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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 3 Num. 72
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Tom Valentine's guest on *Radio Free America* (Shortwave, 5.065
MHz, mon-fri, 9 pm cst) on December 28, 1994 was Andrea Pearson,
editor-in-chief of a newsletter called "Americans In Exile"
[contact info to be included below]. Ms. Pearson has some non-
politically correct views on feminism, etc. Note that views
expressed in the following do not necessarily reflect my own
views or those of Conspiracy Nation.
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TOM VALENTINE [continues]:
All right, we are back, live. My guest is Andrea Pearson. And she
has been pointing out (and I think very nicely) that we have had
a creeping Marxism in the feminizing-type laws -- especially one
that was passed in 1993, the Gender Equity in Education Act.
Hardly any of us knew anything about it; I don't know of anybody
here that was really up on that one. And I don't remember the
media "beating it to death" [i.e., covering it a lot].
And the other one is that we are under a United Nations
Convention that's not yet been ratified, but it started in 1980.
And if we *do* ratify it, it's gonna be worse than the World
Trade Organization!
I think it will be far worse, because the people who are trying
to destroy us have in mind a way for us to live.
And particularly, for a minute, I would like to bring out that I
don't think that the answer at this point is to think about
changing the local systems to separate from the federal
government. But rather, I think what's important is for the men
of this country to realize that, as men, they have a God-given
role within the family to be a provider and a protector. And that
*many* men in this country have been deprived of their ability to
do that, because of government policy. And thus, this kind of
invasion of the family becomes possible.
You know, my wife would agree. She says it's the men who have
failed to be the head of the houses that have let this country
You've had three men callers, and now we have a lady out there. I
wonder if she agrees or not.
Doris, [in] Deep Creek, Florida.
Yes. Andrea. I wanted to tell you, on what you have said, what it
ties in with. It ties in with the United Nations curriculum for
the public school children, *Goals 2000*. All that is spelled
out. It's to make the child and mother feel that the State will
take care of 'em; they don't need the man around. If they have
anything they need, it will be provided for. That is in your
*Goals 2000*, which is going to *ruin* education.
I agree with you, 100 percent. The "sugar daddies" in Congress
sure are luring the women away, aren't they?
Yes, and it's *planned* that way.
Oh it certainly is. This is done by design.
Yes. I was on the committee for a full year, before it was
implemented in our town. And on the final meeting, they had
someone from the state come down, and they asked if they had any
questions. And I raised my hand. I said, "*Will* *you* *admit*
this is a United Nations curriculum?!" She would *not* answer,
even if I asked it four times. So I went ahead and I *told* the
committee that they can think I'm a "kook", but pay attention. In
the future, it's gonna come around that this is a United Nations
curriculum. And it's the worst thing they can put in for their
And now, they're starting to hear it on different stations;
they're starting to read it in the newspaper. And this is all
being done undercover, with a lot of parents not even being
Also, the children are on computer data bases! Everything they
ask the child, under psychology tests, everything that is
programmed with the child -- Outcome Based Education. And there's
privacy: parents cannot see it.
All right. Listen, Doris, you're terrific. From Deep Creek,
Florida, with that New York/Massachusetts accent! I love it.
Andrea, we're gonna have to bring you back. Because one hour is
not enough time for this. But I wanna plan it again, if you don't
mind. And we'll talk about this subject again. Is that all right
with you?
Well that's wonderful, Tom. And you have wonderful, intelligent
I sure do -- the best! Sometimes I even turn them into guests.
Thank you very much for giving up your time tonight. We *will* be
doing it again.
Andrea's newsletter is, "Americans in Exile". And it's Post
Office Box 2636. (This is where you write to. She'll send you a
sample of her newsletter dealing with this feminizing Marxism
behind the scenes, and so forth.) Americans in Exile, Post Office
Box 2636, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 01202. Her telephone is
(413) 499-3593. There ya go.
Andrea, thank you very much.
All right! We're gonna take a break for the alleged "news". (I'm
almost sorry to take a break; that's a good subject. We'll have
to do it again.) We'll return. I have a brand new congressman,
the guy that beat Jack Brooks down in *Tejas* [i.e. Texas]. See
ya then.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9