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*--* Qmodem Session Capture File *--*
*--* Qmodem Capture File 12/09/88 15:21:36 *--*
From: Leslie Simmons
To: All Msg #2, 04-Dec-88 00:36cst
Subject: poem
a man is not a man, until he makes one,and even then he's NOT
* Origin: Enterprise {Where No Man Has Woc'd Before} (Opus 1:150/401)
From: Londini
To: Sean Reifschneider Msg #3, 04-Dec-88 14:27cst
Subject: Re: Today's Smile
but all the fun is in offending and ethnic so a joke would be wasted if you
made fun of ethnics.
A rope walked into a bar and asked the bartender for a beer. the bartender
said ,"are you a rope?" the rope answered yes and the bartender told him that
he would have to leave since they don't serve ropes in this bar. The rope
left and stood on the street outside. A second rope came up and started to go
in the bar. the first rope said don't go in!, they don't serve ropes in
there. the second rope said , "don't be ridiculous"! so he went in and
ordered a beer. the bartender askedif he was a rope. the rope answered yes
and the bartender said that he would have to leave cause they didn"t serve
ropes. the first rope said ,"see?". they were both standing there when a
third rope came along. the two ropes said,"You can't go in there!". "why
not?" asked the third rope. "Because they don't serve ropes in there." Watch
this said the third rope. he tied him self up in a knot and messed up the top
of himself and went in and ordered a beer. The bartender said, "Are you a
rope?" The rope answered, "Nope, I'm afraid not."
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: MIDI THRU BBS 301-384-0351. (1:109/755)
*** There is a reply. See #126.
From: Londini
To: Julie Rhodes Msg #4, 04-Dec-88 14:47cst
Subject: Re: Unloading...
how many dead babies fit in a telephone booth?
1000, how do you get them out?
with a straw.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: MIDI THRU BBS 301-384-0351. (1:109/755)
From: Gregg Stanley
To: Gene Schoepp Msg #5, 04-Dec-88 19:08cst
Subject: Health
What is the difference between anal and oral thermometers?
The taste.
* Origin: Orac of CS/b (Opus 1:117/302)
From: Robert Ezell
To: Ron Sasson Msg #6, 04-Dec-88 22:11cst
Subject: Re: JOKE
Thats supposed to be "Eat at the 'Y'"...
* Origin: AMIGA MAGIC -390/6- WOC'en with the Amiga.... (Opus 1:390/6)
*** There is a reply. See #39.
From: Robert Ezell
To: All Msg #7, 04-Dec-88 22:13cst
Subject: Oj
Q. Whats the nicest 4 letter word???
A. "OOOH"!!!!
* Origin: AMIGA MAGIC -390/6- WOC'en with the Amiga.... (Opus 1:390/6)
*** There is a reply. See #13.
From: Eben Holiday
To: Sean Reifschneider Msg #8, 04-Dec-88 03:32cst
Subject: Re: Jesus
Hey buddy, are you saved, or what?
Don't you know that if you make fun
of Jesus, and reject his gift of eternal life, you're gonna burn?
Follow the Way, man, and give your life to the one who died for you.
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: The Asylum - Your Home For Insanity & Fun! 918-832-1462 (1:170/222)
*** There is a reply. See #20.
From: John Tod
To: Leonard Levin Msg #9, 04-Dec-88 13:57cst
Subject: Re: Boot camp
The Station Warrant Officer calls the Staff Sergeant in and informs him that
Private Smith's mother has just died and to tell him the sad news. The
Sergeant gets all the men lined up outside and says:
"Just a short announcement. Private Smith, your mother is dead."
Of course the man was overcome with grief and collapsed on the parade square.
The SWO heard the news and instantly called the Sergeant to the office. He
told the Sergeant to use a little more tact when telling someone bad news. He
told him that Private Jone's father had just passed away and to tell him. The
Sergeant lined all the troops up again and asked:
"Everyone whose father is living, take one step forward!! Where are
you going Jones!!"
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
*** There is a reply. See #128.
From: John Tod
To: Dave Hague Msg #10, 04-Dec-88 14:03cst
Subject: Re: Polish to go
There was a salesman who was trying to sell a house to this young couple. As
he was walking them through the house, he would open a window every so often
and yell "Green side up!!". This kept on for quite a while until the couple
asked him why he was yelling out the window "Green side up". I got a bunch of
Pollocks out there laying sod, the salesman said!!!
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
From: John Tod
To: Fran Mchugh Msg #11, 04-Dec-88 14:12cst
Subject: Re: RE: A Riddle
What is orange and sleeps six??
A city maintainance truck!!! (at least they are orange in this city)
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
From: John Tod
To: Bill Sullivan Msg #12, 04-Dec-88 14:14cst
Subject: Re: Frog
> Whats green and smells like pork?
> KERMITS Middle finger.
Whats brown and smells like ginger???
Fred Estaires face!!
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
From: John Tod
To: Jason Ornstein Msg #13, 04-Dec-88 14:15cst
Subject: Re: oj
Why do elephants have red eyes??
To hide in cherry trees!! Ever see an elephant in a cherry tree?? Good hiders,
What do you find between an elephants toes??
Slow natives!!
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: John Tod
To: Mike Kuhn Msg #14, 04-Dec-88 14:30cst
Subject: Re: Ugg...
How do you know if you had a good time at the party last night??
You wake up with a lump in your throat and a string hanging out of your mouth
and a smiling women in the bed with you!!
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
*** There is a reply. See #106.
From: John Tod
To: Michael Kortsen Msg #15, 04-Dec-88 14:33cst
Subject: Newfie woodstove
Did you here about the Newfoundland woodstove?? Its gauranteed to burn for 20
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
*** There is a reply. See #42.
From: John Tod
To: Troy Terew Msg #16, 04-Dec-88 14:37cst
Subject: Re: rabbits
> You've heard that people who masturbate tend to go blind
> and their hands fall off...
A little boy was caught masturbating by his father. His father told him he
would go blind if he kept doing that. The little boy asked if he could keep
doing it only until he needed glasses!!
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
*** There is a reply. See #129.
From: John Tod
To: Ron Bates Msg #17, 04-Dec-88 14:39cst
Subject: Re: Travel News..
I never fly. I think someone is nuts to trust their life to a machine that is
made of 100,000 parts all supplied by the lowest bidder!!
* Origin: NiteFiler * IFNA(163/114) * ANET(483/111) * (613)225-2989 * Ottawa
(Opus 1:163/114)
From: Areef Ishani
To: All Msg #18, 04-Dec-88 15:19cst
Subject: fun things
Question : How are soya bean burgers and dildos alike?Question: What
Answer: They're both meat substitutes.
--- ConfMail V4.00
* Origin: =The Aviation BBS= "AIRMAIL" Toronto, Ont 416-444-2028 (1:229/3)
From: Jeff Maziarz
To: The Penguin Msg #19, 04-Dec-88 19:15cst
Subject: Re: hahahahahahaha
A zen master is a master in Zen (as if you couldn't have guessed).
Basically, in Zen, you clear your mind of everyting, so that when you look
at things you asign no interpretation to it what-so-ever. When you have
acheved this, you can gain an intant, intuitive insight in to things. For
exemple, If you ask a Zen master what Zen is, he might say "It is the cloud
in the sky and the bird in the bush!" Anyone want to expand or comment?
Mommy mommy, I don't like tomato soup!
Shut up and eat it, you only get it once a month!
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: MY HOUSE BBS - Salem, NH (603)898-2349 {300-9600 HST Baud }
*** There is a reply. See #34.
From: A Wiser One
To: Craig Pfeifer Msg #20, 04-Dec-88 21:04cst
Subject: Re: Jesus
You have no idea what you're talking about Dip-----! First of all, it's
Jehovah. Take the time to look it up in the Dictionary, if you have one. And,
they don't have temples in which they worship or pray. Or should that be, prey
? The fact is that they will not participate in a prayer led by anyone that
believes differently then they do. And by inviting them in, they may stay.
* Origin: PC Solutions Sac CA 310MB HST (916)726-4272 485-2874 (Opus
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Eric Larson
To: Bryan Ackermann Msg #21, 04-Dec-88 20:33cst
Subject: Far Side Replacements
BA=> Now that Berke Breathed is on a two-year vacation from Far Side, my
BA=> local college paper has replaced the strip with a second-rate, Far
BA=> Side imitation. I know some papers are running Far Side reruns.
Only one problem with this, Berke Breathed is the author of Bloom County.
Gary Larson pens The Far Side.....
Too bad it's not a closer relation...
--- msged 1.943S ZTC
* Origin: Shockwave Rider, *Mac Support*, 315-673-4894 HST (1:260/330)
*** There is a reply. See #31.
From: Patty Pickett
To: All Msg #22, 04-Dec-88 15:00cst
Subject: Chicken.....
Anyone know why the chicken REALLY crossed the road?
Answer: To prove to the armadillo that it could be done!
* Origin: Dawn Patrol "Net 380 Host/Echo Coordinator at 9600 HST" (Opus
From: Sean Reifschneider
To: Kevin Murphy Msg #23, 04-Dec-88 05:43cst
Subject: Re: Steven Wright
I named my dog "Stay". So when I call him I say "Come here, Stay. Come Here,
Stay". He used to get all confused. Now he just ignores me and keeps on
I trried to open my house with my car key, and it started up. So I took it
for a ride around the block. I got pulled over, and the cop asked me where I
lived. I said "Right here."
I have a scale map of the world. Whenever somone askes me where I live, I
tell them "E-5".
* Origin: Forbidden Planet II,WOC'n RiverCity Austin TX! (Opus 1:382/10)
From: Ha Ha
To: Tony Criswell Msg #24, 04-Dec-88 17:20cst
Subject: Re: Golf jokes
That was a good one!
--- QuickBBS v2.03
* Origin: C.S.C. Is Humorous Now. Har Har Har Net/Node (1:116/31)
*** There is a reply. See #85.
From: Robert Ezell
To: All Msg #25, 05-Dec-88 15:52cst
Subject: OJ
Q. When do you know the relationship has leveled off???
A. When you start thinking about food!!!!
* Origin: AMIGA MAGIC -390/6- WOC'en with the Amiga.... (Opus 1:390/6)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Robert Ezell
To: All Msg #26, 05-Dec-88 15:53cst
Subject: OJ
Q. Whats 24 women in a box???
A. A case of Schlizt!!!!
* Origin: AMIGA MAGIC -390/6- WOC'en with the Amiga.... (Opus 1:390/6)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Max Hempel
To: All Msg #27, 05-Dec-88 20:32cst
Subject: jokes
Whats short and red and crawls up on a womans leg?
A home sick abortion! hahahahah!!
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: <*> M A X 'S 304 <*> (817)924-5458 (1:130/35.1110)
*** There is a reply. See #28.
From: Max Hempel
To: All Msg #28, 05-Dec-88 20:35cst
Subject: jokes
These two guys have a case of diarea, one of them asks the other one if he
wants to go get a couple of girls to go out on a date.
The other says "Well, I have a case of diarea." and the other one
says "well, bring it along, well drink it!" hahaha
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: <*> M A X 'S 304 <*> (817)924-5458 (1:130/35.1110)
*** Part of a conversation.
From: Astoroth Of 141/222
To: John Tod Msg #29, 05-Dec-88 02:34cst
Subject: Italian tires
I bet dago uphill, dago downhill, and when dago flat dago "wop" "wop" "wop".
By the way, have you heard of the new Jewish tires? They're called
Firestiens, they not only stop on a dime.. They pick it up!
--- AIBBS v2.25
--- ConfMail V3.31
* Origin: Excelsior AIBBS - Monroe CT 203-268-1222 [300/1200/2400]
From: Bob Rakov
To: Gene R. Lowry @ 902/1 Msg #30, 04-Dec-88 21:24cst
Subject: Lucas
> I have a buddy that drives a British auto, he has problems with the
> electrical system. He blames Lucas (the Prince of darkness).
As the former owner of a Triumph Bonneville motorcycle,MABOS
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