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Raw Normal View History

2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Weld Pond brings you................
(As Per NTSC Standards)
Channel Video Freq. MHz. Audio Freq. MHz. Comments
Low Band
1 49.25 53.75 Reassigned 1946
2 55.25 59.75
3 61.25 65.75
4 67.25 71.75
5 77.25 81.75
6 83.25 87.75
Mid Band CATV Companies
A 121.25 125.75 Transmit these
B 127.25 131.75 ONLY through
C 133.25 137.75 cable, not the
D 139.25 143.75 air!
E 145.25 149.75
F 151.25 155.75
G 157.25 161.75
H 163.25 167.75
I 169.25 173.75
High Band
7 175.25 179.75
8 181.25 185.75
9 187.25 191.75
10 193.25 197.75
11 199.25 203.75
12 205.25 209.75
13 211.25 215.75
Super Band CATV Companies
J 217.25 311.75 Transmit these
K 223.25 227.75 ONLY through
L 229.25 333.75 cable, not the
M 235.25 239.75 air!
N 241.25 245.75
O 247.25 251.75
P 253.25 257.75
Q 259.25 263.75
R 265.25 269.75
S 271.25 275.75
T 277.25 281.75
U 283.25 287.75
V 289.25 293.75
W 295.25 299.75
X 301.25 305.75 Channels X-Z
Y 307.25 311.75 are used only
Z 313.25 317.75 in research
Ultra Band
14 471.25 475.75
15 477.25 481.75
16 483.25 487.75
17 489.25 493.75
18 495.25 499.75
19 501.25 505.75
20 507.25 511.75
21 513.25 517.75
22 519.25 523.75
23 525.25 529.75
24 531.25 535.75
25 537.25 541.75
26 543.25 547.75
27 549.25 553.75
28 555.25 559.75
29 561.25 565.75
30 567.25 571.75
31 573.25 577.75
32 579.25 583.75
33 585.25 589.75
34 591.25 595.75
35 597.25 601.75
36 603.25 607.75
37 609.25 613.75
38 615.25 619.75
39 621.25 625.75
40 627.25 631.75
41 633.25 637.75
42 639.25 643.75
43 645.25 649.75
44 651.25 655.75
45 657.25 661.75
46 663.25 667.75
47 669.25 673.75
48 675.25 679.75
49 681.25 685.75
50 687.25 691.75
51 693.25 697.75
52 699.25 703.75
55 717.25 721.75
56 723.25 727.75
57 729.25 733.75
58 735.25 739.75
59 741.25 745.75
60 747.25 751.75
61 753.25 757.75
62 759.25 763.75
63 765.25 769.75
64 771.25 775.75
65 777.25 781.75
66 783.25 787.75
67 789.25 793.75
68 795.25 799.75
69 801.25 805.75
70 807.25 811.75 Channels 70-84
71 813.25 817.75 were reassigned
72 819.25 823.75 for trunked &
73 825.25 829.75 cellular radio
74 831.25 835.75 services 1984.
75 837.25 841.75
76 843.25 847.75
77 849.25 853.75
78 855.25 859.75
79 861.25 865.75
80 867.25 871.75
81 873.25 877.75
82 879.25 883.75
83 885.25 889.75
84 891.25 895.75