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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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| "..." |
cOdEd bY --oOo-------------oOo-- cOdEd bY
-*- mEsCaL -*- | | -*- mEsCaL -*-
| NoVeLL-NeTwOrK |
| PaSSwOrD-CaTcHeR v2.o |
| |
/////////////////////// ( )//( ) ////////////////////////////////
///////////////////// _o_( )//( )_o_ ////////////////////////////
////////////////////// \____|//|____/ ///////////////////////////
1. What the hell is it?
Hmmm, CATCH.COM is a cool Hackin-Tool, which allows you to collect the LOGIN
Passwords of the other Networkers... It was coded in less than 2 hours, so
it may be somethin buggy... But... who carz?
2. How does it work?
Very simple... By starting CATCH.COM, it will install resident into memory!
There we stay passiv, until the User runs LOGIN.EXE! Then the Catch-
Routines will wake up! The Name and the Password of the user who is cur-
rently loggin on will be saved in Memory, while he enters... You are able
to save the collected Stuff from Memory to Disk, latah, by pressin a cewl
3. How to start it?
For example:
CATCH.COM B: (will write PASSWORD.LST(*) to B:\ )
CATCH.COM C: (will write PASSWORD.LST(*) to C:\ )
CATCH.COM (will write PASSWORD.LST(*) to A:\ )
If ya leave out the Parameter or if ya enter a nonvalid one, Drive A: is set!
* PASSWORD.LST is the File, in which you can write the collected Names
and Passwords... (see 4.!)
4. How to control it?
The control of the Program is very handy:
- STRG-ALT-'+' (on the numeric Pad) to save the collected Names and
Passwords to Disk! All the cought stuff is saved (on the Drive, which you
specified as Parameter when you started CATCH.COM) in a hidden File
named PASSWORD.LST. If ya wanna have a look at it, just type it!
After you saved, the internal Name-/Password-Buffer will reset...
- STRG-ALT-ENTER to uninstall the whole shit from memory... (Hopefully,
nobody can trace you, after doing the uninstall... Hopefully... ;) )
Of course it is impossible to remove it from memory, if other resident
Programs, loaded *after* our CATCH.COM, will use one of the INTs used
by our Program... In this case, CATCH.COM will simply stay passiv in
Memory but not free his used mem!
- STRG-ALT-ESC to toggle between ACTIV ON/OFF... That means, if you press
these keys, while you are *not* logged in, you can save YOUR Password
from beeing caught... If you press twice, the CATCHER will come to live
again and continue collecting Passwords... (This is useful, if you want
to show the PASSWORD.LST to ya friends, and if you don't want them to get
to know your own Password...)
5. Example of catching the Supervisor-Psw
Jo... catchin the supervisor-password is really cewl, eh? No Problem, dude!
I'll give you one example how to get the supervisor's password...
First of all, you install the CATCH.COM on ya machine... then just tell the
supervisor that you forgot your system-password and you are now unable to
login... The supervisor will say somethin like: "Too bad! Let me have a
look!". Now, he will sit down at ya machine and login:
Enter your loginname: supervisor
Enter Password:
Got ya! Next, you just let him modify your password, and after that
he hopefully moves away from ya machine and continue his own work...
The way to heaven is free for you! Just press ALT-STRG-'+' and you got
his Password in the hidden File "PASSWORD.LST"! You can c it by typin
the File... You will get somethin like...
That means: Name is "Supervisor" and Password is "Bordello"... Easy...
Finaly, you should discard ur fingerprints by pressin' ALT-STRG-ENTER
(remove CATCH.COM from Memory)...
har har... now, all doors are opened to you! HaVe PhUn!
6. What else is important?
- The so called Name-/Password-Buffer (the collected Names and Passwords
are saved there in Mem) has, in this Version, a size of 1024 Bytes...
This is enough to collect up to 40-50 Names and Passwords... If the Buffer
is full, it will reset automatically. That means, the first Names and Pass-
words will be overwritten by the new ones...
- Note that if there is no Disk in the specified Drive when you pressed
the magic Keyz, the System may hang!! So... keep in a Disk if ya wanna
save, or all stuff is lost!
7. Disclaimer
This program is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to fitness for a particular use.
I cannot held responsible for any damages occured by using my Program!
Repeated: I cannot held responsible for *anything* that occurs by the use
of my Program!!
8. Creditz
Written in 1994 by mEsCaL using TASM 3.2 (R) and published through ThE
SkeWerS iNC.! Please report any Bugs to me!
I do not know if there are Novell-Versions out, on which the Catcher
won't work... I tested it on our School-Network and it worked very well...
9. Last Words
No fuckin last words, dude! I only have to excuse me for my damn baaaad
english-knowledge...But who carz??? Just kick it!
That's it!