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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Downloaded by the Suspect
Most auto teller machines require an
ID card to retrieve money. The circuit
ry inside the machines has been made mo
re sophisticated year after year. After
the 3 highschool kids got $92,000 from
a machine in California in 1983, the F
BI investigated and found out how they
used cracked account numbers to gain a
ccess, the California Trade Commision i
mposed stricter regulations regarding t
he protection of bank teller machines.
The all-plastic ID cards which could be
easily forged with the right account n
umber and codes were replaced with undu
plicatable ones which had a special mat
erial only sensitive sensors in the mac
hines could detect. When faulty cards
were inserted in the machines, alarms w
ent off and guards were summoned. Lots
of good hackers were taken out of busin
ess this way. Now, not only is therea
special coating on the IDcards, but t
he codes also indicate social security
# and name, age and address of the owne
r. The computers were impenetrable, be
cause those carrying ID numbers and inf
o were unreachable by conventional phon
e lines. Codes were shipped via armor
ed car.
The phone line #'s used by the ID re
cords computers are all on the military
exchange, and an automatic tracer is a
lways included. My friend tried hackin
g this one with a sandbox attached, and
although he wasn't traced, the securit
y traced his hacked ID number. He told
me in a note he slipped me in the juvey
he's been put in. The security caught
him when they checked his ID number ag
ainst the backup copy at the supposed b
ank. If this isn't hard enough, the ba
nk's files are also checked against har
d copy backup files, unaccessable to yo
u know who (us!).
If anyone has any info that can he
lp us with this dilemma, please call!
9: Text Philez P-Z
[-]30 Minutes