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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
h //---------------------------------------------------------------------------\\ || || || This country sucks, because... || ||Written especially for the 4th of July so you can think about this country || || || || A Neon Knights Presentation, written by The Outland || || || \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------// This file was written especially for those of you celebrating the 4th of July so you can remember all the problems our country has, basically because it sucks. This country sucks, because the government locks away people who try to kill politicians. Why lock away someone who wants to control the dick population? This country sucks, because the government feels that halucinagenic drugs should be illegal. Ted Kennedy is such an angel, his doesn't snort cocaine. This country sucks, because the government and state municipalities feel speeding over 55 MPH should be illegal. Go to West Germany. This country sucks, because they ban music because it corrupts young children. The PMRC has their fists up their cazoo's! This country sucks, because they feel someone saying FUCK in a movie means that anyone under 14 can't watch it. This country sucks, because the FCC is ran by a bunch of fat sweating assholes. This country sucks, because the FCC thinks saying BUGAR over the radio is illegal. This country sucks, because the FDA feels IUDs are dangerous. This country sucks, because the FDA hasn't noticed that teen pregnancies have risen 35% since the ban of IUDs. This country sucks, because religious freaks like Jerry Falwell can intimidate companies like 7-11 to not sell Playboy because it's "DIRTY SEX". This country sucks, because is Jerry Falwell's father didn't know about DIRTY SEX he'd still be swimming around in his fathers balls! This country sucks, because they close liquor stores on Sundays when everyone can come in on Saturday and buy liquor for Sunday. This country sucks, because the FCC allows religion to be forced upon us in our own homes on TV when the Constitution says "Freedom of religion". This country sucks, because the ARMY recruits soldiers to protect our governments vital interests like the Persian Gulf. This country sucks, because our government is so blind they don't realize nearly 40,000 blacks have died in South Africa in one year for their position on FREEDOM. This country sucks, because the wives of all congress-men joined together in the PMRC to ban rock music. The congress-men don't hesitate to do as their wives ask because all they want is someplace to stick their wicks. This country sucks, because they don't legalize prostitution in Whore houses. This country sucks, because they don't realize Wayne Nuitan is an ugly SOB. This country sucks, because our government feels nuclear arms are mearly peace makers. This country sucks, because Congress blows smoke up Reagan's ass in peace making with the Soviets; "They're up to no good!" This country sucks, because the government taxes everything we do, except wipe our asses, and put all the money in Congress. This country sucks, because every hour Congress wastes 5 million dollars of our money on MISC. EXPENSES. ie, Cocaine, Blow Jobs for All, Whores and Porches. This country sucks, because all the good looking women are bitches and wouldn't fuck ANY guy if they were the last man on earth. This country sucks, because the government forces us to get a liscense for just about everything we do, except wipe our asses. This country sucks, because the government is so single minded they think all BBS' are corrupt and plan to control them. This country sucks, because they allow Mexicans in to take our jobs for lower pay. This c