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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 1 Num. 28
("Quid coniuratio est?")
BRETT MC CABE: I would like to introduce now, a man who is very
well known as an independent investigator and author. He's worked
for 20 years to expose U.S. government involvement in mind
control and murder. John Judge has also investigated the history
of Fascism and political assassination and cover-up from Nazi
Germany to John F. Kennedy to Jonestown, Guyana. He works to
expose U.S. plans for concentration camps and genocide, here and
abroad. He has had articles published in *Critique*, *Utne
Reader*, *Madness Network News*, and *Overthrow*, and has spoken
on these topics on radio, television, and in public forums since
1968. So, without wasting any more time, I introduce to you, John
JOHN JUDGE: Thank you. I started this work, really, in a sense,
when I started to visit the Pentagon library. My parents, my
mother and father, and my aunt who I lived with, worked as
civilian employees in the Pentagon, and they used to take me in
when I was a kid. And by the 6th grade, I had a 12th grade
reading level, because I went to this private school, where they
kind of pushed us. So they would drop me off in the library for
the day, and I used to go through the stuff in there, because I
was, you know, 10-11 years old, nobody seemed to care much what I
was looking at. And I found it pretty interesting.
And one of the things I figured out back then, because I was
interested in UFOs, was that they were really government spy
craft, and not extraterrestrial craft from some other place. And
for those of you who wanted them to be extraterrestrial, maybe a
few of them were. But most of them were a Nazi secret weapon that
was developed in the aerospace caves outside of Berlin, and seen
by GIs when they came in, along with the jet engines. And it was
a technology that was kept secret. Like William S. Burroughs
says, "If this was the Middle Ages, and Magellen was an American,
and we sailed around the planet and found out it was round
instead of flat, we wouldn't tell anybody so we could attack from
the rear."
So, I really began the research and the work there. And I like to
research, I like to read. And I would go to these cocktail
parties in my neighborhood around Christmas time, and the guy
across the street sold all the weapons to Howard Hughes, and the
next door neighbor was CIA, and two doors down was NASA, and
those were my neighbors in Falls Church, VA when I grew up, and
they would get a little stewed, and they'd talk about business.
And I thought it was all pretty strange, but I didn't have any
reason to *question* that there was a secret government, because
I *lived* with that secret government. And you get Bill Moyers
now, and he tells you, "Well, there's a legitimate government,
but from time to time, to do a certain job, they hire a rather
unseemly crew, and sometimes they get a little out of control and
make trouble."
I'd suggest it's the other way around: that the *real* government
are the people that are doing the killing, and that they hire the
people in the three piece suits to stand up and make you think
you've got a democracy in front of you. Don't you think that's
what it is?
See, because the real government kills people, and that's part of
how it stays in power. Now, if you go back to the period at the
end of the Weimar Republic, in the late '20s and the early '30s,
before Hitler rose to power, you'll find a pattern of political
It's depicted, interestingly, in Ingmar Bergman's probably least
distributed film, *The Serpent's Egg*. And, the people that begin
to die are the labor leaders, the political activists, the
musicians. The people who might have an effective public voice,
and might stand against the Fascism, begin to die in large
numbers. And the German police admitted that these were political
assassinations. But they said they couldn't solve them. They
couldn't make the historical link to what was happening, or they
could but were paid not to, like many of the investigations that
we have now in this country: They couldn't solve those murders.
They couldn't hook them to the most obvious suspects, which were
the members of the *Freikorps* from World War I: the trained and
paid assassins from that period, who were helping to pave the way
for Hitler, and for the end of the political opposition there.
And there was plenty of it. I mean there was quite a bit of
socialist/communist organizing in that period. Marx's vision of
the world was that the first countries to make the change would
be these industrialized countries, like Germany, and so most of
the people that were continuing the Bolshevik revolution in those
years move foreward with that.
The idea of the political assassinations and their origins really
go back to 1918. Not that no one was killed earlier; I certainly
don't suggest that. But in terms of what we're dealing with in
the current period, most of this is a reaction to that
revolution, to that change of power there in Russia, and in some
of the other countries, in that period of time, in the early
And in response to that there were monarchists, there were
industrialists, there were people that owned a tremendous amount
of wealth, both here in the United States and in the
industrialized countries in Europe, who had a vested interest in
reversing that. Just as Reagan seems so focused on changing the
situation in Nicaragua, there were people then who had very
definite reasons not to want that kind of social change (that
would redistribute wealth, or privilege, or power, to the extent
that it did, or was able to) to happen where they were. They
wanted to maintain their privileges.
And they had societies, they had groups that they formed. One of
them was the Solidarists, made up of a link between the emerging
Fascists and the neo-Nazis. Another core of reactionaries existed
within the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church: Opus Dei, "The
Work of God," was newly emerging on that scale. And then another
group that had been known as the Knights Hospitaliers, that were
the military arm of the Church during the Crusades, who became
the Knights of Malta. And these were lay aristocracies within the
Church. People that still believed that there shouldn't have been
a Counter-Reformation, that thought that the Inquisition should
have continued. People that used flagellation and hair shirts for
prayer. People sort of like the Christian Right {1} that we
talked about earlier today, with a few more excesses, and a lot
more money.
And, it was in the interests of these people to have stories
about visions of the Virgin Mary coming, to Fatima, in the early
1900s and telling them that God was against communism, so that
the Church would be against communism, and take up that struggle.
Elements of the state, and elements of the rich, and the
monarchies that still existed, formed a bond of interest. And, in
large part, one of the motivating people who went around and
collected their monies and their energies, in order to reverse
the revolutionary change in Russia, was Herbert Hoover, who spent
actually more time in Europe than he did in the United States. He
was also later responsible for the formation of the ideas that
led to the National Security Council and the National Security
And part of what happened was that the Romanoff treasury, which
was stolen and secreted out of the country, was then turned
around along with money collected by Hoover and these monarchists
and others to finance the rearmament of Germany, secretly, from
1918 to 1932. And it's that rearmament that then gave them the
impetus to set up the drive to essentially *get back* the Soviet
Union. And only because that drive was defeated at tremendous
human cost -- about 20 million lives in Russia and those
countries, some of the worst killing went on there, and the
civilians also, but tremendous cost -- they were militarily
stopped in 1943.
And, at that point, a different position was taken by some of the
Allied countries. There were divisions within the class as to how
much money should have been expended on these Fascists. There
were others there who supported them, but it was time to regroup.
It was time to back off a little, to try to get what they had
together. The resources were more or less expended in the effort
to set up a permanent war economy, which Charles Wilson from
General Electric talked about. And to go into what they called
the "Cold War," or "low intensity warfare," and genocide against
Third World people, while they continued to build the empire and
maintain the hegemony. And to re-establish the Fourth Reich, the
Fascism, not only here in the United States but throughout the
world. {3}.
(to be continued)
[Transcript of a talk given by John Judge at a one-day conference
entitled "The Fourth Reich in America." A transcript of the
entire conference, "The Fourth Reich in America," is available
from Flatland Books, P.O. Box 2420, Fort Bragg, CA 95437.]
--------------------------<< Notes >>----------------------------
{1} If you belong to the "Christian Right," I apologize for the
possible "Christian bashing" in Judge's statement. Overall, his
talk is worthwhile so I am posting it.
{2} Well, the Church is obviously going to be against communism,
because communism declares that religion is the "opiate of the
masses." So Judge may be wrong here about any Fatima fakery.
{3} Given that the western powers at first financed the Nazis, it
seems strange that we went to war against them. A recent issue of
*The Nation* (ca. June 1994) indicated that D-Day and our
subsequent battle against the Nazis on the western front was more
about grabbing territory that the Russians might otherwise get
than it was about fighting Nazism, *per se*.
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