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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Index to the Computer Underground Digest archives:
Last updated: 06/13/91.
To subscribe to the Computer Underground Digest, write to tk0jut2@niu.bitnet.
See the bottom of this file for information on submitting to the archives.
A shadow archive is being maintained in ftp.cs.widener.edu:pub/cud.
Also, an email server is now available by sending mail to
The Electronic Frontier Foundation's files have been moved to their
own area. Go to /pub/eff.
Directory Description
--------- -----------
ane Anarchy & Explosives Digest
ati The Activist Times Incorporated files
Files #4 and #9 are missing. [ They supposedly don't exist. ]
Contact akcs.groundzero@tronsbox.xei.com for info on
future issues.
bootlegger Bootlegger misc. info collections.
box various color box files
chalisti The Chalisti German Newsletter [ They're in German. Some
ambitious and talented linguicist care to translate 'em? ]
china CHINA Educational Infofiles
cud The Computer Underground Digest
Also: Niedorf Flash.
Contact tk0jut2@niu.bitnet for a subscription.
hackltd Hackers Limited newsletter.
hnet H-Net Digest. (Started June 1990) (None since)
kcah KCAH newsletter.
law Current computer crime laws and policies for various
states and countries.
(Everyone [law students especially] is encouraged to send
along other statutes...we want to build this area up to
[hopefully] a full set.)
lod The LOD/H Technical Journals
narc The Nuclear Anarchists/Phreakers/Hackers Digest
network various computing policies on various networks
nia The Network Information Access Newsletter.
Contact elisem@nuchat.sccsi.com for more information
about NIA.
papers various papers on a variety of topics. See the index for
more information (/pub/cud/papers/Index).
pha Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists newsletter.
phantasy Phantasy Newsletter
phrack PHRACK Magazine. (Phrack Classic as of #32.)
If you have trouble FTPing #32, get it in BINARY mode.
Contact ps@well.sf.ca.us for information about future issues.
phun PHun Magazine
pirate Pirate Magazine
ppp Phuckin' Phield Phreakers newsletter.
school computing policies at varous universities
synd The Syndicate Reports. [ If you have #18-19, please
send them in! We can't find them. ]
tap The TAP Magazine Online
All directories have a file called Index (mainly for email users) with the
exact names of the files and approximate size in KB. In addition, there are
some extra files in the cud directory:
Notes just a note about the Ripco BBS number in CuD issue 2.02 being
cud-arch this file, for email users.
chsun1.email.files a comprehensive list of files in the CuD archives
the first half is a list of relatively new files.
the second half is a list of the total archives
a similar file exists called chsun1.ftp.files
(linked to it), visible to ftp users.
Any requests for files to be added to the archives should be sent via email to
cudarch@cs.widener.edu, cudarch@chsun1.uchicago.edu, or tk0jut2@niu.bitnet.
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