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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
RAC is a host system used for getting into GEnie and AppleLink (a macintosh
bbs, Icon-driven!). It is run by General Electric, and has been referred to
by a lot of different names, e.g. RAC, GEIS, LCG, 6301, 4745, etc. depending
on who is on-line. There are no doubt other systems which can be gotten into
through RAC, but that's all we've found so far. The host computer, however,
often has test accounts on it. Once on the host, you can enter programs,
delete them, run them, edit them, list them, and catalog them. some of
these files arent actually programs at all, merely text files, which you
can look at. The system can thus be used as a simple BBS, nation wide, for
no cost.
The way to get into RAC is to dial Pacnet (1742 for 1200, 1743 for 2400, etc)
then type "63010000", and hit return. you dont need to use an NUI, as it is a
reverse charge number. You used to have to type "?R-63010000", but that has
been improved by TBS (The Bastard Squad - Telecom, you dummy). Once in, the
system will ask you for your "U#=" (user name) the Host one will be described
These User names used to work but don't anymore;
These User names still work as at 24/4/90;
Once on, note down any unusual messages if they seem suspicious. Then once
get "READY", type "CAT" to get a catalog of current files. You can list them
out by typing "LIS filename" and hitting return. If they need passwords,
it! So far, we've had no luck at all. Other commands are, "BYE" to log out,
"HEL" to log in again under a different user name, "EDI" to edit files and
"RUN filename" to run the files, e.g. "RUN o.to.d" runs an octal to decimal
For a list of all the RAC Commands, read the file "RACCMD.TXT"
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