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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 78
("Quid coniuratio est?")
This past week (Dec. 1-7, 1996) we heard that "experts" are
deciding that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is too high and
should be lowered by about 1 percent. One effect of this CPI
lowering will be a decrease in Social Security payments. Local
radio program "News From Neptune" points out another aspect in
this, that this lowering of the CPI will enable other "experts"
to "prove" that "the economy is good."
In the latest issue of the monthly, hardcopy Conspiracy
Nation newsletter, mention is made of Adolph Hitler's "Big Lie"
technique. In that issue I suggest one of the current "big lies"
is that "the economy is good." With a lowering of the CPI, this
falsehood is enabled to be propped up: "proof" is now
forthcoming that, regarding today's workers, "no, it turns out
that they don't have to work longer than their parents to achieve
the same standard of living after all; see, here's 'proof' based
on the lowered CPI."
Look for "experts" to appear in the future "proving" that
"the economy is good" based on wooden-leg CPI figures.
The newsfakers argued this past week that, for example,
people are not buying new cars as often and therefore high prices
for new cars are not what they seem. Yet this is a "chicken or
egg" argument (a la "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"):
people don't buy new cars as often because they can't afford the
new cars! It's not like it's some new chic lifestyle choice to
drive the same car past 100,000 miles.
In CN 9.77, mention was made of the enfuriated reader who
believed that the Rev. Chiniquy and Jack Chick were actually the
same person. Responding to my scoffing, the enfuriated reader
Oh yeah? Then who is this Chiniquy guy? Why does Chick
hold the copyright on Chiniquy's book? How can Chick hold
the copyright on a book that he didn't write?
Chiniquy<-->Chick: can you say "pseudonym?" Care to put
your money where your mouth is with a little wager? How
about 25 bucks, donated to the winner's favorite charity,
that the book WAS written by Chick. Game?
(Enfuriated Reader)
As it turns out, I should have taken "ER" (Enfuriated Reader) up
on the proposed wager. For I now have in my possession an
ancient, mouldering book (the kind whose pages you must turn
carefully, lest they crumble), entitled *Fifty Years in the
Church of Rome* by Rev. Charles Chiniquy, St. Anne, Kankakee
County, Illinois. The copyright is from the year 1886. I have
photocopied the relevant pages, and am prepared to send said
copies to "ER", should he still wish to wager on the matter.
Say good-bye to "dry spells"; I have a copy of the
Congressional Record from 1910, from which I ought to be able to
extract items of interest to conspiratologists. Here is one:
Congressional Record, House, Jan. 26, 1910, p. 1043.
[Regarding HR 13410, Mr. Hull of Iowa states] Mr. Speaker,
this only changes the present law to conform to the recent
laws as to the militia and volunteers. When the Articles
of War were adopted by the Congress, the militia included
all able-bodied males between the ages of 18 and 45. Now
we have a law organizing what is called the "organized
militia" or "national guard." This bill puts in before the
word "militia" the word "organized." In addition to that
it recognizes what our volunteer law recognizes as a third
line, called the "volunteers" and it simply adds the words
"or volunteers"...
(Partial transcript of an interview of Don Freed, author of
Killing Time, a new book about the O.J. Simpson case. Freed is
interviewed by Sherman H. Skolnick.)
DON FREED: Killing Time is a study made by a group of
researchers, and published by MacMillan, which attempts to
substitute an idiom or an alphabet of forensic timelines -- of
facts -- in place of the temper tantrum of race and rage which
greeted the jury verdict.
We first create a timeline. And we ask the question, and the
reader is in the place of the juror. And you follow the
blood-red footprints into the murder killing time -- into the
timeline. And if you find that Simpson could not be in that
killing time, that there is "something wrong" (in Dr. Henry Lee's
words), then you have no choice but to look at other
possibilities, other scenarios.
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: What other scenario, for example?
DON FREED: For example, organized drugs and vice in the wealthy
west side of Los Angeles.
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: Which are known to the authorities, and were
known to Judge Lance Ito through his police captain wife,
Margaret York, who was in charge of internal investigations in
the L.A. police.
DON FREED: That is true. And one of the first reports linking
the killings in Brentwood to other murders in the same lifestyle
circle -- cocaine -- was the Chicago reports from your
headquarters. [Mr. Skolnick chairs the Citizens' Committee to
Clean Up the Courts, in Chicago.]
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: In other words, is it possible that what they
claim is his special footprint there, in the blood, that he could
have come on the scene after the crime was committed?
DON FREED: That's one of the possibilities. And we have about a
half a dozen options for the reader and the juror to follow.
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: Do you raise that question, that he could have
come on the scene after the murder?
DON FREED: Yes, we do. On the scene before, or during, or after.
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: But not having committed it [the murder(s)].
DON FREED: That is right. And we also pose the question that,
since we do not know who the killer was, we do not know who the
target was. And that could be Mr. Goldman, it could be Ms.
Simpson, it could have been Ms. Resnick, the house guest, or it
could have been O.J. Simpson himself.
I think you have been on the right track from the beginning.
I think we're looking at a corner of the canvas of big-time
sports and sports gambling, which involves big-time narcotics.
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: The public has to know that in the early '70s,
you helped edit a book on the corruption and dirty business of
the L.A. Police intelligence, called The Glass-House Tapes. What
do you make of the judge's police captain wife, who was liaison
to DEA, to Drug Enforcement?
DON FREED: That's right. And that is why, I think, neither the
prosecution, the defense, nor the judge, wanted to get anywhere
near drugs.
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: But the point is that you believe that many of
those involved in the trial knew what was really involved.
DON FREED: Well I think so, including some of the lawyers and
SHERMAN SKOLNICK: What do you make of one of the victim's
father, Fred Goldman? That's screaming all the time?
DON FREED: He interrupted me on "Larry King Live" [Cable news
program] with a furious monologue. And I told him that I
understood his position but that he had no monopoly on justice,
and that we have to start from scratch. And the fact that his
son may have been the target in no way justifies his murder.
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of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9