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Washington University
Center For Engineering Computing
Unix Instructional Account Policies
The following document outlines the rules holding for all users of the
instructional Unix machines (cec1, cec2, cec3, the 3B2's, Unix PCs and
others). Please read these rules carefully so that you know what your
responsibilities as a computer user are. Unless otherwise noted,
these rules apply to any and all of the instructional Unix machines.
The Washington University honor code and any class-specific policies
of individual instructors exist in addition to the rules listed here.
More information about how to use Unix and about the VMS machines can
be found in the CEC handbook.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in termination of your
account and disciplinary actions by the University. Questions about
these rules should be addressed to the CEC Secretary in Lopata 407 or
by mailing to requests. When in doubt the best course is to be
considerate of the other users of the systems.
Disk quotas are imposed to prevent individual users from filling up
the disk, thus making it impossible for other users to get any work
done. This can occur either through accident, laziness, or malice.
Realize that we do not have enough disk for every user to use their
entire quota. Keep your usage as low as you can. Requests for
higher quotas should be addressed to the Secretary in the CEC office.
Before a quota will be raised, all non-class work will have to be
.sh 2 "Temporary Storage"
Files and directories may be stored in /tmp or /usr/tmp
for short periods of time (but may disappear at any time).
Storing files anywhere else, besides a user's home directory,
is not allowed and will be considered a serious offense.
.sh 1 "Background Jobs"
Unix provides many useful ways to manage background jobs and
users are encouraged to take advantage of these features. You must,
however, be considerate. If you leave a large background job
running, you are responsible for it and all the cpu time it uses.
Unattended background jobs may be killed at any time by the System
Manager. Frequent abusers may have cpu limits imposed.
.sh 1 "Printers"
There are several printers located throughout the Engineering
School. CEC has no full time clerks to attend to the printers but,
instead, relies on responsible users to help keep the printers in
working order. If you are unfamiliar with how to operate any of
the printers, please ask a consultant to help you or talk to the
Secretary in the CEC office (where paper and new ribbons can also be obtained).
Users are expected to collect their output promptly and
to keep the printer area clean of waste paper. A shelf is
provided for filing the other users' output, and should
there be several jobs on the printer when a user goes for
output, that user is expected to separate and file each job separately.
This is very important. Abusers of this trust who are
caught will have their ability to print revoked.
The print software has a built-in quota mechanism.
Users should take care to use the allotment carefully if they
plan on a lot of printing in one day. Please limit your
printing of large jobs if you notice that the printer room
is especially busy. Good times to print large jobs are late
at night or before lunchtime.
.sh 1 "System Hogs"
Some programs use excessive amounts of the cpu or virtual memory, and
should not be used during high load
periods. The command "ps", for example, is a great hog. During
periods of high load do not continually run "ps" to see what is causing
the load -- you will discover that you are. Some other commands which
would be good to avoid when the system is loaded are: top, tell,
w, rn, vnews, readnews and the like.
.sh 1 "Terminals"
The number of available terminals is limited. As such,
they must be considered a scarce resource.
.sh 2 "Dialups"
There are 12 modems on the codex which are available for student dialups.
These modems are usually not very loaded but they should be used sparingly
during periods of high need (finals week etc..). Users of modems will
sometimes come across some other user's login. The appropriate action
in this situation is to log the other user off and then log in yourself.
If there are incidents because of the modems, the modems will be removed.
.sh 2 Rlogin
Using the system just as a server to log into another
machine is not a productive use of an account. It takes up
a terminal better used by someone who has local work to do.
If you can avoid doing this by walking to another terminal,
then you should.
.sh 2 "Multiple Logins"
Users should not log in on more than one terminal at a time.
This is rude and usually unnecessary. During times when terminals are
scarce, a user must give up any extra terminal(s) to anyone
who needs them.
.sh 2 "Terminal Room Etiquette"
Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed in any of the terminal
rooms. Users who violate this rule will do their computing
from home.
.sh 1 "Account Use"
The only user allowed to use a particular account is the person in
whose name it was issued. Users are responsible for all use of their
accounts and accounts may not be loaned or shared. Sharing your
password, using someone else's account or allowing someone else to use
your account is considered a serious offense which may result in the
account being turned off and disciplinary action.
.sh 2 "Non-Class Work"
Non-class work of a personal or educational nature (mail, your own
programming projects etc..) is allowed, but only when the load is
reasonable. Personal business activities and departmental research are never
appropriate and accounts used for these purposes will be revoked.
Class work takes priority over everything, be it terminals, dialups,
cpu, memory or disk space.
.sh 2 "Games"
The games in /usr/games are automatically regulated and may be played
whenever the system load is low. Personal games are also welcome but
will be deleted if they are played at inappropriate times.
.sh 1 "Password Entries (edpasswd)"
The facility to change the finger field of the password entry should
be used with maturity. This field is used by managers, professors and
users to find out more information about a user, and misleading
information will not be appreciated.
.sh 1 "Mail"
Mail should only be used to send messages to people you know or who
need to know something from you. Do not use mail to send large,
useless files to random users or generally annoy people with
unsolicited messages. Mail is a sacred facility and should be
respected. Intentional abuse of mail will result in termination of
your account.
.sh 2 "News"
Campus-wide postings should be brief, and non-frivolous. News posted
to the international USENET or BITNET networks should be very well
considered as it reflects on the entire Engineering School. If
posting privileges are abused they will be revoked.
.sh 2 "Large Mail Spool Files"
Keep your mail in your own mailbox in your own
directory. Do not use the system mail box to keep large amounts
of mail, as it must be shared by everybody, and there is a
limited amount of file space. Users who keep a voluminous
system mailbox file may one day find it no longer there.
.sh 2 "Nom' de Plume"
Sending mail as another user (either real or imagined)
is not permitted. No matter how clever you are, it will be
discovered. As above, this is considered a serious offense.
.sh 1 "Privacy"
All user accounts are considered the private domain of the user who
owns them. All users should expect that, regardless of the
protections set on their files, they will not be read by others.
System Management personnel will only view users' files under
exceptional circumstances. Files belonging to the system are
important to keep the system running smoothly and serving users, and
should also be treated with respect. Some basic, but not encompassing
rules are:
.ip \(bu
No user should attempt to move, delete or otherwise alter any file
not belonging to them. This includes all system and user files
which are not your own.
.ip \(bu
No user should attempt to read, copy, alter or gain access to any file
belonging to another user unless specifically asked to by that
.ip \(bu
No user should attempt to gain privileges or access to accounts and
files which are not their own.
These rules should be taken very seriously as violation of any one
of them will result in severe punishments.