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Instructions to Convert IBM PCjr Color Monitor
to Standard DB 9 Connector
Pin out for the IBM PCjr Color Monitor cable is:
A1 EMPTY -Vertical Sync
A2 Violet Logic Ground
A3 EMPTY -Horizontal Sync
A4 Dark Blue Blue (color)
A5 Dark Red Red (color)
A6 Orange Intensity
A7 Green Green (color)
A8 EMPTY Composite Sync
A9 Gray Shielded Audio (white audio - high)
B1 Yellow +Vertical Sync
B2 EMPTY Logic Ground
B3 Brown +Horizontal Sync
B4 Lt.Red & Clear Reserved
B5 Lt.Blue Logic Ground
Black &
B8 Shield from A9 Audio (shielded ground)
B9 Bare Wire Shielded Ground
(Braided down entire cable)
Refer to pages 2-82, 3-83, 3-93, and B-29 in the IBM PCjr
Technical Reference Manual. Please note that on page 3-83,
the view is from the rear of the connector. The pictorial
appears to be viewing from the front. Please note: The
schematic for the IBM Color Display on page B-29 is NOT the
IBM PCjr Color Monitor. It is the IBM Color Display. There is
a difference! This is just for reference.
Cut the end of the cable off the IBM PCjr Monitor. Carefully
remove the outer insulation and pre-tin these wires:
Lt. Blue, Black, Lt. Grey, Dk. Red, Green, Dk. Blue, Orange,
Brown, and Yellow. Tin the outer braided jacket close to the
cable. Cut the braided wire close to the cable, leaving about
1/4". Solder a short length of insulated wire to it. This is
to keep the large braided cable from causing shorts in the
connector. You will have four wire that you do not connect.
These are a Grey shielded Audio cable, a Lt. Red or Pink
wire, a Violet or Purple wire, and a Clear wire. Fold the
four wires back along the cable and place a piece of heat
shrink tubing on them.
Purchase a DB-9 Male plug with a shielded hood. Solder the
wires as follows:
DB-9 Male Color of the PCjr Monitor cable From
1 Bare wire or shielded jacket B9
2 Lt. Blue, Black, & Lt. Grey B5
3 Dk. Red A5
4 Green A7
5 Dk. Blue A4
6 Orange A6
7 No Connection
8 Brown B3
9 Yellow B1
Place the hood on the DB-9 connector. You are now ready to
test the monitor. No warranty is given to these instructions.
This has been done to 3 IBM PCjr monitors with success. If
you do not feel competent enough to solder the connections,
contact Ron Brown or Ron McClanahan. We will perform the
modification for a fee.
Ron Brown Ron McClanahan
1706 Aberdeen Dr. 4710 Barbara Road
Arlington, TX 76015 Fort Worth, TX 76114
817-265-9488 817-731-4930