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#%# %#%
#%# TRI : The Remote Informer %#%
#%# Volume 1 ------------------------------ January '88 %#%
#%# Issue #6 %#%
#%# %#%
#%# %#%
#%# Editors : Tracker, Ye Cap'n, Norman Bates, and The Reporter %#%
#%# %#%
* Batavia Student Suspected in $24,468 Scam
* REVIEW : Cusader's Tele-Net Scanner
* Theft Finess -- Getting long lasting codes
* The "new" Security System #7
* AT+T Introduces a new NetWork
-=+* Happy New Year! *+=- T H E H E A D L I N E S -=+* Happy New Year! *+=-
Looking for Writers!!!|Wheels N Waves disappears!|2 6 0 0 M a g a z i n e!
We're looking for good|Wheels N Waves, a popular|For those of you avid fans
articles nnd bits-o-|phreak board to many has|of 2600 Magazine, for lack
news to include in the|just disappeared! When we|of funds, they have had to
next issues of The|asked Party Beast, the|reduce thir publishing
Remote Informer. If|sysop why it was down, 8e^9ate to that of a quarte-
you have a complete|told us simply that he had|ly. Under the new publish-
article, or just some-|gotten tired of paying the|ing format hat they are
thing interesting you|phone bill. He has gotten|using, costs are high, and
found in the morning|a new job and doesn't have|the $15 they charge for a
paper, then drop us a|time to spend reparing|year's subscription does
line on one of the bbs|the bbs. So I guess we|not even cover the cost of
systems at the end of|bid farewell to annother|printing ONE issue for a
this file. We accept|good board... |year! By reducing the no.
feedback in either up-+==========================+of issus published each
load or message form. |Bates Motel to have 20egs|year, and in turn increas-
Those who supply info|--------------------------|ing the size, they hope to
will recieve full|The Bates Motel,one of our|cut down coss and stay in
credit. And if you are|main support bbs's, will|business. Please donate
a Sysop we'll include|soon be adding 20 megs of|what you can, (a yea''s
you bbs number at the|storage space, with th}ie|sub. is $15). Send check/
end of the article if|extra space will come more|m.o. o: 2600, PO box 752,
you want. |mesg bases, and a HUGE|Middle Island, NY 11953
-] The Editors |t.file library. |-] Norman Bates
Batavia Student Suspected in $24,468 Scam
Democrat and Chronicle
Dec 22nd
Rochester, NY
BATAVIA - A 17-year-old high school student is facing charges for his part
in a homecomputer scam that left Wisconsin County with a $24,468 phone
The youth is suspected of gaining illegal acess to telephone lines by
breaking computer codes, investigators said.
He then would share the codes with other home computer operators -
someimes called Hackers - so they could communicate via their computers
and charge the call to a third pary, Genesee County Assistant District
Attorney Robert Noonan said yesterday.
Possibly up to 100 people used it, Noonan said.
Investigators are discussing whether to take the case before a grand
jury or offer the outh a deal involving crimunal charges and restitution,
Noonan said.
The youth was not identified because he is not charged now.
In September another Genesee Countymman was believed to be the first
person in the state to be convicted under a recent computer-tampering law.
Robert F. Versaggi, 31, was convicted of two counts of second-degree
computer tampring involving telephones atKodak in Rochester.
The boy is suspected of making $1,126 in calls himself that were
billed to Winnebago County, Wis. Hackers made an additional $23,342 in
Noonan was contacted by Secret Service agents when their investigation
into the Winnebago County phone bills led them to the Batvia youth.
Authorities seized records and equipment used in the scheme from the youth's
-] Supplied by The Sparrow [Ts/Gary]
REVIEW : Crusader's "new" TeleNet Scanner
I just downloaded Auto-Scan, a new TeleNet scannnng program, and I
have to say, I'll give it a thumbs up! The program is used to find valid
TeleNet identfiers, very much similar to wardialing for modems. The
program dials up your local TeleNet and startig at the area code, and id
you define, sequentialy scans to find working systems. The program has a
configuration menu that will allow you to changethe baud rate, speaker
on/off, (by changing the dialing string), the local TeleNet access number,
starting Area Code and id, and whether or not you want it to scan auto-
matically, or manually. You may also change the filename, or device that
you wish to have the valid identifiers saved to...
In Auto-Scan te program does everything itself, from dialing telenet
to entering the terminal type and identifiers. When in manual scan, it
acts like a terminal, and when you recieve the @ symbol, (prompt to enter
id) you hit the proper consol key, and he program sends the next id in
the series.
The program can be set to work at any baud rate, but 1200 works best.
When setting the baud rate, you must make sure ahead of iime, that the
TeleNet dialup you are using will accept that speed, or the program will
lock up if it attempt to connect at 2400 baud, when TeleNet will only
accept 1200.
The dialing string parameter allows you to set eertain registers on
your modem if you like before dialing. The default setting is ATM0DT, which
will first turn the speaker off, and the dial in touch tone. You can how-
ever change that to ATM1DT it you would like the speaker to be on wile
it is scanning.
To run TeleNet scanner, you must have an RS232 handler installed, and
a hayes compatible modem connected. Using a Hayes(r) Smartodem is the
best choice. The program may work with other hayes compatible modems, but
we can't insure that it will work with other modems besides the Hayes.
The program is protected against editing, so you can not modify it to
suit your own needs, but it should fill most of the requirements you would
need for scanning TeleNet. The program has a few minor bugs, which can
usually be avoided. First of all, if the program dials up TeleNet, and
TeleNet does not answer, or desn not answer at the right baud rate, the
program will lock up, and the only way to get out of it is by pressing
System Reset, which will reboot the system, and previousyy found identifiers
will be lost. Also if you experience line noise, the program will fail
to execute properly, and many times the end rsult will also be lock up.
At any tim in the middle of a scan, you may hit the HELP key on your
Atari XL, or XE and the program will abort nd return to the configuration
menu, while saving the results. There is no exit, or return to dos
function so when you are done using the rogram, return to the config.
menu and press system reset, or turn the computer off to exit the progra..
Crusader is well known in many circles of the tele-com and hacking
world. He has written many programs for hacking codes, and or war dialing
modems for the Atari Computer and hayes compatible modems. Mosl`7f the
programs he writes, he writes with a Hays SmartModem, so they may not
always work with other types of modems. You should keep this in mind if you
are considering downloading a program he has written. Other programs that
he has released include, CardHacker, the ProHack series, and several others.
I talked to him recently, and he told me about a new program he will be
releasing soon, called The Prowler. The Prowler is an advanced modem
scanner ith built in full featured terminal. It operates at 3, 12, and
2400 baud. The terminal feature incluees baud, and translation settings,
as well as a good sized buffer (over 5k) for capturing text. The Prowler
will also can for dialtones, to find local pbx's, or new~r 95 dialups. It
is all menu driven, nd should be easy to use. The Prowler will ONLY run
on Hayes SmartModem's, and compatibles.
Also be watching for the ProwlPak, a disk that will be soon released
containing a autobootmenu program, from where you can select and run The
Prowler, TeleNet Scanner, or The Theif. Crusader wouldn't tell us much
about The Theif, but he claimsit will be the greatest code hacker ever
written, with the most features, and the easiest to use. Also be looking
for ARTS, The [A]tari [R]emote [T]rading [S]ystem. It is a small bulletin
board system designed after the Apple AE concept. Mos of his programs can
be found on a good bbs near you, so ask around!
-] Written by Norman Bates
(If you have a program, or know of one that you think the rest of the
phreaking/hacking world shouldknow about, then drop us a line. It doesn't
matter what kind of computer it is written for, we will be willing to give
it a look...)
Theft Finess
Many of you are hacking your brains out with algoritims, math formulas, etc,
to latch onto the ultimate communications bonanza. I offeran alternate
method. It's much less exciting, less computer intense, but safer, surer
and longer lasting!
My method goes like this:
First choose a victim long distance company, then apply fo a travel card,
or calling code. When asked, give them a phony business name and
telephone number. An always busy number, or always ringing number is good.
Alas, you will have to give them a legitmate address to get your account
number. An abondoned house, or house for sale is good. If they ask you for
a business reference, just make oe up, or use a real company thatyyou know.
They will NOT check up on it! Now just kick back until the card comes!
My experience and faith in the incompetence and stupidity of the corperte
Ameica yields the conclusion that they don't even look at your account
until the bill begins to top $1000! Sometimes you will simply get lost in
the maze of computers, billing, accounting etc and be left alone for a year
or more!
One example is when my old telephone number was disconnected. Then it was
RE-connected to someone else, by a caprice of Ma Bell stupidity.(when she
WAS Ma Bell) My OLD phone # was activated in MY HOUSE!! I had unlimited
calling for over a year on that number. I never had any problems with the
real owers of the number. I NEVER heard a peep about paying for their
I just finished an 11 month long escapade with SPRINT. (or U~rS Sprint, r
who-ever they are now) I never heard a word till the bill passed 1000
The whole gist of the thing is, that there are so many bills and records to
keep track of, that the telephone companies are drowning in their own
paperwork! I applied through EASTERN TEL, got a temporary card in 1 week.
Then it was cancelled because the witch at the customer service offic
cal}ied the phony number I left to find out how I liked the service! I even
called THEM because I had never been caught so fast. I just told them I was
a dumb employee workig for the company name that I had made the application
in, and didn't know anything! Although they took my name, which I made up
for the occason, I received my PERMANANT travel card in the mail in a week
In conclusion, this is war: People die, lives are rined, property is
destroyed. Along wi}ith much of what Americais supposed to be -- on paper.
The devittiture is one more salvo against us -- those bottemless pits our
parents told us never existed. It is up to US to stand up and hit 'em where
it hurts -- the ONLY place to hit 'em: In the pocketbook!!!
Enuff said.
-] Written by Malphigi
(Any comments, personaly experiences or suggestions, please drop us a line
on one of the bbs's listed at the end of this file.)
New Network
AT+T has announced a new network. The only people I know of so far that will
be on it are Tany's Radio Shacks. I'm sure others will follow, but that's
all the info I have so far, as I just got this tidbit about 2 hours ago.
Now, I dont have time in life to type in all 340 nodes, but I will give
you a handful. I know for a fact it's 300/1200 baud, and imagine, it'll
host 2400. This is to be released November 30, but I'm sure some of the
numbers are up by now.
Happy hacking.
205-942-4121 201-536-4471 501-225-0978 602-966-6601 602-747-5264
805-322-5661 818-346-0037 818-448-2679 213-410-0867 213-603-0110
213-739-6900 408-372-0733 714-752-6094 415-834-1850 805-486-4831
818-793-1427 714-983-5489 305-898-9402 804-386-7169 813-287-0043
305-655-1248 404-395-0662 808-836-1733 515-288-8608 312-454-4474
319-391-1370 505-265-1561 405-942-3718 918-492-9208 503-29--7741
401-738-8753 803-796-7026 615-265-1280 206-453-0015 414-738-9557
608-251-1493 414-778-6100 414-632-3133 304-342-3446 217-753-2025
219-423-9481 617-890-6924 617-755-9397 301-539-6100 301-722-7696
207-871-0278 616-965-3377 616-241-6797 517-482-8083 517-832-3014
313-827-7340 612-858-2210 612-252-2410 816-474-0421 314-862-6638
601-355-2092 704-372-6621
Gimme 1 or 2 hundred hours to phool around with these and other numbers,
and I'll get back to you with some more indepth info. Well, that should get
you started. Post resllts, and we'll all benefit.
-] Written by Prime Anarchist
(If youfind any info about these numbers, drop us a line at one of our
support bbs's...)
%#% Disclaimer : The views presented in The Remote Informer are not #%#
#%# necessariy the views of the editors, or witers of The Remote %#%
%#% Informer. We'll publish any information that we feel should be #%#
#%# spread to other Tele-Communications enthusiasts, and that ca-not be %#%
%#% spread by better means. The activities described in this newsletter #%#
#%# are not practiced, nor condoned by it's editors. If you have any- %#%
%#% thing that you think we, or the rest of the phreaking community #%#
#%# would be interested in, please drop usaa line at one of the bbs's at %#%
%#% the end of this file. #%#
#%# Thankyo, %#%
%#% The Editor,, Tracker, Norman Bates, YeCap'n, and The Reporter. #%#
%#% #%#
#%# Remote Informer Support Bbs's: %#%
%#% ------------------------------------------------------------------- #%#
#%# The Bates Motel.........................619/xxx-xxxx..3oo/12oo..... %#%
%#% *The Pirate's Hollow.....................415/xxx-xxxx..3oo/12oo..... #%#
#%# -------------------------------------------------------------------- %#%
%#% All Bbs's run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. * denotes an Atascii #%#
## only bbs. Though this newsletter is published and supported by many %#%
%#% Atari users, it is NOT an Atari newsletter. We are looking for any #%#
#%# information related to the Tele-Com world, no matter what type of %#%
%#% computer it may concern. #%#
#%# %#%