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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
ISSN NO: 1079-6673, International Ref. Books Serial No: A0019982
Ruby's Pearls, the elecmag Al Neuharth called "fascinating
reading;" two-time winner of the industry's Digital Quill Award as
best publication 1991-92 and 1992-93, invites your submissions.
This monthly publication does not pay its writers and does not
claim any rights to stories submitted aside from a one-time
showcasing in the magazine, and possible inclusion in the "best of"
anthology which is published yearly, hard copy. It makes no charge
to any reader, and while it is distributed by subscription to at
least one board in each of the 50 states, as well as GEnie and
CompuServe, it is also uploaded, at the publisher's expense, to a
number of sites internationally, such as Hong Kong, China, Japan,
London, Paris, Canada and Portugal -- with its latest two sites
being Dublin, Ireland and Ascunsion, Paraguay. It has been written
up in The New York Times, Analog Magazine, and Miami's New Times,
among other publications, is listed in Writer's Market, Writer's
Short Story and Novel Market, and Georgia/Florida Writer's Market.
Ruby's Pearls continues to seek publicity, with an eye toward
expanding readership.
Ruby's exists only for the benefit of its readers and its
writers, and seeks submission of all quality mystery/adventure/
humor short fiction offerings. Acknowledged by Digital Publishing
Association's President to be the premiere elecmag on the market,
Ruby wants to put you in print in Singapore. Submissions can be
made directly to the RP home board, Ruby's Joint, 1-904-777-6799
and can be made by upload on a first call; or on disk in ASCII
format to: 9832-1 Sandler Road, Jacksonville, FL 32222. Other
submission methods are: via FIDO NetMail, address 1:112/129; routed
through RIME, board number 5215; and Internet, address:
Each entry in every Ruby issue is individually copyrighted, and
the contents are copyrighted as a whole, in their entirety, and may
not be reproduced in part, but only in whole, and in no format
other than electronic. Ruby's Pearls is expressly not to be
reproduced in any other than a not-for-profit manner. Each
story/adventure in every Ruby's Pearls issue is individually
copyrighted in the name of its author, and any request to reproduce
an individual piece, independent of the entire contents of any
issue, must be sought and obtained from the individual author.
Ruby's Pearls may not be reproduced in any CD ROM or other
electronic collection which is offered for sale. Such inclusion is
an express violation of the legal copyright herein advertised.
For back issues, special adventures and ongoing humor and chat,
RUBY'S JOINT BBS - 1-904-777-6799
Home of the legendary Ruby Begonia 777-6700
or FTP the magazine on Internet:
ftp ftp.gate.net
login: anonymous
Password: [your e-mail address]
cd /pub/users/ruby
binary [very important; this ensures the .ZIP shows up as a
get rubyv*.zip (any issue number up thru 39, Dec. 94.)
When the transfer is complete, type "bye"--then download the file
from your Internet provider to your own computer. Volume 39 is the
latest in the Ruby's Pearls Humor/Fiction Elecmag which has been
published monthly since September, 1991. Back issues are available.