) ). If we call the king's starting point
e0, then the palace is defined as these 9 points: d0, e0, f0, d1, e1, f1,
d2, e2, f2.
The river is nothing more than an empty space in the middle of the
board dividing the two sides. A piece cannot move into the river--no one
can sit in the river because he would drown. It doesn't count as a space.
The word "river" is not printed on most sets; usually there are some
Chinese characters printed on it. The minister and guard are considered
purely defensive pieces because they cannot cross the river and attack
the opposing king. Once a piece crosses the river, it becomes more
important for attack than defense.
The pieces move on the intersections of the board, not in the spaces
between them, as in chess.
In chess, the player who moves first has the "white" pieces. In Chinese
chess, the player who moves first moves red pieces. The second player's
pieces are usually black or sometimes green or blue.
4. What are the rules of the game?
Here are some rules to remember:
a) the object of the game is to checkmate or stalemate the opponent.
This is accomplished by:
1. Placing the opponent in check so that he has no legal move
to get out of the check.
2. Stalemating your opponent so that he has no legal move (when you
stalemate your opponent, you win--it is not a draw as in chess).
b) Red usually moves first.
c) You cannot check your opponent indefinitely by moving the same
piece to the same squares (resulting in perpetual check and a draw
in chess). You can put the opponent in check 3 times in a row with
the same piece without either side moving any other piece. Generally
it's OK to go for 3 back-and-forths, so the total numbof allowed
checks is six.
d) Similar to the rule above, you cannot indefinitely "chase" an
opposing piece from one square to another if your opponent has no
other way to avoid losing the piece. If you move a rook to e5
threatening a cannon on e6, and your opponent's only move to avoid
capture is to move the cannon to f6, then you cannot keep chasing it
from e6 to f6 by moving from e5 to f5 indefinitely. The idea of
this rule and the rule above is to avoid perpetual check draws.
Some of these situations can be complicated but usually the person
who is initiating the perpetual move loop must break it off.
e) The two kings cannot face each other on the same file. If red's
king is on e1 and black's king is on e9 and there are no pieces
directly between them on the e-file, then that is an illegal
position. If black's king is the only piece on the f-file, then red's
king on the e-file cannot move to the f file.
f) When neither side can checkmate or stalemate the opposing king,
the game is a draw.
For Draft copies of the Asian Xiangqi Federation & China Xiangqi
Federation versions of the rules, ftp to: dec06.cs.monash.edu.au.
The file "Rules" is in the path: /pub/oyang/Chinese_chess.
5. What are the values of the pieces?
Here are some rough values, which of course, can change depending on
the game situation or how skillful a particular player is in maneuvering
a particular piece (these values are recognized by Mainland authorities
& are generally sound for all stages of the game):
Rook 9
Cannon 4.5
Knight 4
Minister 2
Guard 2
Pawn 2 (after crossing river)
Pawn 1 (before crossing river)
6. What kind of notation is used?
It seems every writer or organization uses different notation. We are
generally following ICCS notation in the FAQ for compatibility:
the rows are A to I from left to right (from red's viewpoint), and
the files are number 0-9 from bottom of the board to the top.
Other notations are AXF, algebraic, and Xiangqi Review.
7. What are some common opening moves?
The Central Cannon is the most popular. Red moves Ch2-e2. Black usually
replies with Ch7-e7 or Nh9-g7 or Nb9-c7.
The Minister's (or Bishop's) opening was popularized by Hu RongHua.
The starting move is Mg0-e2.
Other starting moves are Pc3-c4 or Pg3-g4 or Nh0-g2.
Here is XiangQi Review's listing of common XiangQi openings:
------------- -----------------------
Opening Moves Opening Name in English
------------- -----------------------
1. C2=5 Central Cannon Opening
1. C2=5 C8=5 Cannon's Defense
1. C2=5 C2=5 Counter Cannon Defense
1. C2=5 N8+7 2.... C2=5 Counter Cannon Deferred
1. C2=5 N8+7 2. N2+3 N2+3 Two Knights' Defense [TKD]
1. C2=5 N2+3 2. N2+3 N8+9 One Knight's Defense
1. C2=5 N2+3 2. N2+3 R9+1 Accelerated One Knight
1. C2=5 N2+3 2. N2+3 C8=6 Pseudo Two Knight' Defense
3. R1=2 N8+7
1. C2=5 N2+3 2. N2+3 P7+1 Paired Canons Defense
3. R1=2 R9+2
1. C2=5 N2+3 2. N2+3 R9+1 Right Paired Cannons Defense
3. R1=2 C8-1
1. C2=5 N8+7 2. N2+3 R9=8 The Left Piston
3. R1=2 C8+4
1. C2=5 N8+7 2. N2+3 R9=8 Tiger Formation
3. .... C8=9
1. C2=5 C8+1 Stacked Cannons Defense
1. P3+1 or P7+1 Pawn Opening
1. N2+3 Knight Opening
1. B3+5 Bishop Opening
1. C2=6 Long Cannon Opening
1. C2=4 Short Cannon Opening
1. C2=3 Short Pawn Cannon Opening
1. C2=7 Long Pawn Cannon Opening
1. C2=1 Side Cannon Opening
1. C2+2 Border Cannon Opening
1. P9+1 Side Pawn Opening
1. N8+9 Side Knight Opening
1. G4+5 Guard Opening
Others Irregular Openings
8. Are there any proverbs for this game?
Most Chinese chess proverbs are slight "exaggerations" of the truth:
* When my opponent's cannon moves to the middle, my knight jumps up
front. (For the most common opening.)
* If a rook is not moved within the first 3 moves, it is dead.
* A pawn is as powerful as a rook after it crosses the river.
* An old pawn is as good as none ("old" when on opponent's back rank)
9. Are there any basic guidelines for handicap play?
Rook Odds
The side giving odds as red plays without the left rook. There are 3
"iron" pieces. Red's leftmost pawn, left knight and left cannon can't
be captured unless they've moved.
2 Knights Odds
Red plays without his knights. "Iron" center pawn. Red's center pawn can
be captured only by check & only by the piece giving check.
Knight and Move(s) Odds
The side giving odd plays black and without his left knight; red makes
1 or more moves before black replies (possible red moves--see Moves Odds).
1 Knight Odds
Red plays without his left knight.
4 Plus Moves Odds
The side receiving odds plays red & makes 4 or more moves before black
moves. No pieces except pawns can be moved to the player's own river
edge for these 4 (or more) moves.
3 Moves Odds
The side receiving odds as red makes 3 moves before black replies.
About equal to 1 knight odds. No pieces are allowed to cross the river
during these 3 initial moves.
2 Moves Odds
Side receiving odds as red makes 2 moves.
1 Move Odds
The side receiving odds plays red.
Less Than 1 Move Odds
Half-move odds would be playing 2 games as red & 1 as black.
Agree to the conditions before play begins to avoid disputes.
Giving cannon odds is rare & much harder than giving knight odds.
[Handicap info from XiangQi Review.]
10. Can you recommend a few good books?
There are really only 3 books in English that are widely available:
1. Chinese Chess by H.T. Lau.
Basic rules, opening, middle and endgame play. Many exercises.
Material needed to win or draw various endings. Descriptions of
popular opening variations.
2. Chinese Chess for Beginners by Sam Sloan.
English-speaking Chinese chess fans needed a book like this;
unfortunately, Sloan wrote it. Filled with exaggerations & misleading
statements. An alleged "entertaining" writing style that some might
call juvenile. Still, some useful information. The revised edition
contains some new things & not many corrections.
3. Let's Play Chinese Chess by B. Constantino. 1988. From Hong Kong.
Other books in English you might find in a library or old book store:
3. Hsiang Ch'i: The Chinese Game of Chess by Terence Donnelly.
4. A Manual of Chinese Chess by Charles Wilkes.
5. The Chess of China by Dennis Leventhal. (A good read, if you find it.)
6. Shang Chi--The Chinese Chess by Chen-Chih Sun.
Other books which have chapters on Chinese chess:
The Board Game Book. Bell, R.C. 0-85685-447-6. p24-25. 2 page spread
including board. Paper/card pieces with the book.
Board and Table Games of Many Civilisations. Bell, R.C. 0-486-23855-5.
Games Ancient and Oriental and How to Play Them (Dover reprint of
19th C book). Falkener, Edward. 0-486-20739-0. p 143-145. Scholarship
of this book is suspect.
Chess Variations: Ancient, Regional & Modern. Gollon, John. Tuttle,
1985. Describes Chinese chess, Korean chess, and 3-way Chinese chess.
Oriental Board Games. Pritchard, David.
11. Where can I buy books?
Chinese Chess & Let's Play Chinese Chess are both available from:
Yutopian Enterprises
4964 Adagio Ct
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 659-0138
FAX: (510) 770-8913
Chinese Chess for Beginners is published by:
Ishi Press International
76 Bonaventura Dr
San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 944-9900
Ishi Press International
20 Bruges Place
London NW1 0TE United Kingdom
Chinese Chess by H.T. Lau is available from:
Charles E. Tuttle Co.
PO Box 410
28 S. Main St.
Rutland, VT 05702
The Chinese Chess Institute sells some books written in Chinese. A
translation guide is provided. Some new titles: 7th Asian Cup--
Complete Game Records (in English, $15 for subscribers); Xiangqi Opening
Highlights (in Chinese), $12. They are also working on some things
in English for beginners. See address for XiangQi Review above.
David Wurman has written two well-regarded books in German:
1. Chinesisches Schach/Koreanisches Schach. 1991. 350 pages.
Price: DM 48 (about $32)
2. Chinesisches Schach Leicht Gemacht! Regeln. Tricks und Taktik.
1993. 192 pages. Price: DM 14.90 (about $9.25)
These books may be ordered from Wurman at this address:
David Wurman
c/o Haya Wurman
3.A Keller St
Hacarmel, Haifa 34483
12. Can you recommend some magazines?
1. XiangQi Review is the best English language publication. It is
published 6 times a year, usually 20 pages. $10/year in US, or
$15/year overseas. Address is:
Chinese Chess Institute
PO Box 5305
Hercules, CA 94547-5305
2. Chinese Chess Newsletter. Published from England, so focuses on
Europe. The "usual" subscription rate is 10 pounds a year. Not much
on production quality but contains useful news. Recent information
suggests this newsletter is only published sporadically at this time.
C.K. Lai
12 Lagan House
Sumner Rd
London SE15 5RB England
3. Chinese Chess News/Korean Chess. The copy I have is one 8 1/2 by 11
sheet of paper, typewritten on both sides. Some news and addresses
for Chinese chess and information on Korean chess.
David Rockwell
8514 Trumbull Ave
Skokie, IL 60076-2440
Or, if writing from Europe:
Malcolm Horne
10B Windsor Square
Exmouth, Devon
EX8 1JU England
4. Xiangqi Mi Tong Bao. In Italian. Recent information suggests
this magazine may have suspended publication at this time.
Agostino Guberti
Via Don Gnocchi 20/D
20075 Lodi (Milano), Italy
5. Variant Chess: The Magazine to Expand Your Chess Horizons
Peter Wood
39 Linton Rd, Hastings,
East Sussex, TN34 1TW
England 4 issues per year
1-year subscription: 7 pounds (UK), 8 pd (surface), 9.5 pd (air)
This newsletter includes a column on Chinese chess, as well as
information on shogi and chess variants.
13. Where can I buy Sets?
From Yutopian Enterprises or Ishi Press or at your nearest Chinatown
if you live near a large city, or from Chinese or Vietnamese grocery
& gift shops in smaller cities.
Yutopian Enterprises sells a selection of sets & books. Either
write to the address given above, or contact them on the Internet.
Their address is: yutopian@netcom.com.
(End of FAQ Part 1. Continued in FAQ Part 2.)
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Newsgroups: rec.games.chinese-chess
Subject: rec.games.chinese-chess FAQ (Part 2 of 2)
Date: 31 Jan 1995 22:14:04 -0600
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rec.games.chinese-chess FAQ (Part 2 of 2)
14. Is there any software available?
There are 5 commercial programs for DOS: Chinese Chess Master III,
Uncle Wang, XIAN, and Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess, and
"World Chess Series One: Chinese Chess."
Chinese Chess Master III (DOS version) $44.00
Supports Sound Blaster. 70% English screen. Easy to use. VGA display.
Good for advanced players. Beautiful graphics and 36 opponents to choose
from. Very strong. Beginners new to Chinese chess may want to select
a different program. The easiest opponent of Chinese Chess Master III
is very difficult to defeat, and you cannot change the strength level.
Not many features, just a really tough game. Ordering information:
No returns! Be sure that you know what you want before buying.
Foreign orders please add $20.00, otherwise send a Post Office US$
money-order to eliminate the extra $20.00 charge. Send a letter with
the product name, ship to address, phone number, check, the product
name to: (Foreign shipping (S/H) charge might vary)
P.O. BOX 91654
City of Industry, CA 91715-1654
(213) 344-8595
E-Mail bamboo@delphi.com
(California residents please add 8.25% sales tax.)
(Make check payable to Data Station)
Uncle Wang
Imperial Dragon Software
PO Box 4446
Tumwater, WA 98501
Price: $28
Features: 8 skill levels, position setup, save games, take back
moves, change sides.
Leong Jacobs, Inc.
2729 Lury Lane
Annapolis, MD 21401
$29.95 + $2 shipping
Features: 9 skill levels, position setup, save positions, take back
moves, change sides.
World Chess Series One: Chinese Chess (DOS)
Pachyderm Software
2124 Broadway, Ste 202
New York, NY 10023
(212) 875-1397
$39 (plus $4 shipping) NY residents add sales tax. Check or money order.
Notes: A new program. Features: multiple time & depth settings; position
setup; suggest moves; handicap play; modify piece values. Mouse support.
Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess (the weakest commercial program)
InterPlay Productions
3710 S. Susan, Ste. 100
Santa Ana, CA 92704
(714) 545-9001
(Exciting graphics)
All commercial programs mentioned above are available from:
Yutopian Enterprises
4964 Adagio Ct
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 659-0138
Fax: (510) 770-8913
Internet: yutopian@netcom.com
(Yutopian also carries Chinese chess books & sets)
For the Macintosh, there is a shareware program written by Tie Zeng
available on the Internet. Ftp to: mac.archive.umich.edu.
The program is in the path: /mac/game/board and is called
There are a few shareware DOS Chinese chess program available on the
Internet. Two are available via anonymous ftp at caissa.onenet.net.
The stronger program is currently in the path:
/pub/chess/DOS/OLD-STUFF/cch.zip. Type "play" to start. Unfortunately,
this program seems to freeze the computer after exiting from the
program. The other, weaker, program is in the path:
For information on Korean chess, and a couple Chinese chess
programs, as well as related items, get the file chichess.zip
from caissa.onenet.net in the path: /pub/chess/DOS/chichess.zip.
CCHVIEW is a popular database for viewing games from ICCS, games
posted to rec.games.chinese-chess, etc., or your own games.
Available via anonymous ftp at dec06.cs.monash.edu.au in the path
Opening analysis related to the "Wind Screen Horse" is available via ftp
at ftp.netcom.com in the path: /pub/damish/ws_horse.zip.
15. Can I play opponents by using my computer?
You can play real time games on the Internet Chinese Chess Server (ICCS).
Telnet to: coolidge.harvard.edu 5555 or 5555
Login with a name & choose a password. Type "help"
or "help intro" if you're new. To register your name after you
login, type "register [your e-mail address]." Chinese GM
Liu DaHua recently played on ICCS, along with Chinese Master
Cai FuRu.
International Chinese Chess Server Top 40 Players
Last edit : 1994-11-27
Total registered players: 1937
Total number of games played (approximately): 43441
Rank Name Rating Wins Losses Draws
1 lhh 2004 103 12 8
2 Alligator 1959 212 72 10
3 jeff 1951 124 53 7
4 mg 1951 186 40 13
5 NewYork 1918 88 23 12
6 wyabc 1907 172 99 11
7 elton 1903 36 11 9
8 haha 1898 132 71 6
9 ppfast 1891 93 59 21
10 BufuBuxin! 1880 92 11 0
11 greedy 1878 143 73 14
12 GODFATHER 1870 286 607 2
13 Frank 1853 51 5 8
14 weijie 1831 37 18 4
15 alibaba 1824 45 23 2
16 shark 1817 73 31 10
17 Communist 1816 52 8 1
18 pc386-25 1812 57 40 3
19 bell 1811 87 46 17
20 HJH 1807 162 45 0
21 AAA 1804 67 15 1
22 diana 1803 58 24 2
23 fcf 1776 27 8 1
24 got 1776 65 32 20
25 shu 1775 25 4 2
26 khuang 1772 540 224 52
27 Octpus 1768 187 108 39
28 naka 1765 81 48 4
29 birds-hunter 1757 69 35 6
30 Moir 1753 44 27 5
31 piranha 1751 36 14 2
32 Smith 1750 67 25 10
33 cell 1750 52 17 5
34 dij 1750 103 37 10
35 ilh 1744 221 226 18
36 xixi 1743 58 31 10
37 BB 1731 37 10 4
38 roma 1731 33 6 3
39 vp 1730 66 48 6
40 sho 1728 55 24 7
There is a European server in Sweden. Address is:
hippolytos.cd.chalmers.se 5555 or 5555
There is a Chinese chess server in Taiwan.
Address: port=5555
A PC client, ZUVGA, is available at caissa.onenet.net.
It is in the path: /pub/chess/uploads/DOS/zuvga060.zip.
An MS Windows client is available at dec06.cs.monash.edu.au.
It is in the path: /pub/oyang/Chinese_chess/iccsterm.zip.
An X Windows client is available at dec06.cs.monash.edu.au.
It is in the path: /pub/oyang/Chinese_chess/xiccc*.
You may also play real time Chinese chess on the Internet Go Server at
hellspark.wharton.upenn.edu 6969. You will probably have to use the
"shout" command to find players since most will be playing go. Do not
expect to play Chinese chess without difficulty here for the time being.
16. Are there any clubs where I can find opponents?
Los Angeles Chinese Chess Association
625 College St #203
Los Angeles, CA 90012
FAX: 1 818 308-3539
Phone: 1 213 628-0688
Chinese Community Cultural Service Center
1074 Stockton St
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone: 1 415 788-8948
Xiangqi Association of America
153-A Waverly Pl
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone: 1 415 391-1236
(According to XiangQi Review, this is a gambling joint.
Try the CCCSC above.)
New York Chinese Chess Association
21 Division St
New York, NY 10002
FAX: 1 212 966-7360
Phone: 1 212 219-8858
United East Athletic Association, Xiangqi Club
70 Mulberry St, Room 201
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 1 718 273-4915
Calgary Chinese Chess Association
107A Ng Tower Center
115 - 2nd Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA T2P 3C6
FAX: 1 403 288-1897
Phone: 1 403 247-4808
Edmonton Chinese Chess Association
9645 - 101A Ave
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T5H 0Y1
FAX: 1 403 429-3383
Phone: 1 403 424-2850
Montreal Chinese Chess Association
8655 Forbin Janson
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H1K 2J8
FAX: 1 514 861-6223
Phone: 1 514 352-0288
Toronto Xiangqi Association
4790 Creditview Rd
Mississauga, Ontario, CANADA L5M 5M4
(416) 492-7581
FAX: 1 905 821-9947
Phone: 1 905 819-8263
Vancouver Chinese Chess Association
2/F, 21 E, Pender St
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V6A 1S9
FAX: 1 403 646-7243
Phone: 1 604 682-2999
Winnipeg Xiangqi Association
33 Surfside Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA R3X 1P2
FAX: 1 204 256-3892
Phone: 1 204 253-5325
United Kingdom Chinese Chess Association
12 Lagan House, Sumner Rd
Phone: 44 81 693-4779
German Xiangqi Association
Buttstrasse 50,
D-22767 Hamburg 50, GERMANY
FAX: 49 40 385-337
Holland Chinese Chess Association
Oltmanstraat 20,
NL-3842 ZX Harderwijk, HOLLAND
FAX: 31 3410 20221
Phone: 31 3410 18909
Italian Xiangqi Association
Via Don Gnocchi
20D, 20075 Lodi (Milano) ITALY
FAX: 39 371 420-451
Phone: 39 371 430-282
Association de Xiangqi en France
52 bd Serrurier
75019 Paris, FRANCE
FAX: 33 1 458-41005
Phone: 33 1 458-21005
Australia Xiangqi Association
Dept of Medicine, Level 5, Block 5
Monash Medical Centre
Clayton Rd
Clayton, VIC 3168 AUSTRALIA
FAX: 61 3 563-2578
Phone: 61 3 364-9972
Chinese Xiangqi Association
No. 80 Tian Tan Dong Rd
Beijing 100061 CHINA
FAX: 86 1 701-5176
Phone: 86 1 701-1614
Taipei Chinese Chess Association
2/F, 248 Yin Pin Bei Rd, 2nd Lane
FAX: 886 2 557-4364
Phone: 886 2 553-3741
Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association
Flat E/F, 4/F Wang Cheung Commercial Bldg
249-253 Reclamation St
Kowloon, HONG KONG
FAX: 852 770-8072
Phone: 852 771-3751
Singapore Xiangqi General Association
79-B, Lorong 8
Geylang Singapore 1439 SINGAPORE
FAX: 65 345-4247
Phone: 65 340-5136
Thailand Xiangqi Association
78 Soipantachit 2 Lanes, Mytricht Rd
Bangkok, THAILAND 10100
FAX: 66 2 226-5732
Phone: 66 2 221-6204
Viet-Nam Hochiminh City Dist. 5 Chess Assn
100/6B Hung-Vuong F.9.Q.5
Hochiminh City VIETNAM
FAX: 84 8 325-236
Phone: 84 8 350-003
Indonesia Chinese Chess Association
Jl. Per Agalan I No. 35
FAX: 62 21 354-235
Phone: 62 21 808-2443
Malaysia Chinese Chess Association
11, Jalan Sultan, 5000
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
FAX: 60 3 238-9045
Phone: 60 3 238-1113
Sabah Chess Association Union
PO Box 792
90008 Sandakan
FAX: 60 89 272-282
Phone: 60 89 272-277
Japan Xiangqi Association
4-1-15 Shimoigusa, Suginamiku
Tokyo 167 JAPAN
FAX: 81 3 371-67169
Phone: 81 3 390-44368
Philippines Federal Chess Enthusiast Assn
Room 219, 945 Gandara St
FAX: 63 2 530-1170
Phone: 63 2 486-218
Associacao De Xadrez Chines De Macau
Av. Do Almt. Lacerda 89A EDF.
Luenfung No. 1 A MACAU
FAX: 853 210-110
Phone: 853 210-110
Brunei Chinese Chess
Blk C, #3 Abd Razak Complex Gadong 3180
PO Box 946 Bandar Seri Begawan 1909
BRUNEI Darussalam
FAX: 673 2 426-191
Phone: 673 2 424-307
17. Is there a Chinese chess version of the United States Chess Federation?
No. Organization of Chinese chess in the United States lags behind
most other countries, including those in Europe. Also, Europe seems
to enjoy a great deal of cooperation between Asian "experts" and
western "novices," unlike the situation in the US. Chinese chess
"organization" in the US is basically confined to Chinatown clubs,
which are not usually as accessible as the tourist shops. A suggestion
for future development would be to organize Chinese chess activities at
regular chess or go clubs & then try to branch out on your own after a
regular clientele has been established. Perhaps try to find a local
Chinese chess expert who would agree to give a simul or lecture to
drum up interest.
18. What are some of the top tournaments?
Here are most of the top Asian events, and the organization
each is affiliated with:
A. China Xiangqi Association
1. 5 Ram Cup
Held in Guangzhou in December or January; entrance is
limited to Chinese National Champions.
Current champion: Xu YinChuan
2. YinLi Cup
Held in Guilin.
Current champion: Xu TianHong
3. Chinese National Team Championship
Held first half of each year (usually April to June);
most recently held in Nanjing.
Current champion--men: Shanghai
women: Jiangsu
4. Chinese National Championship
Held second half of each year (usually August to December);
Current champion: Tao HanMing
B. Asian Xiangqi Federation
1. Asian Cup [Team]
Held every even-numbered year since 1980 (October to
November usually). China has won the men's and women's
trophies every time.
Current champion--men: China
women: China
2. Asian Cities Individual Championship
Held odd-numbered years, timing varies; most recently held
in Bangkok, 1993.
Current champion: Hu RongHua
C. World Xiangqi Federation
1. The World Cup
The 4th World Cup will be held in 1995 in Singapore. Cycle
frequency has not been established.
Current champion--men: Xu TianHong
women: Hu Ming
team: China
non-Chinese: Mei QingMing (Vietnam)
All of the above listed tournaments are essentially "closed" events,
meaning that unless you are invited, you cannot participate. CXA events
are for mainland Chinese only. AXF events are for their 12 Asian
member nations. The only tournament above that is open to "foreigners"
is the World Cup, which is still by invitation only.
Other Tournaments:
JiaBo Cup [Team] (CXA)
Match between Shanghai and Guangdong.
Current champion--men: Guangdong
women: tie
QiWang Title (CXA)
Current champion: Lu Qin
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Triangular Match [Team] (AXF?)
12 matches of this annual event (since 1979) have been played (except
for 3-year interruption due to Tiananmen incident). Guangdong has won
every match.
Current champion: Guangdong
European Championship
Current champion: C.K. Lai (England)
French Championship
Current Champion: Dang Tran Chung
AXF 12 Members:
Hong Kong
West Malaysia
East Malaysia
19. Who are some of the strongest players around the world?
Most of the strongest players live in China. Here are the Chinese
National Ratings for the first half of 1994:
Lu Qin 2571 (Recently defeated Li LaiQun for QiWang title)
Xu YinChuan 2521 (Current 5-Ram Cup Champ)
Zhao GuoRong 2520 (Two-time CN Champion--1990 & 1992)
Hu RongHua 2500 (Greatest player in Chinese chess history?)
Liu DaHua 2485 (Won Chinese National title in 1980 & 1981)
Li LaiQun 2485 (Tough times, lost QiWang & last in 5-Ram Cup)
Xu TianHong 2479 (Won Third World Cup & current YinLi Cup Champ)
Liu DianZhong 2440 (Breaks through to the top ten)
Liu Xing 2437 (Also new to the top ten)
Lin HongMin 2435 (Strong Shanghai player)
Zhang Qiang 2431
Zhuang YuTeng 2429
Bu FengBo 2417
Yan WenQing 2417
Yu YouHua 2412 (Drops out of the top ten)
Jiang QuanSheng2401
Wan ChunLin 2400
Tao HanMing 2399 (Just won 1994 Chinese National Championship)
Zhang Gang 2396
Xu Bo 2394
Huang ShiQing 2394
Hu Ming 2334 (On top now; Xie SiMing is inactive)
Huang YuYing 2285
Shan XiaLi 2267 (Dropped a lot of points; still third)
Lin Ye 2260
OuYang QiLin 2257
Gao Hua 2245
Wu Qun 2245
Chen ShuLan 2242
Liu BiJun 2228
Guo LiPing 2203
Wu KuiLin
Liang JinYi
Hong Kong
Chiu YuKuen
Mei QingMing
Shen Hao (formerly of Shanghai)
Lee KhengSoi
Teo SimHua
Ma WuLian
Li JiaQing
Chieng KuokWu
Chen JieYu
Ifan ChungMing
Huebner Robert (GM of chess)
Siewert Hans-Joachim
Yu JianGuo
Hu YunXi
Nastasio Davide
Guberti Agostino
Lee Michael
Gong Fan
Chien Chi
Yan TatSun
Ng Hak Lok
Der Lawrence
Yu Chou Jen
Li Chung
20. Are there any variants of Chinese chess?
A. Game of the Three Kingdoms
This game is supposed to illustrate the war of the Three Kingdoms:
Wei (blue), Shu (red) and Wu (green), A.D. 221-64. The lines of the
board are not straight throughout, and each army faces the other
two. The pieces consist of the regular 16, but also a different piece
(2 of them for each army). This piece in red's army is designated as (F)
for "fire." Blue's is called (B) for "banner" and green's is called (W)
for "wind." Their move is an extended knight's move: 2 steps vertically
or horizontally and then 1 step diagonally. In the initial position,
they each sit 2 spaces directly above the guards of each army.
When one of the Generals (who are named Wei, Shu, and Wu) is mated,
the player who has mated him removes the king from the board and
adds the remainder of his army to his own.
The board has 6 sides. 3 of the sides have 9 spaces across (where the
3 armies start). The other 3 sides have 10 spaces across, each.
The board is really 3 half regular boards, plus 12
squares (3 X 4 squares, each dividing each army's half board from
the others) & 1 triangle space (in the very center of the board).
A diagram of the board is given in H.R. Murray's book, "A History
of Chess."
R = Rook K = King F = Fire
H = Horse C = Cannon B = Banner
E = Elephant P = Pawn W = Wind
G = Guard
Here's my diagram of the board. Pretty good, huh? :-)
Blue Army (R)-+----+---(P)-|----|-(P)---+----+-(R) Green Army
(E)-----+-------(P)\ | | /(P)-------+-----(E)
(G) -----(B)---- \ \|----|/ \ / ---(W)------(G)
(K) + \ | | /\ + (K)
(G) \ \ | | / \ / (G)
(E) \ (P) \|----|/ (P) / (E)
(H) + (B) \ | | / \ (W) + (H)
(R) \ \ \ \|----|/ / / / (R)
+ (C) (P) \ / \ / \ / (P) (C) +
+ \ \ \ / \/ \ / / \/ +
(P) \ \ / \ /|\ / \ / / \(P)
\ / \ \ / | \ / / \ / /
+ \ \ / \ | / \ / / \ +
\ \ / \ \ | / / \ / /
+ \ \ \ | / / / +
\ \ \ \ | / / / /
Red Army
B. Half-Board Variant
Here is another Xiangqi variant, as given in Xiangqi Review
(Volume II, Number 5). You only use half the board, but all
32 pieces.
Turn over all 32 pieces, so you can't see what they are, and mix
them all well. Then put them all face-down on the *squares* of
a half-board--not on the intersections, on the squares, like in
western chess.
After deciding who goes first, the first player chooses a piece
to turn over, which constitutes one move. Then the second player
turns over a piece. The players then alternate, either turning
over another piece or making a move with a piece already turned up.
All the pieces move the same way--one square up, down, right, or
left, but not diagonally. You can move a piece onto any adjacent
empty square, or onto an adjacent square occupied by another
piece by capturing that piece, if legal. The captured piece is
then removed from the board. Moving is compulsory, capturing not.
The men rank in this order:
king -> Rook -> Horse -> Cannon -> Bishop -> Guard -> Pawn -->> King
Each piece can take any piece that's equal or lower in rank. The
exception is that a pawn *can* take a king!
A game is won when you have captured all men from your opponent, or
when he resigns. Checkmating the king doesn't end the game, draws
are rare.
Material gain is the highest objective. Be careful when capturing
that your piece isn't trapped or lost to another higher piece.
There is no checking or hitting violations, no repetition prohibitions.
Force your opponent to take risks by having to turn over unknown
pieces next to his. In some positions, the rook may even be worth
more than the king.
C. Seven Warring States Variant
Name of Game: Qiguo Xiangxi (7 Warring States Chess)
There are a total of 120 pieces used in this variant symbolizing the
seven Warring States (403-221 B.C.) period. This variant was created
by Guang Si-ma.
The Zhou (kingdom) has 1 piece (at the center point of the board).
Each of the 7 Warring States has 17 pieces.
The Zhou piece is yellow (central space)
Qin is white (starts in west position)
Chu is red (south position)
Qi is indigo (dark blue) (east position)
Yan is black (north position)
Han is cinnabar (orange-red) (south position)
Wei is green (east position)
Zhao is purple (north position)
General (Jiang)
Each of 7 states has 1 General. He moves vertically,
horizontally, or diagonally with no limit on distance
(like the queen in western chess).
Deputy General (Pian1)
Each army has 1 Deputy General. He moves vertically or
horizontally with no limit on distance (like the rook).
Officer (Bi4)
Each army has 1 Officer. He moves diagonally
without limit (like the bishop in western chess).
The Generals, Deputy Generals, and Officers are viewed
as being mounted on chariots (elephants were not used in China,
though the Xiang character is used in the game's name).
Diplomat or Liaison Officer (Xing2ren2)
Each army has 1 Diplomat. He moves vertically,
horizontally, or diagonally without limit (like the queen
in western chess). But he may not engage in combat, and
may not be killed.
Cannon (Pao)
Each army has 1 cannon. It moves vertically or
horizontally without limit. There must be an intervening
piece for it to attack another piece (it moves just like
modern-day cannon).
Archers (Gong1)
Each army has 1 (unit of) Archers. The unit moves
4 spaces (on each move) vertically, horizontally, or
Crossbowmen (Nu3)
Each army has 1 (unit of) Crossbowmen. The unit moves
5 spaces vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Swordsmen (Dao1)
Each army has 2 units of Swordsmen. Each unit moves
1 space diagonally.
Broadswordsmen (Qian?)
Each army has 4 units of Broadswordsmen. Each unit moves
1 space vertically or horizontally.
Cavalry (Qi2)
Each army has 4 units of Cavalry. Each unit moves
4 spaces and moves similar to a knight--1 space in a
straight line and then 3 spaces diagonally.
If 7 people play the game, each takes 1 warring state. If 6 people play,
1 player takes both Qin and 1 other state in alliance with it. If 5
people play, then in addition to the Qin alliance, Chu is allied with
1 other state. If 4 people play, then in addition to the Qin and Chu
alliances, Qi is allied to another state.
When each player takes possession of 1 state, those states with which
they are allied are chosen by the players themselves. Both of the allied
states are directed by the choosing players, who must first take an oath
saying, "If either of the states under my command is lost, it will be
through my own carelessness." If 1 player orders an ally to attack a very
strongly defended state, he must first penalize himself by downing a glass
of liquor (or beer).
The order of play is: Qin, Chu, Han, Qi, Wei, Zhao, and Yan
(this order is counterclockwise beginning with the state in the west
in the initial position, which is Qin).
If a poor move is played, it may not be taken back (except if penalty is
agreed by players beforehand--glass of beer, lose next turn, etc.).
If anyone moves a piece incorrectly, he is penalized (either a lost move
or a shot of liquor, exact penalties at discretion of players themselves).
If a player attacks his own ally, then the entire army of that ally is
lost and removed from the board. Whenever a player is placed in check,
he may be penalized according to previously agreed upon penalty :-)
A player wins over another state by capturing that enemy's General. But
even if the General is not taken, a player can win by capturing more
than 10 other pieces of the opposing state. If an enemy has not yet lost
10 pieces and a player's own army loses more than 10, then that player's
own army is lost and removed.
At the end of the game, the player who has captured the most pieces is
the winner of the game. First the winner takes a victory drink (a special
drink that is not used for other purposes associated with this game),
then the losers take a drink.
Should 1 player have captured 2 Generals, or take a total of 30 lesser
pieces, he is declared Dictator, or Tyrant, or just Bully (Ba4). Once a
player has become Dictator, all the other states avow their submission
to him, and everyone drinks another round.
Relative value of pieces in their initial positions:
1 Cavalry unit is equal to any 2 units of Archers, Crossbowmen,
Swordsmen, or Broadswordsmen. A Cannon is equal to 3 units of same.
An Officer is equal to 4. A Deputy General is equal to 5.
The Zhou king is yellow and sits in the center to show respect for the
Son of Heaven. He has no army, does not engage in battle. Each of the
7 states has a particular color to reflect its directional position.
The Diplomats represent persuasive politicians who try to create
alliances among the states.
The Yi Zheng Retired Scholar Pei Zi-xi obtained a copy of the text of
this game's rules and had it engraved on wooden blocks so that it would
be widely transmitted. It was then printed on the day of the Lantern
Festival in the second year of the Kai-xi reign period (24 February 1206).
Game Board with Initial Position
G General
D Deputy General
O Officer
L Liaison Officer (Diplomat)
P Pao (Cannon)
A Archers
C Crossbowmen
S Swordsmen
B Broadswordsmen
H Horsemen (Cavalry)
Z Zhou King
Yan Zhao
Chu Han
Contributors to the FAQ (if I missed someone, let me know):
Michael J. Donohue, R.J. Hare, Timothy J. Lee, Roleigh Martin, Tero Sand,
Kawai Tam, Jeroen Tiggelman, David Woo, Jim Z. Yu, Elton Yuen